Stars with sagging breasts: show off and are not shy

Jennifer Lawrence

Didn't expect it, right? Details that were known only to the star’s faithful followers on Instagram (which no longer exists). At 28, Jennifer looks amazing. But under very well-chosen clothes, Lawrence hides a problem: the young actress’s breasts, judging by the loud cries of the Western tabloids, look like they’re forty.

Jennifer only made a couple of mistakes with her choice of outfits for public appearances and posted one photo in a translucent T-shirt and without underwear. But this was enough to get the gossip machine going. Reddit users, Russian-speaking bloggers and the media commented at length and tastefully on Lawrence’s photographs from the premiere of the film “Red Sparrow.” And the neckline is too deep, and the breasts are sagging, and what kind of #SaggyBoobsMatter is this?!

What to do: just follow our advice.

Anastasia Volochkova

The ballerina of all Rus' does the splits in any incomprehensible situation and generously shares photos on Instagram. The artist has always kept herself in a strict body: her hips, buttocks and stomach look great for forty-two years old. The same cannot be said about the bust. Her size three had sagged quite a bit, her breasts had spread out towards her armpits.

But despite the wave of critical comments from social network users, advice about the shape of bras and surgeons, Volochkova doesn’t even raise an eyebrow. He turns to his left, working side, buys another swimsuit without wires and does the splits again.

What to do : nothing, science is powerless here.

Natalie Dormer

The insidious Margaery from Game of Thrones - Natalie Dormer - did not have large breasts. And she is not shy about appearing naked in front of King Joffrey and Henry VIII (TV series “The Tudors”). And many people think it’s in vain. The actress's small breasts look tired and clearly require support. However, with her numerous semi-nude shoots and red carpet outfits, the actress clearly makes it clear that she is happy with everything.

What to do: Even a couple of pieces of duct tape will solve the problem. You can have a breast lift and enlarge your breasts by one size. And for the result to be truly excellent, you need to ask these stars for contacts of plastic surgeons.

Plastic surgery

One of the most effective and radical methods is surgical. It is called mastopexy and is widely used in plastic surgery. The course of the operation depends on the degree of breast sagging. The best results occur with the first degree. And there are four of them in total. They are determined by the position of the nipple and the fold under the breast. First degree mastoptosis includes cases where the nipple is higher than the general tissue and above the fold. Women whose nipple “looks” toward the floor have third-degree mastoptosis or the last degree of ptosis.

Kate Moss

The highest paid supermodel introduced the fashion for cocaine chic and zero sizes. Nature did not endow Kate with curvaceous figures, and the model categorically refused to go to surgeons. With age, even such small breasts as Kate's began to sag. But Moss ignores this fact and continues to act with pleasure, including in candid photo shoots. However, at 44, Kate looks good, no worse than some other older stars.

What to do: Enjoy life and choose supportive underwear.

Briefly about the structure of the mammary gland

A woman's bust is a paired symmetrical organ that performs the function of feeding offspring. The top of the breast is covered with skin; in the center there is a nipple, which is surrounded by an areola. Excretory ducts pass through the areola.

The mammary gland as a whole consists of adipose and glandular tissue. It is the glandular tissue that produces the secretion - milk. This tissue is attached by muscles to the ribs using connective tissue. The shape and size vary differently among different women and have absolutely no effect on the feeding of the child.

It is noteworthy that not every woman has sagging breasts. Approximately 7-15% of lucky women passed this event. Still, others should not despair. There are ways to make your breasts attractive, sexy and healthy again!

Lindsey Pelance

The Playboy star and fitness model became famous for her natural (as she claims) breast size eight. But the model’s skin, muscles and back clearly cannot withstand such impressive wealth. The beauty's bust hangs almost to her waist.

Fans disagree. Some people think that big breasts are still beautiful, and it’s not so important how low they hang. And someone is sure that everything in the Universe should be in its place, including Lindsay Pelance’s breasts.

What to do: use corsetry and go for a consultation with plastic surgeons, mammologist and orthopedist. With age, large breasts cause complications on the back, and you can’t hide stretch marks in a bikini.

Treatment of mastoptosis

Any of the above methods will help you restore the shape of your breasts and restore aesthetic appeal, but the surgical correction method should be noted among them as the most effective.

Mastopexy can treat any degree of sagging. In addition, this operation is often combined with breast augmentation surgery.

Postoperative scars after a facelift remain almost invisible, especially if you resort to cosmetic resurfacing.

In general, surgeons use three methods of surgical intervention, although in fact there are more than twenty of them:

  1. An operation where the scar is located near the areola of the nipple. An incision is made near the top of the areola, and excess skin is removed if necessary. Thus, the nipple can move by 2-3 cm.
  2. An operation where the scar will be in the shape of a “tennis racket”. During this operation, the incision is made in a circle, which allows the use of implants for breast augmentation. Suitable for women whose breasts are cone-shaped. A postoperative scar may remain, it soon heals, the suture threads dissolve by themselves and the marks remain invisible. This technique will also allow you to reduce your breasts. Considered difficult.
  3. The scar resembles an “anchor”.

Here you need a vertical and horizontal incision to lift the breasts of the third or fourth degree of sagging.
A vertical incision passes from above, without touching the nipple, and descends to the inframammary fold in the center. The downside after such an operation is the number of stitches. There are many more of them than in the previous ones. Mastopexy is performed under general anesthesia; the operation itself takes no more than three hours, but requires preliminary preparation.

The patient must be in good physical shape and psychologically disposed.

The final result after surgery can be assessed after a year or two.

At first, during the postoperative period, you should be under the supervision of a doctor. A prerequisite is special breast support or a bandage.

It is worth monitoring your weight, avoiding sudden changes in it, and hormonal balance. It is better to do mastopesia after the last birth, otherwise new ones will erase all your efforts.

Prices for such an operation range from 5,040 to 450,000 rubles on average in Moscow, which depends on your choice of clinic, the degree of complexity of the operation, and the conditions of the postoperative period.

Naming the procedurePrices in rubles
Consultation 1000 rub.
Breast augmentation (depending on the type of implant)148,500 - 193,500 rub.
Mastopexy148,500 - 175,500 rub.
Reducing halo76,500 rub.

Interested to know what kind of plastic surgery Megan Fox had? Read Megan Fox's article after surgery.

Did you know that reduction mammoplasty is a breast reduction operation, the price of which depends on many factors. Read more.

Modern plastic surgeries for facial rejuvenation provide guaranteed long-term results. Find out more about what plasmolifting of the face is and what the cost of the procedure is at this link.

Lindsey Lohan

The girl is almost 32 years old, but she doesn’t look very good, to put it mildly. And if closed dresses and makeup save the situation at official receptions, then summer appearances in a swimsuit are not a sight for the faint of heart. Let's make a reservation, Lindsay “gave herself breasts” at the age of 16, from her first fees. But since then I have not contacted plastic surgeons. Or she simply doesn’t admit it, like some of her colleagues.

To Lohan’s credit, the actress took charge of herself: she gave up bad habits and a wild lifestyle, took care of her body (became a fan of ems fitness) and suddenly converted to Islam. However, the new religion does not stop Lindsay from advertising her Lohan club in Greece with a topless photo and announcing a new project #lohanbeachhouse.

Is Lohan going to solve her breast problem? It seems no, she is quite satisfied with such forms. And for a successful photo, you just need to choose a sconce and raise your arms higher.

What to do: a lift and another lift, but Lindsay’s size is fine. But will religion allow you to go under the knife?

The British woman shows that you shouldn't be ashamed of sagging breasts. And inspires others with her photos

UK blogger Chedera Agrew started a social media movement a few months ago with the hashtag #SaggyBoobsMatter to prove that there is nothing ugly about saggy breasts. She constantly posts photos of herself without a bra and gets a lot of negative comments. But Chedera doesn’t care about this: after all, she has many more fans.

23-year-old British resident Chedera Agrew is a well-known blogger in her country with the nickname Slumflower, which literally translates as “flower from the slums.” Having grown up in poor neighborhoods, the girl talks about how important it is to believe in yourself, fight for the rights of black women, and also about the need to love your body. But Chedera’s focus is not on stretch marks or excess skin, but on women’s breasts.

Starting from adolescence, the girl was very complex about the shape of her bust, which she herself calls saggy, writes Buzzfeed.

When I was 16 years old and went to the store to buy lingerie, the packaging of bras always featured a picture of a white woman with perky breasts. And when I tried on such a bra, my breasts looked completely different in it. It got to the point where I firmly decided: I’ll get plastic surgery as soon as I turn 18 and start working. Naturally, I didn’t start working and didn’t save up for plastic surgery, but continued to hate my body.

But already at 19, Chedera was tired of the fact that her life was determined by some kind of ridicule. If even a bearded woman could overcome her complexes, then she can too.

Then Chedera decided not to wear bras at all, and since last year she began to involve other people in her movement through social networks. Since July 2017, she began publishing pictures of herself without a bra on her Instagram to show that sagging breasts are normal and do not need to be hidden.


People get mad at the way my breasts look, but I have to stay the way I am for the sake of other girls! You were all created this way with intention and love. You look the way you do because you are who you are meant to be. When you encounter evil people, just pray for them. Whatever others do is not because of you.

Chedera even started her own hashtag #SaggyBoobsMatter, similar to #Blacklivesmatter, which people use to advocate for black rights. And it happens that, proving this, they behave quite aggressively.

Many Internet users admired the blogger’s message, but not all. Under her posts, as she herself admits, there are a lot of negative comments.

My Hoe Story

Just wear a bra and everything will be fine. You talk too much.

I don't send you

And sagging means overused?

One Nigerian music producer, Don Jazzy, even used Chedera's photo in a meme, and it was not at all flattering to her.


What is the charge level on your phone, so is your baby. I don't know what's wrong with my phone, but no matter how long I use it, it always shows full charge. I don't need charging at all.

But the girl tries not to get upset and not take it personally.

A lot of the comments were terrible and disappointing, but I learned not to take them to heart. Men are raised to see women only as sex objects. Therefore, women's bodies are treated as if we were specially created to satisfy someone.

With some of her posts, Chedera clearly shows: you can’t take her that easily.


Come on, fight me!

And she is not at all afraid to provoke.


Today I look like a delicious red strawberry.


Here are the MAIN COLORS.

Most subscribers adore the blogger, and some even send her gratitude in private messages.

“Thank you for your movement. Now I don’t feel lonely, but before that no one took my appearance seriously. There are no such girls in the media, but I have always had complexes about my body, weight and especially my breasts. Love you for this, stay amazing."

Chedera, apparently, has no intention of stopping. And for such girls who write to her, it becomes easier and easier in the modern world. Now bloggers are trying to make beautiful any flaw or complex that people hide. For example, one photographer from the UK takes pictures of people with terrible scars so that they understand that this is an integral part of them.

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