Stretch marks after childbirth - a selection of the best removal methods (TOP 5 salon procedures)

Many women experience the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth and do not want to put up with it. Such skin defects also have a scientific name - stretch marks.

To minimize the risk of such a deficiency, it is recommended to regularly resort to caring procedures and eat a balanced diet before and after pregnancy. But preventive measures do not always help.

Today, there are many ways to remove stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth. Both cosmetic procedures and home treatments can help.

Stretch marks after childbirth - reasons for their appearance

Almost every second young mother or woman just preparing for this joyful event asks the question: “What causes stretch marks?”

This is due to the fact that the skin on the abdomen stretches extremely during pregnancy. Physiology is not important here - stretch marks occur in both thin and plump people.

The main reason for this defect is hormonal changes during pregnancy. A woman begins to rapidly gain excess weight, while the synthesis of collagen and elastin sharply decreases. Against this background, the epidermis suffers first of all.

As a result of the growth of the abdomen, the skin on it becomes very stretched and becomes thinner. Unable to withstand such pressure, it breaks in places, and the replacement tissue that forms in these areas is called striae.

What stretch marks that form during pregnancy and childbirth look like is shown in the photo (before and after removal).

Striae do not form one at a time, but in groups. They are easy to recognize - reddish, chaotically located stripes (if they appeared no later than a year). When stretch marks are old, they are paler in color. Therefore, the fact whether it is possible to remove stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth depends on the statute of limitations.

How to remove stretch marks?

Treatment of stretch marks is a difficult and lengthy process that requires a professional approach to the problem, followed by a comprehensive course of manipulation.

By contacting Dr. Korchagina’s clinic, dermatocosmetologists will conduct the necessary diagnostics and select procedures:

  • dermabrasion - a technique consisting of mechanical grinding with removal of skin layers; manipulation not only reduces the visibility of stretch marks, but also restores the structure of epidermal tissues;
  • microneedle RF lifting INFINI - an innovative rejuvenating technology that causes tissue coagulation and collagenogenesis through the use of a fractional microneedle system;
  • chemical peeling is a manipulation based on the application of strong organic acids to the stretch marks, which burn the epidermis and promote the synthesis of its own collagen fibers;
  • PRP plasma therapy Regenlab - cellular rejuvenation of the skin through microinjection of its own purified and enriched plasma; plasma lifting stimulates the work of fibroblasts, and also promotes the production of elastin and collagen;
  • facial mesotherapy – injection of meso-cocktails provides deep hydration and restoration, accelerating metabolism and nutrition of damaged skin;
  • thermolifting – a hardware technique using the Palomar StarLux 500 laser machine improves blood circulation, metabolism and lymph flow; due to which the skin is regenerated and straightened.

Is it possible to cope with stretch marks?

Stretch marks after childbirth are unlikely to go away completely, especially if the birth took place more than a year ago. The method is chosen based on this fact.

The root causes of stretch marks – hormonal imbalance or excess weight – are of no small importance. To remove stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth, it is most effective to use an integrated approach: proper nutrition, sports and cosmetic care.

There is a radical method - abdominoplasty. With its help you can both tighten your stomach and remove stretch marks at the same time

This method is acceptable for large-scale lesions and a sagging abdomen. Since the cost of such an operation is high, not everyone can afford it financially. And the procedure itself is complex and is not performed everywhere.

How to eat healthy

Numerous women's reviews will tell you how to remove stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth by revising your daily diet.

The structure of the epidermis is highly dependent on the amount of incoming vitamins. To quickly get rid of stretch marks, immediately after childbirth, a number of vitamins and minerals must be included in the menu.

They are presented in the table:

Vitamins and microelementsPropertiesWhat do they contain?
AHas high regenerating properties.Sea and river fish, chicken eggs, fermented milk products, liver, green feathers.
Ascorbic acidVitamin C accelerates the production of natural collagen, which strengthens the epidermis and promotes rapid healing.Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, tomatoes, white cabbage, potatoes.
EPrevents premature aging of cells.Walnuts, hazelnuts, legumes, cashews, unrefined, sunflower oil.
AT 3Improves the structure of the dermis.Brown bread, beans, meat, mushrooms, liver, beets.
ZincStimulates cell growth and protein synthesis.Nuts, wheat grains, meat, egg yolks, river fish, bread.

During breastfeeding, it is advisable to adjust your diet, excluding allergenic foods. Otherwise, you can harm the baby's health.

How to remove postpartum belly

The postpartum belly is removed with the help of dietary adjustments and moderate physical activity. This will have a favorable effect on the size of stretch marks. That is why the following products should be excluded:

  • fatty and fried;
  • bread;
  • chocolate;
  • confectionery;
  • salty and spicy dishes.

You should consume more:

  • water;
  • vegetables, including broccoli and cauliflower.

You need to eat at least 5 times a day.

In terms of physical activity, it is worth increasing the load gradually. Start with walks outside, they burn excess weight and strengthen muscles. If there are no serious problems with weight, but simply weakened muscles, then regaining shape will be quite simple.

Sports solution to the problem

Another effective home way to remove stretch marks after childbirth is regular but moderate physical activity using a specially designed complex.

It is aimed at accelerating blood flow to the problem area and strengthening muscle tissue. Along with this, metabolism is normalized, natural metabolic processes are restored, and this allows you to urgently cope with the problem that has arisen.

It is not recommended to exert yourself physically immediately after childbirth. It's worth waiting a couple of months.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth with exercises? To do this, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the following complex:

  1. They lie on their backs on the floor and raise their legs, bending them at the knees. Hands must be crossed over the chest. Raise the pelvis and hold for a few seconds. Must be repeated 10 times. Every day the duration of the workout is extended by 5 seconds. and one approach.
  2. Lie on your back, straightened arms pressed to the body. The straight legs are raised, and the hands are placed behind the lower back, thereby helping to hold the pelvis. Fixed for 15-20 seconds and returned to the starting position.
  3. Perform a plank on your elbows. To do this, rest them on the floor, do not bend your knees, and keep your back straight. You need to freeze for 35 seconds. It is necessary to make 4-5 such passes. Gradually increase the duration of the exercise by a few seconds.

All exercises are done gradually, trying not to physically overload. Before training, it is advisable to moisturize the skin, but not with a warming agent.

Plastic surgery

If the appearance of stretch marks is accompanied by stretching and subsequent sagging of the skin, neither traditional methods nor cosmetology will help get rid of them. The solution remains surgical intervention:

  • abdominoplasty;
  • breast lift;
  • increasing the volume of the mammary glands with implants.

These are expensive operations that are performed under general anesthesia. The recovery period takes about 3 months. They tighten the skin well, reducing the appearance of severe stretch marks.

Striae are not a disease. You need to understand that this is an aesthetic problem and it is much more effective to combat it at the prevention stage. These procedures help to significantly reduce the visual appearance of stretch marks, but do not eliminate them completely.

Cosmetology can help

Before removing stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth at home with various cosmetic compositions, you should study a number of nuances and follow them.

Most of these products are aimed at restoring the structure of the skin - increasing elasticity and brightening.

Scrubs and masks (3 recipes)

These are products designed to remove the keratinized surface layer of the skin. They also accelerate microcirculation and nourish the dermis with important nutrients. As a result, elasticity returns to the tissues.

The most productive recipes that are easy to use at home:

  1. In the bath or under the shower, coffee powder (natural) is applied to the soaped body and rubbed into the stretched areas. Such manipulations are performed once every 6-7 days.
  2. Combine 120 g of granulated sugar and the same amount of sea salt, add 50 ml of olive oil. Stir until creamy. Distribute the resulting mass, moving in a circle. After 10-15 minutes, wash off with warm water.
  3. Mix the following components: massage product (120 g), natural ground coffee (70 g), sea salt (50 g). Rub it into the defects for about 10 minutes, then get into the shower.

In the fight against postpartum tears, industrial scrubs are no less effective. They are sold in pharmacies. Just be sure to read the instructions first to avoid side effects.

Creams to help

Cosmetology retail outlets now offer a wide range of all kinds of creams against stretch marks. When choosing, they are guided by the biochemical composition.

Important components:

  • collagen;
  • retinol;
  • vitamin supplements;
  • ethers.

Retinol, in combination with other components of the cream, promotes skin regeneration. As a result, breaks that appear after childbirth become almost invisible.

The essence and benefits of wraps

The principle of the procedure is elementary - a special gel-like product is smeared on the damaged area, over which cling film is wrapped. Due to the greenhouse effect created, the body warms up and beneficial elements are absorbed more intensely.

Having gone through many wrapping recipes, I would like to highlight 2 of the most productive:

  1. Mix 50 ml of olive oil with three drops of lemon or lavender oil. The mixture is measuredly applied to the stomach and wrapped. The top is insulated with a blanket or scarf. Wash off after half an hour.
  2. Dissolve 2 pressed mummy medals in 25 ml of water. Add baby cream. The further sequence of actions is as in the previous case.

Wraps are best done after a shower, when the body is steamed.

Can't do without a massage

Perhaps the most effective way to get rid of a stretched tummy is massage. The main thing is not to use much force with your fingers when massaging, so as not to provoke new tears.

For the procedure, take any oil: rosemary, almond or eucalyptus. You can opt for a cream with vitamin E in its composition.

The technology is as follows:

  1. Squeeze a little product into the palm of your hand and begin to move it in a circle over the problem area.
  2. Stroke for 5-7 minutes, then switch to rubbing, lasting no more than 10 minutes.
  3. The final 5 minutes are lightly massaged again.

It is advisable to first use a scrub to remove dead cells.


Diastasis is a pathology of the abdominal muscles, more typical for women who have recently given birth. In most cases, it is treated without surgery using only conservative methods. It is observed in 40% of women during the postpartum period.

The most effective remedy in the fight against diastasis is physical exercise. Here are a few:

  • cat pose;
  • gluteal bridge;
  • lifting the body while lying on your back;
  • slowly lifting your legs from a lying position on the floor.

Perform them daily for 3 approaches, each with 10-15 repetitions.

Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles

Question answer

The desired result can be achieved only by following professional recommendations and regularly carrying out such procedures.

To achieve a noticeable result, you will need to undergo at least 3 procedures - for fresh stretch marks and up to 10 - for old ones. A one-month break is required between each session.

Indeed, mumiyo is used to eliminate stretch marks. To do this, the crushed tablet is mixed with cream and then applied to the skin. This method improves regeneration, reduces small stretch marks, and large ones become less noticeable. To achieve results, you should use mummy for more than one month. Therefore, it is better to approach this problem comprehensively, using other methods.

Methods for removing stretch marks on the abdomen with laser and cost

Significant progress in cosmetology now suggests many solutions for removing stretch marks after childbirth: laser, mesotherapy, plasma lifting. But the first type is considered the most productive.

If all the measures taken at home do not help, then all you have to do is resort to it. However, it is worth remembering that the price for laser removal of stretch marks is quite high, and there is no absolute guarantee that no side effects will occur.

Today, there are the following types of laser stretch mark removal:

  • peeling;
  • grinding.

Peeling concept

Peeling is considered the most gentle method of getting rid of fresh stretch marks. This is due to the fact that a special (neodymium) laser is used, which does not injure the superficial dermal layer.

In this case, the beam penetrates directly into the gap and softens it due to heating. You can verify the effectiveness of laser stretch mark removal using photos - before and after the procedure.

Laser resurfacing is more radical in terms of the degree of action and is acceptable in the case of outdated stretch marks. Here, the integrity of the tissue is disrupted, due to which fibroblasts are activated. These are substances responsible for the synthesis of the body’s own collagen.

What is grinding

The principle of the laser resurfacing procedure varies depending on the type chosen:

  1. Full resurfacing - the outer layer of skin is completely destroyed, and replacement tissue subsequently grows.
  2. Fractional photothermolysis - locally manipulate the beam through microscopic channels in the affected areas, breaking their structure from the inside.

Two types of lasers are used for grinding: erbium and carbon dioxide. The first is the safest, since the speed of its action is so high that healthy connections do not have time to be damaged.

Rehabilitation after complete resurfacing lasts about 5-10 days. For the first 2 days there is slight swelling, redness and pain. But soon the patient's condition returns to normal. Throughout this period you will need to take antiviral drugs.

After fractional thermolysis, it is forbidden to stay in the sun for a long time for 2 weeks, as well as use a solarium, sauna and swimming pool.

The cosmetologist prescribes regenerating ointments, which should be applied daily to the surgical site.

Since both types of resurfacing are performed under anesthesia, not everyone decides to take such a step. Therefore, as an alternative, you can use the Polomar laser to remove stretch marks (before and after photos below), the price of which is similar. However, the device has a special head, which cools the skin surface during operation and there is no pain.

Cost of laser procedure

The financial side of the issue of beautifying the abdomen depends on several factors: the area of ​​influence, the type of laser, the region and the prestige of the clinic. Thus, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, laser stretch mark removal will cost the client at the maximum rate - from 3.5 to 16 thousand rubles.

Compared to more remote regions, in the polar city of Murmansk such a procedure costs on average 8 thousand rubles.

In a city like Kazan, stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth can be removed within 11 thousand rubles. According to statistics, the price tag for, for example, Ivanovo is the cheapest - 100 rubles. per square centimeter.

10 contraindications

Despite the effectiveness of the procedure for eliminating stretch marks with a laser, there are a number of medical contraindications. These include:


  1. period of pregnancy and lactation;
  2. diabetes;
  3. pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  4. malignant tumors;
  5. various infections in the acute stage;
  6. epilepsy;
  7. hormonal imbalances;
  8. varicose veins in the stretch mark area;
  9. inflammatory processes;
  10. allergy.

Prevention (4 rules)

How to protect yourself from stretch marks after pregnancy? To do this, follow these simple rules:

  • Throughout the entire period of gestation, use special creams that lubricate the skin. Various oils that contain vitamin E will also be beneficial.
  • Eat foods that are rich in vitamins.
  • Wear a bandage. It should be used already in the second trimester.
  • Choose the right underwear.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

Over time, stretch marks can become lighter. If they are very noticeable, they will not be able to disappear completely. Therefore, you should not expect a miracle. To do this, I recommend making a variety of masks and trying some kind of cometological procedure. For example, excellent results can be achieved through laser removal of stretch marks. But sports alone are unlikely to eliminate this defect. Many new mothers hit the gym hard, hoping that their stretch marks will disappear. But this is simply impossible.

Theda Contis

plastic surgeon

Undoubtedly, home methods are beneficial. But they are unlikely to be able to completely remove very noticeable stretch marks. That is why it is better to immediately go to a cosmetologist. If there is also severe sagging of the skin, then only plastic surgery will help. No amount of masks or exercises can tighten sagging skin.

Each woman independently decides how to cope with the problem that arises after childbirth. The main thing is that this does not subsequently lead to deterioration of health.

It is advisable not to delay taking decisive action and begin eliminating defects immediately, then there is a high probability of stretch marks disappearing without a trace.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks or stretch marks are skin imperfections in the form of lines or stripes that are localized in areas of greatest stretching of the skin.
Favorite places for stretch marks are the legs, breast skin, buttocks, abdomen and thighs. With accompanying hormonal changes, stretch marks may appear on the face. Fresh damage to the dermis has a red-violet or pink color; over time, the stretch marks lighten or become discolored. In an advanced stage, stretch marks externally become like scars, which cause internal discomfort and uncertainty.

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