Is it possible to curl your hair after keratin straightening?

procedures "

Keratin straightening is a popular cosmetic procedure aimed at improving hair health. After exposure to deep penetration drugs, they become perfectly smooth and shiny. But many girls are accustomed to beautiful curls and daily styling; is it possible to perm after the procedure?

Is it possible to curl curls after keratin straightening?

Many hairdressers claim that this can be done after the procedure. However, caution should be exercised. After all, smooth and even hair requires special care, since after keratinization it becomes fragile. Therefore, after keratinization, it is necessary to use gentle curling methods. It should be taken into account that when curled, hair resists and tends to straighten again, so it is not easy to curl it. However, with patience and some effort, you can really get an excellent result.

Expert opinions

All women want to be and remain beautiful. But it is advisable to wait about 5-7 days. Each new hairstyle after keratinization will be exciting, but don’t be afraid. It is a misconception that styling is prohibited after using liquid keratin. It is important to do it correctly so as not to burn your hair and its protective layer.

Is it possible to curl your hair after keratin straightening? Many people do not understand at all why they should subject their strands to processing if they are then twisted again. There are many situations in life, but after the salon, styling will be easier.


This procedure is strictly prohibited. Even weak chemical compounds will cause enormous harm to the protective film and structure of the hair. Consequences may appear on:

  • scalp;
  • hair;
  • overall attractiveness of the hairstyle.

Recovering from damage is not only difficult, but sometimes impossible.

Mechanical laying

You can curl your hair after keratin straightening using:

  • forceps;
  • curling irons;
  • rectifier

It is acceptable to use equipment that has a temperature controller. The heating temperature is chosen to be no more than 200 °C. This is enough for styling without harming the health of the strands. To consolidate the result, use varnish. To create a more complex image, go to a beauty salon to see a professional hairdresser.

After how many days can you curl your hair?

At least five to seven days should pass after visiting the salon, and ideally two weeks. During the procedure, the medicinal composition penetrates deep into the hair scales and significantly transforms their structure. During this time they should be completely at rest. After this period, you can start curling.

Will the curls curl?

Keratin straightening is popular among girls with curly, difficult-to-style hair. The procedure makes them smooth, evens out, and fills the scales with medicinal components.

After undergoing keratin straightening, your hair can be curled, but only after a certain period of time. At first they are vulnerable to damage from heat styling. If you wait a pause, you will be able to avoid negative consequences.

The keratin composition does not interfere with curling due to thermal effects.

How often can you get a perm?

Straightened hair can be curled in the same way as natural hair. There are no restrictions in this case. From time to time (on special occasions or just to suit your mood) you can indulge in styling, but doing a perm every day is pointless and harmful. This will worsen their condition and reduce the duration of the straightening effect.

If it is difficult to walk with straightened hair for a long time, you can do Thermo Botox instead of a keratin procedure. This will simplify maintenance and reduce the risk of damage. The results of this procedure last for two months. During this period, straight strands do not have time to get bored.

Types of compositions for biowaves

A bioperm is any hairspray that does not contain ammonia or hydrogen peroxide.


Suitable for fine, normal and resistant hair. Thanks to the absence of thioglycolic acid and ammonia bicarbonate, a stable, durable and at the same time well-groomed curl is created. The exothermic composition has a gentle effect on curls.


Ideal for completely colored and gray hair. Also suitable for normal to resistant curls.

This composition contains ammonia bicarbonate, but does not contain thioglycolic acid, which creates a curl the size of a bobbin. This composition requires less time on the strands. Great for when you need to make tight and strong curls.

Recommendations from hairdressers

Strands that have been treated with keratin are more difficult to curl than natural ones. After straightening, their structure becomes rich and dense, so it will not be possible to curl without using styling products: foam, gel, mousse, etc. At the end, the installation will have to be fixed with medium or strong hold varnish.

The owner of straight strands should reconsider the choice of balms, conditioners and shampoos. They must be replaced with products that do not contain sulfates. Regular shampoo contains sodium chloride, which quickly washes away keratin. Its impact can nullify the procedure.

It is recommended to avoid using a hair dryer, as drying naturally is less harmful.

Is it permissible to use curlers?

Curling after keratinization is acceptable, but it is not advisable to use a curling iron. That's why many people choose curlers. The technology for creating curls remains exactly the same, but it will be less harmful.

Recommendations and nuances of using curlers:

  1. Devices can be of different sizes, diameters and materials. They are made of plastic, foam rubber, silicone, in the form of spirals. There is a huge assortment on sale.
  2. You need to choose those that are convenient to work with.
  3. Curling can be done on completely clean and dry strands. After keratin treatment, hair holds curls worse.
  4. It is necessary to stock up on special styling cosmetic products. To obtain elastic, clear strands, use mousse, gel, foam. They should have maximum fixation.
  5. The curlers need to be left in place for about 3 hours, but it is better to leave them overnight, covered with a scarf.
  6. Each element is removed carefully so as not to damage the hair.

The hairstyle is carefully combed and varnished.

Advantages of a comb

It’s not for nothing that such combs are becoming increasingly popular. Among the undoubted advantages are the following:

  1. The styler is compact and mobile, easy to use and perfect for travel. With its help, you can not only improve the appearance of your curls, but also improve their structure. Unlike an iron, where there is no ability to adjust the temperature, in straighteners you can set the temperature yourself.
  2. If necessary, the device is used to lightly massage the scalp.
  3. It helps improve the condition of the skin, accelerates the growth of curls and strengthens them. Electric rectifiers are easy and practical to use. According to reviews from those who have used combs, they take up little space and are comfortable to use even with one hand.
  4. The versatility of the styler is undeniable - the device combines two main functions: an ordinary massage brush and a straightener.

Quick styling:

  1. A straightening comb is the best way to style unruly hair compared to a regular hair dryer or straightening iron.
  2. The effect of the styler is not only gentle, but also effective. It will take at least 30 minutes to style using a hairdryer or straightener. This depends on the structure and length of the strands; when using a thermal comb, the hairstyle is created in 10 minutes.

The heating time of the electric rectifier takes less than 30 seconds, which is considered another advantage in operation. To create a quick hairstyle, you need to set the temperature of the device correctly. A minimum temperature is required for slightly curly or wavy hair; a higher temperature is needed for very curly and fluffy hair.

Operational safety

The safety of thermal rectifiers in operation is achieved thanks to the technological characteristics of the device. First of all, the surface matters: the comb teeth are treated with tourmaline coating, which is harmless to curls and scalp. The strands are heated evenly along their entire length, and the device maintains an equal temperature throughout the entire process.

The comb also includes safety measures in case you forget to unplug it after using the styler. The thermal comb has a fire protection function. After 20 minutes the device stops heating, and after 60 it turns off automatically. Possibility of temperature control:

  1. There are three buttons on the styler.
  2. They are located on the sides.
  3. One button is responsible for turning the device on or off, and the other two are needed to set the temperature mode.
  4. So that the girl can see how the styler has heated up and know when it is ready for use, a display is provided.

Minimal damage to hair:

  1. Unlike the action of curling irons, flat irons and hair dryers on curls, the straightener has a gentle effect even with frequent use.
  2. This effect is achieved thanks to the specific coating of the device’s teeth.

According to customer reviews, such stylers not only help to style curls and create the desired hairstyle. The positive points are:

  1. Helps eliminate strand fragility.
  2. When straightened, they do not dry out the hair and do not contribute to the appearance of cut ends.
  3. They have a good effect on the scalp and hair follicles, thanks to this the growth of curls improves, they become more elastic and strong.

Achieving the effect of shiny and smooth hair

The electric straightener has a hot function for ionizing curls. Many girls encounter such a phenomenon as excessive magnetization and fluffiness of strands. Hair is difficult to style even when using special cosmetic products; the hairstyle does not retain its shape. Ionization when using a straightener helps to permanently and effectively eliminate this problem. Ions released by the styler when combing:

  1. Prevents the effects of dirt and dust on curls.
  2. They do not dry out the strands, but, on the contrary, promote rapid absorption of moisture.
  3. Relieves hair from static electricity.

Ionization when using combs helps make curls smooth, shiny, manageable, strong, and maintain a beautiful appearance for a long time.

Preparation for processing and straightening with an iron

We will analyze all the main stages, starting with hair preparation and ending with straightening.

Stage 1. Preparation for heat treatment

Before using the device, you must wash your hair using shampoo and conditioner.

, designed specifically for straightening and smoothing hair. There is no need to purchase any very expensive products or unique products - those available in the nearest cosmetics store or supermarket will do. The main thing is that they have a smoothing or moisturizing function.

After washing, you need to dry your hair with a towel.

, carefully blotting the strands one after another.
There is no need to roughly rub your hair or tousle it - this will cause it to become frizzy and frizzy after a shower. Gently blotting will help remove excess water from the curls, preventing excessive “fluffiness”

Be sure to apply a heat-protective serum or any other protective agent

These can be sprays, serums, creams, conditioners - now in stores there is a large selection of products of various textures. They will help reduce the damage of thermal styling and keep your hair smooth for a long time. You need to apply the products to damp hair
- this will help distribute them evenly, avoiding accumulation in certain places, and
comb them after application

IMPORTANT! Protectants with argan or coconut oil will help your hair stay smooth all day long. Products with silicone will also help smooth your hair. Before starting the procedure, you need to dry your hair with a hairdryer. The curls must be completely dry - this will not only help you use the styler more efficiently, but will also prevent your strands from burning.

Before starting the procedure, you need to dry your hair with a hairdryer.

The curls must be completely dry - this will not only help you use the styler more efficiently, but will also
prevent the strands from burning

When drying with a hairdryer, you need to observe a couple of nuances:

  1. The air flow from the hair dryer should be directed from top to bottom.
    This way the strands will dry straighter;
  2. Using the lowest heat setting for blow drying.
    If your hair is especially frizzy or frizzy, it is better to dry it on low heat, but for a longer time - this will help it not fluff up during the drying process.

Stage 2. Correct technique

  1. Plug the device into the network and press the power button
    . Next to this button there is usually a regulator that will allow you to set the desired temperature.
  2. It is necessary to divide the curls into strands
    The number of strands depends on the density and thickness of the hair, but it is better to separate strands no more than 2-2.5 centimeters wide so that they can easily pass through the ironing plates. While you are working with one strand, it is better to remove the rest with a hairpin or hairpin so that they do not interfere. It is best to pin your hair up or behind your back, and then pull the strands forward one at a time and straighten them
  3. The Tyler should be placed as close to the roots as possible
    , but
    care must be taken not to get burned
    Most often, the distance from the instrument to the scalp is about 2.5 cm.
  4. Clamp the doors of the device so that the heated plates close together, and a strand of hair is between them. You should not squeeze the flaps too hard
    , this will create an excessive bend in the place where the straightening began. You should also not keep the device in one place for a long time - this also leads to the formation of a break.
  5. Run the styler over the entire curl from roots to ends
    . Move smoothly and evenly, trying not to hold the iron in one place too long, so as not to injure your hair or create a break.
  6. Depending on the thickness of your hair, you may have to repeat smoothing one strand several times. The number of movements also depends on the heating temperature - the lower it is, the more straightenings will be required. There is nothing wrong with steam starting to come out of the iron.
    It appears as a result of contact between heated ceramics and moisture residues on the hair. However, you should immediately set the heating temperature to a lower temperature if the smell of burnt hair appears.
  7. Place the treated strand aside and move on to the next one.

IMPORTANT! If your hair tends to get frizzy, apply hairspray or hold serum after each new section of hair is straightened to maintain its smoothness. Styling medium-length hair with an iron gives room for creativity

Styling medium-length hair with an iron gives room for creativity.

Using a styler, you can perform the following options:

IMPORTANT! There is no need to twist and fix the tourniquets too tightly, as this may lead to loss of effect. If you want to make smaller waves, the strands should be narrow; if larger, take larger strands accordingly.

What is

Beautiful curly hair is perhaps the dream of many girls. However, not everyone is naturally blessed with silky curls, so the fair sex is forced to resort to all sorts of tools to curl their strands.

Therefore, stylists created permanent perm-chemistry. But it did not become an ideal solution to the problem - such treatment greatly dried out and spoiled the curls, and the technique was not suitable for every type of appearance. Cold perm slightly expanded the possibilities of forming tight curls - it did much less harm to the hair, but, unfortunately, not every hair could be curled in this way.

Only after scientists disassembled human hair into individual components and identified several active amino acids did gentle curling become possible even for the most weakened and bleached curls.

To curl curls, keratin of animal or plant origin is taken. The first is obtained from goat hair - it is believed that it is as close as possible to human hair in its structure. It is from this that animal keratin is obtained. The principle of operation here is simple. Under the influence of chemicals, keratin from goat hair breaks down into 18 amino acids, and the one found in human hair - into 19. Due to the lack of one amino acid, compositions based on analog keratin are not included in the structure of human hair for good, but only for up to six months , and then their gradual washing out begins.

Keratin, synthesized from the plant, contains only 12 amino acids, so this type of hair wrap lasts no more than 2-3 months.

The specifics of curling and, accordingly, the cost of services largely depend on the type of keratin used: equipment using a herbal preparation is cheaper, and using a protein preparation is more expensive.

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