How to restore hair after pregnancy and childbirth

During pregnancy and the postnatal period, many changes occur in a woman's body. Hair loss is one of the manifestations of hormonal changes. Many women complain of hair loss after giving birth, but this is usually a temporary phenomenon. Pregnancy and childbirth are a big burden on the body. It will take time to fully recover, after which your hair will return to its previous appearance. In this article, you will learn what causes hair loss during the postnatal period, how long it lasts, and what you can do about it.

Why does hair fall out after childbirth?

Pregnancy hormones affect your body in different ways. For example, your hair may have become thicker during pregnancy. Thanks for this is the hormone estrogen, which accelerates hair growth and slows down hair loss. But after giving birth (and sometimes after you stop breastfeeding), you may find that your hair begins to fall out a lot. This is the hair that did not fall out during pregnancy. This way, your hair simply returns to its original state, although it may look like you are about to be left without hair. By the way, due to these same hormones during pregnancy and after, you may notice that your hair has become oilier or, conversely, dry, and maybe even slightly changed its color.

What else can you do to help your hair?

Hair treatment after childbirth is a slow process and takes from 3 to 12 months.

  • Masks made from natural oils will accelerate hair growth: olive, coconut, almond.
  • The number of traumatic factors (styling, blow-drying) should be reduced.
  • Don't forget to eat well. In addition to vitamin complexes, hair needs “building material”: red meat, eggs, and a sufficient amount of fat in the diet.


How to stop or prevent hair loss after childbirth

If hair loss is caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy and childbirth, it may stop on its own without any intervention.

But you may want to partially prevent hair loss, so we have put together a few ways for you that can help:

  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to ensure you're getting enough vitamins and nutrients (your doctor can recommend specific foods to add to your diet).
  • Wash and comb your hair with gentle movements.
  • Avoid tight elastic bands or bobby pins to keep your hair from being too tight.
  • When blow drying, use only the cool air setting.

And most importantly, be patient and forgiving with yourself. You have enough on your plate, and most likely the best solution is to just wait until your hair returns to normal naturally. In the meantime, use tricks for hair care and hairstyles.

Additional measures

To normalize the nutrition of the follicles, it is necessary to restore blood circulation. This will speed up the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the tissues. As a result, the condition of the hair gradually returns to normal. This effect is achieved using contrasting douches.

The head is washed first with hot water, then with cold water. The duration of exposure to liquids of different temperatures is no more than 30 seconds. It is recommended to repeat the procedure several times, using the method of alternating cold and hot water.

When to see a doctor

If you are losing too much hair and it continues for more than six months, it may be time to see a doctor.

In some cases, the cause may be hypofunction of the thyroid gland, which can develop during pregnancy. A doctor will be able to diagnose thyroid dysfunction, and he will prescribe the necessary treatment for you.

You already know very well that during pregnancy and after childbirth, many amazing (and not so amazing) changes happen to your body. Sometimes it may seem that the period of change is endless, but soon everything will return to normal, including hair loss.

Solgar tablets for skin, hair, nails

The American dietary supplement for hair loss “Solgar tablets for skin, hair, nails” contains vitamin C, zinc, copper, MSM, silicon, L-proline and L-lysine. These components improve the condition of the skin and hair. "Solgar" not only stops hair loss, but also stimulates the growth of new ones. Solgar Skin, Nails & Hair vitamins are free of dairy, gluten and wheat. Solgar capsules, despite their impressive size, are smooth, so they are easy to swallow. You need to take these hair vitamins once a day, two pieces (after meals), with a sufficient amount of water. Do not take Solgar for hair on an empty stomach because it may cause nausea and stomach pain. Those who have taken Solgar for hair say that these vitamins perfectly stop hair loss, and good results are visible after a month or two. New hairs grow dense and silky, nails become stronger, and the skin becomes smoother, more elastic, and rashes are reduced.

Solgar tablets for skin, hair, nails
Solgar Vitamin and Herb, USA

The basis of the “Skin, Hair, Nails” complex is MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) – a source of organic sulfur, the main component of keratin (the building block of hair and nails), as well as collagen (the basis of the skin).
The balanced composition allows the skin to give firmness and elasticity; protect from the harmful effects of UV rays; regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands; strengthen hair and nails. from 442

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Complivit Radiance

Hair vitamins “Complivit Radiance” contain 11 vitamins and 8 minerals, lipoic acid and green tea extract. "Complivit" helps strengthen hair and nails, improve skin condition. These hair vitamins are prescribed for severe hair loss. These are oblong, odorless, purple tablets that are easy to swallow. Take “Complivit Radiance” with food once a day. The course of hair treatment is one month. The first positive results can be noticed after just three weeks of taking the “Complivit” anti-hair loss vitamins: much less hair falls out, shine appears and new hairs begin to grow. As for the skin, its tone becomes even, rashes disappear. Nails become stronger and stop breaking and peeling.

Complivit Radiance
JSC Pharmstandard-UfaVITA, Russia

Complivit Radiance is a biologically active food supplement - an additional source of vitamins A, C, E, group B (B1, B2, B6, B12, folic acid, biotin, calcium pantothenate, nicotinamide), mineral elements (copper, selenium, zinc, silicon , iron, cobalt), lipoic acid and catechins, containing calcium.
It has a general strengthening effect, helps improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. from 120

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Hormone tests

Sometimes the cause of increased hair loss is an increase in the male hormone testosterone. This is often indicated by irregular menstruation, acne, seborrhea, galactorrhea. This situation requires adjustment, so there is no way to do it without an experienced endocrinologist. Problems with the thyroid gland can also cause continuous hair loss. And again, it is necessary to solve the problem with an endocrinologist. According to statistics, up to 28% of women suffering from baldness have thyroid pathologies of an autoimmune nature. Here the endocrinologist can prescribe a blood test for free T4 and T3, TSH, antibodies to TPO and TG, which can be taken at any network laboratory individually or in combination. Thyroid hormones influence the growth and differentiation of many tissues, not just hair. Hormones have a huge impact on the body’s energy consumption and on the circulation of many substrates, vitamins and other hormones. The activity of the thyroid gland influences oxygen consumption, protein synthesis and mitosis and is therefore of great importance for hair formation and growth. Expression of the thyroid hormone receptor beta-1 has been demonstrated in the human hair follicle. What symptoms of hair loss may indicate various thyroid diseases:

  1. Hypothyroidism
    results from a deficiency of thyroid hormones. Most often it occurs due to chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's disease). Hypothyroidism occurs approximately ten times more often in women than in men, and is especially common between the ages of 40 and 60 years. In this case, you will have dry, rough skin, a swollen face, and an increased number of wrinkles. Hair becomes dull, coarse and brittle, and diffuse alopecia with thinning of the lateral eyebrows may occur. The rate of hair growth slows down, alopecia is characterized by a gradual onset. The proposed mechanism is due to an increase in free androgens in plasma.
  2. Hyperthyroidism
    is caused by excess circulating thyroid hormones. The most common cause of hyperthyroidism today is Graves' disease, with an estimated prevalence of 5.9% in the population of patients aged 60 years and older. This is an autoimmune disease that affects women much more often than men. Diffuse hair loss occurs in 20–40% of cases, and axillary hair loss occurs in 60%. The severity of baldness does not correlate with the severity of thyrotoxicosis, so only tests can help you here. The hair itself is fine, soft, straight and, it is claimed, cannot be permed.

Inneov Hair Density

Nestle and L'Oreal have developed Inneov hair vitamins based on natural ingredients. Studies have shown that after a course of these hair vitamins, hair loss is reduced by a quarter, and hair density increases by 10%. The dietary supplement against hair loss contains green tea and grape seed cahetins (which are natural antioxidants). These components improve blood circulation in the scalp and deliver vitamins and microelements to the hair follicles. Taurine strengthens hair roots and protects them from breakage along their entire length. Zinc gluconate makes curls as smooth as possible by helping with protein absorption. Fatty acids and vitamin D give elasticity and strengthen the shaft of each hair. You can buy Inneov vitamins for women and men at the pharmacy. Phytosterol is also added to the men's version of hair vitamins (it protects against hormonal hair loss). The course of hair treatment with these vitamins is three months, and after that you can expect excellent results.

Inneov Hair Density

Doppelhertz Beauty Beauty and hair health

German hair vitamins “Doppelhertz Beauty Beauty and Hair Health” are vitamins C, B5, B6, nicotinamide, biotin, zinc, copper, amino acids and plant extracts. All these active substances have a positive effect on the condition of hair and stimulate its growth. "Doppelhertz Beauty" makes curls shiny and silky, improving sebum production. The hair supplement comes in the form of large dark green capsules with liquid inside. But despite their size, they are easy to swallow. You need to take one Doppelhertz Beauty capsule per day with meals, the course of hair treatment is one month. Then you need to take a break for a month and a half and repeat the course again. The first positive results will appear within two weeks after taking hair vitamins - you will notice that your hair begins to fall out much less. After two courses of Doppelhertz Beauty Beauty and Hair Health vitamins, you will notice a lot of new hairs, and your curls will become shiny and healthy.

Doppelhertz Beauty Beauty and hair health
Queisser Pharma GmbH, Germany

Doppelhertz Beauty Beauty and health of hair - thanks to its unique composition, the complex takes care of hair, making it noticeably strong, shiny and well-groomed.
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"Correct" installation

For styling, you can use any water-based products, but not alcohol, since water-based products are not absorbed!

Now about perms. Let me remind you once again that there is no “feedback” between the hair and the bulb: as they say, “what grows, grows.” Therefore, you can get a perm while breastfeeding. The chemical composition is never applied to the scalp or close to the bulbs, so there is no danger of the composition penetrating into the blood.


These hair loss vitamins contain B vitamins, biotin, iron, zinc, copper, amino acids and medicinal yeast. These components enter the bloodstream and nourish the hair follicles - the hair becomes stronger, stops falling out, and new ones begin to actively grow. “Fitoval” are small dark burgundy gelatin capsules that are easy to swallow. “Fitoval” must be taken after meals to avoid nausea and stomach pain. The course of hair treatment is up to three months (one capsule per day). “Fitoval” copes well with hair loss – and within a week you can notice that less hair is falling out. After two months of taking hair vitamins, you will notice that your curls have become silky, shiny, soft, and new hairs have appeared.

KRKA (KRKA), Slovenia

Fitoval capsules are biological nutrition for damaged and prone to hair loss.
Vitamins and minerals trigger the most important metabolic processes occurring in the hair roots. The amino acid cystine is the main component of hair keratin. Medical yeast is a natural source of B vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The active components of the capsules enter the bloodstream and supply the hair roots with substances necessary for hair growth and restoration. Strengthen hair, restore structure and help suppress active hair loss. Strengthens damaged and brittle hair. from 390

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Read also : Top 10 best colic remedies for newborns In most cases, colic in newborns occurs due to the immaturity of the digestive system. Fortunately, you can buy medicine at the pharmacy that will relieve your baby of abdominal pain.

How to get a haircut?

In the first months after childbirth, when the hair remains unruly, as during pregnancy, it is better to make a short haircut slightly deliberately careless, with multi-level strands sticking out. Then the unruliness of the hair will be “played up” by the shape and appearance of the hairstyle itself. When, 3-4 months after giving birth, it seems that a lot of hair is falling out, this illusion will be especially pronounced in women with long braids, so a haircut can do a good job here too.

We must remember that going to the hairdresser is always a small holiday for any woman. It's always something new, always some chance to look more attractive. And it’s no secret that the well-being and good development of the child directly depends on the well-being and good mood of the mother. Therefore, when a young mother is in a good mood, she feels confident, beautiful, attractive, then the baby behaves calmly. A trip to the hairdresser is especially important due to the fact that after childbirth, depressed mood and depression often occur, and changing your appearance will help cope with these troubles. You just need to make an appointment with a specialist in advance so as not to waste time in line, and find someone who will babysit your baby. You can arrange a trip to the hairdresser with a friend: while you get a new look, she will look after the baby. Another option to solve the time problem is to call a professional at home.

Regarding haircuts: from the second half of pregnancy until 3-4 months after birth, the rate of hair growth doubles. So don't be afraid!

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