Home care for dry skin: what to advise the client

June 25, 2021

  • Causes of dry facial skin
  • Features of dry skin
  • How to properly care for dry skin? Morning care
  • Evening care
  • How to choose a dry skin care product?
  • Cosmetics ingredients for dry skin
  • Overview of dry skin care products
  • Features of seasonal skin care
      Winter care
  • Caring for dry skin in spring and autumn
  • Features of care in summer
  • What care mistakes should you avoid?
  • Dry skin causes a lot of discomfort to its owners: it can peel, become thinner and dull. If not properly cared for, dryness leads to premature aging and sagging. How to correct the situation and help your skin glow with health and beauty? We hope that in this material you will find answers to your questions.

    Features of dry skin

    Thin, velvety and delicate - dry skin in youth looks quite aristocratic. But with age, her condition quickly worsens. The main indicator is the absence of greasy shine, as well as:

    • invisible pores;
    • severe dryness in winter;
    • absence of rashes, acne;
    • tightness;
    • increased sensitivity;
    • frequent peeling;
    • early wrinkles;
    • dull color;
    • premature aging.

    Proper care using hypoallergenic cosmetics helps restore comfort, eliminate dryness and slow down the process of premature aging: gentle exfoliation, moisturizing, nutrition, restoration, toning, protection from UVA and UVB rays.

    Skin type test

    A professional cosmetologist in a clinical setting can easily determine what type of skin you have using a device called a dermatoscope. You can try to determine your type yourself. There are several ways to do this.

    Method 1

    Clean your face and do not apply makeup. After two hours, notice how your skin has changed:

    • Normal. The shade does not change, there is no feeling of tightness or greasy shine.
    • Dry. Tightness or flaking, which can be eliminated with a rich cream.
    • Combined. The T-zone and cheeks are shiny.
    • Fat. It acquires shine over the entire surface.

    Method 2

    As in the first case, you need to wash your face and wait 2 hours without applying any makeup. Next, a thin napkin is pressed tightly to the face. Your type is determined by traces of sebum:

    • Fat. Imprint of sebum on all areas.
    • Dry. There are no stains left on the paper. Skin particles may remain.
    • Mixed. Marks in the T-zone, sometimes also on the forehead and/or chin.
    • Normal. Minimal traces.

    Both of these methods are as unreliable as they are simple. It is important to understand that you can make a mistake and harm yourself with the wrong care.

    Other leather characteristics

    In addition to this division into types, there are other categories of types of epidermis. Cosmetologists highlight the skin:

    Problematic. This type most often occurs during puberty, from fourteen to twenty-five years. Characterized by various inflammations, acne, etc.

    Mature. It is characterized by noticeable age-related changes, the presence of wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead, the appearance of nasolabial folds, and drooping of the facial contours (also called ptosis).

    Sensitive. Allergic skin, prone to irritation, itching, burning.

    Cooperose. It is distinguished by visible capillaries located close to the surface.

    How to properly care for dry skin?

    Dry skin is very delicate and requires especially careful attention. Below are the steps for facial care at home.

    Morning care

    1. Cleansing: Anhydrous cleansing is preferable in the morning. It is better to wash your face with water in the evening.
    2. Toning: toner restores pH balance and prepares for the next step.
    3. Moisturizing: Day moisturizer.

    Evening care

    1. Cleansing: ARTISTRY SKIN NUTRITIONTM makeup remover and cleanser is ideal for removing makeup, and mild milk or gel products are ideal for washing your face.
    2. Toning.
    3. Nutrition: Choose a cream that contains liposomes, ceramides and linoleic acids. If some of the cream is not absorbed, you need to blot off the excess with a paper napkin. This will get rid of swelling and swelling.

    You can enhance your home care with moisturizing masks. They are recommended to be used at night twice a week.

    How to choose a dry skin care product?

    There are many facial care products, but choosing the right one is not easy. Depending on the cause of dryness, products are divided into 4 groups:

    • Products that attract and retain moisture. Contains: glycerin, collagen fibers and hyaluronic acid. Recommended for use in cases of frequent contact with water (sea holidays, swimming pools), and adverse effects of climatic factors.
    • Products that penetrate deeply into the epidermis. Contains: hyaluronic acid or coryllium extract. They attract moisture and prevent it from leaving the cells.
    • Products containing peptides. They enhance the ability of cells to retain moisture, promote elasticity and regeneration.
    • Products that form a protective film that prevents moisture from evaporating from the outer layer of the dermis. Contains: Vaseline, aloe juice and other natural ingredients. Typically this group includes products used in winter.

    Causes of dry facial skin

    One of the root causes of dryness is a weak hydrolipidic barrier of dry skin: if it does not retain moisture well in the epidermis, dryness is almost inevitable. The sebaceous glands are largely responsible for what our skin type will be. If they produce too much sebum, the skin becomes oily, and if they are too greedy, it can become dry.

    Other causes of dryness:

    • Genes . Yes, dry skin (like cellulite) can be inherited.
    • Incorrect care . Rule number one - care should be regular, rule number two - you need cosmetics that suit your skin type. It is the wrong choice of cosmetics that most often causes very dry facial skin. What to do? Thoroughly shake up the shelf in the bathroom!
    • Adverse effects of environmental factors . Air overdried by air conditioners and central heating is harmful to dry skin! So does hard or very hot tap water.
    • Poor nutrition . A balanced diet is not only the energy that will help you turn the world upside down, but also beautiful skin. She needs vitamins and minerals, so include fresh fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals and, of course, water on your shopping list.
    • Ultraviolet radiation . Sun rays dry out the skin and provoke photoaging, which is expressed in loss of elasticity, dull complexion and early wrinkles and/or age spots.
    • Age . With age, dry skin becomes more vulnerable.

    Cosmetics ingredients for dry skin

    Not all components in cosmetics are equally beneficial. But there are ingredients that guarantee quality care. Among them:

    • Hyaluronic acid. Leaves skin plump and hydrated.
    • Amino acids. Used in anti-aging cosmetics. Stimulate protein synthesis, improve skin condition, provide antioxidant protection and promote tissue regeneration.
    • Vitamins. Vitamin E helps cell renewal and protects them from free radicals. Vitamin C protects against photoaging, promotes collagen production, brightens and gives radiance to the skin.
    • Superfoods are foods rich in antioxidants. Initially, these ingredients belonged to food products, but later they began to be used in cosmetics. Popular superfoods: chia seeds, goji berries, spirulina. Chia seeds contain a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which perform protective, moisturizing, and rejuvenating functions. Goji berries have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. They restore slow cellular metabolism, strengthen blood vessels, tighten pores, nourish and refresh. Spirulina acts as an antioxidant and prevents aging. After using spirulina extract, the skin is tightened and smoothed.

    What substances are included in meso cocktails?

    The effectiveness of mesotherapy depends not only on the methods of drug administration, but also on their composition. Most often, meso-cocktails include the following components:

    • Hyaluronic acid. Perfectly moisturizes and tones the skin.
    • Vitamins. The most commonly used is vitamin C, which is widely known as an excellent antioxidant.
    • Peptides. Substances that help remove toxins from the skin at the cellular level.
    • Glycolic acid. “Erases” wrinkles and affects turgor by accelerating the production of your own elastin and collagen.
    • Plant extracts. The specialist selects the necessary options based on the needs of a particular patient.

    Overview of dry skin care products

    ARTISTRY SKIN NUTRITION™ - the natural power of phytonutrients for healthy-looking, beautiful skin. ARTISTRY SKIN NUTRITION™ products act as nutritional supplements* that can awaken the beauty of your skin.

    They penetrate deeply into the skin and care for it, providing 5 key care needs that are relevant at any age:

    • matting,
    • hydration,
    • update,
    • strengthening,
    • protection.

    All products are ideal for dry and sensitive skin and do not clog pores. ARTISTRY SKIN NUTRITION™ Moisturizing Cleansing Mousse is soap-free and gently cleanses and hydrates skin without causing dryness. Maintains a balanced pH level. It contains NUTRILITE™ white chia seed oil in a liposome, perilla extract, and soft amino acid surfactants. ARTISTRY SKIN NUTRITION™ moisturizing softening facial toner removes remaining impurities and prepares the face for further care. Healthy ingredients included: white chia seeds grown on NUTRILITE™ farms, licorice, prebiotics. The product is easily absorbed and gives a feeling of smoothness and silkiness without breaking the protective barrier.

    ARTISTRY SKIN NUTRITION™ moisturizing facial cream-gel deeply moisturizes the skin, makes it elastic and smooth, and gives you a feeling of comfort for 24 hours. Contains a protective natural phytocomplex with NUTRILITE™ acerola cherry extract, white chia and pomegranate seeds from NUTRILITE™ farms, blue agave, rice protein.

    ARTISTRY SKIN NUTRITION™ moisturizing eye cream-gel gently cares for the delicate skin around the eyes: reduces signs of premature aging, relieves puffiness, and makes dark circles under the eyes less noticeable. Key ingredients: white chia seed extract and pomegranate from NUTRILITE™ farms, quinoa seeds. The product does not contain fragrances. The gel is suitable for those who wear contact lenses. Moisturizing facial lotion with sun filter SPF 30 UVA/UVB PA++++ ARTISTRY SKIN NUTRITION™ is perfectly absorbed, instantly moisturizes and strengthens the skin, protects against UV radiation, and helps prevent the appearance of signs of photoaging, including fine lines, dullness and uneven tone. Prepares skin for makeup application. Contains white chia and pomegranate seed extract grown on NUTRILITE™ farms, red algae, carnosine.

    Dry or dehydrated: what's the difference?

    Have you noticed many signs of dry skin? Don't rush to diagnose yourself. Many people confuse dry skin with dehydrated skin. But they are fundamentally different from each other.

    Both oily skin and normal skin can be dehydrated. When the skin is dehydrated, it behaves as if PMS has overtaken it:

    • Dry and oily at the same time.

    Moisture begins to evaporate when the lipid layer is broken. Our body immediately activates the border guard sebum. It turns on the sebaceous glands at full power, and you become like an oily pancake. As a result, you get such a vinaigrette of consequences: tightness and itching, oily shine, enlarged pores and rashes.

    • Mood color: dull

    The skin stops getting rid of dead cells. Do you remember that all efforts are made to protect, not to renew?

    • Gets irritated over trifles

    The sebaceous glands cannot cope with protection. Therefore, the skin becomes sensitive and very capricious. If she begins to react to her usual care with irritation, this is the first sign of dehydration.

    Features of seasonal skin care

    The key to freshness and tone without dryness lies in daily care, selected according to the time of year.

    Winter care

    The main difference between this period is the strong temperature changes. It's cold and windy outside, but the air inside is hot. Dry skin becomes even more dehydrated and requires intensive care:

    • pay attention to intensive nutrition;
    • apply the cream 30-40 minutes before leaving the house;
    • To avoid allergic reactions, use cosmetics from the same manufacturer.

    Caring for dry skin in spring and autumn

    In autumn, the skin still suffers from increased dryness after the hot summer. In addition, it needs to be prepared for the upcoming cold weather. Therefore, in the fall, nourishing and moisturizing products are suitable for the face. In early spring, wind and occasional frost still persist, so intensive protection comes first. You can use products with a light texture.

    Features of care in summer

    Ultraviolet radiation has the main effect on the skin in summer. Therefore, special attention should be paid to creams and lotions with sun protection factor. For short stays outdoors, products with SPF 15 are suitable. For prolonged exposure to the sun, protection with SPF 30 or higher is recommended. Moisturizing facial lotion with sunscreen SPF 30 UVA/UVB PA++++ ARTISTRY SKIN NUTRITIONTM is a good choice.

    Here are some tips on how to use sunscreen:

    • apply it at least 20 minutes before going outside;
    • use after base cream;
    • update protection every 3-4 hours;
    • on the beach, renew after every swim.


    The key step in daily care and cleansing of dry skin is to moisturize it. For dry skin, be sure to choose lotions that are quickly absorbed and create a protective barrier on the skin.

    The cream is applied to the skin in a thin layer.

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