Facial skin care after 25 years - rules, stages, advice from a cosmetologist

Most women introduce special facial skin care into their lives after 25 years, since this age threshold is the beginning of the appearance of the first signs of aging. And this is correct - after all, cosmetic products need to be selected strictly according to the needs of the epidermis, and not “at random”.

So that in a few years you don’t have to fight wrinkles and other age-related problems, find out what should definitely be on your cosmetic shelf!

Not everyone knows that age-related changes in the skin begin to occur at such an early age. Surely, you used to get by with just washing your face with foam and applying any cream. Now the time for carelessness is behind us! But don't worry! If you choose the right skin care products, then daily skin care will become a pleasant practice for you, which will allow you to notice bright positive changes.

Children's skin (from 0 to 10-12 years):

Thin and vulnerable, it does not protect as well as adult skin from germs and toxins.


Timely cleansing and protection from adverse factors. Children's cosmetics should include natural plant extracts (chamomile, calendula, string, aloe) and oils (almond, jojoba), panthenol, zinc oxide. Thanks to these components, baby care cosmetics protect the child from an aggressive microbial environment, moisturize and soothe.

Neck laxity

The main signs of neck aging are:

  • the appearance of wrinkles on the neck - “rings of Venus” (for more information about the “rings of Venus” see here);
  • decreased skin elasticity;
  • platysma bands.

A universal method for correcting age-related changes in the neck is biorevitalization. The technique provides instant results and a long-lasting rejuvenation effect. As a result, tissues are tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the water balance in the deep layers of the skin is restored. Compositions with hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, and amino acids are widely used.

Adolescence (from 10-12 to 18 years):

Due to hormonal changes, the sebaceous glands begin to actively grow and work, resulting in rashes (from single to multiple) appearing on the skin of the face.


Proper cleansing of facial skin: washing with special products (milk, gel, cosmetic soap) that gently cleanse the skin without causing overdrying or changing the pH of the skin. Be sure to use tonic. It helps remove residual tap water, and also has a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect (due to plant extracts of camphor, rosemary, tea tree oil, AHA acids), and restores skin pH. Cleansing must be carried out 2 times a day - morning and evening. In most cases, this is enough to properly restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands. When acne develops, special serums, masks, and disinfectants are used. In this case, the help of a dermatocosmetologist is necessary - facial cleansing is carried out, and special medications are prescribed.

Stage 2 - hydration/nutrition

This stage is the final stage of daily care. It is very important to choose the right creams for yourself. After all, a rich nourishing cream applied to combination skin can easily clog pores and provoke inflammation. Always try to choose products that contain ingredients without artificial colors or fragrances.

The main cream for people aged 20-25 is still a moisturizer. Nourishing creams will be an addition to basic care. Again, remember to choose a cream that suits your skin. Normal skin will not need extra strong hydration and nutrition, so creams with a light texture are suitable for it. Dry skin, on the contrary, needs more intense hydration, so the creams will be especially rich in moisturizing elements. For oily skin, hydration and nutrition are also necessary. Many people think that if the skin is already constantly oily and shiny, then it doesn’t need creams; they will only make things worse. No! This kind of skin just needs special care. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to light creams with a sebum-regulating effect that mask oily shine. If you have problem skin, accompanied by constant inflammation, acne, and are afraid to use anything, then you should consult a specialist.

Young skin (from 18 to 25 years):

The skin is well moisturized, there is sufficient skin turgor.


Proper cleansing and protection from external influences. Cleansing involves the use of milk and tonic depending on the skin type, as well as a daily moisturizer with a protection factor; in winter, cryoprotectors are used. Salon procedures include facial cleansing, depending on skin type, it is possible to use moisturizing treatments (masks), as well as treatment for problem skin. In case of pronounced facial expressions, botulinum toxin can be used.

Unfortunately, after 25 years, the aging process begins in our body. Outwardly, its signs are not yet noticeable, but do not forget about this and after 25 years you need to pay more attention to your skin, even in the absence of problems, home care is no longer enough, you need to supplement your skin care with salon treatments

Advice from cosmetologists on skin care after 25 years

Check out the tips from cosmetologists on facial care after 25, which are used by many women.

Strict adherence to these recommendations will allow you to remain young and attractive for many years to come:

  1. Include moisturizing and nourishing products in your care, this will stop moisture loss;
  2. Protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation. UV rays dry out the skin and cause age spots to appear;
  3. Use cosmetic oils or cosmetics based on them for care, they will help restore the lipid barrier. Choose oils that are high in fatty acids;
  4. Moisturize your face with thermal water. This will prevent the appearance of redness and irritation;
  5. Watch your facial expressions. With high activity of facial expressions, wrinkles form on the face of even young girls.

Important to know: Dry skin shows age-related changes much earlier. If your skin is naturally dry, pay attention to its nutrition.

Facial skin care at 25 years old is based on these simple rules. In addition to caring procedures, do not forget to replenish your body with moisture in the form of drinking plenty of fluids. Drink up to 2 liters of water per day.

To properly care for your skin, consider your skin type. To do this, blot your face with a napkin 2-3 hours after applying cream or makeup.

Care for combination skin after 25 years

Improper care for combination skin can cause T-zone inflammation or dry cheeks. To maintain combination skin in a healthy state, follow these rules:

  1. Use scrubs to remove dirt and dead skin cells. Apply products to areas with high oil content;
  2. Care should consist of three steps - cleansing, toning, moisturizing;
  3. Buy cosmetics that contain sage, calendula, chamomile, plantain and zinc - this will help reduce oily skin and relieve inflammation;
  4. In summer, care for oily skin after 25 becomes more active, as the secretion of sweat and sebum increases. Use a special gel or foam for washing 2 times a day. Cleanse your skin with a scrub twice a week, apply products with a drying and anti-inflammatory effect to your face every day.

We advise you to learn more about caring for normal and combination skin! Especially the last type requires the implementation of special rules and recommendations.

Dry skin care

After twenty-five years, dry skin becomes even drier, cracks and creases appear on it, which leads to the formation of deep wrinkles.

Proper facial skin care at this age consists of:

  • using alcohol-free cosmetics;
  • cleansing the skin with milk - it nourishes and moisturizes the dry epidermis better than other products;
  • Using oils at night and in the morning – be sure to apply moisturizer and serum.

Cosmetologist's advice: Dry skin needs to be nourished and moisturized at night. In the evening, at least 30 minutes before bed, apply oil to your face along the massage lines.

Care for problem skin after 25

Skin problems also occur in women after the age of twenty-five. In the combination type, sebum production in some areas is increased, which creates an environment for bacteria to multiply and acne to appear. Treat your face with antibacterial, alcohol-free solutions to avoid inflammation and also make your skin more matte.

Caring for problem skin should also consist of three steps: cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Additionally, you can use a mattifying cream, but alternate its use with a moisturizer.

Cosmetologist's advice! AHA and BHA acids are also suitable for problem skin. They narrow enlarged pores and even out the texture. Use acids in the form of masks or tonics; they are also included in day creams and night serums.

Care for normal skin

It is not difficult to care for the normal type after 25 years. Maintenance is minimal, no need to overload it with cosmetics. Follow the recommendations:

  1. In the morning and evening before bed, wash your face with foam for your age type;
  2. After twenty-five - and at 26, and 28, and 29 years old, apply cream to a cleansed face in the morning. It should not be greasy, it is better to use products with a liquid texture;
  3. Instead of toner, wipe your face with ice. You can freeze a decoction of chamomile or mint in cubes to tone and improve blood circulation every morning;
  4. Fat creams are not your case, even at night! Before bed, use light moisturizing serums or oils once a week.

Age 25-35 years:

The initial signs of aging appear (expression wrinkles in the eye area, forehead, decreased skin turgor), the skin type may change (for example, it was prone to oiliness, it has become normal), and the initial signs of changes in the oval of the face.

During this period, regular professional care and mandatory home care become important.

Professional care includes: laser facial rejuvenation, micro-resurfacing, biorevitalization, non-injection mesotherapy, superficial peelings, various professional masks: collagen, alginate, etc. Professional procedures are carried out in a course 1-2 times a year. As maintenance procedures, professional masks are performed once every 2-3 weeks.

What is important at age 40+

A period when it is necessary to take all changes in the condition of the dermis very seriously. There are already more wrinkles, signs of sagging and decreased elasticity appear. The oval and terrain may change for the worse. Pimples and acne at this age are extremely rare, most likely due to the use of certain medications and poor diet. Therefore, maximum attention should be directed to reducing age-related changes.

How to take care of the face of 40-year-old people:

  1. All measures preceding this period must be activated. This includes cleansing, moisturizing and protecting. You need to stay in the sun as little as possible.
  2. The epidermis is not able to retain enough moisture, so it requires help - hydration from the inside and outside.
  3. The same goes for nutrition. These are not just healthy products, but also products rich in substances necessary to preserve youth - Omega-3, amino acids and fatty acids.
  4. It is very important to ensure proper rest - get enough sleep, and feel energetic and cheerful in the morning.

At this age, the help of a professional cosmetologist is invaluable. There are many methods - a specialist will help you choose the optimal rejuvenation complex and give recommendations for care. Treatments for youthful skin may include mesotherapy, hyaluronic acid injections, and the use of laser techniques.

Age 35-45 years:

Noticeable changes in the skin around the eyes, excess skin around the eyelids, and swelling of the eyelids appear. Neck skin – the first wrinkles and folds appear, and with excess weight and a “double chin”, the depth and expressiveness of the nasolabial folds increases, and the oval of the face changes.

However, all these changes are quantitative, not qualitative. Therefore, with proper cosmetic care, a woman’s appearance may not differ much from her photographs ten years ago.

Professional care includes: laser facial rejuvenation, micro-resurfacing, biorevitalization, non-injection mesotherapy, superficial peelings, the use of botulinum toxin, various professional masks: collagen, alginate, as well as non-surgical face lifting, ligature lifting, contour plastic surgery.

Home care must be regular: proper cleansing of the skin, the use of active serums, anti-aging creams, creams and masks around the eyes, and the mandatory use of masks in home care.

Flat forehead

Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead are removed using botulinum therapy. But regular injections can lead to atrophy of the fat layer, and the forehead will lose volume and become completely smooth. It seems, how can a flat forehead without wrinkles age? However, it changes the entire face pattern and makes it look older.

The deficiency is eliminated by introducing fillers with hyaluronic acid. This procedure can only be entrusted to professionals, especially if you are prone to swelling. The doctor accurately determines the areas and the required volume of the drug.

Age 45-55 years:

The changes characteristic of the previous period are increasing and aggravating. In addition, many women experience problems related to hormonal status, for example, hair growth on the upper lip. Microcirculatory disorders lead to vascular manifestations - rosacea, spider veins, telangiectasias.

During this period, in addition to regular professional and home care, a consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist is required to determine the hormonal status and the possibility of its correction. Anti-aging drip infusions are also relevant, with the correction of microcirculatory disorders, restoration of liver function, and antioxidant effects.

What is important at 50+

The age of menopause in women, which is accompanied by changes in hormonal levels. Insufficient estrogen production leads to rapid aging of the dermis. Cells recover much more slowly, and the pH level changes. At this age, a woman should have at her disposal a whole arsenal of skincare products marked 50+ and with the following properties:

  • hydration;
  • cleansing;
  • nutrition;
  • tightening – lifting effect;
  • protection;
  • regeneration.

The help of a professional cosmetologist plays a huge role. At 50+, it is almost impossible to restore the contours and elasticity of the skin on your own. In this case, rejuvenation is carried out using contour plastic surgery, thread lifting, laser and injection cosmetology.

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