Proper facial skin care up to 25 years. Why is it important?

All girls have probably heard since childhood that you need to use special creams no earlier than 25 years old, and many begin to take this information too literally. At 18-20 years old, you somehow don’t think much about how you will look in old age or even in 10 years. After all, at this age, the skin is elastic, soft, has an even radiant shade and without much effort in care. And if you think that it is too early to start taking care of your face, then you are mistaken. Already at 20 years old, you should take your skin more seriously in order to preserve it and maintain youth. In this article we will talk about the features of caring for young skin up to 25 years old.

The first thing you need to start with is determining your skin type. Almost all of us know that there are four of them: normal, dry, oily and combination. Why determine your skin type and why is this the first item in care? Because each case has its own individual care, special products that will help solve the problems of only a certain skin type, and they will be absolutely useless for another type, at best, and can even be harmful, at worst. Therefore, you should not neglect these points, but you should contact a cosmetology specialist or dermatologist for advice. Or do it yourself, based on the following simple characteristics:

Normal skin

This type of skin can only be found in absolutely healthy people, which is very, very rare. Normal, healthy skin is smooth and elastic. It is free of oily shine, acne, black or white spots (types of acne), and enlarged pores. One can only envy the owners of such skin. This type of skin tolerates both heat and cold well. Almost any external factors are not scary for its owner.

Dry skin

A distinctive feature of this skin type is that it often experiences peeling and allergic reactions. But all these signs are possible only after exposure to external factors: sun, wind, water and others. When washing with soap and water, a feeling of tightness occurs, then peeling begins. Allergic reactions are accompanied by severe itching. This type of skin is very problematic and requires special and proper care.

Oily skin

This skin type can be easily distinguished by its oily sheen. Severely enlarged pores, blackheads and pimples are also noticeable. This skin type is more susceptible to various inflammations and irritations than others. But despite this, oily skin has a positive property: over the years, its structure becomes better, and wrinkles form on it later than on other skin types.

Mixed skin type (combination)

This skin type is very often forgotten, although it is not that rare. With a mixed type, in different areas there is excessive dryness around the eyes, temples, cheeks, while the nose and chin will have an oily sheen. Care should be separate, that is, for certain areas it is worth using products intended for different skin types.

Now let's look at the stages of care according to skin types.

Beauty and youth: facial skin care at 20 years old

Beauty and youth: facial skin care at 20 years old
Young skin needs special care. The necessary tips, tools and procedures are in our review.

skin care, young skin

At the age of 20, girls’ facial skin “behaves” differently: some still struggle with acne, while others have practically no problems. At this age, it is too early to begin active prevention of wrinkles, however, such imperfections in appearance as acne, peeling, redness and freckles can significantly ruin your mood. Skin care at this age should maintain its youth, health and beauty, and the sooner you start it, the fewer problems you will have to deal with in the future.

Should I run to the salon for treatments at 23?

There is no need to run. But it's worth going.

Yes, yes, people turn to a cosmetologist not only for beauty injections. Consultation, determination of skin type, selection of care - this is not an excess.

As for procedures, young skin does not need them (if it is not problematic). You can treat yourself to a massage from a professional or a moisturizing mask . Masks with seaweed or minerals can heal your skin and saturate it with minerals.

To get additional clients, cosmetologists offer facial cleansing to almost everyone. There is no consensus among experts about the undoubted benefits of this procedure for any girl.

The fact is that the technology allows exposure to the skin for no longer than 12 minutes. For heavily contaminated skin, this time is not enough.

There are two ways out: either the procedure is not completed completely (then what is the point of it?), or allow the barrier function of the skin to be impaired (which will subsequently lead to a decrease in its immunity).

A good alternative is regular use of Desquacream from Sothys.

Ultrasonic cleaning would be appropriate .


To cleanse the skin at the age of 20, you should choose mild products or those with a small content of salicylic acid, which helps to effectively fight inflammation and prevent its occurrence. It is necessary to cleanse the skin at least 2 times a day - morning and evening, regardless of whether decorative cosmetics were used or not.

Option: Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Anti-Blemish Cleanser from Neutrogena (estimated cost: RUB 800); Red Rice Purifying Rice Toner from L'Occitane (estimated cost: RUB 1,139); Stay clear deep cleansing lotion from Clearasil (estimated cost - 139 rubles).

Using masks

In addition to daily care, the skin requires additional care in the form of masks or serums. You should not abuse such drugs, once or twice a week is enough. Excessive use of masks can lead to the opposite effect.

By the way, this does not apply to folk beauty recipes. You can use them much more often. If you have dry skin, then use moisturizing and softening masks; if you have oily skin, you can use moisturizing and cleansing masks.

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The moisturizer should be non-greasy so as not to clog pores, and also contain antioxidants, vitamins and sunscreens. It is necessary to moisturize the skin of the face and neck daily. At this age, the skin retains its natural radiance, so it is not necessary to use more active products.

Option: moisturizing smoothing cream Aquasource Skin Perfection from Biotherm (estimated cost - 2200 rubles); intensively moisturizing cream-gel for all skin types Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief from Clinique (estimated cost - 1,500 rubles); moisturizing cream-care 24 hours Aqualia Thermal from Vichy (estimated cost - 690 rubles).

General recommendations

The first thing you need to know is your skin type, so it will be easier to choose a care complex. A healthy lifestyle is beneficial for the whole body, and for the epidermis and hair in particular. At any age, proper care is necessary, but it is also important to understand what to do at different times of the year: how to care for your face in winter, in hot weather, in rainy weather, and so on.

Modern techniques in aesthetic medicine make it possible to maintain youth for a long time. Innovative technologies are used at the DOCTOR DENT clinic. Cosmetology". Thanks to the high professionalism of our doctors, patients of the medical center always receive qualified care. And the ultra-modern laser equipment of the Candela brand allows you to effectively and painlessly carry out skin healing and rejuvenation procedures.

UV protection

In summer, you should also buy a separate face product with a protection factor of 15 to 30 SPF, which will protect the skin from photoaging, pigmentation and prevent the appearance of early wrinkles. It should be applied to the skin 20-30 minutes before going outside - both in sunny and cloudy weather, since ultraviolet rays can even pass through clouds.

Option: sunscreen for the face Anthelios 50+ XL Fluide Extreme from La Roche Posay (estimated cost - 860 rubles); sunscreen for the face Reponse Soleil Sun Protection Cream For Face SPF 20 from Matis (estimated cost - 1000 rubles); sunscreen face cream Ambre Solaire SPF 15 from Garnier (estimated cost - 350 rubles).

Caring for the skin around the eyes

In addition, you need to take care of the skin around the eyes. The skin in this area is very thin and delicate, so it is necessary to use a cream or gel with UV filters, which will eliminate bruises and bags under the eyes, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and protect the skin around the eyes from ultraviolet radiation.

Option: intensive moisturizing cream for the skin around the eyes Arctic Aqua from Lumene (estimated cost - 150 rubles); Beaute Initiale Eye gel for the skin around the eyes from Chanel (estimated cost - 3,000 rubles); skin cream around the eyes Skin Caviar Luxe Eye Lift Cream from La Prairie (estimated cost - 10,500 rubles).


Twice a week you should do a gentle exfoliation using a scrub with fine abrasive particles. Apply it with light massage movements and then rinse with cool water. Peeling will help get rid of keratinized particles of the epidermis, and massage will improve blood microcirculation, which will give the skin radiance and a beautiful shade.

Option: face scrub “Pine nuts and Ussuri hops” from Green Mama (estimated cost - 182 rubles); ultra-soft foam facial scrub Gommage Visage from Melvita (estimated cost - 700 rubles); Naturals face scrub “Pomegranate” from Avon (estimated cost - 180 rubles).

Basic principles of proper care

Despite the peculiarities for each age, the concept of preserving youthful skin is always the same:

  • complete hydration;
  • timely cleansing;
  • toning;
  • nutrition and use of products with beneficial micro- and macroelements;
  • ensuring the preservation of elasticity;
  • protection from harmful influences.

It is very important to monitor not only the condition of the epidermis, but also its health. If there are signs of even the slightest bacterial or infectious process, you must contact a cosmetologist. Scheduled examinations twice a year will help you get an idea of ​​proper care - a specialist will tell you what you can use and when, how to take care of your face after the summer and cold seasons, and how to keep your skin youthful and healthy.

Skin care routines in your 20s

To maintain the beauty of young skin, you can do various cosmetic procedures both at home and in the salon. The simplest and most affordable of them are natural face masks and peelings, which should be done no more than 1-2 times a week. You can prepare these products yourself from existing products or buy them at a store or pharmacy.

Among salon cosmetic procedures, you should try superficial chemical peeling or mesopeeling using glycolic acid: these procedures will make the skin smooth and radiant. Cleansing your skin will help get rid of blackheads and clear pores. And cryotherapy using liquid nitrogen can solve many problems: acne, inflammation, age spots and many other defects.

For the health and beauty of the skin at a young age, it is especially important to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle, including a full 8-hour sleep, walks in the fresh air and physical activity.

Elena Kobozeva, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist: “At the age of 20, many girls continue to struggle with the manifestations of acne, which began in adolescence: blackheads, inflammatory elements, oily skin. In addition to drug treatment, it is very important to choose competent home care to keep your skin healthy and attractive. It is worth paying attention to pharmacy cosmetics lines for problem skin, as they contain the optimal concentration of active ingredients (for example, Avene, La Roche-Posay, Uriage). Those who have avoided skin problems should ensure that they are maintained in the same condition. To do this, you must not forget about cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Cosmetics should not contain anti-aging components (for example, liposomes).”

Author: Katerina Kapustina
The material uses photographs belonging to

Third stage

Next, I would like to dwell on additional care - the use of masks. In principle, they are not a prerequisite for caring for young skin, since basic products at this age are quite enough for it. But if you want to additionally “feed” your skin with nutrients, then you can use masks, again, choosing them correctly for yourself. It is enough to make a mask once a week, and after it you can apply a nourishing cream. There are some other details that are worth paying attention to. It must be remembered that a girl’s face includes both the face itself and the eyes, ears, neck, and décolleté area. Therefore, all stages of care should apply to them. The area around the eyes requires special care. You should not use the same products here as you would on your entire face. This area has very thin, sensitive skin that requires delicate handling, therefore, products must be selected separately.

We talked about the stages of care, now we should talk about the products themselves, namely their composition. This is a very important detail! Girls should pay attention to it when choosing products. Now there is a lot of information about harmful substances in cosmetics, so it will not be difficult to make yourself a little reminder about what should not be in cosmetic products or the content of these substances should be strictly limited. After all, using such cosmetics at this age can cause serious harm to the skin. This is especially true for cheap cosmetics and mass market cosmetics. A very affordable price attracts customers, and beautiful words on the packaging about the results of use will definitely encourage them to make a purchase. You should not unfoundedly believe advertising, but you need to accustom yourself to constantly study the composition and only after that decide on purchasing the product. Also, many girls tend to buy a product just because it is produced by a famous brand, so to speak, to follow fashion trends. These are also wrong actions. After all, these companies pay more attention to the development of the brand and its promotion than to improving the quality of the cosmetics they produce. Do not be afraid to buy products from companies unknown to you just because they are not talked about in the media. Perhaps their compositions deserve your attention!

A lot has been said in the article above about cosmetic care. But there is another, no less important component of the health of young skin - lifestyle. What it is like for you determines your internal state of the body. But all the problems inside you are perfectly reflected on the skin. Metabolic disorders, consumption of sweets, especially in large quantities, insufficient amount of clean water consumed, consumption of various dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers, etc. in food, alcohol, cigarettes, lack of sleep - the causes of poor skin, acne, dryness and early wrinkles . Not a single cream, even a very expensive one, can save your skin if you don’t “put things in order” in your body! Therefore, it is worth following some rules.

  1. Drink enough clean water (one of the reasons for dry skin is a lack of water in the body).
  2. You need to get enough sleep (during sleep, the skin is restored).
  3. Put less stress on your body.
  4. Try to eat healthy and regularly (study the composition of food products, as well as the composition of cosmetics, study information about harmful substances in food).
  5. You need to quit smoking (is there any need for comments here!!!).
  6. Limit your alcohol consumption if you cannot give it up completely, and also try to choose quality products.

The issue of a healthy lifestyle is perceived quite painfully by many girls, because at this age you don’t want to limit yourself to anything, you want to walk until the morning, eat various goodies, drink alcohol at various holidays, parties, etc. You need to understand that no one is against fun, various nightly gatherings, that you need to at least sometimes please yourself with something tasty. The main thing is that all this should be in moderation and not go beyond what is reasonable. Various festivities were beautiful and fun, and did not turn into drunken brawl and debauchery. After all, a girl is a beautiful creature! And everything around her should be beautiful!

In conclusion, I would like to say that you need to take care of yourself and your body from a young age, then you and your skin will definitely thank yourself later!

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