From rejuvenation to fighting cancer: the secrets of homeopathy

Modern homeopathy in cosmetology

Tamara KORCHEVAYA Candidate of Medical Sciences

Over the 200 years of its existence, homeopathy has experienced different periods - from ups to downs. At the moment, it is in an active period of “scientific Renaissance”. The basis of success in the art of healing lies not in the strict opposition of one treatment method to another, but in their reasonable use together. In recent years, interest in homeopathy as an effective and harmless method of treating many diseases has increased sharply. Homeopathy is a special form of medicinal regulatory therapy, which in ultra-small doses stimulates and normalizes the body's defenses. This explains its effectiveness in treating chronic diseases, as well as in preventing early aging and skin aging.

UNFORTUNATELY, conventional classical medicine cannot treat all chronic diseases. Therefore, the patient will only benefit from a skillful combination of these two methods. This is also justified by the fact that homeopathic medicines are compatible with almost all pharmaceuticals and, moreover, can enhance their effect, helping to optimize treatment and sometimes reduce their dose.

Unlike herbal medicine, medicinal raw materials for homeopathy are obtained not only from plants, but also from animals and minerals. The main feature lies in a special technique for processing the raw material, its subsequent grinding and dilution, when, with a gradual decrease in the dose, the active principle is simultaneously extracted with an increase in its activity, the so-called potentiation.

The emergence of homotoxicology in Russia, which can be considered as a modern branch of classical homeopathy, played a significant role in the development of domestic homeopathy. It is homotoxicology that can be the link between traditional medicine and homeopathy.

The relationship between the skin and internal organs

The action of classical homeopathy and modern homotoxicology preparations has interesting properties, in particular, selectivity in relation to individual organs or entire systems. There are triple (related) drugs for the venous, lymphatic systems, lungs, skin, connective tissue, etc. Therefore, by using, for example, a medicine for connective tissue, we improve the condition of the body in many directions at once: we improve skin turgor, strengthen the ligamentous apparatus and the walls of blood vessels.

There is a close connection between the skin and internal organs. A diseased organ releases toxic metabolic products - waste products (toxins) into the blood and lymph. Through lymphatic and blood vessels, toxins are discharged into certain “foci” on the skin, mucous membrane, and lymphoid tissue, that is, they are removed from the body to the outside.

This manifests itself differently in each person: on the skin side - peeling, redness, itching, acne, etc.; from the mucous membrane - rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis; from the lymphoid tissue - tonsillitis. With a significant accumulation of toxins, adenoids, polyps, fibroids, cysts, and periodontal granulomas are formed. All these formations are a consequence of the body's attempts to localize and remove toxins. And while the body succeeds, the initial stages of diseases of the internal organs are asymptomatic, manifesting only as secondary focal symptoms, which bother the person. Hence, in particular, problematic skin, its early aging and fading. Therefore, external medications, cosmetic creams, physiotherapy, and massage used separately do not solve the skin problem. Dietary vitamin supplements improve metabolism and may reduce the formation of toxins. But this is not enough. It is known that all diseases are characterized by a large number of pathological protein elements, which are formed as a result of the death of microbes, phagocytes, and the breakdown of blood cells. These elements are like the body’s own toxins (endotoxins). Blood and lymph collect these harmful breakdown products and carry them to the liver for neutralization. If there are a lot of toxins or the liver function is weakened, then they accumulate in the blood, organs, and skin. In addition, harmful toxic substances enter the human body from the environment with water and food (exotoxins).

There are many ways to cleanse the body of endo- and exotoxins, but they have a common principle: open the excretory tract and closed capillaries, improve lymphatic drainage.

Homeopathy and dermatocosmetology

All previous years of practical activity, I had a wary attitude towards homeopathy. Firstly, this discipline was not only not taught at the medical institute, but it was not even mentioned. Secondly, while dealing with the problem of acne, I came across many patients for whom homeopaths not only did not help, but, as it seemed to me, worsened the course of the disease.

In search of the causes of severe forms of acne and improving methods for identifying metabolic disorders, I became acquainted with a very interesting method of drug testing using biologically active points on the skin. To do this I needed to study homeopathy. In order for a doctor to believe in a method or drug, he must be able to help the most severe patient who is resistant to classical therapy. I will give an example from a medical history - my first experience of treatment with homeopathy. Patient T. came to a dermatological appointment with a complaint of a formation in the perineum, which in appearance looked like a medium-sized head of cauliflower. Cryotherapy, diathermocoagulation, lubrication of condylomas with Feresol had no effect. After the crusts fell off, the “cauliflower” quickly grew to its original level. This patient's increased sensitivity to pain did not allow removal of condylomas over a large area. I canceled the useless treatment and prescribed a course of homeopathy, which included Thuja DB. After 1 month, the patient came for a follow-up examination: both the skin and mucous membranes in the perineum were perfectly clean. No surgeries! It turned out that homeopathy copes well not only with condylomas, but also with warts. General treatment is prescribed if the warts are multiple, recurrent, flat, plantar callous or periungual, that is, usually in cases where only one removal is not effective, since the formation of warts and the activation of the warty virus is based on metabolic disorders. It is interesting that in homeopathy the choice of drug even depends on the localization of the process (the dorsum of the hand or palm, the plantar surface or the periungual surface, etc.). It is better to combine the use of drugs with the removal of formations with liquid nitrogen, although the effect is observed only from general treatment, but at a slower rate.

But such a magical cure with homeopathy for papillomas (elongated small thread-like formations on the neck, in the armpits, under the mammary glands, on the eyelids) does not happen. In this case, the best method remains current removal - diathermocoaulation - quickly and without scars.

Homeopathy and acne

The study of the therapeutic effect of homeopathic medicines in the treatment of acne has progressed with great difficulty. Homeopathy reference books provide a huge list of monomedicines that are recommended for seborrhea and acne. The experience of using modern homeopathic complexes that developer companies recommended for the treatment of acne is interesting. Observations showed that some complex drugs caused a deterioration of the skin process, the so-called homeopathic exacerbation, which was stopped with great difficulty. This was accompanied by active dissatisfaction from our patients, who, of course, expected a quick effect.

As a result of the research, it became clear that in patients with skin manifestations of the disease, treatment should be carried out in stages, to gradually remove endotoxins and direct them through natural excretion routes: intestines, kidneys, liver. Since we are talking about patients with problem skin, it is necessary to minimize the release of toxins through the skin so as not to cause worsening of the local process: inflammation, irritation.

Therefore, at the first stage of treatment, so-called soft homeopathy is used. This is usually a symptomatic treatment to relieve itching, redness, reduce swelling, and inflammation. The effect comes quickly. This is similar to the symptomatic approach in traditional medicine (analgin for headaches, tavegil for itching). But the effect is more complex and long-lasting, since the detoxification process has begun, lymphatic drainage of tissues is stimulated, etc.

Homeopathic complex preparations

The leading drug at the initial stage of acne treatment is Traumeel - a complex of 14 homeopathic remedies, which can be in tablets, drops or ampoules for injection. It has anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, regenerating, anti-exudative, analgesic, and improving vascular microcirculation effects, which is important for inflammation. Drug testing of the drug "Traumel" showed its good tolerability in 85-90% of patients, which corresponded to the clinical effect. Already a week after the start of treatment, the inflammatory phenomena decreased so much that it was possible to begin therapeutic cosmetic procedures. The duration of taking Traumeel depended on the form of the disease and usually averaged 2-4 weeks. Lubricating acne with Traumeel ointment gave a less pronounced effect. It was successfully used to heal crusts after acne trauma - this reduced hyperemia, swelling, pain, and improved epithelization.

The second stage of acne treatment, like the subsequent ones, is more individual, since the drugs are selected taking into account the concomitant pathology of the internal organs.

Currently, thanks to the advent of antihomotoxic drugs, it has become possible to improve the quality of treatment at the final stages of acne therapy. The action of these drugs is aimed at normalizing the functioning of individual organs and enzyme systems. Thus, almost all diseases require drainage drugs, the main of which is Lymphomyosot compositum, which simultaneously increases the functional activity of the thymus and thyroid gland. Therefore, Lymphomyosot is also indicated in the treatment of premature aging and cellulite. If acne is accompanied by symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis - hyperemia, peeling in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, brow ridges - then these phenomena are relieved with a drug that improves the function of the liver and gall bladder - "Hepel" (in tablets), or a domestic drug similar in action - "Edes" 113" (in drops).

A good effect on acne in the second and third stages of treatment was observed after taking Edas 110: the appearance of new acne lesions is stopped and skin flaking is eliminated. When acne occurs with the formation of bright red hemorrhagic bloody crusts, Lachesis is indispensable here. In particular, it is included in Edas 117, which is used to treat the nasopharynx, which in itself is important, for the rehabilitation of concomitant foci of chronic infection in acne.

Another important effect of homeopathic medicines was also actively manifested: acne was cured with virtually no scarring, and the quality of the skin even improved. Unfortunately, the old scars were eliminated very slowly, and their elimination required the use of surgical methods.

When prescribing homeopathic complexes, it is possible to reduce or eliminate the use of antibiotics or other pharmaceuticals. This is all the more important because when treating acne, the effect of antibiotics is usually short-lived. Modern homeopathy allows you to treat acne, seborrhea and other dermatoses comprehensively, and not only with fewer side effects, but also with a general regulatory, strengthening effect on the entire body. Many homeopathic complexes are allowed to be used not only by homeopaths, but also by doctors of other specialties, since the annotations contain not only indications, but also clear instructions for use.

The prospects of homeopathy in cosmetology

It is well known that connective tissue plays a critical role in skin quality, strength, firmness and elasticity. Connective tissue cells in the skin carry out the formation of collagen, elastin, and provide conditions for the work of other main cells. During a pathological process in the body, connective tissue suffers first of all, since all toxic substances (exo- and endotoxins) accumulate in it.

Currently, thanks to the advent of homeopathic antitoxic drugs, a more complete cleansing of the connective tissue of the entire body and the skin in particular has become possible.

It is a pity that, having worked as a dermatologist for many years, I did not use the real possibilities of homeopathy to solve cosmetic problems. On the other hand, more than twenty years of scientific experience in cosmetology allows us to compare the effectiveness of old and new methods in terms of timing and quality of treatment. It is obvious that modern homeopathy creates additional opportunities for cleansing the skin from the inside, making it more susceptible to the action of external cosmetics and procedures. I think that the general interest of cosmetologists in homeopathy will reveal new prospects for the treatment of cosmetic diseases and care for the skin of the face and body. Together, this will allow cosmetology treatment centers and beauty salons to provide even more complete skin care and effective results in the fight against cosmetic defects.

Chapter 27. Homeopathic cosmetology

Chapter 27. Homeopathic cosmetology

Recently, HOMEOPATHIC COSMETOLOGY has been developing rapidly. First of all, I mean the intradermal (0.5 mm deep) administration of ampoule homeopathic preparations - mesotherapy cocktails. A cocktail is a complex mixture of INDIVIDUALLY selected “liquid” homeopathic medicines used topically. All your characteristics must be taken into account, a “homeopathic conversation” is carried out, but to a greater extent preference is given to drugs that will “work” well in THIS SPECIFIC case, on THIS skin, taking into account all its characteristics, and most importantly, problems. It is still not the “part-time worker” who does this, but a homeopathic doctor. (Since it had to be said, any homeopathic doctor first graduates from a medical institute - a medical or pediatric faculty, then a residency or internship, and only then “learning to be a homeopath” - courses, studying abroad (as a rule), “gaining” his personal experience , and necessarily in parallel - scientific work. So, all homeopaths are definitely DOCTORS, at least for “ours” - I vouch!).

So, what skin problems can be solved with the help of homeopathic mesotherapy? Very often in our skin - acne, acne, scars after “old” rashes - in general, all the “irregularities” of the skin texture. This is treated with specially prepared mixtures of injectable homeopathic drugs - each has its own drugs and its own regimen. Mesotherapy “sessions” are carried out once a week, but the results are visible after the second procedure. The course of treatment is usually 6-10 sessions. The “injections” themselves are practically painless, but when you see what results are achieved with their help, you no longer pay attention to the unpleasant sensations!

There are no contraindications or allergic reactions during mesotherapy, but the “indications” are very broad. Amazing results are obtained by homeopathic doctors for the treatment of “fading”, aging skin, for the fight against fine and deep wrinkles, “tightening”, “lifting” the double chin - a beautiful, “young” oval of the face is formed. This kind of mesotherapy is indicated for every woman after 35 years of age (and they are mainly treated with mesotherapy). They act at the cellular level, “stopping” time, and simply work wonders. Imagine - this is not just the most “effective” cream that reaches the deep layers of the skin by 3-5% (and, therefore, “works” with the same efficiency), it is the introduction of a “rejuvenating” drug DIRECTLY into the deep layers of the skin and creating a kind of "depot" for a week. Hence the POWER OF INFLUENCE of the drug. In general, the effect of “rejuvenation” is noticeable immediately (even if you do not use any medicinal drugs during mesotherapy, simply the phenomenon of “pricking” every square centimeter of skin with an empty needle is a powerful stimulus for the production of your own elastin and collagen). Imagine if you add powerful INDIVIDUAL homeopathy to this! The results are “visible” to everyone around you, and most importantly to you yourself, for six months, then the procedures must be repeated. But what can’t you do to “STOP TIME” - stay young and beautiful for a long time. A special program for “mesotherapeutic” combating age-related skin pigmentation has been developed and is successfully used - the “whitening” effect is noticeable from the second procedure. We have listed all the benefits of homeopathic mesotherapy with INDIVIDUAL cocktails in the face, neck, décolleté and hands.

The same “tasks” are set by homeopathic doctors who perform homeopathic mesotherapy on the body. Moreover, it’s surprising - every woman herself has long known all her “problem” places, she tries to somehow “hide, veil” them with the help of clothes, because general weight loss will not remove these features of the figure. And our doctor simply makes an “order”: please remove these “nasty” “breeches”, the stomach, this “piece of the back”, the sides of the buttocks. And a doctor can do it. He also first develops a program of action in each specific case, plans the alternation of 10-15 components replacing each other. The course of treatment is from 3 to 10 sessions.

When adding special homeopathic body wraps (gels, seaweed-based rubs) to mesotherapy, the program of which is also individually compiled - the results are simply stunning! This is not only the “leveling” of subcutaneous tissue from annoying “lumps” of cellulite, but also a strong tightening (“lifting”) effect, “erasing” of old “stretch marks”, scars, and most importantly a significant reduction in “volume”, overall weight loss

Homeopathic center Akonit-Gomeomed




Moscow, st. Bratislavskaya, 21 bldg. 1


From rejuvenation to fighting cancer: the secrets of homeopathy

Russians' interest in homeopathy is growing steadily. This area of ​​medicine is more than 200 years old, and, according to experts, during this time it has managed to prove its effectiveness. Preparations based on natural components are actively used both to strengthen the immune system and rejuvenate, and to alleviate the suffering of people with such serious diseases as oncology.

Natalia Zhuravleva, director of the Mandrake homeopathic pharmacy, spoke in an interview with EAN about what unique developments are presented in Yekaterinburg today and who they can help.

— Natalia Vasilyevna, Rosstat recently published data showing that last year 2% of Russians turned to alternative medicine during illness, which the department included homeopathy. In your opinion, are these real statistics?

- In my opinion, in reality there are many more such people. The Mandragora pharmacy is four years old, and every year the number of clients is steadily growing. Even people from other cities and regions contact us: for example, we sent parcels with drugs to Magnitogorsk and Tyumen.

Despite the fact that officially doctors now do not have the right to recommend homeopathic medicines, unofficially they advise them. For example, recently a young woman came to me and, when she showed her hands, she simply shocked me - she turned out to have severe dermatitis. The woman said that she spent a lot of money on treatment, but nothing helped, and in the end the doctor said: how much you can drink chemistry, now go to homeopaths. And we managed to help her.

Recently, more and more people are learning about homeopathy, reading information on the Internet and coming to us. People are tired of using chemicals when their kidneys, liver, and stomach suffer.

In the most extreme cases, homeopathy may not help, but it certainly won’t do any harm.

- Why then do scientists oppose it? We remember that in 2022, the Russian Academy of Sciences issued a memorandum on the exclusion of homeopathy from the country's healthcare system.

— Firstly, I want to say that only a group of scientists spoke out against it, which did not have the right to speak on behalf of the entire academy. Secondly, the memorandum is just a recommendation and nothing more. In my opinion, this is due to the fact that the war for the pharmaceutical market has begun. That is, people went to homeopaths, revenue from regular pharmacies began to fall, and it was decided to introduce such a memorandum.

If we recall history, homeopathy has remained a thorn in the side of official medicine since the beginning of the 19th century. In those days, official medicine was even more brutal than it is now. The drugs were more poisonous. For example, syphilis was treated with mercury and arsenic. Bloodletting was also common, and amputation was a routine procedure for surgeons. It is not surprising that patients began to prefer mild and harmless homeopathic medicines. And when it turned out that during the cholera epidemic in the middle of the century, homeopaths saved almost all of their patients, patented doctors became seriously worried: huge competition was on the horizon! And yet homeopathy has not only survived, but is confidently marching throughout the world.

By the way, the church also approves of it. For example, the Hieromartyr Seraphim (Chichagov) before accepting the priesthood was successfully engaged in medical practice and in 10 - 12 years he cured 20 thousand seriously ill patients with homeopathic remedies, whom other doctors had refused. And the Monk Gabriel, the elder of the Spaso-Eleazar Hermitage, gave drops and grains to the sick and cured many of serious and difficult diseases.

I myself was born in Moscow and from childhood I remember how many years ago my dad, who had health problems, bought these boxes with sugar grains. It helped him. Relatives from other cities also came to us to go to the homeopathic clinic, which was then on Old Arbat, and perhaps still exists.

Homeopathic medicines, just like conventional ones, have undergone clinical trials and received a state registration certificate from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. For absolutely every drug that is in our pharmacy, I can give a certificate with a blue seal.

Now we have only four homeopathic pharmacies in the Sverdlovsk region: three in Yekaterinburg and one in Verkhnyaya Pyshma. But, given the interest of people and the popularization of homeopathy, I am confident that this area will develop, and that homeopathy is the future. Already, many scientific seminars are being held when experts tell people about this science. For example, after one of these online conferences, several people came to our pharmacy at once and wanted to purchase “Bach Flowers,” and, as far as I know, they were satisfied with the drug.

— “Bach Flowers” ​​is a beautiful name. What kind of drug is this?

— These are drops made in Britain that help overcome negative feelings and emotions, cope with stress and emotional overload. They were invented more than 100 years ago by the master of medicine, the famous immunologist Edward Bach, who is also called the founder of the system of treatment with flower infusions.

There are 38 essences in total. One, for example, allows you to cope with absent-mindedness, the second - to overcome despair, the third - to get rid of self-criticism. Usually people choose three to five pieces, make a cocktail and drink.

There is also a “Rescue Remedy” complex, which is also called “first aid for stress.” I tested its effect personally on myself. A stressful situation occurred in my life; I could not cope with anxiety, anxiety, and nervous tension. I put four drops of this product under my tongue, and after 10 minutes I realized that I was free. This drug really helps to cope with psychosomatic pathologies.

— Natalya Vasilievna, your pharmacy also sells the antitumor drug “Alexinia.” Unfortunately, cancer is a very common disease today. What effect does this medicine have on people with cancer?

— A few words about history. In the 70s, Perm herbalist Alexey Pleshakov drew attention to the medicinal properties of peach leaves and based on them he created the drug “Olexin”. Its immunomodulatory and antitumor effect was proven by tests conducted at the Perm City Hospital. Patients suffering from stage III–IV cancer showed a significant improvement in their condition, pain decreased, appetite improved, and physical activity increased.

Later, Pleshakov, together with his Moscow colleagues, improved the recipe and developed a new drug, called “Alexinia”. This dietary supplement has other properties, including enhancing immunity.

I became acquainted with this drug several years before the pharmacy opened. My grandson was often sick in kindergarten, and we could not do anything about it. They recommended “Alexinia” to me, we brought it from Perm and began giving it to the child two drops at a time. After a while he stopped hurting completely.

For some time I forgot about this drug, but then people started calling us at the pharmacy asking for it, and at their request we organized a supply. For example, we have a client with stage 4 cancer who constantly buys it and says that it really improves her well-being and lifts her spirits. Although it may not completely eliminate the disease, it will at least significantly improve a person’s quality of life. At the moment, “Alexinia” is only available in Yekaterinburg, in “Mandrake”.

— A little about vitamins. Spring is in full swing - the time when many people catch a cold. What homeopathic remedies would you recommend to strengthen your immune system?

— Vitamins L-Carnitine, which are manufactured in Germany, are very popular among our customers. There are different complexes: Arnebia “24 complex” and a complex with B vitamins plus magnesium, for people experiencing heavy physical activity.

Of the domestic drugs, Virusept (manufactured in Pyatigorsk) is very effective. These are sugar granules made from herbs. During the peak of incidence - in spring and autumn - it is enough to drink one a day to avoid illness.

I would also like to draw your attention to Promegard capsules containing Omega-3 acids, which not only support the immune system, but also help normalize joint function and maintain the beauty of the skin.

— Nowadays there are a lot of products containing Omega-3 on the shelves of pharmacies. Why Promegard?

— They were developed by the Indian Oxford Laboratories specifically for the Russian market. Indian medicines and dietary supplements are famous for their very good quality. But the company was unable to promote them in the market of our country - it is necessary to invest in advertising, but this was not done. I bought all the unsold products from them; they were specially delivered from Moscow. Now this drug is only available in Mandrake.

As a rule, Omega-3 is quite expensive on the market. For example, one of the popular companies sells such a complex at a price of 3,500 rubles per package. “Promegard” costs 1,700 rubles, but there are much more active ingredients in the capsules. Our customers have already appreciated this, and now we are negotiating to continue cooperation with the Indian manufacturer.

By the way, the same company also produced the anti-aging complex “Bio Age”, but, as in the previous case, it was unable to create advertising and stopped supplies. And in Yekaterinburg we already have regular customers for these products. We are now negotiating with Oxford Laboratories to make Bio Age exclusively for us. This is truly an excellent anti-aging complex that slows down aging and reduces the risk of cancer.

— Natalia Vasilievna, your pharmacy offers a whole line of dietary supplements with the unusual name “Beaver’s Secret.” What is it and why is it called that?

— The beneficial qualities of beaver stream were discovered in Rus' many, many years ago. On its basis, Altai has developed a number of complexes combining various natural components.

For example, “Beaver Secret” with badger fat helps with coughs of various origins, including smoker’s cough. The complex with lecithin helps improve mental abilities and memory, and drops with Altai deer antlers will help with urinary dysfunction in men. A complex called “The Secret of the Beaver with a Beaver Stream. Confident man, healthy woman" helps to solve a number of problems at once - cope with insomnia, alcohol addiction, restore heart rhythm, and the functions of the genitourinary system. There are a total of 18 complexes in this line, and each has its own specifics.

— Mandrake has a separate range of preparations for vegans. What is their difference?

— Neither cosmetics, nor vitamins, nor dietary supplements were tested on animals. In addition, they do not contain any animal fats. All ingredients are herbs. This line is in particular demand among people classified as vegans, as it does not contradict their beliefs. Still, we must take into account the interests of all clients.

— And in conclusion, a little about cosmetology. What do you recommend for women to look blooming and beautiful in spring?

— I myself have dry, dehydrated skin. I once used very expensive Swiss creams until I discovered cosmetics from the German brand Numis med. It turned out that it is much more affordable, but the effect is no worse. The line includes face creams, heel products, and shampoos for colored hair, which really have a very good moisturizing effect. The Numis med line was developed in collaboration with leading dermatologists and has successfully passed clinical trials. They have proven that urea, which is the main component of these products, has high moisturizing ability and excellent compatibility with the skin. At the same time, the products are able to solve skin problems and effectively care for it even in pathological conditions, including psoriasis and diabetes.

It is impossible to tell about all the products that we present at one time, so I suggest that those who are interested in this topic read more useful information on the pages of the Mandrake pharmacy on the social networks VKontakte and Instagram. By the way, there we, together with our partners, hold various competitions and sweepstakes and invite everyone to participate.

Interviewed by Maria Truskova

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