Secrets of high-quality tanning in a solarium. Advice from cosmetologists, oils and creams

The value of exposure to sunlight on the skin was first stated by the German scientist Friedrich Wolf in the middle of the last century. Conducting experiments on artificial irradiation of athletes, he noted an improvement in their well-being, an increase in immunity and vitality. Already in the seventies, his brother Jörg Wolf founded the Cosmedico company, which began producing the first lamps with a UV spectrum, and then portable cameras for artificial tanning.

Solariums appeared on the market of physiotherapeutic equipment at the right time. Since the mid-twentieth century, there has been a boom in the popularity of tanned skin in the world. If previously a pale face and hands were considered a sign of nobility and aristocracy, then with the advent of bathing suits, a bronze shade of the body became fashionable. Solariums made it possible to maintain it in winter and summer.

Indications and contraindications for tanning in a solarium

A solarium can not only give a golden tan, but also affect human health. It is best to start visiting a solarium after consulting a doctor. The doctor will tell you the optimal dose of radiation and frequency of procedures. Particular caution should be exercised by adolescents, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

In these cases, it is simply necessary to obtain permission from a specialist before the procedure. People with very sensitive skin, many moles and serious burns on the body should also refrain from going to the solarium. In such situations, you should not take risks: irreparable harm to health may be caused.

Most often, for the following diseases, doctors advise avoiding visiting a solarium:

  • infectious and parasitic diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the presence of any type of tumor;
  • diseases of the blood, heart, blood vessels;
  • problems with kidney or liver function;
  • tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus in severe form;
  • low blood pressure.

However, there are also diseases for which visiting a solarium can only bring recovery closer. Ultraviolet light helps with skin problems.

A visit to the solarium is encouraged for the following indications:

  • weakness and constant fatigue;
  • acne;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • eczema and psoriasis.

If the skin is delicate and cannot tolerate regular sun, then it is better not to rush to visit a solarium. A large number of birthmarks on the body is also a contraindication to the procedure.


First you need to find out if you have any contraindications to the procedure. Those taking medications should consult a doctor first, and athletes should ask their trainer when they can sunbathe: before or after training. It is also important to find out what type of tanning salon the tanning studio offers, its power and when the lamps were replaced. In addition, in order to get a beautiful tan, you must prepare before going directly to the studio.

How to prepare before a solarium?

  • You need to take a shower two hours before the procedure. You should wash without soap, using a mild shower gel;
  • Be sure to remove jewelry and wash off decorative cosmetics;
  • 20 minutes before the procedure, it is recommended to drink a glass of fresh carrot juice (the antioxidants and carotenoids contained in carrots protect the body from ultraviolet radiation and prevent burns).

Rules for tanning in a solarium

A small cautionary list of rules will help you avoid troubles such as burns or skin irritation. Below are 5 rules, which are arranged from most important to minor.

  • Nothing extra. Before starting the session, you need to remove all jewelry and wipe off decorative cosmetics from your face. Experts also advise not to use various vitamin creams for the face and body, since during an ultraviolet bath they can enter into a dangerous chemical reaction with radiation.
  • It is worth protecting areas of the body that are vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation. There are several such areas on the body: eyes, hair and mammary glands. The last point especially needs to be taken into account by women over 30 years of age. Special glasses, as well as cotton breast pads and hair caps are often provided at the cosmetology center itself. If you have tattoos on your body, they should be covered to avoid fading.
  • You should start gradually. The first 3-4 sessions should take place at intervals of 3 days so as not to dry out the skin.
  • Leave skin protected. Before going to the solarium, it is better to refrain from bathing procedures involving soap or gel. You should not deprive your skin of its only protection in the form of dying cells and sebum. Moreover, you should avoid procedures that make the skin tender and sensitive (bath, sauna).

  • Additional protection. If you are visiting a solarium for the first time, it is important to use a protective cream and a special lip gel. It must be remembered that regular suntan lotion will not work here.

The best cosmetics

In a solarium, the skin is irradiated 10 times more than when tanning under the regular sun, so in order to maintain the health and elasticity of the dermis, you need to use special cosmetics. In addition to moisturizing, the preparations allow you to maintain a tan for a longer time, stimulate melanin synthesis, and provide a darker skin tone.

Creams for quick tanning

If you are visiting a solarium for the first time, it is recommended to use cosmetics that activate melanin production. They are called developers. The highest quality creams are considered:

  • Intense Tan Preparer for sensitive skin. The tyrosine contained in the composition stimulates the formation of a tan. Natural oils and aloe vera extract prevent moisture loss and restore the skin. The cream protects against the destructive effects of free radicals, it does not stain clothes, and is quickly absorbed.
  • Frosted Banana is an intensive developer with hemp extract. Contains L-unipertan, copper and tyrosine, which provide a quick, even tan. Vitamins, aloe and hemp extracts moisturize the skin. Natural oils restore the dermis, restoring its firmness and elasticity.
  • Body Chocolate Milk tanning milk with cocoa butter refreshes, moisturizes the skin, promotes a quick and even tan. Lemon helps heal minor injuries, disinfects, removes swelling, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Shea butter stimulates cell regeneration. The tanning milk has a delicate consistency and is suitable for the face and body.

To enhance your tan

If the skin has already darkened, but has not yet acquired the desired color, it is recommended to use activators. In cosmetics, additional substances are often added to enhance the effect of creams. Bronzers stimulate the formation of melanin and promote a darker tan. The products are activated under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, but at increased concentrations they can provoke the appearance of age spots. Tingles stimulate metabolic processes, increase blood circulation, oxygen supply to cells, and help accelerate tanning. After their application, tingling, slight tingling, redness of the skin, and a surge of warmth occur.

To enhance your tan, you can use:

  • Luxury Tan Preparer – cream accelerator without bronzers with caviar extract. The unique selected Lipo Melanin complex ensures uniform melanin synthesis and prevents the formation of age spots. Jojoba oil maintains optimal moisture levels in the dermis. Caviar extract normalizes metabolism in tissues.
  • DENIM & DIAMONDS – cream with a cooling effect. 3 bronzers in the composition provide an even, rich, long-lasting tan. Cellutox complex, silk peptides, natural oils, extracts, vitamins care for the skin, preventing the formation of wrinkles, drying out and maintaining ideal water balance.
  • Mango Melt with tingle effect. Tyrosine contained in the cream prepares the skin for tanning by activating the production of melanin. Coconut, shea butter, and monoi oils nourish, moisturize the dermis, giving it a healthy appearance, and aloe extract soothes and relieves inflammation.

When choosing a cream, you should keep in mind that, thanks to bronzers, you will be able to quickly acquire the desired shade, but such a tan will soon fade. Products with a tingle effect are not suitable for people with sensitive skin prone to irritation.

What is better to use after the procedure?

At the end of the session, fixatives are applied to the skin. They are strong moisturizers, because dry dermis is one of the main reasons for the rapid disappearance of a tan. Manufacturers can, in addition to moisturizing components, add bronzers or substances that provide a cooling effect to cosmetics.

What products can be used after the procedure:

  • Forever After Cream. Hemp extracts intensively moisturize the skin, providing complete nutrition at the cellular level, which means your tan will delight you for a long time. The specially developed Lipocare complex tightens the dermis, smoothes wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones.
  • Crown of Gold lotion allows you to maintain a beautiful skin tone for a long time. The bronzers and reflective particles included in its composition envelop the body in a light glow. Cranberry and walnut oil protect against drying out. The cosmetic product tones, tightens the skin, and prevents the formation of wrinkles.
  • Expose Luxe Body Lotion 3 after sun. Thanks to the use of modern technologies, the product restores hydrolipid balance, enhances dark skin tone, and prevents photoaging. Antioxidants help keep the dermis tight and elastic. Natural shea and pumpkin oils nourish and support skin health.

Many companies produce cosmetics for visiting solariums, but German and American manufacturers are considered the undisputed leaders. For example, Emerald Bay, Australian Gold, Devoted Creation, Tannymax, Aloha.

Harm from tanning in a solarium

There are 3 main negative consequences of frequent visits to the solarium: increased risk of cancer, premature aging of the skin and deterioration of vision.

According to doctors' studies, people who visit a solarium 15 times a year increase their risk of getting cancer by almost 10 times. Artificial rays penetrate deep into the skin and can cause various mutations.

People with fair skin and many moles or birthmarks on their body are especially at risk. That is why it is better not to abuse the services of a cosmetology center and visit the solarium only as directed by a doctor or in case of emergency.

Skin aging (especially noticeable in the face and neck area) can occur much earlier if you use a solarium too often. Ultraviolet radiation greatly dries the skin, making it more fragile. Of course, after each procedure you can apply moisturizing milk or cream to your body, but a small effect will still remain.

If you do not use cosmetics, you can not only quickly acquire wrinkles, but also spoil the skin itself. In particularly sensitive areas, pigment spots may form, which are very difficult to remove.

Artificial ultraviolet rays, like regular sun, are harmful to the human eye. When tanning, you must use special protective glasses to avoid burning your cornea and losing your healthy vision.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Hyaluronic acid in tablets. Benefits, how to take, reviews from doctors and effectiveness.

Do not exfoliate before or after tanning

When planning a peeling procedure, especially a chemical one, always take into account the fact that the skin is more sensitive to rays during the renewal process.

Peeling may intensify, but the most unpleasant consequence is the appearance of pigmentation spots. Read about the best whitening masks.

Saving the skin from emerging pigmentation is always more difficult and more expensive than preventing it.

How many minutes does it take to sunbathe in a solarium?

Now experts distinguish 4 main skin types: Celtic or Scandinavian, light-skinned European, dark-skinned European and Mediterranean type. A brief description of the correct visit to a tanning booth for different skin types can be seen in the table below.

Celtic or Scandinavian typeThis section includes people with light, sensitive skin with many freckles, which burns easily and is practically resistant to tanning. The Celtic type is characterized by blue eyes and red or white hair. It is advisable for people with these characteristics not to sunbathe at all, or to take treatments 1-2 times a week for 3-5 minutes.
Light-skinned EuropeanThe appearance is similar to representatives of the Celtic type, but the skin is less vulnerable and can be tanned. The eye color can be green-gray or green, and the hair is red or light brown. It is better to sunbathe in a solarium 2 times a week for 5-10 minutes.
Black EuropeanThe skin practically does not burn in the sun and holds the shade well. Hair is either dark brown or chestnut. The eyes are brown, gray, the iris is almost indistinguishable from the pupil. People of this type are advised to visit the solarium 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes.
Mediterranean typeRepresentatives of this type are distinguished by dark skin, dark brown eyes and black or brown hair. The Mediterranean type tans easily and rarely has skin problems. You can safely visit the solarium 2-3 times a week. One session can last up to 15-20 minutes.

What types of solariums are there?

You need to familiarize yourself with the main types of solariums to get a beautiful tan. A high-quality and uniform tan in a solarium will depend on the type and power of ultraviolet lamps. Therefore, you need to be responsible when choosing the optimal type of solarium, which we will consider below.


This is a vertical capsule with ultraviolet lamps installed inside. The user must constantly stand, rotate in different directions, raise his arms or legs to obtain an even tan. Compared to the horizontal type, a vertical solarium has a greater chance of getting an even tan. In addition, it is possible to use a larger number of lamps with maximum power. Sometimes mirrors are installed to provide tanning in hard-to-reach places.


You need to lie in a horizontal capsule and constantly turn in different directions to get an even tan. However, it fails to produce a beautiful shade compared to the vertical type. Therefore, experts recommend alternating a vertical with a horizontal solarium to obtain the desired result.

Turbo solarium

This is a new product on the solarium market, which immediately gained popularity among consumers. The capsule contains not only powerful ultraviolet lamps, but also a tidal-exhaust ventilation system, which allows you to get a quick and uniform tan. In addition, additional options are possible, such as fragrances and lamps for treating or restoring the skin.

For face and décolleté

There are also solariums that allow you to sunbathe only your face, arms and décolleté. This is a special capsule in which a person is in a sitting position. They are used mainly for emergency cases, when you urgently need to even out your complexion.

How to sunbathe properly in a solarium

For each device there are special instructions and safety rules that everyone who wants to visit the cosmetology center should know about.

How to sunbathe in a vertical solarium

Tanning in a solarium, the secrets and delights of which many have yet to learn, has become quite common in recent times. Everyone has long known about the horizontal solarium, but few have heard of the vertical one. This device has both pros and cons.

The advantages of a vertical solarium: cleanliness, spaciousness, greater efficiency.

This device is a small cylindrical room, so people suffering from claustrophobia will feel comfortable here.

The absence of the need to lean against the walls of the device will please those who find such actions unhygienic.

Another plus is the high radiation power, thanks to which you can get a perfect bronze tan in just a few sessions.

Disadvantages of a vertical solarium: expensive price, powerful radiation, which more actively provokes the appearance of tumors, and the need to stand throughout the entire session.

A vertical solarium works on a simple principle. A person enters a cylindrical room, the walls of which have built-in lamps that produce ultraviolet radiation. It only takes a few minutes to be inside the device to notice the effect. When standing, the tan turns out to be more even than when lying down.

How to sunbathe in a horizontal solarium

Tanning in a horizontal solarium also has its secrets, pros and cons. Positive aspects: lower price, the opportunity to relax in a relaxed position and moderate radiation, which does not have such a critical effect on the moisture of the skin and the body as a whole. Negative aspects: uneven tanning in problem areas (inner thighs, sides).

To get results, you should repeat the procedure about 4-5 times. While inside the solarium, you need to relax and change location at least 2 times per session. It is necessary to protect intimate parts, eyes and hair. It would be a good idea to take sunscreen and lip balm with you so as not to dry out your delicate skin.

How to sunbathe in a solarium for the first time

First of all, you need to see a doctor and make sure that visiting a solarium will benefit and not harm the body. You should refrain from visiting the solarium if you are menstruating, have serious illnesses (diabetes, tumors, tuberculosis and others) and if you have a large number of moles or birthmarks.

The first trip to the solarium should not exceed 3-5 minutes in duration. It is advisable not to take bath procedures and refuse to use scrubs and soaps.

It is also recommended to take a towel to the cosmetology center (if the solarium is vertical, you can lay it on the floor), sunscreen and moisturizing milk. Doctors have found that it is safest to visit a solarium every 3 days so that the body has time to recover after exposure to radiation.

How to sunbathe in a solarium without a face

Tanning in a solarium, the secrets of which are described later in the article, becomes especially popular in the cold seasons. The only downside of visiting a solarium in winter is that a chocolate tan looks unnatural, especially on the face; delicate skin quickly loses moisture. Due to constant visits to the solarium, wrinkles may appear early on the face, neck and décolleté and the structure of the skin may be damaged.

Cosmetology center workers usually advise using a simple towel, cotton napkins or special glasses to partially or completely cover your face.

The disadvantage of glasses is that after just a few sessions, light circles may form on the face. It is best to cover your face with a towel folded in half. It is possible that a slight effect from ultraviolet rays will remain, but it will look appropriate in winter and autumn.

A tan

To get an even golden tan in the solarium, you need to visit it 5-7 times. Each skin type has its own limitation on frequency and time, which should not be neglected. On average, your stay inside the solarium should start from 5 and end at 20 minutes. The total number of ultraviolet baths taken per year should not exceed 50, otherwise significant harm will be caused to the entire body.

In order for the resulting tan to last for a long time, you need to use special creams that fix and preserve skin color. It is also worth remembering that the body (both in a vertical and horizontal solarium) must be positioned correctly.

The arms should not touch the body, and the inner thighs should not touch each other. When tanning occurs face down, the palms should be turned towards the lamps. In case of poor-quality tanning on the sides, it is better to visit the vertical solarium several times.

You should not try to enhance the effect by combining natural and artificial tanning on the same day, as this can damage the skin or cause burns. It is also better not to visit the bathhouse or sauna in the near future, so as not to interfere with skin restoration.

How to tan in a solarium with fair skin

People with Celtic or Scandinavian skin types should be very careful. More often, the Celtic type speaks of a large number of freckles and moles, which it would be safer to show to the doctor first. A beautiful tan is possible, but for this you should visit the solarium rarely and no more than 3-5 minutes per session.

It is advisable for people with light (white or red) hair to always use a special cotton cap. A similar accessory can be worn on the face to protect fragile skin from excessive radiation. It is also better to stock up on moisturizing and restorative creams and lotions in advance, both for the body and hair.

Transformation of public opinion

The first solariums were created to solve the problem of lack of sunlight. It is known that only under the influence of ultraviolet rays does the body produce vitamin D. Without it, our body cannot absorb calcium and phosphorus - the main “building elements” of bone tissue.

The lack of sunlight is manifested by systemic disorders in the body: weakness and fragility of bones, the development of rickets. Artificial irradiation has become a modern way to improve the health of children living in cold climates where access to sunlight is limited throughout the year.

Sunbathing has also been proven to have other positive effects.

  • Stimulates the formation of endorphins - hormones of joy. They promote a good mood, excellent emotional and physical tone.
  • Improves skin condition. Ultraviolet light has a disinfecting and drying effect, which is why UV therapy was included in the list of methods for treating skin diseases.
  • Increases immunity. Light rays can activate the body's defenses, which is especially valuable during the period of colds in the cold and off-season.

Initially, solariums were used only in medical institutions, where patients took sunbathing strictly according to indications. In modern society, the “tanning capsule” has become a common service in the cosmetic industry, which has led to the unnecessary use of UV radiation.

Potential Risk

In recent years, the dangers of solariums have been talked about much more often than their benefits. The installations perform far from the tasks for which they were created fifty years ago. In addition, it has been proven that the amount of sunlight required to produce vitamin D in the body is much less than previously thought.

For example, to protect your baby from rickets and provide conditions for strong bones, it is enough to be with him outside in direct sunlight for only twenty minutes a day. In this case, only the face and palms can be open.

In the solarium, the whole body remains open. This creates certain risks.

  • Allergy to the sun. Individual reaction to sunlight. May manifest as skin rashes, redness, burning of the epidermis. If you experience similar symptoms in the summer, you should not attend artificial tanning sessions.
  • Increased photosensitivity. When taking certain medications, exposure to ultraviolet radiation is especially dangerous, as it can cause hyperpigmentation of the skin and other unexpected reactions. Women taking contraceptives, tetracycline and sulfacyl antibiotics, antidepressants, and antivirals should be treated with caution.
  • Formation of age spots. The skin during menstruation responds to excessive pigmentation when exposed to sunlight, so you should not spend time in a solarium on menstrual periods. Procedures are prohibited after aggressive effects on the facial skin: peeling, resurfacing, microdermabrasion, during which the stratum corneum is thinned or removed. Age spots appear in people prone to their formation: fair-skinned people with freckles on their faces.
  • Skin aging. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation dries out the skin, and the longer it lasts, the more pronounced this effect becomes. It has been proven that regular sunbathing causes skin aging, as it stimulates dehydration and reduces the intensity of collagen and elastin production. Aging does not appear immediately, but over the long term.
  • Exacerbation of diseases. The rules for visiting a solarium exclude the possibility of its use in the presence of chronic diseases of the thyroid gland, cardiovascular system, and respiratory tract. There is a high risk of overheating and miscarriage during pregnancy, so you should avoid the procedure in the first trimester.
  • Oncological diseases. The aggressive sun and its “reduced copy” can provoke the development of skin cancer. They are caused by excessive visits to solariums, abuse of time spent in a capsule, and the use of outdated capsules with an uncontrolled level of radiation.

Can visiting a solarium cause cancer? Scientists have come to a consensus - maybe! Currently, public opinion towards this method of tanning has changed dramatically.

Video on the topic About tanning in a solarium in the program of Yulia Onishchenko

The Science of Tanning

In 2013, authorities in a number of states in Australia announced a total ban on the use of solariums. As a result of studies, doctors have found that attending artificial tanning sessions increases the risk of skin cancer by 20%. By the end of 2014, all Australian states without exception refused to use “UV capsules”.

A year later, the International Agency for Cancer Research spoke out about the dangers of such devices. It recommended that all countries ban the use of solariums by minors. This recommendation was followed by the USA, European countries, and South America. The basis for the ban was data that artificial tanning in adolescence increases the risk of melanoma by 80%.

Other negative impact factors have also been identified.

  • Eye hazard. In 2013, specialists from the British College proved that bright ultraviolet light in capsules leads to eye pathology, causing the growth of the conjunctiva on the cornea. The risk does not decrease even when closing the eyes, since the tissues of the eyelids are too thin and ultraviolet radiation passes through them freely.
  • Psychological dependence. The habit of visiting a solarium regularly leads to “drug addiction,” researchers at the American University at Albany warn. A person gets used to seeing his body beautiful, tanned, and if he does not get the next “dose” of tanning, he becomes irritable, experiences depression and apathy.

In Russia, no studies have been conducted on the effects of procedures on the human body. Therefore, the statement of Russian scientists, doctors of medical sciences N.N. Potekaev, V.V. Vladimirov, L.S. Kruglov can be considered significant. According to experts, the need to artificially maintain a tan all year round has become a massive social need, which is promoted in the media.

At the same time, there is very little reliable scientific data on the negative impact of procedures that are positioned as “health of the nation.” Such a statement is not true. In Russia, the industry is practically uncontrolled; there are no official standards, certifications or rules for solariums. It is important to take this into account when deciding for yourself whether it is worth using artificial tanning and how to visit a solarium correctly.

Secrets of how to tan quickly and well in a solarium to a chocolate color

Tanning in a solarium, the secrets of which will help you get a bronze skin tone, is impossible in a very short period of time. Some sources report that for quick results you can take procedures every other day, but this is not true. Such a schedule will only harm your health. It is better to repeat visits every 2-3 days. After just 10 sessions you can achieve the desired result.

Representatives of Mediterranean skin type can get a chocolate tan as early as 5-6 sessions. The condition and age of the lamps themselves and the reputation of the beauty salon or cosmetology complex are very important for the result. If the lamps have not been changed for a long time, the effect will not be noticeable immediately.

It is advisable to choose only trusted establishments where the equipment is good and clients are served by knowledgeable specialists. In more reputable centers, tanning creams and accessories for protecting intimate areas may be immediately offered.

Special cosmetics with a coloring effect will help you see results instantly. Of course, such a tan is not real and will soon disappear. For a longer lasting effect, you can use a cream with a “tingle” effect, but this can damage overly sensitive skin.


Skin after a solarium needs no less careful care than after the beach. Experts recommend performing the following simple manipulations that will help maintain the attractive appearance of your skin.

What should you do after solarium?

  • Firstly, there is no need to rush anywhere. You need to rest a little, drink a cup of refreshing tea, measure your blood pressure if necessary, and only then get ready.
  • Also after the procedure, the skin should be softened and moisturized. As a nourishing and moisturizing agent, you can use cosmetics containing vitamin E, oils, for example, avocado, glycerin.
  • You also need to take care of your face. A mask with vitamins A, E or natural essential oils will help soften and restore skin elasticity.
  • After two hours you can take a shower. You need to wash in cool water, using shower products with soothing ingredients - mint extract, chamomile, etc. After water procedures, it is advisable to apply a moisturizing balm to the skin. By the way, clients of tanning studios often ask: when is it better to take a shower - before or after the procedure? Experts note: it is advisable to take a shower both before and after solarium.
  • To consolidate the effect, you can drink fresh carrot juice.

What should you not do after the procedure?

  • take a hot bath;
  • go to the bathhouse, sauna (the trip should be postponed for several days);
  • use whitening face masks;
  • do depilation/epilation (the procedure can be performed no earlier than 10-14 days after solarium);
  • swim in the pool on the day of the solarium;
  • sunbathe for two days.

Cosmetics for solarium. Names, rules of application

Cosmetics for solariums are quite expensive, but they will keep your skin healthy.

The secret to successful tanning in a solarium is the use of special products

The main properties of special cosmetics for artificial sun:

  • slowing down skin photoaging;
  • consolidation and acceleration of ultraviolet radiation;
  • moisturizing and restoring skin cells;
  • high probability of uniform tanning.


Cosmetics will preserve your health and speed up the tanning process. The main types of cosmetics for solariums: activators, bronzers and fixers. Experts advise using cosmetics from the same manufacturer to avoid getting different skin tones.

  • Activators are oils and creams that have the ability to accelerate tanning. Such substances should not be used during the first visit to the cabin, as they can burn and damage the skin.
  • Bronzers – this is a special cosmetics that contains coloring components that make the tan richer. This product will be correctly applied to the legs, since they are always difficult to tan evenly.

  • Fixatives are applied to the body after completion of the session to moisturize the skin and produce a preservative effect. When you first visit the solarium, these products are simply necessary.

Creams with “tingle” effect

This cosmetics is aimed at quickly obtaining a real (as opposed to bronzers) tan. The action of the cream is based on the fact that its components cause a rush of blood to the skin. The pores expand, the oxidation process in tissues accelerates. Thanks to this, you can get a luxurious tan in just 3-4 sessions.

However, such funds have many disadvantages. Creams destroy the skin, so people of the Celtic type should avoid such products. For the same reason, you should not apply creams with a “tingle” effect to delicate and light areas to avoid burns and irritation.

Sunbathe correctly and safely

In an effort to acquire golden or chocolate skin color, you need to focus on your color type of appearance. The duration of the procedure and the shade of the tan directly depend on this. Also, in order to tan safely, you need to follow certain rules:

  • For a beautiful, even tan, you need to choose the right duration of the procedure. The principle applies: more does not mean better.
  • During the session, the dose of ultraviolet radiation received by the dermis is many times higher than in summer on the beach, so before and after the procedure, in order to protect the skin from drying out, it is recommended to use specialized cosmetics for solariums.
  • To enhance your tan, use only high-quality products from trusted manufacturers.
  • A few days before visiting the salon, scrub and epilate your body. If there are ingrown hairs, remove them. This will make your skin tone even and help maintain your tan for a longer time.
  • Before and after the session, use specialized creams.
  • After completing the procedure, replenish lost moisture by drinking green tea or freshly squeezed juice.

Be sure to carefully read the instructions for visiting the solarium. You can learn about the rules of behavior before and after the procedure from a specialist in the tanning studio.

How often can you sunbathe in a solarium? Is it possible every day?

Unfortunately, daily sunbathing under artificial sun causes the skin to dry out and deteriorate very quickly. If there is a catastrophic lack of heat, then you can go to the solarium up to 3 times a week, but no more!

The most ideal option is to visit a cabin with artificial radiation once every 2 days.

Experts advise dividing your visits to the solarium into 2 cycles per year of 20 sessions. This way, a beautiful tan can last for 365 days, and the skin will have time to recover. The main thing is not to violate safety rules and not to visit the solarium more than 50 times a year.

First visit rule

If you have not sunbathed for a long time and have naturally light skin (phototypes 1 and 2 according to Fitzpatrick), it is strictly not recommended to sunbathe for more than 3 minutes for the first time. At the same time, already tanned or darker skin is not so susceptible to the negative effects of rays, therefore, the time of visiting the solarium can be increased to 4-5 minutes.

It doesn’t matter which solarium you decide to sunbathe in - vertical or horizontal. The activity of the rays is the same and the effect on the skin is the same.

Monitor your reaction for several hours after using a tanning salon. If redness or swelling or pain appears, you will need to forget about the solarium for a week.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without glasses?

Tanning in a solarium, the secret disadvantages of which were described in the article, inevitably harms your eyesight. Staying in a radiation booth with your eyelids closed will not protect your eyes.

The rays easily penetrate thin skin. Frequent visits to the solarium with unprotected eyes threaten vision impairment and premature aging. It is better not to neglect safety rules and use special glasses that block radiation unwanted for the eyes.

The only exceptions may be booths where it is possible to turn off the lamps above the face. Also, instead of glasses, you can try covering your face with a towel or napkin folded several times.

Less is more

In no case should you start with a large number of minutes, especially for fair-skinned people. You should start with 3-4 minutes and gradually increase the time.

Spending time in a solarium is directly proportional to the risk of getting a burn and triggering atypical cell division.

Neoplasms - moles (nevi), papillomas, keratomas and malignant skin formations: melanomas and basal cell carcinomas - are precisely the result of a malfunction in cell division.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without cream?

Taking ultraviolet baths without using a special cream is possible, but highly undesirable. Of course, you can get a chocolate tan without makeup, but in this case there is a high probability that the skin will become rough and hard to the touch.

Peeling, irritation and other undesirable consequences may begin. No one wants to go to a solarium and then do skin treatment. It will be safer and more reliable to immediately buy the necessary products and sunbathe in a solarium without unnecessary health problems.


How to sunbathe correctly in a solarium? To get a healthy and seductive tan, you need to follow a step-by-step series of rules:

Preparing for a solarium

Before going to the solarium, you need to prepare your skin. This preparation includes 4 stages:

  • Cleansing . Often, just a refreshing shower will not be enough. Since for an even tan you need to remove dead skin flakes. It is advisable to do this with a soft scrub one or two days in advance. Otherwise, the tan may peel off in a few days along with the upper keratinized layer of skin. And before the visit you should take a shower 2-3 hours without detergents.
  • Hydration . It is extremely necessary! To prevent your skin from drying out too much, you should use a moisturizer. And don't forget to moisturize your lips with balm so they don't dry out. In addition, the day before you can make a hair mask.
  • Tanning activators . Just like before going to the beach, you need to use a special cream. It is important to purchase a special tanning cream for a solarium; its composition is slightly different from the usual one. But, most importantly, you need to choose not just anything, but a quality product that will not only help you acquire a more saturated shade, but also prepare your skin!
  • Proper nutrition . Include healthy vitamin foods in your diet. This article contains all the most interesting information about vitamins for tanning, as well as recipes for healthy cocktails!

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Tanning in a solarium

So, how to go to the solarium correctly and without harm? To do this without harm, you must follow these steps:

  • When tanning in a solarium, you should pay attention to the safety of your eyes. Since simply closing your eyes will not be enough, ultraviolet rays will easily pass through the skin of the eyelids and can negatively affect the retina. Therefore, it is important to use special sunglasses. It is better to remove contact lenses before the session.
  • It is also worth taking care of your hair and hiding it under a cap to prevent it from drying out.
  • And for regular procedures, it is recommended to apply a moisturizing mask to your hair 2 times a week.
  • The procedure cannot be performed while wearing makeup.
  • Before the session, you should not use deodorant, perfumed products or other cosmetics.

Instructions for using the solarium must be given by an employee of the establishment.

Care after solarium

  • After the procedure, the skin becomes drier, so it is important to use special moisturizers.
  • At the end of it, products with vitamin E are recommended, which will help eliminate unwanted redness and neutralize the effects of free radicals activated by ultraviolet radiation.

Video: a doctor talks about contraindications and rules for tanning in a solarium.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without underwear?

Sunbathing in a solarium without underwear is dangerous for both women and men. The rays penetrate deep into the body and can cause malignant tumors. That is why representatives of the fair sex are advised to cover their mammary glands with special cotton pads, stickers or a simple towel.

Men should also not give up underwear, as intense radiation can cause irreparable damage to the genitals. This especially applies to men who are over 30 years old.

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Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium during menstruation?

Gynecologists do not advise going to sunbathe under the artificial sun during menstruation. These days, any procedures that increase body temperature are contraindicated for the female body.

Heat causes internal vessels to bleed more, causing the body to lose more blood. Enclosed spaces and hot air can cause dizziness and loss of consciousness. Doctors advise postponing all thermal procedures until the end of the cycle.

Can pregnant women sunbathe in a solarium?

The opinion of most doctors agrees on one thing: you should not sunbathe in a solarium during pregnancy! Of course, this has some benefits (vitamin D), but there are many more pitfalls. It is better not to risk your health by visiting a solarium. Intense radiation has a bad effect on the health of the unborn child.

If the embryo is not too strong, then it is quite possible to develop various kinds of pathologies, problems with the nervous system, and even there is a threat of miscarriage. Also, artificial sun can damage the mother's skin, causing irritation in the form of age spots, which are very difficult to get rid of in the future.

Benefits and harms

As everyone knows, tanning in a solarium can have both benefits and harm for the body of women and men. The benefits and harms of solariums will be described below:

Beneficial features

Not only is the sun beneficial, but the benefits of a solarium are also great. And it is also able to replace the sun in autumn, winter and spring, when it is so lacking.

How is a solarium beneficial for the body of women and men?

  • An important positive quality of such a tan is the production of vitamin D, which strengthens body tissues and improves general condition. Its synthesis can also take place under artificial ultraviolet light.
  • If you suffer from acne and acne, and their appearance is not associated with hormonal imbalance, a solarium is a great way to improve the condition of your skin.
  • Artificial ultraviolet radiation helps strengthen the immune system and helps overcome colds.
  • If you sunbathe in winter, this action will contribute to the production of the “hormone of happiness” - endorphin, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and overall well-being. This is a great way to overcome depression and chronic fatigue, and simply feel joy and lift your spirits during a gloomy and cold period.
  • It can be noted that artificial tanning is more intense and even compared to natural tanning.

The benefits of a solarium are invaluable not only for the body, but also for appearance. A solarium can transform and improve the condition of your skin.


Many people, before trying the artificial tanning procedure, are tormented by the question: is a solarium harmful for women and men? Undoubtedly, if you sunbathe incorrectly (either under the sun or in a beauty salon), you can cause negative effects on the body.

Therefore, before the procedure, it is imperative to consult a specialist!

But why is solarium harmful for women and men? Here are the main points:

  • Ultraviolet rays irritate the upper layers of the skin, partially destroying their structure, which can lead to dehydration and premature aging.
  • Also, such a tan can cause rough skin and clogged pores.
  • If safety rules are not followed, you can get a thermal burn.
  • In addition to your skin, tanning beds can cause damage to your hair.
  • With frequent sessions, intense melanin synthesis can contribute to the development of benign and malignant tumors.
  • Also, such a tan can aggravate chronic diseases.

It is important to remember that sunbathing in a solarium is harmful to health if it is abused and the safety rules are violated. If you go for treatments and sunbathe rarely and moderately, and protect your body, you can minimize the risks.

Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun after a solarium?

Under no circumstances should you combine natural and artificial tanning on the same day. After exposure to ultraviolet rays, the skin becomes vulnerable, so regular sun can easily damage it.

It is better to postpone your trip to the beach the next day to reduce the risk of burns.

Change your posture

In order for the tan to go on evenly, you should not stand in one position. Raise and lower your hands, move. You can even dance if space allows.

To enhance the effect, do not get close to the lamps - this will not accelerate the production of melanin. The center is the most suitable place, as the rays are distributed more evenly.

How long does a tan last after a solarium?

An artificial tan lasts 2-3 weeks on the body, which does not differ much from natural tanning. Cosmetics and proper nutrition will help maintain a golden skin tone. Trusted sources suggest eating more tomatoes, carrots and greens. These products contain special substances that promote the production of melanin, which prolongs the tan.

A solarium is a great opportunity to get the perfect tan at any time of the year. Despite all the difficulties, tanning in a solarium is a rather pleasant and useful procedure that will allow you to look attractive at any time of the year. The secrets and subtleties of a beautiful tan, which are contained in this article, will help you quickly and safely achieve the desired result.

Author: Li Alina

Article design: Mila Friedan

Instructions for use

How to use a solarium? Step-by-step instructions:

  • Decide on the choice of salon. And choose the type of solarium that suits you best.
  • Before the actual session, inspect the area for cleanliness. If you see dirt on the booth, you should find another establishment.
  • The cabin employee must show and talk about the buttons in the cabin and their functions.
  • The employee will provide you with safety glasses, you must wear them!
  • Step into (or lie down in) the tanning bed and close the lid.
  • Step out of the solarium and enjoy the golden hue of your skin.
  • After the procedure, you can take a shower only 2-3 hours later.

Thanks to a solarium, anyone can achieve a beautiful skin tone, regardless of the season. Now such a tan is no longer a luxury that is available to a small circle of people. And despite stereotypes, a solarium can bring benefits to the human body. It is only important to adhere to the established rules and doctor’s recommendations.

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