Rules for tanning in a solarium. How to tan quickly and keep your tan for a long time. Video

When you first visit a solarium, you need to decide which one is needed - horizontal or vertical: if you want to relax and fully rest during the procedure, then the first option is suitable. Here's what you need to pay attention to when choosing a specific place to get a tan:

  • How often do the lamps in the solarium be changed? Manufacturers claim that this must be done every 800 hours of operation.
  • What is the pressure of ultraviolet lamps? It is believed that the safety level for human skin is low, because it does not have a negative effect on the deep layers and can be used even with existing moles and papillomas on the surface of the body.
  • Does the air conditioner work in the solarium? In the booth, when ultraviolet lamps are operating, the air temperature can reach 40 degrees or higher - such an effect on the body is stressful, which can make the procedure unpleasant and even harmful.
  • The salon should regularly treat lamps, lying areas and pillows with disinfectant solutions. Each visitor must be provided with safety glasses and a hair cap.

The salon should regularly treat the lamps.
Rules for visiting solariums by clients:

  • Be sure to wear safety glasses and a thick cap on your hair so that it does not lose moisture and does not become thinner.
  • Breast nipples and areolas, as well as all large moles and papillomas, must be covered with special stickers. They are sold directly in a beauty salon or clinic. You need to make sure that they are securely attached to the skin.
  • Immediately before entering the booth, lips should be lubricated with a moisturizing balm. Without protection from ultraviolet rays, the skin dries quickly and severely, then bursts.
  • Before the procedure, you need to take a shower, but without detergents. It is highly advisable to perform a gentle peeling 3 hours before the procedure.
  • You cannot enter the solarium with decorative cosmetics on your face. Even your lips need to be thoroughly cleaned. Essential oils, deodorants, and perfumes are also prohibited. They should not be used at all a day before getting a tan.

The optimal product for a beautiful tan is cream . It has a pleasant texture, due to which it is evenly distributed over the surface of the body and provides protection from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays. Tips for choosing a cream:

  • Components that neutralize the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation are desirable;
  • the cream should be either universal or two types - separately for the face/body;
  • if the client is young, then a product with a powerful moisturizing effect will suit him;
  • in older age, you need to give preference to a product that nourishes and tightens the skin.

Best Tanning Products:

The product's name Description Photo
Believe Black Bronzer and Bringin black Designed exclusively for solariums, with bronzers of natural origin. These creams have a high moisturizing effect due to the nourishing oils they contain.

The products are applied to completely dry skin, they are absorbed within 10-20 minutes, but they can even stain clothes. The peculiarity of bronzers is the fragility of the resulting effect.

and Tan Accelerator Made from natural ingredients, there are no bronzers. But among the components there are vitamins and oils/extracts from various plants, which simultaneously serve as a tanning activator.

With them, you can get the desired skin tone in literally 1-3 sessions, and the tan will lie evenly.

The products are suitable for any skin type, but if you are hypersensitive and prone to allergies, you should consult your doctor.

Soleo Face Tan Moisturizing cream that is enriched with vitamins and plant extracts. Its use will ensure not only an even tan, but also preservation of moisture in the dermis at the cellular level, which will prevent peeling of the skin after the procedure.

The product can be used not only to treat the body, but also especially sensitive areas (face, décolleté, neck).

Can be used on any skin type, but the hemp oil and vitamins in the composition make the tan chocolate, and this should be taken into account for those with fair skin and white hair.

You can replace tanning creams with oils , the best of which are:

  • olive – moisturizes, protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, prevents peeling and redness of the skin after sunbathing;
  • coconut - considered the optimal choice, suitable for treating the body and face, nourishes the skin with vitamins, tightens it.

Rules for applying products to get a beautiful, even tan:

  • Before visiting the solarium (on this day), you need to take a shower, but without detergents. You can use a soft scrub to cleanse.
  • The selected cream or oil must be applied 3-5 minutes before entering the booth. The layer of product should be thin, but if the skin is light or extremely sensitive, then it is better to make it thicker.
  • First, all parts of the body are treated, then the cream is applied to the face, neck and décolleté. To do this, you need to use different means for their intended purpose.

How to care for your skin after tanning:

  • wash under a warm shower using a gel with chamomile, sage, mint - it will soothe the skin, soften and prevent inflammatory processes;
  • You should not use soap to wash your body, it will dry out the skin and speed up the process of leaching melanin from dermal cells;
  • scrubs and peeling procedures are contraindicated for at least 2 weeks.
  • It is advisable to use moisturizers daily to retain moisture in the cells and prevent flaking of the skin.

How to enhance your tan in a solarium and keep it longer:

  • The solarium should be visited once every two days, each procedure should not exceed 5 minutes. It is considered a mistake to stay under the lamps for 10 - 20 minutes: you won’t get a darker tan, but you will be able to get redness and burns.
  • You need to include a salad of fresh carrots with a small amount of vegetable oil in your daily menu - carotene will give you a chocolate tan in just a few sessions. It is worth drinking carrot juice, or pumpkin-carrot juice.
  • 30 minutes before visiting the solarium, experts advise drinking a large cup of natural cocoa, without milk and with a small amount of sugar. This drink moisturizes the skin and enhances the tan. If cocoa is not suitable, you can replace it with a few squares of dark chocolate.
  • A tan quickly loses its intensity if the skin loses moisture. Therefore, you need to constantly moisturize the epidermis with shower gels containing nutrients.

Read more in our article about how to tan beautifully in a solarium.

Rules for tanning in a solarium

  1. You should not sunbathe while taking certain medications. In this case, the skin's photosensitivity increases, which can lead to an allergic reaction.
  2. On the day of the procedure, you should not sunbathe in the open sun.
  3. During the procedure, it is necessary to protect moles and tattoos with special stickers. Stikinis must also be glued to the nipples. You should protect your lips with a balm with a UV filter, and be sure to wear special glasses on your eyes.
  4. The interval between procedures should be 2-3 days.
  5. It is important to observe the time spent in the solarium.
  6. Any session should not be more than 15 minutes.
  7. You cannot use perfume before the procedure.
  8. All cosmetics should be removed from the skin before tanning in order to obtain a uniform color.

  9. Do not sunbathe with jewelry or contact lenses.
  10. It is better to take a shower several hours before the procedure, without using alkaline products. They can wash away the protective film from the surface of the skin, which can lead to micro burns.
  11. Experts do not advise going to the solarium immediately after physical activity. The procedure in this case will become an additional burden on the body.
  12. Tattoo fades during tanning. Therefore, tattooed areas should be protected with a cream with a high UV filter.
  13. Newly made tattoos and piercings should be covered with stickers before the procedure begins.
  14. It is good to use special products before the session. They stimulate the production of melanin in the skin and enhance the tanning effect.
  15. You cannot use any moisturizer before or during the session that is not specifically designed for tanning in a solarium. The moisture in the product acts as a lens for the rays, which can cause burns to the dermis.
  16. After the session you cannot go to the bathhouse. The skin condition requires restoration. And the tan may appear unevenly and to a lesser extent.

Interesting fact! UV radiation in tanning lamps is 12 times stronger than natural solar radiation. Therefore, just 15 minutes of tanning in a solarium is equal to 4 hours of insolation under direct sunlight.

A salon procedure can help you achieve your desired skin tone easier and faster.

Truths and myths about artificial tanning

There are many legends and myths around solariums. There are reasons for this. The first is that the units are often used incorrectly in order to quickly get a tan without proper control over the equipment.

Science's opinion

Scientists have long found out that tanning is nothing more than a protective reaction of the skin to the aggression of UV rays. It is permissible to bask in the sun for several hours. Such luxury is prohibited in a solarium. The effect of ultraviolet radiation there is targeted, and therefore the impact on the skin is much higher than during beach tanning.

Melanin works to reduce the amount of ultraviolet radiation absorbed and the damage it causes. But the protection weakens over time. The result can be skin cancer. The disease is difficult to treat.

Experts are confident that the sharp increase in the number of cancer diseases is directly related to the increased fashion for tanning. Excessive use of tanning beds negatively affects the quality of the skin, turning the dermis into a dried out and flabby one. In addition, aging is noticeably accelerated.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the procedure are:

  • combating chronic fatigue syndrome and depression;
  • skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, oily seborrhea, acne);
  • stimulation of immunity;
  • hardening;
  • activation of hematopoiesis;
  • lack of vitamin D;
  • preparing the skin for the summer season.


  • heart and respiratory failure, asthma;
  • acute inflammatory diseases;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • tuberculosis and blood diseases;
  • any neoplasms;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • spasmophilia;
  • CNS lesions;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • taking certain medications;
  • individual intolerance to UV rays;
  • birthmarks and the presence of large, numerous moles;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • rash of any etiology;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • menstruation;
  • light sensitive skin;
  • age under 18 years;
  • 2 days before and after depilation;
  • After the peeling procedure, you cannot sunbathe for a month.

Experts advise how to properly sunbathe in a solarium to get a tan.

It is necessary to follow the rules on how to properly sunbathe in a solarium in order to tan evenly

First, you should exclude all risk factors in the form of contraindications and find out your photo skin type.


Artificial lighting will not cause harm only if the rules are followed. Reasonable use of a solarium has a positive effect:

  • the process of vitamin D synthesis starts, and this, in turn, helps better absorption of calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of bones;
  • the immune system receives powerful support;
  • the condition of the skin improves;
  • the body is charged with energy and good mood;
  • It is possible to gradually prepare for the hot summer and reduce the risk of sunburn.

To obtain a tan, two types of sources are used: high and low pressure. The first option allows you to get a bronze color faster. This is due to more A-rays. Melanin reacts more actively to their influence. Recommended for people with dark skin and tan. The second type produces light consisting of A- and B-rays. It acts more slowly, but lasts a long time. Suitable for fair-skinned people.

According to the design, they are distinguished: horizontal, vertical, turbo solarium and in the form of a chair. The latter is used to give shade to visible parts of the body. The vertical type solarium has the greatest power. But to get a tan, you have to work hard. You will have to raise your arms up to illuminate the sides. In the horizontal design, the client can sit more comfortably and get a tan that lasts longer. A turbo solarium is considered the most comfortable. This is explained by the presence of an air cooling system inside the flask.

How many minutes does it take to sunbathe in a solarium?

Information on how to properly sunbathe in a solarium in order to tan effectively is presented in a convenient table:

Skin typeAppearance FeaturesFirst tanning time (in min.)Time increase interval (in min.)Maximum amount of time (in minutes)How often
can you sunbathe?
Sensitive (Celtic type)Very fair skin, natural blonde and red hair, light eye color, frecklesYou can't sunbathe. Exposure to UV radiation can easily cause burns.
Normal (Nordic and Central European types)Brown hair from light to brown, eyes of any color. Light skin in beige or pink shades. 32102-3 times
Dark (Mediterranean type)Dark skin, dark hair and eyes.5-7315In one day

After obtaining the desired skin tone, it will be enough to maintain the effect by repeating the procedure once a week.

Pay attention to the lamps

For those girls who have light skin color, visiting a solarium is possible, but certain rules must be followed. First you need to choose a good beauty salon, which offers devices with different lamps:

  • green
    . This type is suitable for obtaining a basic tan;
  • pink
    . Suitable for 3-4 visits to the solarium. The rays penetrate the epidermis well, the tan turns out to be chocolate-colored;
  • blue
    _ For girls with white skin, it is better not to sunbathe under this type of lamp at all. They are very intense. You can get a tan after 1-2 sessions.

Beauty salons that value their reputation should have solariums with several types of lamps. Check this information with the administrator.

How to sunbathe properly in a solarium

Peeling must be done a few days before the procedure . You should take a towel, slippers and underwear with you.

Creams and protection products can be purchased at the salon.

How to sunbathe in a solarium to get a tan:

  1. It would be correct to take a shower a few hours before the session without peeling and washcloth. You can only use shower gel.
  2. It is necessary to remove makeup to achieve an even tan.
  3. You cannot use any perfume before the session.
  4. You need to sunbathe in a solarium without decorations.
  5. You should cover your hair with a special cap or scarf.
  6. Apply cream with a high UV filter to lips, tattoos and moles.
  7. Linen should be made from natural materials.
  8. If there is no underwear, you need to attach a stikini to your chest.
  9. It is also recommended to protect the piercing with stickers.
  10. And the eyes - with special glasses.
  11. Dermatologists and cosmetologists consider it mandatory to use specialized cosmetics before and after tanning. This way the tone will appear quickly and evenly.
  12. The procedure time must be observed.

How to sunbathe in a vertical solarium

It should be taken into account that the power of UV lamps in such a box is higher compared to other types of solarium. Therefore, the radiation dose in them is higher and the procedure requires less time.

You can start a session on a vertical platform from 3 minutes. Over the next 2 days, the skin continues to produce melanin and vitamin D. And the hydro-lipid balance of the dermis can be completely restored.

Further sessions can be repeated twice a week. And the duration of the procedure can be gradually increased to 10-15 minutes, depending on the skin type.

During the session, for effective tanning, it will be better to place your feet shoulder-width apart and raise your arms up . You can alternate the position of your hands: hold on to the handles on the top of the booth or place your palms on your belt.

A bonus of modern vertical boxes is the presence of a radio inside. Therefore, various dance movements can be a useful and enjoyable activity during the session.

How to sunbathe in a horizontal solarium

The intensity of tanning on a horizontal platform is much lower . Therefore, the procedure time can be safely increased by 2 times compared to a vertical box.

It is worth starting the session with 6 minutes and gradually increasing the time spent under the rays to 20 minutes.

Before starting the procedure, you must make sure that the surface of the site is thoroughly treated with a disinfectant.

You should alternate between lying on your back and stomach for a more even tan. And it is important to ensure that the light from the lamps falls evenly on the inner surface of the arms and legs.

How to sunbathe in a solarium for the first time

Before your first visit to this procedure, you should consult with your doctor about the presence of contraindications and body characteristics.

For such advice, it is better to consult a therapist or your attending physician.

A dermatologist will help you find out your skin type and give recommendations on how to properly sunbathe in a solarium to get a good tan.

An endocrinologist and gynecologist, if necessary, based on blood results, will give an opinion on hormone levels. Their level is important because if there are problems, the tan will lie unevenly. Or the procedures will lead to more serious disruptions in the body’s endocrine system.

Before the first session, you need to familiarize yourself with the operation of the device and learn how to use the control panel. Cabin doors must be easy to open from the inside.

It is necessary to check with the salon administrator when the lamps were last changed. The maximum operating life of the lamps is estimated by experts to be in the average range of 500 hours.

If the procedure is carried out under expired lamps, there is a risk of receiving a high degree of radiation and minimal tanning effect.

The time spent under the rays of artificial insolation for the first time is 3 minutes. After 2 days the procedure can be repeated. Each time you can add 2 minutes to the session.

Experts say that tanning appears gradually during the first 8 hours after the procedure.

During this time, redness on the skin may be normal. They should be painless. The presence of such manifestations depends on the skin type.

Important to remember! If during the procedure there is a burning sensation on the skin, general malaise or any other discomfort, it is better to stop the session immediately. Such symptoms may be signs of individual intolerance.

How to sunbathe in a solarium without a face

Note! The skin of the face tans faster than the body. In the horizontal box, you can use the function of turning off the lamps in the face and décolleté area.

Dermatologists recommend using a specialized cream with a high level of UV filter to protect the dermis in these sensitive areas. Or you can simply cover your face with a napkin during the session.

How to tan in a solarium with fair skin

How to properly sunbathe in a solarium for those with fair skin to tan safely: experts focus on the tanning time in this case. It would be better to start the first sessions with 2 minutes.

And until the skin stops reddening, do not increase the time. Then add 1 minute each subsequent time. The regularity of visits to the solarium should not exceed 2 times a week.

Doctors insist on using special tanning products in solariums, taking into account your skin type.

For fair skin, you should choose gentle products without ingredients that stimulate melanin production. This nuance should be observed in order to gradually adapt light skin to UV rays.

How to tan quickly and well in a solarium to a chocolate color

To achieve a quick and lasting effect from visiting a solarium, you must follow the well-known rules of tanning. You should use bronzers and other cosmetics designed for tanning in a solarium.

They increase the effect of UV radiation and stimulate the production of melanin in the dermis. A beautiful tan will also be achieved by rubbing oils into the skin before the procedure.

Products for quick and even shade

Experts believe that the best choice would be a cream - the product has a pleasant texture, due to which it is evenly distributed over the surface of the body and provides protection from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a specific product:

  • it is desirable to contain components that neutralize the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on dermal cells;
  • the cream should be either universal or two types - separately for the face/body;
  • if the solarium client is young, then a product with a powerful moisturizing effect is perfect for him;
  • at an older age, you need to give preference to a product that nourishes and tightens the skin.

There is a fairly large assortment of creams for obtaining “artificial” tanning on the market, but the following are recognized as the best:

  • Believe Black Bronzer and Bringin black are intended exclusively for solariums, with bronzers of natural origin (this could be oil, for example, walnut or carrot extract).

You need to pay attention to the composition of the product, and if it contains too many of these components, then pronounced dark spots may form on the surface of the body after tanning. These creams have a high moisturizing effect due to the nourishing oils they contain. The products are applied to completely dry skin, they are absorbed within 10 - 20 minutes, but even after this time they can stain clothes.

1. Believe Black Bronzer 2.Bringin black

The peculiarity of bronzers is that the resulting effect is short-lived - the tan will quickly wash off.

  • Flex and Dark Tan Accelerator are made from natural ingredients and contain no bronzers. But among the components there are vitamins and oils/extracts from various plants, which simultaneously serve as a tanning activator. Thanks to this, the desired/desired skin tone can be obtained in literally 1-3 sessions in a solarium. Moreover, the tan will lie absolutely evenly.

These products are suitable for any skin type, but if you are hypersensitive and prone to allergies, you should consult your doctor about the best choice.

Dark Tan Accelerator

  • Soleo Face Tan is a moisturizing cream that is enriched with vitamins and plant extracts. Its use will ensure not only an even tan, but also preservation of moisture in the dermis at the cellular level, which will prevent peeling of the skin after the procedure. The product can be used not only to treat the skin of the body, but also especially sensitive areas (face, décolleté, neck).

This cream can be used on any skin type, but the hemp oil and vitamins it contains make the tan look chocolatey - this should be taken into account by those with fair skin and white hair.

You can replace tanning creams with oils - some of them both provide a beautiful tan and care for the skin, making it smooth and well-moisturized:

  • olive – moisturizes, protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, prevents peeling and redness of the skin after sunbathing;
  • coconut - considered the optimal choice, suitable for treating the body and face, nourishes the skin with vitamins, tightens it.

You definitely need to know the rules for applying products to get a beautiful, even tan:

  • Before visiting the solarium (on this day), you need to take a shower, but without detergents. You can use a soft scrub for cleansing - the epidermis will be cleansed of dead particles, which will ensure high stability of the resulting tan.
  • The selected cream or oil should be applied to the skin 3-5 minutes before entering the booth. The layer of product should be thin, but if the skin is light or extremely sensitive, then it is better to make it thicker.
  • First, all parts of the body are treated, then the cream is applied to the face, neck and décolleté. To do this, you need to use different means for their intended purpose.

Cosmetics for solarium

Cosmetics for solarium are divided into developers, activators and fixers. Developers stimulate the production of melanin in the dermis. Their use is advisable in the first few sessions.

Next, you should move on to using activators. They are able to enhance blood circulation and other metabolic processes in the upper layers of the dermis. Therefore, the skin tans faster. The color becomes more saturated.

Fixatives help maintain and prolong the color retention of the skin. These include bronzers, which help achieve the desired shade faster.

Such cosmetics are designed to obtain the best results from visiting a solarium and protect the skin from the adverse effects of UV radiation. Such products care for the dermis, moisturize and nourish it. They also activate and strengthen the tan.

Specialized products are fundamentally different from ordinary beach tanning products. Using the latter in a solarium is pointless.

All products for use in solariums contain antioxidants to prolong the youthfulness of the skin. Such products should be selected individually based on skin type and applied evenly over the entire surface of the body.

The American brand Emerald Bay offers consumers a wide selection of products based on natural ingredients.

The products of the Russian company
Estelle are supplemented with formic acid. It helps eliminate unpleasant odor from the skin after sun exposure.

Another domestic company, Solbianca, produces products containing shea butter and cocoa butter. These cosmetic products provide good hydration of the dermis and enhance the effect of UV radiation.

The American company Australian Gold offers lotions, creams, bronzers with organic oils.

It is advisable to use all tanning products from the same brand. They complement each other's actions and compensate for the adverse effects of insolation.

Little secrets for a quick tan

If you want to tan faster, then do not refuse special products that are sold right there in salons - creams, lotions, oils. They contain activators and accelerators of melanin production in the body. These products promote a deeper tan by reducing the amount of time you spend in the cabin, which is important for the health of your skin.

There are special drops - “Vetoron”, they can be bought at any pharmacy. The main component in their composition is beta-carotene, which affects the rapid development of tanning. The drops should be taken according to the instructions, and the result will not take long to arrive.

Some foods help you tan faster. The leaders in this list are carrots and carrot juice - catalysts for the release of melanin. Peaches, melon, tomatoes, and broccoli also enhance the tan.

Tanning in a solarium with coconut oil

Coconut oil can make tanning easier and enhance its effect. Before the session, cosmetologists recommend applying a mixture of tanning cream and coconut oil to the skin in a 3:1 ratio.

If the insolation lasted more than 10 minutes, then 40 minutes after the end of the session, apply the mixture again for deeper nutrition and the development of a lasting, uniform tan tone.

If you are prone to an allergic reaction, you should choose refined coconut oil.


After completing the course, the tan lasts for a month. The skin then brightens as a result of natural renewal. There are subtleties that allow you to maintain a bronze tint for a longer time:

  • Care products with moisturizing and nourishing effects.
  • Products high in vitamins A, E, C should be on the daily menu. Vegetables and fruits of red and yellow colors, milk, eggs, spinach, beef liver, cheese will help maintain a tan.
  • A glass of carrot juice before each session will allow you to tan faster and maintain the result.

Why do your legs tan badly in a solarium?

In a vertical solarium, the legs sunbathe less compared to other parts of the body. Therefore, manufacturers make modern vertical boxes with mirrored floors to intensely reflect UV rays and enhance tanning on the lower parts of the body.

Which solarium is best for tanning your legs?

On a horizontal platform, the body tans more evenly than in a vertical solarium. The lamps of the horizontal box are located at the same distance from all parts of the body.

Therefore, for proper tanning, cosmetologists recommend using both horizontal and vertical platforms alternately in order to tan evenly.

How to sunbathe in a solarium to tan your legs

Cosmetologists advise paying special attention to the skin on your legs when preparing for a session on a vertical platform. Apply coconut oil cream generously to your feet.

In the chamber during insolation it is better to be dynamic : change body position or dance.
And after the procedure it would be better to use a bronzer.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without glasses?

You can be in the artificial insolation chamber without special glasses. In this case, the eyes should be tightly closed.

UV rays negatively affect eye tissue and can lead to decreased visual acuity.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium during menstruation?

The increased temperature inside the artificial insolation box leads to an increase in body temperature, which contributes to the dilation of blood vessels and an increase in discharge during menstruation.

A woman's hormonal background changes during this period. And the tan may appear unevenly. Overheating of the body during a woman's critical days can lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system.

The skin becomes sensitive under the influence of hormones during menstruation. Tanning can lead to burns and the appearance of age spots, so doctors recommend postponing visiting a solarium until your menstruation stops.

Can pregnant women sunbathe in a solarium?

Experts categorically prohibit pregnant women and women during lactation from sunbathing.

This ban is associated with changes in hormonal levels and the negative impact of UV radiation on the developing fetus.

How to sunbathe in a solarium safely?

During and after the procedure, it is important to monitor your general well-being and skin condition.

The solarium cabin must have a working control panel and good ventilation.

Doctors' advice on how to sunbathe safely in a solarium:

  1. At first, for unprepared skin, it will be correct to use photo skin protection.
  2. You cannot increase the time of one visit in order to tan faster.
  3. Before the session, you need to familiarize yourself with the act of replacing lamps in the solarium booth. It is worth considering that the new lamps provide a much higher tanning intensity. Therefore, the procedure time in this case should be reduced. The average lamp life is up to 700 hours.
  4. Turbo solarium should be chosen for tanning only by those with well-prepared skin that already has a dark tone.
  5. It is necessary to take a break of at least 1 day between sessions.
  6. It is important to use special products when tanning in a solarium. And after the procedure, it is advisable to moisturize the skin with nourishing lotions and creams.

Contraindications to visiting a solarium

  • You should not sunbathe in a solarium during your period;
  • The presence of benign and malignant tumors strictly prohibits the appearance in the magic cabin;
  • Tanning beds will aggravate rashes and other skin diseases;
  • Questions about whether pregnant women can sunbathe or go to a solarium while breastfeeding have an extremely negative answer. The detailed impact of rays on the fetus has no scientific basis, which means the result of such experiments may be the most unexpected;
  • People with hypertension, diabetes, thyroid disease, and heart problems should also avoid artificial sun;
  • A solarium can aggravate mastopathy and increase the number of age spots if a person is prone to this;
  • It is not worth the risk for those whose body is covered with a large number of moles;
  • Sometimes certain medications have a negative effect. Oral contraceptives and some antidepressants are often indicated;
  • Peeling can be considered a serious contraindication. Such aggressive skin cleansing should be carried out at least a week before the session.

Tanning in a solarium - how long does it last? How to preserve it for a long time.

The tanning time varies individually. Tanned skin tone lasts up to 2 weeks . You can extend it by visiting the solarium once a week for 15 minutes.

Tips from cosmetologists for extending the life of a tan:

  • You should avoid visiting baths, saunas and using hot showers;
  • peeling should be replaced with gentle exfoliation using a gel with abrasive particles;
  • It is important to prevent skin flaking, so you should pay special attention to moisturizing the skin during this period;
  • for the same purpose, it is recommended to drink more water;

  • include in your diet foods that stimulate melanin production (carrots, apricots, peaches);
  • It would be advisable to use bronzers to prolong the tan.

How to sunbathe correctly in a solarium to get a beautiful tan: to do this, you must follow all the recommendations of specialists. Achieving an even and attractive skin tone is easy. A visit to the solarium can be a real pleasure and will visually make your body toned and elastic. A beautiful tan is synonymous with youth and health.

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