Glaming - instant tanning without harm to health

Autumn will soon come and all that will remain from summer are memories and a tan... But winter has passed and spring is coming again, and you want to look like summer, tanned and rested. Instant tanning will come to the rescue - a new service in the beauty industry that has won many fans in a short period of time.

In this article you will find the most interesting information: how to do instant tanning in a salon, features of the procedure, pros and cons, as well as answers to the most popular questions.

What is instant tanning

Instant tanning (glaming) is a procedure during which a special lotion containing the pigment dehydroacetone is applied to the skin. It interacts with amino acids and proteins of the skin keratin, resulting in the formation of melanoids. These are substances that differ in composition from melanin, but also color the skin. For instant tanning, dehydroacetone is obtained from sugar cane, which is why glamping is often called cane tanning. Another name for the procedure is known - eco-tanning. This is due to the fact that the lotion that is applied to the skin contains only natural ingredients.

Instant tanning is a cosmetic procedure during which reed lotion is applied to the body using special equipment.

Advantages and disadvantages of glamping

The instant tanning procedure has a number of advantages compared to other methods of tanning:

  • the components of the glamping product are natural and hypoallergenic, so its use is safe;
  • after glamping, there are no spots or streaks left on the skin, and there is no unnatural orange tint that appears after self-tanning;
  • Before the procedure, you can choose the shade of your future tan;
  • one procedure lasts 15–20 minutes, and the effect is noticeable for 10–14 days;
  • one glamping procedure replaces 10 trips to the solarium;
  • unlike ultraviolet rays in a solarium, instant tanning does not cause premature aging of the skin, but prevents the appearance of wrinkles and skin diseases;
  • natural components of the glamping preparation moisturize and tighten the skin;
  • Unlike self-tanning, instant tanning does not clog pores.

Despite all the advantages of the procedure, it has several disadvantages:

  • visiting the sauna and swimming pool, as well as swimming in salt water after the procedure can reduce the effectiveness of tanning;
  • You can take a shower and wash off excess lotion only after a few hours;
  • within a few hours after completion of the procedure, clothes may become dirty;
  • Some tanning lotions have an unpleasant odor;
  • A tan acquired in a solarium lasts longer than after glamping.

Instant tanning is suitable for absolutely everyone, and the result of the procedure depends on how you prepare for glamping and whether you follow the rules of tanning care.

Video: what is glamping, its pros and cons

Cons of Hollywood tanning

Before you finally decide whether this procedure is right for you, you need to know about the possible side effects of instant tanning:

  • Frequent water procedures after tanning can disrupt the uniformity of skin color and lead to the appearance of spots and streaks.
  • If there is an increased tendency to allergic skin reactions, tanning product can trigger their occurrence.
  • Doing a quick tan too often gives your skin an unnatural tone.

One of the disadvantages of such a tan is that it does not last long.

Contraindications for instant tanning

The undoubted advantage of instant tanning is the absence of contraindications to this procedure. However, if you have hypersensitive skin or are allergic to any component of the lotion, be sure to inform the specialist about this. This type of tanning is not contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers, or children. However, many experts discourage pregnant women, as well as those with psoriasis and eczema, from the procedure. Therefore, if you are pregnant or have psoriasis or eczema, be sure to consult your doctor before signing up for glamping. If you have started your period before the procedure, you should postpone the session, as during menstruation the tan may become uneven. If there are wounds on the skin, the session should also be rescheduled.

Instant tanning is not contraindicated for pregnant women, but is not advisable either.

Is a Caribbean tan harmful to the body?

It is believed that instant tanning products are not harmful to the skin and overall health. But doctors warn of possible dangers:

  • an allergic reaction is unpredictable, the compositions of the products are different and the body may have an inadequate reaction to one or several components at once, even in the absence of a history of such;
  • the development of inflammatory processes is associated with blockage of enlarged pores, the secretions of the sweat/sebaceous glands accumulate in them and become inflamed; healthy tissue surrounding the lesion may be involved in the process.

Since the components of instant tanning products do not enter the bloodstream, it can be used in the presence of any internal pathologies.

Watch the video about the pros and cons of instant tanning:

Instant tanning products

During the instant tanning procedure, a special reed lotion is sprayed onto the skin, the main component of which is dihydroxyacetone. Some other drugs contain erythrulose. This monosaccharide is isolated from raspberries. Lotions with erythrulose provide a lighter tan with a yellowish tint, which appears later and washes off faster. Other preparations use both dihydroxyacetone and erythrulose, which makes the tan uniform and more durable.

Additional ingredients of glamping lotions include moisturizing components (most often aloe vera), as well as vitamins A, B, C, E, D, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, making it young, beautiful and healthy. Glycerin softens and moisturizes the skin, and hyaluronic acid prolongs its youth and restores elasticity. Most lotions also contain bronzers. After the first shower, they are washed off, but they are used so that the technician can control the process of applying the lotion and you have an idea of ​​​​what shade of tan you will get after the procedure.

Glamor lotions do not contain ingredients that protect the skin from ultraviolet rays. Therefore, if you plan to go to the solarium or to the beach after the procedure, be sure to apply a product with SPF.

Instant tanning lotions are absolutely safe, as they contain only natural ingredients. If you are allergic to any component, please inform your specialist. Frequent use of instant tanning lotion may cause skin dehydration. Therefore, do not forget to use moisturizers under any circumstances.

Instant self-tanning and bronzers for face and body

If you want a light shade of tan, if you are going on a trip to sunny climes, then instead of self-tanning, bronzers for the face and body are recommended (for example, in the form of “spray tights”) and a diet rich in beta-carotene, which accumulates in the skin and gives it golden hue.

In studies, this tan is rated as more attractive than a chemical instant tan. And it provides a degree of protection from UV rays rather than making skin more vulnerable to sun damage.

How to prepare for an instant tanning session

To get a beautiful, even tan, you should prepare your skin well for the procedure:

  • 1-2 days before the procedure, do hair removal;
  • the evening before the procedure, cleanse the skin of dead skin particles using a scrub. Thanks to this, the instant tan will lie more evenly. Give preference to a sugar-based scrub. Also pay attention to the composition of the scrub - it should not contain oil. This is due to the fact that the oil prevents the lotion from being evenly applied to the skin, resulting in an uneven tan;
  • If you have signed up for a morning session, you are not allowed to shower before the procedure. And if you go glamping in the evening, you can take a shower in the morning, but without soap and gel. At least 4–5 hours should pass from the moment you take a shower to the procedure;
  • your skin should be clean. On the day of the procedure, do not apply any cosmetics to it, including deodorant. Perfume should also not be used. You are only allowed to apply mascara to your eyelashes and lipstick;
  • Please come to the procedure in dark, loose clothing. Also, take care not to expose yourself to rain or snow after sunbathing.

Video: rules for preparing for glamping from an instant tanning master


  • has no contraindications ;
  • is the only way to tan for people who are contraindicated from being in the sun for a long time;
  • available to women at any stage of pregnancy ;
  • is a safe and harmless procedure for the health and appearance of the skin;
  • suitable for all skin types , including thin and sensitive;
  • boasts a complete absence of pain and discomfort;
  • reduces the risk of allergies to a minimum;
  • provides positive results almost immediately ;
  • has a wide palette of color shades;
  • offers to choose the desired shade for tanning;
  • eliminates direct exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • makes it possible to paint individual areas of the body;
  • the procedure does not take much time .

How does the instant tanning procedure work?

The procedure for instant tanning in the salon consists of the following steps:

  1. Conversation with the master. You must talk about your wishes and skin characteristics. After this, the specialist will select the most suitable shade of lotion for you.
  2. You undress and remove all jewelry. The procedure can be done in a swimsuit, topless or completely naked. It depends on whether you want the tan lines to show on your body. You also need to put on a cap and stick a stickini on your nipples. If your nails are not painted, a special cream is applied to them.
  3. The master does bio-peeling. In most salons, this service is included in the cost of tanning. Thanks to bio-peeling, the lotion is perfectly applied to the skin, and the tan goes on more evenly and lasts longer.
  4. Using special equipment, the master sprays lotion on the body. This is a pleasant procedure that does not cause discomfort.
  5. You must stand for ten minutes for the lotion to be absorbed into the skin. This completes the instant tanning procedure.

Many people resort to instant tanning at home. In this case, the master will come to your home with all the necessary equipment and carry out exactly the same procedure as in the salon. Doing glamping at home is much more comfortable, since you can avoid wearing clothes for longer and allow the lotion to be better absorbed into the skin. As a result, the tan will be more even.

What to do after the procedure

After completing the procedure, you must follow the following rules:

  • for the first 8 hours, do not come into contact with water, do not wear tight clothes and avoid physical activity;
  • after 8 hours, take a shower and rinse off the lotion with warm water, but without soap or gel. If you notice that the lotion is not washed off well, then use shower gel, but under no circumstances use a washcloth. Dry your wet body with a towel, but do not rub your skin with it;
  • After a shower, apply moisturizing cream or milk to your skin.

Visiting the sauna and swimming pool helps wash away the tan.

Video: instant tan care


The main “plus” is that the spray provides a more even tan than regular self-tanning when self-applied with creams, lotions, sprays or self-tanning gels.

However, with spray tanning, light areas of the skin remain where the body is covered by underwear. You can avoid this by using other self-tanning products at home (cream, mousse, milk, oil, lotion, wipes).

The disadvantage of chemical tanning is the specific smell of the skin and a yellow tint, which looks unnatural. The advantage is to entrust yourself to the hands of specialists, it is more convenient. The specialist performing the procedure ensures uniform shade, protection of hair and feet (hair must be protected with a cap, soles with special self-adhesive “feet” stickers, as well as fingernails and toenails, for example, with Vaseline).

How long does instant tan last?

An instant tan lasts on the body for one to two weeks. For those with dry skin, the tan fades faster. Also, the durability of a tan depends on your skin phototype. If you have fair skin and hair, blue or green eyes and freckles, your tan will last about a week. If you have fair skin, dark hair and eyes, then about two weeks. And on dark skin, an instant tan will last 2-3 weeks.

To keep your tan on your skin as long as possible, do not go to the sauna or bathhouse, try not to sweat, and moisturize your skin in the mornings and evenings. Since glamping lotions contain only natural ingredients, the procedure can be done as often as you want.


  • the skin may get dirty in the first hours after the procedure;
  • with frequent visits to pools, saunas and swimming in salt water, the period of instant tanning is reduced to four to seven days;
  • some varieties of cane lotions have an unpleasant odor;
  • requires careful care after the procedure.

Today, the effectiveness of this type of artificial tanning directly depends on the method of applying the lotion to the body.

  • Manual application with elements of massage is not the most successful option for using the solution. After such treatment, the tan often turns out uneven. In addition, excess lotion is removed with a towel, leaving uneven spots and various stains on the body.
  • Using a spray bottle is a more effective method than manually. You stand on a specially equipped stand and the master evenly covers your body with lotion from a spray bottle. The quality of tanning greatly depends on the skills and experience of the specialist.
  • Using an automatic booth is the most effective and most modern way to apply tanning. This procedure is fully automated, does not require a specialist and takes about five minutes. There are special sprayers in the cabin that evenly cover your body with lotion on both sides, after which the drying process is activated, which helps the solution dry quickly. As a result, your tan will last longer than usual.

I bring to your attention a photo of a wide palette of color shades of instant tanning.

There are a lot of rumors about how long instant tan lasts. Experts say that an instant tan retains its original color for up to two weeks ; in rare cases, with proper care after the procedure, it can last up to three weeks. The distinctive advantage of reed tanning from all others is that if you do not like the resulting shade, you can repaint it several times until you get the desired color, these actions will not cause absolutely any harm to the skin. I recommend paying attention to instant tan reviews.

How much does an instant tanning session cost?

The cost of one instant tanning session depends on a number of factors. In large and popular tanning studios the price will be higher than in small salons. However, before you sign up for the procedure, think carefully. A low price may indicate that the technician will use low-quality, cheap lotion, and therefore the quality of the tan will be poor. If you want to get a beautiful, even tan, then before making a choice in favor of a particular salon, be sure to read customer reviews.

On average, the cost of an instant tanning session is 1.5–2 thousand rubles. Tanning your hands, face and décolleté will cost an average of 1 thousand rubles. There is also an express tanning service, when you can take a shower after the procedure in 2 hours, and not 8 or more. It will cost about 3 thousand rubles. The cost of an at-home glamping session depends on the beauty salon you choose. As a rule, the price doubles.

Where can I do this procedure?

You can do this procedure in instant tanning studios or beauty salons in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kyiv.

Where to get an instant tan in Moscow

  • Tanning studio "Hollywood": Moscow, Lugovoy Ave., 4k2, tel..
  • Beauty salon "Eldorado": Moscow, per. Armenian, 13, tel..
  • Tanning studio "TROPICANA": Moscow, st. Kedrova, 14, office. 314, tel..

Where to get an instant tan in St. Petersburg.

  • Tanning studio “AIR TAN”: St. Petersburg, Nauki Ave., 30, tel..
  • Tanning studio "Vesnushka": St. Petersburg, Vladimirsky Ave., 15, tel..
  • Unified tanning center and FAKE BAKE: St. Petersburg, Koroleva Ave., 48, bldg. 6, tel..

Where to get an instant tan in Kyiv

  • Reed tanning studio “SUN KISS”: Kiev, st. Generala Vitruk, 7A, tel. +38.
  • Salon “Beauty Hair”: Kiev, st. Zhilyanskaya, 102/51, office. 3, tel. +38.
  • Beauty studio “Shvets Marina”: Kiev, st. B. Vasilkovskaya, 91, tel. +38.
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