Facelift with Galina Dubinina: video, results, reviews (10+videos)

Over time, a person’s face undergoes significant changes - the top layer of skin dries out, the outline changes, and the complexion deteriorates. To restore their former beauty and prolong their youth, women use an arsenal of all kinds of means - from harmless creams and masks to serious plastic surgery. Galina Dubinina’s facial gymnastics with video is aimed at helping women cope with age-related changes, return their skin to its blooming appearance and fall in love with the woman in them. The complex is called a facelift, literally: “facelift,” but it can be performed not only by women, but also by men who are not indifferent to their appearance.

  • Pros and cons of Galina Dubinina's facelift
    Video: facial exercises (facelift) from Galina Dubinina
  • Facelift of Galina Dubinina
      Exercises for the neck and décolleté
  • Facelift for chin
  • Facelift for cheeks
  • Lip exercises
  • Gymnastic complex for the eyes
  • Reviews about Galina Dubinina's facelift
  • Facial muscles to tighten skin from the inside

    We rarely think about the fact that on our face, as well as on our arms, legs, waist, and buttocks, there are many muscles that need training. Some of them actively work in the process of chewing food, while the other part provides expressive facial expressions and allows us to express the emotions that we are experiencing at the moment.

    Muscles support the face and allow you to express emotions

    A distinctive feature of these muscle fibers is that at one end they are attached to the bones of the skull, and at the opposite end to the skin. And if the muscle often tenses or is constantly in increased tone, then a fold forms on the skin at the site of its attachment. This is how facial wrinkles appear, which deepen over the years.

    If you periodically perform simple exercises that help relax and subsequently strengthen the facial muscles, you can prevent the formation of wrinkles and even get rid of most of them. To achieve greater effect, exercises should be combined with simple massage movements that improve blood circulation, stimulate lymph flow and activate metabolic processes. This is the basis of the technique developed by Galina Dubinina - facelift, which literally means “lifting, lifting the face.”

    Galina Dubinina - author of a method for rejuvenation and healing

    Facelifting is a facelift exercise combined with massage movements.

    All these problems are easily solved by a facelift with Galina Dubinina, the video of which we now present to your attention.

    About the author of the method - Galina Dubinina

    Galina Dubinina is a specialist not only in the field of facial gymnastics. She works as a fitness instructor and has always been interested in natural ways to maintain health and youth throughout the body. But she decided to get serious about developing a system that allows her to rejuvenate her face only when she saw the first signs of aging in the mirror. In order to stay young and beautiful herself, she began to study natural rejuvenation techniques: the systems of Carol Maggio and Reinhold Benz. Studying and testing these techniques on herself, Galina Dubinina created her own complex, which includes the most effective exercises. Having tested the system on herself, she moved on to training other women, and in 2004 a group was created to test the effectiveness of the new technique. The facelift system became widespread after all participants were satisfied with the result.

    Results from exercises: fresh complexion, “open” eyes, reduction of wrinkles and excellent health

    Galina Dubinina is an ardent opponent of injection cosmetology and plastic surgery. She suggests women choose “healthier” methods of rejuvenation, which are not limited to facial gymnastics: the author recommends supplementing facelift with breathing exercises, as well as regularly conducting self-massage sessions.

    Galina Dubinina developed a facial rejuvenation program, which she began to apply independently, noticing the first signs of aging

    Exercises for the neck and décolleté:

    You should never forget about the neck - it is the very first treacherous sign of a woman’s age. There are also special exercises to improve the shape of the décolleté and neck, and even for those who are preparing for a special event and want to look irresistible at it!

    Facelift with Galina Dubinina is a series of interesting complexes aimed at working the facial muscles and solving specific problems. Elastic muscles are the prevention of age-related changes and an effective way to combat them.

    Basic exercise course

    Just as a workout for the body cannot be called effective without a warm-up, so exercise for the face cannot be done without a short preparation.

    1. First of all, give your face free breathing - “remove” your makeup.
    2. Then set your skin up for fruitful work: take a contrast shower or rinse your face alternately with hot and cold water.
    3. Now lie down, take a comfortable position and massage your earlobes for a few minutes - they contain many nerve endings, so stimulation of this area is always useful.

    Now sit in front of the mirror and go directly to your studies.

    It doesn’t hurt to lubricate the skin with a rich cream or cosmetic oil.

    Galina Dubinina's course of exercises is divided into several parts, one for each area of ​​the face: forehead, eyelids, cheeks (cheekbones), chin, lips, neck and décolleté. By and large, this is already enough to experience the full benefits of charging. But maximalists who are accustomed to squeezing the maximum benefit out of any technique will definitely not go wrong by supplementing the training with bioenergetic and acupressure self-massage, eye exercises and Bodyflex breathing exercises. So…

    Facelift against wrinkles in the forehead area

    Place both palms on your temples so that your index fingers are pressed to your eyebrows. Apply gentle pressure to secure the skin. Now try to raise your eyebrows, overcoming the resistance of your fingers, and slowly count to 8. The point of the exercise is to force the muscles under the skin to work, while the skin itself remains motionless. This is why you need a mirror for gymnastics: you must clearly see that you are not wrinkled on your forehead.

    Start with 5 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 15-20.

    Video: smoothing the forehead

    From crow's feet

    Open your eyes as wide as you can and raise your eyebrows. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then forcefully lower your eyelids - the tension remains - and count to 5 again. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

    Use the tips of your middle and index fingers to secure the outer and inner corners of each eye. Squint your eyes quickly 8 times, pulling your lower eyelid toward your upper eyelid, and then repeat the same exercise 8 more times, but at a slow pace.

    Remaining in the same position (fingers at the corners of your eyes), look up at the ceiling and squint again: 8 times quickly and 8 times slowly. Have you forgotten that you should not allow wrinkles to appear during exercise? Great!

    Video: lifting the upper eyelid, removing swelling

    We undertake a massive attack on imperfections in the eye area: we strengthen the eyelids, eliminate bags and erase the boundary between the cheek and the eye.

    For cheeks and zygomatic muscles

    Place your fingertips on your temples and outer corners of your eyes to prevent wrinkles from forming. Smile slightly while trying to purse your lips as if you were going to make an “O” sound. Hold this position for 5-8 seconds and then relax your face. At first, perform no more than 5 approaches, only over time increasing the number of repetitions to 15. While performing the exercise, you should feel the tension in the muscles of your cheeks and chin.

    Hands still on temples. Smile widely—as people say, with all 32 teeth—and slowly count to 5. Relax your muscles. The total number of repetitions is from 5 to 15.

    Video: strengthening the cheeks and upper lip, improving the shape of the nose

    Over time, not only the cheeks and chin “float” down, even the tip of the nose begins to sink, changing the facial expression. Fortunately, it is not only possible to prevent this, but also necessary.

    For sensual lips

    Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, pronounce the sound “P” several times without tension. To put it simply, slap your lips and relax them at the same time.

    Press your palms firmly to the corners of your mouth and extend your lips forward, as if blowing a kiss to an invisible admirer. Repeat 5-8 times. Control the process with a mirror: no wrinkles should form on the upper lip!

    Pull your lips forward as we do when pronouncing the sound “U”, and try to “pull” the lower lip over the upper one. Happened? Then swap them and “hug” your lower lip with your upper lip. Repeat 5 times. To complete the exercise, bring your lips together tightly, rest your tongue on the roof of your mouth and lift the corners of your mouth several times.

    Video: making your lips perfect

    For a beautiful oval face

    Place the tips of your index fingers on the edges of your mouth to seal the corners of your lips as tightly as possible. Push out the middle of your lower lip with force to expose your teeth. Feel tension in your neck? Fine! Now relax. Repeat 20 times.

    Pull your lips in and gently bite them with your teeth, and then lift the corners of your mouth to form a smile. Stay in this position for 8 seconds. Relax. Repeat the exercise 5 times, remembering to ensure that nasolabial folds do not form on your face. If this happens, use your index fingers to secure the skin at the corners of your mouth.

    Video: removing a double chin

    Galina advises to accompany gymnastics with a short self-massage. It improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, accelerates metabolic processes in skin cells, has a beneficial effect on nerve endings, fights swelling and tones muscles. In the end, a massage is simply pleasant and, done in the morning, will charge you with energy and good mood for the whole day. It won’t hurt any woman to master his simple techniques. The main thing is to make sure that your fingers do not stretch the skin under any circumstances! Let them flutter over your face like butterflies!

    Sets of exercises for women of different ages

    Galina Dubinina adheres to a firm belief: what is good for a young lady is not suitable for a mature woman or a lady of advanced age.

    • At twenty years old, when a girl is blooming and delights fans with radiant skin, you don’t want to think about wrinkles at all. But, as you know, you need to protect from a young age not only honor, but also beauty. And therefore, at this age it is already possible to start preventing aging.
    • At 30, the skin begins to slowly lose its position, and facial wrinkles increasingly try to appear around the eyes and corners of the mouth. It's time to give them a decisive rebuff!
    • At 40, a person needs serious care and impressive support in the form of a new effective set of exercises.
    • Looking youthful after 50 is a real skill. But everyone can master it.
    • Those who think that after 60 it is useless to take care of yourself are mistaken. At any age, you can maintain toned muscles and skin, maintain a pleasant complexion and remain a Woman with a capital W.

    That is why Galina Dubinina’s exercise courses are divided by age, which is very convenient.

    Video: gymnastics at 20 years old

    Do you have a desire to learn more about the technique? There is nothing simpler - videos with Galina Dubinina’s gymnastics can be found on many Internet resources. Try visiting Elena Kosyakova’s YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwCNDzASUkcZOg54nWXZplhzf0_FkHsCZ. Here you can not only find a selection of exercises for different parts of the face and different ages, but also get recommendations for self-massage. And even check out the gymnastics option for men!

    I would like to start my comment with a little background on what I came to Natalya Alekseevna with. I was 16 years old when I met a guy who interested me, and I ended up falling in love with him. But alas, the good attitude towards me lasted about 2 years, then there was only torment and bullying. It all started with a fun holiday with friends until the morning, lies, repeated betrayals, beatings, insults and other nasty things, but I continued to forgive everything and love just as much. We dated for 10 years, he promised year after year that he would get married, but these were just words that he never skimped on. Everything ended only with them. Now I’m 26 years old, I broke up with him 5 months ago. At that time I was simply broken; I didn’t want to do anything, neither eat, nor sleep, nor live. Day after day I just cried and thought about suicide. But at one point I realized that I’d probably stop tormenting myself, and decided to look for a way out. Knowing that I was unlikely to cope on my own, since I had been in this state more than once, I decided to find a psychologist who would help me cope with my situation. I remember now, sitting on the Internet and looking for a specialist who could help me cope. And purely by chance I went to a women’s forum where there was a discussion of Rostov psychologists, and most of the girls spoke very well of Natalya Alekseevna Dubinina. And one of the girls gave a link to the site, I was very interested, and decided to go, this is where I am now writing my review

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