Useful collagen solarium: features and rules

Collagen solarium is a relatively new procedure. Used in clinics and beauty salons two types of collagen lamps:
  • Blue . It has been proven that such lamps have anti-inflammatory properties; their use is recommended by dermatologists for those patients who have skin rashes of various origins. Under the influence of blue collagen lamps, pigment spots disappear, even if they are “old”, pronounced and extensive.
  • Reds . Their radiation penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, which accelerates regenerative processes at the cellular level. The epidermis begins to actively renew itself, and if the body and face are treated alternately with two lamps, this will ensure a complete recovery of the entire body.

Blue lamps emit ultraviolet rays; they are not as aggressive as in a regular solarium . This allows you to acquire a tan gradually, because melanin in the cells of the dermis is produced slowly and acquires its highest concentration only after several sessions.

Neither blue nor red lamps cause any harm, such procedures can be taken even without special protective glasses.

You can visit the collagen solarium at your own discretion. But there are also clear medical indications for undergoing a course of health procedures:

  • rashes of various types that appear at regular intervals;
  • the vascular network is clearly visible on the surface of the skin;
  • rapid changes in appearance associated with aging;
  • acne with frequent exacerbations;
  • nervous diseases.

Collagen solarium most often acts as a therapeutic procedure . It must be prescribed by a doctor and carried out in several sessions at intervals of 1-2 weeks.

Collagen solarium

The impact of collagen lamps will also be useful for some cardiovascular diseases that are not severe and do not interfere with a person’s usual activity.


  • tuberculosis, which occurs in severe form and is accompanied by impaired respiratory function;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland, even in a state of long-term remission;
  • some neurological disorders accompanied by seizures, such as epilepsy;
  • diagnosed neoplasms anywhere in the body.

Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from visiting the solarium, even if it is collagen. You should not walk if you have some dermatological diseases, for example, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, which are in the acute stage.


Conditional contraindications are any inflammatory process in the body, increased body temperature, menstruation.

Recommendations for visiting the solarium:

  • 3 - 5 days before the start of the course, you need to perform gentle peeling of the skin of the body and face;
  • immediately before the procedure, you can treat the skin with specific cosmetics to enhance the effect (serum or moisturizing gel);
  • You should wear glasses over your eyes, as the light from collagen lamps is very bright;
  • When visiting a collagen solarium, the client must be accompanied by a specialist to correctly select the device mode.

The effect of collagen lamps will appear only after several sessions , and their number is calculated individually:

  • if you only need rejuvenation - 10 - 15 procedures;
  • for hyperpigmentation and problems with blood vessels – 20 times;
  • reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, get rid of acne and acne - 25 sessions.

Vertical collagenarium
The collagen solarium can be vertical - the duration of one session will be 15 minutes, and horizontal - the procedure will take 20 minutes . For problems with the face, you can use a table-top device, in which case one procedure will last 25 minutes.

The breaks between visits are 3 days . To maintain the results obtained, cosmetologists recommend visiting a collagen solarium 2 times a month.

Myths and truth about collagen solarium:

  • The influence of ultraviolet rays is not aggressive . Yes, since blue lamps emit short waves, and they do not penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, do not destroy cells and do not cause burns.
  • Acne and acne disappear. These phenomena relate to inflammatory conditions and it is impossible to get rid of them without the use of specific medications. But blue and red lamps perfectly dry the skin and slow down the progression of the pathology; there are actually fewer rashes.
  • Wrinkles are smoothed out . No thermal procedure can get rid of them. It is necessary to undergo a course of more aggressive and effective procedures.
  • Evens out skin tone . Yes, such an effect is present after a full course, but it is associated only with obtaining a uniform and low-intensity tan.
  • Stretch marks on the skin of the body (striae) disappear. They simply become less pronounced.
  • The skin does not dry out and does not lose moisture . This is true, you don’t even need to use specific protective creams, the skin remains smooth and elastic, there is no peeling, like after visiting a classic solarium.

Read more in our article about collagen tanning.

Types of collagen lamps

Collagen solarium is a relatively new procedure that is carried out using special equipment. In clinics and beauty salons where this service is provided, two types of collagen lamps are used:

  • Blue . It has been proven that such lamps have anti-inflammatory properties; their use is recommended by dermatologists for those patients who have skin rashes of various origins. Under the influence of blue collagen lamps, pigment spots disappear, even if they are “old”, pronounced and extensive.
  • Reds . Their radiation penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, which accelerates regenerative processes at the cellular level. The epidermis begins to actively renew itself, and if the body and face are treated alternately with two lamps, this will ensure a complete recovery of the entire body.

It is noteworthy that blue lamps emit ultraviolet rays; they are not as aggressive as in a regular solarium. This allows you to acquire a tan gradually, because melanin in the cells of the dermis is produced slowly and acquires its highest concentration only after several sessions.

Neither blue nor red lamps cause any harm; such procedures can be taken even without special protective glasses - vision after a collagen solarium remains at the initial level.

We recommend reading the article about tanning beds for acne. From it you will find out whether a solarium helps with acne on the back and face, whether it is effective against the consequences of acne, when it is better to give up a solarium and how many procedures are needed for the result. And here is more information about solarium after Botox.

What is a collarium

A collarium is a device that looks the same as a solarium. But if solariums are equipped with ultraviolet tanning lamps, then the collarium also has collagen lamps for rejuvenation. Half of these lamps are red and the other half are blue. Blue rays (wavelength - 415 nm) have bactericidal properties and increase immunity. Red rays (wavelength 633 nm) penetrate the skin to 9–11 mm, promote collagen production and trigger the process of cell regeneration. Thanks to this, the following positive changes are observed:

  • pores narrow;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • metabolism is activated;
  • age spots and freckles lighten;
  • stretch marks (striae) become less noticeable;

There are two types of collariums: vertical and horizontal. The latter is a capsule in which the procedure is performed while lying down. The number of lamps in such a device ranges from 10 to 30.

The horizontal collarium looks like a capsule in which the client is in a horizontal position, that is, lying down

The vertical collarium is similar to a cabin in which you need to be in a standing position. This is a more powerful collarium, as it has at least 40 lamps. There is also a homemade collarium, which is small in size and affects small areas of the skin. With its help you can tan and rejuvenate the skin of your face, hands and décolleté.

The vertical collarium looks like a booth in which the client receives the procedure while standing

Many people often confuse a collarium with a collagenarium, but they are different devices. Collagenaria are equipped only with collagen lamps, so you will rejuvenate your skin, but will not tan. And in the collarium there are both ultraviolet rays and collagen rays. It’s not for nothing that this device is called a collagen solarium. Therefore, after a session in the collarium, you will not only improve your skin health, but also become the owner of a beautiful, even tan.

Video: doctor’s opinion on tanning in a collarium

Advantages and disadvantages of collarium compared to solarium

Collarium has a number of advantages compared to solariums:

  • You can sunbathe safely in the collarium, since collagen rays protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays by absorbing their harmful light waves. Therefore, after collarium, the skin is not dry and there are no burns;
  • thanks to the influence of red and blue collagen rays, the production of collagen, which is responsible for the beauty and youth of the skin, is stimulated;
  • Due to exposure to ultraviolet and collagen rays, vitamin D is synthesized, hyaluronic acid and melanin are produced. As a result, the skin acquires a golden hue and is rejuvenated at the same time.

The disadvantage of a collarium in comparison with a solarium is its higher cost. Also, not all beauty salons and tanning studios allow you to sign up for such a procedure.

What does the result of the procedure depend on?

The result of the procedure depends on several factors:

  • the number of lamps in the collarium and their power. The more powerful the lamps, the faster the result is achieved;
  • skin condition. In the presence of pathological pigmentation, scars and stretch marks, it is more difficult to achieve results, so the number of procedures increases;
  • skin type. This factor significantly influences the result of tanning in a collarium. So, if you have freckles, blue or green eyes, light hair and skin, then only after 7-8 sessions you can achieve a light yellowish tan. Those with fair skin, brown or blue eyes and light brown hair should visit the collarium 5-6 times for a moderate tan. Those with dark brown or brown hair, dark eyes and light skin will also need 5-6 sessions for an intense tan. And for people with dark skin, dark eyes and hair, it will be enough to visit the collarium 3-4 times.

The result of tanning in a collarium depends on your skin type

Contraindications to collarium

The collarium can only be visited by persons over 18 years of age. Before you sign up for a salon, read the list of strict contraindications:

  • low blood pressure;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • blood diseases;
  • thyrotoxicosis or hyperthyroidism - diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • epilepsy;
  • porphyria;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • taking medications that lead to photosensitivity (for example, antibiotics or St. John's wort), as well as treatment with hormonal drugs.

There are also a number of relative contraindications, in the presence of which you can visit the collarium, but only with the permission of a doctor:

  • diabetes;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • blood pigmentation disorders.

If on the eve of the procedure you have a fever or your period begins, you should reschedule the session.

Reasons to visit a solarium

You can visit a collagen solarium at your own request - this will be the prevention of aging. But there are also clear medical indications for undergoing a course of health procedures:

  • rashes of various types appearing with a clear frequency;
  • the vascular network is clearly visible on the surface of the skin;
  • there are rapid changes in appearance associated with aging;
  • diagnosed with acne with frequent exacerbations;
  • Doctors have confirmed nervous diseases.

You need to understand that collagen solarium most often acts as a therapeutic procedure. It must be prescribed by a doctor and carried out in strictly prescribed dosages - several sessions at intervals of 1-2 weeks.

It is worth mentioning separately that the effect of collagen lamps will also be useful for some cardiovascular diseases that are not severe and do not interfere with a person’s usual activity.

Effects of light therapy on the body

The method of light therapy in cosmetology involves the action on the body of a ray of light that penetrates deep into the skin. Using light with certain wavelengths, oxygen metabolism in the skin is stimulated, and the production of its own collagen and elastin is improved. In addition, light therapy removes toxins from the body, which improves skin tone, disappears fine wrinkles and improves complexion.

Often people who have not yet had time to familiarize themselves with reliable research and do not know about the side effects of collagen tanning and light therapy in general consider this method harmful. However, scientists fundamentally disagree with such statements and support their opinion with tests.


Despite the complete safety of the procedures, you need to know that there are contraindications to its implementation:

  • tuberculosis, which occurs in severe form and is accompanied by impaired respiratory function;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland, even if they are in a state of long-term drug remission;
  • some neurological disorders accompanied by seizures - for example, epilepsy;
  • diagnosed neoplasms anywhere in the body - malignant or benign with a risk of transformation into a cancerous tumor.

Naturally, pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from visiting the solarium, even if it is collagen. You should not subject your body to heat treatment for certain dermatological diseases - for example, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis that is in the acute stage.

A conditional contraindication is any inflammatory process in the body, increased body temperature (regardless of whether the reasons for such deterioration in health are known), menstruation. This means that you can visit a solarium with collagen lamps only after your health has fully recovered.

In what cases is the procedure prohibited or not recommended?

Some of the contraindications are absolute, that is, visiting the collagenarium is completely excluded. Others may be temporary and treatable. Your doctor can tell you more about this during your consultation. The list of contraindications to collagen solarium includes:

  • epilepsy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • any type of oncology;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • all ophthalmological diseases;
  • pathologically impaired skin pigmentation,
  • thyrotoxicosis,
  • porphyria,
  • taking corticosteroids,
  • problems with the thyroid gland.

Features of visiting a collagen solarium

There are no special rules for visiting a solarium with collagen lamps; all recommendations are standard:

  • 3 – 5 days before the start of the course, you need to perform a gentle peeling of the skin of the body and face, which will ensure deeper penetration of the rays and obtain a uniform tan;
  • immediately before the procedure, you can treat the skin with specific cosmetics to enhance the effect - this can be serum or moisturizing gel;
  • You should put glasses on your eyes - no, not for safety, but for comfort: the light from collagen lamps is very bright;
  • When visiting a collagen solarium, the client must be accompanied by a specialist - he will use a sensor to determine the level of his own collagen in the cells of the dermis and select the desired mode of operation of the device.

Solarium creams
The effect of collagen lamps will appear only after several sessions, and their number is calculated individually:

  • if you only need rejuvenation, then you need to get 10 – 15 procedures;
  • in case of hyperpigmentation and problems with blood vessels, you will have to visit the collagen solarium 20 times;
  • It will be possible to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, get rid of acne and acne in 25 sessions.

A collagen solarium can be vertical - the duration of one session will be 15 minutes, and horizontal - the procedure will take 20 minutes. If it is necessary to solve dermatological problems exclusively on the facial skin, then you can use a table-top device with an identical effect, and in this case one procedure will last 25 minutes.

The breaks between procedures are 3 days. After completing the course, to maintain the results obtained, cosmetologists recommend visiting a collagen solarium 2 times a month.

What determines the cost of a salon procedure?

Collarium prices are calculated based on the cost of one minute. In small studios, prices for this service are lower than in large popular salons. However, before you make a choice in favor of an inexpensive studio, you need to think carefully, because the low price may be due to the fact that the lamps in the collarium have not been changed for a long time, therefore it will be more difficult to achieve a positive result. The more powerful the lamps in the collarium, the more expensive one minute of the procedure will be. On average it costs from 15 to 50 rubles. If you purchase a subscription for the entire course, this will save you some money.

Myths and truth about collagen solarium

Advertising is often deceptive and therefore it is worth listening to the opinions of dermatologists and cosmetologists regarding the effectiveness of solariums with collagen lamps:

  • The influence of ultraviolet rays is not aggressive . This is true because blue lamps emit short waves - they do not penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, do not destroy cells and do not cause burns.
  • Acne and acne disappear . A controversial statement, because these phenomena relate to inflammatory conditions and it is impossible to get rid of them without the use of specific medications. But blue and red lamps perfectly dry the skin and slow down the progression of the pathology - there are actually fewer rashes.
  • Wrinkles are smoothed out . No thermal procedure can get rid of wrinkles - deep or small. You will need to undergo a course of more aggressive and effective procedures - for example, mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid.
  • Evens out skin tone . Yes, such an effect is present after a full course, but it is associated only with obtaining a uniform and low-intensity tan.
  • Stretch marks on the skin of the body (striae) disappear . They simply become less pronounced and this is due precisely to the production of melanin in the cells of the dermis - tanning simply visually hides the problem.
  • The skin does not dry out and does not lose moisture . And this is true - you don’t even need to use specific protective creams, the skin remains smooth and elastic, there is no peeling, like after visiting a classic solarium.

We recommend reading the article about moisturizing after sunbathing. In it, you will learn why it is important to moisturize your skin after sun exposure, the best face and body products for moisturizing after sunbathing, as well as about moisturizing after tanning with folk remedies. Here's more about coconut oil after sun.

A collagen solarium can be an excellent way to preserve and prolong youth and healthy skin. And getting an even tan is a pleasant bonus to your health.

Useful video

Watch the video about what Collagenarium is:

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Cosmetics for collagenarium

Special cosmetics have been created that are used before and after being in the collagenarium. It is designed to more quickly produce and overall improve the positive effects and benefits of light therapy. The second undeniable advantage of using special cosmetics is the ability to consolidate the result for a longer period. Usually, before the procedure, the skin is cleansed of all decorative and caring cosmetics, since they usually contain reflective substances.

Cosmetics for light correction are usually divided into three general categories:

  1. Scrubs with vitamins to prepare the skin immediately before the procedure.
  2. Spray or lotion that improves collagen synthesis during a session. They also moisturize and additionally nourish the skin, enhancing the cosmetic and therapeutic effect.
  3. Creams and serums designed to reliably consolidate the results obtained and preserve the benefits of sessions for a long time.

The latter category usually comes in the form of restorative creams, which cool and soothe the skin immediately after the session.

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