“Rybakin’s character constantly leads him to adventures”

For successful and productive treatment, contact between doctor and patient is of enormous importance, especially when it comes to a plastic surgery specialist. Choosing a surgeon requires collecting a large amount of information about the doctor’s education, work experience, and work priorities, so the specialist’s biography will be useful to every potential patient.

Arthur Rybakin is one of the most famous plastic surgeons in Russia. The excellent results of his work can be seen on many celebrities, who make up a significant percentage of the total number of patients.


Arthur Rybakin is a plastic surgeon who performs operations on the face and body. Aesthetic interventions include the following:

  • rhinoplasty (correction of the shape and size of the nose);
  • omorphioplasty (complex surgery to harmonize facial features);
  • periorbitoplasty (eyelid rejuvenation);
  • liposuction (reduction of fat deposits);
  • mammoplasty (changing the size and shape of the mammary glands);
  • abdominoplasty (correction of abdominal fat and muscle tissue);
  • intimate plastic surgery (restoration of the hymen, improvement of the appearance of the external genitalia).

Tissue engineering in plastic surgery

The introduction of tissue engineering technologies expands the horizons of anti-aging correction in solving the problem of tissue deficiency that has formed against the background of age-related changes. To fill the volume deficit and model facial features, Artur Vladimirovich uses the transplantation of the patient’s fat or cartilage tissue - a natural and safe transplant material.

Artur Vladimirovich uses tissue engineering methods in rhinoplasty, malarplasty, and genioplasty. He is convinced that today aesthetic surgeons should integrate tissue engineering technologies into daily clinical practice. Arthur Vladimirovich proves the validity of his convictions with the results of plastic surgery.

The doctor actively uses autolipotransplantation, or lipofilling, in mammoplasty. Modeling the shape and rejuvenation of the mammary glands through fat tissue transplantation does not have the disadvantages inherent in silicone implants. There is no risk of capsular contracture, rotation or displacement of the implant. Adipose tissue is safe and allows flexible breast shaping, adding volume where needed. The operation is performed without incisions, there is no recovery period, and there are no scars left.


Arthur Rybakin was born on June 24, 1971. His training took place on the basis of the First St. Petersburg State Medical University. acad. I. P. Pavlova (formerly St. Petersburg Medical Institute named after academician I. P. Pavlov). In 1994, the surgeon received a diploma in general medicine, after which he completed residency and postgraduate studies at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery.

To this day, a plastic surgeon regularly improves his qualifications. So, in 2015 at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education PSPbSMU named after. I.P. Pavlova at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery Arthur Rybakin received a certificate of completion of additional training in the program “Plastic Surgery of the Head and Neck”.


After receiving higher education, Artur Vladimirovich worked for 4 years in St. Petersburg at Cosmetology Clinic No. 84, holding the position of head of the department of aesthetic surgery.

Since 2001, Arthur Rybakin has been the chief physician of the St. Petersburg Institute of Beauty and the head of the plastic surgery department at SPIC. Patients are received in both Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Today, SPIC is the largest and most modern clinic, which performs the most complex and innovative operations to improve appearance, correct the consequences of injuries, and birth defects. The patients of this clinic are celebrities from Russia and abroad, the reputation of the doctors working at the Beauty Institute allows them to show stable high aesthetic results of all interventions performed. It is known that SPIC is among the first Russian institutions to use innovative technologies developed abroad so that Russian residents can receive the most modern assistance without leaving their homeland.

St. Petersburg plastic surgeons declared war on Moscow

Evgeny Laputin in his apartment. Even at home, the surgeon was immersed in thoughts about medicine.

The scandal surrounding the murder of plastic surgeon Evgeniy Laputin, who was attacked by two unknown men on roller skates in the center of the capital near his home, continues unabated. This tragedy also affected another famous surgeon, St. Petersburg resident Arthur Rybakin, whose name the murdered man named as a possible “customer.”

KP readers call our editorial office and share their opinions. We have reached out to specialists for comments and continue to monitor the progress of the investigation.

(Previous publications in the issues of “KP” for September 24, 27, 29, 30, October 1, 6, 7 of this year).

Is St. Petersburg conquering the capital market?

As KP ​​managed to find out, Moscow plastic surgeons are seriously concerned that the St. Petersburg beauty industry (in the northern capital, a monopoly in the hands of the St. Petersburg Institute of Beauty holding) has launched an “offensive” on Moscow, where the market for aesthetic services has long been divided and functioning "in peace and harmony." And now there is an alarming mood here.

As Laputin’s common-law wife Irina told us, in Moscow there are about a dozen well-promoted, experienced plastic doctors who had a queue of wealthy clients. These surgeons treated each other as colleagues and were part of the “Moscow crowd.”

According to a friend of the murdered man, Sergei Kulagov, the oldest and most influential center in Moscow is the Beauty Institute on Arbat, which deals exclusively with soft tissues - lifts, liposuction. And they radically reshape the face beyond recognition, when it requires sawing of bones, maxillofacial surgery, specialists from the Central Dental Research Institute. As one of his managers said, complex operations to alter appearance and change gender last 10 hours, they require excellent anesthesiology, equipment and a large staff of doctors, so it is simply impossible to carry them out in a commercial clinic.

But the St. Petersburg team went all-in. They united the St. Petersburg Institute of Beauty and the famous St. Petersburg dental clinic “Veronica” into one holding and became universal - they provide the widest range of services, including changes in appearance and gender reassignment, and introduce advanced technologies.

“Naturally, when last year in Moscow, doctors from the city on the Neva opened their own branch and came to a “foreign monastery with their own charter” (they began to demonstrate independence, entice Moscow clients, dump prices), this caused great irritation among the “helmers “Moscow aesthetic business,” says a friend of Laputin, who did not want to “shine” his name in the newspaper. — In Moscow, surgeons from different clinics, under an informal agreement, have their own areas of work and do not interfere with each other’s “allotments.” But the St. Petersburg residents behaved very arbitrarily and declared their rights. No one expected that they would push with such vigor and achieve success in a short period of time.”

Laputin probably also looked warily at developing competitors. One of his patients told us that Evgeniy Borisovich sometimes, as if by accident, left photographs of unsuccessful operations on the table. “Lord, who mutilated them like that?” - the patients asked. “In St. Petersburg,” the doctor answered casually.

“The Moscow market is divided. If thousands of patients have been treated by Laputin for decades, they will not go to another doctor - you get used to your hands, says a friend of Laputin. “Evgeniy was considered an advanced master, and his unshakable success, naturally, was an eyesore.” And is it an accident that on the path of the “triumphant procession” of St. Petersburg residents in Moscow, the blood of the most popular and recognized surgeon was shed, who not only operated with talent, but also knew how to promote himself (he appeared on television, his daughter hosted a program about plastic surgery invented by Laputin). But many “old-timer” Moscow doctors do not know how to self-promote...

Arthur Rybakin treats PR technologies with great attention. In St. Petersburg, he hosted a program about beauty together with Anna Samokhina and Orbakaite, whom he operated on. He also managed to get onto the new TV project on Channel One, “Alien Face,” in which he performs plastic surgery on air. According to my data, a minute of advertising on First costs about $10,000. To get on the federal channel, you need huge finances. I know that a Moscow surgeon called First, indignant that it was not him, but the out-of-town Rybakin, who was approved for the show. It’s clear that after the release of the TV show, the St. Petersburg Institute of Beauty will go even further, or even eclipse the Muscovites.”

Rybakin himself said in an interview with KP that he and Laputin divided the project participants in half. However, as we learned, it was Laputin, and not Rybakin (who received unknown clients), who got to work on the appearance of actress Irina Pechernikova.

Pechernikova was already preparing for the operation, but... Laputin was killed the day before. And Irina was automatically put under the knife by the second surgeon on the project - Rybakin (the project leaders, of course, did not intend to waste time).

While the search for a replacement for Laputin was underway, Rybakin managed to operate on five more participants in the show. Thus, if earlier Laputin defended the right to equal broadcast of Moscow and St. Petersburg clinics (by the way, as they say, the conflict between the two doctors was still serious), then today it is already obvious that Rybakin is the leader in this show. Although, we agree, it would be a clear stretch to draw this in as a motive for murder.

“I admit that the St. Petersburg people have support in the highest circles. As you know, people from the northern capital came to the government. They say that they and their wives are clients not of Moscow, but of the St. Petersburg Institute of Beauty and prefer to rejuvenate themselves with “their” doctors. This means that support for Rybakin and those who stand behind him is ensured in the highest circles of power,” our informant argues.

Who knows how far the struggle between the aesthetic surgery industries of the two capitals could go?

As part of the competition between two beauty schools, there are also monopolies on techniques.

“It is no coincidence that the aesthetic business is considered near-criminal. Often, behind a surgeon who has opened his own clinic, there are financial tycoons, moneybags, and even bandits (surgeons sometimes reach them through their wives, on whom they perform operations), an employee of one clinic told us. - In fact, plastic surgery is pumping money out of clients.

I know that some doctors, who have support in gangster circles, establish their monopoly on certain types of operations. This, for example, happened with stem cells. One surgeon told me that he was going to use stem cells in his company, but they called him with a threat: they say, do something else, “or you will regret it.” We know about the fact that a doctor (not a plastic surgeon) who publicly opposed the use of stem cells was killed. He was found murdered in his own office...

Therefore, my surgeon friend decided not to get into trouble. I admit that if Laputin, unlike my friend, refused to “leave with his dear ones,” then he was liquidated”...

Doctors assure: this is the patient’s revenge!

Moscow doctors, despite all their dislike for St. Petersburg residents, do not want to believe that Laputin’s murder is connected with competition. They are inclined to think that this is the client’s revenge.

We asked the head of the Federal Center for Reconstructive Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, vice-president of the Society of Aesthetic Medicine of Russia, chief specialist of the Medical Center of the Administration of the President of Russia, plastic surgeon, professor Alexander Nerobeev to comment on what happened:

— There are statistics around the world: every year some cosmetic surgeon is killed somewhere. The Americans have officially identified this as the most dangerous profession. In Odessa, there was a case of murder of a cosmetic surgeon who unsuccessfully administered the gel to a patient.

Personally, I know a Moscow surgeon whose right arm was broken by two people on the street in the capital - they were hit with a baseball bat. He, thank God, recovered. I myself had threats at one time. In the story with Laputin, there was probably a more vengeful patient who went beyond words...

Evgeny Borisovich was a brilliant surgeon; he was good at eyelid lifts, face lifts, and liposuction. But he didn’t like nose surgeries, and he didn’t always succeed. Patients came to me after him for alterations. They even threatened to take revenge. Apparently, he angered someone... And as for Arthur Rybakin, I’ll say: he doesn’t inspire confidence in me. He is not in our Association of Plastic Surgeons (Laputin was a member of it). He does not speak at medical congresses. He jumped out like a devil out of a snuff box. And he took the right to judge others. I gave points to all plastic surgeons on the website. Why on earth?!

They say he did Orbakaite’s nose, and after that he became proud... We’re still thinking, but maybe we’ll say something about him on behalf of the Association of Plastic Surgeons.

Plastic surgeon MYASNIKOV:

— It’s unlikely that Laputin was killed because of competition. Most likely, some abnormal patient attacked. Cases of attacks on doctors are not uncommon. For example, Doctor of Medical Sciences Nikolai Poleev was attacked by his former patient right in his office at MONIKI. He entered with a newspaper in his hand, in which a knife was hidden, and inflicted five stab wounds. Well, the doctors provided assistance on time. Poleev survived and is working. True, since then he doesn’t like people with a newspaper in their hand.

A global sect is attacking cosmetologists!

In the United States, on September 2, the famous plastic surgeon John Bruckley was attacked. In the evening, when Brückley was getting out of the car, two black men drove up to him on roller skates and hit him in the jaw with brass knuckles (the killers with Evgeniy Laputin acted in the same way on roller skates).

Both attackers were members of the Back to my nature sect. This sect has branches all over the world and is known for its aggressive sentiments - it calls not to interfere with nature, not to change one’s appearance, not to give blood transfusions, and not to give people “other people’s faces.” This sect has been responsible for more than one attack on beauty doctors. The press reports that recently in Louisiana, police discovered a base in which Back to my nature sectarians were trained to wield bladed weapons and roller skate.

This begs the question: is it possible that in Moscow there is also a branch of a sect thirsting for the blood of beauty doctors?f3 Rybakin’s friend: Anna Samokhina helped Arthur

After publications in Komsomolskaya Pravda, a friend of Arthur Rybakin called our editorial office and told us new details about the surgeon:

“At one time, Arthur and I were very close. We sat at the same desk in our native Sukhumi and went to the Olympics together. Arthur has a nervous character and a quick temper. Maybe he said something in the heat of the moment to Laputin, that’s why he thought about him... Arthur has Georgian roots. Dad is Russian, and mom is Georgian. Parents are doctors, now running a business in Sochi.

When the Beauty Institute opened in St. Petersburg in 2000, Arthur went there as an ordinary doctor. He was helped to rise by actress Anna Samokhina, with whom they say he had a fleeting affair (whether this is true or not, the editors do not know for certain. - Ed.). When he found out what prices were in Moscow, he was very surprised and was inspired to open a clinic in the capital. And he opened it. It was during this period that he was attacked in St. Petersburg. But he has been seriously involved in boxing since childhood, and he has a rank. In general, he was able to fight back... Only he does not advertise this fact.

As I was told, there is a version that Laputin was killed by a certain gang on roller skates that attacks entrepreneurs.f4 ATTENTION!

Recently, a new section was opened on the KP website - “Journalists’ Diaries”. In our diary (VELIGZHANINY A & A) we offered to share impressions about the plastic surgeries performed and send photos. We have already received a lot of responses. You can see some of them in the Internet section “Journalists' Diaries”, and you will see the full story with shocking photos in the next issue of the weekly magazine.

If you want to talk about your plastic surgery experience (successful and disastrous) or you want to express your version of the murder of the surgeon Laputin, write to us in the diary of VELYGZHANINA A & A. And also call the editorial office: (095)-771-71-25 and leave your messages on the answering machine number: (095)-257-56-68.

Beauty Institute

It is noteworthy that surgeon Arthur Rybakin is not only the head of the clinic, but also in fact its creator. Under his leadership, a staff of highly qualified doctors was assembled and a system of working with patients was developed. Thus, one can note not only the unconditional professional talent of the surgeon, but also his organizational skills.

Artur Vladimirovich formulates the basic principle of work as maximum contact between the doctor and the patient, when the doctor clearly imagines what, from the patient’s point of view, seems beautiful and harmonious to him. In this way, high results are achieved that please the patient, leave him satisfied with the surgical intervention, and the risk of repeated operations is significantly reduced.

The clinic’s inpatient facility ensures maximum comfort for all patients, as well as the confidentiality of their stay within the walls of the SPIC, which is very important for show business stars. However, most of the operations are performed by Arthur Rybakin non-traumatically, so patients do not need to stay in the hospital for a long time. After the state of health has stabilized after anesthesia and the person can take care of himself independently (in situations with extensive intervention), the patient is sent home with the necessary recommendations and prescriptions, regularly coming to the appointment for examination and evaluation of the result.

Compromising evidence[edit]

According to the website therussiantimes.com, Igor Pronin and a company of surgeons were fired from the well-known plastic surgery and cosmetology clinic SPIC in Russia. Subsequently, Igor Pronin and surgeons Andrei Andreishchev, Valery Staisupov, Alexandra Moshkalova, Vyacheslav Arbatov “Abjanadze” and Arthur Rybakin organized their own clinic of the same profile. They completely copied the SPIC logo, after which, using the database of their previous place of work, they began informing patients that SPIC was located at a new address. Top LiveJournal blogger Elena Mironenko wrote about this on her blog.[3]

He gained initial fame in a TV show, and subsequently his name was mentioned in the media in connection with the contract killing of Moscow surgeon Evgeny Laputin, Rybakin’s rival in the said TV show.[4] The murder was never solved. In addition, after the TV show, one of the participants, Elina Danilova, accused the surgeon Rybakin that, as a result of his medical error, she received irreparable damage to her eye.[5]

Rybakin “does not exclude that the story of copying the brand will end up in court proceedings.”

According to the statements of the “real” SPIK clinic, “ controlling and law enforcement agencies are conducting checks against the managers and doctors of the false SPIK clinic



Numerous scientific achievements attributed to him are advertised in the media without links to scientific publications, which indicates their fakeness.

It is also alleged that he performed plastic surgery on many stars of Russian show business, including Pugacheva, Orbakaite, Piekha, and others. Independent confirmation of this is unknown.

Scientific activity

Plastic surgery is a relatively young branch of surgery. Currently, specialists all over the world are mastering new methods of plastic surgery that allow them to achieve a high level of results with a minimum number of interventions.

Arthur Rybakin takes an active part in improving plastic surgery in Russia; his speeches at conferences cover topics such as facial and body skin rejuvenation, the use of endoscopic methods, etc.

Periorbitoplasty - a new word in plastic surgery

According to Artur Vladimirovich, the development of surgery has already led to a rethinking of the concept of rejuvenation and aesthetic correction. Advanced technologies open up new horizons, force us to reconsider fundamental rules, complicate tasks and set higher goals. The result of the evolutionary development of the paradigm for improving the aesthetics of the face and body is the emergence of new plastic surgeries.

Periorbitoplasty is the newest direction of facial plastic surgery. Previously, the arsenal of surgeons was limited to blepharoplasty and correction of Asian eye shape. Today, this approach to rejuvenation of the periorbital area is considered outdated. The aesthetic perception of the face depends on many factors: the height of the outer corner of the eye, the width and inclination of the palpebral fissure, the position of the fold of the upper eyelid, and the contours of the zygomatic region.

Arthur Vladimirovich insists on the need to use an integrated approach to rejuvenation of the periorbital zone. With the help of operations that are performed as part of periorbitoplasty, he simulates each of the parameters listed above and achieves improvements in appearance, which were out of the question when using old techniques.

The concept of facial rejuvenation has also changed. Age-related processes affect the skin-fat and muscle-aponeurotic structures. The main task of a plastic surgeon, Artur Vladimirovich, sees is the correction of defects at the deep tissue level, which became possible thanks to the development of endoscopic equipment and the introduction of tissue engineering technologies.

The development of endoscopic technology has made it possible to abandon long incisions and perform operations that do not leave visible scars. Arthur Vladimirovich draws attention to other advantages of endoscopy that are not obvious to the patient - reduction of tissue trauma, reduction of blood loss, reduction of the recovery period.

Innovative techniques

In 2014, Rybakin performed the world's first robot-assisted plastic surgery. For about 15 years, the surgeon has been working in the field of genetic engineering to create an innovative method of skin rejuvenation.

Thus, thanks to the surgeon’s developments, such a relevant and developing branch of medicine as plastic surgery is becoming more accessible to a wider audience of people, allowing us to solve various problems of the face and body that just a few years ago had no chance of being corrected.

First in the world

In March 2014, Artur Vladimirovich became the first plastic surgeon on the planet to perform anti-aging surgery using the robot-assisted Da Vinci complex.
The operation aimed at facial rejuvenation lasted two and a half hours, and the very next day the happy patient was discharged from the clinic. It is difficult to overestimate the significance of this event for world aesthetic surgery. The manufacturer does not equip the Da Vinci robot with a special set of instruments for plastic surgery. In other words, such operations were not initially considered as applications for robotic surgical equipment.

A team of surgeons led by Artur Vladimirovich managed to overcome technical difficulties and open a fundamentally new page in the history of plastic surgery. Arthur Vladimirovich demonstrated to the world that robot-assisted aesthetic correction is possible, and it gives excellent results. The results were announced in the report “Robot-assisted technologies in plastic and aesthetic surgery.”

Activities on television

The doctor gained all-Russian fame not only from his direct professional activities, but also from his participation in specialized shows on television, such as “Formula of Beauty”, “Terribly Beautiful”, “From Personal Experience”.

In the programs, he acts as a surgeon who performs operations “live,” showing viewers how a consultation with a plastic surgeon, the preparatory stage, the operation itself and the rehabilitation period proceed.

Thus, the plastic surgeon contributed to the popularization of aesthetic surgery in Russia. Over the past ten years, the number of patients of plastic surgeons has increased many times, which has allowed not only many people to achieve the desired appearance, but also the doctors themselves to gain the necessary practice.

Also, television programs dedicated to plastic surgery allowed viewers to more accurately form an impression of the risks of interventions and the possibility of obtaining certain results with certain input data. Arthur Vladimirovich provided the necessary information about how interventions are carried out, what techniques and materials are used.

Among the operations that Arthur Rybakin performed in front of television cameras were rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, facelift, breast size changes, tummy tuck and liposuction. All operations and patients were absolutely real, therefore, in addition to educational interest, the programs attracted viewers with a unique reality show format.


According to the portfolio, the priority area of ​​work that the surgeon most often chooses is correction of the shape of the nose. As Artur Vladimirovich Rybakin has repeatedly stated in numerous interviews, rhinoplasty is his favorite operation, so he can be called the most sought-after surgeon, chosen by patients who want to correct their nose.

Like most plastic surgeons, Rybakin has a unique “handwriting”, so many patients note that the nose corrected by Artur Vladimirovich can be recognized immediately. But there is no negative connotation in this, he simply prefers to make noses as elegant as possible, as a result of which any face looks more harmonious.

But surgeon Rybakin notes that the priority when choosing the shape of the nose is the desire of the patient himself. At the preliminary consultation, together with the patient, it is decided what the nose will look like after surgery, which shape will look most attractive and natural. In order to understand the results of the operations performed by Arthur Rybakin, photos of such stars as Keti Topuria or Liza Boyarskaya can be an excellent illustration.

The term “correction of the shape of the nose” includes reducing its size, removing the hump, narrowing the tip or back of the nose, reducing the width of the nostrils, creating the correct angle between the upper lip and the tips of the nose. Correction of the nasal septum can also be performed in conjunction with aesthetic surgery.

Interesting information

Each “star” surgeon has his own characteristics of work. Plastic surgeon Artur Rybakin also has one - he plans to carry out planned operations exclusively at night.

On the one hand, he explains this by personal biorhythms, since it is at night that his ability to work allows him to carry out the most complex and extensive operations. On the other hand, this is dictated by caring for their patients. General anesthesia, which is used in all operations, is most easily tolerated by a person at night, when the body is accustomed to falling into deep sleep. Thus, the stress from the operation for the patient is reduced, which means the rehabilitation period is easier.

Consultations conducted by a doctor at night are also convenient for patients: they do not need to find time for a visit by taking time off from work or school.

Personal life

Despite the fact that the surgeon’s professional activities are actively discussed on television, in the press and on the Internet, Arthur Rybakin prefers not to advertise his personal life. It is known that the girl whom Arthur Rybakin represents as his companion is Yulia Adasheva, a fashion model, best known for her photographs on the Internet.

The couple have been together for several years, as evidenced by joint photographs of the surgeon and Yulia on their personal pages on social networks. However, it is quite difficult to say exactly what the status of the girl with whom Arthur Rybakin is dating is – a wife or just a friend.

It is noteworthy that the girl did not take advantage of her close acquaintance with the most famous plastic surgeon in Russia for her own purposes: Yulia Adasheva has not undergone plastic surgery to date.


If you study sites dedicated to plastic surgery, Rybakin Arthur reviews will be mostly positive. Enormous experience in performing aesthetic surgeries, continuous improvement of surgical methods, and the choice of techniques with minimal traumatic effect allows patients to remain satisfied with their visit to surgeon Rybakin.

It is important to note that plastic surgery always has a chance that the result of complete healing will not fully meet expectations. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body, changes in cartilage tissue. That is why the surgeon conducts careful regular monitoring of his patients after operations for several years. If after healing a result is noticeable that does not satisfy the patient, Rybakin carries out corrective interventions to achieve an ideal that suits his patient.

When looking for recommendations from patients on the Internet, it is important to pay attention to the fact that people who were operated on by Artur Vladimirovich Rybakin leave reviews mainly with photographs that confirm the fact of a change in appearance and eliminate the risk of unfair PR of competitors.

Thus, the biography of the most famous surgeon in Russia, first of all, includes facts about his professional activities, which characterize him as an excellent specialist in his responsible and important profession.

"Star" noses

A good actor is not loved for his nose or his hair - it all just comes from his talent, charisma and efficiency with which he captivates the public.

However, what seems normal and natural at the beginning of a career turns out to be completely unsuitable for an actor who has acquired star status.

And at the stage when a celebrity receives universal recognition, she begins to peer more and more pickily into the mirror and increasingly think about “reshaping” her appearance.

Aquiline nose

Who remembers the amazingly talented and very unattractive in appearance Frunzik Mkrtchan

, are unlikely to agree with our rather controversial statement about appearance.

The young lady, radical in her choice of wardrobe, did not experiment too much with her appearance and wished that her hump not be touched during rhinoplasty.

No less brave, who once had a hump, renounced such “decoration”, presenting a more neat nose to her fans.

- with such and such a surname and with a real Caucasian temperament, God himself ordered me to have a hooked nose.

God commanded, but Katie didn’t want to.

Now she has the most common one - straight.

- singer, actress and model with a very unusual appearance and a large hooked nose.

He does not interfere in the affairs of nature, does not alter anything.

Satisfied. Happy. Successful.

And finally, everyone’s favorite fashionista secretary from “Office Romance,” actress Liya Akhedzhakova

, which, neither in the movies nor in life, is spoiled by her long, hooked nose.

And he never bothered her fans either.

Wide nose

The most cheerful and reckless of “Charlie’s Angels” was at one time the owner of a rather wide nose.

And he didn't spoil it.

Now he has become a little narrower, and also adorns the actress.

Some wideness of the tip was observed in Scarlett Johansson, Johnny Depp's ex-girlfriend Winona Ryder, the famous Britney Spears, stars with an admixture of African blood Alicia Keys and Janet Jackson, and even the beautiful Angelina Jolie in all respects.

A long nose

The first victim of the director's demands to immediately shorten her nose was the young actress Sophie Scicolone.

But the Italian stubborn disposition and feminine pride did not allow her to get rid of what was given by nature and her parents, and soon the stubborn woman became famous throughout the world.

Her outstanding nose played one of the main roles in this.

Sarah Jessica Parker

She is absolutely not embarrassed by her most famous part of her face.

Size does not prevent a woman from successfully building a career and personal life.

There was plastic surgery, of course. Not without that.

But after it, the nose did not become completely short.

Tilda Swinton

doesn't seem to care much about the length of her nose either.

She is busy with work, her filmography includes up to 60 films, plus roles in the theater, plus awards...

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