Hand sugaring: rules, features and possibilities of sugar depilation

Hand sugaring can be performed in a beauty salon or at home. Using sugar caramel, you can get rid of unwanted vegetation without cuts, burns and other unpleasant consequences.

Even people with sensitive skin can remove hair with sugar paste: it does not contain synthetic additives and cannot harm the skin. Sugaring your hands completely cleanses them of hair and prevents them from subsequently becoming covered with hard stubble, as after shaving. With each new procedure, the hairs become softer and lighter.

What is sugar depilation

Why do we need sugar? That's right, for consumption. But it turns out that you can use it to make a sweet mass that will effectively and permanently remove hair from the skin of your hands. Using sugar paste for hair removal is called sugaring .

Thick warm caramel (38 °C) is applied to the skin against hair growth. The hairs stick to the sugar paste. After this, the mass is torn off from the skin surface with a sharp jerk in the direction of hair growth. In this case, the hairs are pulled out from the skin of the hands along with the follicles. As a result, new hair does not appear soon, and its structure becomes weak.

Sugar paste has been used to remove hair since ancient Egypt

With regular use of sugaring, hairs almost completely disappear, and the skin of your hands becomes smooth and silky.

A characteristic feature of the sugar procedure is that the paste practically does not stick to the skin, so when it comes off, the pain is minimal.


Despite the fact that this technique is simple, experts recommend that clients prepare in advance before starting the procedure. To do this, you should consider several recommendations and rules:

  1. Pay attention to the length of the hairs. For hair removal with sugar paste on your hands, they must be at least three millimeters, but no more than eight. Hair that is too long is pre-cut.
  2. Take a shower and wash well with soap or gel the areas that will be treated. However, you should beware of redness and small scratches caused by rubbing with a washcloth. This will increase pain during sugaring.
  3. The day before the procedure, avoid using fatty creams or lotions, and also avoid direct sunlight that causes tanning.

The psychological attitude is no less important. It is necessary to think not about the painfulness of the process, but about the result that will be achieved after a short period of time spent in the cosmetologist’s office.

Types and techniques of sugaring

Sweet caramel can be applied and removed from the skin in different ways, i.e. there are several types of sugar depilation techniques.

Manual procedure

When using a manual type of sugaring, the paste is applied to the skin and torn off only with your hands, without the use of additional materials and devices. The same piece of paste can be used for depilation several times until it changes its color and plasticity.

It should be noted that this technique is quite popular among professionals, while beginners should learn how to perform it correctly.

Video: manual depilation

Spatula technique

The application of sugar paste and its removal from the skin of the hands in this case is carried out using a special spatula (wooden, metal or glass).

An obvious advantage of spatula sugaring is the ability to apply caramel to a larger area of ​​skin. Accordingly, the hair removal process is significantly reduced. At the same time, the sugar paste is distributed more evenly over the skin. In addition, the fingers do not get as tired as with the manual technique.

Video: applying and tearing off sugar paste with a spatula

Bandage look

With the bandage method of depilation, special paper or linen strips (bandages) are used. After applying sugar paste to the skin, the bandage is placed on top of the sweet mass and tightly smoothed against it against hair growth. Then, with a sharp jerk, the strip is torn off the skin in the direction of hair growth.

With the help of bandages, you can treat a fairly large area of ​​the skin of your hands at a time, which is an obvious advantage.

This technique is quite simple to perform and is often used by beginners.

Video: how a bandage is used for sugaring

Using cartridges

Sugar paste manufacturers strive to make the hand sugaring procedure absolutely uncomplicated. To make it easier to apply the sweet mass to your hands, cartridges equipped with rollers were created that allow you to evenly distribute the paste over the surface of the skin.

The caramel in the cartridge must first be heated to 38 °C, and then rolled with a roller over the skin against hair growth. Place a bandage on top of the paste and tear it off in the desired direction.

With all the visible advantages, using cartridges also has its disadvantages. In particular, you need to spend extra money on a device for heating the sweet mass and purchasing special bandages.

Video: cartridges for sugar depilation

How long does the effect last?

Whatever hand sugaring technique is chosen, the first new hairs appear within 10–20 days (depending on how quickly the hair grows). However, these hairs have such a weak structure that they are virtually invisible. Therefore, the next procedure can be performed only after 4 weeks.

Progress of the procedure

The process consists of several stages:

  • Pre- treatment of the skin for the purpose of degreasing with lotion or talc. This will ensure better adhesion of the treated area to the paste.
  • Prepare the mixture and apply it to the skin. Caramel at room temperature is spread against hair growth. The layer should be applied evenly.
  • Removal, which is carried out after hardening with a sharp movement in the direction of hair growth.
  • Wash off any remaining paste with warm water.

To avoid irritation and inflammation, a special lotion is applied to the treated area of ​​skin. After sugaring, it is recommended to regularly use creams to slow down hair growth.

In what cases should the procedure be abandoned?

Among other types of depilation, sugaring is considered the most gentle method of removing hair from the skin of the hands. However, it has a number of contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • skin diseases - dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, etc.;
  • fresh wounds, scratches;
  • formations of various origins - warts, papillomas, moles, etc.;
  • adolescence up to 14 years. During puberty (11–14 years), significant hormonal changes occur in the child’s body, and the body can respond to hair pulling out along with the roots by increasing its growth;
  • menstrual period. Experts do not recommend depilation, since at this time the pain increases sharply;
  • individual intolerance.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are considered relative contraindications to the use of hand sugaring.

The first two trimesters of pregnancy are accompanied by excessive sensitivity. Therefore, during depilation of the skin of the hands, a woman experiences acute pain, which can provoke a sharp contraction of the muscles of the uterus and cause miscarriage or premature birth.

In the last stages of pregnancy, the body intensively produces the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which increase the threshold of sensitivity. Therefore, during this period it is already possible to depilate the skin of your hands with sugar paste.

During lactation, sugaring is not recommended for women who have very sensitive skin and experience severe pain when removing hair. In this case, painful sensations can play the role of a stress factor and cause the disappearance of breast milk.

The lactation period is a relative contraindication to sugaring

What could be the consequences?

After the procedure, the skin of the hands is extremely rare, but some irritation or inflammation may appear:

  • redness of the skin of the hands. They are caused by the fact that when the paste comes off, microcirculation of blood near the surface of the skin increases;
  • red dots. When a hair is pulled out along with the root, the capillaries that feed the hair follicle are broken, which is why red dots appear;
  • itching on the skin. When sugar paste is applied to the skin, not only the hairs stick to it, but also the skin itself (albeit not firmly). When the caramel is torn off, the skin surface receives microdamages that are invisible to the eye, through which the skin loses moisture, which causes itching;
  • ingrown hairs. If the sugaring technique was violated or low-quality materials were used during the procedure, in the future hairs may grow into the skin;
  • pustules. Through microdamages, pathological microflora can penetrate into the skin, resulting in pustules.

Precautionary measures

If a woman decides to remove hair from her arms using sugaring, she should study and exclude contraindications to the procedure, many of which are temporary and short-term in nature. The following contraindications to the procedure are identified:

  • critical days due to a decrease in the pain threshold;
  • visiting a solarium and prolonged sun exposure on the eve of manipulation due to the risk of increased pigmentation;
  • intense physical activity, which is accompanied by increased sweating;
  • skin diseases;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin of the hands;
  • the presence of neoplasms (moles, warts);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • ARVI;
  • diabetes.

Attention! Hand sugaring during pregnancy is possible only after consulting a doctor.

How to prepare your skin

Maximum effect and minimal discomfort during and after the procedure is the goal that women set for themselves when sugaring.

To achieve this goal, proper preparation of the skin for depilation is important.

It is recommended to treat the skin of your hands with a scrub 12–24 hours before sugaring. Thanks to this, the keratinized layer of the skin will be removed, the hairs will slightly lengthen and rise, so the sugar paste will capture them better. In addition, it makes it easier to pull out hairs from scrubbed skin.

You can prepare the scrub yourself. To do this, mix 1 tbsp. l. shower gel with 1 tbsp. l. abrasive particles. Grains of salt, granulated sugar, and ground coffee can be used as an abrasive material.

Immediately before depilation, it is better to steam your hands in the shower . Under the influence of hot water, the pores open, and the skin more easily “gives up” the hairs along with the roots.

How effective is the technique?

The procedure helps to permanently get rid of unwanted hair on the body without a razor, and eliminates skin injury and burns (photo after sugaring):

Using a sugar composition on the hands provides many benefits:

  • removal of hairs along with the bulbs, as a result of which the integument acquires ideal smoothness, an attractive and healthy appearance;
  • long-lasting results that last for several weeks (quite long, although not forever);
  • unnecessary complex skin care after depilation;
  • cumulative effect: hair gradually becomes thinner and softer, and its growth slows down significantly.

The method does not require large expenditures and is easy to implement. Pastes used for treating leather can be prepared independently or purchased at a special store. Such preparations contain only natural ingredients. This avoids the development of allergic reactions.

Step-by-step instructions for sugar depilation

  1. First, the skin should be treated with an antiseptic such as Chlorhexidine or Miramistin. This will prevent accidental infection and the development of inflammatory processes.
  2. Before applying sugar paste, the skin must be sprinkled with talc in the direction of hair growth. It will reduce the adhesion coefficient of the caramel to the skin and lift the hairs, which will make it easier for them to stick to the paste.
  3. A small lump of warm sweet mass should be kneaded well in your hands and stretched with your fingers or a spatula over the skin against hair growth. When using cartridges, apply sugar paste using a roller and place a paper strip on top.
  4. With a sharp movement, tear off the caramel or bandage from the skin surface along the hair growth. In this case, the skin must be held at the initial point of tearing off the paste. The jerk must be done strictly parallel to the skin.
  5. Treat the skin of your hands completely, repeating steps 3 and 4.
  6. After the procedure, rinse your hands with warm water and apply moisturizer.

Video: sugaring at home

How to reduce pain

Although sugaring is considered the most painless way to remove hairs along with the roots, during depilation, pain is felt in some areas of the skin of the hands (for example, on the inside of the forearm).

To reduce pain, you can take painkillers orally (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, etc.). In addition, it is recommended to apply Emla anesthetic cream or other lidocaine-based preparations to sensitive areas of the skin of the hands.

Using Emla anesthetic cream you can numb sensitive areas of the skin on your hands.

In 30–60 minutes. Before the procedure, Emla is applied in a thick layer to the skin, and an occlusive sticker is applied on top of the cream. Before depilation, the sticker should be removed and the remaining drug should be removed with a dry cloth.

Attention! All medications can only be used after consultation with a qualified specialist.

Optimal hair length

The procedure for removing hair from the skin of the hands will be most effective if the length of the hairs is 3–7 mm. But the most convenient length for sugaring is 5 mm .

With shorter hairs, the paste does not grip them well, and long hairs may break off when pulled out.

Sugaring hands at home

The day before sugaring, you need to steam your hand skin well, so take a bath and deep exfoliate your hand skin.

Instant coffee is good as a scrub.

Immediately before the procedure, cleanse the skin of fat and cosmetics; alcohol is suitable for this. Wipe your skin with a cotton swab, then use talcum powder or baby powder to protect your skin from irritation.

Prepare paste and gloves.

Preparation for the procedure

The optimal hair length for hair removal is 4–6 millimeters. In rare cases, when the hair length exceeds the permissible norm, use a trimmer.

Decide on the depilation technique, prepare the paste - heat it in the microwave if you got a soft or medium one, or knead it in your hands if you got a hard one. The paste prepared at home must first be cooled to room temperature. Test the caramel on a small area of ​​skin, making sure that you are not bothered by the feeling of severe skin tightness - there should be no pain or discomfort. If you feel it, it means the paste is too hard for you, you need to either heat it up more or mix it with caramel of a softer consistency. Therefore, for the first time, it is worth having several small packages of different densities at home. If the paste is too liquid, you should first cool it and then try mixing it with thick caramel. It is impossible to work with the “wrong” mass - it will not remove hair, but it can leave bruises on the skin.

Ready-made paste for sugaring is available in at least three types - soft, medium and dense; for the first time it is better to take medium

You can also prepare the paste at home - if you have sugar and lemon juice (citric acid) at home. Traditional composition: sugar (10 tbsp); water (1 tbsp); lemon juice (1 tbsp). It is better to take stainless steel dishes with a thick bottom; the sugar will not burn in it. Cook the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly and not bringing to a boil. The finished mass will have a light golden hue.

If you cook pasta at home, be sure to add citric acid or lemon juice, otherwise it will not acquire the desired consistency.

Step-by-step instructions for sugaring hands

How to depilate with sugar paste:

  1. Wear gloves.
  2. Place the hand you will be processing on the table at a 90° angle. Bend your fingers halfway as if holding an apple in your hand, relax your hand and wrist. You can, of course, just put your hand down, but women have tested it and they say that it’s more convenient to do sugaring in a vertical position of your hand.
  3. With your other hand you will work with the paste. Place your straightened fingers together so that your hand resembles a spatula; do not strain your hand.
  4. The soft paste is applied by hand or with a spatula (preferably wooden), first roll the hard paste into a ball, then roll it over the surface of your hand.
  5. Apply the paste against hair growth. It is permissible to treat an area no longer than 5 cm with one ball.
  6. There is no need to press the strip of paste to the skin; waiting a few minutes can lead to the formation of a stick.
  7. Hold for a few seconds, then grab the sticky edge with your fingers and tear off sharply - following the growth of the hair. If the paste is soft, glue a bandage strip on top, just leave an edge free for gripping, then tear off the strip along with the caramel. You need to remove in the direction of hair growth.
  8. If some hairs remain on the treated area, you should repeat the procedure again, using the same ball of paste. Then you can proceed to the next section.
  9. After the procedure is completed, the remaining caramel is washed off with water.

After the procedure, use soothing alcohol-based lotions - they are good as an antiseptic. To soften and moisturize irritated skin, you can rub coconut oil and apply any moisturizer.

To prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs, 2-3 days after hair removal, you need to clean the skin with a scrub twice a week.

Hand sugaring results - photo gallery

In one sugaring procedure you can remove 100% of visible hair

The service of sugaring for arms up to the elbow, where hair is especially noticeable, is in great demand.

The results of home and salon depilation with sugar paste are no different, they just do sugaring in the salon quickly and professionally

What to do after the procedure and what not to do

If you provide proper care to the skin of your hands after sugaring, you can avoid many unpleasant consequences, prolong the effect of the procedure and make the skin soft and silky. Therefore, the following must be done:

  • two days after the session, the skin surface should be treated with special lotions that prevent ingrown hairs (Aravia Professional AHA-cream post-epil with AHA acids, Gloria Sugaring, Velvet cream-gel, Badyaga Forte gel, etc.). It is recommended to use these formulations twice a week;
  • scrubbing should be done every three days. This will eliminate dead cells and prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs.

Aravia lotion helps prevent ingrown hairs after sugaring the skin of the hands.
However, this is not enough to ensure good skin condition after the procedure. To achieve the full effect, you need to refrain from certain actions. So, in the first 2-3 days after depilation you cannot:

  • use soap and other alkaline products, as they dry out the skin and can cause itching;
  • wear clothes with tight sleeves. The fact is that tight clothing creates additional friction, which can lead to irritation on injured skin and change the direction of the follicles, i.e. promote ingrown hairs;
  • visit saunas, swimming pools, gyms, since there is a risk of infection through microtraumas received during the procedure;
  • sunbathe, as pigment spots may appear under the influence of UV rays.

Side effects after sugaring

There are several reasons for skin irritation and inflammation after sugaring:

  • Increased skin sensitivity;
  • Violation of hygiene requirements;
  • Repeated treatment of one place;
  • Failure to comply with procedure technology;
  • Improper care after the procedure.

As a result of these reasons, pimples, peeling and even prickly heat may occur. To prevent such problems from appearing, a day before sugaring you need to thoroughly moisturize the skin that you are epilating.

If irritation does occur, it is better to use healing ointments or sprays.

If a rash similar to herpes appears, you need to treat the skin with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine). To improve the effect, you can wash your skin with tinctures of chamomile or calendula.

Purulent pimples (furunculosis) are treated spot-on every 2-3 hours with boric or salicylic acid. It should be applied to the skin, but not washed off.

In order not to delve into the essence of shugring and to avoid side effects, it is better to contact us, at Anna Druzhinina’s Beauty Salon.

If you use sugaring correctly, you will understand that this procedure is progressive, aesthetic, non-toxic, hypoallergenic, gives an amazing effect, and is also inexpensive.

You can make an appointment for sugaring of the upper lip by calling +7-905-727-29-64 (Moscow).

Call, Sign up! +7-905-727-29-64

Check out my prices!

Pros and cons of sugaring

Many experts and consumers consider the following to be the advantages of sugar depilation:

  • effectiveness of the procedure - sugaring should be repeated no more than once a month;
  • saving money - depilation can be done at home, and you can even prepare sugar paste yourself;
  • the natural composition of the paste practically does not cause allergic reactions;
  • minimal pain;
  • regeneration of the skin surface. Sugaring stimulates skin cells to renew, and sugar paste provides nutrition to the subcutaneous tissue;
  • a small list of contraindications.

Among the disadvantages of hand sugaring are the following factors:

  • labor intensity of the process;
  • duration of the procedure (to completely treat the skin of your hands, you should spend 40–50 minutes);
  • remaining hairs. After one tear of the paste, not all hairs are always removed, so the same area has to be processed again;
  • the likelihood of unpleasant consequences arising from violation of the execution technique.

Required number and frequency of sessions

Hair removal on the hands using a sugar mixture is individual in each case, so it is difficult to determine the duration of the effect and the frequency of procedures.

This depends on the characteristics and density of the hair, the method of sugaring and the work of the specialist. On average, hair does not grow for 20 days.

Treatment is considered high-quality when using small pieces of paste applied to the skin of the hands. There is no need to cover the entire desired surface with the caramel mixture at once. Before hair removal begins, the skin is steamed well so that the mixture can penetrate deep into the pores, capturing the maximum number of hairs.

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An important factor in professional hand sugaring is the choice of a suitable mixture. The required consistency is determined for different hair types. Thin and sparse hairs are removed with a soft paste, and hard ones with a denser paste.

The frequency of sessions is also influenced by the genetic characteristics of the body. If you have thin and light hair on your hands, the procedure is usually carried out no more than once a month. For brunettes, this period is halved.

Each subsequent procedure will be simplified, since pulling out hairs from the follicle leads to the growth of new, but lighter and thinner ones. This helps to increase the duration of the positive externality.

After several sugaring procedures, hair regrowth gradually slows down and becomes less noticeable. Lightening occurs due to the components contained in the mixture used.

Security measures

The skin must be protected from any damage. Therefore, when carrying out sugaring, you need to follow safety measures.

Do not overheat the sugar paste above the specified temperature, otherwise you may get a thermal burn.

It is also not recommended to leave caramel on the skin of your hands for longer than 1 minute . When hardened, the sugar paste will give strong adhesion to the skin and, at the moment of tearing off, can cause serious damage to the skin.

The most important thing during the procedure is to follow all the rules and recommendations, and then sugar depilation will be absolutely safe.

Possible consequences and methods of dealing with them

It happens that even if all hygiene standards and skin preparation rules are observed, undesirable consequences cannot be avoided. Sometimes the skin becomes irritated, burned, prickly or excessively dry. Allergic reactions and even boils. What to do in such cases and how to cope with the consequences of sugar depilation of the hands?


To combat such manifestations, ointments that accelerate regeneration are usually used - “Bepanten” or “D-Panthenol”. If you are not confident in purchased products, you can use folk sedatives - a decoction of chamomile or string.


It's very rare, but it happens sometimes. Bepanten and D-Panthenol are also used to treat the burn site.

Allergic reactions

Antihistamines are used to combat allergy symptoms.

Dry skin or heat rash

The problem can be solved by hygiene of the area and the use of regenerating agents.


Furunculosis does not occur only due to sugaring of hands at home. Most likely, the infection spread due to neglect of care recommendations after the procedure. To treat pustules, Vishnevsky ointment is used. But due to the strong specific smell, not everyone can use it. The Metrogil gel has proven itself well.

In cases of extensive skin damage by ulcers, it is better to contact a clinic to prescribe comprehensive treatment.

Thanks to hand sugaring, any girl can get rid of complexes about her appearance. Everyone can gain self-confidence. The skin will become smooth, smooth and well-groomed. With each subsequent procedure, the time interval between depilations will increase, and the hair will become thinner and less noticeable.

What do doctors think about the sugar hair removal method?

Experts positively evaluate hand sugaring . They consider the main advantage of sweet depilation to be the use of natural ingredients in the paste; therefore, allergic manifestations occur only in cases of individual intolerance.

Cosmetologists also consider the painlessness of the method to be a powerful argument in favor of sugaring. In addition, regular depilation with sugar paste allows you to gradually completely get rid of hair on your arms, i.e. experts consider this method one of the most effective ways to remove excess hair.

Using sugaring to remove hair on your arms helps make your skin smooth for 3-4 weeks. To avoid unpleasant consequences, the skin must be prepared before the procedure and properly cared for after depilation.

Main indications

Sugaring feet

Whether sugaring of hands is worth it is, of course, up to the woman to decide for herself. The nature of each girl is individual: for some, the hair on their arms is less noticeable, for others, the color, length and density are pronounced. It is known that very thick, dark hair is either a hereditary trait or a hormonal imbalance in the body (high testosterone). For such ladies, sugaring is a real salvation.

Before and after the procedure

Some professions require the absence of hair on the arms, for example, a cook, a pastry chef.


Do not perform sugaring in the following cases:

  1. Exacerbation of skin disease (systemic);
  2. Presence of rashes, peeling, dermatitis in the treated area;
  3. The presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  4. Presence of wounds, abrasions, scratches in the treatment area;
  5. Allergy to components of the composition.

The procedure is not recommended for people with varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, or metabolic disorders, since skin injuries can take a long time to heal and cause significant discomfort.

How to learn quickly?

Sugaring of hands can be mastered in just 7 hours by completing the advanced training course “High-speed depilation techniques” at any training center “Arabia”. The theoretical part of the training lasts 1 hour, the practical part - 6. Upon completion, each participant will have a honed skill in using high-speed sugaring techniques (arms, legs, thighs).

It is preferable for novice masters to take a basic training course in sugaring, where they will be explained the basics of the procedure and given some “hands on.” After this, you can increase your knowledge and improve your skills.

Every new peak is a reason to move forward. Love your profession, develop in it and then it will bring not only money, but also pleasure!


Alice: “I was tired of the constant cuts after shaving, so I decided to have sugaring. It hurts, but I’m happy with the effect!”

Masha: “It took me a long time to decide on a deep bikini - I was afraid that it would hurt and there would be ingrown hairs. Everything went almost without pain, I was worrying in vain!”

Nastya: “I’ve been doing sugar hair removal for two years now. There are almost no hairs left on my arms – just fluff!”

Anya: “After the procedure I was left with a terrible impression. But when the pain subsided from the effect, I was simply delighted. I will do more.”

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