Peeling roll from Novosvit - home care product

A type of peeling called rolling is considered an invention of Korean cosmetics manufacturers. Although there is an alternative point of view. There is an opinion that a similar procedure was practiced by domestic cosmetologists back in the 1990s. To do this, experts used calcium chloride, calling this version of superficial chemical peeling Hollywood or simply peeling. Regardless of the versions of origin, the essence of the procedure remains the same. Rolling is a type of cleansing in which a cosmetic product distributed over the skin is rolled up (or rolled), taking with it dirt, particles of dead skin, and sebaceous secretions. All this forms into peculiar lumps-pellets that are easy to wash off with plain water. Products for the procedure are available from different manufacturers. From this review you will find out what the budget gel peeling roll Novosvit is and how ordinary consumers respond to them.

general description

The Novosvit peeling roller was originally created by Korean manufacturers who wanted to help women with sensitive skin. The idea was appreciated in European countries and in Russia, and other beauty products with the addition of many plant and synthetic components appeared on store shelves.

The product is highly valued because it does not contain abrasive particles that injure the epidermis.

  • Acids are non-aggressive, they gently act on the layers of the skin and provide an exfoliating, cleansing effect.
  • Cellulose acts like a sponge, it draws in impurities, binds dead cells and removes them from the face in the form of “pellets”.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

A peeling roll can be compared to facial cleansing without harsh mechanical intervention. By analogy with a metal surface, rub it with a soft cloth until it shines, and do not treat it with sandpaper.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of Novosvit peeling rolls:

  • effective composition;
  • absence of a large number of harmful components;
  • versatility for all skin types;
  • soft impact;
  • simplicity and safety of use;
  • affordable price;
  • noticeable effect - improvement of skin condition;
  • the ability to purchase products in pharmacies, stores, and via the Internet;
  • absence of a long recovery period, as after salon peelings.

Disadvantages of peeling rolls:

  • may cause an allergic reaction;
  • lack of effectiveness in comparison with professional cosmetic procedures for the skin;
  • The gel texture is too liquid - it’s inconvenient to apply;
  • there are contraindications;
  • a product with bamboo charcoal spoils the appearance of the manicure - remnants of black gel get clogged under the nails.

Drugs and prices

Novosvit products are divided into several different areas. Facial peeling rolls are available in several series. You can buy them in regular stores selling household chemicals and skin care cosmetics or order them on the official website.

Aquanti hyaluronic peeling roller

  • Volume: 100 ml.
  • Average price: 100 rubles;

Includes extracts of grapefruit, orange, sweet almonds, as well as soluble collagen, lactic acid, hyaluronic acid and glycerin.

Due to its unique composition, cosmetics have several actions:

  • moisturizes facial skin;
  • smoothes out small expression wrinkles;
  • cleanses pores;
  • removes traces of persistent makeup;
  • eliminates inflammation.

There is no feeling of tightness after use. Aquanti product does not contain alcohol, synthetic dyes and parabens, which negatively affect the structure of the epidermis.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Hyaluronic acid in the product serves as the main ingredient, due to which “rolling” occurs - the collection of exfoliated epidermal cells that close the skin pores.

Carbon clear cleaning roll with bamboo charcoal

  • Volume: 100 ml;
  • Average price: 100 rub.

The peeling roll has a gel structure and does not contain abrasive elements that injure the surface of the face. The bottle has a dispenser.


  • Activated carbon;
  • lactic acid;
  • kiwi fruit extract;
  • apple;
  • orange;
  • grapefruit;
  • sweet almonds;
  • cetrimonium chloride;
  • Methylisothiazolinone.

The latter substance has a powerful antimicrobial effect and is suitable for the treatment of inflammation and acne. The remaining compounds even out skin tone, remove accumulated secretions from the sebaceous glands and remove shine.

When using a product with bamboo charcoal, avoid contact with eyes. Hypersensitivity to one or another component of the peel cannot be ruled out.

Other popular

Novosvit has also released a special series of products for the care of hand skin and rough cuticles. They carefully clean the surface of dead cells and are suitable for express manicure.

Fruit acids add smoothness and a pleasant, mild aroma. Thus, ordinary home self-care turns into a SPA procedure.


Not counting water and perfume, this cosmetic product contains 17 active ingredients that affect the skin.

Checking the peeling rayon on analyzer sites
Lactic acid, sodium hyaluronate, extract of Almond, Apple and Actinidia chinensis (Kiwi) have a brightening and exfoliating effect.

Sweet Orange and Pomelo extracts have an antioxidant, vitamin and tonic effect.

When I first saw the composition, I was a little upset by the number of potentially toxic components:

  • Triethanolamine is an allergenic surfactant that may contain carcinogenic impurities;
  • Cetrimonium chloride, Carbomer, Butylene glycol, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone are allergens that can cause irritation;
  • Tridecetum is a potential carcinogen and causes irritation.

Indications for use

Peeling must be carried out regularly to achieve the following cosmetic effects:

  • remove dead cells and renew the epidermis;
  • reduce the size of pores, clean them of accumulated dirt;
  • eliminate shine, dry the skin, reduce the production of sebaceous glands;
  • smooth out wrinkles, even out the texture of the skin;
  • whiten your face;
  • increase firmness, restore skin elasticity.

The manufacturer does not set strict age limits for the use of cosmetic products. However, experts recommend mild peelings for middle-aged women (35 years and older). For teenagers and young girls, solutions with hard particles or the addition of salicylic acid are more suitable.

What kind of remedy is this?

The peeling roll is a gel-like product that is designed to gently cleanse the skin. This product was invented by South Korean cosmetics manufacturers, but they did not even suspect that the roll-up would be so popular among women all over the world.

The main feature of the peeling gel is the absence of various abrasive particles that can injure the epidermis even when used carefully. The main components here are various acids and microcellulose. When applying the peeling gel, acids will dissolve dead cells on the skin, and then these particles will be captured by microcellulose. At this time, you can notice white pellets on the skin. It is also worth noting that many people mistakenly assume that the pellets are dead particles of the skin. But in fact, these are just acrylates, which are enhanced by the action of fats present on the surface of any skin.

In addition, the peeling roll not only cleanses the epidermis, but also has a number of other advantages. Since massage movements are performed during the procedure, blood flow accelerates, cellular regeneration improves, stagnation is eliminated, and all this will help prolong youth, maintain elasticity and make the skin radiant.

How is gel peeling different from a scrub?

As mentioned above, scrubs contain small abrasive particles that help cleanse the skin. There are no such particles in peeling rolls, and this is one of the main differences between these two products.

The second difference is the method of application. Before applying the scrub, you need to moisturize your face, and when using a roller, you need dry skin. If you apply such a peeling to damp skin, cellulose lumps will not be able to form, which will not allow the product to do its “work.”

Gel peeling can be used by people with any skin cover. There will be no irritation or inflammation after use. But the scrub is not suitable for those who have dry or sensitive skin. In this case, after using the scrub, you may notice redness, peeling or irritation on your face. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to use a scrub if there is acne or wounded areas on the face, but in this case you can use a roller, and even after the first use you can notice an improvement on the epidermis.

Who should use the peeling roller?

This product acts gently when cleansing the skin and does not injure the upper layer of the epidermis. Therefore, this cleanser is suitable for any type of epidermis, regardless of age. Even women and girls with thin or sensitive skin can use such a cosmetic product without fear or risk. In addition, gel peels are recommended for those who have enlarged pores, blackheads or acne, or oily shine on the face.

But despite the fact that the roll very carefully removes dead cells, there are a number of contraindications. For example, the roll cannot be used if there are scratches or wounds in the face area. Also, if you have boils, dermatological diseases or sunburn, this peeling is not recommended.

What types of peeling rays are there?

This cosmetic product can be classified according to what type of skin the product is intended for, as well as by its additional properties.

If we talk about what type of epidermis the roller is intended for, then most products are designed to be suitable for any type of skin. Also if the options are intended for people with problem skin. Such products contain components with an antiseptic effect, thanks to which you can easily relieve inflammation or help wounds heal. Well, in addition to this, a number of gel peels are produced, which have a very gentle effect on the skin; these products are suitable for those who have sensitive skin.

To achieve a cleansing effect, the rays contain acids and acrylates. But manufacturers also add other active components; it is these components that will determine the additional effect of using the product. So peeling rolls can be divided into several groups. The first group includes products that have a moisturizing effect. It contains green tea extracts, collagen, aloe vera, hyaluronic acid. The second group is products that have a whitening effect. These rolls contain components that actively fight pigmentation, for example, lemon or apple extract. The third group is anti-aging products. Manufacturers include components in these gel rolls that will maintain the youthfulness of the skin and prevent it from fading.

Peeling rolls can also be classified according to their release form and texture. Products may have a creamy or gel-like texture. The product is produced in tubes or bottles with a dispenser. But neither the shape of the packaging nor the texture of the product affects the quality of cleansing or ease of use.


You can buy the product yourself and perform the procedure according to the instructions provided, or go to a SPA salon for a procedure performed by qualified specialists.

In this case, you need to know the procedure, duration of the course and principles of skin care after such intensive cleansing.

How it goes

Before applying the gel, it is very important to prepare the skin.
There should be no makeup, dirt, wounds, abrasions, or burns on the face. The list of subsequent manipulations includes:

  • clean and dry skin is steamed using herbal baths or special cosmetic products;
  • distribute the product evenly over the entire face area with the exception of the eyes and lips, hairline;
  • After lumps form, rinse with warm water.
  • Gently wet with a towel and apply moisturizer.

The whole procedure is simple, it is very easy to master, but you need to know about some nuances:

  • read the instructions with special attention;
  • Apply the product with gentle massaging movements, do not rub;
  • in case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of warm water;
  • in addition to moisturizing cream, you can use masks that nourish the epidermis;
  • You must first test for the presence of hypersensitivity - apply cosmetics to the inner surface of the forearm (if itching, burning, redness occurs, peeling is not suitable);
  • If the slightest discomfort occurs, the product should be washed off immediately.

The procedure is carried out for deep cleaning of tissues; doing it every day is strictly prohibited. It is better to use tonic, lotion and cream for daily care.

Course duration

It is selected individually depending on skin type, duration and severity of disorders.

For oily and combination skin, it is allowed to clean the surface in this way 2-3 times a week. For dry skin, once every ten days is enough.

Healing period

To maintain the result and reduce damage to the skin, which after the procedure becomes very sensitive to aggressive external irritants, it is necessary:

  • Avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation and sunlight for about 5-6 hours, otherwise you may get a burn and the growth of age spots;
  • Do not apply decorative cosmetics for 24 hours;
  • wash your face the next day, do not wipe your face with a towel, but only gently wet it;
  • Use filter creams for the first day.

There are few restrictions, but they should be taken into account when leaving home.

Patient reviews

Based on the number of reviews online, we can assume that the Aquanti peeling roller is more popular than a similar product from the Novosvit company with bamboo charcoal. Perhaps users are attracted by the magic of the word “hyaluronic” - products with this component inspire hope for effective skin care. In some cases this is what happens. For example, the author of this review praises the hyaluronic peeling roll for several advantages.

The presence of collagen and hyaluronic acid does not guarantee a rejuvenation effect, but the peeling roll does a good job of cleansing the skin.

One of the disadvantages of this peeling roller is that the consistency is too liquid, which is why the product is used uneconomically and is inconvenient to apply to the face. Also, some users are confused by the effects of the drug on the skin.

Despite the small number of reviews, you can also get a more or less clear idea about the peeling roll with bamboo charcoal. For example, this girl was completely satisfied with the product.

According to another user, you shouldn't expect anything supernatural from a bamboo cleanser.

Peeling rolls are often called “smart”. They have a gentle effect on the skin, improving its structure and color, relieving the face of many problems. Skating rinks produced by Novosvit have earned mixed reviews among users, but in general they can be rated 3.5–4 on a 5-point scale. When buying a peeling product, it is important to correctly understand the range of tasks that it can cope with. And, of course, you should not compare a home procedure with a salon procedure, which gives a more pronounced effect, but has more contraindications and has a more aggressive effect on the skin.

Precautionary measures

If a woman has purchased a peeling roll for the first time, it is very important to do a test for unwanted reactions, which was mentioned earlier.
This applies not only to this product, but to all new cosmetics. Dermatologists do not recommend using the product if:

  • the skin is thin, and capillaries and small vessels are close to the surface;
  • there is an extensive infectious lesion of the face with inflammation and the formation of pustules;
  • small wounds and abrasions are visible;
  • there are signs of rosacea - a significant dilation of blood vessels, which upon examination look like a mesh or stars.

Novosvit can be used by expectant and nursing mothers, since the components are not absorbed into the blood and do not have a negative effect on the growth and development of the baby.

The gel can be used all year round, but in the scorching sun you need to protect your skin by using a cream with an SPF filter.

Bielita meso-peeling roll for face Mezo complex deep cleansing


Mesopeeling ray is a new generation cosmetic product for exfoliation of facial skin. Gently removes dead skin cells and excess sebum, stimulates cell renewal, moisturizes and smoothes the skin, refreshes dull complexion. Optim Hyal stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, restores its optimal balance, increases skin hydration, increases its elasticity, density and firmness, reduces imperfections and smoothes wrinkles. Lactic acid exfoliates dead skin cells, stimulates their renewal process, refreshes and strengthens the skin, and has a calming effect.

Bielita meso-peeling roll for face Mezo complex deep cleansing


  • skin type: for all types
  • product form: rolling
  • active ingredient: hyaluronic acid, fruit acids
  • effect: exfoliation, cleansing, moisturizing

Our review of facial peeling rollers has come to an end. We hope that after carefully studying it, you will be able to choose the most suitable remedy.

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Side effects

Most women experience no complications after use. But, despite all the safety of the manipulations, there is a risk of allergies. Its signs are:

  • intense itching;
  • tissue swelling;
  • the appearance of redness;
  • formation of bubbles, blisters;
  • burning sensation;
  • peeling, dry skin;
  • spread not only to the face, but also to the neck.

If you have such symptoms, you should stop care and consult a doctor for advice.

Can the peeling roller be used every day?

Yes, it really is possible. Especially if there are areas of dry skin and if the girl wears makeup on a daily basis. This product acts as carefully as possible and, most importantly, does not affect healthy epidermal cells, unlike scrubs and acid peels, but only dead ones.

A very common question, and a lot of misinformation about the dangers of daily exfoliation. But the epidermis is renewed daily, and it also needs to be regularly helped to get rid of dead structures.

Photos before and after

Features of procedures in a beauty salon

First, they wash their face with special compounds to gently remove dead cells, then apply the main component.

The product is kept for 30 minutes so that it acts at the required levels of the skin. Treatment is carried out for 3 months with breaks of 15-20 days.

HA is a natural component of the body , hence its hypoallergenicity and anti-inflammatory properties.

Peeling is indicated if:

  • small wrinkles;
  • increasing withering of the skin;
  • changes in the condition of the skin after sunbathing;
  • significant pigmentation;
  • seborrhea;
  • enlarged pores.

Patients note a painless process, rapid recovery, and quickly noticeable results.

The best results were facilitated by the initial preparation of the skin for cleansing: the use of lotions with fruit acids and cosmetics with HA.

After cleaning, you should not sunbathe, visit the solarium, sauna or steam room for a week. You cannot use powder or foundation for 3 weeks.

Moisturizing creams can be used. It is useful to use cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid and UV filters.

The cost of hyaluronic peeling depends on the drug, the qualifications of the cosmetologist, and the level of the salon. One session usually costs from 1000 rubles.

Basic information about HA peels:

  • peeling is a superficial type of chemical procedure;
  • for all skin types;
  • active agent – ​​hyaluronic acid;
  • Pre-peeling preparation is recommended;
  • post-process care is required for 10 days;
  • there are contraindications;
  • the number of sessions is determined individually, usually 3–10 sessions;
  • you can carry out procedures at home;
  • Peeling is allowed throughout the year, but preferably in autumn or winter.

Reviews of effective peelings. Read about this here:

  • Painless and pleasant gas-liquid.
  • The latest cosmetic development is ferulic.
  • Very popular - laser.
  • Hollywood purge - Jessner's technique.
  • The means of restoring youth is retinol (yellow).

Opinion of cosmetologists

On thematic sites, not only amateurs and everyone who wants to be beautiful leave their comments, but also professionals.

Cosmetologists speak mostly positively about Novosvit products; they recommend it for middle-aged women for daily home care.

However, they note that the effect is not comparable to the result of salon procedures, so they recommend visiting specialists at least 1-2 times a month.

Rolling efficiency

Peeling rolls help clean, smooth and refresh facial skin. It acquires a more even shade and texture, becomes elastic, and does not have a greasy shine. In thoroughly cleaned and narrowed pores, impurities and residues of decorative cosmetics do not accumulate, which means that the skin becomes less inflamed.

Hyaluronic peeling Novosvit additionally moisturizes the dermis and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

The frequency of use of the rolls depends on what kind of skin you have. For oily, problematic, combination dermis, the frequency of use is 1–2 times a week. For dry and sensitive - twice a month or once every 7-10 days. If the procedure causes discomfort, try peeling less often or changing the preparation.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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