Mesopeeling roll for face Deep cleansing from Belita Vitex - detailed review of the product

A soft scrub, light peeling, gommage is an excellent solution for delicate but thorough cleansing of facial skin. Regular use of such products can not only maintain the cleanliness and freshness of the integument, but also ensure decent quality of the integument in the form of firmness, elasticity, and youthful appearance. An interesting option for high-quality skin care, simultaneous exfoliation, moisturizing, stimulation of renewal, is the mesopeeling roll for the face deep cleansing from Belita Vitex. The product has a mild but deep effect and provides effective results.

Description of the product

In the Mezocomplex series from the Belarusian brand Belita Vitex, the manufacturer offers a peeling roll for deep delicate cleansing. The product format belongs to the new generation of cosmetic options for skin exfoliation. The principle of action of the substance allows you to effectively remove dead cells without damaging the surface.

The work of the roller combines the capabilities of chemical and mechanical peeling. The substance contains tiny scrubbing particles, which ensures gentle treatment of tissues. The composition uses mild acids that cannot cause harm.

The rolling helps to soften the upper roughened (dead) layer of cells. Performing circular movements to activate the work of the substance leads to the rolling of exfoliated particles into lumps, which additionally pick up excess sebum from open pores.

Effective cleansing, light massage, and moisturizing with additional mesopeeling components stimulate active cell renewal. This allows you to achieve not only a fresh, healthy appearance, but also smooth the surface. The manufacturer positions the use of the product as an option similar to the non-injection mesotherapy procedure.

Enzyme powder for desincrustation of the facial epidermis Bielita Cell Intense

Enzyme powder is suitable for disinfection of the epidermis. It contains silicon microparticles, pineapple enzymes, natural enzymes and dextyrin. The product deeply cleanses the skin of the face, renews it, eliminating dead cells. The powder will help replenish moisture loss, return the skin to a fresh and renewed appearance, saturate the skin with vitamins and minerals and return vital energy to it.


  1. An effective remedy;
  2. Returns vitality to the skin;
  3. Gives skin energy;
  4. Replenishes moisture loss;
  5. Saturates the skin with vitamins.


  1. High price.

Indications for use

People with any skin type can use mesopeeling. People with oily skin will get the most dramatic results. The rolling cloth allows you to deeply clean and improve tissue health. The product is suitable for:

  • effective exfoliation of the rough, spent layer of cells from the surface of the skin;
  • matting the integument;
  • reducing pore size;
  • stabilization of turgor, tissue microrelief;
  • improving color and other characteristics of the appearance of the integument;
  • minimizing pronounced pigmentation;
  • stimulating healing, renewal of cellular structures.

Attention! To achieve results, peeling is used regularly. The product is indicated for weekly use. Carrying out procedures more than 2-3 times a week can cause harm: injure, dry out the skin. Rare, irregular use will not have the promised effect.

The skating rink has no restrictions for use by age, gender, or season. Mesopeeling is most often performed by women over 30 years old with oily skin.

Bio World Secret Life Peeling Pad Complex Rejuvenation

Convenient peeling discs are saturated with a complex of acids, AHA alpha hydroxy acids, hibiscus extract and vitamins. The product acts like a regular peeling, only here you need to wipe your face with a disc, avoiding the skin around the eyes and rinse with water. The product will quickly help even out facial skin texture, exfoliate dead skin cells, deeply cleanse skin pores and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.


  1. Reduces the appearance of wrinkles;
  2. Evens out skin texture and facial tone;
  3. Effectively exfoliates;
  4. Leaves skin firm, radiant, smooth, soft & delicate;
  5. Convenient wheels.

Peeling composition

The central link of the tablet, the active ingredients, are:

  • lactic acid;
  • betaine;
  • cellulose.

The mild acidic component helps to loosen the upper dead layer of cells. The further exfoliation process proceeds more easily. Lactic acid also stimulates subsequent tissue renewal.

Cellulose particles, which are clearly visible upon close examination of the gel, help capture dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. As a result of performing circular movements with your fingers, cellulose inclusions become the basis of the resulting lumps.

Betaine is the main component of the care. The substance is a natural moisturizer. Betaine normalizes water balance in tissues and helps maintain tissue elasticity.

The composition also contains alcohol, which has antiseptic properties, which is important when caring for oily skin prone to inflammation. The useful components in the skating ray contain: yeast extract, castor oil. The remaining ingredients are aimed at maintaining the functional abilities of the substance.

Rolling efficiency

Mesopeeling roller Belita Vitex allows you to thoroughly clean the skin. The product works delicately and does not injure tissue. After the exfoliation procedure, the skin becomes smooth and fresh. Mattification of the integument occurs, normalization of sebum secretion, reduction of pores.

As a result of regular use of the roller, unevenness is eliminated, the severity of scars and the depth of wrinkles are reduced. The condition of the tissues is normalized: the flow of internal processes, which affects the overall health of the integument. The processes of regeneration, renewal, and rejuvenation are launched.

You can notice the effectiveness of the roller after the first use: the skin glows with cleanliness and freshness. Achievements that require longer development become visible after regular use of mesopeeling. It will be possible to discern positive changes in comprehensive health improvement and rejuvenation after 2–4 months of weekly use of the ray.

Rules of application

Belita Vitex brand cosmetic products are intended for home use. All products from the manufacturer are easy to use and safe. The packaging of each substance contains instructions for use.

The mesopeeling sheet can be used independently. Professional cosmetologists do not work with such products.

Mesopeeling Belita Vitex is applied to dry skin that has been previously cleaned of cosmetics and dirt. The product is dosed from the tube into the palm. The quantity depends on the volume of processing. The substance should cover the surface, but not be in excess.

Using soft strokes, distribute the substance over the surface of the face, neck, décolleté, avoiding the eye area and lips. After application, begin the massage.

Use your fingertips to perform light circular, rubbing movements. Starting from the bottom, moving up. A gentle massage lasts 1–3 minutes. As a result of rolling, characteristic white lumps are formed. After pellets appear, rubbing is stopped. The product is thoroughly washed off with water.

After cleaning the surface, perform a mask and apply cream. The exposure will allow the skin to recover from exfoliation. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in the evening. After using mesopeeling, it is advisable to give the skin a night's rest.

Important point! Before performing the procedure, it is recommended to steam skin with pimples, comedones, blackheads: take a bath, take a shower. This will soften the contents of the formations and stimulate deeper cleansing of the pores.

Time for sours. All-season peeling for face, neck and décolleté with ferulic acid from Belit

Hello everyone, dear readers. Autumn is coming - not the most favorite time of year for many, but certainly suitable for the return of various types of acids to skin care.

This summer I spent a lot of time in Belarus, brought a bagful of cosmetics from there, and I’ll try to tell you about the most outstanding ones. The product that most surprised me, I’m not even afraid of this word - amazed - was the All-season peeling for the face, neck and décolleté with ferulic acid from


A few words about the source material on which this same peeling was tested - age-related, sensitive, problematic, very oily skin with severe post-acne, acne, enlarged pores, age spots and uneven texture. I have selected the basic care that can keep my acne-prone skin in a more or less acceptable form (no more than two serious pimples per month), and I have been religiously following it for almost a year, but cosmetic curiosity sometimes pushes me to uncritical experiments with wash-off products and this peeling turned out to be, fortunately, a very successful experiment.

The peeling is a liquidish whitish gel with a rather pronounced smell - something tart, sweet and sour, placed in a quite convenient plastic bottle with a volume of 105 ml.

This peeling is designed, according to the manufacturer, to work the following miracles with our skin - cleanse the surface dead layer of skin, reduce the appearance of age spots, have a pronounced rejuvenating effect, refresh the skin - and the main point of this inventory is to protect the skin from photoaging and the harmful effects of UV rays . (So, peeling that protects from the sun is something new, don’t you agree?)) Since the manufacturer’s emphasis is on the content of ferulic acid in the product, I consider it necessary to say a few words about it.

Ferulic acid is a powerful plant antioxidant. It protects the skin from the effects of free radicals - particles that damage the skin cell membrane, causing it to begin to lose moisture and vital elements. We encounter sources of free radicals every day, these are sun rays, stress, smoking, poor diet, and polluted air. From the visible effect of ferulic acid on the skin, its ability to lighten the skin, reduce pigmentation, dark spots after acne, and anti-inflammatory effect due to antioxidant properties is noted. This is not an aggressive acid, so peelings can be carried out with it even in summer.

All-season peeling with ferulic acid is recommended to be applied to cleansed skin in a thin layer, starting with 5 minutes of exposure and adding 1 minute to each subsequent application, but not to exceed 12 minutes. To achieve the effect, you should do 6-8 procedures with breaks of 7-10 days. And this is a very important point.

There is no need to try to use this peeling daily, three times a week or anything else - honestly, the effect will tend to zero. I checked. I experimentally selected the exposure time for myself - 10 minutes every 7 days.

Unfortunately, I have not yet acquired the habit of taking photos before starting to use the products and after a while, but honestly, I promise to improve, because a story about a skincare product, especially an enthusiastic one, and not supported by visual evidence in the form of a photo, has much less weight, I think.:) But since this product impressed me so positively, I couldn’t keep silent about it and I’ll try to at least just talk about it.

Actually, my feelings from using this product roughly fit into the exhalation of “wow!”, but I, of course, will tell you in more detail.

When applied to the skin, the peeling tingled a little, but the product did not dry out, was washed off easily, and did not dry out or irritate the skin. After the first use, when washing with your fingers, you feel that your skin is a little smoother. The peeling, which I always have, disappeared after the second use of the peeling and no new ones have appeared during the regular use of the peeling. But the most important thing for me was the brightening effect. Since I have skin with acne and marks after it, as well as large pigment spots, the brightening effect is always very important for me. So, the product has such an effect, and even a great one!


. No matter what anyone tells me about the protective effect of ferulic acid from the sun, whether in this product or in any other, I insist on the use of sunscreen without fail and without fail when using acids. In addition, the first positions in this peeling are still lactic and citric acids, I would not risk it.

Thus, all-season peeling with ferulic acid from Belita turned out to be a very, very worthy, mega-budget and effective skin care product for the purpose of exfoliating and brightening it. Definitely suitable for oily, oily and problematic skin, possibly combination. I can’t be sure about normal and dry, but I suspect it might be drying.


9/10 rating

4 months, 1 ruble/week use

Skin type:

Oily skin, acne


water, propylene glycol, PEG-8, lactic acid, citric acid, polyacrylate-6 crosspolymer, sodium hydroxide, ethylhexylisonononanoate, ferulic acid, xanthan gum, phenoxyethanol, methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, perfume, benzyl alcohol, methylchloroisothiazolinone, methylisothiazolinone, g exilcinnamal

exfoliates very well, brightens well, does not irritate the skin, does not dry out, very inexpensive product

excessively loud statements from the manufacturer


Follow-up skin care

After using the roller, the skin is characterized by smoothness, velvety, and a pleasant appearance. When performing the procedure on overly sensitive, dry skin, local redness may appear. Symptoms of hyperemia disappear quickly and do not require treatment.

The skin requires regular hydration and nutrition. They use regular cream and other cosmetics without exfoliating properties. You can perform masks. Aggressive procedures should be abandoned.

After the procedure, it is important to provide sun protection to the skin. Before going outside in any weather, apply a product with SPF with a numerical factor of at least 30. This will save you from the harmful effects of the sun: photoaging, the development of hyperpigmentation.

Tissue restoration occurs in 2–3 days. After this, you can again perform a gentle exfoliation procedure using Belita Vitex mesopeeling. Sensitive, dry, sagging skin takes longer to recover. It is better to increase the interval between procedures to 5–10 days.


Analogues of this product include the following masks with fruit acids:

We invite you to take our small but interesting test of the week :)


Let's start with something simple. In which country was micellar water invented?

Right! Error!

The French company Bioderma was the first to release micellar water. This was in 1995.

Who invented the egg-shaped sponge?

Right! Error!

Makeup artist Rhea Ann Silva worked as a make-up artist on the set of the TV series Girlfriends. To quickly apply makeup to the four main characters, she came up with the idea of ​​moistening the sponges with water and giving them - initially triangular - the shape of an egg: this made it faster.

A curler looks like a torture instrument, but in fact it is a device for curling eyelashes. Who invented it?

Right! Error!

The Shu Uemura curler is considered one of the best, but the device was invented in 1923 by scientist Charles W. Stickel. He patented eyelash curlers as we know them and opened a company selling these devices, Kurlash. However, after the patent expired, many analogues appeared on the market, and the company soon closed.

Which company was the first to release a facial cleansing brush?

Right! Error!

The famous Clarisonic brush appeared in 2001. It was invented by a group of enthusiastic scientists and engineers from Seattle. In 2011, the company was acquired by L'Oreal Corporation, and last year the brand, alas, closed. And Foreo was born in Sweden in 2013.

In which country was BB cream invented?

Right! Error!

It was a trick question. BB cream was invented by German dermatologist Christine Schrammeck in 1958. Customers liked the product, but it did not gain widespread popularity. But the Koreans were delighted with it and began mass production.

Mascara was produced in sticks for a long time. You had to wet the block (more often, spit on it), move it with a brush, and only then paint your eyelashes. Who saved us from these dances and released the first mascara in a tube?

Right! Error!

Elena Rubinstein released Mascara-Matic cream mascara in a cylindrical tube in 1957. Rubinstein called it automatic, because the product was drawn onto the brush itself - automatically.

Wait, the mascara stick also has an inventor, who later launched his own beauty brand. What brand is this?

Right! Error!

Maybelline is a combination of the name Maelb and the word Vaseline. American Terry Williams mixed Vaseline with soot, pressed the resulting mixture into a block and gave it to his sister Mabel.

Before the invention of cases, lipstick was stored in jars, boxes, and produced in the form of sticks and powder. Which company was the first to release lipstick in a twist-on tube?

Right! Error!

It is not known which brand was the first. But the twist-on tube format was patented by James Bruce Mason in 1923 - from that moment on, all leading brands released such lipsticks.

One of the first recipes for lip gloss was created by Catherine de Medici: she mixed beeswax, oils and natural dye. Which company released the first modern version of lip gloss?

Right! Error!

Initially, Max Factor, a make-up artist, inventor and businessman, came up with glitter for Hollywood actresses. And then he released the product on wide sale: Max Factor X-Rated gloss was produced from 1932 to 2003.

Since ancient times, people have used soap, flour, talc, and ground cereal powder to cleanse their hair and scalp. In 19th-century England, barber shops applied a mixture of herbs and soap powder - Shaempoo. Who was the first to sell such powder in bags under his own name?

Right! Error!

An interesting method of dyeing was invented in Ancient Rome: to make their hair darker, girls soaked a lead comb in vinegar and combed their hair with it. Lead salts gave a dark tint. Which company was the first to release modern hair dye that made it possible to immediately obtain the specified shade?

Right! Error!

L'Oreal Paris - in 1907, the Frenchman Eugene Schueller invented a paint based on copper, iron and sodium sulfate salts. The line had 7 shades from black to light red.

Precautionary measures

Belita Vitex mesopeeling sheet is more suitable for oily skin. The manufacturer warns that procedures for irritated, damaged, excessively dry skin are contraindicated. It is recommended to stop using the roller if:

  • various violations of skin integrity;
  • sunburn, all kinds of irritations;
  • pustular rashes;
  • dermatological disorders;
  • allergic reactions to the components of the product.

When used correctly, mesopeeling rarely causes complications. Violations of use and subsequent care, in addition to hyperemia, can cause:

  • surface damage;
  • itching, burning, discomfort;
  • appearance, worsening of excessive pigmentation, rashes.

Attention! If symptoms are detected, it is recommended to stop using mesopeeling. After analyzing the situation, they adjust the treatment scheme or completely eliminate procedures using the roller.

Before starting to use mesopeeling, it is recommended to conduct an allergy test. The roll is tested on the bend of the elbow. If no negative manifestations arise within 10–20 minutes of presence of the product, then the procedure can be performed on the face.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Belita Vitex peeling include: affordable price, the ability to carry out procedures independently, and the admissibility of all-season regular use.

The brand's product is universal and does not cause complications. The skin after the procedure does not require special care, and there is no visible recovery period.

The disadvantages of Belita Vitex mesopeeling include the lack of bright results. The product gives the skin cleanliness and freshness. You won't be able to get rid of acne and wrinkles. The positive effect of the product in this direction is noticeable only after regular use.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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