​Mepiform - an effective and simple fight against scars or a fiction?

It’s rare that any of us don’t have scars or scars on our bodies. These kinds of defects often cause inconvenience, so you want to get rid of these unaesthetic things as quickly as possible. After all, scars, as you know, are painted only by representatives of the stronger sex, and even then not always. Innovative silicone-based products, in particular the Mepiform patch, are considered one of the effective methods for removing scars. The tool is not the newest. However, it has proven itself to be excellent, and according to reviews of Mepiform. The patches really work. Let's take a closer look at the drug and its “secrets”.

So, this patch is an elastic self-adhesive bandage that reduces the expressiveness of scars of various origins, and can also completely remove marks.

A little about the manufacturer

the patch was manufactured by a Swedish company engaged in the development of complex medical products, equipment, and skin care products;

The main office is opened in Gothenburg, production is carried out in a number of countries. Products are supplied to more than a hundred countries around the world. The company has an excellent reputation;

The products are certified and have passed multi-level tests and are safe.

Basic information about the patch

The main active ingredient is the well-known silicone, which is actively used to successfully combat scarring. Many experts in the field of cosmetology officially recommend this patch for use, since its effect is really noticeable, especially when working with new scars.

The high effectiveness of the drug is based on the following mechanisms:

  • compression, inhibiting the formation of scar tissue;
  • the so-called “greenhouse effect”. What is its essence? Silicone maintains the desired degree of moisture in the problem skin area, which reduces the density of the scar or scar and stimulates the regeneration of damaged cells;
  • reliable physical protection – Mepiform covers the scar and prevents possible irritation.

The silicone layer of the patch is produced using the latest Safetac technology, which has a number of advantages:

excellent strength and elasticity, which does not hinder movements;

reliable and simple fixation on the skin, thanks to this the patch can be worn for a couple of days without removing it even during water procedures;

reliable protection of scars and adjacent tissues from external influences;

almost zero chance of allergies.

The patch is most effective when applied to scars that are as fresh as possible. So it is best to start the treatment process as early as possible; plastic surgeons recommend using the patch already 3–4 days after the operation. Well, if a year or more has passed since the damage to the skin, the result, alas, will be much less noticeable, but even the old scar will lighten and lose its relief.

What types of postoperative sterile patches are there?

Surgery requires the subsequent application of a sterile medical post-operative plaster. It can replace a sterile dressing, providing the same functions - protecting a fresh wound from infection and subsequent problems. If the incision is small, it is possible to fix the edges of the wound. Manufacturers offer products with different impregnations, the effect of which is selected taking into account the need.

  1. Antibacterial patch for wound healing with silver. Accelerates skin regeneration. The absorbent base allows for repeated dressings much less frequently. There are products for children and adults, standard and waterproof.
  2. A postoperative non-woven bandage is made of elastic materials and is designed specifically for moving areas of the body. The microporous surface provides air exchange, which eliminates irritation and diaper rash. During dressing, the adhesive composition is easily separated from the skin, and no traces remain.
  3. Product for resolving sutures after surgery. Indications for use: epithelization of wounds and protection against re-infection. The material absorbs wound secretions well and protects the surface from mechanical and other impacts. Due to the transparent base, you can observe the process without peeling off the film each time.

When should it be used?

Mepiform for the treatment of scars and scratches, as well as traces of burns, is best used after consultation with a plastic surgeon or your cosmetologist. The patch adheres securely to the skin thanks to silicone. Under its influence, the scars gradually fade and become smaller. The product also reduces pain and prevents additional infection of the wound.

To speed up the healing process as much as possible, you can combine the patch with a good scar ointment. To do this, a medicinal product is applied to cleansed skin at the site of injury, and a patch is applied on top. A pronounced positive effect can be achieved if this patch is used 24 hours a day. You can remove it to inspect the skin, then glue it back. One Mepiform patch is worn for two to seven days, then it needs to be replaced with a new one.


The Mepiform patch is an expensive medicine. Self-adhesive silicone pad for keloid and hypertrophic scars costs:

  • 5 x 7.5 cm (5 pieces) - approximately 2000 rubles;
  • 4 x 30 cm (5 pieces) - about 5,000 rubles;
  • 10 x 10 cm (5 pieces) - 5800 rubles.

The cost in different regions of Russia may vary.

Instructions for correct use

This patch consists of rectangles of various sizes (width varies from four to ten centimeters, and length - from eight to thirty centimeters). It is recommended to stick the product on the skin when the wound has already closed and there is a crust of blood.

They fell off so as not to cause damage to the dermis.

So, how to apply:

First, determine the size of the patch you need. Please note that the size of the glued piece should be slightly larger than the scar itself, about three centimeters in length and two centimeters in width;

thoroughly clean and dry the scar and nearby tissues;

remove the special film from the patch and slowly attach it to the skin at the site of damage, trying to achieve a very tight fit.

The wearing time for one patch ranges from three days to a week. During this period, the product can be removed (for example, to check the condition of the skin, take a shower). The most important indication for replacing it is a low degree of fixation on the skin. The total recommended duration of wearing the patch is at least three months. For very old and rough scars, treatment will take longer, but the effect will be clearly visible after a month of using the patch.

Duration of treatment

"Mepiform", according to reviews and photos, cannot quickly get rid of the problem. The effect of the treatment occurs if you wear it continuously for two months. The full course of therapy with Mepiform takes from three months to six months - it all depends on the degree of skin damage. If there are colloidal scars, then they need to be treated for more than a year. If they do not disappear completely, they still become less noticeable, turn pale and do not protrude above the skin.

The patch is as harmless as possible and has no contraindications. In rare cases, wearing it can cause an allergic reaction, itching and burning sensation. Then you should take a break from treatment and wait until the skin recovers. If repeated irritation occurs, it is better to stop using Mepiform.

In what cases is it better to use such a patch? Women who have undergone mammoplasty will appreciate its ease of wearing. Some patients who underwent surgery used Mepiform during the recovery period. They say that the undoubted advantage of the patch is its color. The bandage is practically invisible on the body; it perfectly masks scars. In addition, fresh scars quickly discolor and become less noticeable. However, many claim that the silicone patch did not help them, so it is better to use gels and ointments instead of a bandage.

For example, long-term use of Clearwin cream together with other gels and medications, including a patch, can indeed eliminate a defect on the skin, but we are talking only about fresh damage; old scars need to be dealt with differently. In this case, the use of a laser and surgical removal of the defect are indicated.

Possible contraindications and some side effects

The product is medical, therefore it has certain contraindications that should be taken into account before use. Fortunately, there are very few restrictions:

individual allergic reaction to silicone (observed extremely rarely);

weeping discharge due to skin problems;

open skin wounds;

existing inflammation in the area of ​​the scar or scar.

Please note that Mepiform is approved for use even by children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, because it does not contain absolutely any harmful chemical additives that penetrate the human body.

Reviews about Silplast

1. “I have a slightly unusual reason for using the Silplast patch. I use it after tattooing. I am very glad that such an invention exists. It’s really convenient: you can shower in it and sweat in the gym. Doesn't sting or itch. The main thing is to change it in a timely manner and treat the scar.”

2. “I started using Silplast with a scar that had already formed for a long time. The thing is, my cesarean section scar was over a year old, and it was still raised, red-pink, and had a lump of skin on one end. I was warned that I would need to wear this patch for several months. The most amazing thing is that I have been wearing it for only three weeks and have already noticed the first improvements! The scar has turned pale! Looking forward to the final result now"

3. “The doctor advised me to use Silplast as soon as the stitch heals after the operation. He explained this by saying that this special patch would prevent the scar from becoming huge and red. I was worried about sensitivity at first. The seam was unpleasant to touch. But he exceeded all my expectations. Invisible both in sensations and visually. Very thin, very. And at the same time it sits firmly on the skin and does not come off, even if it rubs against clothes. And you can wash in it. And the main effect is that the seam is thin, even and pale!”

Cost of Mepiform and possible analogues

This patch comes in three different forms, the main difference being the size. The package includes five pieces. In some pharmacies it can be purchased individually, but the availability of this product is variable, so it is better to buy in packages.

As for analogues, there are silicone-based dressings from other well-known manufacturers. Typically they are a little more expensive. For example, a patch from the manufacturer Sika-Kea costs about 3 to 4 times more. There is only one piece in the package and it needs to be changed every three weeks.

Expert advice on proper wound treatment

Even the best dressing materials will not give the expected effect if used incorrectly. It’s not difficult to remember the recommendations of experts. All that remains is to remember them at the right time and promptly replenish your home first aid kit with everything necessary for first aid.

Before bandaging and dressing the wound, the damaged area itself and the skin around it must be treated taking into account a number of rules. Particular care is taken when treating wounds after surgery. The rules for using adhesive bandages are as follows:

  • Before opening the package, wash your hands with soap, dry them with paper towels and treat them with an antiseptic;
  • the next step is to make sure that the expiration date indicated on the package has not yet expired;
  • When opening the packaging, you should avoid touching the product in those places that will come into contact with the wound;
  • Having taken the dressing product out of the packaging, you should hold it only by the outer side;
  • remove the polyethylene or paper strips covering the adhesive layer by holding the product by the free fragment;
  • a strip is applied to a dry and clean wound so that its central impregnated section covers the entire wound, and the glue is located outside the damaged skin;
  • unless otherwise provided, bandaging is done at least once a day. Exceptions are made for burns, when the bandage remains in place for a long time;
  • To make a dressing, you need to grab the edge and hold the skin nearby with your free hand. Considering that you will need 2 hands at once, it is advisable that the person who is injured does not do the dressing.
  • Among the useful tips given by experts, there is often a recommendation to shave the skin around the wound. This is necessary because hair can cause infection of the wound surface even under a bandage and after treatment. In addition, the presence of even vellus hair makes dressing painful.

    The recommendations listed in the article will help you pay due attention to the process of treating and dressing wounds. All that remains is to buy the necessary dressings, choosing medical products from trusted manufacturers. The range of products is quite wide, and prices vary depending on the brand and country of origin.

Let's sum it up

Judging by the reviews, Mepiform is unique in its kind and makes it possible to remove unsightly scars and scars on the skin. Among its obvious advantages are a good visible effect when worn constantly, maximum comfort and absolute safety. Well, among the disadvantages we should note the considerable cost and the need for use for a long period of time.

As reviews about Mepiform show, this is a really effective remedy for removing or reducing existing scars. However, it will not completely rid you of old defects. After a couple of months, the scars become lighter and in many cases this is enough for the problem that tormented you to go away and not cause any discomfort. It is often recommended for use after plastic surgery to minimize the visibility of stitches and scars.

Below are photos before and after Mepiform to understand the effect of using this patch. It is also worth noting that in 1% of cases the effectiveness of using the patch is not observed, this is due to the individual characteristics of the skin.

Mepiform - how does the scar patch work?

Traces from operations and other skin damage cause many problems, especially if they remain on the face or other visible places. It is quite possible to correct the situation with the help of simple external means; you just need to know which of them will actually give the desired effect.

Mepiform patch is an elastic self-adhesive bandage with silicone coating, designed to improve the appearance of scars and cicatrices, incl. hypertrophic and keloid. How does this product work and how good a result does it give? How to use it correctly? What do those who have already tried it out say in their reviews? The most important and only verified information is in the TecRussia.ru review:

↑ Information about the manufacturer

  • Mepiform is produced by the Swedish company Mölnlycke Health Care. It is engaged in the development, manufacture and sale of medical products for professional use, incl. disposable surgical products (gowns, shoe covers, masks, headgear, gloves, etc.), medical equipment, dressings and fixing materials, skin care products, etc.
  • The company's head office is located in Gothenburg, and production facilities are located in France, Belgium, Poland, Great Britain, Finland, USA, Thailand and Malaysia. Deliveries go to more than 100 countries around the world. Mölnlycke has a good reputation; there have been no significant complaints about the quality of its products in the entire history of production.

↑ What you need to know about this patch and to whom it is indicated

The active substance of Mepiform is silicone. This organic compound has been used to combat severe scarring for about half a century. Numerous studies confirm its high effectiveness in this capacity, and leading deratologists, plastic and reconstructive surgeons officially recommend it for use.

See in particular:
  • International clinical recommendations on scar management (Mustoe TA, Cooter RD, Gold MH, Hobbs FD, Ramelet AA, Shakespeare PG, Stella M, Téot L, Wood FM, Ziegler UE; 2002)
  • The Use of Silicone Adhesives for Scar Reduction (Bleasdale B, Finnegan S, Murray K, Kelly S, Percival S; 2015)

The effectiveness of the patch is based on 3 main mechanisms:

  • Constant compression - due to this, the growth of connective tissue is inhibited, sometimes it even decreases in size.
  • “Greenhouse effect” - silicone retains increased humidity in the problem area. This helps reduce scar density and also stimulates cell regeneration.
  • Physical protection - the patch covers the ripening scar from damage or irritation by clothing and frequent touching.

The silicone layer in Mepiform is made using Safetac technology, which provides the following advantages:

  • High fastening strength, due to which the patch is worn continuously for several days, incl. during water procedures. At the same time, you can remove the bandage at any time, easily and painlessly.
  • Sealed protection of the scar and surrounding tissues.
  • Minimal likelihood of developing an allergic reaction.

The most effective bandage will be when applied to fresh scars and cicatrices, therefore, as in the case of other external remedies, treatment should be started as early as possible: if six months or a year have passed since the injury, the result will be minimal.

Photos before and after 5 months of treatment with Mepiform:

↑ Instructions for use

The patch is produced in the form of rectangles of different sizes (width - from 4 to 10 cm, length - from 7.5 to 30 cm). It is very thin and is held on the skin not due to a special adhesive base, as in standard products of this type, but due to the suction effect that occurs when it comes into contact with a layer of silicone. Due to this, if necessary, it can be removed several times and then reused.

  • Stages of scar formation: at what point should treatment begin?
  • The best anti-scar creams, ointments and gels

Mepiform should be applied only when the wound is completely closed and the blood crusts covering it have fallen off (after removing the sutures, you must wait until the damage from which the threads were removed has healed). The procedure for use is very simple:

  • Determine the required size of the bandage: the length of the bandage strip should be at least 2.5 cm larger than the scar, and the width - 2 cm. If necessary, the original rectangle can be cut into several parts.
  • Rinse and dry the scar and surrounding tissue thoroughly.
  • Remove the protective film from the bandage and carefully attach it to the scar, achieving the tightest possible fit.

The time during which one plate can be worn is from three days to a week. During this period, the patch can be removed (for example, before water procedures). The main indication for replacement is poor adhesion to the skin. The recommended duration of wearing Mepiform is at least three months. For old, rough scars, treatment may take up to 2-3 years, and in both cases the bandage should be worn continuously.

Facts about the patch from patient reviews:
  • The average time of use until a visible positive result is 3-6 months.
  • The average time to wear one bandage is about 3-4 days. During this period, people took a shower, went to the pool, swam, etc. – as promised by the manufacturer, water procedures did not in any way affect the strength of the fixation. At the same time, regardless of behavior, after 3-4 days the bandage began to peel off and had to be changed.
  • After attaching it to the body, the product completely blocks the access of oxygen - this is partly what its therapeutic effect is based on, but as a result, the skin underneath it becomes dry and has to be washed every 1-2 days.
  • The surface of the patch is flesh-colored, which camouflages the scar well.
  • On large scars, it wrinkles over time and the bandage has to be changed more often than usual.
  • Can act as a local anesthetic: relieves pain and itching during keloid formation.

↑ Contraindications, complications, side effects

There are few restrictions on the use of the patch:

  • allergy to silicone base (happens extremely rarely, manifested by irritation and swelling of tissue in the area of ​​application);
  • weeping skin damage during prolonged continuous wear;
  • fresh open wounds;
  • inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the developing scar.

At the same time, Mepiform can be used by children, as well as pregnant and lactating women: the coating contains only pure silicone, without chemical additives, which interacts only with the top layer of tissue and does not penetrate the skin and the circulatory system of the body.

It should also be taken into account that the patch is not suitable for use on moving parts of the body, bends of limbs, etc., since here it will not last long enough. As an alternative, ointments with a similar composition (for example, Dermatix or Kelo-Kot) are usually used in such areas.

↑ How much does Mepiform cost? Current prices and analogues

The product is available in three forms, the only difference being the size. Each package contains 5 pieces.

Bandage parametersAverage price, rub.
5×7.5 cm2000 — 2300
4×30 cm4500 — 4700
10×18 cm5700 — 6000

In some stationary pharmacies, you can even buy plasters individually, but supplies and availability are inconsistent, so it would be safer to order online.

There are similar silicone dressings from other manufacturers, most of them cost a little more. For example, Sika-Kea measuring 6x12 cm will cost ~2500 rubles. There is 1 piece in a package, but it needs to be changed on average once every three weeks. Dermatix silicone patches are available in two versions: standard - on a flesh-colored fabric base and transparent - for use on the face and other open areas. The cost of a plate measuring 4x13 cm is 1,500 rubles.

↑ Conclusions TecRussia.ru: there will be improvements, but don’t expect a miracle

An analysis of numerous reviews about Mepiform allows us to conclude: the patch is effective, but you should not expect magical results from it:

  • Among the clear advantages of the product are a noticeable effect with constant use (plus a solid scientific basis for those who do not believe patient reviews alone), convenience and safety, which allows it to be applied even to small children.
  • The main disadvantages are the fairly high cost and the need to use for a long time.

Thus, Mepiform is one of the most effective external remedies for the treatment of scars. But you need to understand that a silicone plate will not help get rid of skin defects completely. After a few months of use, the scar will become softer and lighter, but will not disappear completely (especially if we are talking about a large keloid). However, in many cases this result will be quite enough for the problem to stop causing discomfort.

Types of scars

Normotrophic scars are most often located at the same level with the skin, they are less noticeable, easiest to correct and differ mainly in shade - they are somewhat lighter than the skin.

Atrophic scars occur after an inflammatory process or injury; they are not as elastic as normal tissues and have a concave surface. A typical example of atrophic scars is stretch marks and post-acne.

Keloid scars can have different shapes; they are elastic, dense, usually with a smooth surface. The appearance of keloid scars can lead to unpleasant sensations: burning, itching, even pain. Typically, such formations protrude above the surface of the skin. They have clear boundaries. Keloid scars can grow and appear again after removal. Most often they form on the outer surface of the shoulder, in the sternum and upper torso. Difficult to correct.

Hypertrophic scars protrude above the surface of the skin. Most often they have a pink tint, and are formed due to the large area and depth of the wound, contamination of the surface or other unfavorable conditions for the healing of damaged tissue. It is mature connective tissue covered by a layer of epidermis. Within six months after its appearance, hyperkeratosis gradually disappears, and the progression of the scar stops.

Care and recovery

After laser resurfacing, the skin recovers quite quickly. However, in the first few hours after the procedure, redness and discomfort may appear. If they cause you discomfort, you can apply a cooling compress to the treatment area.

For 3 days after the removal procedure, you should not wipe the treated areas of the skin with alcohol-containing substances. It is prohibited to visit the sauna and swimming pool, take a hot bath, or sunbathe.

The skin needs to be moisturized. Or use special medical gels and creams that your doctor will prescribe for you.

Each patient at Cleo Line is given detailed care recommendations after the procedure.

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