Herbal peelings - safe and effective facial cleansing

Mechanism of action

Herbal peeling products contain 50% natural ingredients.
These can be extracts from healthy fruits, herbs, algae, and corals. Active substances are used in combination or individually, which allows targeted action on specific facial skin problems. Cleaning is performed as carefully as possible; after the procedure there is no burn, as when using chemical and acidic compounds. Herbal medicines:

  • cause gentle exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the skin;
  • activate metabolic processes in tissues;
  • promote the production of collagen and elastin, rapid saturation of cells with oxygen and the removal of toxins.

As a result, immediately after the procedure, the face becomes more toned and fresh.

What it is?

Body peeling is a cosmetic procedure during which dead particles on the surface of the skin are exfoliated, microcirculation is improved, and the process of cell renewal is stimulated.

During the cleansing session, various layers of the dermis and epidermis can be affected. Depending on the depth of impact, peeling is divided into 3 types:

  • Surface. Suitable for young skin, only the top layer is cleansed - the epidermis. For superficial peeling, mechanical or hardware action is used.
  • Median. Affects deeper layers, used to treat acne, scars, wrinkles, stretch marks
  • Deep. It affects the deep layers of the dermis, for which acids and other chemicals are used.

The procedure has a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the entire body.


peeling on the skin


  • Dead particles are removed from the surface of the body
  • Cells receive additional nutrition
  • The skin is saturated with oxygen
  • Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin
  • The skin acquires smoothness, elasticity and a youthful appearance.

When choosing one of the types of peeling at the OK! Beauty Salon, pay attention to their features and the nature of their effect on the skin.


The simplest and most accessible type of body cleansing. Mechanical peeling involves exposure to cosmetics containing large abrasive particles. Scrubs for the procedure are made on the basis of natural ingredients: sea salt, sand, nuts, coffee with the addition of fruit juices, essential oils.

The ingredients included in the products determine the properties of cosmetics:

  • Sea salt - eliminates swelling, rashes, disinfects, stabilizes weight
  • Coffee - opens pores well, tones, improves blood circulation, removes harmful substances
  • Sand - deeply cleanses, thoroughly removes exfoliating particles
  • Nuts - nourish the skin with vegetable oils, stimulate microcirculation, smooth out wrinkles
  • Crushed cereals - carefully remove dead skin particles, giving the skin a velvety, natural tone.

At the client's request, branded cosmetics with an abrasive effect can be used.

To work, the master uses a silicone glove, with which he applies the scrub to the body and gently massages the skin, rubbing the composition. Then the mixture is washed off and the body is covered with nourishing oils.


The essence of the procedure is to dissolve the stratum corneum of the skin with acidic compounds. Typically, fruit (tartaric, citric, malic), lactic, AHA acids, clay, and minerals are used. Cleansing products contain at least one acidic compound and additional components. The depth of action of the compositions depends on the percentage of acids.

Chemical peeling significantly tightens the skin and slows down aging. The components of the mixtures not only remove dead particles of the epidermis, but also disinfect, activate collagen production, and accelerate cell regeneration.

With superficial chemical peeling, an acidic environment is created, which has a detrimental effect on bacteria, dries out acne, and exfoliates the epidermis. Medium cleansing products allow you to “bypass” the surface layer, avoid its damage and act only on the dermis.

Deep chemical peeling is carried out using phenol and a 40% solution of trichloroacetic acid. The products act aggressively, burning the epidermis and dermis. The procedure stimulates active cell regeneration and is indicated only for people over 40 years of age with serious indications.

Chemical peeling takes about an hour. The session takes place in several stages:

  • Acid sensitivity test
  • Application of peeling compounds
  • Apply post-peel products after 2-10 minutes to restore skin integrity
  • Rinse off cosmetics and lubricate the body with protective cream.

Exfoliation (peeling) is carried out once a week. A total of 5 to 10 procedures are recommended. After the session, redness or peeling of the skin is possible, which quickly passes.

At the Beauty Salon OK! There is a team of professional cosmetologists who will select the optimal acid compositions for you. Thanks to the efforts of the masters, your skin will be young and healthy again.


To cleanse the skin, cosmetology devices are used that gently remove keratinized particles of the epidermis. The advantage of this method is the ability to regulate the force of impact on the surface of the skin. There are several types of hardware peeling:

  • Brushing (brossage). A device with rotating brushes massages the skin and simultaneously exfoliates epithelial microparticles
  • Microdermabrasion. The device delivers a finely dispersed mixture of aluminum oxide, sucking up keratinized particles with a vacuum. The skin seems to be polished, becoming even and smooth. After the procedure, you should not go out into the sun, wash with hot water, or apply cosmetics for 24 hours.
  • Vacuum. Under the influence of negative pressure, a layer of dead cells is sucked into the device. The procedure does not damage the skin and ensures rapid restoration of the epidermis
  • Laser. By acting on the skin, the laser beam evaporates the upper layer of the epidermis. Sanding carefully removes wrinkles, scars, and small age spots. The result is noticeable within a week. The advantage of the technique is that the specialist can specifically treat small areas of skin
  • Ultrasonic. The ultrasonic waves created by the device remove dead epithelium, stimulate blood circulation, and create conditions for better nutrition of the skin. The method does not injure the epidermis and is completely safe.

* Note

Hardware techniques are the least traumatic and guarantee deep cleansing.


This type of exfoliation involves the use of exclusively natural products. Algae extracts, vitamins, vegetable oils, and seafood are more often used. This cleansing is absolutely harmless, and the absence of acidic compounds and preservatives ensures a gentle effect on the skin. There are several types of such biopeeling.


Cleansing occurs thanks to plant enzymes (protein compounds) that break down the ligaments between dead skin particles. As a result, dead cells are removed independently, without mechanical impact. Bromelain or papain, lipase or omelase are added to enzyme peeling compositions. The latter are biologically active compounds of animal origin: cleansing occurs due to the breakdown of fat cells. There is also “omega peeling”, where omega acids are used to destroy the bonds between dead cells.


The procedure is based on the drying effect of lactobacilli. They narrow pores, reduce sebum production, normalize local microflora, and inhibit pathogenic microorganisms. Cosmetic products for this type of peeling contain only bacteria that normally live on human skin.


Cleansers include Dead Sea water and jojoba oil. Sea salt disinfects and moisturizes the skin, stimulates metabolism and regeneration.

On the badyag

Badyaga is a freshwater sponge that is actively used in cosmetology. Products based on it accelerate cell renewal, eliminate rosacea, scars, acne, improve microcirculation and metabolism.

Peeling with fish

A special type of biopeeling, in which dead particles of the epidermis are eaten by small Garra Rufa fish. The process feels like a light massage. Typically, this type of biopeeling is used to cleanse the skin of the hands or feet.

Peeling promotes skin renewal, improves microcirculation and cell nutrition. At the Beauty Center OK! you can choose any type of peeling. Our specialists will advise which procedure will be most favorable and beneficial for your health.


The use of herbal peels is completely safe - this is their main advantage. The products do not contain harsh chemicals that can harm the skin and body. Also, natural cleaning products have other advantages:

  • Possibility of use at home;
  • availability in the range of compositions for skin of any type;
  • no discomfort when cleaning;
  • short and comfortable rehabilitation period;
  • After cleansing, no crusts appear on the face, only slight peeling.

In addition, herbal formulations can be used at any age. They cannot harm very young or mature skin. Active components draw out particles of dirt and dead cells from pores, normalize metabolic processes, but do not destroy healthy areas of the dermis.

Is it worth peeling, and if so, what kind?


For the sake of beauty, a woman is ready to do anything, even remove the top layer of skin. It sounds terrible, but it's actually just the result of a procedure called exfoliation.

How it works?

Due to the effects on the skin (which will be described below), the body tries to heal itself by producing the most useful substances for restoration, such as elastin and collagen. In other words, the thin top layer is removed, and a new one is formed in its place. All this is thanks to the great gift of nature - regeneration. After this procedure, the skin becomes soft, silky, wrinkles are smoothed out, the woman looks younger and happier.

There are three types of peeling .

Mechanical peeling

It involves the use of very fine solid particles that undermine dead skin particles, thereby very effectively cleansing it. This is an affordable and convenient option for those who prefer to independently care for their face and body skin at home.

Chemical peeling

Based on the use of acid or other chemical substance. Unlike mechanical peeling , chemical peeling penetrates deeper into the skin. The substance used dissolves the top layer and moves on, which is why a distinction is made between medium and deep peeling . The second is used only as a last resort and only on mature skin. Of course, there is no escape from unpleasant sensations, but thanks to the high level of modern cosmetology , there will definitely be no consequences that would upset the client.

Laser peeling

The main feature is that it is not necessary to injure the entire skin if you need to remove a small wrinkle, stretch marks or even a scar. All this is possible thanks to adjustable peeling . The bottom line is that dead skin particles are removed after the skin cells are rid of moisture. This is one of the most painless and effective peeling .

So, why should you try peeling?

  • The skin becomes smooth and elastic.
  • The skin breathes because all the old unnecessary particles and dirt that cannot be gotten rid of at home have been removed from it. As a result, the cells will remain youthful longer.
  • Thanks to peeling, you can get rid of scars, age spots, and stretch marks.
  • One of the most important advantages is the ability to remove, at least partially, rough wrinkles that make women look older.
  • If your skin is oily, peeling will help make it more matte and also tighten pores.
  • If you cleanse your skin regularly, you can prevent the rapid appearance of wrinkles.
  • After peeling, the skin is more pliable for using various creams and masks.

Be that as it may, after a cosmetic procedure, a woman not only looks, but also feels younger, and the psychological mood, as we know, is very important.

Do not forget about contraindications, for example, pregnancy and lactation, some diseases do not allow the use of chemicals. It is better to check the full list of prohibitions in the salon where the procedure will be performed.

Published in Cosmetology Premium Clinic

Who is it suitable for?

Most often, peelings based on herbal components are used by patients who have severe skin defects associated with improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. Cleaning is indicated in the following situations:

  • presence of acne, comedones, acne;
  • constant oily shine on the face;
  • enlarged pores;
  • insufficient skin moisture and roughness;
  • thickening of the stratum corneum;
  • decreased skin turgor, the first signs of aging in the form of fine wrinkles;
  • swelling of tissues, swelling, stagnant spots.

Judging by the photos and videos that can be found on the websites of beauty salons and in clinic profiles, cleaning can quite effectively get rid of these manifestations. However, you should not expect results to be visible immediately.

To obtain a lasting result, you will have to undergo 5-8 procedures at intervals of several days. The frequency of sessions and duration of treatment is determined individually for each patient.


Natural peels contain more than half of herbal ingredients, but even they can be hazardous to health in some situations. The procedure is prohibited in the following cases:

  • personal intolerance to components;
  • damage to the skin;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • pathologies of blood vessels;
  • increased dryness of the dermis.

Before cleaning, the doctor must determine contraindications and conduct an allergy test. If you ignore this rule, there may be serious consequences.

If you decide to exfoliate at home, consult a cosmetologist to select the most suitable product.

How to do it

It is very important that the preparation for the procedure in the salon or at home is carried out carefully; the final result depends on it. All cleaning consists of the following steps:

  • The skin is treated with cleansing milk. It eliminates all types of impurities and pulls out sebaceous plugs from the pores.
  • Using gentle massage movements, the cosmetologist treats the face with foam formed by phytomap. It restores the acid balance of the skin and disinfects it.
  • A special lotion with herbal extracts is applied to the face, so we can say that from this moment the cleansing process begins. The product softens the stratum corneum, tones the skin, preparing it for the action of active ingredients.
  • A phytomask is distributed on the skin. Its active substances penetrate into the pores opened during preparation and act on the upper layers of the epidermis.
  • After removing the main composition, a cream mask is distributed on the face. It gives a lifting effect, protects tissues from inflammation and infection, and prevents severe peeling.
  • The skin is treated with a protective foundation. It contains ginseng extract and vitamins. It protects the dermis from ultraviolet radiation, but does not clog pores, as it has a non-oil base. The product also effectively masks imperfections on the face, it does not interfere with the removal of dead cells and allows the tissues to be more quickly saturated with oxygen.

Judging by patient reviews, the entire process is as comfortable as possible. There is no itching or burning, only a feeling of warmth may occur when low concentration acids are added to active masks or scrubs.

If side effects begin to appear during cleaning, you should immediately stop the procedure and wash off the product.

Post-peeling care

The rehabilitation period is completely painless for patients; immediately after the procedure they can return to society. However, there are several rules that will help restore skin barrier functions faster and preserve the peeling effect longer:

  1. Constant use of UV protection products. They will help prevent skin hyperpigmentation.
  2. Refusal of cosmetics with alcohol and other aggressive ingredients. This item will prevent skin irritation and increased peeling.
  3. Refusal to visit the solarium, sauna and swimming pool. Overheating of tissues and direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation can cause complications after peeling.

In general, rehabilitation lasts about two to three weeks after the last procedure. During the recovery period, you need to take special care of your skin, constantly moisturize it, and avoid touching your face too much to avoid infection. Under no circumstances should you remove flaky particles yourself.

There are three main types of peeling:

chemical, physical and mechanical.

The first type of peeling uses chemical solutions and compositions.

Physical peeling is based on the use of ultrasound pulses and laser.

Finally, mechanical peeling comes down to manual manipulation of the skin and the impact of special grinding devices on it.

By the way, peeling is different from peeling: depending on the purpose of the procedure, the depth of impact on the skin may be different. So, in some cases, you can get by with treating the outer layer of the skin and exfoliating it superficially. For more serious skin problems, on the contrary, deep peeling is required.

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