What is mesopeeling sheet? Features, composition and methods of use of a cosmetic product

In the last couple of years, acid peeling rollers have become increasingly popular. A generation of young ladies has matured and are accustomed to carefully monitoring the condition of their skin and its cleansing. However, if in their early youth many people mercilessly used thermonuclear scrubs for this purpose, like the famous one with apricot kernels, over the years they began to realize that they were doing themselves more harm than good. The skin becomes thinner with age, microtraumas caused by scrubs heal more and more slowly, peeling from such “care” becomes more noticeable, and the sebaceous glands, on the contrary, work even more actively! As a result, the face reacts to such “cleansing” with parchment dryness in the first half hour, a greasy sheen in the evening, and a couple of inflamed pimples the next morning.

Our manufacturers of skincare cosmetics have finally realized that it’s time for European girls to offer a less aggressive facial cleanser, because “the Koreans are advancing” and are stealing the buyer from under their noses!

The Poles were the first to come to their senses. I don’t even remember the name of that pharmacy brand that first surprised me personally with an alternative way to remove dead skin particles using fruit acids. But these were accidentally purchased two-step masks in sachet. At the very least, we managed to translate the method of application on the packaging and use the product correctly. The result killed me on the spot! I admit, at first I was really scared when not even white, but gray pieces literally began to fall off from under my fingers. (This is how the skin should have been started!) But the procedure did not cause any painful sensations. Therefore, I bravely completed it, washed it off and applied the second stage of the mask. After the final wash, it turned out that the epithet “skin like a peach” is still quite applicable even after thirty.

The search for such a miracle remedy in stores at home for a year was not crowned with success. The consultants simply did not understand what exactly I was looking for! We tried to offer scrubs of varying degrees of softness. Meanwhile, Korean skincare brands gradually began to penetrate our market. This is where it came to us!

Mesopeeling roll for face “Deep cleansing” from Bielita

The first “swallow” was the Belarusian meso-peeling ray from the “MezoComplex” series. The product even made a splash on YouTube at one time, saying that we “can do it” too! I didn’t pass by and bought it. However, it was a pitiful imitation of an already tried high-quality Polish product. In general, I regretted that I took it, but at that time there was no more or less budget alternative. (“The Koreans at retail at that time were as expensive as a Boeing wing.”) This roller is a thick translucent gel, richly saturated with abrasive particles. It spreads badly across the face, in clumps. It scratches the skin like a regular scrub. The polyglucoronic and lactic acids stated in its composition cause a burning sensation, but practically do not cause any swelling. Ethyl alcohol, in third place in the list of ingredients, also “touched me.” In general, a false start.

Mesopeeling ray from "Belita"

Features and composition

The main feature of the cosmetic product is its ability to effectively remove old cells without damaging the surface of the skin, unlike a scrub.

The product successfully combines all the advantages of mechanical and chemical peeling.

The average life cycle of skin is four weeks. Healthy skin gets rid of most dead particles on its own. But various environmental influences and the influence of UV rays slow down the natural renewal process, and the skin needs outside help.

Manufacturers claim that rolling mesopeeling is an analogue of the injection mesotherapy procedure. Indeed, in addition to the main function - peeling, the product smoothes the surface, moisturizes and stimulates active cell renewal.

The composition of the cosmetic product includes:

  • Lactic acid. Promotes gentle loosening of the stratum corneum for more effective cleaning further.
  • Cellulose. It is this that becomes the basis of the lumps that appear and helps to capture as many dead cells as possible.
  • Betaine. The substance is a natural humectant. It normalizes the water balance of the epidermis and helps maintain tissue elasticity.

Reference! Depending on the manufacturer, the composition can be supplemented with various components, the action of which is aimed at enhancing the effect and maintaining the basic functions of the product.

Some products in this direction contain lightening components and fight skin pigmentation.

We recommend: Is it possible to exfoliate your face immediately after cleansing it? Tips from cosmetologists

Cosmetic companies claim that with regular use you can expect the following effects:

  • cleansing pores;
  • surface leveling;
  • acceleration of cell renewal;
  • increased microcirculation;
  • general freshness of the face;
  • getting rid of blackheads.

Salicylic peeling roll 2 in 1 from “Propeller”

The next attempt to find an analogue was the “Salicylic Peeling Roll 2 in 1” from “Propeller” from the IMMUNO series based on salicylic acid. This one already worked better - it “rolled” as it should! There were no abrasive elements felt in it. However, it was not entirely suitable for aging skin: it was too drying. She moved to her teenage son. It was just right for him.

Salicylic peeling roll from Propeller

Overall, an excellent product for young skin. Contains biosalicylate, combining natural salicylate from willow extract and salicylic acid itself, as well as lactulose, which blocks the spread of bacteria and prevents the appearance of acne.


Analogs of this product include the following peeling rolls:

We invite you to take our small but interesting test of the week :)


Let's start with something simple. In which country was micellar water invented?

Right! Error!

The French company Bioderma was the first to release micellar water. This was in 1995.

Who invented the egg-shaped sponge?

Right! Error!

Makeup artist Rhea Ann Silva worked as a make-up artist on the set of the TV series Girlfriends. To quickly apply makeup to the four main characters, she came up with the idea of ​​moistening the sponges with water and giving them - initially triangular - the shape of an egg: this made it faster.

A curler looks like a torture instrument, but in fact it is a device for curling eyelashes. Who invented it?

Right! Error!

The Shu Uemura curler is considered one of the best, but the device was invented in 1923 by scientist Charles W. Stickel. He patented eyelash curlers as we know them and opened a company selling these devices, Kurlash. However, after the patent expired, many analogues appeared on the market, and the company soon closed.

Which company was the first to release a facial cleansing brush?

Right! Error!

The famous Clarisonic brush appeared in 2001. It was invented by a group of enthusiastic scientists and engineers from Seattle. In 2011, the company was acquired by L'Oreal Corporation, and last year the brand, alas, closed. And Foreo was born in Sweden in 2013.

In which country was BB cream invented?

Right! Error!

It was a trick question. BB cream was invented by German dermatologist Christine Schrammeck in 1958. Customers liked the product, but it did not gain widespread popularity. But the Koreans were delighted with it and began mass production.

Mascara was produced in sticks for a long time. You had to wet the block (more often, spit on it), move it with a brush, and only then paint your eyelashes. Who saved us from these dances and released the first mascara in a tube?

Right! Error!

Elena Rubinstein released Mascara-Matic cream mascara in a cylindrical tube in 1957. Rubinstein called it automatic, because the product was drawn onto the brush itself - automatically.

Wait, the mascara stick also has an inventor, who later launched his own beauty brand. What brand is this?

Right! Error!

Maybelline is a combination of the name Maelb and the word Vaseline. American Terry Williams mixed Vaseline with soot, pressed the resulting mixture into a block and gave it to his sister Mabel.

Before the invention of cases, lipstick was stored in jars, boxes, and produced in the form of sticks and powder. Which company was the first to release lipstick in a twist-on tube?

Right! Error!

It is not known which brand was the first. But the twist-on tube format was patented by James Bruce Mason in 1923 - from that moment on, all leading brands released such lipsticks.

One of the first recipes for lip gloss was created by Catherine de Medici: she mixed beeswax, oils and natural dye. Which company released the first modern version of lip gloss?

Right! Error!

Initially, Max Factor, a make-up artist, inventor and businessman, came up with glitter for Hollywood actresses. And then he released the product on wide sale: Max Factor X-Rated gloss was produced from 1932 to 2003.

Since ancient times, people have used soap, flour, talc, and ground cereal powder to cleanse their hair and scalp. In 19th-century England, barber shops applied a mixture of herbs and soap powder - Shaempoo. Who was the first to sell such powder in bags under his own name?

Right! Error!

An interesting method of dyeing was invented in Ancient Rome: to make their hair darker, girls soaked a lead comb in vinegar and combed their hair with it. Lead salts gave a dark tint. Which company was the first to release modern hair dye that made it possible to immediately obtain the specified shade?

Right! Error!

L'Oreal Paris - in 1907, the Frenchman Eugene Schueller invented a paint based on copper, iron and sodium sulfate salts. The line had 7 shades from black to light red.

Hyaluronic peeling roll for face Aquanti Peeling Transformer from Novosvit

I was frankly pleased. This product based on hyaluronic acid and collagen in its composition seemed more suitable for aging skin.

Hyaluronic peeling roll Novosvit

Ingredients in the composition of the skating ray

The transparent gel in a 100 ml tube has a delicate, slightly sour smell, has no abrasive inclusions, is very soft and works exactly like the very first one from the Polish pharmacy. Spread a thin layer over your face, avoiding the area around the eyes, wait a minute and roll with your fingers. Then you rinse it off with warm water, go through a toner and apply cream/serum/mask... in general, whatever your heart desires, to cleansed skin, which gratefully receives nutrients. The roller qualitatively “removes” the remnants of decorative cosmetics from the pores and slightly lightens the blackheads.

Lumps of dead epidermis collected with a Novosvit roller

Belita - peelings, masks, washes...

I am sometimes reproached for only talking about expensive products. People often ask my opinion about Belarusian cosmetics. And they often write me good reviews about Belit’s home peelings. Therefore, I decided to buy all the products with acids from the united company Belita - Vitex and form my own opinion. I ordered them on the website beloris.ru. It turned out really super-budget - for three thousand Russian rubles more than 20 products.

There were a lot of products, and in order not to drag out the process for many months, I tested several products at a time: milk, tonic, rolling or enzyme peeling, peeling mask, cream mask (whitening or moisturizing). This was risky, since my skin, although adapted to acids, is still sensitive in terms of allergic reactions. Everything went fine, no allergies. All the products had a quite pleasant texture and soft, non-irritating odors (I am very sensitive to such things, I cannot stand bright perfumed fragrances). And, if we compare, for example, with Repharm cosmetics from a similar price niche, then Belitas’ scents are noticeably more pleasant. So, now that I’ve tried everything on my own face, I can fully recommend these Belarusian products to those for whom professional cosmetics are a little expensive. In this case, when it comes to peeling products, the presence of chemical components is not so important. Peels are called “chemical”, without such components there is not a single, most beautiful professional chemical peeling. We keep the peeling on the skin for the prescribed time and wash it off; this is not a cream or serum, for which the most natural composition is important.

Next I show all the products I ordered with small comments. The picture of each product is clickable, that is, it can be viewed in a larger size. In the compositions, I highlighted with cherry color , that is, those components that make the product peeling. Acid concentrations and pH are not specified by the manufacturer, but in any case, these are quite mild products suitable for any skin except hypersensitive ones.

"Mesopeeling roll" for the face

Light pleasant scent, rolls on really well both when dry and when working with wet hands. “Delicately removes dead skin cells and excess sebum, stimulates cell renewal, moisturizes and smoothes the skin, refreshes dull complexion, stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, restores its optimal balance, increases skin hydration, increases its elasticity, density and firmness, reduces imperfections and smoothes out wrinkles. Lactic acid exfoliates dead skin cells, stimulates their renewal process, refreshes and strengthens the skin, and has a calming effect. Betaine, a natural humectant, maintains moisture balance in the skin, increases its elasticity and tone.

Do not use on irritated, damaged or very dry skin.

All-season peeling with ferulic acid

Belita Ferulic Peeling is the product that was most often recommended to me by my viewers/subscribers as a product that works well, at a surprisingly low price. The manufacturer promised the effect of salon procedures, and I think that this is quite possible. In the first positions in the composition are lactic and citric acids, but the peeling smells very characteristic, namely ferulic acid (this smell cannot be confused with anything else). The texture is a transparent gel, when applied to the skin it tingles slightly. It is necessary to rinse off after 5 minutes in the first procedures, after 12 minutes in subsequent procedures. Peeling is suitable for any skin type, including sensitive or dark skin; The procedure can be carried out at any time of the year. Ferulic acid is a powerful antioxidant, has a brightening effect, protects the skin from UV rays and photoaging; has a rejuvenating effect; refreshes the skin and gives it radiance.

Expected peeling effects: Revitalizing / Rejuvenating / Protective / Soothing / Regenerating / Cleansing / Refreshing / From red spots / With a radiant effect / For smoothness / Healing. Against acne spots / Age spots / For all skin types.

Whitening peeling toner

“The whitening peeling toner evens out skin tone and minimizes the appearance of age spots by targeting different stages of the skin pigmentation process, visibly lightening freckles and age spots. Lactic acid has a gentle exfoliating effect, stimulating skin renewal. Natural plant extract of bearberry helps reduce melanin synthesis and minimize the appearance of age spots. Against freckles / Against acne spots.”

The composition is similar to the previous product. But unlike peeling, tonic can be used daily and for a long time (preferably in the evening) to combat various types of hyperpigmentation, without rinsing off. You can start the ferul peeling procedure with it. Ingredients: Water, glycerin, lactic acid , mannitol, sodium gluconate, citric acid , sodium citrate, Walteria Indica (Walteria) leaf extract, dextrin, ferulic acid , Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi (bearberry) leaf extract, PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil, sodium hydroxide, allantoin, perfume composition, benzyl alcohol, methylchloroisothiazolinone, methylisothiazolinone, 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol, butylphenylmethylpropional, limonene, geraniol, hexylcinnamal, linalol.

Facial peeling “Cleansing and tightening pores”

The peeling is positioned as all-season, despite the fact that it contains lactic and glycolic acids (in low concentrations).

It has a gentle exfoliating effect, removes dead skin cells, promoting cellular renewal, cleansing and narrowing pores, and improves complexion. The consistency is creamy, a very light pleasant smell, and tingles slightly upon application. Exposure is 7-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Use 1-2 times a week.

Contains plant extracts - tree mushroom, aloe, broccoli, plankton.

The texture is light cream, practically fragrance-free, with a very light sour fruity smell, characteristic of many professional peelings with a gel texture.

Lactoactive micropeeling Vitex

A gentle product for frequent use at any time of the year. A delicate exfoliant that transforms the skin and gives it the perfection of porcelain: smoothness and an impeccably even tone. Lactic acid provides intensive exfoliation of dead cells, makes the skin smooth, evens out the microrelief and polishes the skin. Allantoin helps restore skin after exfoliation, relieving redness and irritation. Light milky smell.

HOW TO USE: Apply to dry, cleansed skin, massage lightly for 2-3 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Use 1-2 times a week.

CryoPeeling “Perfect cleansing + Smooth skin”

Effectively cleanses and renews the skin thanks to exfoliating and moisturizing active ingredients. Moisturizes skin and retains moisture for 72 hours. Salicylic acid penetrates deeply into pores, effectively cleanses them of impurities and sebum. Lactic acid exfoliates surface skin cells, stimulates skin renewal, moisturizes and refreshes dull complexion. Hyaluronic acid intensively moisturizes the skin, increasing its elasticity.

HOW TO USE: Apply to cleansed facial skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. First use – no more than 5 minutes. Then you can increase it to 12 minutes. After use, rinse thoroughly with water. A course of 6-8 procedures every 5-7 days.

“Cryo” in the name of the peeling is not very clear; rather, it is an idea for the original, sonorous name. But a very, very slight cooling effect (due to menthyl lactate in the composition) is indeed present in the first couple of minutes. The smell is delicate, weak.

Soft peeling cream for sensitive skin

Delicate superficial peeling taking into account the needs of sensitive skin. Contains Flower Acid® SC , shea and argan oils, heartleaf daisy stem cells, Mexican hyssop. Gently exfoliates, nourishes, moisturizes, soothes, reduces redness and reduces skin reactivity. Contains 95% ingredients of natural origin .

HOW TO USE: Apply peeling cream along massage lines on the face, rinse with water after 3-5 minutes. Use once a week. Caution: tingling and temporary redness of the skin may occur. If you experience discomfort, rinse immediately with water (I didn’t experience any tingling at all).

The aroma is specific (perhaps it is the smell of argan oil), but it is not strong, you can only feel it in the first minute.

Peptide peeling “Face microplasty”

Spectacular packaging that pretends to be somewhat chic, glycolic acid is in third place in the composition and an amazing price of 190 rubles. “Peeling combines the advantages of two types of exfoliation: • mechanical – melting scrub particles gently polish the skin; • chemical peeling – a skin renewal activator with glycolic and lactic acids in the form of a lamellar gel, gently removes dead horny particles, blackheads, smooths out roughness, reduces pigmentation and improves complexion.” “Complex Active+, made up of 12 premium peptides, launches a cascade of processes aimed at restoring the beauty and youth of the skin. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the oval of the face becomes more toned and clear, the surface of the skin becomes even and smooth, the complexion noticeably improves, acquires a healthy glow and brightness. Hyaluronic acid fills the skin with the necessary moisture, keeping it hydrated, firm, elastic, prolonging its youth.” In addition to glycolic acid, it also contains lactic and citric acids, and the enzyme papain .

HOW TO USE: Apply peeling to facial skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave on for 3-4 minutes, then massage gently for 1-2 minutes and rinse thoroughly with water. Possible tingling. If the tingling intensifies, rinse off the product with water. After peeling, it is recommended to apply a cream or serum from this line. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week. Immediately after applying the peel, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. During the peeling period, it is necessary to apply cream with SPF before going outside. Do not use on irritated or damaged skin.

Enzyme peeling Ultra-precise

Delicate enzyme peeling with papain is suitable for sensitive skin (does not have a chemical and mechanical irritating effect like products with AHA - acids and scrubbing particles). Hyaluronic acid maintains skin tone, moisturizes and softens.

Transparent gel with a very light berry-herbal scent.

Active formula - possible tingling (I don’t feel any tingling)

HOW TO USE: apply to face, neck, décolleté for 10-15 minutes, rinse, use cream. Can be done 1-2 times a week.

(For some reason this peeling disappeared from the range on the site)

Peeling mask with fruit acids “Skin aha clinic”

Based on an innovative Swiss recipe. Contains highly active AHAs ( glycolic acid, lactic acid, citric acid, salicylic acid) and ultra-gentle exfoliating enzymes , plant extracts (Euphrasia Officinalis (eyebright), Melissa Officinalis (lemon balm) leaves, Magnolia Biondii (magnolia) buds/flowers. Brightens and evens out skin tone, smoothes out unevenness and wrinkles, improves the production of your own collagen and elastin, increases skin firmness and elasticity, slows down the aging process. Enhances the effect of subsequent care products. Can be used to prepare the skin for professional acid peels

HOW TO USE: Apply a thin layer to cleansed skin for 10-15 minutes, avoiding the area around the eyes, rinse with water. Minor tingling may occur. Use 1-2 times a week.


Facial tonic milk with lumispheres

For testing, I chose not only acid-containing cleansers, but also the softest and most neutral ones. Such as this Tonic Milk. It can be used as an alternative to washing if you are intolerant to water. I didn’t wash it off, but then, after it, I applied peeling and a mask, and at the end I washed my face. Therefore, it is difficult to say how such cleansing will feel without water at all.

HOW TO USE: Apply the product to your face using a cotton pad, cleanse the skin with light massage movements. Don't wash it off. Recommended for daily use.

Cleansing cream foam with brush

Foaming cleanser, suitable for all skin types.

I really liked this tool. When you press the dispenser, delicate foam comes out directly onto the soft silicone brush. The fibers are not sharp, but rounded at the tips, gently massage the skin, pleasantly and comfortably. The smell is good, I don’t have any feeling of tightness on the skin after washing it like this.

The manufacturer also produces a large volume of 500 ml, which can be poured into an existing bottle with a foaming agent from used foam cream.

Ingredients: Aqua, Cocamidopropylamine Oxide, Cocobetaine, PEG-12 Dimethicone, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Punica Granatum Extract, Vigna Aconitifolia Extract, Sodium Cocoyl Glutamate, Perfume, 2 -bromo-2-nitropropane-1, 3-diol, sorbitol, lecithin, retinyl palmitate, xanthan gum, Camellia Japonica (tsubaki) seed oil, alpha-isomethyl ionone, benzyl salicylate, butylphenylmethylpropional, citronellol, coumarin, limonene, geraniol, hexylcinnamal, linalol.

Antibacterial foam against acne, blackheads and blackheads

Quite a friendly composition, a pleasant smell, an interesting design of the dispenser cap, the product comes out of it in the form of a very delicate foam.

Mineral complex (Dead Sea salt, zinc gluconate) gently cleanses and revitalizes the skin; - reduces excess oily skin without drying it out; - prevents the formation of pimples, acne, blackheads; eliminates shine in the T-zone. ANTI-ACNE complex (PhytotalTM, zinc, aloe vera gel, natural extracts of sage, chamomile and calendula) has an antibacterial effect, relieves irritation and soothes inflammation, fights acne, comedones and pimples. Zinc has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, calming effect, stimulates tissue regeneration and healing processes, and relieves skin irritation. Complex for oily skin PhytotalTM helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, has a pronounced regenerating and antiseptic effect, fights acne, pimples and blackheads.

HOW TO USE: turn the bottle over, squeeze the foam into your palm, apply the foam onto damp skin with light massaging movements, avoiding the area around the eyes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. For the effect of deep cleansing and disinfection, you can leave the foam on your face for 5 minutes.

Ingredients: water, decyl glucoside, cocamidopropylamine oxide, allantoin, Melia Azadirachta (neem) leaf extract, Arctium Lappa (burdock) root extract, lecithin, Dead Sea salt, zinc gluconate, Aloe barbadensis (aloe) leaf juice, Chamomilla Recutita (chamomile) extract, Salvia Officinalis (sage) leaf extract, Calendula Officinalis (marigold) extract, PEG-40 hydrogenated oil, trideceth-9, polyquaternium-10, perfume composition, benzyl alcohol, methylchloroisothiazolinone, methylisothiazolinone.


Depigmenting rejuvenation mask

Contains goat milk and probiotics (Lactoccocus Lactis, Lactoccocus Cremoris, Lactococcus Biovar Diacetilactis, Leuconostoc Mesenteroides), lightens areas of hyperpigmentation and visibly “vitalises” the complexion.

HOW TO USE: Apply the mask to the skin of the face, neck, décolleté, excluding the area around the eyes and lips. Leave on face for 10-15 minutes, rinse, use 1-2 times a week.

I used it directly after washing off the peelings. It smells like caramel. Leaves a feeling of freshness.

Protective moisturizing “SOS MASK”

An interesting idea - a mask to protect the skin from hard chlorinated water while taking a shower, while simultaneously providing intense hydration, restoration and toning of the skin. A cocktail of hyaluronic acid and a powerful moisturizing complex is activated under the influence of steam and in just 60 seconds penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, saturates it with moisture, smoothes out wrinkles caused by dehydration.

HOW TO USE: Before showering, apply the mask in a thick layer onto clean and dry facial skin, avoiding contact with eyes. After 60 seconds, rinse with water. Can be used daily.

The composition is very nice. The mask does not look like the picture. In fact, it is in the form of a transparent gel, slightly, slightly bluish.

Ingredients: Water, hydroxyethylurea, glycerin, propylene glycol, PEG-40 hydrogenated oil, trideceth-9, sodium hyaluronate, laureth-23, carbomer, xanthan gum, perfume, elastin, soluble collagen, hyaluronic acid, lactic acid, urea, sorbitol , triethylene glycol, serine, Rosa Damascena (rose) petal extract, Rosa Damascena (rose) oil, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, allantoin, triethanolamine, phenoxyethanol, methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, betaine, 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3 -diol, CI 19140, CI 42090.

Whitening mask against freckles and age spots

The whitening mask evens out the complexion and gives the skin a healthy appearance, lightens age spots and freckles, which are the result of exposure to ultraviolet rays and the negative influence of environmental factors that provoke pigmentation. Cleanses pores, removes harmful substances, improves skin elasticity and appearance, has a calming effect and has a stimulating effect. The components of the mask (kaolin, Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi (bearberry) leaf extract, citric acid , Walteria Indica (Walteria) leaf extract, ferulic acid , titanium dioxide) target areas that need lightening. Regular use of the mask helps reduce melanin synthesis and reduce the appearance of age spots.

Exposure is 15-20 minutes, do 1-2 times a week.

Whitening cream mask “Renewal and radiance”

Lactic and glycolic acids , white clay, titanium dioxide, avocado oil, panthenol. Almost odorless. Stings slightly the first couple of minutes.

Lightens freckles and age spots.

Smoothes out acne marks and evens out complexion.

Stimulates skin renewal.

HOW TO USE: Apply the mask in a thin layer to clean and dry facial skin. After 10 minutes, rinse off. For maximum results, you need to carry out 12-14 procedures with an interval of once every two days. To maintain the effect - 1-2 times a week.

Other useful/interesting things from my order:

SOS serum for local action against acne, blackheads and blackheads

20 healing minerals, tea tree, zinc. — Heals and soothes the skin, reduces inflammation and redness; — prevents the appearance of acne, normalizes the water-lipid balance of the skin; — activates epithelial renewal, promotes skin smoothing. SOS serum is an intensive product that specifically targets problem areas of the skin, helping to eliminate existing imperfections and protecting against the appearance of new ones. Thanks to the “blurred focus” effect, pimples, blackheads and other imperfections are easily camouflaged and become less noticeable. Tea tree oil and zinc gluconate have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and prevent the appearance of pimples and blackheads. The SkinPerf complex gently cleanses and smoothes the skin, evens out its surface, helps prevent the appearance of signs of inflammation (post-acne);

Contains acids ( glycolic, lactic, citric ), but there is no burning/tinging when applied. The leading smell is tea tree, it is obvious, but not at all harsh, but softened by some fruity notes, very pleasant. The texture of a light liquid cream is quickly absorbed, mattifies, softens, and moisturizes.

HOW TO USE: Apply the product to problem areas of the skin 1-2 times a day.

Please note that this is a serum, and not a point applicator, that is applied to acne/comedone areas. The volume is small - 20 ml.

Patches around the eyes for puffiness and dark circles “Intensive recovery”

Patch mask for the skin around the eyes to smooth out expression lines around the eyes, reduce swelling and dark circles under the eyes, restore smoothness and elasticity of the skin around the eyes.

Good composition. Many plant extracts (Albizia Julibrissin (silk acacia) bark, Equisetum Arvense (horsetail), Hedera Helix (ivy), Alchemilla Vulgaris (mantle), Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (sweet almond) seeds, yeast), caffeine.

Thin napkins of a convenient anatomical shape (the areas of the crow's feet near the outer corner of the eye are completely captured), are well saturated, lie tightly and smoothly on the skin of the lower eyelid.

Intimate care cream A gentle cream acts in two directions: it cares for the skin, giving it firmness and elasticity, and helps create a special mood, thanks to the presence of aphrodisiac essential oils. The cream moisturizes and soothes the mucous membranes and skin of the intimate area. HOW TO USE: Apply cream care to clean skin and rub in gently. Ingredients: Water, cetearyl alcohol, ethylhexyl stearate, petrolatum oil, glycerin, Helianthus Annuus sunflower oil, ceteareth-25, isopropyl myristate, triticum vulgare wheat germ oil, tocopheryl acetate, BHT, dimethicone, perfume, methylparaben, xanthan gum, glyceryl tricaprylate/caprate, oil Vitis Vinifera grape seed, passionflower Passiflora Incarnata oil, propylparaben, 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol, Pogostemon Cablin patchouli oil, Rosmarinus Officinalis rosemary leaf oil, Cananga Odorata ylang-ylang oil, citric acid. This is a cream with a rather intense smell, but I liked it (patchouli oil, ylang-ylang, rosemary) Cleansing oral foam “smart care”

Cleansing foam is a new “smart” product for quick and effective oral hygiene. Suitable for cases when using traditional toothpaste and toothbrush is difficult (on the road, at work). Air bubbles of foam penetrate into the most inaccessible places of the oral cavity and effectively clean teeth, interdental spaces and tongue from food debris and soft plaque, while at the same time restoring a healthy acid-base balance of microflora, strengthening gums, preventing caries and giving fresh breath.

HOW TO USE: Squeeze 1-2 doses of the product into the mouth, rinse your mouth for 5-10 seconds, spit. Don't swallow.

Convenient thing. It would taste better without the sweetness (sodium saccharin). Contains sodium fluoride.

Toothpaste - professional whitening (box) PRO WHITE

Normalizes pH in the oral cavity and restores the natural whiteness of teeth. Effectively removes stains and brightens enamel, even in hard-to-reach places. Ideal for tea and coffee lovers and smokers. Protects against caries and tartar formation. Freshens breath. Active ingredients: chitosan, Gantrez®, active fluorine and sodium pyrophosphate, soda bicarbonate and a complex of active microgranules.

The paste is pleasant, but I will buy more, since I prefer toothpastes without fluoride.

My conclusions:

To my sincere surprise, cosmetics from such a low price category turned out to be quite worthy.
Not a single product caused allergic or any other negative reactions. The textures and fragrances are pleasant. Thus, these products, especially those containing acids - glycolic, lactic, citric, ferulic, salicylic, papaya enzymes, can be used as the most budget-friendly. Of course, they will not replace serious professional peelings in the salon, but they are well suited for those who are just starting to try acids or for those who need light, gentle acid maintenance care. Every day someone asks my opinion about parabens in cosmetics. My opinion is this:

Active body peeling detox from MeiTan

I was also interested in the “SiTi detox” roller, an active body peeling detox from the Russian brand MeiTan, produced in China. It turned out to be a very pleasant discovery.

Peeling detox from MeiTan

Thermonuclear thing. Volume 120 ml. The working component is lactic acid, as in the Belarusian meso-peeling ray.

The composition of the product is quite short

Recommended for rough areas of the body - elbows, knees, even heels. I especially liked how the peeling worked on the callus that kept appearing on my index finger after peeling potatoes. One moment my finger was tearing my tights, and now it’s like a baby’s! The method of application is standard: apply the transparent gel to the area of ​​skin that needs cleansing, wait a little and roll it off. Dead epidermis is removed instantly, without affecting the more delicate lower layers. Moreover, if you apply another portion to the same place after washing and drying, then you will no longer be able to roll anything up. The drug does not affect living cells. One day I took a chance and tried to clean my face. And what? And nothing. Worked like a regular delicate roller. I removed exactly as much as needed, and not a micron more. No discomfort or redness. After washing I felt a little dry. About the same as after “Propeller”.

Gel consistency and the result of the peeling from Meitan

How to use?

Despite all the advantages of this method of cleansing, you should not get carried away with it. This is recommended by both cosmetologists and manufacturers. 1-2 times a week for oily skin, 1 time for normal skin, and once every two to three weeks for dry skin. Moreover, it is advisable to regularly carry out this procedure in autumn and winter, with low solar activity, since there is a risk of acquiring persistent pigment spots. In spring and summer - well... before bed. To give the skin at least a few hours to regenerate. It’s better to avoid acids altogether for this period. What if you’re already used to it? So what should we do?

Vitex Skin AHA Clinic Active Facial Mask-Peeling

This peeling is a mask, which is very convenient. It contains highly active AHA acids, ultra-mild skin exfoliating enzymes and excipients. Peeling gently cleanses the skin, stimulates cell renewal, promotes facial skin rejuvenation and increases its elasticity and firmness. The skin becomes healthy, radiant, fresh, bright and smooth.


  1. Contains fruit acids;
  2. Effective result;
  3. Careful and delicate impact;
  4. Renews the skin;
  5. Returns its elasticity and smoothness;
  6. Affordable price.

Super Aqua Bubble Peeling Gel from Missha

This product turned out to be a good “summer” option.

Korean “Super Aqua Bubble Peeling Gel” from Missha

The active component is hyaluronic acid, like the ray from Novosvit.

Gel composition

This is more of a “wash” than the usual gel roller. Packaged in a bottle with a pump dispenser that dispenses ready-made foam. Volume – 150 ml.

Missha bubble peeling gel is sealed and easy to use

Can be applied to both dry and wet face. There is no need to pause before rolling; it works from the first second: apply and massage with your fingers. By the way, it is often confused with a gel from the same manufacturer, which really needs to be applied first, wait 10-15 minutes until it begins to bubble on the skin under the influence of heat and air, and only then can it be massaged. So, it's not him! Although the translation of the instructions from the “brother” was mistakenly blurted out on the box:

We read the instructions, but we check on the Internet!

I was immediately bothered by one point, which was also repeatedly noted by beauty bloggers describing Korean rolls - flakes. A huge amount of white flakes. And these are clearly not rolled up epidermal cells, there are too many of them. It turned out that these are cellulose microfibers, which are contained in a certain part of such products. It just so happened that I had never come across them before. They are not visible directly in the gels, they are very tiny. However, in the process of rolling, they gather into “heaps” and perform the function of “mini-scrubbers”, collecting skin impurities and fat. And, of course, they make an impression on the viewer: “Wow! So much has accumulated on my face. I had no idea!” In fact, everything is not so neglected, and particles of skin are simply lost against their background.

Super Aqua Bubble Peeling Gel foam and lumps of cellulose fibers

After using Missha oxygen peeling gel, the skin remains moisturized and is not so susceptible to the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation. The protective lipid layer is preserved. I think that this roll can be used in the summer, if you really want to. At evening. Yes, don't go outside without SPF protection. But after a couple of months of active sun, I did not find any negative consequences.

What it is?

Mesopeeling ray is a fairly new cosmetic product for exfoliating facial skin. The peeling contains natural acids that carefully break down old epidermal cells. Next, microcellulose particles begin to work; they capture keratinized particles along with other contaminants.

The composition looks like an ordinary cream or gel, which, after applying to the face with massaging movements, turns into pellets, hence the name: pellet.

Reference! The product was first used in Korean cosmetology. Manufacturers call it peeling gel.

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