Deviated nasal septum - treatment in Simferopol

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Deviated nasal septum - treatment in Simferopol

A deviated nasal septum is a condition in which the septum is deviated to one or both sides of the midline. A person with this diagnosis has difficulty (or stops) breathing through the nasal passage (sometimes through two). A deviated septum does not cause any problems for all people, but some symptoms can be bothersome.

Symptoms of a deviated nasal septum include::

  • difficulty breathing through the nose
  • nasal congestion (may be more on one side than the other)
  • periodic pause infections
  • nosebleeds
  • sleep problems (loud snoring, sleep apnea)
  • headache

Who makes the diagnosis?

The diagnosis will be made by our ENT doctor. He can identify the problem already during the initial examination. Typically, a bright light and an instrument are used to help the doctor look inside the nose. He opens his nostril and looks into a special mirror. Your doctor can then give you a diagnosis. An X-ray or scan is not required, but the doctor may want to check their diagnosis using a small telescope or endoscope to be sure.

How is a deviated nasal septum treated?

You may be surprised, but a similar diagnosis can be given to many people. And all these people do not treat this condition in any way, because they do not need it. However, some symptoms may cause discomfort and concern, so you may want to ask your doctor for help. For example, drops and decongestant sprays can be used to relieve congestion. Sometimes antihistamines are prescribed. Even if the situation is too serious, it is first treated with medications, and only then they turn to a surgeon.

People go to a surgeon for help only when a deviated nasal septum causes breathing problems and seriously affects sleep (severe snoring, sleep apnea). The surgeon corrects the problem during a procedure, which he performs while you are under anesthesia. The surgical treatment of a deviated nasal septum is called septoplasty . You can find out the cost of septoplasty at the Medeira ENT clinic in Simferopol when you see a doctor.

Should I see a doctor?

If you know that you have a deviated septum and it is causing breathing problems, sleep apnea, or if you suffer from chronic sinus problems, then you should definitely see a doctor.

It is important to remember to start treatment promptly under the supervision of a specialist if painful symptoms are identified!

MEDEIRA Endoscopic Otorhinolaryngology and Ear Microsurgery Clinic is a modern specialized center with an operating room equipped with unique equipment in one place.

Make an appointment with an ENT specialist in Simferopol by phone: +7 (978) 880-20-90

List of procedures performed:

Plastic surgery:

hair transplant, snoring treatment, facial skin tightening (upper, lower and full lifting), SMAS lifting; plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids (blepharoplasty); facial contouring, lip augmentation, non-surgical rhinoplasty + lipofilling (used to correct one’s own adipose tissue), elimination of nasolabial and glabellar folds; plastic surgery of the ears (otoplasty) and nose (rhinoplasty, breathing restoration); mammoplasty, breast lifting (lift), correction of the shape of the halo, correction and restoration of the shape of the breast, postpartum correction, breast reduction, breast augmentation (gel and silicone implants, bioimplants, round and anatomical, drop-shaped, gel); abdominoplasty, female intimate surgery, restoration of virginity, aesthetic gynecology, correction of the labia minora, hymenoplasty, vaginal reduction and enlargement, surgical defloration; removal of excess skin; classical and ultrasonic liposuction - various areas: cheeks, chin, shoulders, abdomen, back, thighs, legs, buttocks; correction of the shape of the legs, lower legs; computer modeling of appearance, more about plastic surgery


dental prosthetics, metal ceramics, zirconium dioxide ceramics, metal-free ceramics, veneers, dental inlays, nylon removable dentures, partially removable dentures, clasp prosthetics; orthodontics, metal, ceramic, multi-colored and lingual braces; implantology, 2- and 1-stage implantations, surface roughness and microrelief of titanium improve bone/implant contact, the ability of the implant to bear the load is tripled, high stability of the implant, attractive prices; treatment of teeth and gums, caries, periodontal disease, removal of dental plaque, teeth whitening, more about dentistry, prosthetics, implantology, orthodontics, aesthetic restoration of teeth


Laparoscopic and endoscopic operations

plastic and aesthetic intimate surgery, surgical treatment of diseases of the female genital area, hymenoplasty, restoration of virginity, defloration, correction of the labia, labiaplasty, vaginal enlargement and reduction, laparoscopy, laparotomy for uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, pre-tumor and tumor diseases, operations can be performed under local or general anesthesia, confidential , more about gynecology, intimate operations

Hardware cosmetology:

myostimulation (working all muscle groups, without the formation of lactic acid and stress on the heart), thermage, radio wave lifting (rejuvenation of the face and body, instant skin tightening), ultrasound therapy (nutrition, rejuvenation, cleansing, moisturizing the skin), photo treatment of problem skin and age spots, blood vessels, rosacea, spider veins, LPG, endermology, go to hardware cosmetology, myostimulation, radiolifting, phototherapy, ultrasound, peelings

Aesthetic cosmetology:

cosmeceutical treatments, wraps (alginate wrap with seaweed, combination of wrap with ultrasonic lymphatic drainage), treatment of stretch marks, sagging skin, wrinkles, scars, acne, tattoo removal, fat removal, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, Botox, Dysport, treatment of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) ), contour plastic surgery (lip correction), photoepilation, myostimulation, radiolifting, facial cleansing, peelings (enzyme, ultrasonic body peeling by zones, back, abdomen, hips, buttocks, arms), anti-cellulite massage... Plasmolifting, 3-D mesothreads,

Anti-aging and corrective treatments:

Facial plastic surgery

Anyone wish they had floppy ears? What about those who already have them? Will he accept it? Of course not... It’s good if protruding ears can be hidden with hairstyle, otherwise the feeling of awkwardness will be a constant companion. But even in this case, there is no need to give up...


– an operation whose purpose is to correct the size and shape of the auricle, protruding ears, in Simferopol (protruding ears). For rejuvenation, as well as changing genetic predisposition, it is used


Eyelid correction is designed to remove fine wrinkles in the eye area, tighten and smooth the skin, make the look more open, and eliminate drooping eyelids. Most often in childhood we fall unsuccessfully and injure our nose, and not only in childhood. As a result, so-called humps and uneven bone tissue are formed, and the tip of the nose moves, deviating from the central axis.


allows you to eliminate the consequences of nasal injuries, adjust the shape and, if necessary, reduce or increase its size. Do you know who is the best ENT surgeon in your city? He's on our team! Rhinoplasty in Simferopol is performed by a team of highly qualified specialists.

Lip augmentation

– one of the most popular methods today. The procedure is a minimally invasive procedure and is performed non-surgically. The effect of lip augmentation is achieved through lipofilling (transplantation of fatty tissue) and the use of contouring preparations. The doctor will prescribe injections, during which the desired result will be achieved, lasting from 1.5 to 2.5 years. Preserving the health and beauty of hair is not always possible. With age, gradual hair loss begins, degradation of hair follicles, and bald areas appear on the surface of the head. The procedure can bring back lost hair

seamless hair transplantation.

In this case, the patient himself is the donor and recipient. The required amount of hair is taken from healthy areas of the head where hair still remains.


is able to smooth out wrinkles in the upper, middle and lower areas of the face, giving the patient a feeling of youth. The skin of the face (oval of the face) and neck is tightened. It is possible to use modern endoscopic techniques, which reduce the rehabilitation period and the number of surgical incisions and endosecures.

Also, such a spectacular operation as platysmoplasty - a chin and neck lift.

Chin correction - mentoplasty

99% of humanity is familiar with the problem of snoring. To one degree or another, each of us either snores in our sleep or suffers from snoring while sleeping. The problem of loss of elasticity in the palate or hypertrophied uvula is very dangerous, as it is chronic in nature and can lead to sudden cardiac arrest. The techniques of modern plastic surgery are designed to improve the appearance, eliminate the patient’s problem areas, helping to increase self-esteem and overall vitality.

Rehabilitation after nose contouring

Immediately after the procedure, slight swelling may be observed. It goes away within an hour, but, in some cases, can last up to 3 days.

Small bruises may also form, but these will also disappear in 2-3 days.

You will be able to go home immediately after the session. But, to avoid negative consequences and achieve the desired result, you need to follow the recommendations:

  • During the first day, do not touch your nose with your hands.
  • don't drink alcohol
  • refrain from taking analgesics
  • You should not massage your face for 1-2 weeks;
  • do not wash your face with hot water
  • avoid overheating the skin
  • do not sunbathe for 14 days
  • avoid baths and saunas
  • limit physical activity
  • use products with SPF protection

On an individual basis, the doctor may prescribe special ointments and creams that accelerate healing.

While taking care of the beautiful contours of your face, do not forget to take care of the beauty of the area around the eyes with the help of Ultra A eye cream “Skin Perfection”


If you are not satisfied with the shape of your own nose or you do not like its size, you can correct this with the help of nose surgery - rhinoplasty - an operation that helps to get rid of physical defects of the nose, and then complexes.

Thanks to rhinoplasty, you can significantly change your nose by correcting its size, shape or length, changing the shape of the nostrils, or removing a hump or pronounced snub nose. But this operation is not only for aesthetics. For people who have suffered injuries to the nose or have birth defects, rhinoplasty can help restore health.

Plastic surgery specialists offer several types of nose surgery:

  • Primary rhinoplasty
    If rhinoplasty is performed for the first time, this is primary rhinoplasty, which is used not only by women, but also by men. The operation gives the surgeon great opportunities to model the nose, taking into account the anatomical features. You must understand that if the nose is initially very large, of course, it is impossible to make a miniature nose out of it, and the tip cannot be enlarged indefinitely, since tissues have their own stretching limit.
  • Repeated or secondary
    Repeated surgery is a more complex task, during which the nose is restored after poor-quality intervention or an unfavorable period of rehabilitation. This is a full-fledged operation with general anesthesia and a recovery period that requires strict restrictions. Revision rhinoplasty is performed according to the surgeon’s decision in an open or closed manner. Since the interventions have already been carried out, a repeat operation is considered more difficult, because the surgeon’s capabilities are already significantly limited and no surgeon can guarantee an accurate result.
  • Corrective
    According to statistics, about 25% of patients undergo corrective rhinoplasty. And this is completely normal, since it is impossible to predict what will happen to the nose during the recovery period and what final shape it will take. The correction is due to anatomical features that affected the changes in the nose after surgery. For example, if there is little soft tissue, then the shape of the nose may change noticeably after rhinoplasty and adjustments will be required to achieve the result that the patient likes. Sometimes corrective actions are required for people who did not follow all the doctor’s orders and violated strict restrictions after the main rhinoplasty. Corrective plastic surgery lasts about 30 minutes and is usually performed under local anesthesia.
  • Non-surgical
    Non-surgical plastic surgery using fillers is the simplest operation for aesthetic correction. But it doesn't make any serious changes. However, it allows you to eliminate minor asymmetry of the nose, irregularities, minor defects, and the angle of the tip of the nose. During non-surgical plastic surgery, preparations containing hyaluronic acid are administered. The effect lasts for 2 years.
  • of the tip of the nose
    allows you to change the shape and get rid of imperfections. However, it should be understood that this operation is a serious intervention in the cartilaginous structure of the tip, which in inept hands leads to significant changes in the appearance of the entire nose.

Rhinoplasty - what to expect?

Be prepared for the fact that this is a painful procedure, so you cannot do without general anesthesia. The specialist may prescribe open or closed rhinoplasty.

Open rhinoplasty.

During the open procedure, incisions are made on the outer folds of the nose and across the columella, which allows the soft tissue to be pulled back and internal interventions performed. This method is suitable if significant changes in shape are required or if congenital pathologies of the nose need to be corrected.

Closed rhinoplasty.

There are no major interventions during closed rhinoplasty. The operation is more delicate, since the incisions are made inside the nose, and the skin is not damaged and is only carefully separated from the cartilage and bones. Closed rhinoplasty is most often used to correct aesthetic defects.

As for the technique of performing nose surgery, all the methods used today were developed at the end of the 19th century and have changed little. An experienced surgeon chooses from a variety of techniques the one that is best suited for this particular patient and allows to achieve the desired result. It is often necessary to combine different techniques to achieve the desired goal.

Rhinoplasty surgery usually lasts no longer than 2 hours. The recovery period that will have to go through after the operation is much longer, since the nose will take its final shape approximately 6 or even 12 months after the operation.

In modern clinics, nose correction is often carried out together with septoplasty - an independent operation that is performed in the structure of the nose according to internal indications. In other words, septoplasty is an ENT operation that is prescribed according to medical indications if there is a deformation of the nasal septum and it is difficult to breathe.

How much does rhinoplasty cost?

The cost of the operation depends on the complexity and scale of the changes that are planned to be carried out, so it is determined in each case individually.

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