Intermittent compression therapy using the effect of programmable pneumomassage

Pain in your legs is the result of a constant life on the move or, on the contrary, a sedentary lifestyle. Leg pain worries almost every person in the 21st century.

After a busy day, when their legs are “humming”, they ask to lie down and let them rest, forgetting about work and household chores for 10 minutes.

Unfortunately, this will not be enough if, in addition to feeling tired, your legs are swollen and painful. The situation becomes even sadder if there is pathology of the feet (an orthopedic effect from any procedures is required to relieve pain) or problems with the veins. In this case, it is necessary to regularly visit a specialized salon and perform mechanical or other types of massage on the legs or feet. In modern realities, this is not always possible due to busyness. And it is worth noting that regular foot massage procedures are an expensive pleasure.

An ideal option for replacing a massage room and saving time would be to purchase a foot massager for safe use at home, in the country or anywhere else.

There are a large number of reflex points on the feet, which, when impacted, can affect almost any organ of our body.

Foot massagers increase local blood supply to the massaged area of ​​the body (the legs relax, swelling goes away), and they also have a healing effect on the entire body as a whole.

It's no secret that there are a huge number of biologically active points on the feet. Exposure to them allows you to launch metabolic processes in the body: the internal organs seem to receive a charge of energy. It is also worth noting that regular use of foot massagers serves as a powerful preventive measure against various diseases. Of course, in order to experience the full benefits of such a massage, you need to choose the model that best suits your needs.

In this article we will take a closer look at the types of foot massagers that are presented in the Vital Rays range.

Roller kneading massage

Roller kneading massage, which is one of the most famous massage options, has many advantages. The massage is carried out using moving parts (rollers, balls), which simulate walking barefoot on an uneven surface.

Depending on the material, rollers are used for:

  • Muscle relaxation and general relaxation;
  • Restoring motor functions after injuries or operations;
  • Reducing body fat and losing weight;
  • General improvement in well-being;
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • Stimulation of acupuncture points;
  • Speedy renewal of tissues;
  • Elimination of edema;
  • Normalization of blood circulation.

This massage is especially effective for foot problems, as it has an orthopedic effect.

Massages are carried out in courses - systematic use is very important to achieve the necessary beneficial effects from use.

This type of massage is painless and does not cause discomfort.

For greater effectiveness, it is useful to warm up the skin using a bath, sauna, rubbing with the palms and heating with a Vital Rays thermal jade mat. It is better to do the procedure in the evening, an hour or two before bedtime - this will help improve the quality of sleep and make it easier to wake up earlier.

What is worth noting additionally: massage sessions are not prohibited from being combined with yoga or other types of fitness.

This type of massage is presented in the following multifunctional massagers available in our range:


When to visit a specialist

Lymphatic drainage massage of the face and body is a useful procedure. It allows you to get rid of swelling and cope with problems such as:

  • "Orange peel";
  • bags and bruises under the eyes;
  • loose skin;
  • wrinkles;
  • overweight.

With regular visits to a specialist, cell regeneration accelerates and body shape improves. As for medicine, massage is often prescribed to patients with poor immunity, unstable psycho-emotional state and lymph stagnation. It helps fight stress as well as varicose veins.

Vibration massage

Vibration massage is a common and long-known procedure that has been used all over the world for several centuries. At first it was performed using the hands and feet of a specialist. Subsequently, the first specialized apparatus for vibration massage was created. Gustav Zander is considered the founder of modern vibration therapy - he was the founder of the school of teaching this technique and structured all the information on high-quality and correct technique and the benefits of the procedure.

Vibration massage is performed by oscillating elements that imitate manual massage. The following effects from the use of this type of massage are distinguished:

  • Increased blood circulation;
  • Relieving fatigue and swelling;
  • Prevention of varicose veins;
  • Improving metabolism;

Vibromassage has a quick effect: restores blood circulation, relieves leg fatigue and pain due to joint diseases, and increases muscle tone. The cost of foot massagers of this type also depends on other functionality.

This type of massage is available in the programs of the following multifunctional foot massagers:


About prohibitions

It is important to remember that sessions of this type of massage are not beneficial for everyone. Patients should avoid it:

  • thrombophlebitis and thrombosis;
  • lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy;
  • complex cardiovascular diseases;
  • neuralgia.

It is not recommended to visit the salon for people suffering from cancer, pregnant women and people with skin problems. This can be purulent rashes, herpes, burns and other injuries.

Compression leg massage

Modern models of foot massagers can also offer compression massage. This type of massage is recommended for:

  • Maintaining muscle tone;
  • Lymphatic drainage effect;
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Improving immunity;
  • Stabilization of blood flow;
  • Normalization and improvement of metabolic processes in the body;

Air compression massage is performed using air cushions that are located on the surface of the massager. The pads gently but persistently affect certain areas of the legs, triggering healing processes in the body. During the compression massage, the pillows are alternately inflated and deflated, which provides a kneading effect. Lymphatic drainage (compression) massage is often used in the field of cosmetology and physical rehabilitation of athletes.


Additional massage techniques in Vital Rays massagers

There are additional techniques that increase the effectiveness of massage.

Thermal effect

Heat greatly enhances the physiological effect of massage, causing vasodilation and active hyperemia of the massaged tissues. The thermal effect helps reduce muscle excitability, relaxes muscle and vascular spasms and significantly reduces pain. It is important to note that all foot massagers in our range implement this technique.

Heat and cold technology

The effect of heat and cold on the feet is presented in the “Plantarny” foot massager.

This is a lightweight, thin, compact and stylish foot massager that, in addition to heat-cold technology, includes a kneading massage. The heat-cold method is absolutely safe and promotes the training of blood vessels (heat expands them, and cold narrows them), strengthening them and making them more elastic and flexible.


Magnetotherapy is a method of physiotherapy, which is based on the effect of a low-frequency alternating or constant magnetic field on the body. This method is young relative to others used in massage. During the Soviet Union, regular studies were carried out on the influence of the magnetic field on the human body. Now the method is used in the prevention and treatment of diseases, during early and delayed rehabilitation.

The effect of electromagnetic waves on the blood and the circulatory system as a whole has been especially well studied. Improving microcirculation in the affected area leads to a decrease in the inflammatory response and pain.

This technology is presented in the VibraM foot massager: it is an effective device with long-wave infrared heat, vibration massage and magnetotherapy. Using three techniques together allows you to achieve the best results. Vibration, together with infrared heat and a magnetic field, effectively penetrates deep-lying muscle fibers and relieves tension and fatigue. This massager has an active effect only on the sole of the foot.

Air ionization

Air ionization technology is presented in the Big Foot massager.

Ions are tiny particles that have a positive or negative charge. The key feature of the massager is the air ionization function, thanks to which the air in your home will be filled with negatively charged ions, and therefore healthy and safe.

The Big Foot massager is universal and suitable for large feet.

Complex foot massagers Vital Rays

In addition to the massagers listed above, our company’s catalog presents the following comprehensive foot massagers with various methods and areas of influence


An effective device that provides kneading, vibration and air compression massage of the entire surface of the feet, including the heel area.

These functions, combined with infrared heat, will help you relieve fatigue, get rid of heaviness in your legs, reduce muscle tension and improve your mood.


A universal device that simultaneously performs kneading, air-compression and vibration massage of the feet, ankles, and calf muscles.

It is important that for the calves the electric massager “Skorokhod” has the strongest effect of all the zones, due to its shape similar to boots.

It acts directly on the biologically active points of the feet and has a comprehensive healing effect on your body.


Multifunctional device for comprehensive foot massage, which includes 3 techniques: kneading roller massage; air compression massage (air cushions); thermal effect. It works in detail on the sole of the foot and the toe area, which ensures an impact on the biologically active points of the foot.

Intermittent compression therapy using the effect of programmable pneumomassage

In our clinic, pressotherapy is carried out using the domestically produced “Lymph E” device.

Compression therapy for impaired outflow of blood and lymph from the upper and lower extremities has been known for a long time and in Russia is traditionally used in the form of bandaging with elastic bandages. In recent years, compression hosiery has replaced the unaesthetic and uncomfortable bandage. At the same time, it is not always comfortable to wear compression tights or stockings (for example, in hot summer weather, at home).

The idea of ​​intermittent compression therapy, which also arose a long time ago, was hampered by the lack of a reliable device available to the general population. Its essence is the effect on the lymphatic and venous system of compressed air supplied through cuffs.

The procedure activates cell receptors responsible for the breakdown of fat, cleanses and saturates the skin with oxygen. This is a method of hardware physiotherapy, which is a method of mechanical action on the underlying tissues, as a result of which excess extracellular fluid is displaced from them - lymphatic drainage. This is a kind of “squeezing massage”, performed not manually, but with the help of special equipment, which makes it possible to dose the effects with amazing precision, changing the density and permeability of tissues, and setting a program of changes over time. The compression therapy procedure is the most effective, and often the only way to cope with the problem of lymphostasis.

The lymphatic system is as important for the functioning of our body as the circulatory system. Unlike the circulatory system, which has a motor - the heart, the closed lymphatic system does not have such a separate mover, but is activated when a person moves. With low physical activity in people prone to a sedentary lifestyle, lymphostasis (stagnation of lymph) inevitably occurs.

It is the large lymph nodes that are a kind of “garbage collectors” where toxins and viruses, breakdown products of proteins and fats accumulate, which are almost impossible to “knock out” with anything, so constant stimulation and drainage of the large lymph nodes and the entire lymphatic system is necessary.

With lymphostasis, microcirculation is disrupted, performance decreases, immunity decreases, swelling appears and cellulite is formed, excess weight, heaviness and acute pain in the legs, varicose veins.

The device simulates muscle contractions. Wave-like movements from bottom to top, created by air pressure, help improve lymph and blood flow. The lymphatic system cleanses the human body. Compression therapy, removing excess fluid and harmful substances from the body, restores water balance, which is explained by the normalization of lymph and intercellular fluid circulation.

With the help of the device, air is pumped into the “boots”, which are worn on the foot, lower leg and thigh, compressing the soft tissues in a wave-like manner. Thus, blood circulation is activated, sweating increases, and rhythmic pressure fluctuations perform lymphatic drainage massage. Using the “sleeve”, pressotherapy is performed for lymphostasis of the upper extremities, including postoperative.

This massage not only removes excess fluid from tissues and metabolic products from the intercellular space, but also eliminates swelling and tones the walls of blood vessels.

The device and technology of programmable intermittent pneumocompression of the “traveling wave” type has a wide range of therapeutic capabilities. It is highly effective for vascular edema of the legs of varying degrees and localization, venous and lymphatic and combined insufficiency, lymphostasis and elephantiasis, trophic ulcers, as well as tired leg syndrome, the need for prolonged work sitting and standing (including in heels), high weight, dermatolipocellulitis of the thighs .

The performed pneumomassage quickly relieves venous and lymphatic outflow and prevents thrombus formation. Already during the procedure, the patient experiences relief, and the morning freshness of the legs returns. Compression therapy also gives excellent results for varicose veins and phlebopathy. Carrying out pressotherapeutic procedures in some cases allows one to avoid surgical intervention.

When postoperative edema occurs, compression therapy is considered almost the only effective way to provide emergency care. Compression therapy quickly strengthens and rejuvenates the body. Compression therapy for the legs is good for women in the 2nd and 3rd months of pregnancy to relieve swelling.

There are few contraindications: recent thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, acute inflammation and suppuration, open wounds, fractures, threat of miscarriage, some diseases of the cardiovascular system, chronic skin diseases, malignant tumors, high blood pressure (above 180 mm Hg), body temperature is above 38C.

After the procedure, a person feels warm and rested and full of energy for a long time, since compression therapy has a pronounced relaxing effect. Moreover, good lymph circulation stimulates the body's defenses, increasing its immunity and stress resistance!

Along with medicinal purposes, it can also be used in courses to solve cosmetic problems - activating metabolic processes in skin cells and fat cells with so-called cellulite. Unlike manual massage, it has a much gentler effect on skin capillaries prone to varicose veins.

Compression therapy is indicated:

  • in case of impaired lymphatic circulation and lymphatic edema;
  • for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins of various stages, ranging from
  • phlebopathy and before healing of trophic ulcers;
  • for postoperative and post-traumatic edema;
  • for bedridden patients, regardless of the reasons (surgery, spinal injury,
  • chronic diseases) for the prevention of vein thrombosis;
  • for quick recovery after cosmetic surgery;
  • in order to increase tone, restore elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • for “tired legs” syndrome, the need for long-term work standing and sitting,
  • wearing high heels;
  • in the treatment of cellulite and obesity;
  • for figure correction.
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