Peeling the Propeller: gentle cleansing at home

Peeling roll Propeller is designed for deep cleansing of the epidermis at home.

This cosmetic product removes dead skin cells, cleanses pores, removes oil and blackheads.

Peeling also serves as an excellent prevention of acne and other inflammatory processes.

Using the product does not cause injury to the epidermis, so you don’t have to worry about the integrity of the skin.

Peeling roller Propeller: features and principle of operation

The cosmetic product is a gel of liquid consistency. There are no abrasive particles that could damage the skin or cause irritation.

In this regard, the product is a delicate cleanser that can be used even on skin prone to inflammation.

The product is also used on the epidermis, which is easily injured when cleaned with various scrubs or other cosmetics based on abrasive components.

After application to the skin, the active ingredients react with oxygen, absorb sebum, exfoliate dead skin cells and remove various impurities.

Therefore, during the process of distributing the gel, you can see how it rolls into soft white lumps.

I am often asked for advice on what peeling to use at home. Of course, it is better to pay attention to professional products. But if you are counting on a budget option, then try the Propeller peeling roller.

Cosmetologist Zoya Kucherova

What's the point

This type of peeling is called rolling because in the process of working with it, it changes its consistency, and from gel-like it gradually becomes denser, rolling under the fingers into lumps.
Dirt, sebum and keratinized scales of the epidermis stick to them. This type of peeling has both advantages and disadvantages. The first include: versatility, non-traumatic and all-season use. The disadvantages are the inability to solve serious dermatological problems and even effectively remove pigmentation. The effect of such peelings is too superficial.

Types (2 options)

The Propeller brand produces several cleansing peeling rolls for the care of oily and problem skin.

In total, there are 2 types of this product on the cosmetic market:

  1. Salicylic.
  2. With bamboo charcoal.

They differ in composition. Their active ingredients are different, but the principle of operation is similar.

Salicylic peeling

Salicylic peeling roll Propeller immuno 2 in 1 deep cleansing, produced in a 100 ml tube, provides deep cleansing of the epidermis.

The product does not injure the skin, cleanses pores gently and painlessly. Additionally serves as a prevention of acne; normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands; slightly dries out acne, which helps eliminate inflammation.

Also, salicylic peeling roller Propeller 2in1 iq-cleansing dissolves plugs in pores, increases the elasticity and tone of the epidermis.

Bamboo charcoal product

Peeling the roll with bamboo charcoal has an absorbent effect. It absorbs excess sebum, instantly eliminating oily shine.

With regular use, the product deeply cleanses pores of impurities and prevents the formation of acne and blackheads.

Additionally, the product tightens pores and reduces hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands. Peeling also has a powerful antimicrobial effect and serves as a prevention of skin irritation and inflammation.

Mode of application

How to use each product is clearly stated on the packaging. But the principle of its application is the same and step by step looks like this:

  • first you need to remove all makeup from your face;
  • wash thoroughly with warm water and soap or gel;
  • to better cleanse the pores, the skin without severe inflammation and manifestations of rosacea can be lightly steamed;
  • Apply a little product to your face and distribute evenly;
  • Use your fingertips to massage the skin in a circular motion without pressing hard;
  • When dense lumps form under your fingers, wash them off with summer running water.

Bamboo peeling initially has lumps. It is very important here not to rub the skin too hard. Coal cannot scratch it, but if there is inflammation, it will intensify due to excessively intense exposure.

If there is a feeling of unpleasant tightness (this often happens after salicylic peeling), you should apply a light moisturizer to your face.

Let's look at the composition

Keratolytic, cleansing and degreasing effects are achieved through a unique composition.

Since the company produces 2 types of peeling rolls, let’s look at how each product works and what substances they have in common.

The main components of the salicylic peeling roll

The product contains the components described below.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is the main component of this cosmetic product.

When applied to the skin, it destroys the protein compounds between the cells of the stratum corneum, causing them to quickly peel off.

The substance is also capable of dissolving proteins of pathogenic microorganisms that provoke inflammation. In this regard, the acid also has a powerful antiseptic effect.

At the same time, it dissolves fats, which further helps cleanse and renew the epidermis.

Thanks to this action, the acid easily penetrates the pores and dissolves sebaceous plugs.

Cosmetics with salicylic acid not only reduce skin oiliness, but also reduce sebum synthesis and strengthen the antibacterial protection of the epidermis.

The substance also brightens and whitens the skin. Thanks to this versatile effect, salicylic acid has become one of the popular components in medicinal cosmetics for problematic and oily skin.


This component is an oligosaccharide. It increases the immunity of the epidermis, helps fight pathogenic microflora and inflammatory processes.

Salix Alba

This is an extract of white willow leaves. It has a combined effect on the skin:

  • antiseptic (fights pathogenic microflora (viral and bacterial origin), which provokes inflammation and redness);
  • astringent (helps eliminate itching, burning, irritation);
  • exfoliative (improves desquamation of corneocytes);
  • antioxidant (neutralizes the effects of free radicals, prevents premature aging);
  • reduces the secretion of sebaceous glands;
  • accelerates metabolism in tissues and the process of formation of young healthy cells.

The main components of the peeling roll with bamboo charcoal

The second type of peeling has the following components:

Lactic Acid

This lactic acid in the peeling rayon Propeller with bamboo charcoal is the main component of the product.

It has powerful catalytic properties. The exfoliating effect is due to the ability to weaken and break the connection between corneocytes (protective flat scales that form the protective layer of the epidermis).

This keratolytic activates the skin renewal process, thereby achieving a rejuvenating effect.

The substance evens out the surface of the epidermis and smoothes out fine wrinkles and irregularities.

Lactic acid also binds water molecules, normalizes the moisture balance in the skin, so after use there is a feeling of hydration.

The component has an antioxidant effect, which enhances the rejuvenating effect.

After use, the synthesis of free radicals is reduced, the substance protects the epidermis from negative external influences (sun rays, cold wind, etc.).

And one more useful property is whitening. It is achieved not only by exfoliating dead cells, but also due to the ability to evenly distribute melanin in the skin and slow down the production of tyrosinase (an enzyme that increases melanin synthesis).

Absorbent Carbon

This is absorbent carbon. This ingredient, like a sponge, absorbs dirt and sebum.

It penetrates well into the skin and ensures high-quality removal of impurities even deep in the pores.

In addition, the substance helps combat uneven skin tone. It has a mild whitening effect, eliminates dullness, redness, yellowness of the skin, and gives it a healthy color.

Common components in two peels

Common active ingredients in the peeling ray with bamboo charcoal and salicylic acid:

  1. Cetrimonium Chloride. The substance collects and mixes skin impurities and thereby facilitates their removal from the surface of the epidermis. This component is also recognized as a biologically active substance that forms a protective, leveling, breathable film on the surface of the skin. Therefore, after using the product, the epidermis feels smooth and velvety to the touch.
  2. Propylene Glycol. Has a wide range of beneficial effects for the skin. First of all, it is a wonderful humidifier with powerful moisture-retaining properties. It maintains an optimal level of moisture in the epidermis and prevents dryness. The component is also a good conductor of beneficial ingredients in creams - it improves their absorption. Propylene glycol has some antimicrobial activity that prevents the development of inflammatory processes, acne, and acne. But it can cause an allergic reaction, especially in people with various types of dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema.
  3. Carbomer. This is an absolutely non-toxic substance and is also widely used in cosmetics for children. In this cosmetic product it plays the role of a thickener. But in addition to this, it has the ability to absorb and retain water.


What I personally didn’t like was the almost complete absence of contraindications on both packages. On bamboo, the manufacturer at least warns against using the product on irritated skin. In fact, any type of peeling is not used for:

  • damage to the integrity of the epidermis;
  • active form of the herpes virus;
  • pustular rashes;
  • severe inflammation and dermatitis;
  • sun or thermal burns.

After injection procedures, at least 7-10 days should pass, and after manual facial cleansing - at least 3-4.

I would not recommend using bamboo peeling during pregnancy. The concentration of fruit acids is not indicated there. And although it is probably low, it increases the risk of pigmentation. Especially if your face was not protected from the sun very carefully.



  • epidermis prone to oiliness;
  • black dots;
  • wrinkles, prevention of skin aging;
  • small inflammatory rashes, acne, pimples;
  • cosmetic residues that cannot be removed with just washing;
  • uneven complexion.

Despite its delicate action, the product has certain limitations for use. They must be taken into account to prevent the development of adverse reactions.


  1. violation of the integrity of the epidermis;
  2. exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the treated area of ​​a bacterial or viral nature (suppuration, herpes, etc.);
  3. excessive dry skin;
  4. less than 2 weeks have passed since laser or photo procedures;
  5. hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  6. malignant formations on the skin.

The cosmetic product is well tolerated by patients and usually does not cause side effects.

But if contraindications are not observed, various reactions are possible. For example, using the product on very dry skin can lead to even greater dryness, since the product absorbs sebum, and if there is an individual intolerance to the components in the composition, then after use itching, redness of the skin, rashes, etc. are possible.

There is no need to wet the skin before using the peeling roller. The product is applied to dry epidermis in areas with increased secretion of sebum: nose, chin, forehead, cheeks.

There is no need to treat the eye area, since the skin in this area is thin and sensitive, it is practically devoid of sebaceous glands.

Apply the gel in a circular motion, without much pressure. After the formation of white lumps, you need to wash your face well and remove all remnants of the cosmetic product.

If you have skin problems (acne, pigmentation, etc.), I advise you to consult a dermatologist. Peeling is not always an excellent remedy in this case.

Dermatologist Sean Allen

Appearance and description

The product is sold in a 100 ml plastic tube with a lid-opener. The tube itself is made of high-quality plastic that does not burst when twisted in different directions.

The back of the package provides basic information about the product, namely:

  • mode of application;
  • information about main ingredients;
  • compound;
  • manufacturer's address.

The lid is of high quality and you can’t just break its fastening.

The neck, unfortunately, is not protected by anything, so anyone can open it, sniff it, or even squeeze a little onto their hand.

What effect do we get (8 useful properties)

The cosmetic product has a combined effect. With regular use, after 1-2 weeks you can notice positive changes on the skin:

  1. Deep cleansing of the epidermis from impurities, sebum, and cosmetic residues.
  2. Reducing the severity of blackheads.
  3. Light rejuvenating effect. By removing the upper keratinized layer, the cosmetic product promotes the formation of new young cells, which increase the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis.
  4. The skin becomes softer and more delicate.
  5. Sebum production slows down.
  6. Skin tone and relief are evened out.
  7. The epidermis looks healthy, hydrated, well-groomed and younger.
  8. The severity of inflammatory processes decreases.

Experts' opinions on Propeller products

Cosmetologists consider peeling rolls as a good home method for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin. The drug with salicylic acid is especially useful for youth problems; it can effectively combat blackheads, pimples, and enlarged pores. A product containing bamboo charcoal provides a good micro-massage of the dermis and helps resist aging.

Reviews of Propeller products say the following: both drugs are suitable only for superficial care carried out at home. If there are serious flaws in appearance, the products in question are not able to provide a lasting result. To eliminate such defects, a course of professional procedures in a beauty salon will be required.


Elena, 33 years old, St. Petersburg

“I often use a peeling roll.
I really like the effect: the product removes sebum, reduces inflammation, cleanses pores. Previously, I bought a peeling roll from the Librederm company, then I decided to experiment and bought a Propeller with bamboo charcoal from the brand. The result seemed more pronounced to me.

I noticed that the blackheads became much smaller after the first use, the pores narrowed, and the oily sheen completely disappeared.”

Yulia, 38 years old, Vladivostok, Russia

“According to reviews, the Propeller peeling roll is a very effective product that instantly gets rid of sebum.
I was convinced of this from personal experience. I have salicylic peeling. After the procedure, the skin is soft and smooth, not a trace of sebum remains.”

Alina, 27 years old, Ryazan, Russia

“Pilin roll is a real salvation for my oily skin.
I actively use it in the summer, when the skin acquires an oily sheen a few hours after washing. This product helps me normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and slow down the production of fat.”

Irina, 39 years old, Moscow, Russia

“I was impressed by the feedback after using the Propeller peeling roll with bamboo charcoal.
I myself suffer from oily skin, so I decided to try it. I liked the effect. Immediately after the first use, the skin became clean and smooth. After 2 weeks, I noticed that sebum was secreted in less quantity, and almost all the blackheads disappeared. Now I use this peeling on a regular basis.”

How to cleanse your face

The packaging of each product contains detailed instructions for use. Both rollers are used as follows:

  • prepare the covers for the procedure. To do this, wash thoroughly with a soft gel;
  • in the absence of rosacea or severe inflammation, the epidermis is lightly steamed;
  • Apply a small amount of the drug to a clean, dry face and distribute it in an even layer (the area around the eyes and lips is not affected);
  • perform light self-massage with fingertips;
  • leave the product to act for 1-2 minutes.

READ ALSO: Using coral peeling for the face: indications and contraindications

When salicylic peeling is used, small lumps form on the face, which absorb fatty deposits and other types of impurities. They must be washed off with clean warm water. When using a bamboo composition, you do not need to intensively rub the skin. This product contains cleansing lumps from the very beginning.

Quite often after using a peeling roll with salicylic acid, a feeling of tightness occurs. To eliminate it, apply a moisturizer to the face that matches the type of epidermis.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

Lately I’ve been hearing more and more about peeling sheets. Unfortunately, many people expect amazing results from using this product. But there will be no colossal transformation. Of course, the drug will improve the skin, but the effect cannot be compared with the result after professional cleansing. As a home cleanser, a peeling roll will be a very good helper.

Theda Contis

What is included in the list of contraindications

Contraindications for home cleaning are standard for all types of peeling. The main restrictions on the use of Propeller products are:

  • the presence of open wounds, abrasions, scratches on the face;
  • active stage of herpes;
  • any types of burns;
  • purulent rashes;
  • dermatitis.

The cleansing procedure should not be carried out during pregnancy. Otherwise, the risk of developing pigmented areas of the skin increases. Also, you should not use peeling rays in childhood.

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