Injection rejuvenation techniques for the most modern women

From this article you will learn:

  • Who is recommended for injection rejuvenation techniques?
  • Are there any contraindications for injection rejuvenation techniques?
  • What types of injection techniques for rejuvenation exist?
  • What problems can injection rejuvenation techniques cope with?

The modern beauty industry offers a wide range of various procedures for youthful skin. Peeling procedures, anti-aging cosmetics and other anti-aging techniques give noticeable results only with regular use. Do you carefully monitor your appearance and at the same time prefer effective procedures with quick results? Do you need to get rid of wrinkles in a short time, and are you not afraid of handling needles? Pay attention to injection rejuvenation techniques. And we will tell you about the most advanced of them, which are offered today by beauty salons and aesthetic centers.

What are geroprotectors

Geroprotectors are a number of substances that have the ability to restore reproductive function and reduce the likelihood of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. At least, experiments involving laboratory animals have confirmed such properties of geroprotectors.

Similar large-scale human studies have not yet been conducted. However, substances that prolong youth are being actively studied, and today more than 250 geroprotectors are known.

Anti-aging care [comfort zone] Sublime Skin

Anti-aging collection of products [comfort zone] Sublime Skin The brand [comfort zone] did not waste time on trifles and completely updated the home anti-aging system of Sublime Skin products, which now gives an effect comparable to the work of fillers. The brand's scientists came to the conclusion that there is a direct connection between cell aging and degeneration (destruction) of the skin structure. Therefore, it was decided to refine the Archi-lift™ technology. An innovative peptide was added to it (it protects cells from aging) and a plant extract of Achillea millefolium from the Davines scientific garden in Parma (it increases collagen synthesis by 35%), and in addition to them, macrohyaluronic acid appeared in the formula (provides immediate hydration). All products from this collection work in synergy, increasing each other's effectiveness by enhancing the active ingredients.

Groups of geroprotectors

To delay the aging of the body and resist diseases that accelerate it - these functions are performed by compounds that are very different in composition and principle of action.

They can be created artificially or have a natural origin (vitamins, hormones, minerals):

  • Antioxidants. These are substances that neutralize the toxic effects of free radicals that are formed in the body during life.
  • Senolytics. Their task is to accelerate the death of aging cells that have already stopped dividing. Thus, senolytics prevent the degeneration of such cells into cancer cells.
  • Adaptogens. They contribute to greater resistance of the body to the effects of negative external factors (stress, radiation, unbalanced nutrition).
  • Regulators of signaling pathways. The anti-aging purpose of these substances is to prolong the life of cells.
  • Metabolism regulators. They restore metabolic processes, improve overall health and prevent serious diseases, including cancer.

These are not all groups of geroprotectors. Note that their different types have a preventive (prophylactic) effect. And therefore suitable for both young and mature people.


During breathing, digestion, muscle effort and other vital processes, free radicals are released that oxidize other molecules.

And when the body’s own antioxidant powers fail to neutralize free radicals, we are talking about oxidative stress, which is toxic to the entire body. Experts believe that this process not only prematurely depletes vital reserves, but also becomes a leading cause of cardiovascular disease, cataracts and immunosuppressive conditions.

In order to prevent the devastating effects of oxidative stress, additional sources of antioxidants are needed. After all, excess free radicals damage cell walls, proteins and even DNA.

Antioxidants produced by the human body:

  • glutathione;
  • superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzymes;
  • uric acid;
  • Coenzyme Q10;
  • alpha lipoic acid, etc.

Antioxidants coming from outside:

  • vitamins (especially A, E and C);
  • trace elements (zinc, selenium, copper, manganese);
  • polyphenols, including flavonoids;
  • carotenoids;
  • amino acids.

Some antioxidants produced by the body may not be as effective as possible if the diet, for example, is deficient in micronutrients (magnesium, manganese, zinc, etc.).

In addition, there are synthetic antioxidants (for example, coenzyme Q10) that are necessary to replenish their reserves in the body. Taking antioxidants allows you to “neutralize” free radicals and strengthen a person’s internal resources. For example, during chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Metabolism regulators

Metabolic processes in the body are controlled by sex hormones, thyroid and adrenal hormones, as well as growth hormone, melatonin and others. In addition, peptide bioregulators are responsible for metabolic processes in individual organs.

Here are some of this group of geroprotectors:

  • A growth hormone. As research results have shown, its administration to patients 60-80 years old made it possible to reduce their fat layer and quickly build muscle mass during training. However, long-term use of growth hormone can have serious side effects.
  • Melatonin. Shown to be effective for sleep disorders. Allows you to normalize circadian rhythms, strengthen the immune system, equalize hormonal balance and slow down the aging process.
  • Metformin and other biguanides that lower blood sugar. Effective for pathological metabolic disorders, eliminate immunosuppression caused by disruptions in metabolic processes.

Of course, the safe use of metabolic regulators and other geroprotectors is possible only under the supervision of a physician.

Regulators of signaling pathways

Cell growth, division and metabolism are an orderly process. Special enzymes that send signals along molecular chains are responsible for it. Drugs from the group of signaling pathway regulators can influence these processes. They can override signals associated with cellular aging.

One of the most well-known regulators of signaling pathways is sirtuins. These are proteins that are constantly present in the tissues of the human body. Thanks to their interaction with a number of substances, the cell lives longer and becomes less susceptible to the effects of free radicals and adverse factors. Experiments also showed that sirtuins activate the repair of damaged DNA sites.

One of the natural sirtuin activators is resveratrol. It is found, among other things, in grape skins and cocoa. Based on it, several chemical activators with even greater efficiency were created.


Over time, the cells of our body age and stop dividing, producing toxic substances and the so-called aging pigment - lipofuscin. If old cells for some reason are not eliminated from the body, the immune system begins to destroy them. But if it fails, the spent cells can degenerate into malignant ones.

In addition, by releasing toxic compounds, they increase the risk of developing various pathologies and disrupt the functioning of all body systems.

Senolytics are a group of drugs that cause the death of old cells and remove them from the body. So, they give way to full-fledged cells.

The most well-known senolytics are dasatinib (an antitumor drug) and quercetin, which reduces the risks of cardiovascular diseases.

CURACEN in cosmetology

Thanks to its exclusive bioactive structure, the drug has a number of exceptional properties:

  • quick results;
  • stimulation of the regeneration process;
  • wide scope of application;
  • unsurpassed data on regenerative activity;
  • high biocompatibility;
  • activation of local metabolic processes;
  • amazing penetrating power reaching 99%;
  • no risk of an allergic reaction;
  • normalization of cellular respiration.

The bioreparant CURACEN (Curasen) has a GMP production standard and the highest pharmaceutical quality. The natural rejuvenation product undergoes scrupulous control by specialists of the highest category at all stages of production. Thus, its use is absolutely safe, which is confirmed by State quality control, and is also ideally tolerated by the body.

CURACEN is necessary if you want to eliminate age-related skin problems such as:

  • dryness;
  • loss of elasticity and firmness;
  • deterioration of color;
  • decreased skin tone;
  • aging skin;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • dyschromia.

An excellent positive result is observed as part of complex therapy in the presence of scars and scars, when it is necessary to recover after surgery or chemical peels, and when wrinkles form. The composition can be used to restore and strengthen hair, and treat dandruff.

CURACEN (Curasen) is used in cosmetology to stimulate cell activity and the formation of new collagen fibers. The result is a bright lifting effect: the tone and color of the skin improves, its structure is renewed, elasticity and moisture levels increase, and cosmetic imperfections disappear.

A unique feature of this drug is the ability to work on a moving eyelid. It was the “Method of bioreparation of the skin of the periorbital area using the placental drug CURACEN (Curasen)” that became the winner in the category “Best Clinical Experience” at the First All-Russian competition “Parade of Clinics” in 2016. Already after the first use, an amazing effect is noticeable.

Which doctors should I contact for help?

Traditional medicine does not consider aging of the body a problem that can and should be treated. Anti-aging medicine has a different point of view. After all, it is focused on preventing so-called age-related diseases and improving well-being in existing chronic ailments.

Doctors of the classical school, as a rule, do not use the concept of “geroprotectors”. Meanwhile, a huge number of drugs and supplements have appeared on the pharmaceutical market, promising a second youth and absolute health.

However, only gerontologists and anti-age medicine doctors who specialize in age-related changes in the body should prescribe drugs with geroprotective effects. They will draw up a treatment regimen only after a thorough examination. And, taking into account the characteristics of a particular patient, safe and effective dosages of drugs will be selected.

Facial products

Anti-aging products for the face and eye area that are worth trying (photo: @mandymadd) After 30 years, the natural production of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin decreases. This leads to the fact that the processes of destruction (aging) prevail over synthesis (youth). To change the game, skin care products must include active ingredients such as retinol, fruit acids and amino acids, peptides, as well as various plant extracts and specially formulated anti-aging molecules.

Brief conclusions

  • Geroprotectors are various groups of drugs that slow down the aging process from the inside.
  • Some of them are synthesized artificially, others are of natural origin.
  • Those of them whose effectiveness has been proven can be used at different ages to prevent certain diseases.
  • Only a doctor should select geroprotectors that are suitable for a particular patient. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Anti-aging night serum Dr Sebagh Retinol Night Repair

Anti-aging night serum Dr Sebagh Retinol Night Repair Retinol Night Repair is the first anti-aging serum from the French brand Dr Sebagh for a night care ritual. The main component in it is retinol (0.3%), which stimulates the process of cellular renewal and gives a long-lasting anti-aging effect, reducing the appearance of pigmentation and even deep wrinkles. In addition, it fights free radicals (UV rays, daily HEV radiation from the smartphone or computer screen), and also fills the skin with hyaluronic acid, and it looks more youthful, dense and nourished (plump skin). Rosehip, coconut and olive seed oils, vitamin E, squalane and mastic tree resin help stabilize all these effects of retinol and strengthen the protective functions of the skin, as well as the skin barrier. Despite the fact that it contains a lot of oils, the serum does not leave behind a greasy or sticky film.

Anti-aging modeling gel for the face Rodial Dragon's Blood Sculpting Gel

Anti-aging, modeling gel for the face Rodial Dragon's Blood Sculpting Gel One of the main bestsellers of Rodial is considered to be a modeling gel for the face with the sonorous name Dragon's Blood Sculpting Gel.
It actually contains a complex called “dragon’s blood” - it instantly reduces skin sensitivity and eliminates inflammation, and also covers it with an invisible shield, protecting it from the negative influences of the environment. These actions are enhanced by pomegranate extract (a powerful antioxidant) and myrrh (restores volume to the skin), as well as collagenir (it stimulates collagen production). 2 exercises for wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows Read

Cream for the eye area 3Lab “M” Eye

Cream for the area around the eyes 3Lab “M” Eye Visually, the bottle of “M” Eye cream looks as simple as possible, while inside it hides a unique formula, worthy of the Nobel Prize, which moisturizes, soothes and improves the condition of the skin around the eyes, brightens, reduces expression dark circles and puffiness, and also reduces crow's feet and neutralizes even the hint of wrinkles. At the heart of the product is the technology of stem cells obtained from a rare variety of Swiss apples, which, over the course of many years of research, have proven their effectiveness in slowing down the aging process. But they alone would hardly cope with such a range of tasks, so they are accompanied by a bioengineered anti-aging complex (based on protein of plant origin), beautifeye (from bark extract), fimexel (biopolymer), symcalmin (oat ingredient), SWT-7 ( Indian gentian leaf extract) and much more with intriguing names.

iSYSTEM Lifting Serum

iSYSTEM Lifting Serum The peculiarity of iSYSTEM Lifting Serum with a complex of DMAE and amino acids (arginine, proline and lysine), as well as hop extract, is that it not only gives an immediate lifting effect, but also has a prolonged effect.
And at the same time, it erases signs of fatigue from the face, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, increases tone and elasticity, normalizes microcirculation processes, and enhances antioxidant protection. Simply put, this serum rejuvenates and helps you forget about all the signs of aging. How does tonic differ from lotion and why every girl needs them Read

The effect of placental therapy "Laennec"

Laennec droppers have a complex therapeutic effect:

  • acting as a hepatoprotector, improves the functioning of the immune system;
  • restores the liver and promotes general detoxification of the body;
  • systematically improves the functioning of all internal organs;
  • due to the normalization of internal processes, it serves as a prevention of heart attacks and strokes;
  • improves cerebral circulation;
  • relieves general tension, stress and insomnia;
  • improves skin quality;
  • the synthesis of sex hormones has a positive effect;
  • has a positive effect on sexual activity. .

Products for the skin around the eyes

Anti-aging products for the face and area around the eyes that are worth trying (photo: @mandymadd) The skin around the eyes is very delicate and thin, which means it requires special delicate care. But despite her sensitivity, she really loves it when intensive products work with her, but without aggressive components.

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