AquaShine BTX Soft Filler (Aquashine BTX Soft Filler)

Aquashine BTX is a biorevitalizant from the South Korean pharmaceutical company Caregen. The drug is intended for biorevitalization and bioreparation of the skin in programs for aesthetic correction of signs of aging and deep skin revitalization. Has a wide spectrum of action. Contains biopeptides that reduce muscle activity. It is used for anti-age therapy and has a pronounced relaxing and lifting effect, comparable to Botox therapy.

Classic Aquashine

The product is effective at the first signs of aging. Smoothes out fine wrinkles, improves complexion and increases the level of hydration of the dermis.

  • Composition: high molecular weight hyaluronic acid 1.5%, biomimetic peptides, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, coenzymes and nucleic acids.
  • Age: for patients over 35 years old.
  • Release form: 2 ml syringe.

Precautionary measures

When the Aquashine procedure is performed correctly, side effects occur in rare cases. Typically, dry skin, changes in skin color and other unpleasant symptoms are the result of an allergy to the drug. To reduce the likelihood of negative consequences, avoid the idea of ​​injecting Aquashine if you:

  • are pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • you suffer from autoimmune, endocrine, infectious diseases;
  • recently had contouring performed - Aquashine is poorly compatible with other fillers;
  • have problems with blood clotting;
  • patients with cancer, diabetes;
  • you know from your own experience what psoriasis, eczema, herpes are;
  • you suffer from active acne;
  • has inflammation, abrasions, wounds in those areas where the doctor will inject Aquashine;
  • do not tolerate hyaluronic acid;
  • have not reached 18 years of age.

Sometimes patients complain that acne appears on their face after Aquashine. Most likely, in these cases we are talking about papules, which during the first few days are a normal skin reaction to injections. How long these pimples last depends on the characteristics of the body and the patient’s compliance with medical recommendations. For example, cosmetologists do not advise taking alcohol after biorevitalization, as it slows down the recovery process. Whether the patient adheres to this rule depends on himself. Also, skin rashes are the result of an exacerbation of herpes, when a person neglected contraindications to the procedure.

Some cosmetologists believe that Aquashine should not be injected papularly.

Aquashine BR

The composition of the drug is similar to the previous one, but it has added unique peptides that fight skin pigmentation. The letters BR mean “brightening” - lightening. The effect is prolonged, long-term.

  • Ingredients: high molecular weight HA 1.5%, peptides, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, coenzymes, nucleic acids.
  • Age: from 50 years, when in addition to wrinkles, age-related pigmentation occurs.
  • Release form: 2 ml syringe.

Review of cosmetologist Andrei Danishevsky about Aquashine biorevitalization

Biorevitalization Aquashine is designed to rejuvenate and strengthen the structure of the skin. After the first session, you must wait a month and come for a second injection. In order for the positive effect to last continuously, 2-3 sessions should be performed per year. In some cases, an intensive course is used, then 6 sessions are performed with a pause of 2 weeks, and then another 6 sessions throughout the year. If biorevitalization is carried out regularly and all the cosmetologist’s recommendations are followed, a lasting positive effect from Aquashine is guaranteed.

Aquashine BTX

Updated formula with anti-aging peptide components that reduce muscle activity during facial expressions. The drug is similar to Botox.

  • Ingredients: unstabilized hyaluronic acid, peptides, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, coenzymes, nucleic acids.
  • Age: for patients over 35 years old.
  • Release form: 2 ml syringe.

What is the difference between Aquashine BR and BTX?

BTX contains peptides that reduce muscle activity

Characteristics of the drug, manufacturer

The package with the drug contains a bottle with a ready-made solution. This reduces the risk of errors in its preparation and calculation of concentrations.

The manufacturer, a company from South Korea, CaregenCo.LTD, has established itself all over the world and has an excellent reputation. Since 2001, she has been developing cosmetics using innovative technologies. The company guarantees the quality of drugs, meeting the requirements of international standards.

The discovery of biopeptides by the founding professor of the Caregen concern contributed to the development of world cosmetology. These substances regulate the functioning of epidermal cells, reduce melanin production, and eliminate visual defects on the skin. Now they are produced both for Korean cosmetics and other brands (La Prairie, Revlon, Loreal).

Since 2014, the company has launched the production of dermoregulators for Aquashine biorevitalization; reviews from clients of cosmetology clinics in different countries indicate their effectiveness.

The drug contains:

  • Hyaluronic acid, which creates a hydro reserve in the skin. It has an antioxidant effect and retains water in the intercellular space, which is needed for elasticity and smoothing out wrinkles.
  • Biopeptides, the name of which depends on the type of drug. Their function is to fight aging.
  • Coenzymes - provide cellular nutrition and division.
  • Mineral components - protect against negative environmental factors.
  • Nucleic acids - for the synthesis of the DNA chain.
  • Vitamins - to nourish cells.
  • Amino acids - participate in the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

The components are in bound form in the gel. The joint work of active ingredients gives a pronounced result, quickly transforming the appearance from the first injections. The drug is often called Revofil Aquashine. The first Aquashine products belonged to the Revofil line, but now it is an independent series, including 5 drugs.

Results, course of treatment

Here we are immediately warned that there will be no quick results. Let's start with the fact that papules appear at the injection sites, the “life” of which on your face depends only on the body. It’s good if they disappear after 3 days; in worst cases, they last up to a week and require treatment. So don’t believe cosmetologists who will tell you that everything will be gone by the evening after the procedure.

A good specialist will honestly tell you that you can expect results in 2 weeks, when the swelling and marks from the injections go away. But it’s too early to rejoice here. The course requires 3-4 procedures with an interval of 2 weeks. To maintain the effect, 2-3 courses per year are required.

I also have doubts about the result. After administration of the drug, the volume increases, the skin stretches, then “deflates” when the drug is removed from the body. And don't think that it will last for months.

Now think about what the skin will turn into from constant stretching and compression? And constant needle injuries will not improve the condition of the skin.


Even if there are specific indications for a rejuvenation procedure with Aquashine, you must also take into account the contraindications indicated in the instructions:

  • chronic dermatological diseases, regardless of where they appear;
  • diabetes mellitus of any type;
  • diagnosed malignant neoplasms;
  • disorders of the blood clotting system or recent use of anticoagulants (blood thinning drugs);
  • herpes and any other viral or infectious diseases;
  • periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • neurological disorders, including epilepsy, which is in a period of long-term drug remission.

Anti-aging injections are not performed for people under the age of 18 or if there is a history of an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

Rehabilitation after biorevitalization with Aquashine

A couple of hours later, when I came home, traces of injections—papules—were clearly visible on my skin.

Well, visible - and visible. I usually did biorevitalization on Friday evening or Saturday morning, so that all the worst things would pass before I went to work on Monday.

They pierced my forehead and the “Rings of Venus” - wrinkles that tighten my neck. Subsequently, I didn’t really notice any changes on my forehead, but my neck seemed to become more toned.

After a few more hours, the papules swelled, they increased in size, became swollen, began to itch and itch unbearably, and the skin burned. It was impossible to rest my cheek against the pillow. I slept very, very poorly.

The next morning the situation changed for the better, the swelling subsided, the itching decreased, and in some places there were bruises.

“Aquashine” biorevitalization technique and course duration

To obtain a prolonged positive result, the skill level of the master and compliance with the rules of biorevitalization technique are of particular importance. Deviation from accepted standards can lead to negative consequences and side effects. It is important that the client adheres to the rules of the rehabilitation period, the duration of which, it should be noted, is only a few days.

Preparation for biorevitalization

Preparation for biorevitalization does not require the client to comply with any strict rules and restrictions. But it is mandatory to undergo a medical examination to identify contraindications. Also, at least three days before the session, you should stop drinking alcohol, taking medications that thin your blood, and also avoid visiting the sauna and bathhouse.

How is the procedure performed?

The procedure is carried out in accordance with the following algorithm of actions:

  • Cleansing the treated area, including the use of antiseptic agents.
  • An anesthetic is used to prevent pain and discomfort. More often, the procedure involves the use of painkillers, presented in the form of ointments and gels.
  • Next, the specialist makes markings that will allow the procedure to be carried out with maximum accuracy.
  • Next, the biorevitalization procedure is carried out directly, based on the subcutaneous administration of the drug by injection. Their quantities and placement scheme are determined individually, taking into account the problems that need to be eliminated.
  • The final stage is treating the skin with soothing agents that will help prevent the occurrence of side effects, for example, redness and swelling.

The number of procedures necessary to correct existing deficiencies is determined on an individual basis. As a rule, for minor problems, three sessions are sufficient. This is enough to eliminate fine wrinkles, even out skin tone and improve skin elasticity. If there are pronounced cosmetic defects, including deformation of the oval of the face, ptosis of soft tissues, six or more sessions may be required. Only after they are carried out will pronounced results be noticeable.

Correction zones during biorevitalization with Aquashine

Biorevitalizants from the Aquashine line should be considered as complex products aimed primarily at combating the signs of aging. That is why they can be used to treat not only the face, but also the décolleté, neck, and arms. Within the same procedure, drugs of different types can be used, injected into different areas.

Release form and course of treatment

Both Aquashine and Aquashine BR are available in dosed form for 1 procedure - 2 ml of the drug is already in the syringe. For the procedure, 32G needles are used. Before the doctor gives the injections, the following happens:

  1. first the skin is thoroughly cleansed;
  2. then a local anesthetic is applied;
  3. after this there is a marking where the injections will be made.

Markings are made before injections

The drug is administered starting from the edge of the jaw, gradually moving to the entire area of ​​the face - the intervals between injections range from 0.8 to 1 mm. The procedure ends with the application of a soothing mask and sunscreen.

In order to achieve a sustainable effect, one procedure is not enough. A good result can be achieved if you do a session of at least 3 procedures. If the skin is in a neglected state, it is recommended to do a session of 6 procedures. The interval between manipulations is at least 2 weeks.

Reviews from respondents indicate that the therapeutic effect is noticeable within a day. Both cosmetologists and patients note that in subsequent days the effect intensifies, that is, Aquashine works with accumulating effectiveness, forcing the body itself to synthesize the necessary elements.

Experts recommend performing at least 3 procedures to support the results within a year. If an intensive course of biorevitalization is required, then you will have to visit the clinic every two months for a year. At the same time, you should not contact a different cosmetologist each time; it is better to do sessions with the specialist who has already done biorevitalization for you.

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