Lee Jong Suk. Return of the King of Dramas

Almost all actresses and actors try to achieve an ideal appearance and bright appearance; this greatly determines how often directors will invite them to star in their films and TV series, and how much fans will recognize them. This aspect is especially important if you come from an Asian country. Lee Jong Suk is actively moving up the career ladder and has many fans all over the planet. For many, the secret remains only whether this actor was genetically lucky or whether he resorted to plastic surgery, we will find out in today’s article by comparing photos of Lee Jong Suk before and after plastic surgery.


Lee Jong Suk was born on September 14, 1989 in South Korea, in the city of Seoul. While still at school, he was preparing for an independent life. At that time he began studying at an art school. At the Faculty of Professional Motion Pictures Art at South Korean Konkuk University, he participated in the casting for the SBS TV channel. At the age of 15 he already started working as a model. Since 2010, he began actively acting in films. His first work was participation in the film “Sympathy”.

The actor was a shy and shy boy. His younger brother and sister were much more relaxed than him. This did not suit their father, so he was extremely strict with Lee and demanded that he be perfect in everything. This greatly affected the boy. The actor admits that he still feels constrained in the presence of his father.

Lee Jong Suk. Biography, operations

Country of prejudices

In order to achieve success in South Korea and become a sought-after actor, it is not enough to be young and talented.

Society dictates the rule of beauty, and directly imposes a stereotype of an ideal appearance achieved through surgery. Plastic surgery is so popular in the country that finding a plastic surgeon at any price is not difficult. It is difficult for the poor sections of society - in pursuit of an ideal appearance, they often end up in underground uncertified laboratories, where death is quite likely.

The star of Korean melodramas, Lee Chung (John) Seok, managed to trod the path to fame at a time when the cult of appearance had not yet had such a strong onslaught. The young man managed to star in several TV series and gained popularity not only in his country, but also abroad.

Many TV series with his participation are loved in the post-Soviet space:

  • I'll hear you
  • While you are sleeping
  • Pinocchio
  • Between two worlds

Girls are driven crazy by the actor's appearance, generating a lot of gossip around his personal life.

Life before cinema

Young Lee Chong began his career in modeling, but his parents were not happy with the guy’s choice, considering such an activity immoral and discrediting family honor.

By 2012, he debuted in his first series and gained an army of fans. Was Lee Jong Suk a different person before his appearance surgery?

Flower boy

John Sok has perfectly proportioned facial features, smooth skin and a delightful smile. For such an impeccable appearance, fans nicknamed him “flower boy.” The young actor’s charisma, coupled with his impeccable appearance, reminds fans of a lotus flower.

Actor plastic surgery

Celebrities always like to deny the involvement of surgeons in their doll-like appearance, but the public never takes their word for it and finds irrefutable evidence of the work of plastic surgeons.

Photos of Lee Jong Suk before plastic surgery that appeared online confirm that the guy has not had a single operation.

Sangapuri procedure and Blepharoplasty

Supposedly Lee's first operation. This incomprehensible word hides the enlargement of the eyes. The most complex and fashionable procedure arose in an attempt to bring Asian appearance closer to European. The times of expansion are long gone, but Sangapuri is still in demand. Large eyes and the absence of sunken eyelids guarantee success in the modeling and acting business. The blepharoplasty procedure corrects the shape of the eyelids.


After facial plastic surgery, Lee Jong Suk had his nose adjusted.

Surgeons changed the shape of the nose, making the tip shorter and the wings and base slightly narrower. The nasal bone was not destroyed.

Chin shape correction

The actor had an implant inserted into his chin area and his own fat cells were added. Now Li's face looks more masculine and sexy.

Lip augmentation

In photographs of Lee John as a teenager, it is clearly visible that his lips were much smaller. The actor achieved the desired effect using injection cosmetic procedures. Most likely, one procedure was not enough - a young man’s lips always seem a little fuller, this is possible thanks to quarterly injections of hyaluronic filler.

Lipofilling of the lower side of the face was performed (changes in the structure of adipose tissue).

Despite the number of cosmetic procedures and plastic surgeries performed, Lee Jong Suk looks natural and flawless.

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It is not for nothing that the cult of plastic surgery is supported in Korean culture. In their country it is beautiful and popular, condemnation from fans is very rare.

In interviews for foreign publications, Lee admitted how difficult all the operations were for him.

“If it weren’t for the cult of beauty through the plasticity of our society, I would have remained the way I am. I was happy with my appearance. And I still feel a sense of shame in front of my parents. Beauty is a terrible force - but I would like to be natural.”


When Lee was little, he did art and played baduk. He loved to play the piano and devoted most of his time to this activity, which greatly distracted him from his problems. Unfortunately, this hobby had to end because of his father, who sent him to study taekwondo. The future television star did not like the training, but it was impossible to argue with his father. The classes ended with a well-deserved black belt and nervous breakdowns.

He then qualified for SBS. The decision to pursue an acting career came to him when he watched the movie “Full House.” And since 2010, the actor began serious work in cinema; his first famous film was “The Charming Prosecutor.” Lee has always been self-critical of all his work, despite his large fan base. However, his career is constantly going up.

What girls' idol Lee Jong Suk looked like before plastic surgery

Lee Jong Suk is a famous Korean actor and model. Having started his career in 2005, he began to quickly advance in the modeling business. However, his parents were unhappy with the guy's choice, and Lee decided to become an actor. In 2012, he received the main role in the telenovela “School 2013” ​​and acquired an army of fans around the world.

His model appearance played a big role in his career. However, fans quickly found his old photos, and it became clear that the actor had repeatedly resorted to the help of surgeons. Look how Lee Jong Suk has changed before and after plastic surgery.

To begin with, he enlarged his eyes using the Sangapuri procedure, and also changed their shape by doing blepharoplasty.

The star also slightly adjusted the shape of her nose, making the back and wings a little narrower, and the tip a little shorter.

There was also lip correction using fillers. Now they are plumper and sexier.

It is not without reason that they say that when it comes to plastic surgery, Koreans occupy leading positions in the world. The actor's appearance has become more refined and sophisticated.

Personal life

Lee's personal life remains under a canopy of secrecy and no media has been able to open this curtain. Lee admitted during an interview that he spends his free time from work in bed, ordering takeout and watching TV. Even forgetting about showering and shaving. His friends describe him as a very caring and open person, but he really doesn’t have enough time for his loved ones.

However, the friends are very proud of their movie star friend. And Lee's only dreams are potato stew and spicy octopus fried on an iron baking sheet. And his biggest problem at the moment is just excessive sweating, which he has difficulty coping with, filming constantly in a hot climate, the actor was helped by wet wipes, and now he simply tries to move less.

Lee Jong Suk. Return of the King of Dramas

Here are seven things that make Lee Jong Suk fans adore the artist. Perhaps you will agree... perhaps you think differently. It's been over two months since Lee Jong Suk

demobilized from the army.
And the artist's fans are already counting down the days when they can enjoy their idol in K-dramas again! Lee Jong Suk
officially announced his comeback on Instagram on January 2nd, posting several photos with the simple caption, "
I'm back
These three words made the hearts of fans around the world flutter in hopes that he would soon be active in filming after a break that for many turned out to be an eternity. The actor’s last project before joining the army was tvN’s 2022 rom-com “Romance Is A Bonus Book.” So what might non-fans of Lee Jong Suk
miss in this mesmerizing artist:

His amazing acting skills

Lee Jong Suk

Each time he proved that he is a talented actor and he has much more than just a beautiful face that is so attractive to many.
His dramas have consistently become not only hits, they have won awards. The artist's performance in the detective melodramatic rom-com "Pinocchio" and the thriller "Doctor Stranger" earned critical acclaim, some of his roles were awarded for " Best Male Actor
" at the Korean Drama Awards, Baeksang Awards, SBS and MBC Drama Awards, among many others.
Who can resist a surge of emotion and an intermittent heartbeat when an actor reveals his heartbreaking state of mind with such a desperate expression? Lee Jong Suk
has a wide range of emotions as an actor, from subtle to so intense that viewers can't help but get carried away by him.

His chameleon-like characters

Of course, no one denies the actor's compelling presence on screen, with an innate confidence and amazing ability to embody different roles. Whether he's playing a smart prosecutor (While You Were Sleeping), a schoolboy bully (School 2013), royalty (Physiognomy) or even a webtoon hero ( "W: Between Two Worlds" / "W - Two Worlds"), Lee Jong Suk

always copes with the role “excellently”.

Despite the fact that the artist mainly played good characters, he managed to demonstrate his acting flexibility and undeniable talent by playing a serial killer in the crime thriller "VIP" / "VIP". Back in 2022. When Lee Jong Suk
was asked if his good looks prevented him from portraying “
pure evil
,” he said in an interview that his milky complexion and boyish image, oddly enough, perfectly transformed into the appearance of a sinister sadist in this picture. Well, many are looking forward to the next extraordinary role of some terrifying maniac, confident that the artist will be able to handle anything.

The timbre of his low and gentle voice

The timbre of the artist's voice can express various extreme emotions, such as romantic feelings, unbearable suffering or even anger. Either way, the sound of that voice makes many fans go weak in the knees. Woo Lee Jong Suk

a quiet, calm, elegant way of acting and speaking, but when he speaks, you know what he really means with every word he says.

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Posted by 이종석 (@jongsuk0206)

Amazing chemistry

Lee Jong Suk's

ability to create chemistry with any actor/actress on and off screen is also admired by many.
His dynamic talent allows the actor to gel well with other actors on and off screen. Whether he's acting alongside a seasoned actress or another male lead, Lee Jong Suk
can create great chemistry with them regardless of the character's age, personality, or appearance. Perhaps they also find themselves enchanted by the warm and cozy embrace of the artist.

His impeccable sense of style

Lee Jong Suk

began his artistic career as the youngest male model to debut in the Seoul Fashion Week collection in 2005. He has won numerous modeling competitions and has become one of the most sought after male runway and advertising models in South Korea. In a recent interview and shoot with Esquire magazine, the artist successfully returned to his “model roots,” showing that he can wear anything from designer clothes to a potato sack and still have it fly off the shelves. Fans and others noticed that his latest look shows a lot more maturity and masculinity with a new, unusual hairstyle - long dark hair.

Unexpected aegyo and funny facial expressions

Lee Jong Suk

may have the perfect combination of boyish charm and masculine looks. But we all know very well that deep down he really is a sweetheart (even though he has matured a lot lately).

Those sweet screen kisses

It's no secret that kissing scenes with Lee Jong Suk

is one of the most anticipated parts of his roles in Korean dramas. His gaze, permeated with aching love, these moments of tenderness and such a sweet smile, from which the viewer’s emotions go wild - all this is quite enough for the majority of viewers watching the next drama to inevitably fall in love with the artist.

Well, now you know enough reasons why fans were so bored without their idol. One thing is for sure: we are all very happy to have him back! And we will continue to rejoice, in anticipation of new interesting and diverse roles.

Was there plastic surgery?

Lee himself never broached this topic, but all his fans are sure that plastic surgery would not have happened without it.

The actor's career began quite early, so it is quite difficult to find photos of Lee Jong Suk on the Internet before and after the operation. But, nevertheless, some photographs clearly prove that changes in appearance did occur, and this is not only a modification as a person grows older.

The most noticeable thing is the cut and shape of the eyes. Before plastic surgery, his gaze is not as open as it is now, which indicates a popular type of surgery - blepharoplasty. With this operation, a double eyelid is created and the epicanthus (Sangapuri) is removed. Sangapuri is a very popular operation in Asia, because... the face becomes more expressive.

The actor is also suspected of rhinoplasty due to the fact that his nose has acquired more subtle and neat features. In South Korea, surgeons are famous for their professionalism and this type of surgery is becoming increasingly popular.

As can be seen in the photographs, despite the natural good looks of the actor, some changes in appearance had a very beneficial effect on the overall image.


Author: Svetlana Sergienko

Lee Jong Suk before and after plastic surgery + Photo and Biography

In pursuit of impeccable beauty and the secret of eternal youth, almost all celebrities resort to the help of plastic surgeons.
What can we say about those who were destined to be born in South Korea?

The country of the cult of the “ideal doll face” does not allow young people to feel comfortable with their natural appearance.

What does world-famous actor Lee Jong Suk look like after plastic surgery?

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