7 modern analogues of the ESMA myostimulation device

Myostimulator is a device for cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation and healing. It transmits weak electrical impulses to the skin using special conductors, resulting in active muscle contraction and increased blood flow. After several sessions, metabolic processes in cells intensify, resulting in a lifting effect. There are many models of myostimulators on the market; the range includes home and professional versions, for example Esma. In this article we will figure out how to choose a quality tool for independent use for myostimulation and your own salon.

Advantages of hardware facial myostimulation

Myostimulation technology was developed to stimulate muscle tone, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and enhance innervation. This allows you to speed up metabolic processes in cells, launch natural tissue rejuvenation and tighten sagging skin. Visible results are not achieved immediately; several sessions are required, as well as additional use of skincare cosmetics.

This method is recommended for women over 40 years old who have pronounced signs of aging. In addition, myostimulation is used to correct facial asymmetry, tighten the contour and treat some dermatological problems (acne, increased dryness, pigmentation). The procedure is completely safe for the body and rarely causes complications or side effects.

Myostimulation has contraindications. Before choosing this rejuvenation technique, it is recommended to first consult with your doctor.

How does a myostimulator work?

Unlike other parts of the body, the muscles in the face are simultaneously attached to the skull bone and the skin. It is this feature that allows you to perform complex facial actions and express facial expressions. With age or illness, muscle tone decreases, as a result of which the face takes on a tired appearance, sagging, and wrinkles appear.

A myostimulator uses weak electric current charges to stimulate muscle contraction. This mechanism is similar to conventional gymnastics, but during the procedure, impulses act on blood vessels and nerve endings. This complex effect directly affects the condition of the face - the skin looks fresh, the contour is tightened.

What are conductive gels for?

At the beginning of the myostimulation procedure, a special conductive gel is applied to the skin. It enhances the transmission of electrical impulses, and also protects the skin from negative effects, preventing the risk of burns. This is a mandatory part of any salon session; before using the product, an allergy test is recommended. When using home models of myostimulators, the gel is not always applied, since in such devices the current strength is minimal, there is no chance of complications. More details about the need to apply a conductor should be read in the instructions for use of a particular device.

Skin aging

Surely many people know that with age, the amount of moisture in the skin decreases noticeably. This causes its withering, decreased turgor, and the appearance of wrinkling and sagging. But why does this happen? It turns out that with age, the dermal vessels spasm and thereby deteriorate the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the epithelium. At the same time, the synthesis of collagen and elastic fibers, which are the framework of the skin, is disrupted, and the content of hyaluronic acid, which can actively bind water, decreases.

Facial muscles also undergo age-related changes. Due to changes in metabolic activity, every year it becomes more difficult for myocytes to relax and return to their original state, so most of the time they are in hypertonicity. And this further disrupts metabolism at the cellular level. The vicious circle closes, and the appearance of facial wrinkles becomes inevitable.

Features of device selection

There are many devices for hardware facial myostimulation on the market. They differ in impact power, design features and restrictions on use. When choosing a specific device, consider the following parameters:

  1. Functional purpose. All myostimulators can be divided into two groups - household and professional. Their main difference is in size, power and program variability.
  2. Type of food. The device can be powered by mains power or regular batteries. If you plan to use the tool outside the home, it is recommended to purchase a portable (cordless) model. They have reduced power, but are also cheaper than stationary versions.
  3. Type and area of ​​impact. The design of the myostimulator directly affects the specifics of working with it. On the market you can find models for the whole body, in the form of a butterfly (recommended for large muscle groups), in the form of shorts or a belt.

Depending on the type of contact, the myostimulator electrodes can be gel, on straps, or in the form of a sponge. They are easy to use and wear resistant. The gel form is recommended for sensitive parts of the body, belts are the most universal solution. The total cost of the device is affected by the number of electrodes, built-in operating programs, processor power and the presence of a display. You should choose a model depending on your budget, goals and application objectives.

The more complex and powerful the myostimulator, the more expensive it is. For home use, a compact universal model with two electrodes and a current power of up to 20 mA is sufficient.

Rating of the best devices for anti-aging facial procedures

Myostimulators should be purchased only in specialized stores or ordered from reliable websites that work directly with manufacturers. We have selected 8 of the best models for home use and work in the salon. They differ in design, technical characteristics and variability of use as part of the rejuvenating procedure.

B 333

This model is recommended for both professional and home use. The device has 10 channels of operation and 4 programs for a comprehensive effect on the body. Myostimulator B-333 helps get rid of cosmetic problems, reduce excess weight and strengthen muscles, restore their tone. There is general and local regulation of current pulses; the device operates only from the network. Disadvantage - massive design, weight - 8 kg.

Price – about 13,500 rubles


The Galatea company produces a range of professional-level muscle stimulators. They are expensive, but at the same time have high power and functionality. Popular models:

  • EMS 4/400-01;
  • EMS 6/400-02;
  • EMLK-12-01;
  • EMNS-12.

Depending on the device version, the channel operation mode can be asynchronous or synchronous. Each device comes with an additional set of electrodes, which is convenient for influencing any part of the body. All versions of myostimulators from Galatea work only from the mains.

Galatea myostimulation devices cost from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. Recommended for work in a salon or cosmetology center.

Nougat best

The E-3 muscle stimulator from Nuga Best is made in the form of a belt. Recommended for active weight loss, as well as stimulation of the abdominal muscles. It has 20 levels of work intensity and a convenient control panel in the form of an LCD screen. Expanded internal electrodes are built into the belt design, and there are sockets for connecting additional sensors. Inside the model there are tourmanium plates that are capable of generating infrared heat. This model is designed for home use.

Cost – about 7000 rubles

Nova NV-2000X

Professional model for passive gymnastics and muscle restoration. The device does an excellent job of eliminating puffiness and stimulating skin elasticity. There are 12 working channels, as well as 10 ready-made programs and the ability to manually configure depending on the tasks of the procedure. The kit includes 18 pairs of electrodes made of conductive rubber and adhesive materials. The weight of the device is 2.7 kg, the model operates only from the mains.

Biolift4 Face Perfect Gezatone

This is a compact model for home myostimulation and face lifting. The device combines light and pulse effects, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the procedure. Externally, it is a small device with two contact sensors. Disadvantage: a large number of sessions are required to achieve a visible result; there are many contraindications. You can purchase the Face Perfect device for only 3,500 ₽.

The combination of electric current and light wave can solve a number of cosmetic problems. The device eliminates signs of aging, normalizes natural processes in tissues, and stimulates muscle and nervous response.

VIP Line

The manufacturer produces only professional models of myostimulators for carrying out the procedure in cosmetic conditions. The device is equipped with a program monitor and the ability to edit the effect according to a number of parameters. Several functions are built in:

  • Transion;
  • Isogei (Izojei);
  • Microgei (Microjay);
  • Linfogei (Lymphogei).

The Vip Line myostimulator has large dimensions, the average cost of the device is 2.4 million rubles

Each operating mode differs in current strength and frequency, pulse duration, and number of output channels. The device has self-diagnosis of faults and a powerful system for protecting the electrical part from power surges.


The ESMA myostimulator is a compromise solution between a professional and an amateur device. The package includes 12 pairs of electrodes for the face and body, elastic fastenings, as well as cables with high-quality winding. The device is controlled by a built-in microprocessor; there is no display on the body. Channel operation mode is synchronous only, pulse duration is up to 900 ms. The device is small in size, which is convenient for conducting sessions outside the home, but it only works from the network. The most popular model from the ESMA company is Imio-12/01 with 4 electrodes, which can be purchased for 18 thousand rubles.

When purchasing a myostimulator, you should check the package contents, the presence of a passport and technical instructions. Some manufacturers equip their devices with detailed video guides for startup, configuration and maintenance.

Futura PRO device

This is a professional cosmetic device for microcurrents from the English company Ultratone. The device can be used on any part of the body, there are automatic programs. During the procedure, 44 waveforms are launched for maximum effectiveness. The session lasts only 30 minutes. The device is large, weighs 30 kg, and operates only on mains power. The advantages of this device are that in addition to myostimulation there are programs for ultrasonic rejuvenation, ultrasonic cavitation, microcurrent therapy and electrolipolysis. Futura PRO is one of the best solutions for a small beauty salon. The cost of the device is 1.1 million rubles, the average payback is 8 months.


Cellulite is a purely female problem.
Estrogens are responsible for the appearance of “orange peel.” These hormones lead to the deposition of fat in the thighs, abdomen and buttocks. And if at the same time the outflow of lymphatic fluid, metabolism in adipocytes and the structure of connective tissue (collagen and elastin) fibers are also disrupted, then tubercles and irregularities on the skin become especially noticeable. Doctors distinguish several stages of cellulite. The first one is barely noticeable. To detect it, you need to bring the skin into a fold with your thumb and forefinger, and an uneven relief appears. At the second stage, changes are noticeable even without the use of special techniques - small subcutaneous pits appear on the skin, the severity of which increases with the contraction of nearby muscles. If measures are not taken in time, cellulite continues to progress. The appearance of dense nodes, a lifeless appearance of the skin, pronounced bumps and indentations signal the third stage. On the fourth stage, dermal blood and lymph flow is so disrupted that scars can even form, and wounds and abrasions do not heal for a long time. Fatty tubercles reach their maximum degree of development, severely disfiguring the body.


  1. Myostimulation is a cosmetic hardware procedure for rejuvenation, combating dermatological problems and excess weight.
  2. The operation of the device is based on electrical influence on the body. This allows you to improve muscle tone, start active metabolism, and eliminate signs of aging.
  3. When choosing a specific device, you need to take into account the dimensions, type of power supply, functionality and features of the electrical conductors.
  4. There are professional and home models of myostimulators on the market. Popular manufacturers are Galatea, Ultratone, Nuga Best, ESMA, Gezatone. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with BBL photorejuvenation in this material.

Excess weight

Physical inactivity and office work lead to the fact that the modern person’s need for energy is much lower than it was before. The excess calories received from food remain unclaimed, and therefore are easily transformed into fat deposits, the amount of which is steadily growing every year. At first this is only an aesthetic problem, but over time health problems may appear.

Doctors have long proven that obesity increases the risks of atherosclerosis, diabetes and coronary heart disease. To evaluate them, precise indicators have already been developed. To do this, just measure your waist circumference. For men, the normative values ​​are considered to be 90 cm or less, and for women, the upper limit is 84 cm. If your waist circumference exceeds these indicators, this indicates dangerous abdominal obesity, which can cause vascular “catastrophes” - stroke and heart attack. To prevent this from happening, you need to start acting here and now, without postponing the fight against excess weight until later.

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