57-year-old Vika Tsyganova and her plastic surgery, has the singer gone too far?

The popular and beloved singer Vika Tsyganova, during her career, performed not only in cozy concert halls. She was often a guest of fighters in hot spots, where she was warmly received.

Artists, actors and singers after 30 are constantly haunted by the horror of old age, like ordinary people and by no means celestials. They are used to being liked by thousands of fans; they believe that the appearance of the first wrinkles humiliates them, reduces their image, popularity, which will stop their career from developing successfully.

As a result, instead of a live, attractive and familiar face to society, a 70-year-old mummy with immovable muscles appears on the screen. Such an outcome has not yet been observed in the appearance of the chansonette beloved by many.

Vika Tsyganova before and after plastic surgery is visually different:

Like any person, not only from plastic surgery, but because of age, the pop artist has changed a lot.

Plastic secrets, mysterious transformations of the chanson star Vika Tsyganova

The singer admitted what kind of plastic surgery she had done, that she began visiting cosmetologists’ offices at the age of 14. Throughout life, plastic surgeons of various categories and even dentists helped fight old age, preserving beauty.

Now it’s hard to believe that in 2 years she will be celebrating a milestone – her 60th birthday.

Vika visits clinics in Moscow and Yekaterinburg, where she did the following for rejuvenation:

  • non-invasive one-time tightening, during which they work not with the skin, but with the muscles;
  • correction of eyelids with a circular facelift, when the appearance was no longer pleasant; with the help of 1 anesthesia, the surgeons restored the aging skin of the artist;
  • Dentists changed my teeth, causing my lips to become plump.

But these manipulations are not the only ones. Vika Tsyganova before and after plastic surgery acquired a completely different look. The singer does not hide the fact that she wants to please not only her fans, but also herself, her husband with whom her entire personal life is connected; she has been married since 1988.

Vika considers herself a monogamous person; all her creative activity, the biography of an adult, began and continues with her only true comrade-in-arms, friend, beloved - Vadim Tsyganov.

The husband’s surname, and not his maiden name “Zhukova,” was glorified by a professional theater actress.

She graduated from the Far Eastern Institute of Arts, but due to her solo successes she did not serve in the theater.

The key to popularity was the mischief on stage, the sonorous purity of her voice and the unfading beauty of the singer. Viewers are not interested in whether the artist has undergone plastic surgery; they want to see the appearance of a young woman, without wrinkles.

Now Vika is engaged in charity concerts, and in addition to performances, she produces clothes under her own brand “TSIGANOVA”. Vika Tsyganova's facial plastic surgery makes her husband happy, according to the singer herself.

What was your appearance like before plastic surgery?

It’s surprising that fans of theater, television, and pop stars want to see their idols forever young, but at the same time have a negative attitude towards their plastic surgery.

But is it really possible to maintain a youthful appearance with enormous workloads and a high pace of life, which is why actors turn to clinics. Where many surgeons perform their work in such a way that even experts take a scrupulous look to conclude where and when the lift was done.

Photo of V. Zhukova during her senior year of school.

Photos of Tsyganova before and after plastic surgery convey a different appearance.

Photos at different times, before and after surgery.

But we must give credit that Vika looks more artistic, more chic thanks to the surgeons’ magic. Not only the facial features have been changed, but also the image, which confuses the fans.

Personal life and latest news about Victoria

The star is always in a good mood, enjoys the life she has chosen for herself and is always happy to have guests. Victoria doesn’t like to talk too much about her personal life.

She does not pay attention to all the rumors and gossip that are spread about her and, with the same passion and enthusiasm, continues to give concerts to her beloved fans, and also often participates in various kinds of charity.

Victoria Tsyganova will soon be 55 (the singer was born on October 28, 1963 in Khabarovsk). The star lives with her beloved and only husband Vadim in a country house, surrounded by pets. Unfortunately, Victoria and her husband never managed to have children; this is the only thing that darkens the couple’s life. Recently, Victoria has become quite devout - she regularly attends church.

Recently, the singer started a new line of work. She became interested in clothing design and already has her own brand “TSIGANOVA”, which today is very popular not only among many Russian pop stars, but also abroad. The singer now devotes a lot of personal time to her business.

The singer is on Instagram and Facebook, where she often publishes various information and the latest news from her life.

What did the chanson singer change first?

Women often don't like their own breasts. At the same time, many unfairly argue with nature and change it both less and more.

Image after breast augmentation.

According to stylistic experts, Victoria became a sex symbol of Russian chanson after her breasts were enlarged to only size 3. Although no one knows what she was like before the operation. Perhaps a minor correction was made to highlight the natural beauty of the forms.


Victoria herself regularly visits a massage therapist (this helps keep her skin youthful and elastic), walks a lot, loves baths, actively does stretching exercises, eats right and hardly drinks alcohol.

She does not follow any diets, eats natural foods and keeps her weight at 50 kg. As her husband, Vadim Tsygankov, admitted, Victoria inspired him to lose weight and he lost 30 kilograms. His wife personally created a nutritional and sports plan for him. Thanks to her motivation, her husband also changed.

This year the star celebrates her 55th birthday, which is hard to tell! She feels very confident and energetic. And he calls happiness the main secret of beauty. Victoria really looks very happy and easily shows off home photos without makeup.

Vika Tsyganova has her own accounts on Instagram and Facebook, where she actively shares photos and communicates with her fans. She continues to give her touching songs and delight with her cheerfulness

How to fix your nose

One of the types of plastic surgery performed by Tsyganova was rhinoplasty of the nose. The singer considered it unworthy of such a star magnitude to have an ordinary Russian nose like a potato. Now this part of the face has acquired an aristocratic appearance, the nose has become perfectly straight and sharp. One should not judge strictly; many people are not happy with natural forms, although from the outside it seems that everything is in order.

Picture after rhinoplasty

The public part of society is no different in its habits and claims to its own appearance, so long before aging they voluntarily go under the knife, unfortunately, not always successfully. But singer Vika Tsyganova only becomes more beautiful after plastic surgery. She is probably lucky with the doctors she trusts with her body and face.


Tsyganova became the soloist of the group “Sea” in 1988. The girl was so captivated by her singing career that the vocalist left her job in the theater. Together with the team, Victoria Yuryevna began to tour throughout the country. The singer's performances were a huge success. Each victory pushed the artist to the idea that she had exhausted herself as a theater actress.

Over the course of 2 years, as part of the “Sea”, the artist released 2 collections – “Caravel of Love” and “Autumn Day”. But in the late 1980s, the singer realized that she was ripe for a solo career. Next to Victoria Yuryevna were the musician Yuri Pryalkin and the talented songwriter Vadim Tsyganov, who became her husband. A year later, the performer released her solo album “Walk, Anarchy.”

Tsyganova's debut solo concert took place in 1992 at the capital's Variety Theater. By this time, the singer had pleased music lovers with more than one hit performed solo. Her performances were included in concerts that were broadcast on central channels. Basically, Victoria Yuryevna's songs were performed in the chanson style.

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Vika Tsyganova in a swimsuit
Since 1990, the singer regularly expanded her discography, toured and became a recognized pop star. The performer’s real hits were the compositions “Russian Vodka” from the album “My Angel” and “For Men” from “My Blue Flowers”, “St. Andrew’s Flag” from “Officers of Russia”.

In 1996, the performer changed her role. Tsyganova now has lyrical songs that are radically different from her previous repertoire.

After 2 years, fans were again surprised by the changes in their favorite singer. In order to attract a wider audience, Victoria Yuryevna dramatically changed her image. Not only the songs have changed, but also the artist herself. The new disc “Sun” was completely different from the others. This did not escape the audience, and the performer again found herself on the crest of popularity.

Vika Tsyganova and Alexander Mikhailov - song “Kalina Krasnaya”

And in 2001, Victoria Yuryevna was again the same chanson singer familiar to her fans. This year Tsyganova fruitfully collaborated with Mikhail Krug. Together with him, 8 songs were performed, which were included in the album “Dedication”. And the composition “Come to My House,” which appeared in 2001, became the artist’s calling card for many years.

Confirmation of the performer's demand in 2002 was Tsyganova's gala concert in Sevastopol on Navy Day on the missile cruiser "Moscow" as part of the charity event "Great Russia under the St. Andrew's Flag." This performance was broadcast on central TV.

Since 2011, the singer appears in public less and less. This year, 2 albums called “Romances” and “Golden Hits” were released. Tsyganova devotes more and more time to her hobby, which has grown into a profession. She created her own clothing brand “TSIGANOVA” and produces designer collections; the clothes are a success among Russian pop stars.

Vika Tsyganova - song “Officers”

At the end of 2022, the chanson star openly opposed the so-called “anti-criminal” law - a bill by Senator from the Vladimir region Anton Belyakov. It prohibits any propaganda of the criminal subculture in the media and the Internet, and therefore limits the recording and performance of “prison” songs.

The artist said that people need prison romance, and love for such songs is a form of social protest. The singer justified such popularity of chanson by the fact that other musical genres show fans the well-fed life of rich people, which the average Russian only causes hostility and irritation. Tsyganova named Ksenia Sobchak and Olga Buzova as the main images of this trend.

Victoria Yuryevna also noted that, even if such a ban is adopted, it will not be able to reduce the popularity of chanson in Russia.

Vika Tsyganova - song “Love and Death”

In 2022, Tsyganova was included in the “black list” in Ukraine, where the country’s Ministry of Culture includes artists who pose a “threat to the national security of the country.” According to the performer, the woman liberated Crimea in 2014 and performed at concerts dedicated to the Liberation Day of Odessa and the elections in Donbass and Lugansk. Therefore, Victoria Yuryevna only expressed bewilderment that she was included in this list so late.

In November 2022, the artist celebrated her 55th birthday. On this occasion, the singer prepared anniversary concerts “30 years on stage” and “Come to my house!”, with which she toured in 2018–2019.

In 2022, after a 9-year break, the singer released a new album called “Fedor Rows,” which included the songs “Love and Death,” “Moon,” etc. In the same year, a video was released for the song “Just Awesome,” recorded in duet with the group YouG.

This is not the only collaboration in the artist’s creative biography: she sang with Alexander Mikhailov (“Kalina Krasnaya”), Pyotr Matrenichev (“This is My Motherland”), etc.

Skin tightening

When comparing the 2022 photo with earlier photographs, Vika’s appearance has changed, but ugly sagging skin under her chin has not appeared, and terrible wrinkles have not crisscrossed the singer’s face. The photographs do not convey age spots or age-related unfavorable changes. Plastic surgeons have contributed to this matter.

Victoria closely monitored the slightest changes in the skin and turned to the country's leading specialists, whose clients include many celebrity personalities. Often the husband served as an adviser to the star of romances and chansons. According to his recommendations, the SMAS lifting procedure was carried out, when muscles are put back in place. The artist also did not refuse a circular skin tightening.

Vika, thanks to her talent and perky youth of soul, remains a welcome guest anywhere in our country, despite the fact that her career began back in the famous 90s. It can be difficult for fans to recognize their idol in a woman who is constantly getting younger and not aging.

A photo from 2017 of the singer together with her young friend Elena Vaenga

The singer's appearance became a bone of contention between fans.

Some believe that rejuvenation has made the artist more attractive. Others have a conflicting opinion; they do not want to see a fixed mummy instead of an always animated face with moving, rather than frozen, facial expressions.

A similar condition can be observed in many aged stars who have lost their attractiveness and individuality, despite their preserved youth. When they talk, they barely move their lips without smiles or sad grimaces.

Melanie Griffith, Sharon Stone: 62 and 61

Melanie Griffith, a famous actress and mother of “50 Shades of Gray” star Dakota Johnson, began to change in the mid-90s. The first thing I did was enlarge my lips, and then I just lost control.

Stone remains a sex symbol without a scalpel.

LightRocket via Getty; German Select via Getty

Melanie's obsession with plastic surgery, unfortunately, coincided with her alcohol addiction. Once again she visited rehab at the end of 2009, since then she has been cured, but years of addiction have affected her appearance.

As for surgery, according to the actress, it didn’t even occur to her how she was disfiguring herself. “I only woke up when everyone around me started saying: “God, what did she do to herself?!” I felt so bad! Then it took a long time to correct all this horror. I hope I look more normal now."

Melanie Griffith before all the metamorphoses and today


In 2018, Melanie had to have a basal cell carcinoma (a type of skin cancer) removed from her nose; after the operation, a mark remained.


Sharon, on the contrary, chose naturalness and a healthy lifestyle. Although the tabloids tried more than once to convict her of plastic surgery, they failed to prove anything.

The star of “Basic Instinct” herself says: “If you only knew how many doctors tried to persuade me to agree to a lift. I'm not against cosmetic surgery, but I don't think it's healthy to have your face tightened. Besides, I don’t want to look like a young girl, because I haven’t been a young girl for a long time. I’m a mature woman and I’m happy about it.”


For comparison: this is what the Russian contemporary of Hollywood actresses, the famous journalist and TV presenter Svetlana Sorokina, looks like now. I absolutely can’t believe she’s over 60.

yulia_serebrennikova_ / Instagram

Changes from beauty injections

According to Tsyganova, going to a plastic surgeon is an extreme measure when it is impossible to measure the skin that is sagging from old age. Thanks to Botox or botulinum therapy, as well as various injections known only to doctors, the 58-year-old star looks like a completely presentable, fresh, well-groomed young woman with toned skin. No one will even think about Chansonette's 60th birthday that is steadily approaching. When fans look at the last photo.

Rejuvenation from injections


Vika and her husband Vadim are one of the few celebrity couples who can boast of a long married life. They have been together for 38 years. The young people met at one of the events, because Vika was a very active and energetic girl who dreamed of being on stage. Vadim became the only love of her life. He also had a direct influence on her career. It is known that the man is not only a producer, but also a poet, designer, and sculptor.

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Vika has admitted more than once that she is very sorry that they do not have children, but she treats this issue philosophically. It happens that God does not give a child. However, such creative personalities have a lot in common, so they are never bored even without children. The couple travels a lot, goes on tour together, but the couple spends most of their time in their luxurious residence. They are accompanied by four-legged friends: cats and dogs.

As the singer’s husband admitted, there is no place for quarrels and scandals in their family. For many years of life there were no serious conflicts.

How Tsyganova herself maintains her youth

The singer carefully monitors her appearance and visits plastic clinics only when absolutely necessary. For this:

  • to maintain her figure, she trusts nutritionists to prepare her diet;
  • carefully cares for hair and skin using cosmetics;
  • visits fitness centers, does sports exercises at home;
  • walks in the green area of ​​the city;
  • steaming in a sauna;
  • leads an active lifestyle without bad habits.

An active lifestyle is the key to health and beauty.
The actress’s diet consists of simple natural ingredients, with no special secret diets. Despite her busy work schedule, Victoria tries to have breakfast and lunch at the same time and eat delicious, healthy food.

The diet includes only natural products from our own farm:

  • eggs;
  • cheese;
  • milk;
  • vegetables with fruits.

A star can afford to drink alcohol in moderation, carefully selected and only on holidays.

Official data

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vika.tsyganova/

  • Full name: Tsyganova (before marriage – Zhukova), Victoria Yuryevna.
  • Date of birth: 1963, October 28.
  • Place of birth: Khabarovsk, USSR.
  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio; according to the Chinese horoscope - Rabbit (element of the year is water); Patron planet Mars.
  • Height and weight: 172 cm, 60 kg.
  • Russian nationality.
  • Occupation: singer, actress, composer, fashion designer.
  • Higher education; specialty: film and theater actress.
  • Main genre of performance: songs in the style of “chanson”.
  • Family: married, husband – Tsyganov, Vadim Borisovich; children - no.

Nadezhda Babkina, Irina Muravyova: 69 and 70 years old

Babkina began improving her appearance back in the mid-90s and is not going to stop.

Muravyova, on the contrary, was never able to persuade her to undergo plastic surgery. According to her doctor, Irina Vadimovna does not want to undergo surgery on principle.

Instagram of theater artist Roman Vatolkin; girlofsummer_prm/Instagram

Some of Babkina’s changes were necessary - to correct small, sparse teeth, to correct the shape of her face. By the mid-2000s, when she was 55, she was an example of successful plastic surgery. But subsequently her features became more and more distorted, her face became unnatural and “waxy”, swollen and uneven from injections.

Left: in 2005. Center and right: today

Left: Woman.ru archive. Center and right: Instagram

“I am for radical means. If age-related changes occur and massage with masks are no longer effective, you need to have surgery,” says Babkina. “Sometimes I hear people gossiping about me: “Why is she looking so young?” I'm not getting any younger! I don’t wear miniskirts, I don’t wear cleavage and I don’t expose my belly. But someone is annoyed by my appearance. I used to be upset about this, but now I’m not. Once!"

RIA Novosti / Kirill Kallinikov

Muravyova, even without plastic surgery, evokes admiration for her naturalness and sense of humor.

“Why hide my age if it’s written all over my face? Now, if I “waged” for my appearance, registered every wrinkle and ran for plastic surgery, I could say that I was 35. There is another danger here: if you carefully hide your age, people may think that you are older than it actually is. So it’s better to tell the truth.”

RIA Novosti / Vladimir Fedorenko

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