Anna Sedokova: a self-sufficient singer or “the redhead from VIA Gra”?

Anna Sedokova is a famous singer born in Ukraine. The girl became the most popular after participating in the musical group “Viagra”, and at the moment the performer is building a solo career.

Photo of Anna Sedokova before and after plastic surgery:

The girl has been interested in dancing and music since childhood. In addition, Sedokova graduated from music school, and her first performance took place with the folk ensemble “Svitanok”, with which Anya also toured almost all over the world.

Photo of Sedokova in her youth before plastic surgery:

The peak of popularity of the presented person occurred in the 2000s. It was during this period that one could hear the songs of the Viagra group from almost every corner. The performers performed on stage in revealing outfits, which incredibly drove their audience crazy. And after the start of solo performances, the singer’s appearance began to slowly change.

As mentioned above, in the early 2000s, the singer became incredibly popular. However, the fame did not last long and a few years later the girl left the group in order to take care of her family.

Anna carefully worked on her image, turning from a cute red-haired girl into a stunning lady. The updated image of the star immediately caused a public outcry, as many began to suspect the girl that she could have changed so much only thanks to plastic surgery.

But, it is worth noting that in her youth Anya was far from the most scary girl and could boast of an attractive appearance.

Childhood and family

Anna Vladimirovna Sedokova was born on December 16, 1982 in Kyiv. Her parents moved to the Ukrainian capital from Tomsk. The Sedokovs were forced to exchange the Russian city for a Ukrainian one by the complex relations between the families of Anna’s parents. As Anya Sedokova recalls, the situation between mom and dad was standard:

“Mom’s parents, grandfather a photographer, grandmother a radiologist, lived, one might say, meagerly. My dad, on the contrary, had a very wealthy family. My paternal grandparents are professors. They categorically opposed their son's future marriage. And then dad and mom decided to flee to distant lands, to Kyiv.”

When the future artist was three years old, her father left the family. The singer’s mother was left alone with two children – little Anya and eldest son Maxim. However, Anya lived with her grandmother in Tomsk for some time, after which her father took her. The girl did not live with her father for long; as a result, she remained with her mother, who taught English and music and spent almost all her time at work to provide for her two children.

Children's photos of Anna Sedokova

Almost from the cradle, Anya Sedokova began studying music and dancing. The girl graduated from school with a gold medal. Simultaneously with general education, she graduated from music school. For the first time, the future celebrity appeared on stage as a member of the folk ensemble “Svitanok”. As part of this dance group, Anya toured half the world.

Anna Sedokova in childhood

The future star had a difficult childhood. They lived in a disadvantaged area near Lake Raduzhnoe. Her mother had no relatives in Kyiv, and so that the girl would not get bored at home alone, she was enrolled in all kinds of clubs. In addition to the above-mentioned dances and music, embroidery and athletics were added. “In a word, I didn’t have a childhood as such,” admits Anna. They didn’t like her at school: she wasn’t a beauty, and many were afraid to be friends with the teacher’s daughter.

New image of an oriental woman

In terms of her influence, this woman surpasses many world politicians, and thanks to her subtle sense of style and extraordinary beauty, she is able to outshine any Hollywood star.

The image of an oriental beauty is complemented by perfectly selected jewelry. She, like any business woman, prefers pearls and wears pearl beads, and a chic brooch adorns her headdress.

Sheikha Moza has a rather remarkable style, the basis of which is long dresses and always a turban-shaped scarf. But in her free time, she is not averse to walking in trousers, which is uncharacteristic for the East.

First steps to glory

From the age of 16, Anna Sedokova was constantly looking for part-time work. The underage girl tried herself as a model, organizer and host of parties in nightclubs, sang in restaurants, earning $25 per evening - a lot of money at that time.

Young Anna Sedokova

The girl entered the Kiev National University of Culture and Art and graduated from the university with a degree in television and radio announcer. While studying, Anna continued to sing in clubs and restaurants, returning home at 4 am, and in the morning she ran to class.

Success came to Anna Sedokova when she worked on the O-TV channel. In just a year, the girl rose from a simple participant in live broadcasts to a permanent presenter.

Sedokova, Anokhina, Grachevskaya and other stars who underwent liposuction

Anna Sedokova recently made a sensational confession! It turns out that her ideal figure is not a gift of nature, but the skillful work of a plastic surgeon.

A mother of many children openly told on one of the social networks that after the birth of her first child she was extremely upset by her appearance. Looking at herself in the mirror, she saw only plumpness, and this gave rise to huge complexes in her and became the cause of self-doubt. To solve the problem, Anna Sedokova had liposuction.

As she admits today, that operation was in vain, since the fat returned after a while, but low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence remained. Only 15 years later, the artist realized that everything in this life can be achieved only through active work on oneself. And now, when Anna has the status of a mother of many children, and her figure is in ideal shape, the woman has finally achieved harmony and is completely satisfied with her appearance, considering her body attractive and quite sexy.

Much earlier, a similar recognition was made by Anna Sedokova’s stage colleague, singer Rita Dakota. The girl also said that after the birth of her daughter, she resorted to the services of a plastic surgeon and had liposuction with 3D body modeling.

True, Rita Dakota emphasizes that the operation was a last resort for her. Before that, she tried to correct figure flaws with diets, sports, hardware cosmetology methods, massages and even lipolytic injections. The methods she tried did not give the result she dreamed of, so Rita decided to resort to radical measures.

The ex-wife of the creator of the television humorous magazine “Yeralash”, Anna Grachevskaya, also did not hide the fact that at some point she used the help of plastic surgeons. According to the woman, she underwent a complex operation, combining liposuction with lipofilling and buttock replacement. She is completely satisfied with the result, despite the fact that she had to recover for a long time and walk with swelling and small bruises.

Among foreign artists there are also many who have openly talked about their liposuction. For example, rapper Cardi B did this right during a music festival. In front of a crowd of spectators, she said that she could not move much yet, since after the birth of her child she had plastic surgery to regain her graceful waist. However, the scandalous rapper did not stop there, and after the birth of her daughter, she did not hide the fact that she had adjusted her breasts, which had suffered from hormonal imbalances.

In contrast to those who have admitted to liposuction, quite a lot of celebrities continue to hide the fact of plastic surgery. And this despite the fact that their body is literally “screaming” about the surgical intervention that took place. Thus, the Russian model Anastasia Kvitko assures that her forms are natural, although many plastic surgeons are sure that such proportions, in principle, do not exist in nature, and, probably, Anastasia Kvitko’s figure is a successful combination of liposuction and lipofilling.

Reality TV participant and model Kim Kardashian is also upset when the press begins to mention her name in connection with a large number of plastic surgeries. Kim assures that not a single scalpel touched her figure. But at the same time, the model’s ex-boyfriend says the opposite. According to him, Kim Kardashian had several plastic surgeries, including abdominal liposuction. To confirm his words, he even threatens to present paid receipts from the clinics where his ex-wife went.

But actress Tara Reid has the most terrible memories associated with liposuction. After unsuccessful fat pumping, her belly sagged and unsightly lumps appeared on it. Several corrective surgeries were needed to correct the consequences of failed plastic surgery, but they did not help completely get rid of the problem.

Photo source: Internet

"VIA Gra"

The girl gained fame from her participation in the pop group of Konstantin Meladze “VIA Gra”. The girl passed a tough selection at the castings - out of 200 applicants, she was chosen. However, the girl did not stay long in the trio and, after a rapid rise up together with VIA Groi, she returned to television, becoming a co-host of Maxim Nelipa in the program “Rise!” on the New Channel. She combined this work with her studies at the university. Workdays did not prevent Anya from receiving a diploma with honors.

Anna Sedokova joined the “golden” cast of “VIA Gra”

The VIA Gra group appeared in Sedokova’s life again in 2002. She replaced Nadezhda Meikher, who left the group due to pregnancy. For two years, the girl, as part of a sexy group, one of the members of which at that time was the famous Vera Brezhneva, recorded songs such as “Stop-stop-stop”, “Kill my friend ", "Don't leave me, my love", "There is no more attraction", "The Third Ocean". In addition to singing songs, Anya was involved in staging and directing the group’s performances. VIA Gra - Biology Thanks to her spectacular appearance, Anya became a regular guest of glossy magazines.. Only for her sake did the Russian Playboy organize a photo shoot without a full nude. This issue with dressed Sedokova on the cover broke all sales records.

Anna Sedokova in Playboy magazine

Solo career

At the peak of her popularity in the VIA Gra group, Anna Sedokova began a relationship with Dynamo football player Valery Belkevich. Having made a choice in favor of family happiness, she left the group. Immediately after leaving the team, Anya starred for the glossy men's magazine Maxim. The photo shoot turned out to be more than piquant - the girl was four months pregnant.

Anna Sedokova posed for MAXIM magazine

After VIA Gra, the singer begins a solo career. In April 2006, a girl under the pseudonym Annabelle released a video for the song “My Heart.” And for the first time, after a break, Anna Sedokova appeared on stage in September of the same year at the “Five Stars” festival in Sochi. There the singer becomes the winner of the Audience Award. Before the new year 2007, Sedokova passed the casting and became the host of the program on Channel One “New Songs about the Main Thing”. Anna Sedokova and MONATIK - Hush A little later, Anna signs a contract with the recording company Real Records and releases a video for the song “The Best Girl”. Her solo career began to gain momentum, the release of her first album had already been announced, but due to personal reasons (read about them below), Anna took a creative time-out.

In 2008, the singer received an offer to become a co-host of the “King of the Ring” show on Channel One. In parallel with this, Anna manages to host the Ukrainian show “TV Star - Superstar”. Anna Sedokova also finds time for Ilya Averbukh’s project “Ice Age 2”. Professional figure skater Andrei Khvalko was chosen as the artist’s skating partner. Also in 2008, Anya shot a video for the song “I’m getting used to it” and starred in the Ukrainian TV series “Power of Attraction”.

“Ice Age”: Anna Sedokova and Andrei Khvalko Anya’s career is going uphill by leaps and bounds and the girl is simply in great demand at various shows. So, already in March 2009, Sedokova participated in the musical project of Channel One “Two Stars”, where Vadim Galygin became her microphone partner. And a few months later, Anna’s new song “Selyavi” (later “Drama”) was presented on Russian Radio.

By the way, the author of the song was the singer herself and her music producer Dmitry Klimashenko. Some time later, Anna Sedokova pleased fans with another hit - the premiere of the composition “Frozen Heart”, which was recorded in a duet with Dzhigan, took place on Love Radio. In the same year, Anya’s next success as an actress followed - the girl starred in the film “Moskva.RU”, and donated the received fee to charity.

About showbiz

1. In one of the interviews, Masha Malinovskaya admitted that she decided to go under the surgeon’s knife because she was bullied at school as a child. Because of her height and thinness, she was teased with a fly agaric, which ultimately gave the girl terrible complexes. She is one of the first Russian stars to acquire “silicone” lips.

Masha Malinovskaya admitted that she decided to go under the surgeon’s knife because she was bullied at school as a child.

2. In the mid-2000s, the famous VJ lost weight sharply and almost at the same time she developed a large bust. As you understand, the girl also acquired such impressive advantages with the help of plastic surgeons.

In the mid-2000s, the famous VJ lost weight sharply and almost at the same time she developed a large bust

3. In 2009, Masha grows her hair, twirls her curls more and more often, and enlarges her lips again. In addition, the star decides to have blepharoplasty. The TV presenter's gaze becomes noticeably more open and her eyes larger.

In 2009, Masha grows her hair, twirls her curls more and more often, and enlarges her lips again

4. In 2010, Masha Malinovskaya discovered Botox injections and eyebrow microblading. The TV presenter's face is becoming more and more motionless and smooth, but her eyebrows are thicker and darker. Also during the same period, Malinovskaya underwent breast reduction surgery. A bust that is too full goes out of fashion, as does an overly glamorous appearance.

The TV presenter's face is becoming more and more motionless and smooth

5. In 2014, Malinovskaya goes to the other extreme: she dyes her hair brunette, gives herself a short haircut, clearly abuses tanning and, most importantly, actively uses fillers for facial plastic surgery, causing the elongated, doll-like oval of the star’s face to become round. And dimples clearly appear on the cheeks. Plus, the girl still resorts to Botox injections and still uses fillers.

In 2014, Malinovskaya goes to the other extreme

6. In 2022, the former TV presenter changes dramatically. Apparently, she removes the so-called “Bisha lumps”, which makes her cheekbones more defined and her face even thinner. In addition, the girl clearly lengthens her chin with the help of fillers so that the oval of her face looks more refined. Masha is back in trend, but fans are already hinting to the star that she shouldn’t be in such a hurry to “upgrade” herself. After all, fashion is fleeting, but health is one thing.

7. However, a little later, Masha Malinovskaya decides to undergo another operation, the so-called “Cupid's bow”. This is when the surgeon uses a scalpel to make the upper lip mark pronounced, for which part of the skin of the lip is cut off and sutured. And everything to create a fashionable curve. Fans are already saying with confidence that Malinovskaya has clearly gone too far with this fashion, but it seems that the star herself is happy.

Cupid's Bow

8. Recently, the former TV presenter has been actively posing for selfies, showing off her perfect abs and painful thinness. Moreover, this body is so ideal that fans suggested that the former presenter and deputy of the Belgorod City Duma decided on hardware lipolysis. In this case, small fat deposits on the abdomen are corrected using certain injection or hardware techniques. As a result, the patient acquires perfect abs without any extra work.

Who is interested? Stage 1 weight loss. Stage 2 drying. I don’t like going to the gym and prefer a sports club in my own home where no one sees me

9. By the way, if you compare the latest photographs of the star with her photographs from at least five years ago, it is obvious that the blonde beauty decided to undergo rhinoplasty. Today, the star's nose looks smaller and neater than before.

I'm going to the land of harsh men and bitter frosts. MEET EKATERINURG!!!

10. And judging by how Masha Malinovskaya’s face has changed, experts suggest that the ex-Russian TV star resorted to lipofilling - facial plastic surgery with her own fat. This procedure made it possible to remove fine wrinkles around the lips and eyes and made the face almost doll-like. The lips also took on a different shape. They have become neater and more reminiscent of dolls than the “silicone version” of the 2000s.


Other facets of talent

In March 2010, Anna made her debut as a writer.
The girl publishes the book “The Art of Seduction,” which is in great demand among fans. In the same year, two videos of Anna Sedokova were released simultaneously - “Drama” and “Frozen”, and the girl performed in the Ukrainian analogue of the show “Two Stars” together with Viktor Loginov. In October, the singer goes on a big tour of the cities of the CIS countries with a new show program. After leaving VIA Gra, Anna Sedokova reunited with the group only once - in November 2010 at an anniversary concert in Ukraine. The girl, together with her former colleagues, sang several songs, and the audience greeted the singer with a storm of applause, as if they were just waiting for her to come out.

Anna Sedokova - Heart in Bandages At the end of 2010, Anna shot a video for the song “Jealousy”, which has a fairly frank plot and obvious hints of lesbian love. The working video and photo reports from the set caused a scandal, and the clip was urgently re-edited for showing on TV channels.

By the way, last year Anya consolidated her acting experience with a role in the comedy “Pregnant”, starring together with Dmitry Dyuzhev and Mikhail Galustyan. In the film, the girl got the main role.

Anna Sedokova and Dmitry Dyuzhev. Still from the film “Pregnant”

In the fall of 2011, Anna became the host of the Russian version of the reality show “Project Podium,” which premiered on October 8, 2011 on the MTV Russia channel. On January 31, 2012, the premiere of the song “Taxi” took place on First Popular Radio. On September 11, the premiere of the video for the song “What have I done?” took place, and in November - the premiere of the video for the song “Unsafe,” sung together with Misha Krupin.

In 2013, Sedokova, together with Zhan Alibekov, was the host of the Kazakh reality show “The Seventh Race,” an analogue of the “Battle of Psychics” project.

In 2014, a new show “I want to go to Meladze” was released, where participants competed for the opportunity to become members of Meladze’s “M-BAND” group. Anna Sedokova was present among the mentors, but due to a conflict situation with her other colleagues, the singer had to leave the show. Sedokova still managed to cope with her emotions and returned, and her team reached the final, losing to Sergei Lazarev.

Anna Sedokova without makeup

In March 2016, the singer released her debut solo album “Personal”. The album includes 10 compositions. The lyrics of many songs are excerpts from Sedokova’s personal diaries. All odd-numbered tracks on the album were called "Day (day number) without you." The album was dedicated to her father, who abandoned their family, and her ex-men. Anna Sedokova - About You (2016) 2022 was marked by the release of the live album “The Real” - 12 old and new songs recorded from a live performance.

Personal data

  • Name: Anna
  • Last name: Sedokova
  • Date of Birth: 16.12.1982
  • Place of birth: Kiev, Ukraine
  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
  • Eastern horoscope: Dog
  • Occupation: singer, actress, TV presenter
  • Height: 170 cm
  • Weight: 49 cm

The combination of femininity, beauty, talent, the ability to achieve goals and stay on top in any situation - all this was embodied by the Russian-Ukrainian singer Anna Sedokova. She became famous performing in the “golden line-up” of “VIAGRA”. After leaving the group, Anna began a solo career. Now she is in demand not only as a singer, Sedokova is trying herself in new guises, which she succeeds in doing very well.

Personal life of Anna Sedokova

Anna Sedokova's first husband was Dynamo football player Valentin Belkevich. It was because of the relationship with this young man that the girl left the popular trio “VIA Gra”. In 2004, the singer gave birth to the athlete’s daughter Alina.

Wedding of Anna Sedokova and Valentin Belkevich

After the birth of the child, information began to appear in the press about a crack in the marriage of celebrities. In 2006, Sedokova and Belkevich filed for divorce. The reason soon became clear - the football player cheated on his wife with his former mistress. For the next two years, Anna disappeared from the media radar, then returned to duty.

In the photo: Alina Belkevich-Sedokova

In 2014, 41-year-old Valentin died due to a detached blood clot. Anna, who maintained a friendly relationship with her first husband, was heartbroken. In 2022, she won a lawsuit for the inheritance, for which she fought with Belkevich’s common-law wife.

Having recovered from her first divorce, the girl began to actively organize her personal life. Anna met a successful businessman, Formula 1 manager Maxim Chernyavsky. A young man of Ukrainian origin lived in Los Angeles, where Anya and her daughter often came.

Anna Sedokova and Maxim Chernyavsky

In February 2011 they got married. 5 months later, their daughter Monica was born in a California clinic.

Birthday of Monika Chernyavskaya-Sedokova

Anna Sedokova's second marriage lasted exactly two years. After the separation, Anna accused her ex-husband of cheating on her with another former Viagrian woman, Santa Dimopoulos, although she disowned her relationship with Chernyavsky: “I supported the Sedokova-Chernyavsky couple with all my heart, and I’m offended that now Anna is saying such things about me.”

The current communication between Sedokova and Chernyavsky cannot be called friendly. For the sake of their common daughter, they sometimes “reunited” for a short time, as happened on Monica’s 4th birthday. However, later Chernyavsky limited her communication with the baby. After much debate, Anna managed to agree that Monica would spend the summer with her, with the exception of three weeks, and the rest of the time she could come to her in California. Chernyavsky also insisted that Sedokova not post photos of their daughter on Instagram.

The figure of Anna Sedokova with and without photoshop

For about three years, Sedokova was in a close relationship with dancer and choreographer Sergei Guman. The couple quarreled and made up, but in 2016 Anna put an end to the relationship, simply tired of the busy schedule of concerts, filming, flights and raising her daughters.

Anna Sedokova and Sergey Guman

In April 2022, Anna Sedokova gave birth to a son, who received the exotic name Hector. The father of the child was the singer’s fiancé Artem Komarov (9 years younger than Anna). Alas, this union was destined for a short life - in August 2022, fans learned about the breakup of Anna and Artem.

In the photo: Anna Sedokova and Artem Komarov

In September 2022, Internet users figured out the name of Anna Sedokova’s new boyfriend from a beach photo from Turkey and were indignant. The singer's lover turned out to be Latvian basketball player Janis Timma. The outrage was caused not by the fact that the guy is almost 9 years younger than Anna, but by the fact that he has a wife and a small son.

In 2022, Anna Sedokova was caught having an affair with Janis Timma

Sana Timma, the deceived wife of the athlete, made an angry statement, calling Sedokova a “bitch” and saying that her husband, who was carried away by the singer, kicked her and her son out of the house. In response, Anna threatened Sanya with legal action.

The lovers' relationship developed rapidly. Only a year has passed, and Anna and Janis have already gotten married. The newlywed shone in a snow-white Zuhair Murad dress, the groom wore a formal suit. The lovers announced their new status on the “Evening Urgant” show.

Wedding of Anna Sedokova and Janis Timma

What kind of plastic surgery did the star do?

The presented star is not only a successful businesswoman and singer, but also a lover of a healthy lifestyle. The girl attends yoga and sports classes, adheres to the principles of proper nutrition, and also tries to maintain a proper sleep pattern. Moreover, the girl does not have any bad habits at all.

However, a correct lifestyle is not the only secret of the singer’s youth and beauty. Anna Sedokova quite often visits the cosmetologist's office, where she performs many procedures.

These include the following:

  • Mesotherapy is a course of injections that fills the body with beneficial vitamins;
  • Biorevitalization is a procedure that allows you to saturate skin cells with hyaluronic acid, due to which the skin remains elastic and fresh longer. In addition, it is worth noting that the presented procedure gives the substance the opportunity to penetrate the layers of the skin from which age-related changes begin;
  • Plasma therapy is a procedure in which plasma obtained from the patient’s blood is injected into the layers of the epidermis. Thanks to this, a girl can also significantly slow down the aging process;
  • Droppers that saturate the star’s body with a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, which also slows down the aging process of cells.

Breast augmentation surgery

It's no secret that breast surgery is one of the most visible surgeries. And in the case of Anna Sedokova, breast surgery has also become the most discussed issue among fans. The girl gave birth to three children, but her breasts still retain their shape. Of course, it is impossible to achieve such a beautiful bust without the help of a plastic surgeon.

Photo of Sedokova after breast surgery:

Many experts claim that the star increased her bust size even before pregnancy and the birth of children, and after that she slightly adjusted her saggy shape.

Girl's nose

Many of the girl’s particularly attentive subscribers note that if you look at old and new photos from 2022, you can see that the shape of Anna’s nose has also changed. In her youth, the singer had a thicker and larger nose, and now the performer can boast of an aristocratic nose, with a chiseled back .

However, some of Sedokova’s subscribers also doubt that the girl could resort to rhinoplasty, since she can easily change the shape of her nose thanks to contouring tricks. In any case, the star’s nose currently looks much neater than it did a few years ago.

Also, it should be noted that one day a girl posted a photo with Photoshop on social networks, in which the difference in the shape of her nose is noticeable.

Singer Sedokova before and after nose surgery:


Anna Sedokova admits that she made special injections into her lips in order to increase volume. The singer claims that she wants to look beautiful and like herself, and for this the star is ready to do anything.

Moreover, it is worth noting that the star regularly visits her cosmetologist, who helps her correct the shape of her lips and volume. It cannot be said that it was an unsuccessful plastic surgery, since the lips look natural and attractive. Also, Anna often gives injections with hyaluronic acid, which makes her lips look plump.


With age, each person's face shape changes due to many factors. And at her age, Anna Sedokova can boast of a perfectly contoured face. In addition, Anya became the happy owner of prominent cheekbones.

Of course, such an appearance can only be achieved with the help of a plastic doctor, to whom the star most likely turned. According to experts, the girl could have received filler injections with hyaluronic acid. Thanks to this procedure, the singer’s facial features became many times more expressive and aristocratic.


Again, if you compare the photo of the girl from her youth and the latest photographs, you can see that the beauty’s gaze has become more open, and the line of her eyebrows is more curved. In addition, in the new photographs you can see that the eyelids no longer droop.

The singer could get a similar effect thanks to botulinum toxin injections, which are placed in the forehead area. The presented procedure allows you to relax the muscles, which makes the patient’s skin smoother and without wrinkles.

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