Anna Gorshkova

  1. Height, weight, age. How old is Anna Gorshkova
  2. Biography and personal life of Anna Gorshkova
  3. Family and children of Anna Gorshkova
  4. Anna Gorshkova's ex-husband - Mikhail Borshchov
  5. Instagram and Wikipedia Anna Gorshkova
  6. Anna Gorshkova in Maxim magazine photo
  7. Photo of Anna Gorshkova before and after plastic surgery photo

Anna Gorshkova is an incredibly popular actress, despite her fairly young age. She made her debut in the television series “Poor Nastya.” And after her role in “Two Fates,” the girl becomes incredibly popular. She is currently starring in several films, which will soon be released on screens across the country.

But the personal life of our heroine is not so happy. She was married, but after some time the marriage broke up. No one knows for sure what caused this. Anna currently lives with her mother, who has dedicated her life to her beloved daughter. In the near future, the star of “Poor Nastya” and “Two Fates” hopes to meet a man who would become a support for her.

How was your childhood?

Actress and model Anna Gorshkova was born on November 28, 1983 in Moscow. Her father and grandfather served in the KGB. My grandmother worked as a teacher all her life. When the girl was 4 years old, the family broke up. Dad, Andrei Vladimirovich, moved to live in the States, and mother, Tatyana Ivanovna, a graduate of the Plekhanovsky Institute of Economy, began raising the child.

The daughter waited a long time for dad to return, and kept asking where he had gone. As an adult, Anna found the strength to forgive the betrayal. Unlike the mother, who after the divorce does not communicate with her ex-husband.

From the age of 4, Anna was raised by her grandfather

Since childhood, Anna has worked hard on herself. Mom did not let her daughter idle; she wanted her daughter to grow up fully developed. When the time came, she sent Gorshkova to a school with in-depth study of mathematics and English.

The future actress went to the same class with the children of famous influential parents, the discipline in the educational institution was ironclad. Failure to complete homework could result in expulsion from school.

Also, Anya’s mother decided that such a load was not enough for the child, so she enrolled her in a music school. Then the girl sang in the children's choir. Popova. Having received a certificate, Gorshkova entered Gnesinka. The future actress quickly realized that she did not have singing talent and dropped out of the music academy.


Anna was born into an intelligent family. After her parents' divorce, Anna Gorshkova was raised by her mother and grandmother. The main man in the family was the grandfather. To keep the girl busy, her relatives found her an elite educational institution and sent her to a choir and singing lessons. Growing up under the watchful eye of her grandfather, Anna looked for in her future wife a character similar to this person dear to her heart. This is exactly what Anna Gorshkova thought when she met millionaire Mikhail Borshchev.

Model business

Anna attended her first casting at the age of 14. She was immediately noticed by the organizers and began to be invited to small shows. After 2 years, Gorshkova signed a lucrative contract and went to Paris. In France, strict requirements were imposed on models. The girl did not give up; fashion designers predicted a great future for her and said that she had a “core.”

In 2001, squeezed like a lemon, Anna returned home, deciding for herself that she was done with the modeling business

Anya dreamed of becoming an actress, but did not go to theater institute. In Moscow, Gorshkova entered the faculty of sociology and personnel management, the evening department of the State University of Management.

Actress career

Anna began acting in films while still studying at the university. TV and STS assistants, searching for actresses for the historical telenovela “Poor Nastya,” went to modeling agencies in search of new faces.

For selected applicants, two-month courses were conducted to study acting skills. The class schedule was very tight, and besides, Gorshkova did not want to miss classes at the university, so there was absolutely no time left for studying the acting profession.

The producers and directors liked the girl so much that she was finally approved for the role of the serf Polina. Gorshkova brilliantly got used to the image of a swindler who tried in every possible way to annoy the main character.

Anna Gorshkova as serf Polina (series “Poor Nastya”)

The actors who starred in the film began to be recognized on the street. A new page has opened in the biography of Anna Gorshkova. Immediately after filming “Poor Nastya,” the actress played in the melodrama “Dear Masha Berezina,” followed by the drama “A Horseman Named Death.” Participation in TV series launched Gorshkova’s acting career; she acquired skills, work experience, and made acquaintances.

Soon, the artist’s filmography was replenished with new works:

  • "Bachelors";
  • "Two Fates";
  • "Ticket to the Harem";
  • "My love";
  • "Provincial passions";
  • "At all latitudes."

Directors are not embarrassed by Anna’s lack of an acting diploma; they trust her with the images of leading characters, their films become popular. Films in which Gorshkova starred:

  • "Stirlitz's Wife";
  • "House with Lilies";
  • "Lucky in Love";
  • “Such work”;
  • "My mommy".

In the film “Save and Destroy” Anna starred naked.

The scandal around Gorshkova

Not long ago, one of the famous magazines in Russia invited Anna to appear on the cover. Anya, of course, agreed. According to the photographer's idea, she was supposed to appear in front of the camera in an open form. Several pictures ended up on the Internet. In one of them, the actress was wearing short shorts and a sexy corset. She stood by the open door of the refrigerator with her back to the camera. The figure of Gorshkova caused mixed comments from the public. Many noted that Anna's buttocks were a little flabby, and it would not hurt for her to play sports. Others, despite the sad truth, supported the actress and expressed admiration for her courage to appear in this form.

The girl also showed off her curvaceous figure, posing on a huge soft bed, which caused even more excitement around her person. Some ill-wishers expressed that Gorshkova’s figure is far from Hollywood standards.

Anna herself prefers not to respond to such comments. She believes that all famous personalities have haters, and not a single actor, actress, singer or singer can do without them. Therefore, she does not consider it necessary to stoop to their level and enter into a discussion. In addition, the girl never had problems with self-esteem. From childhood she was taught to accept herself and her body as God created it. Anya is very glad that she has the opportunity to participate in such photo shoots.

Personal life

The actress met her first husband at a dinner party with friends. At first, Anna did not perceive the head of Tsentrgaz, Mikhail Borshchev, as a suitor. But they quickly found a common language, despite the fact that the age difference between them is 15 years. The man courted the model for a long time and beautifully, pampering her with expensive gifts. In 2007, their magnificent wedding took place. The wedding ceremony took place in Monaco.

Gorshkova dreamed that her wedding would be like Grace Kelly’s and her husband would throw her a magnificent celebration

The couple did not have children; they divorced in 2009, after which Anna hides her personal life from the press. It is unknown whether the woman is dating anyone. Several times she came to social events accompanied by Shalva Museliani.

This was followed by accusations against Gorshkova that she stole Alina Kabaeva’s fiance. The actress had to make a public statement - she and Shalva are just friends, they are united only by their love of cinema.

Family and children of Anna Gorshkova

Anna always clearly knew what the man of her dreams should be like. This is definitely an influential, wealthy person, standing firmly on his own two feet, older than her in age. He must provide a high standard of living to his chosen one.

Anna Gorshkova's ex-husband - Mikhail Borshchov

Fate gave the actress a meeting with just such a person. Anna Gorshkova and Mikhail Borshchev got married in 2007.

The actress recorded several solo songs

They celebrated a luxurious wedding in Monaco. Mikhail is 15 years older than Anna, attentive, courteous, caring. But the happiness did not last long. Living together destroyed the family idyll. After living together for 1.5 years, the couple separated. Mikhail was jealous of Anna’s social life, and the girl had no intention of becoming a housewife.

Pavel Delong and Anna Gorshkova

Rumors about a romance between Pavel and Anna arose after their joint filming in the film “Stirlitz’s Wife.” When they appeared together at the Moscow Film Festival, everyone started talking about the actors’ intention to get married.

No matter how hard the press tries, it is not known for certain about the relationships of the stars


Why did the family of Gorshkova and Borshchev break up?

After the wedding, the couple lived together for only a short time. Mikhail believed that he could well provide for the wife and children that Anna Gorshkova would give him, so she did not have to work at all. She wanted to act in films, she did not want to lock herself within four walls.

Did Anna Gorshkova have plastic surgery?

Most fans of the actress are sure that Anya repeatedly went to the operating table to correct her face and figure. Gorshkova states in an interview that she is too young to have plastic surgery. The changes in appearance occurred because she set a goal to lose 10 kg and achieved success.

Anna Gorshkova before and after plastic surgery

For now, the artist has enough of regular visits to the beauty salon, where Gorshkova gets massages and anti-aging treatments. In addition, since the days of modeling, Anna does not eat sweet, salty, meat or bread. So far he can’t refuse chocolate and always takes it with him to the set.

Anna Gorshkova now

Now the actress continues to dream of a prince and wait to meet her destiny.

Anna has repeatedly graced the covers of famous magazines - Cosmopolitan, Glamor, Vogue

She strictly monitors her appearance and figure. Her delicate aristocratic features invariably attract attention and become the center of heated debate. Anna does not hide the fact that she became a regular client of beauty salons at the age of 35, took a course of botulinum toxin, thanks to which she got rid of wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows, and made several Botox injections. Fans and envious people, of course, attribute plastic surgery to her, but the actress denies them. Anna puts a lot of effort into preserving her natural beauty and youth.

Anna took part in erotic shootings for Maxim and XXL magazines

Gorshkova does not hide the fact that she devotes all her free time to self-care. She tries to get enough sleep, lead an active and healthy lifestyle, and eat well. Anna is wary of food and genetically modified products. Prefers to buy seasonal vegetables and fruits at markets rather than glossy samples in supermarkets. Includes fish and dairy products in the diet. The actress excluded bread, sweets, meat, smoked and salty foods from her diet. He considers milk chocolate to be the only weakness in his diet, which he cannot give up.

Interesting biography facts

Interesting facts about the actress:

  • In 2013, rumors circulated in the press that Anna Gorshkova was having an affair with Stanislav Govorukhin. She starred in his film “Passenger” in 2008. The director is 47 years older than the artist.
  • Sports activities help the actress maintain her figure. Anna is a lover of sailing, horse riding, and runs in the morning.

While working on the melodrama “My Love,” where Anna played the role of Alina Chizhevskaya, she resumed her vocal training. The actress independently performed the composition featured in the film.

Anna Gorshkova prefers to hide her personal life

Projects for the future

For a long time there were rumors that Anna could not give birth. But the girl refutes them. First of all, Anna Gorshkova is an actress. Her husband, family, children, home are considered by her as a serious step that is not taken thoughtlessly.

Now the artist is busy in various projects , she does not forget about the modeling business, and attends events. As Anna Gorshkova herself claims, she will have a husband and children, but so far she has not met the one person with whom she would like to connect her life.

For her many fans, Anna created her own VKontakte group, where there is news about her life and future projects. On the Instagram network, she regularly posts new photos and short videos with her participation. Gorshkova participates in advertising underwear. Her beautiful figure can be seen on the pages of glossy magazines and popular publishing houses.

Originally posted 2018-07-04 05:36:50.

Last news

Gorshkova’s latest film work is the historical film “To Paris,” which was released on television in 2022. The audience has no complaints about the artists involved in the film; their acting, as always, is excellent. All questions are addressed to director Sergei Sarkisov.

In March 2022, posts about a cure for coronavirus appeared on Anna Gorshkova’s Instagram page. Roszdravnadzor, after conducting an investigation, warned Russian citizens that the product advertised by the actress is only effective for treating the liver. The case was transferred to the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Moscow.

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