Biomechanical stimulation of facial and neck muscles + photomesotherapy

Biostimulation and myostimulation - similarities and differences Biostimulation is an alternative to myostimulation: we understand the similarities and differences between these methods. Specialist in the field of biostimulation - Vadim Vasilievich Lukhvich 2020-10-09 2020-10-09 Online store of sports equipment in Moscow

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In recent years, a huge number of different kinds of ways to tidy up your figure have appeared, including those that are called “gymnastics for the lazy.” There are many such systems, since the dream of a “magic” pill or fitness without leaving the couch firmly dominates the minds of our contemporaries. Sometimes they are even very similar to each other, so it’s easy to get confused in this wealth. For example, it is very easy for the average person to confuse biostimulation and myostimulation. We’ll talk about the similarities and differences between these “lazy” methods of healing.

About the procedure

Facial biostimulation is a modern and effective hardware technique for stimulating skin and muscle tissue using electric current in order to mobilize and activate the natural physiological processes of skin cell regeneration.
Biostimulation procedures for the face and body are carried out using the universal device Ultratone Futura Pro, which combines more than 150 thousand hardware techniques and programs. This allows for a comprehensive effect on the patient’s body, depending on the goal of the procedure, while simultaneously stimulating skin, connective, fatty and muscle tissue, and activating the body’s reserve capabilities.

Facial biostimulation is aimed at improving the contours of the oval of the face, stimulating muscles that lose their ability to contract and gradually sag with age, smoothing wrinkles, and increasing skin turgor.

The beneficial effect of the procedure is based on a complex effect - in fact, one correctly selected biostimulation program replaces a whole range of procedures:

  • the skin rejuvenation and restoration program includes non-injection procedures of biorevitalization, mesotherapy, elos-lifting;
  • skin healing program aimed at correcting acne is based on the action of ultrasound and microcurrent therapy;
  • a program aimed at treating stressful conditions and improving the emotional background was created on the basis of chromotherapy.

Equipment for myostimulation

SM-Cosmetology specialists perform facelifts using the British Futura Pro device, created by Ultratone Ltd. Its advantage is the widest selection of biostimulation programs (about 30) and individual schemes (more than 150,000), suitable for a specific patient.

Futura Pro is equipped with a computer system into which it is necessary to enter a person’s height, weight, age, problems to be solved, and other individual data. Based on a meta-analysis of this information, the computer makes recommendations on the use of a particular scheme. The final choice remains with the specialist of our clinic, who makes it based on his extensive experience.

Details of the sessions

The therapy program is selected by the doctor individually for each patient and depends on the nature and severity of skin problems.
The impact occurs using sensors and attachments with which the device is equipped. Adjustment of the intensity of their work is controlled by a doctor. The patient does not experience any particular discomfort. The contraction of facial muscles that occurs during the procedure helps increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin, improving local blood circulation makes the complexion even and healthy, activating the function of the lymphatic system reduces swelling and promotes the removal of toxins.

Biostimulation of the face does not require special preparation; it is carried out in a course of 10-20 sessions two to three times a week. The duration of the procedure is from 30 to 60 minutes. The effect of the sessions is cumulative, manifests itself within a month and lasts up to a year, after which the course can be repeated.

How is biostimulation performed?

The FuturaPro device is not just an auxiliary equipment, but a real “smart machine” that independently selects a list of procedures in accordance with the anthropometric and other data of the patient.
And also independently controls the entire process. The specialist enters the necessary information and determines the specific method of influence. Biostimulation of the face is absolutely painless and takes no more than 50 minutes. On average, about 10–12 procedures are required to achieve optimal results.


  • increased muscle tone
  • wrinkle smoothing
  • improvement of facial contours
  • strengthening the walls of capillaries and blood vessels
  • stimulation of collagen fiber production
  • reduction of swelling
  • cleansing skin from acne
  • improvement of skin texture

The Ultratone Futura Pro device belongs to the so-called “smart machines” - its programs independently monitor the progress of the procedure.
However, no matter how intelligent the device is, it must be operated by a cosmetologist who has been trained to work with the device. You can select a clinic and specialist for facial biostimulation procedures using our portal.

Below are clinics and experienced doctors who perform facial biostimulation in Moscow and Russian cities. You can find out the cost of stimulation of the skin and facial muscles, contraindications, ratings and reviews, and also make an appointment online.

Biomechanical stimulation of facial and neck muscles + photomesotherapy

The creator of the biomechanical stimulation (BMS) method, Vladimir Titovich Nazarov, professor, master of sports in artistic gymnastics, member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, was associated with research in the field of muscle vibration.

His first experimental gymnastic apparatus for muscle stimulation was created in the 70s of the last century. Subsequently, this method was kept under the heading “Top Secret” for more than 20 years. And only after political changes in Russia it became known in the West.

At first, BMS was used by Soviet gymnasts during training before the Olympic Games. It was then used by Soviet cosmonauts to combat microgravity-induced osteopenia (abnormally low bone mass) and muscle degeneration.

As it became popular over the years, BMS was used primarily by elite athletes and ballet masters to increase strength and coordination of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, and to speed up the healing of injuries.

Today, BMS is used to correct many different conditions as an adjunctive therapy. Currently, Nazarov’s BMS method has received a rebirth in cosmetology. Facial BMS is a special type of passive gymnastics for the muscles of the face and neck, performed using a special stimulator, in which the patient’s facial muscles are subjected to vibratodic oscillations in the range of 18-30 Hz with an amplitude of 3 mm, which creates a reflex reaction of the muscles in the form of a chain of small and fast involuntary contractions. In fact, the procedure is one of the types of hardware lifting. However, during exposure, the treated areas are not injured, and the integrity of the skin is not compromised.

The procedure is easily tolerated, has a minimum of contraindications and does not provoke any complications after it is performed. It is well known that regular exercise makes our body elastic, fit and young. In the case of the face, our attempts to “rejuvenate” are usually limited to maintaining skin tone and eliminating age-related changes in one way or another.

Any cosmetic procedures do not in any way involve the muscle layer of the face, so even thick skin cannot cope with sagging aging muscles. As a result, aesthetic techniques provide only an external and very short-lived effect. Biomechanical stimulation works differently: the result is achieved by activating blood circulation, restoring the volume and functioning of the muscle fibers of the face and the entire head as a whole, as well as the neck and décolleté.

As a result: the skin is tightened and smoothed, wrinkles “go away”, the oval of the face is restored, and all because trained muscles tone and sagging skin. The effect provided is a unique method for combating and preventing ptosis.

How does biomechanical stimulation work and what does it affect?

What is the effect on the body during BMS training? The technique itself was developed by Nazarov on the basis of a method acquired in sports medicine and rehabilitation. The professor, through numerous studies and practice, came to the conclusion that muscles are most effectively trained in a state of so-called tremor.

Recovery tremor is an accelerated contraction of some muscle fibers that occurs after peak load. During such vibrational contractions, the muscles are cleansed of the remnants of oxidative processes and glucose breakdown products.

Muscle contractions after a peak load are necessary to pre-prepare the muscles for similar subsequent loads. In the future, training ceases to be a stress for muscle fibers, as the body directs forces and resources to increase their endurance and strength.

During his research, Nazarov determined the frequency of muscle contraction during vibration tremor and the amplitude of contraction of muscle fibers. Further research has shown that even passive exposure without preliminary active load gives the same effect as natural rehabilitation tremor. That is, even if the muscle was not previously loaded, vibration tremor stimulates the “programming” of the muscles for subsequent loads and endurance for it.

Contractions of a certain amplitude and frequency trigger the same biochemical processes in cells as active training. After such passive stimulation, the muscles become obviously more resilient and stronger.

Such an impact scheme provides the following result:

  • Muscle tone increases, the elasticity of muscle fibers and connective tissue increases.
  • Muscles become more resilient to active load.
  • At the same time, dynamic and static strength indicators increase.
  • The interaction between muscle fibers and nerve endings increases.
  • Blood circulation improves at the peripheral level.
  • Metabolic processes accelerate, glucose breakdown products are removed from the muscles faster.
  • General strengthening of the central nervous system.

The beneficial properties described above are used in the following industries and areas of physiology:

  • Sports medicine and rehabilitation.
  • Additional stimulation and preparation of muscles before serious competitions or active seasonal training.
  • Prevention of sports injuries that occur due to heavy loads on muscles and joints.
  • Rehabilitation procedures: biomechanical stimulation is effective after endoprosthetics, bone fractures, muscle strains and other “sports” injuries.
  • Recovery after serious illnesses. In medicine, BMS is even used as rehabilitation after radiation therapy and long-term treatment (accompanied by limited mobility of the patient).
  • Losing excess weight, getting rid of cellulite.
  • Increasing muscle elasticity - with the BMS simulator it is easier to do the splits and increase stretching.
  • General improvement of the body - biomechanical stimulation is included in most modern fitness programs and workouts.
  • Increasing the mobility of patients with cerebral palsy.

Results of laser rejuvenation procedure

After a skin rejuvenation lifting session with the LaseMD device, the process of cell regeneration and restoration begins. The results after the procedure are amazing:

  • removal of fine wrinkles;
  • leveling of deep wrinkles;
  • lightening;
  • removal of age spots;
  • increased elasticity;
  • smoothing of individual areas;
  • hair strengthening;
  • restoration of hair growth;
  • leveling scars;
  • treatment of benign pigmentation;
  • hydration.

The lasemd procedure is prescribed for the prevention of age-related aging, as well as for patients who have already undergone photoaging.

Stages of implementation

  • skin cleansing (makeup removal, skin treatment with lotion with an antiseptic effect, peeling - if necessary);
  • toning manual techniques (light cosmetic massage aimed at stimulating blood circulation);
  • applying a professional cosmetic product to the skin that promotes deep hydration of the dermis;
  • biostimulation;
  • the closing stage is removing the remnants of the cosmetic product from the skin, applying auxiliary products to the treated area.

At the discretion of the cosmetologist, some stages can be replaced by others - the choice is determined by the characteristics of the skin type, the degree of its withering and other factors.

Stretching and splits on the Nazarov apparatus

In addition to its therapeutic effect, biomechanical stimulation is used in various fitness programs. Many ballerinas use it to increase the flexibility of muscles and tendons. It is believed that using the Nazarov apparatus, doing the splits is much easier.

With the help of rehabilitation tremor, the muscles are filled with oxygen and blood, pain from stretching is reduced. After such exposure, the muscles are ready for stretching and loading, and are not injured when stretched. The consequences of rehabilitation tremor are the preparation of muscles at the cellular level for the same impact. This means that after each workout, the results of stretching will improve.

Stretching on the Nazarov apparatus is not traumatic, there is practically no risk of damaging muscles or tendons (this often happens during classical training, when quick results are needed). The heart rate does not change too much, there is no pain. According to research results, endorphins are even produced during BMS, which makes the workout more effective and enjoyable even on a psychological level.

Several reasons to do the splits using the BMS drug:

  • Low morbidity. Suitable for older people and people with minimal training.
  • High efficiency. A noticeable result after the first workout and a constant increase in muscle flexibility when exposed to mechanical waves on the Nazarov apparatus.
  • No contraindications (except for serious diseases), unlike traditional stretching.
  • Short training time. Compared to classic stretching, BMS requires several times less time.

Biomechanical stimulation cost

The cost of biomechanical facial stimulation is indicated in the table below.

BMS therapy (biomechanical muscle stimulation) 20-30 min.2000 rub.
BMS procedure – rejuvenation (massage + BMS + mask) (60 min)4000 rub.

You can consult a cosmetologist at Mira Clinic about the specifics of the procedure. Sign up for a free consultation by calling ext. 202. We work 7 days a week!

The required number of procedures is prescribed by a cosmetologist; as a rule, they are performed once a month. Biomechanical stimulation of the face has a low cost, but has high proven effectiveness.

A little history of the method

Professor Nazarov presented his apparatus to the public in the late seventies of the last century. The device for stimulating muscle tremor was initially used in Olympic training programs for Soviet athletes. The technology was especially often used for rehabilitation and pre-competition training of artistic gymnasts. According to the results of BMS training, the endurance indicators of athletes significantly increased, the number of injuries decreased due to increased elasticity of tendons and compounds.

Many experts argue that the success of Soviet athletes at the 1988 Summer Olympics is partly due to the widespread use of BMS training in the training of athletes.

During the same period, Nazarov’s biomechanical stimulation was used for the rehabilitation of ballet dancers of the Bolshoi Theater of the Soviet Union.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the author of the unique technique went abroad. Along with it, the popularity of BMS disappeared on the territory of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the Nazarov Stimulation Institute was opened in Latvia, and in Belarus such muscle stimulation was included in the national sanatorium treatment program. Since the beginning of the 21st century, branches of the Nazarov Institute have opened in many European countries, including well-known resort areas (Switzerland and Austria). Today, BMS drugs are used throughout the world and are recognized as an effective therapy internationally.

Progress of the procedure

During a non-ablative laser rejuvenation session, the doctor uses an active serum and a heat beam. The laser delivers serum components directly into the cells. After therapy, the patient can take the remaining funds with him. The remaining serum can be used morning and evening as a basic care.

Indications for laser rejuvenation indications:

  • a pronounced number of deep and facial wrinkles,
  • prevention of photoaging,
  • prevention of age-related changes,
  • pigmentation,
  • baldness, intense hair loss,
  • acne treatment.


There are no special restrictions for therapy. Contraindications are typical for other cosmetic procedures:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • exacerbation of infection;
  • systemic and autoimmune diseases;
  • damage;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • problems with blood clotting.

The laser delivers cosmeceuticals in the form of nanoparticles directly into cells.

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Description of the procedure for myofascial massage of the face, neck and head

It is important to sign up for a myofascial facial massage service in a salon with a professional so as not to harm your health.

Rolling - the epidermis is raised, while moving with the second hand until resistance appears.

All actions are directed along the muscle fibers.


All manipulations are performed at a fast pace.

  1. The massage therapist works with both hands, performing intense circular movements in the hairline.
  2. With your head on the side, your thumb is placed in front of your ear, and the rest on the hair area. If the head is tilted to the right side, the work is done with the left hand, and vice versa. Warming up the skin occurs intensively, alternating with light stroking. Then the second side of the head is worked on.
  3. The hands are in the hair area, and the fingers are placed on the forehead. Actions are performed with three fingers. The middle and index fingers affect the forehead, and the large one works with the temporal part. The movements themselves change: confident and strong ones turn into soft ones, the skin moves and then moves apart.

Neck area

The neck is massaged simultaneously with the head. While the head is being worked, the specialist’s second hand is working on the neck. Impulsive, deep actions are performed with both hands.

Myofascial massage of the chin area is performed only after working with the frontotemporal area. Both hands apply circular rolling movements to the front of the neck and the area behind the ears.

Facial zone

More time is spent on the face. Here is an approximate sequence of actions:

  1. Using confident circular movements, the specialist works with two points under the edges of the mouth.
  2. Near the corners of the mouth, stroking and rolling are performed to the cheekbone area and back. Closer to the starting point, the movements intensify, complemented by pinching, creating a vibration effect.
  3. The eyelids, both lower and upper, are worked as follows: the skin is rolled from the outer corners.
  4. Moving from the bridge of the nose to the temples, fingers press on the areas, returning back - stroking and lightly pinching.

Read material on the topic: Face building for the face

Has the effectiveness of BMS been proven?

International studies (Turner, Three rules for bone adaptation to mechanical stimulation) have proven the effectiveness of biomechanical stimulation not only for muscle fibers, but also for bones. According to the results of Turner's research, it was proven that bones are better restored and grow under dynamic load, rather than under static load. At the same time, the effect on bone tissue should not be intense and weak signals at a frequency of no more than 30 Hz have an anabolic effect (bone tissue increases).

To obtain the desired result in bone tissue, stimulation should last no longer than 72 seconds. After such a period of exposure, bone tissue begins to adaptively respond to tremor, launching rehabilitation processes. BMS shows effectiveness in rehabilitation procedures after fractures of any type of complexity.

Regarding muscles, the optimal period for training is considered to be constant exposure for three weeks or more. One study (Bosko) involved two experimental groups: one doing simple strength training, the other using biomechanical muscle stimulation. After three weeks, the strength indicators of the second group were significantly higher than the first. The effect of rehabilitation tremor has been compared to high-intensity interval training, which only works well for trained and experienced athletes.

Even independent use of the Nazarov apparatus to stimulate muscle fibers is comparable in effect to classical strength training. Thanks to biomechanical stimulation, muscles become many times more elastic and resilient. According to Golgi research, muscle length increases by 15% with three times two-minute exposure. At the same time, biomechanical stimulation has virtually no effect on heart rate and blood pressure levels (critically important when training people with cardiovascular diseases).

According to Ritwegger's research, biomechanical stimulation on the Nazarov apparatus improves metabolism. With rehabilitation tremor, oxygen absorption by the muscles increases. It is known that O2 accelerates all chemical reactions, and, accordingly, biochemical processes in the body. Biomechanical stimulation simultaneously increases muscle strength and endurance and accelerates metabolism. Patients become less obese, which means they are capable of more active exercise and quickly reach normal weight levels.

Biomechanical stimulation also improves lymph exchange. Good lymph circulation improves the processes of removing toxins and oxidation products from the body's cells. The lymphatic system itself, unlike the circulatory system, does not have individual active stimulation of fluid movement. Lymph circulation is ensured by muscle work, so BMS indirectly improves lymphatic metabolism in the body. Frequencies up to 15 Hz are used for biomechanical stimulation and are identical to those achieved by manual lymphatic drainage.

Biomechanical stimulation is used in rehabilitation after endoprosthetics. Thanks to low frequencies and rehabilitation tremor, proprioceptors are affected. These are small nerve endings around muscle fibers. They are responsible for the muscles’ perception of space, dynamics and load. Additionally, with BMS, pain is suppressed by affecting the nerve endings.

The effectiveness of using the Nazarov apparatus for diseases of the central nervous system (Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, strokes) has been proven. Biomechanical stimulation improves coordination, spatial awareness and motor skills. Moreover, BMS can theoretically stimulate the renewal of nerve endings in any part of the body. Low risks during biomechanical stimulation make the procedure most effective in training older people, stimulate the production of endorphins and have a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system.

As a summary of the therapeutic effect of biomechanical stimulation:

  • Physical functions increase by more than 140%.
  • Pain sensations are reduced.
  • The general condition of the body, blood and lymph circulation, and stimulation of the central nervous system are improved.
  • Increase in walking quality according to the Tinetti test.
  • Improved coordination and balance, better results on the get up and go test.
  • Indirect stimulation of internal organs, restoration of nerve endings.
  • Impact on the brain with beta, alpha and theta frequencies up to 18 Hz - resulting in the effect of relaxation and meditation.

Contraindications for BSM

Before performing biomechanical stimulation and facial modeling (BSM), it is necessary to ensure that there are no contraindications to the procedure. Here are some contraindications for this procedure:

  • Inflammation in the lymph nodes, viral and colds, elevated body temperature;
  • Pustular and skin diseases on the face;
  • Angina pectoris, hypertension;
  • Oncology;
  • Pathologies of the nervous system;
  • Predisposition to bleeding;
  • Presence of metal implants.
  • Individual intolerance to vibration vibrations may also be a contraindication. Be sure to consult a cosmetologist about possible contraindications before starting the procedure.

Getting rid of cellulite

Another underestimated effect of biomechanical stimulation is getting rid of cellulite and increasing skin elasticity. According to research by Vladimir Nazarov himself, with the help of biomechanical stimulation you can get rid of cellulite on the thighs and buttocks and also prevent the first signs of aging of the body’s skin.

According to Nazarov, cellulite cannot be eliminated with ointments or tanning alone. The cause of the problem lies much deeper and is associated with a violation of metabolic processes in the body. With the help of BMS, you can make the process of cellulite formation reversible.

Cellulite itself is loose connective tissue, fiber. In the body, it surrounds most internal organs and muscle fibers. This fiber stores fat as a source of energy. In the normal state of metabolic processes, exchange and circulation of intercellular fluid occurs in loose tissue. With age and time, fiber hardens and crystallizes due to excess collagen and tissue degradation occurs. Externally, this manifests itself as lumpy skin and cellulite.

The only alternative to BMS is painful mechanical impact, anti-cellulite massage. The procedure is quite painful and is not always effective for the deeper layers of the skin. BMS stimulates rehabilitation muscle tremor and improves lymphatic metabolism.

The crystallized parts of the fiber are destroyed, stagnation in the loose tissue goes away. Even after the first few treatments, the skin becomes firmer and cellulite is reduced.

A few words about the fight against cellulite using the Nazarov apparatus:

  • The procedure is painless.
  • Effective even for advanced stages of cellulite.
  • Does not destroy blood vessels, does not leave hematomas or abrasions.

Indications and contraindications for myofascial facial massage

Cases when you should use the procedure:

  • Fat deposits (for example, double chin).
  • Enlarged pores.
  • The appearance of wrinkles.
  • Skin laxity in the décolleté and neck area.
  • Edema.
  • Decreased muscle tone.

We should not forget that this manipulation is therapeutic, so you must first consult a doctor. After all, only a specialist will be able to establish the true causes of the dysfunction of your body.

The procedure under consideration in each case has a positive effect and can indeed become an alternative to surgery. But this does not mean that any woman will be able to use it.

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  • How to get rid of facial wrinkles and prevent their reappearance
  • Masks for facial rejuvenation: 8 tips from cosmetologists
  • Microcurrent facial therapy is a beneficial treatment for your skin

Myofascial aesthetic modeling facial massage can eliminate spasms. It also replaces contouring and skin tightening procedures.

Contraindications for myofascial massage:

  • rosacea;
  • viral diseases, herpes;
  • increased bleeding, easy damage to blood vessels;
  • violation of the epidermis (cracks, sores, abrasions);
  • dermatitis, eczema, pyoderma (purulent rashes);
  • allergy;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • large moles, spider veins, papillomas.

Myofascial syndrome is a muscle dysfunction that results in the formation of local compactions in the form of pain points.

Another focus of the procedure is the elimination of injuries and pain. With this syndrome, it is recommended to resort to myofascial facial massage. It will help relax muscles and relieve tension.

Elimination of myofascial syndrome of the face is actively practiced in yoga centers. It is there that experienced professionals know how to efficiently work out pain points.

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