Anna Gorshkova: biography, personal life, family, films and photos of the actress

Biography of Anna Gorshkova

Anya was born on November 28, 1983 in Moscow (Russia). Her mother did not work anywhere, she kept house and devoted herself entirely to raising her daughter. Before the birth of the only child in the family, Tatyana Ivanovna (mother) studied at the Plekhanov University of National Economy. The girl's father worked in the USSR State Security Service.

At the age of four, Anna Gorshkova's parents divorced. The girl did not realize the seriousness of what was happening then, but she always remembered her dad. After the divorce, Anya’s dad flew to the USA, and the little daughter remained with her mother and grandfather, who lived in Moscow. The grandfather was in many ways able to replace the girl’s father. But over time, she herself decided to communicate with dad.

Last news

Gorshkova’s latest film work is the historical film “To Paris,” which was released on television in 2022. The audience has no complaints about the artists involved in the film; their acting, as always, is excellent. All questions are addressed to director Sergei Sarkisov.

In March 2022, posts about a cure for coronavirus appeared on Anna Gorshkova’s Instagram page. Roszdravnadzor, after conducting an investigation, warned Russian citizens that the product advertised by the actress is only effective for treating the liver. The case was transferred to the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Moscow.

Anya's further fate

The girl’s childhood and teenage years were far from carefree, as she wanted. Mom alone coped with all the worries that fell on her shoulders. She worked several jobs to earn money for her daughter's education. Thanks to her mother’s work, Anna Gorshkova was able to enter a prestigious school with in-depth study of English and mathematical sciences. The girl's classmates were the children of famous people.

The discipline in this educational institution was strict, and the attitude of the teachers towards all students was the same. Any violation of the school rules could lead to the expulsion of the child, which would be a great shame for famous families.

Anya was also one of the students at the music school and vocal club, which she eventually abandoned because she realized that she did not have the talent to sing.

Model business

For the first time in her life, Anya went to a model casting when she was 14 years old. After that, she began to be invited to shows by famous couturiers and offered serious contracts. At the age of 16, Anna’s career as a model began to develop rapidly. She worked in the capital of Russia and France.

In Paris, future actress Anna Gorshkova worked alongside professional fashion models. They did not spare her, despite her young age, and demanded exactly what experienced models should do. The girl liked to walk on the catwalk and was admired by many. However, over time, she realized that her soul was asking to return to her homeland. Anya returned to Moscow.

Gorshkova decided to get a higher education and entered the State University of Medicine. After graduating, Anna thought about getting another diploma. This time her choice fell on the acting school at.

Debut film role and next work

While studying acting, she created a project called “Poor Nastya” together with another major television company. The producers were recruiting new faces to star in the series. In particular, candidate models were considered. One of the lucky ones who was lucky enough to pass the selection was A. Gorshkova.

Before working, actress Anna Gorshkova had to take courses lasting two and a half months in order to be approved for the role. Given her busy study schedule and many other activities, she was forced to skip them. However, even this did not stop Anya from becoming one of the heroines of the television film. So, she got the role of Polina in the TV series “Poor Nastya”.

After the release of this picture, the actress received an offer to star in another famous series - “Dear Masha Berezina”. In it, Anya became Berezina’s friend, after which she played in many more Russian films.

Anna Gorshkova before and after plastic surgery - what the star did with her appearance

The famous actress, whose popularity came after appearing in the television series “Poor Nastya” and “Two Fates,” enjoys well-deserved love from both fans and film directors. She appears in high-quality films, takes up photography and tries to break into Instagram; she is often invited to film shoots and offered to participate in professional festivals, shows and events.

Charming Anna Gorshkova has long been considered one of the symbols of natural Russian beauty. However, lately only the lazy do not talk about the sudden changes in her appearance. Of course, more than 15 years have passed since its debut on television, and it is impossible to remain the same for such a period of time. But most fans firmly believe that only plastic surgery could have caused the metamorphosis that occurred. Is this really true? Today we will compare old photos of the actress with fresh ones and try to get to the bottom of the truth:

↑ What Gorshkova is known for - cinema and modeling

  • Birthday: November 28, 1983
  • Height: 171 cm. Weight: 55 kg.
  • Parameters: 89-61-90 Bust size: 3

Anya is a native Muscovite, her father and grandfather were KGB officers, her grandmother was a teacher, and her mother graduated from the Plekhanov Institute of National Economy. The mother took upon herself all the care of the child and her upbringing, and for the sake of this she abandoned her further career. And a few years after the birth of her daughter, her dad decided to emigrate to America and left the family.

To distract the girl from family problems, she was busy with her studies: an elite special school with an English and mathematical bias, after school - music classes and a children's choir named after. Popova. A little later, Anya even entered the Academy. Gnessinykh, however, very soon quit her studies - it is believed that due to lack of talent and desire.

In 1997 (at the age of 14), a young girl accidentally got into a modeling casting, and soon signed her first major contract, under the terms of which she would study in France. However, Anya did not like the underside of the modeling business and in 2001 she returned home with the firm belief that her work in the fashion industry was over forever.

In Moscow, Gorshkova entered the State University of Management, Faculty of Sociology and Management. The future star was of the opinion that education in theater universities does not make a real artist out of a person, and did not even think about professional training.

And in 2002, STS began filming the historical telenovela “Poor Nastya.” The authors of the project decided to involve completely new artists in the creation of the film. Auditions took place at theater universities and modeling agencies, and thanks to old connections, Gorshkova also got to the site. Everyone liked the girl’s appearance, but in order to fill the gap in professional education, she and several other applicants were sent to two-month courses at the Moscow Art Theater.

After completing acting school, Anna was approved for the role of Polina Penkova, a serf with a cunning and insidious character. Her heroine, although she was a negative character, quickly won the love of the public thanks to Gorshkova’s natural charm and charisma. The debut brought phenomenal success to the aspiring artist. After completing the filming of the series, she was invited to the sets of the films “Dear Masha Berezina” and “A Horseman Called Death.” Work on these films involved close collaboration with established stars, including Ksenia Rappoport, Dmitry Dyuzhev, Marina Alexandrova and others.

This was followed by filming in the films “Two Fates”, “Provincial Grown together”, “Ticket to the Harem”, “Golden Country”, “Spartakiad”, Passenger”, “My Love”, “Stirlitz’s Wife”, “House with Lilies” and many others. The lack of professional acting education does not prevent Gorshkova from flawlessly embodying the characters on television, and directors without a doubt give her leading roles in serious projects.

Among the latest films by the already famous and adored star are the comedy “Love Without Rules” and the detective story “Such Work,” released in 2016. In 2022, Anna appeared in the war film “To Paris” based on the script by Stanislav Govorukhin. Gorshkova continues to actively develop as an actress, and also maintains a not very popular account on Instagram, where she tries to show her modeling qualities.

↑ Personal life: waiting for great love

The girl, despite all her beauty and attractiveness, never achieved a family idyll. In the mid-2000s, there was a lot of talk about her affair with Shalva Museliani, whom the actress allegedly stole from gymnast Alina Kabaeva. This union did not end in anything, and Anna entered into her first marriage - with businessman Mikhail Borshchev - in 2007

The wedding took place in the form of a magnificent and expensive celebration in Monaco, where the newlyweds invited all their friends and relatives, paying for their flights and accommodation abroad. Unfortunately, the married life did not work out happily. Perhaps the reason for this was the 15-year age difference between the young people, or perhaps the husband’s reluctance for Anya to continue her public activities and work as an actress. Be that as it may, after just 1.5 years the couple divorced.

In 2013, journalists attributed Gorshkova an affair with Stanislav Govorukhin. They met back in 2008 while working on the film “Passenger,” and the director is 47 years older than Anna. The “lovers” themselves did not in any way confirm the gossip and, most likely, their tandem was exclusively creative, the relationship was friendly, and the romance was just an invention of reporters. Now, according to the official statements of the actress, she does not have a life partner. There are many fans, but, having the experience of an unsuccessful marriage, the beauty is in no hurry to re-bind herself into marriage.

↑ What plastic surgeries did Anna Gorshkova perform?

By modern standards, the girl began to actively engage in her appearance late - having already celebrated her 35th birthday. On Instagram, she often talks about how she is a regular client of beauty salons and beauty salons, preferring non-invasive anti-aging procedures and massages to restore freshness and tone to the face and body.

On her Instagram page, Gorshkova actively shares with her subscribers the cosmetic procedures that she herself regularly undergoes. Among her favorites are massage of the back and neck-collar area, as well as gas-liquid peeling, with which the girl cleanses, brightens and tightens the skin of the face.

However, when she appeared at the premiere of the film “The Explorer” at the end of 2018, the actress, beloved by many, literally shocked her fans. Her face changed dramatically, many even called it unnatural. Of course, the main version was unsuccessful plastic surgery - they say that the star overtightened something, overdid it somewhere, and for some reason also “shredded” her nose. However, upon closer comparison, everything turned out to be not so dramatic. Let's look at the points:

↑ What happened to the face?

If you compare photographs of young Anya and modern photographs of her, it becomes noticeable that her nose has become somewhat sharper and has slightly changed its shape at the tip. However, most likely, such metamorphoses occurred not thanks to a plastic surgeon, but as a result of weight loss - over the past year the star has lost several kilos. We have no real grounds to say that Gorshkova had rhinoplasty.

But this is not what caused the resonance - if earlier Gorshkova could boast of very natural and natural beauty, then the following can be seen in recent photographs:

  • facial features sharpened, the chin and cheekbones became more clearly defined, the shape of the eyes narrowed;
  • facial expressions became inactive, “lifeless”.

What happened? The obvious consequence of Botox injections is that it relaxes facial muscles and helps smooth out wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows, but with large dosages and/or violations of the injection technique, it can cause the characteristic “face-mask” effect, which was observed in the famous actress. Fortunately, this condition is not permanent, and gradually facial expressions should return to normal - unless, of course, Gorshkova again injects more than necessary.

As for the prominent cheekbones and pointed chin, it looks like weight loss played a major role here. As a result, the cheeks became a little thinner and the emphasis shifted to other areas of the face. A similar effect can be achieved with hyaluronic acid fillers, but in Anna's case, it doesn't look like she's using them to contour her face (except to fill in nasolabial folds and other wrinkles that always become more noticeable after losing weight).

But there are no traces of plastic surgery on Gorshkova’s face. She did not remove Bisha's lumps, did not do lifting or blepharoplasty - in general, Anna's skin, in particular the area around the eyes, looks very young and healthy, which is very rare for actresses of her level (constant makeup, hot spotlights, busy filming schedule with little sleep – all this contributes to premature aging).

From the photographs of the early 2000s it is clearly visible that the girl already had quite plump lips. Over time, the beauty began to make them even more voluminous and expressive with the help of well-chosen lipsticks, glosses and contour pencils. There are no obvious traces of injection augmentation in the photo of Gorshkova “after plastic surgery”. However, we do not rule out that the actress still uses a little hyaluronic acid to shape the size and contour; if this is the case, Anna and her cosmetologist can only be praised for their sense of proportion and a very natural result.

↑ Body without flaws. And without surgery?

Gorshkova cannot be called fat. Her figure in her youth was as natural and attractive as her facial features: slender, natural, and without the excessive thinness characteristic of most modern models. But even for those whom nature has endowed with impeccable genetics, their metabolism inevitably slows down with age, and they have to put in more and more effort to keep themselves in shape. Anna has taken up her body in earnest relatively recently - in her words, this includes working out in the gym, morning jogging in the fresh air, and in addition, proper nutrition with an emphasis on fish, vegetables and fruits.

The first result was not long in coming, and within a few months of training Gorshkova lost noticeable weight. How this affected her face is a moot point, but her figure definitely benefited. Anna herself completely agrees with this - she is not at all averse to sometimes posting rather candid photos on her Instagram with very little clothing. No traces of liposuction, lipofilling or other body contouring operations are visible on them. And the star calls her buttocks her weak point - they are still far from the ideal shape, but the actress also intends to correct the situation in the gym, and not on the surgeon’s table.

↑ Secrets in the décolleté area: without mammoplasty

As for the breasts, its presence is visible in both old and recent photos. There have been no significant changes in size and shape: the way Gorshkova’s bust looks depends heavily on her pose and the style of her dress, but in general it looks quite harmonious against the background of her figure, without raising thoughts of plastic surgery at all.

And this is not surprising, because Gorshkova is still young, has not become pregnant or given birth, so the rounded contour of the mammary glands without ptosis and other deformations could well have been preserved naturally. The likelihood of having implants seems almost zero to us. The only suspicious point is that after losing weight, the shape and size of her breasts remained the same, but given that the actress lost only a few kg, not 10 or 20, this is also quite possible.

  • Total:
    Anna Gorshkova’s external changes allegedly after plastic surgery caused a resonance and a flurry of discussions - but it seems that it was completely in vain. Despite the fact that the girl is credited with many operations, we can only say with confidence that she is no stranger to Botox and fillers. The star has not had plastic surgery and is still fighting aging with less radical cosmetic procedures. Her experiments with her own appearance do not always end successfully, but in general Gorshkova has taste and a sense of proportion, she does not chase fleeting fashion trends (huge lips, accentuated cheekbones, sunken cheeks, etc.) and definitely remains one of the most attractive domestic actresses.

Personal life of the actress

From the moment she began her career, the actress’s heart was free. For a long time she did not want to let anyone into her life. Having crowds of fans, she was even more wary of any attempts by suitors to reach her. However, at one point, having met Mikhail Borshchov, the actress changed dramatically and became more trusting.

Director Borschov shares that from the first glance at this woman, he realized that she was his destiny. After some time, photos of Anna Gorshkova and Mikhail began to appear on the pages of well-known publications. It became clear to everyone that they were a couple. The girl always preferred adult and experienced men who knew how to provide coziness and a comfortable life for their family and give their wife everything she wanted. It was in Borshchov that Anya was able to discern all these qualities.

Anna Gorshkova's husband is 15 years older than her. This did not stop them from creating a strong alliance. Their wedding was a luxurious celebration to which all friends and relatives were invited. The flight to Monaco and accommodation in an expensive hotel were paid for by the husband of actress Anna Gorshkova.

However, not everything is as smooth as it seemed in the first few years of marriage. Domestic quarrels and misunderstandings consumed their feelings. The husband increasingly began to express his dissatisfaction with the fact that Anya often goes out in public and gives interviews. He also didn’t like the fact that she posed in front of the paparazzi cameras. The actress herself, on the contrary, showed a desire to be in the public eye in order to “not lose shape” and the opportunity to “shine up” somewhere once again.

As a result, the family of actress Anna Gorshkova broke up due to disagreements.


Why did the family of Gorshkova and Borshchev break up?

After the wedding, the couple lived together for only a short time. Mikhail believed that he could well provide for the wife and children that Anna Gorshkova would give him, so she did not have to work at all. She wanted to act in films, she did not want to lock herself within four walls.

Did Anna Gorshkova have plastic surgery?

Most fans of the actress are sure that Anya repeatedly went to the operating table to correct her face and figure. Gorshkova states in an interview that she is too young to have plastic surgery. The changes in appearance occurred because she set a goal to lose 10 kg and achieved success.

Anna Gorshkova before and after plastic surgery

For now, the artist has enough of regular visits to the beauty salon, where Gorshkova gets massages and anti-aging treatments. In addition, since the days of modeling, Anna does not eat sweet, salty, meat or bread. So far he can’t refuse chocolate and always takes it with him to the set.

The scandal around Gorshkova

Not long ago, one of the famous magazines in Russia invited Anna to appear on the cover. Anya, of course, agreed. According to the photographer's idea, she was supposed to appear in front of the camera in an open form. Several pictures ended up on the Internet. In one of them, the actress was wearing short shorts and a sexy corset. She stood by the open door of the refrigerator with her back to the camera. The figure of Gorshkova caused mixed comments from the public. Many noted that Anna's buttocks were a little flabby, and it would not hurt for her to play sports. Others, despite the sad truth, supported the actress and expressed admiration for her courage to appear in this form.

The girl also showed off her curvaceous figure, posing on a huge soft bed, which caused even more excitement around her person. Some ill-wishers expressed that Gorshkova’s figure is far from Hollywood standards.

Anna herself prefers not to respond to such comments. She believes that all famous personalities have haters, and not a single actor, actress, singer or singer can do without them. Therefore, she does not consider it necessary to stoop to their level and enter into a discussion. In addition, the girl never had problems with self-esteem. From childhood she was taught to accept herself and her body as God created it. Anya is very glad that she has the opportunity to participate in such photo shoots.

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