Semenovich revealed the “Million Dollar Secret” about her breasts

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There are many rumors about Anna Semenovich and her “relationships” with plastic surgeons, because it is difficult to believe that a woman on the verge of her fortieth birthday (turning 2022) manages to remain young without the help of specialists. Anna looks younger than her age: fresh and attractive as in her youth, while her facial features have retained natural proportions. But the figure skater’s figure has undergone serious changes over the years without sports, but it cannot be said that for the worse – many women dream of a bust like Anna’s.

How Anna Semenovich's face changed with age

The singer is easy to recognize in photographs taken not only in her youth, but also in childhood. Large brown eyes, expressive eyebrows, a neat nose, and full lips look perfect on a round, high-cheekboned face.

This is what Anna Semenovich looked like in her youth

There were periods in Anna Semenovich’s life when she tried to lose weight, which affected the architecture of her face. And the artist often experimented with her hair, for example, in her youth she dyed her dark blond curls red.

Compare: Anna Semenovich in her youth and now

The artist does not confirm the plastic surgery and insists that the plastic surgeon’s knife never touched her nose, face shape or eyelids. Comparing photos of Anna Semenovich in her youth and now, you are convinced of the sincerity of these words, however, the excellent condition of her skin and the absence of facial wrinkles suggest that the star knows firsthand about the achievements of aesthetic medicine.

This is what Anna Semenovich looks like now

It is possible that Anna gets rid of wrinkles on the forehead and in the periorbital area with the help of Botox, fills nasolabial folds with hyaluronic filler, and also adds it to her lips to maintain volume. In addition, the artist clearly does not neglect professional cosmetic care and regularly does peelings and massages.

Three ages of figure skater Anna Semenovich

Movies and TV shows

Semenovich's biography is replenished with new pages. While she was still at Blestyashchie, Anya began acting in films. In 2004, she played in the TV series “Bachelors”, in the film “Balzac’s Age, or All Men Are Theirs...”. A year later, she received roles in the films “Doomed to Become a Star” and “Students”.

The actress embodied her most striking images in the films “Night Watch” and “Hitler, Kaput!” In the second film, Anna's partners were Pavel Derevianko and Evelina Bledans. Later, in the comedy series “All So Sudden” she received the main role. The artist’s filmography today is decorated with the projects “Real Boys” and “Doctor Richter”.

In 2006, Anna returned to the ice, but not as an athlete, but as a participant in the First Channel project “Stars on Ice.” Actor Vyacheslav Razbegaev performed in a duet with the artist. And in 2007, the figure skater, singer and actress Semenovich again took to the ice, now as part of the TV show “Ice Age”. This time Alexey Makarov skated with her.

Published by Sveta Krylova Sunday, May 22, 2016

Anna Semenovich and Lera Kudryavtseva
The bright and popular Anna Semenovich is pleased to be invited to participate in various programs and projects. In 2010–2011, she participated in the reality show “Wife for Rent,” and since July 2010, together with Mikhail Plotnikov, she hosted the culinary show “The Young Lady and the Cook” on the TV Center channel. The actress also appeared in one of the programs of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, where she acted as a guest star.

The artist periodically appears in humorous numbers of the show group “Ural Dumplings”. With her participation, the sketches “Semenovich in the Police”, “Semenovich and a Company of Soldiers” were staged. Since 2011, the singer has been participating as a presenter in the program “Demobilization Album,” which is broadcast on Russian Radio. A year later, together with Vera Brezhneva, Anna held the “New Wave”.

The singer leads an active creative life, she has practically no time for rest: concerts and tours alternate with the filming of videos and TV series. Sometimes Anna has to endure a cold on her feet. A curious incident happened to the singer after she posted a photo of her arm with an IV in place.

The artist needed only one procedure in order not to get sick and to fully hold the concert, and fans on the Internet have already sounded the alarm, pretty much frightening Anna’s relatives with their messages. The situation was later resolved successfully.

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A post shared by Anna Semenovich (@ann_semenovich) on Apr 30, 2019 at 12:52am PDT

Anna Semenovich and Philip Kirkorov
Semenovich is also trying his hand as a video blogger. On Instagram, she posts “Jimmy and Anya” sketches about the love of “a Hindu with the body of a child for a woman with the figure of a goddess.” Shevgi Akhadov, a member of the RUDN KVN team, played together with Semenovich.

The videos were about the singer's accidental acquaintance in India with a young man who, according to local traditions, became her husband. Together with the artist, he flies to Moscow, where Anna introduces him to her friends as her personal assistant. The videos receive a large number of views from fans, so Semenovich began showing the 2nd season.

In 2022, the star appeared on the air of “New Star Factory”. Together with participant Danya Danilevsky, she performed the song “On the Seas”.

A year later, the 3rd season of the series “Ivanovs-Ivanovs” started airing on television, in which Anna appeared in the fantasy of the hero Mikhail Trukhin. Semenovich joined the cast of the 4th part of “Midshipmen” by Svetlana Druzhinina. The singer got the role of the wife of the hero Alexander Pankratov-Cherny. The leading roles were played by Dima Bilan, Kristina Orbakaite and Alexander Domogarov.

How Anna Semenovich's figure has changed with age

In her sports past, Anna restricted her diet to maintain weight, so it is not surprising that she gained weight after leaving figure skating. According to her, the lion's share of fat "settled" in the mammary glands, which increased the bust to size 5.

Anna Semenovich in a swimsuit

But our heroine’s breast growth didn’t stop there: at 35, she wore a size 9 bra! The singer was diagnosed with gigantomastia (synonyms: macromastia, hypermastia), after which she decided to undergo reduction mammoplasty. Thanks to the operation performed in America, Anna received size 5 breasts, but she was not happy for long, because... The bust began to increase again and after three years it “grew” by one size.

Nude style photo from Anna Semenovich

What can beauty do?

But, we must admit that even if beauty is artificial, it bears fruit. There is information that the girl starred in an advertisement for a drug to increase potency for half a million dollars and calmly reacts to condemnations against her, arguing that she is a woman and is ready to bring joy and pleasure to men. The more people argue about its forms and condemn its actions, the more its popularity grows.

There was a case when a fan of Anna beat up people who spoke unflatteringly about her. He had to stay in a psychiatric clinic for his antics, although not for long. Soon he escaped from there.

Anna Semenovich loves to set herself various tasks - figure skating, singing, acting - and proudly copes with them. She proved that a woman, in addition to her beautiful appearance, can have talent. The beauty is a success among men, discouraging them with her figure and driving her rivals to envy.

Today she is an independent, cheerful, smart and talented woman who you want to be like. You can grow to Anya’s level and there’s no shame in it. She set a high bar for herself, reached it and managed to maintain it, albeit with the help of high-quality plastic surgery.

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Anna Semenovich: date of birth, height, weight, plastic surgery

Date of birth/place of birth03/01/1980 / USSR, Russian Federation, Moscow.
OccupationSinger, TV presenter, actress.
Height / weight / figure parameters169 cm / 65 kg / 98 – 60 – 92 cm (chest, waist, hips).
Confirmed plastic surgeriesReduction mammoplasty.
Alleged plastic surgeryBotox, lip contouring.

Semenovich revealed the “Million Dollar Secret” about her breasts

In Lera Kudryavtseva’s “Secret for a Million” program, singer Anna Semenovich told the truth about her famous bust. According to the artist, the question of whether her breasts are natural or silicone has plagued literally the entire country for many years. It turns out that Semenovich’s curvy figure is not “plastic surgery”, but a disease of the mammary glands.

“There is such a diagnosis, it’s called gigantomastia. – admitted the guest of the program. — It is given to a woman if her bust starts from size six, where each breast weighs from 2.5 kilograms. Gigantomastia is a feature of the body: as soon as I gain weight even by a kilogram, my breasts immediately increase.”

But the main problem is different. With tears, Semenovich told how haters ruined her life because of her breast size. From Anna’s first appearance in the group “Brilliant,” rumors about plastic surgery began to spread in the media. The inhabitants of the Internet actively discussed why the new soloist made herself huge breasts. Anna complained that people were not interested in her as a person. Semenovich is involved in charity work, helping people in need. She sings and gives a good mood to those around her. Next year, the artist plans to become a mother for the first time. She understands that pregnancy will result in active breast growth for her. It is possible that Anna will have to undergo surgery again.

The singers' confessions did not end there. Anna agreed to take the study right in the studio. A mammologist examined Semenovich and confirmed that she indeed had gigantomastia, and she had undergone breast reduction surgery.

When the program exited, most Internet users believed Semenovich. “She's not lying. I have the same problem. And there is nowhere to hide it. And losing weight doesn't help. I’m losing weight myself, but I don’t have tits. And I really want to reduce it. But who would give money? My back and shoulders hurt terribly. I have a size larger than 10, the exact size is not known. Besides, there are huge problems with clothes,” the girl admitted in the comments. However, there were those who did not believe Semenovich’s confession: “Oh, I just took out the implants and that’s it. She’s going to give birth next year, so she understands that feeding a child with silicone is somehow not a fountain. What kind of gigantomastia is there? Look at her photo in her youth - there’s not even a second size there.”


Interesting facts about Anna Semenovich

Figure skating saved me from a serious illness. Anna Semenovich came to show business after completing her sports career. It’s interesting that her illness “brought her into figure skating” (at the age of 2 she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, for which she spent almost six months in the hospital). Physical activity was supposed to help the baby grow up healthy, but a meniscus injury forced her to leave sports early.

This is how Anya Semenovich was in childhood

Now he chooses the passenger seat in the car. But this was not always the case, and traffic police inspectors have accumulated many complaints against the star. Firstly, the artist “does not recognize” seat belts, secondly, she can take advantage of a stop in a traffic jam to apply makeup, change clothes or have a snack, and thirdly, it costs her nothing to turn around through two solid ones, and to do it with “special cynicism,” that is, in front of the inspector.

She was not officially married, but has a lot of experience in relationships. The singer considered her common-law husband to be the not-so-rich and famous producer Daniil Mishin, who tried but failed to “promote” Anna as a singer. Later, exclusively wealthy men appeared in Anna Semenovich’s life: one provided a luxurious vacation, donated an apartment and a car, another (rumored to be an influential banker) turned out to be not so generous, but was ready to get married, the third fed dinner to the entire Ice Age group when Anna took part in the project. The list goes on - Semenovich left some, others stepped aside... As a result, our heroine is not yet married, which does not stop her from dreaming of having a child.

This is what Anna Semenovich looks like without makeup and photoshop

Solo career

In 2008, Anna's fans saw her first videos. These were videos for the songs “To the Seas” and “Tyrolian Song”. The compositions were included in the first album, which was called “Rumors”. In the future, the artist chose to expand her discography with singles and individual hits. A year later, a video for the song “My God” was released, and in 2011 two more - “Not Madonna” and “Deceived People”.

In 2016, the solo single “Not Just Love” was presented, which was included in the top 100 hits in Russia and the CIS countries. A year later, Semenovich delighted fans with the new track “I Want to Be with You.”

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A post shared by Anna Semenovich (@ann_semenovich) on Dec 9, 2019 at 2:24am PST

Anna Semenovich and Denis Klyaver
In addition, together with Denis Klyaver she sang the song “Habit”. The singer also has other bright duets in her arsenal. In 2008, they performed with Arash (the song “On the Seas,” which became a hit); in 2014, a single and a video for the song Boys were released, which Artem Pindyura performed together with Anna. In the same year, the song “I’ll follow you to the ends of the earth” became a top hit.

In the summer of 2022, the premiere of a video for the dance musical composition “Story” took place, the plot of which was dedicated to a resort theme. The video was directed by Alexander Igudin, with whom the singer has worked not for the first time.

At the same time, the summer hit “Where I Am, There Is the Sea” appeared, and in 2019, Anna pleased fans with videos for the compositions “Sexy Bomb” and “Do You Want.”

A plastic surgeon revealed the secrets of “silicone” stars: Chekhova and Semenovich are coming

The bust is not always enlarged; sometimes a smaller size looks more attractive

The size, shape, and naturalness of breasts haunt millions of fans of the female body. The star bust attracts attention no less than creativity. And some, especially gifted artists, became famous only thanks to their luxurious forms.

“MK” decided to collect photos of the country’s luxurious women, whose breasts are disarming. And the famous plastic surgeon Galina Dekasper helped us evaluate the bust shapes of the most desirable celebrities in Russia.

Anna Semenovich and her enormous feminine dignity, looking at which you forget about everything. It is Anna's breasts that cause a lot of controversy.

The fantasy of all men and boys of the early 2000s Anfisa Chekhova , despite her weight loss, still excites her loyal fans with her shape.

Anastasia Volochkova is most likely the only ballerina in the world with impressive figures.

Small breasts, as numerous surveys have shown, are also desirable for the opposite sex. A striking example is actress Natalya Rudova , who has absolutely no problems with her miniature forms; on the contrary, she emphasizes them.

Now few people will remember, but comedian Ekaterina Varnava got into show business thanks to her luxurious natural bust. The artist herself admitted that large breasts caused her great discomfort. Without regret, as soon as the opportunity arose, Barnabas had her breasts reduced. According to her, she likes the small size much better.

Promoter of natural forms Ksenia Sobchak has always vehemently opposed pumping silicone into the breasts. The presenter constantly talks and emphasizes that small, neat breasts are much more beautiful than size five.

The sexy mother of many children, Anna Sedokova, was naturally amazingly beautiful, but eventually resorted to the services of plastic surgeons. Although the artist herself always denied any interference in her body.


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