Reviews with photos of a starch anti-wrinkle mask that replaces Botox

Women who are faced with wrinkles on their face for the first time are often interested in the question: is it really possible to use starch instead of Botox and what is the advantage of such a component?

Potato starch is an almost universal product used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. With its help you can significantly improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails. The emergence of numerous modern cosmetic procedures has pushed into the background natural folk recipes that have been proven over the years and even centuries. Fortunately, many women have begun to return to hypoallergenic and safe products that nature itself gives to humans. So isn’t it better to use powder from such a familiar potato rather than endure painful injections and other, sometimes very dangerous manipulations on your face?

How does Botox work?

A starch mask for wrinkles instead of Botox - reviews with photos before and after use do not allow one to doubt the effectiveness of this natural product. To understand what the positive effect of this remedy is, you should clarify the functions of the currently fashionable procedure called Botox.

Botox injections are a modern, effective method created to combat expression lines. The basic substance administered through injections is botulinum toxin, which, in fact, is nothing more than an organic poison. Entering the body and blocking the transmission of impulses from neuromuscular fibers, it causes their blockage. In addition to botulinum toxin, injections often also contain various proteins. This combination helps to affect even the deepest creases.

How Botox works on the muscular system of the body:

  1. Blocks signals. Once in a muscle, botulinum toxin blocks the connection between it and its motor nerve.
  2. Reduces muscle motor activity. Deprived of the ability to receive signals from the motor nerve, the muscle relaxes. Her movements stopped at this moment.
  3. Smoothes out wrinkles. Since the muscles are unable to move, superficial wrinkles gradually begin to smooth out. This makes the surface of the epidermis visually even and smooth.

Botulinum toxin is often injected intramuscularly, although intradermal and subcutaneous injections are also possible. Obvious changes after such a procedure are observed within a few days after the injections. Botox has a temporary effect, and after about six months, the previously relaxed muscle system becomes toned again and wrinkles return.

How does starch work?

Starch extracted from potatoes has a powerful tightening effect. When this substance comes into contact with hot water, a kind of paste is formed. Applied to the skin, it fills all the creases and wrinkles.

For your information. The main difference between a mask with starch and Botox is the peculiarities of the effect of each product on problem areas. Botox acts exclusively on the muscular system, and starch affects the surface of the integument.

A starch mask can be used not only to eliminate skin wrinkles. This product has a wide spectrum of action, positively affecting the condition of the dermis. The main advantages of a starch mask include:

  1. Saturation of the epidermis with vitamins. Starch contains an impressive amount of various vitamins: PP, B2, C. This set has a positive effect on skin cells, has an antioxidant effect and normalizes metabolism.
  2. Skin nutrition. This is due to the presence of carbohydrates in the potato product. The latter improve the condition of aging skin - it becomes elastic and youthful.
  3. Versatility. Products based on potato powder are suitable for almost any skin. At the same time, dry skin is moisturized, oily skin is cleansed, sensitive skin is soothed, and the condition of the problematic dermis improves.
  4. Preventing inflammation. Starch masks relieve skin from rashes and acne, and also reduce various inflammations.

An additional advantage of starch-based products is their hypoallergenicity, because all the components of such products are as natural as possible. However, in order to avoid possible irritation due to individual intolerance to the product, you should first test a homemade mask on the skin of the wrist. The potato product should not be applied to the face if there are wounds or extensive inflammation.

For your information. A starch-based face mask will not have the expected positive effect if used once. However, subject to a course of use (about 10 procedures), it can be noted that such products are in no way inferior in effectiveness to expensive cosmetics.

Basic facial skin care: advice from a cosmetologist

It is impossible to completely block the appearance of wrinkles. But if you properly care for your skin, the aging process slows down and your face remains fresh for a long time with shallow superficial wrinkles. For this, cosmetologists recommend regular home care in combination with salon procedures.

You should choose the right care products according to your skin type and characteristics: creams, serums, lotions, masks and even sun protection.

Advice! To make the right choice, it is better to consult an experienced cosmetologist. These products will allow you to keep your skin moisturized and fresh at home.

To smooth out wrinkles that have already appeared, it is worth resorting to hardware and injection procedures. By contacting a specialist, you can create a complementary course with home care. Then the rejuvenating effect is achieved faster and the result is more lasting. Fine wrinkles may disappear completely, and deep ones will be significantly reduced.

A healthy lifestyle is paramount to maintaining youthful skin. Proper nutrition, regular physical activity, drinking plenty of fluids (at least 1.5 liters per day), frequent walks, adequate sleep and giving up bad habits contribute to visible results even in the absence of hardware intervention.

Technique and rules of application

In order for a potato starch anti-wrinkle mask that replaces Botox to have the maximum positive effect, you should consider a number of basics of its use:

  1. The composition will be more effective if the skin is properly pre-prepared. Facial cleansing is mandatory: removing makeup, removing sweat and fat with cosmetic compositions. It’s great if the surfaces are slightly moistened before applying the mass. A steam bath or applying a warm compress are suitable for this.
  2. The potato mass is applied to the covers in several layers. After applying the first layer, you need to let it dry. The same should be done with the second and third layers. As a result, the face should be covered with a kind of elastic film.
  3. Starch masks should be applied not only to the face area, but also to the décolleté and neck areas, because the primary signs of fading are noted here.
  4. We should not forget about the exposure time of the product. It is recommended to leave the solution on the face for at least 15 and no more than 30 minutes. The exact time depends on the amount of additional ingredients in the composition.
  5. Care procedures after applying the mask. The composition is washed off with warm water when one of the components of the mask was oil. If it was missing, the covers can be cleaned with cool water.
  6. The procedure must be completed by applying moisturizer to the treated areas of the skin.
  7. Such masks should be used exclusively as a course. The optimal number of applications is 10, frequency is 2-3 times a week. After a short interval, the course of taking masks can be repeated.

What can you use?

There are two types - corn and potato starch, both of which are suitable for fighting wrinkles .
They differ only in color. Corn starch is darker - beige, but potato starch is white. Both powders are homogeneous in structure, soft and easily diluted with water.

When preparing anti-wrinkle masks, both types of starch combine well with the other ingredients.

Starch anti-wrinkle masks instead of Botox, popular recipes

Starch anti-wrinkle masks instead of Botox have rightfully earned numerous positive reviews. However, newcomers to this method of facial rejuvenation may be confused by the variety of products, because there are many recipes for these natural compositions. When choosing a mask based on potato powder, you should take into account the characteristics of your skin, as well as the problems of the integument.

Classic Botox

Necessary ingredients for a basic starch-based mask: sour cream and potato powder (20 g each), carrot juice (100 ml), water (200 ml).

The paste is prepared first - add starch to the prepared water and boil for 10-15 minutes until a sticky mass forms. The resulting composition must be cooled. At this time, mix carrot juice and sour cream. Add the sour cream and carrot mixture to the cooled sticky mass and mix everything thoroughly. Leave the mask on your face for 15 minutes.

With lifting effect

To prepare, take 1 egg white, 20 g of starch and 20 ml of kefir. The powder is mixed with a fermented milk product, then whipped protein is added to the mixture. The applied mask is left for 15 minutes.

For dry skin

A starch mask for dry skin includes any base oil (almond, peach, olive) and milk. Take 5 ml of both ingredients. Mix these components with 20 g of potato powder. Apply the viscous mixture to your face for 15 minutes.

This composition is recognized as one of the most effective among starch masks for dry dermis. After using this recipe, the skin becomes hydrated, radiant and healthy.

For aging skin

To prepare masks for fading skin, you will need 20 g of starch, 10 g of honey and 20 ml of cream. All components must be combined until a homogeneous mixture is obtained and left on the face for 15-20 minutes.

On a note. This composition is effective not only in the fight against wrinkles in the eye area, but also in eliminating creases in the neck and décolleté area.


The best face mask with a nourishing effect involves combining natural yogurt (10 g), starch (20 g), honey (10 g) and turmeric (a pinch). The mixed components are placed on the face and washed off after 15 minutes.

Scrub mask for oily skin

To make the composition you will need 10 g of starch, sea salt and honey, as well as 5 ml of milk. All ingredients are combined, the resulting mass is placed on the face for 15 minutes. This product not only has the effect of eliminating wrinkles, but also has a mild scrubbing effect.


Lemon juice and potato powder in the amount of 20 g of both components, mix together. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and wait 20 minutes.

Advice. Immediately after removing this mask from the surface of the face, apply a cream with a soothing effect to the skin.


Beat the white of one chicken egg, add starch (20 g) to it and add 5 drops of tea tree oil.

A rejuvenating mask with an additional anti-inflammatory effect is left on the skin for 20 minutes.

For problem skin

To prepare the recipe you will need 20 g of potato powder, 5 g of salt (sea) and 20 ml of cucumber juice. Combine all components, distribute the resulting mass evenly on the face and rinse after 15 minutes.

From aspirin

Most people have aspirin in their medicine cabinet. It is capable of relieving headaches and toothaches, and slowing down the aging process, restoring radiance and attractiveness to the skin. Use aspirin carefully so as not to harm the skin.

Recipe with sour cream.


  • 2 aspirin tablets;
  • 1 tsp warm mineral water;
  • 1 tbsp. fat sour cream.

Dissolve crushed aspirin in mineral water and mix the solution with sour cream. Apply the mask for 20 minutes.

Elizavecca Milky Piggy Bubble Clay Mask


  • Removes unevenness on the face
  • Risk of an allergic reaction


  • Sold in any pharmacy
  • Harsh chemical

For a long time I was looking for ways
to make my skin glow. Aspirin masks turned out to be a godsend. I make it with sour cream or honey once a week. When washing off the mask, I scrub the skin. The effect is magical. The skin glows.

Photos before and after

You can believe in the amazing properties of starch-based masks or be skeptical about them. However, the fact remains that this natural remedy has a positive effect on the condition of the skin on the face, décolleté and neck. Proof of such transformations are numerous photos before and after using starch-based face masks.

Reviews from women

You can finally be convinced of the real effectiveness of starch-based facial products by reading the real reviews of women who practice similar wrinkle therapy:

“ Facial care is my passion, I constantly use various tonics, washes and creams. But, despite careful care, recently I began to notice that typical “crow’s feet” began to appear under my eyes. I don’t consider Botox and mesotherapy, because I’m terrified of injections, and I don’t believe in the naturalness of various fillers. Anti-aging eye creams did not bring much results. I decided to turn to folk remedies, to be honest, not really counting on anything. Imagine my surprise when, after the first course of using starch-based masks, the wrinkles noticeably smoothed out, and the skin became very soft and elastic. I really like the combination of starch and banana, the mixture is very aromatic and hypoallergenic. I definitely recommend the product to everyone who, like me, does not risk switching to the heavy artillery of injections.”

Valentina, 31 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

“To be honest, I never took recipes and reviews about starch masks for wrinkles instead of Botox seriously. Well, how can an ordinary, familiar powder used in cooking compare with a serious cosmetic procedure? At one time I was seriously thinking about Botox, because the wrinkles on my face were already making themselves felt. But after undergoing numerous examinations, I found out that I am intolerant to Botox, which means this procedure is contraindicated for me. There was nothing to do, I had to look for an alternative. I make a mask from starch with the addition of olive oil and milk. I have already completed two courses at short intervals, and I can say with confidence that the product really works. Of course, nothing will help completely eliminate wrinkles - age makes itself felt. But starch really helps to make them visually less noticeable. Of course, I don’t forget about anti-aging cosmetics - in combination with masks, it really gives amazing results that I didn’t even expect.”

Vera, 39 years old, Moscow

We suggest looking at the features of applying a starch mask to the face against wrinkles:

Why do wrinkles appear on the face?

What makes wrinkles appear faster?

  • Vivid facial expressions: a frowning forehead, squinted eyes, frequent smiling are prerequisites for the appearance of small folds - superficial wrinkles that deepen over time.
  • Lack of facial skin care: if you do not carry out procedures to cleanse, nourish and moisturize the skin or use inappropriate cosmetics, skin aging occurs faster.
  • Excess tanning: frequent sunbathing destroys collagen and elastin and dries out the skin.
  • Congenital predisposition: if the skin is thin and dry, then wrinkles appear much earlier than in peers.

In addition to the main factors, the appearance of wrinkles can be caused by:

  • Wrong lifestyle: stress, smoking, poor sleep.
  • Incorrect diet: the body does not have enough nutrients, and it pulls them out of the layers of the skin.
  • Sharply continental climate: temperature differences, daylight and cloudy days, increased humidity.
  • Diseases of internal organs: liver, kidneys, lungs and endocrine system - their problems are immediately reflected on the face.

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