Nesterenko Maxim Leonidovich, plastic surgeon: photos and reviews

There is no woman who does not dream of being beautiful. It’s great when you can make your appearance brighter and more expressive with the help of cosmetics. But sometimes nature creates us in such a way that only drastic methods can correct annoying defects of the face and body. Nesterenko Maxim Leonidovich is a plastic surgeon who has been working in this direction and giving people beauty for about 10 years. During consultations, from the first minutes he wins over patients with his sensitivity, correctness, attention and desire to help. In order to carry out each operation with the best possible result, he regularly improves his skills and studies new, most modern methods in plastic surgery. That is why grateful patients say with confidence that Maxim Leonidovich Nesterenko is the best plastic surgeon in Moscow. It is almost impossible to find negative reviews about the work he has done. Let's see what, how and at what price this wonderful doctor can change your appearance, and also learn some details from his life.

Nesterenko Maxim Leonidovich (plastic surgeon): biography

An interesting fact is that all the information available about this person relates only to his work activity. Maxim Leonidovich does not let anyone into his personal life. It is only known that he is one of the youngest surgeons in the country. Maxim Leonidovich was born in Moscow in 1982, graduated from school with excellent marks, entered the Medical University named after the famous Pirogov to major in General Medicine, which he graduated so successfully in 2005 that he was able to immediately continue his studies in residency. Maxim Leonidovich is a very handsome young doctor, with whom all his happy patients consider it an honor to take a photo with him. At work, he is unusually attentive, collected, and takes the optimal treatment option in each specific case. In everyday life, Dr. Nesterenko is a cheerful young man who loves theater, music, and meetings with friends and family.

Maxim Nesterenko: a good amateur is already a ready-made professional

In connection with the recent successes of our athletes in the professional ring, it would be appropriate and fair to remember one of the first St. Petersburg professional boxers. One of the best St. Petersburg boxers of the nineties, Maxim Nesterenko , was not part of the Russian national team; he did not have the chance to compete at the Olympic Games. The reason is not in sports-related intrigues and not in the fact that the boxer lost the competition to stronger fighters - the athlete, who represented St. Petersburg State University in city and all-Russian competitions, fulfilled the master of sports standard in record time and moved into professional boxing just as quickly as known, then not represented at the Olympics.

– Maxim, how did you become a boxer? – I have always dreamed of this sport. Even when I lived in a boarding school in Zelenogorsk, my classmate Vyacheslav Kustov was involved in boxing and trained me a little. He took me to his coach Boris Mikhailovich Khorkin, but this was after graduating from school, when I entered the Art Restoration Lyceum. I came to sports quite late, at seventeen years old, at this age everyone has long been a discharger, some are masters of sports. Floyd Patterson became an Olympic champion at the age of seventeen. But I tried, I caught up, and already two years later, in February 1992, I fulfilled the standard for a master of sports.

– Did this interfere with your studies at the lyceum?

- No, I trained after class.

– Almost simultaneously with fulfilling the Master of Sports standard, you entered the University.

– Yes, it was 1992. I entered the Faculty of Journalism. It was quite hard to learn at first, much harder than boxing. I defended my diploma in the history of sports journalism. Both during my studies and after graduating from the University I tried to find myself in this profession, wrote articles for sports magazines, and commentated on boxing on television together with Kirill Nabutov. But in fact, I did not have time to fully comprehend this profession in practice, I focused on sports, I was preparing for competitions, there was simply no time for journalism; I signed a contract with Frank Warren, a legendary English promoter who at one time worked with Mike Tyson, Ricky Hatton, and other celebrities. I trained a lot and after training I didn’t have enough strength for anything. At the University I met a large number of wonderful people, I remember with warmth the coaches of the university boxing team: Boris Grigorievich Tikhonov, Vladimir Vasilyevich Yudenko, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Podchishchalov, who gave me a lot both as an athlete and as a person.

– How many fights did you have before you went into professional boxing?

– Closer to a hundred, not to say more precisely, as an amateur I didn’t keep track of my fights, but as a professional I had 60 fights: 48 wins, 10 losses, 2 draws.

Maxim Nesterenko with championship belts. Photo: from the archive of M. Nesterenko

– As far as we can understand, your career as an amateur was going well, but you still pretty soon turned professional...

– Yes, I competed at the Russian championships and boxed on equal terms with Oleg Saitov, the future two-time Olympic champion. In 1994, my daughter was born, I had to feed my family, I decided to go pro; started in St. Petersburg, then boxed in other countries: in Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, countries of the former USSR. I wasn’t only in the USA, although there was an opportunity, a whole team of St. Petersburg boxers went there...

- Why didn’t you go?

“I didn’t want to spend a long time without my family, any departure was a burden to me, and after a week I was already starting to miss my wife and daughter. Maybe that’s why I couldn’t jump higher than the European champion, although I probably could have achieved more. As a professional, I boxed for quite a long time, until I was thirty-five, and ended my career in 2007.

– In the book “Red Gladiators,” journalist Konstantin Osipov writes that the first domestic professional boxers who went to work in America in the nineties were often deceived, taking advantage of their gullibility, ignorance of the language and legal subtleties. As far as you can understand, you were deceived in Europe and Russia, you even sued unscrupulous contractors...

– There were deceptions, of course, not without this, this is still a natural process in this sport, as it turned out, since professional boxing is first and foremost a business where the organizers earn money not so much from the athletes themselves. I didn’t know this then, I always trusted everyone. I don’t hold any grudges or grudges against anyone, I was deceived and I was deceived, you can’t take back what was done. I try not to accumulate grievances, not to keep them inside.

– You have had six dozen professional fights and have repeatedly become European champion. What do you consider your greatest victory?

– It was a fight in St. Petersburg against the Englishman Michael Smith in May 1996. I quite calmly led the way to victory, but I missed a strong blow to the liver, then to the head - it later turned out that my eardrum had burst. At first it seemed that everything was lost - the fight was lost, but I found the strength, stood for some time, took a breath and hit myself very hard, then struck about thirty blows in a row until the opponent fell. I endured the pain and overcame myself.

– Are professional and amateur boxing the same sport or are they different?

- The difference is small. A good amateur is already a ready-made professional. I was lucky, I trained all my life with the same coach - Boris Mikhailovich Khorkin, and we won both amateur and professional competitions. He himself was a good boxer and became a very sensitive coach who looked for and developed in me those qualities that he did not have. For example, he could not box all three rounds for three minutes because he was tired, and therefore he always tried to end the fight by knockout or due to a clear advantage. He tried to develop in me what he did not have - general and special endurance. During training, I boxed 20 rounds, and before that I ran cross-country for thirty to forty minutes, played basketball and tennis.

– You started boxing very late by today’s standards. What helped you get to where you are?

– I have always trained very hard. I didn’t have any special talent, but due to daily long and intense training, I was always in shape. In battle, I always set a high pace and kept it much longer than my opponent could withstand.

– If you could go back, relatively speaking, twenty years ago, what would you change in your sports life?

– I often boxed during training with heavier guys, two or three weight categories higher. Because of this, I missed hard hits in training. As I now understand, this way of preparing was a mistake. Today, during training, I sometimes pair up with my students and understand that only through experience, through instinct, can I foresee how my partner will move, how he will hit. This is given either by nature or comes with experience. I didn’t have such experience then. Now I understand that I probably should have rested more. As a rule, after competitions I forgot about boxing, training and fights, and relaxed with my family. But after a week I began to miss training, I ran to the gym, it began to seem to me that I had forgotten how to box, I forgot everything, that I had spent too much time without boxing. Now I understand that I just needed to rest more, to have emotional and physical freshness, to develop a sense of distance, an instinct when you anticipate the partner’s movement, how the blow will fly, in which direction the opponent will move. This would allow me to achieve even greater results.

Maxim Nesterenko (b. 1972), Master of Sports in boxing. He competed in welterweight (66.7 kg). European champion according to WBC (1995), European champion according to IBF Inter-Continental (1995), European champion according to EBU (1999). He had 60 fights in the professional ring, won 48 victories, 28 of them by knockout. A graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg State University, he currently works as a trainer.

Maxim and his wife Ekaterina have 11 children, six of them adopted.

Questions: Sergey Knyazev, Ekaterina Peshkova.

Nesterenko Maxim Leonidovich (plastic surgeon): education

Scientific progress has never stood still, and in recent years it has been developing at a gigantic pace. Therefore, in order to perform operations using modern techniques, it is important to constantly improve your professional level. Maxim Leonidovich Nesterenko is a plastic surgeon, who, although he is one of the most sought-after in Moscow, regularly takes courses in modern medical technologies and participates in congresses and symposiums. The walls of his clinic are decorated with multiple certificates and diplomas.

The first copy in this rich collection is a Diploma dated June 27, 2005, certifying that M. L. Nesterenko graduated from the Moscow Russian State Medical University and became a doctor. For two years he was engaged in general and maxillofacial surgery, while simultaneously completing residency training at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. In 2007, he completed his residency and received a Certificate for his diploma, as well as a Certificate that he was awarded the specialty “surgeon”. Maxim Leonidovich continued to study intensively in the future. So, in 2009, he completed his second residency in the specialty “Maxillofacial Surgery”. Since 2011, he begins to take part in conferences and congresses. Some of the latest documents marking this activity are a Diploma of participation in the Russian-German Conference on Plastic Surgery, a Certificate of participation in the V International Symposium on Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery, a Diploma of participation in the IV Congress of Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery. All these important documents indicate that Maxim Leonidovich Nesterenko is a plastic surgeon whom you can trust with your health.

Maxim Nesterenko


1983-84 – Moscow Technological Institute (Faculty of Design) 1985-89 – Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after. Surikov, Easel Graphics Workshop, Acad. N. Ponomareva, diploma of graphic artist (poster, industrial graphics, printmaking) 1990-93 – Creative workshops of the Russian Academy of Arts (silk-screen printing technology) 1993-95 – University of Applied Arts and Design, Vienna, Austria, internship in the workshop of prof. V. Hutter

Additional education

1987-1988 – Volunteer at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, seminars of academician. P. Gaidenko (Philosophy of culture and technology), attended seminars by prof. N. Gavryushina (History of Philosophy) 1998 – Workshop (Branding), RA Leo Burnett 2002 – Trainings (Sales Psychology and NLP), RA Prior 2003 – Trainings (Art of Presentation), RA Prior 2004 – Seminars (Strategic Marketing), Effect Consulting

Professional experience

12.2005-present time - Curator of the Graphic Design course of the DPO program and teacher of Cultural Theory at the British Higher Education program at BHSHD 10.2005-12.2008 - KA MediaStorm, creative director 06.2004-08.2005 - RA Sorec / Face2Face, creative director 03.2002-07.2004 - RA Prior, creative director 01.2001- 04.2002 - RA NFQ / adPeople, creative director 1997-2000 - art director at RA Maxima, Leo Burnett, Art-Mobile, worked in the publishing department of the M-Video retail chain 1995-1997 - worked as a freelance illustrator, storyboard artist and designer in publishing houses and design studios in Moscow 1990-1995 - taught drawing, painting and art history at the Moscow Secondary Art School No. 1 named after. V. Serova. Privately prepared applicants for admission to art universities.


1988 – Annual youth exhibition of the Union of Artists, Kuznetsky Most, Moscow 1988 – 18th exhibition of Moscow graphic artists, Kuznetsky Most, Moscow 1990 – All-Union exhibition “Youth of Russia”, Manege, Moscow 1992 – Kleine Gallery Galerie, Bucholz, Germany 1993 – Van Remmen Gallery, Solingen, Germany 1993 – “Artists of Happiness”, auction. Paris 1994 - NeoArt Gallery, Central House of Artists, Moscow 1994 - Galerie Shillerplatz, Vienna, Austria 1994 - Personal exhibition at the VIP center of Vienna Airport, Austria 1995 - Exhibition at the Peter Infeld Foundation, Vienna, Austria 1995 – Exhibition at Galerie Am Brahmsplatz, with the support of the Russian Institute of Culture, Vienna, Austria 1995 – Group exhibition of Moscow artists, Central House of Artists, Moscow 1995 – “Print Exhibition”, Exhibition Hall of the Academy of Arts, Moscow 1996 – Youth exhibition, Exhibition Hall of the Ministry of Agriculture on Kuznetsky Most, Moscow 1996 - Rajfenstein Galerie, Vienna, Austria 1997 - Spring exhibition of the Moscow Union of Artists, Central House of Artists, Moscow 1997 - Exhibition of diploma works of MGAHI graduates. them. V.I. Surikova, Moscow 1997 – Youth exhibition, Exhibition Hall of the Ministry of Agriculture on Kuznetsky Most, Moscow 1997 – Mlade Rusko Pozyva, Bratislava, Slovakia 1999 – “Crossroads”, Central House of Artists, Moscow 1999 – Moscow St. Petersburg, Zonal Republican Exhibition of the Union of Artists 1999 - Autumn Exhibition of the Ministry of Agriculture. Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists, Kuznetsky Most, Moscow 2000 – “Art Salon”, Manege, Moscow 2001 – Personal exhibition at the Miro Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic 2004 – “Print Exhibition”, Exhibition Hall of the Academy of Arts, Moscow 2006 – Autumn exhibition of the Ministry of Agriculture. Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists, Kuznetsky Most, Moscow 2007 – Anniversary exhibition “250th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Arts”, Central Exhibition Hall “Manege”, Moscow 2007 – Exhibition of works by graduates of the Moscow State Academy of Arts. Surikov, Exhibition Hall of the Ministry of Agriculture on Kuznetsky Most, Moscow

additional information

Member of the Moscow Union of Artists since the late 80s. Member of the Society of Poster Artists. Participant of International and All-Russian art exhibitions since 1988. Creative works are in galleries and private collections in Russia, Japan, Austria, USA, Germany and Slovakia. Winner of the Adobe Europe design competition in the Create category (1997). Prize-winner and nominee of capital advertising festivals. Script writer for 25 commercials. Member of the MIAF jury. Blogger and author of articles and interviews on advertising and design in the capital's print and online publications. Citizen of Austria.

Blog: Gallery:

Clinic location

After graduating from the Russian State Medical University, Nesterenko M.L. began working as a surgeon and devoted 10 years of his life to this. Since 2007, that is, for 8 years now, he has been primarily engaged in plastic surgery. He worked at the Lux Clinic, located on 6th Street New Gardens, but now his clinic has changed its address and is located on Lev Tolstoy Street, building No. 16. You can visit the clinic any day of the week except Sunday. To do this, you must first register at the registration desk. Opening hours are from 9:00 am to 9 pm. Telephone number for making appointments and consultations. In addition to all this, Maxim Leonidovich has his own website, as well as pages on the social networks VKontakte and Facebook, and has his own Instagram, where you can see photos of the results of his work and ask the doctor any question. There will definitely be an answer.

Reviews of the surgeon's work

Nesterenko Maxim is a surgeon who has earned himself a name and positive reviews with gratitude from patients. So that you can verify the skill of a specialist, we suggest that you read patient reviews. For objectivity, we found not only positive responses, but also negative ones.

Positive reviews

“From about the time I was 18, I lived the dream of changing my nose. The fact is that I have a sweet, pretty face, which has always been spoiled by a big ugly nose. Not only was it long and ugly, but my sinuses were bursting as if I were putting a ton of cotton wool in there every day. I saved money, but, unfortunately, not everything worked out at once (marriage, then a child, then a second one). In general, by the age of 35 I had already stopped thinking about it. But what was my surprise when my husband gave me a gift for my birthday - an appointment with Nesterenko. I came for a consultation, immediately sorted out what I didn’t like about my nose, and we came to a common decision - rhinoplasty and contour correction. They told me how to prepare for the procedure, set a date, and after 2 months I received not only a new nose, but also a completely different life. I fell in love with myself, improved my relationship with my husband, and became happier. Bravo to the master - Nesterenko M.L., who made me a beauty.” Maria.

“I never considered myself beautiful. Cute - yes, but beautiful - no. Despite all my complexes, I got married successfully, even my friends didn’t understand what he saw in me. But with age and the birth of a child, self-doubt only worsened. One evening I sat down with my husband and he asked me a question whether I would go to a plastic surgeon if he paid for everything. Apparently, he didn’t want to reproach me, but immediately offered a solution. So, I went to the plastic surgeon M. L. Nesterenko. He gave me a facelift, removed all the flaws that haunted me. We have already agreed with him about breast augmentation. Now I just don’t recognize myself, and my husband is happy.” Nicole.

“I turned to Maxim Leonidovich for ear surgery. Since childhood, I had protruding ears, but by the time I was older I decided to make changes. The operation was successful, the doctor was very attentive, and after the operation he looked into my room several times. The result exceeded all my expectations. I recommend this doctor to everyone." Marina.

“I had rhinoplasty done by Maxim Nesterenko, namely, to remove a hump on the nose. This defect has always irritated me. At the appointment, the doctor seemed too proud to me, he only asked a couple of general questions and immediately set a date. I didn’t want to be part of the assembly line, but after carefully studying the reviews about the doctor, I still decided not to cancel the operation. Of course, it was painful during rehabilitation, don’t expect miracles here, but the result is simply excellent. I am very grateful to Maxim Leonidovich for his golden hands! Elizabeth.

Negative opinions

“Probably the worst thing that could happen to me was an operation with Nesterenko. Horror, horror and more horror. After an eyelid lift, my eyes became so swollen that I couldn’t go outside for 2 months. He said that he removed the hernia, but it felt like he removed me from life for six months. If you want a good result, make an appointment with another specialist.” Faith.

“I decided to have breast augmentation. My right has always been on top, but my left is saggy and disproportionate. He apparently misunderstood me and reduced my right one to the size of my left one. Now you have to increase both. It's just a nightmare." Zinaida.

Since negative reviews are not supported by media files, we do not undertake to claim their objectivity, but provided them for the general picture. The professionalism of the doctor is evidenced by his education and many years of experience.

Initial examination

Consultation at the clinic is free of charge. Nesterenko Maxim Leonidovich is a plastic surgeon, reviews of whom show that he is an excellent specialist. It’s no secret that it’s mostly women who go to aesthetic medicine clinics. Almost all of them note that during the consultation, Dr. Nesterenko behaves very correctly, suggesting what needs to be done to get the best result. Some patients, especially those who are very embarrassed about their cosmetic defects, write that this wonderful doctor conducts real psychotherapy sessions with them, literally making them believe in the success of the operation. After the examination, Maxim Leonidovich prescribes the necessary examination. If it shows that the patient has no dangerous health problems, a day for surgery is scheduled.


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Publication from Nesterenko Maxim Leonidovich (@drnesterenko) June 25, 2022 at 8:39 PDT

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Features of mammoplasty in Nesterenko M. L.

There are quite a lot of women who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their breasts. Some are deprived of a full bust by nature, others have breasts that have lost their beautiful shape after pregnancy, and others think that their breasts are too large. In all these cases, Nesterenko Maxim Leonidovich can help. The plastic surgeon, whose operations always take place with virtually no complications, works with American implants from the McGran – Natrelle brand. Manufacturers give them an incredibly long warranty period - “for life”. Therefore, patients do not have to worry that after a certain time they will not have to remove old implants and insert new ones. The operations are quick (no longer than 2 hours), easy, without even minor complications. The scars remain barely noticeable. Maxim Leonidovich performs mammoplasty in such a way that these manipulations are not an obstacle to breastfeeding, if former patients so desire in the future. After the operation, free follow-up examinations are carried out regularly.

Features of facial plastic surgery

This is the most common type of influence, which is performed daily by Nesterenko Maxim Leonidovich - a plastic surgeon, as they say, from God himself. Young girls most often want to change the shape of their nose, lips, ears, and older women ask to restore youth to their skin. Nesterenko M.L. performs a facelift on her patients using hardware endoscopy. At the same time, all areas of the face are lifted, and the look is open and clear. In addition to rejuvenation, the clinic will help you cope with protruding ears, remove eyelids that hang too much over your eyes, and correct the shape of your eyebrows and the shape of your face. All operations are carried out only after passing the necessary tests. Regarding anesthesia, in each specific case the doctor makes an individual decision, depending on the complexity of the manipulations performed. That is, it can be general anesthesia, which is most often used for rhinoplasty, or local anesthesia. The patient remains in the clinic for one day after the operation. But there are cases when this period is only a few hours or two to three days, which depends on the scale of the surgical intervention. In any case, there are practically no scars left on the face.

The material was published in the magazine “Arsenal of the Fatherland” No. 2 (40) for 2019.

Expert, military pilot Dmitry Drozdenko

Over sea and over land

The sea is a directionless area. After flying over land, there is generally nothing for the eye to grab onto over the water surface, but if the sea is calm, then flying over it is a pleasure. Of course, it is imperative to monitor the altitude using instruments, since the water surface is devoid of landmarks, it is quite difficult to determine the flight altitude by eye. The waves don’t help; you can’t determine the height by their height and proportions. But from them you can understand the direction and strength of the wind. More precisely, not by the waves themselves, but by the foam caps. Thanks to them, the pilot can approximately determine the direction and strength of the wind, which is very important when approaching a point to hover over water. Among the peculiarities of sea flights, I would include the transition to true courses - this is necessary for interaction with ships. The flight is carried out mainly by instruments, route turning points (RPM) are based on coordinates, and on-board radar is actively used. The role of navigators is very important for navigation; there are two of them on the Ka-27, and during guidance they give commands to the crew commander, and are very helpful when approaching in difficult weather conditions. But on the Mi-14, the navigator sits in the cargo compartment, and because of this it is more difficult for the commander to interact with him. Hovering over the sea is carried out in relative proximity to ships.


The hovering mode is the main type of operation of an anti-submarine helicopter when performing its main task - searching for enemy submarines. Moreover, when searching, you have to fly around a fairly large number of points, lower a hydroacoustic station into the water and listen. A special feature of working while hovering above water is the absence of the so-called “air cushion effect”. (This effect occurs when hovering above a solid surface at a height equal to two diameters of the main rotor, and is expressed in a noticeable increase in thrust. The helicopter seems to be pressed against an elastic cushion - editor's note.) The pilot gets used to this effect, and it seems to him that he is above the water. that the helicopter is going down. This is exactly what I encountered at the very beginning of my flight practice on the Ka-27. The car went down so sharply that I even “rose up on the pedals”, pulling the helicopter. But the Ka-27 is a very good car, powerful and easy to control. And she forgives the pilot for small mistakes. This vehicle has more power and is much easier to control than, for example, the Mi-14. The Milevsky helicopter, of course, would not forgive me for such an oversight.

Search for enemy submarines

Searching for boats is done in many ways. This includes the use of sonar buoys, passive and active sonar using the Octopus OGAS PPS, and, of course, searching by magnetic disturbances created by the metal hull of the submarine. Just my board was equipped not with OGAS, but with APM (aircraft search magnetometer). The presence of a magnetometer indicates that the Ka-27PL does not have OGAS installed. But the Mi-14 has both. This is due to the size and take-off weight of the helicopter, which for the Mi-14 reaches 14 tons. The main type of submarine search is passive. The audibility range in this mode is small and here a lot depends on the navigator-operator, on his hearing, because at this moment he works like a hydroacoustic, listening to the depth. We can say that he must have an ear for music. Personally, I never learned to distinguish the noises of ships from submarines, however, as a commander, I had slightly different tasks. Of course, you can use active search with sending a location signal. Then the maximum range of “audibility” of an enemy submarine using the Octopus OGAS installed on the Ka-27PL is 6–8 km, and the Kalmar OGAS, which is in service with the Mi-14, will give 6 km. But carrying out an active search is the same as knocking on a submarine’s control room and saying: “Hello, Americans! We are here!". Therefore, silence and accuracy are our main allies.

Differences between the Mi-14 and the Ka-27

The Ka-27PL has two navigators, a navigator and an anti-submarine equipment operator, and one pilot. Thanks to two navigators, navigation is greatly simplified. Of course, it is more difficult for one pilot to work, especially while hovering and in difficult weather conditions. But here the helicopter itself helps the pilot - the Ka-27PL is equipped with very advanced flight and navigation equipment for the 20th century: there are two digital computers, a PNK and a PPS, and this helicopter is very good at handling. The helicopter can perform many functions, including approaching a given point, hovering and something else, in automatic mode.

Cossack robbers

Helicopters search close to ships, that is, at short and medium distances. As a rule, the enemy submarine “spins” next to our order, observing the actions of the ships. In such cases, a whole range of measures are taken. For example, target designation can be provided by a hydroacoustic station of a large or small anti-submarine ship, since they are more powerful than helicopters. Data on the target can also come from the Il-38N. Next, the helicopter goes to the specified area and clarifies the location of the enemy submarine. Well, then, depending on the assigned task, the submarine is made to understand that it has been discovered, or it is destroyed. This can be done either by the helicopter itself using torpedoes or special depth charges, or by anti-submarine ships using coordinates transmitted from the helicopter. They are hiding - we are looking. You can say that this is a game, only in an adult way.

Illusions on the water

Indeed, there is such an illusion: the stars are reflected on a flat water surface, and the effect of “flying in a ball” occurs. But, firstly, naval pilots are prepared in advance for such cases. Secondly, several factors must come together: there should be no rough seas, and the night should be moonless, because the bright moon creates a “lunar path” on the water, which serves as an excellent visual reference. The Air Force pays less attention to this, so “land” pilots are more susceptible to illusions that arise when flying over water. In general, we need to trust the devices more.


There is such a rule: if a serious emergency situation arises that requires an immediate landing, and there is a “moon track” on the water at that moment, then the pilot, not paying attention to the direction of the wind, waves and other factors, will splash down precisely on the reflection of the moon. The “lunar track” essentially resembles a runway and allows the pilot to visually control direction, altitude and speed. The pilot makes an emergency approach along this illuminated runway and then splashes down.

Emergency water landing

Even in school they prepared for this, because landing on water is much more difficult technically and psychologically than on a solid surface. According to the instructions, the Ka-27 crew must leave the helicopter in about 3 minutes. As soon as the rescue balloons are inflated and the helicopter touches the surface of the water, the navigator leaves it. At this time, the crew commander keeps the helicopter in the horizon, preventing the propellers from touching the water surface. After both operators have sailed to a safe distance, the pilot turns on the automatic hover mode and leaves the helicopter himself. Next, the crew must inflate the PSM life raft, which is part of the crew’s rescue equipment, and use the means to indicate their location. For this purpose, radio stations, signal flares and smoke bombs are used. In addition to the raft, the individual rescue kit includes single-seat inflatable boats. Three times, in survival centers, we underwent practical rescue training. Fortunately, it didn’t come to a real emergency situation, but the training seriously added confidence in my abilities.

Difference between shore patrol and deck work

The difference lies primarily in the duration of the patrol. If the Ka-27 can stay in the air for about 3 hours, then the Mi-14PL can fly for up to 7 hours, and in the search and rescue version - more than 7.5 hours, without additional fuel tanks. My longest flight was 5.5 hours. Moreover, then the neck was so tired from the air pollution that the gliding of the helicopter could be determined not by the attitude indicator ball, but by the position of the head.

Is it necessary to resume production of the Mi-14 helicopter?

I think that the production of the Mi-14 needs to be resumed, having been completely modernized taking into account currently existing technologies. This is a wonderful helicopter with great potential. First of all, it is the only one that can take off and land not only on land, but also on water, and this is an invaluable quality when conducting search and rescue operations. I have already spoken about the long flight duration, and time is range, it is the ability to survey a large area. Those vehicles that are now in service are, of course, very outdated, not only morally, but also physically. Seals leak, seams come apart, but this can be corrected during modernization, and if you use digital avionics, install a good radar and new, more powerful engines and modern propellers, then this helicopter will simply have no equal in the search and rescue version. And as an anti-submarine weapon it will be very useful, especially when protecting our coastal waters from NATO submarines.

Mi-14 for searching submarines

For these operations it is more difficult to use the Mi-14 than the Ka-27. After all, the Mi-14 is a helicopter built according to a classic, single-rotor design, which makes it more sensitive to the direction and strength of the wind, and, accordingly, complicates the approach to the submarine search point and hovering. By the way, to determine the direction of the wind before sunset, we used what is now called a “life hack.” The right pilot, and this was part of his duties, inserted a PSND smoke cartridge into a homemade foam structure, activated it and threw it overboard. Smoke spread over the surface of the water, clearly showing the direction and strength of the wind. This technique made it possible to make entry and work over the point safer.

Do we need helicopter carriers?

I don’t know, because such ships are not used for defense, but for expeditionary purposes, to support large landing operations. Helicopter carriers of the Mistral type were equipped with attack versions of helicopters, rather than search and anti-submarine ones. In general terms, the country needs technologies for the construction of such universal dock ships, because we do not know whether they will be needed in the future or not.

Multifunctional helicopter Ka-226

When I started serving in the Pacific Fleet in the early 90s, we had 2 Ka-25 squadrons, and these squadrons included a Ka-25 target designator, which worked together with missile cruisers. This helicopter was equipped with a special, more powerful radar, and it carried out over-the-horizon guidance of missile systems. With modern electronics, the small but quite powerful Ka-226 could well take on the function of a high-altitude, over-the-horizon radar for targeting our ships. It could also be used as a search and rescue and reconnaissance helicopter. Of course, most likely, it will not be able to carry search equipment, much less anti-submarine weapons, but there may well be a place for this vehicle in the fleet. The Ka-25 was also used to quickly clear mine passages through the fairway. The helicopter was pulling a cord charge, similar to those used in the UR-76 Zmey Gorynych mine clearance system. Then everything happens as in the ground version - the cord is undermined and the mines detonate.

Nuclear weapon carriers

Previously, once a year we were taken to a certain place, where we trained as a crew on hanging a nuclear bomb. It must be taken into account that water very seriously weakens all the factors of a nuclear explosion. The bomb explodes at great depth, and only a hump of water appears to the surface. The depth of the explosion is very important here, because the helicopter is given only a couple of minutes to move to a safe distance and, if the depth is not sufficient, then it is a one-way flight. The main damaging factor of such a bomb is the incredibly powerful water hammer, which simply crushes the submarine. Such weapons are very dangerous, and their use is determined by a large number of decisions, both military and political.  

An airplane is more effective than a helicopter in area searches for submarines using a magnetometer.
A helicopter is better at “driving a boat.” As soon as the operator sees the flare, the pilot presses the “OPT” button. The helicopter's digital computer remembers the coordinates, and the machine can independently go to the point to clarify the data. LikeLikeTweet

Correction of too curvy shapes

Most representatives of the fairer sex dream of being slim and having a chiseled figure. To do this, some exhaust themselves with diets, others spend the lion's share of their time in gyms, and still others go to cosmetic clinics. Here, experienced doctors can perform liposuction of any complexity, enlarge not only the breasts, but also the buttocks, tighten a sagging stomach, and build stunning biceps for men in a matter of days. All these operations are also perfectly performed by Nesterenko Maxim Leonidovich, a plastic surgeon, whose photos of his work before and after the operation are really impressive. A pleasant advantage of this procedure over other body contouring methods is the fact that after liposuction, the removed fat is never restored. However, it should be taken into account that with poor nutrition, undesirable changes in body contours still occur. If the operation is performed on one area, it only lasts about half an hour and is performed under local anesthesia.

If there are several zones, general anesthesia is given. When a patient does not want to reduce, but, on the contrary, enlarge any part of his body, Maxim Leonidovich performs implantation. As in the case of mammoplasty, he uses only proven and high-quality implants from the American brand Natrelle. Therefore, as a rule, there are no complications.

Skin treatment

Over the many years of his practice, not only surgical intervention, but also many medical procedures were performed on his patients by Maxim Leonidovich Nesterenko, a plastic surgeon, about whom we could not find any bad reviews. He prescribes operations to correct the skin of the face and body only in cases where it is impossible to solve the problem in any other way. If it is possible to manage with conservative treatment methods, patients are offered bioreinforcement with Restylane Vital (Sweden), Surdiderm (France), after which the oval of the face, décolleté and neck again acquire a firm and youthful appearance. Patients over 50 years of age are offered rejuvenation using injections or laser procedures. In addition, lasers can successfully treat acne, pigmentation, and remove scars and tattoos. After such impacts, there are either no traces left at all, or they are barely noticeable.


In the clinic where Nesterenko M.L. works, the price list for the services offered is quite flexible, and in addition, there are promotions and discounts. You can get acquainted with them by calling the reception desk or going to the clinic’s website. The cheapest are injection methods. For example, one Botox injection costs from 400 rubles, and bioreinforcement costs from 30,000 rubles. The most expensive operations performed by Dr. Nesterenko are mammoplasty. They cost from 130,000 rubles. But now there are promotions for some operations, such as breast augmentation with implants, rhinoplasty and rhinoseptoplasty.

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