Sasha Kabaeva is getting married: “For my suffering, I now received such a wonderful relationship”

Sasha Kabaeva is a very versatile girl who has conquered Moscow in just a few years. She managed to work as a photo and video blogger, model, dancer, and also as a barbershop master.

Childhood and youth

Alexandra Kabaeva is a native of the Kyrgyz city of Bishkek. Despite the fact that the girl now positions herself as Alexandra, she is recorded in her passport as Alina. Since childhood, the girl came up with the name Sasha, because she was tired of regular questions about her relationship with the popular gymnast, who is her namesake.

Sasha was raised in a full family of Tatar-Russian nationality together with her younger sister Karina. When the girl was in fourth grade, her father and mother went to Nizhny Tagil for work. Kabaeva wanted to stay with her grandparents for a year to further study at her home school. After finishing fifth grade, the girl moves in with relatives. Having become a high school student, the ambitious beauty realized that she did not belong in a small town. She cherished the dream of making good money and developing, which was impossible in the place where the girl spent her youth.

Since Kabaeva went to a dance school from the age of 6, where she had great success, after graduating from secondary education she moved to Moscow to develop in the artistic field, as well as show business. However, Alexandra was unable to pass the university entrance exams. This event significantly affected Sasha’s relationship with her parents, which became worse. The fact is that the girl easily mastered the school curriculum, receiving high marks in most subjects, therefore, her relatives could not understand and also come to terms with her failure.

During the first time she lived in the capital, the beauty took on any job - she tried herself as a waitress in bars and cafes, and also worked as an administrator in a Moscow nightclub. In parallel with her work, she often attended various auditions for dance projects.

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Alana became Alexander's first wife. They, already married, went on the “Let's Get Married” program.

As it turned out later, all this was started for the sake of PR, which was so necessary on the eve of the decisive battle. Alana did not let go of Sasha alone, she declared: “Either with me or not at all!” The couple went to the program together and both passed the casting for it. They managed to deceive the presenter and TV viewers, since few knew about the marriage. As a result, having achieved PR, the boxer chose his wife from three girls. During their marriage, they had a son, Alex, whose dad loves him madly and pampers him, despite his broken relationship with his ex-wife. They broke up due to the fact that Sasha could not devote much time to his family, and Alan, of course, was not particularly happy with this. He maintained good friendly relations with his first wife, and he constantly repeats that he is very grateful to her for Alex. Sasha calls her son the main achievement in her life and is thinking of sending him to sports. “But for now, this is to maintain health, and when he grows up, we will give him the right to choose.”


One day, Alexandra ends up in one of the most famous city clubs - SohoRooms, where the girl was instantly noticed because of her tall stature, pretty face, and slender figure. Having passed a strict casting, Sasha becomes a participant in the local show ballet, and then the star of her project. The charming girl was often admired by photographers, businessmen and pop stars who came to the club. Kabaeva left SohoRooms in 2015, after which she actively collaborated with blogger E. Gavrilin. The public immediately attributes an affair to them, however, in reality, the girl simply worked on camera and also handled the young man’s accounting affairs. A year later, Sasha creates his own channel on YouTube, calling it “Happy Boar.” Her co-hosts were M. Mexico and K. Alkosimova.

Having gained a little popularity, Alexandra meets T. Yunusov (Timati). He invites the girl to work as a master in his barbershop – 13 by Black Star. The male employees greeted the new employee quite warmly, trying to help her in everything. After a little time, Timati invites Alexandra to participate in his video, becoming the face of the new women's salon 13 Beauty by Black Star, which opened in the spring of 2022. After such bright events, her career as a model and also as a dancer took off. She participates in many photo and video shoots, appeared as a guest star on many famous YouTube channels, and also did a photo shoot in the glossy magazine for men - Playboy.

In 2022, Sasha is engaged in music. The girl releases a song, which she called “Love doesn’t last for three years,” and in 2022 she pleased fans with new compositions “It’s Long Time Not Us” and “Coca-Cola.” Sasha Kabaeva took part in the project “Dom-2”.


Sasha Kabaeva proves by her example that with perseverance and hard work you can achieve a lot. A versatile girl from a small town was able to conquer the Russian capital and its successful residents in just a couple of years. During her creative biography, Kabaeva managed to work as a model, photo and video blogger, barbershop master, and dancer. Despite the discussions among haters about her tattoos, facial plastic surgery and other things, Sasha successfully continues her star journey.

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Plastic surgery

Alexandra has performed plastic surgery more than once. Apparently, the girl didn’t really like her natural beauty, and she decided to make some changes to her appearance. However, the girl before plastic surgery was very beautiful, you can verify this by looking at old photos of Alexandra Kabaeva.

A comparison of pictures of Sasha Kabaeva before and after plastic surgery gives reason to say that she performed surgery to change the shape of her nose, and also increased the size of her bust and lips. On her YouTube channel “Happy Boar,” Alexandra Kabaeva’s ex-husband, A. Lipova, said that Sasha’s bust before plastic surgery was better, however, the girl likes her current lush bust. The girl had breast surgery twice. The 2nd operation was necessary after childbirth to restore the shape and remove asymmetry.

Previously, the girl’s body was practically completely covered with tattoos. However, she removed some of the drawings. The motto with which Sasha walks through life: “The main thing is to be honest with yourself.”

Was there an affair with Victoria Romanets?

In the vastness of the television project “Dom-2”, Victoria Romanets tried to find her love. A beautiful, spectacular girl, Alexander liked her and they fell in love. He took her straight from the project in one of the evening episodes and took her away to build not a house, but a new life.

For a couple of weeks the couple became quiet and did not make themselves known, and then both made it clear that they were absolutely free. Alexander changed his marital status on social networks to “actively searching”, and Vika began to show off new photos with interesting discussions underneath them. What happened to them is still unknown. Most likely, this was just another PR stunt, as the guy’s fans say.

Personal life

Sasha was often credited with having affairs with her colleagues - Timati, A. Sardarov, E. Gavrilin. For some time, Sasha Kabaeva found happiness in her private life with the kickboxing champion of the planet, Alexander Lipov. He is 17 years older than the girl. But this does not bother them in any way, since Alexander Lipovoy and Sasha Kabaeva do not even notice this age difference.

Sasha Kabaeva meets her gentleman through social media. Instagram network, writing to him in Direct to order clothes. They quickly liked each other - they began to communicate often, meet, and then formalized their relationship. Their romantic relationship, full of both joys and scandals, proceeded rapidly and violently. The fact is that the man communicated with V. Romanets, a participant in the Dom-2 project. Once Romanets asked him to come to her “construction site”, telling everyone that they were in love. In reality, they were only friends, however, Sasha became very angry and wanted to part with her beau. She did not answer his calls, but the kickboxer was persistent - he came to the girl’s house in a car to talk to her.

In the winter of 2016, the wedding of Alexandra Kabaeva and Alexander Lipovoy took place in the capital’s restaurant, Chalet Beryozka. There were ridiculous rumors surrounding their marriage, which were based on the huge age difference, as well as the athlete’s decent financial condition.

In 2022, Kabaeva’s husband was arrested, accused of fraudulent schemes on a large scale. Cryptocurrency specialist A. Prokhorov is also involved in the case. Alexander did not admit his guilt, however, the court gave him two years in prison. He was able to be released ahead of schedule.

In the spring of 2022, Alexandra Kabaeva shared with her Instagram followers that she was expecting a child. For the girl, this was her first pregnancy, which took place under enormous stress. Not only was she worried about her husband’s arrest, but she was also suing the Star Hit media. A. Malakhov’s magazine posted a video on its website where Lipovoy was detained, which gave rise to the lawsuit.

At a later stage, Alexandra is at risk of premature birth, and she is admitted to a Moscow clinic for preservation. In the summer, Sasha gave birth to a son, Demid. The father did not see the boy while he was in the prison cell. Only in the spring of 2022 was he able to meet Demid personally, which he was very happy about.

In the spring of 2022, information appeared that Alexandra Kabaeva and Alexander Lipovoy were getting divorced. This news was written on Alexandra Kabaeva’s Instagram page. In the post, the girl said that the divorce proceedings lasted for a long period, but now she feels happy. “I went into marriage for love, but found happiness in divorce,” said the model.

Many of the girl’s fans ask the question: “Why did Sasha Kabaeva and Alexander Lipovoy break up?” The reason for the separation, as the model wrote, was that she came up with an ideal picture of the world, which actually diverged from reality. Sasha’s interests were represented in court by E. Gordon, who works in law. She is grateful to the lawyer for his help with the divorce, and also said that she specifically turned to Gordon when her husband was sent to prison. Despite the fact that Alexandra Kabaeva divorced her husband, she does not object to her son seeing his dad and him participating in his upbringing.

Currently, Sasha is realizing herself as a mother and is completely focused on raising her child. She also develops a blog. The model launched her project “Moms” on the YouTube channel, in which she invites star mothers. The first guest was the famous blogger N. Yashchuk. In an interview in 2021, she told how her birth went and also talked about the secrets of raising a child.

Sasha herself was a participant in a YouTube project. Together with Zhidkovsky, she was invited to star in “Yes Yes – No No.”


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Fans see a double meaning in this; it is quite possible that the girl did not want to share her name with the famous figure skater Alina Kabaeva, or, on the contrary, she wants to achieve popularity on her name.

In addition to school, from the age of 6, the girl attended a dance school and delighted her relatives with incredible results. Without abandoning her childhood dreams, after graduating from school, the girl moved to Moscow in order to develop in the dance field and show business.

Without entering a higher educational institution, the girl packed her things and left. After this, relations with her parents became quite strained: high hopes were placed on Sasha, she was easy to teach, enthusiastically mastered all school subjects and had the highest scores in all subjects.

Her parents never forgave the girl for her ruined career.

Before the operations, Sasha Kabaeva had an almost impeccable appearance - her tall height was always in harmony with the correct proportions.

Before plastic surgery, Kabaeva’s parameters were:

  • Height 180cm
  • Chest volume 88 cm
  • Waist 58 cm
  • Buttocks volume 96 cm

Moving to Moscow

In the early days, the girl began auditioning for various castings in dance shows. Having found herself in one of the most popular clubs in the capital - SohoRooms, Sasha Kabaeva made the right decision.

She passed a rigorous selection process thanks to her presentable appearance and became the star of her own show. The girl was constantly watched by famous photographers, pop stars and businessmen.

A little later, Sasha was invited to appear in rapper Timati’s videos. After the first video, the career of a model and dancer took off, and the girl began to be invited to a huge number of filming sessions. She got into the most popular YouTube channels, and later got a photo shoot in Playboy magazine.

In 2016, Alina created her own YouTube channel, from which she began to earn decent money.

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