Get a thigh lift (femoroplasty) in Ufa

Femoroplasty is a surgical operation aimed at correcting the inner and/or outer surfaces of the thigh and eliminating cosmetic skin defects.

Fat deposits in the thigh area grow rapidly and “go away” very slowly. Under their weight, thin skin, subject to friction, begins to sag. Femoroplasty not only tightens the skin, but also gets rid of excess fatty tissue and prevents further ptosis.

Factors that provoke skin ptosis in the thigh area are poor diet, sudden weight loss, previous liposuction without tightening sagging skin, a sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy and childbirth.

There are several techniques for performing femoroplasty, differing in the method of creating access to soft tissues and the purposes of application:

  • median (through the inguinal folds) - used to eliminate minor sagging with a slight excess of adipose tissue;
  • vertical (through a wide incision from the gluteal folds to the knee) – used for complex correction and excision of a large amount of excess tissue;
  • through incisions around the hip joints – used for immediate correction of the inner and outer surfaces of the thigh;
  • combined - a technique that combines elements of several methods of femoroplasty, used when it is necessary to excise large flaps of skin along the inner surface of the thigh.

Indications for femoroplasty

Surgical correction is carried out for both aesthetic and medical reasons. In the first case, the operation is prescribed to eliminate cosmetic defects that negatively affect the patient’s psycho-emotional state, in the second - to correct too voluminous folds of skin and fat that interfere with walking and lead to diaper rash, abrasions, irritation and poor circulation. So, the indications for femoroplasty are:

  • thickened subcutaneous fat layer on the inner/outer thighs;
  • excess skin due to significant weight loss/muscle dystrophy;
  • weak inner thigh muscles;
  • anatomical disorders: bulges, unnatural folds, pits, uneven distribution of fatty tissue;
  • cellulite;
  • stretch marks;
  • excess fat deposits, leading to chafing of the contacting parts of the skin;
  • low skin tone, ptosis.


The cost of the procedure is from 105,000 ₽.

Femoroplasty is an operation to tighten the inner and/or outer thighs.
There are several methods for performing femoroplasty, depending on the surgical approach to this area: through an incision in the inguinal folds, through incisions on the surface of the thighs and through a large incision from the groin to the knee. The first method is the most gentle, with minimal aesthetic consequences. If the deformation of the tissue on the inner side of the thigh is mild, then it is stretched through small incisions in the groin area. Then excess subcutaneous fat is removed. If the outer side of the thigh needs correction, the incision is made from the groin area around the hip joint. The second method is used for medium volumes of subcutaneous fatty tissue, and the latter method is used for large excesses of excess skin. If the correction of the hips is carried out in combination with the buttocks, then oval-shaped incisions are made that pass through the hips and the upper part of the buttocks. To correct all sides of the thighs (inner, outer and back), an incision is made from the fold line of the buttocks along the groin folds. At the end of the operation, the incisions are closed with stitches. It is very important that the sutures are placed correctly, otherwise there is a possibility of tissue displacement or deformation of the external genitalia. If necessary, drainage tubes are placed in the wound, and after surgery the patient immediately puts on compression garments. Indications

  • Excess fat deposits in the thighs;
  • After removing excess skin after massive weight loss or as a result of muscle tissue degeneration;
  • With ptosis of tissues in the hip area;
  • Uneven distribution of subcutaneous adipose tissue on the thighs (too thin thighs);
  • Weak muscles of the inner thigh;
  • The presence of “breeches” zones (fatty tissue that has accumulated on the outer side of the thigh);
  • For cellulite (when pits and stretch marks appear on the skin).


  • Acute, chronic or infectious diseases in the active stage;
  • Diabetes;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Allergic diseases;
  • Skin diseases in the intended impact area;
  • Age restrictions (up to 18 years).

of the operation is 2-3 hours.

General anesthesia

Primary rehabilitation (sutures, swelling, hospital).

  • Wearing compression garments: a month
  • Hospital: 2 days
  • Removal of sutures: 7-10 days
  • Swelling: 7 days.
  • Compression garments: shorts, anti-embolic stockings
  • The recovery period lasts 4-6 weeks (time depends on the characteristics of the body).

Complete rehabilitation

The final result will be noticeable after 2-3 months.

Limitations of the 2 week rehabilitation period:

  • You should not visit baths, saunas, swimming pools and solariums;
  • Do not take hot baths;
  • Avoid direct sunlight;
  • For a long time, discomfort may occur in the area of ​​the scars when walking, squatting and standing;
  • Avoid intense physical activity.

How is femoroplasty performed?

Femoroplasty is performed under general anesthesia. If excess fat mass is observed in the correction area, the operation begins with Weiser liposuction. After removing excess fatty tissue, the surgeon begins a thigh lift. To do this, one of the previously described methods can be used. Cuts are made along the marked lines.

With midline femoroplasty, the surgeon makes several incisions in the groin folds and excises a triangle of skin on each side. During vertical femoroplasty, the surgeon makes several incisions: along the inner crease of the thigh and along the inner side of the thigh from the groin to the knee. The excess tissue is then removed. With a mixed technique, the incision is made along the groin fold and from the hip to the knee, which provides the surgeon with extensive access, allowing the maximum amount of excess tissue to be excised. After removing excess tissue, the surgeon applies stitches. In case of asymmetry or muscle dystrophy, during surgery, implants can be installed in the hip area to create an anatomically correct shape of the legs.

Femoroplasty after significant weight loss

Being overweight is a health risk, and for some people losing it becomes a vital priority.
But when the result is achieved, patients have another problem - excess skin tissue. Typically, skin folds after weight loss occur in the neck, face, arms, shoulders, buttocks, chest, abdomen and thighs. The surgical treatment plan for reducing skin and fat tissue depends on the patient's age, general health, and the presence of chronic diseases. Often operations after sudden weight loss have to be performed in several stages. Sometimes in such cases several months pass between operations.

Rehabilitation period after femoroplasty

You must wear compression garments for at least 1 month. During the first 10 days after surgery, swelling is observed in the hip area, which is a normal reaction of the body to the intervention. During this period, it is recommended to lie down as much as possible, and physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed. After a month, the swelling completely disappears, and the patient can evaluate the first results. During the recovery period, a number of rules must be followed:

  • care for sutures in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations;
  • observe antibacterial therapy and hygiene;
  • do not visit saunas, baths, swimming pools and solariums;
  • limit sun exposure;
  • do not take hot baths;
  • avoid physical activity;
  • limit your habitual consumption of alcohol and smoking.

Femoroplasty effect

If you follow your doctor's recommendations, the results will last for more than ten years. You will forget about your problems: you will be able to move easily, wear trousers calmly, and get rid of complexes about your own legs.

Patients who have experienced sudden weight loss are a special category. The UMG center has developed special protocols for managing such patients, taking into account the characteristics of their health.

Contraindications to femoroplasty

Femoroplasty is a rather complex and extensive surgical procedure that requires the elimination of all factors that impede its implementation. These include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • Varicose veins;
  • malignant processes;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • minor age.

Advantages of the UMG Clinic

Experienced doctors

Surgeons and anesthesiologists-resuscitators are extremely attentive to each patient with health conditions. The operation is planned carefully to do everything quickly, clearly and accurately.

Team approach

Often overweight people have chronic diseases. In this case, it is better to solve all problems during one operation. At the UMG center, complex transformation is possible, when several surgeons simultaneously work on different areas of the patient. The duration of the operation in this case remains minimal, rehabilitation takes place only once, and after its completion the patient is completely transformed.

Modern equipment

We use the latest equipment. In our operating rooms master classes are held by the stars of world surgery.

Are there any marks left after femoroplasty?

After midline femoroplasty, the scar is almost invisible and can be easily hidden under underwear. After vertical and mixed femoroplasty, a T-shaped scar remains, which is more noticeable than in the first case, but can also be hidden by underwear. The severity of traces of intervention largely depends on the quality of the skin and its regenerative function. In the future, collagen therapy/laser resurfacing can be performed to completely eliminate visible marks from femoroplasty.

Thigh lift in Moscow at OLYMP CLINIC

Femoroplasty is one of the plastic surgeries performed to correct the hips and effectively eliminate existing cosmetic skin defects, and the price of femoroplasty is quite affordable for patients.
Excess fat, which is located in the hip area, grows quite quickly, and getting rid of it is quite difficult. Thin skin becomes saggy under the influence of friction and the weight of fat. Lifting the thighs and buttocks is aimed at smoothing the skin, removing excess fat deposits, and preventing possible swelling. They may be caused by an incorrect diet, sudden uncontrolled weight loss, possible pregnancy, or plastic procedures performed without skin tightening.

Technique of the operation

Specialists use several femoroplasty techniques:

  • median. It is carried out through the inguinal folds and eliminates slight sagging of the skin;
  • vertical. It is a large incision running from the buttocks to the knee. With its help, a large amount of excess tissue is removed and a comprehensive correction of the hips is carried out;
  • incisions in the hip joint area. Aimed at simultaneous correction of the hips from all sides;
  • combined - technology includes several methods of femoroplasty, used in cases of removing large amounts of skin and tightening the inner surface of the thigh.

Features of surgical operations on the body

Body surgery is performed using general anesthesia. Before body contouring, it is necessary to exclude the presence of serious diseases. You need to understand that any plastic surgery on the body is carried out provided that the patient is healthy.

Before the intervention, there is a period of preparation: taking tests, consulting with specialists and adjusting your lifestyle.

After body plastic surgery, the patient must wear compression garments for 1 month. This is necessary to speed up healing and obtain a stable result.

It is important to remember that body plastic surgery is one of the ways to achieve a harmonious appearance, but does not replace the entire complex of a healthy lifestyle! After body correction, patients must lead an active lifestyle, eat right and monitor their weight. This will improve the achieved effect and allow you to enjoy beautiful contours for a long time!

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