Sasha Project: plastic surgery and stunning results before and after

The rapid emergence of singer Sasha Project on the horizon of Russian show business dates back to the early 2000s. The spectacular blonde, whose appearance resembled the overseas star Britney Spears, quickly won an army of fans. And just as quickly she disappeared from view, flashing by like a bright comet. And now, after a long break, the singer again presented her new creations to the audience. During these years of forced oblivion, Sasha had to undergo the most difficult physical and moral tests, which she told the general public about. Sasha gave an interview in which she openly spoke about her numerous plastic surgeries, exciting and shocking the public.


The future singer, known as Sasha Project, was born in Penza. The girl’s real name, received at birth, is Oksana Kabunina. From childhood, she was active: she participated in school clubs, studied in sections, and studied well. But Oksana's main passion was music. Teachers noticed the singing talent of the young talent very early on and advised parents to develop it. As a result, the girl entered a music school, from which she graduated with honors in piano and vocal classes.

Then Oksana enters a music school and participates in various competitions for young talents. Here, at the Planet Hollywood performing arts competition, producer Kuznetsov notices her and invites her to sign a contract. This is how the musical project “Sasha Project” was born. Songs released in collaboration with Kuznetsov become hits. Clips with a young, spectacular blonde are broadcast on central Russian channels.

Childhood and adolescence

The real name of the artist is Oksana Kabunina. She was born on April 26, 1986. The girl grew up as an inquisitive and active child. During her school years, Oksana pleased her parents with excellent marks in her diary. In addition, she was a favorite of teachers and classmates.

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Oksana loved to sing. The first performances of the future star of Russian show business took place in kindergarten.

During her school days, she did not exchange her love for music. Oksana continued to perform at school events. Teachers advised parents not to bury their daughter’s talent, but to help it reveal itself.

Parents enrolled their daughter in a music school. At the educational institution, she honed her piano playing, and later became a soloist in the choir. She also danced and attended a theater group.

Sasha Project (Sasha Project): Biography of the singer

After receiving her matriculation certificate, Oksana entered college, whose teachers graduated theater and film actors from the educational institution. At the same time, Kabunina began making her first attempts to conquer show business.

Personal life

Successfully, at first, the personal life of the “Russian Britney Spears” began to take shape. In 2004 she managed to win the heart of the king of Russian glamor, stylist Sergei Zverev. True, their civil marriage broke up already in 2005, but Oksana-Sasha did not remain alone for long. Already in 2006 she married Israeli businessman A. Ginzburg. From her new lover she gave birth to two children - daughter Milena (2006) and son Leo (2014).

Useful video

Watch the video about how Sasha Project suffered at the hands of a plastic surgeon:

The famous Lera Kudlyavtseva was a beauty even without makeup before plastic surgery. But in my youth I worked hard, so over time I had to undergo plastic surgery. There were both successful attempts and visible traces of unsuccessful plastic surgery on the face.

Sasha Almazova, better known to Russian fans as Sasha Zvereva, lives in Los Angeles with her family.

For some time now, the mother of many children has been having intimate conversations with her Instagram followers about self-soothing and resolving internal conflicts with the help of nature.

Fans became worried, deciding that the idyll with her second husband Dmitry Almazov had been disrupted again. Let us remind you that the ex-soloist of the group “Demo” and the DJ have already broken up twice and started living together again.

Instead of answering questions from her followers, Sasha posted a seductive video on Instagram where she poses in lingerie.

In the background, she used a pleasant melody and her own voice reading a frank verse:

Unsuccessful plastic surgery

But the girl’s family idyll did not last long. A tragic incident intervened in the matter, as a result of which she had to fight for her health, and even for her life, for several years. Sasha Ginzburg spoke about this on the program “Let Them Talk” in 2014. The middle-aged woman with a dull look who came to the talk show did not in any way resemble the cheerful beauty that fans of Sasha Project remembered.

The beginning of all the singer’s misfortunes came in 2009. The decision to slightly improve your appearance is to undergo rhinoplasty. When visiting the clinic, the consultant strongly recommended that the girl also adjust her chin and improve the shape of her breasts.

The plastic surgeon assured the patient that all operations would be performed at the highest level.

In fact, everything turned out exactly the opposite. According to Sasha, after rhinoplasty, her nose began to resemble a bird’s beak. The edges of the nostrils were uneven, and pre-existing breathing problems worsened. When correcting the shape of the chin, not a pre-agreed contouring technology was used, but an implant was used. At the same time, it was inserted clumsily and skewed.

In response to the girl’s legitimate complaints, the clinic agreed to carry out repeated operations to correct the deficiencies. For this purpose, the surgeon inserted an implant into Sasha’s nose, and the crooked prosthesis was removed from his chin. As a result, the insert in the bridge of the nose did not take root, and noticeable scars appeared on the chin. A similar situation was observed with mammoplasty. The girl had part of her breast removed and replaced with silicone implants. But they were poorly secured and eventually moved. Sasha's breasts acquired an unnatural angular shape.

The singer, following a sad experience of cooperation with this clinic, refused its services. Specialists from other medical institutions had great difficulty and were only partially able to correct the results of unsuccessful plastic surgery. But the negative external consequences were only the beginning of all problems. Unsuccessful surgical intervention resulted in sepsis and necrosis.

To save her life, the singer had to undergo a long course of treatment, which included new reconstructive operations. But still, this did not pass without a trace: the still young woman began to experience memory loss, her vision and hearing deteriorated. As a result, A. Ginzburg’s husband filed for divorce immediately after the birth of his second child, leaving Sasha alone with his illnesses and two small children in his arms.

TOP 10 stars who were changed by plastic surgery: disfigured Sasha Project and new Boris April

Boris April is now a happy girl named April

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The past year will be remembered for significant changes in the appearance of some stars. summed up the results of 2014 and remembered which stars went under the surgeon’s knife this year. This brought happiness to some, while others lost popularity, money and face because of unfortunate doctors.

1. Vera Alentova. The rating will begin with the famous actress, star of the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” Vera Alentova. The actress shook her face when she appeared in February at the Golden Eagle 2014 film awards.

Alentov was difficult to recognize. Her facial features became distorted and disproportionate, one eye became half the size of the other. Experts suggest that the actress had a facelift and enlarged her lips.

2. Alena Laurent. TV presenter and socialite Alena Laurent was the next to decide on plastic surgery. True, she did not undergo any radical changes - Alena got rid of her pumped-up lips , shrunk her cheeks and corrected her nose. Laurent straightened out her nasal cartilage because she thought her nose was unattractive on camera.

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3. Dana Borisova. Who really pleased herself this year is the Russian presenter Dana Borisova.

The famous blonde had her breasts enlarged, which, as Dana herself admitted, she had dreamed of all her life. The operation was successful, so now Borisova is the owner of a luxurious third size. Now the happy presenter willingly poses for men's glossies, because she has something to brag about.

4. Renee Zellweger. The star of the film "Bridget Jones's Diary" Renee Zellweger became a popular favorite thanks to her extraordinary appearance.

However, it was the big cheeks and narrow eyes that the Hollywood actress always disliked. This year she decided to take radical steps and left the plastic surgeon’s office completely unrecognizable. The paparazzi couldn't believe their eyes when they saw Zellweger at the ELLE Women ceremony. The actress was impossible to recognize. It is interesting that the star herself claims that she did not undergo surgery , but “changed with age.”

5. Sasha Project. The singer Sasha Project, popular in the 2000s, known to many for the songs “I really need you,” “White Dress,” “Two Words about Love,” suddenly disappeared from television screens and stopped releasing new hits.

As it turned out, Sasha had plastic surgery unsuccessfully , after which she was completely unrecognizable. The artist was pleased with her appearance, and went to the doctor to correct her nasal breathing. But the surgeon not only unsuccessfully corrected her nose, but also inserted an implant into her chin, which had to be thrown away due to an infection.

Due to constant anesthesia, after nine operations, the artist began to have sleep disorders, she forgot some words, and indeed the Russian language in general. As the star herself admitted, absolutely no one recognizes her, and the surgeon ruined her life.

6. Donatella Versace. Now it is difficult to calculate how many plastic surgeries the Italian fashion legend Donatella Versace has undergone. 20 years ago, the fashion guru had naturally full lips and smooth skin, but when the famous blonde was spotted at the airport a month ago, she was hard to recognize .

“Her skin is very shiny, which is a symptom of too much Botox and laser resurfacing, which is used for a smooth skin effect. I think there was an implant in her lower jaw, as evidenced by bone loss,” Dr. Amer Khan commented on Versace’s appearance. Donatella's fans really hope that she will stop bullying herself, because they are worried about her health.

7. Jacqueline Stallone. The 93-year-old mother of Hollywood handsome Sylvester Stallone, Jacqueline, is a direct competitor of Donatella Versace in terms of the number of plastic surgeries.

According to surgeons, there was no living space left on the woman. Jacqueline can safely be called a record holder for plastic surgery. Despite her plastic surgery appearance and age, Jacqueline continues to undergo cosmetic anti-aging procedures and participate in public life.

8. Mary-Kate Olsen. Now you can easily find 10 differences between the star twin Olsen sisters. Since one of the sisters, Mary-Kate decided to change her appearance a little . With a new face, the actress appeared with her sister at the World Of Children Awards 2014 in November.

According to experts, with the help of plastic surgery, Olsen changed the shape of her eyes and the shape of her face, and also enlarged her lips. Why Mary-Kate did this, she did not comment.

9. Masha Malinovskaya. More than one woman was jealous of the curvy figure of the famous Russian presenter Masha Malinovskaya. However, the socialite herself shocked that she never loved her large breasts. Therefore, I turned to the surgeon to have it reduced. Instead, the would-be doctor did such a thing to Malinovsky that now Masha is forced to have the operation redone by another surgeon, and then sue.

“Not only do my breasts still hurt a lot, but he also managed to make my nipples asymmetrical, although he measured all the proportions before the operation. But that is not all. The breasts came out different sizes: one - the second, the other - the third,” Malinovskaya complained.

10. Boris April. But for the androgynous boy Boris April, unlike Masha Malinovskaya, everything turned out very well.

This year, April looked even more like a girl thanks to plastic surgery. The artist enlarged his breasts. April showed off his new uniforms on his social network page. Fans supported their idol and noted that now he looks much better.

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A little later, April dotted all the i’s and openly announced that he had changed his gender. So now he asks to be called exclusively April. In addition, April now has a beloved man .

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Sasha today

The rehabilitation process after the intervention of butcher surgeons is not completed to this day. So, in 2022 Sasha underwent another operation to restore the original shape of her breasts. The singer filed a lawsuit against the clinic, which was the cause of all her misfortunes, which was satisfied after 4 years of litigation. According to the judge’s verdict, the clinic paid her 2 million 200 thousand rubles for harm caused by the surgeon’s unqualified actions.

Despite the many years of struggle for life and health, which took away a lot of physical and moral strength, the singer returned to the big stage.

In 2022 She officially got married for the second time. In 2018-19, Sasha delighted fans with new singles and gave a number of concerts in various cities of the country. Now she is recording new songs and videos.


Author: Svetlana Sergienko

How to care for your skin in hot weather? And why is lemon dangerous? The cosmetologist tells

Scorching sun, high humidity, dry hot wind. On hot days, the skin goes through a real shock. Ultraviolet

the cause of wrinkles, peeling, inflammation and burns.

Svetlana Firsova, cosmetologist-esthetician: All creams that are used in the summer: for dry, normal, and combination skin, should be light , fluid, serum . Essential the summer for all skin types:
cleansing, moisturizing, toning and protection from ultraviolet radiation . Our favorite clay masks, many girls already know about them - they are very good, in the summer they are simply a chic thing. - based moisturizer is also great.
But it turns out that if you use it incorrectly, it can lighten the skin, yes, in the place where there is excess pigment. But in fact, then this place will be more susceptible to pigmentation, and just a spot will remain

If you notice that you have inflammation, peeling, irritation, or a burn, do not experiment, but contact specialists in beauty salons.

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Sofia Stuzhuk


The most popular Ukrainian Instagram blogger Sofia Stuzhuk was a devoted fan of naturalness for many years and modeled her impeccable figure exclusively through physical exercise. However, a few days ago the girl admitted that she had decided to undergo mammoplasty.

Plastic surgery includes several types of mammoplasty: augmentation, lifting, reduction, as well as plastic surgery of the nipple-areolar complex. The blogger admitted that she decided on the first two options at once. She placed an implant that enlarged her breasts to size four and did a lift, which was simply necessary after breastfeeding three children.

In addition to breast correction, Sofia Stuzhuk also got a new nose and corrected her eyelids. “We will give Sofia a new nose. She wants to improve the tip and just a little bit on the back. It will be as natural and natural as possible. We will also do the upper eyelids and correct bags under the eyes. But I will delete them and move them. We will preserve them by filling the middle zone,” commented Sofia’s plastic surgeon.

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