How painful is it to sugar a deep bikini?

A modern woman, for whom an impeccable appearance is very important, simply cannot afford unwanted hair on her body, even in intimate places. Therefore, the question of the most suitable method for removing excess hair will always be relevant.

Recently, sugaring has become increasingly popular, and it is excellent for treating legs and more delicate areas, including the armpits and the “deep bikini” area. How beneficial such a solution will be and whether it hurts to get rid of hair in this way - read on.

What is sugaring

In many ways, the sugaring procedure is similar to the process of hair removal during a waxing session, but instead of heated wax, a thick sugar paste is used here, to which essential oils or lemon juice are added, which help soften the skin and last longer.

You can perform all the required actions both in the salon and at home, especially since all the necessary tools and materials are freely available.

However, despite all the positive reviews, many women are stopped by the question: is it painful to do sugaring, and is it even worth using this method to remove hair in the deep bikini area? Now we will try to find out.

Does it hurt or not?

The issue of the pain of such procedures largely depends on the woman herself and her skin type. For some it is simply hellish torment, while for others it is a slight discomfort that soon passes.

However, almost everyone agrees that how often you do sugaring and how often you turn to a specialist for hair removal plays a big role.
Did you know? Representatives of the fair sex fought against unwanted vegetation even before our era. Moreover, if now many procedures simply cause pain, then in those days the means used were also deadly. Thus, the most famous depilatory drugs were arsenic and quicklime.

First time

If you are going for the procedure for the first time, then with a high degree of probability you can talk about severe pain, especially if it is sugaring in the bikini area.

To understand whether it will hurt you - or, more correctly, how much it will hurt - you can try plucking a few hairs with tweezers, although this is only an approximate sensation.

The hairs in this place are quite tough and if you have never pulled them out by the roots, they will not easily leave the follicle, which results in pain. The only thing that can be recommended to minimize unpleasant sensations is to entrust the matter to a master who has all the necessary tools and considerable experience in his arsenal.

Second time

This is not to say that when you re-use the sweet paste you will not feel anything at all, but most likely the process will be much easier than the first time .

The regrown hairs will be much thinner than their predecessors, and the pain is mainly explained by the removal of those specimens that were previously in a dormant state and have only grown back now.

To repeat the procedure, it is also better to consult a specialist and use pain relief methods.

Subsequent sessions

As with waxing, with each subsequent session the intensity of pain will decrease , and if you have already undergone waxing, then you can roughly guess whether it will hurt to do sugaring in the bikini area the third, fourth and subsequent times.

I must say that in this case you can try to perform all the steps yourself.

Before your period

During menstruation, visiting a cosmetology office with such a delicate task is at least unacceptable from an aesthetic point of view , because even when using a tampon, it can be extremely unpleasant for a specialist to do his job (many cosmetologists warn women in advance about the appropriateness of choosing another day).
However, even if you are not particularly concerned about the experiences of other people, and you are ready to take risks, think about your own feelings, because a few days before the expected period, as, in fact, upon its onset, all sensations intensify significantly and the usually tolerable sugaring procedure will seem simple unbearable .

For more information on whether it is worth doing deep bikini sugaring during menstruation, read a special article.

Doing it to myself

Self-hair removal at home has many advantages compared to visiting a salon.
First of all, it is much cheaper, and also much more convenient in terms of time. Important! Whatever way you decide to do hair removal or depilation, make sure you have a large mirror. It depends on a good review whether you can independently get rid of all the hair in the notorious “bikini zone” and how painful it will be to do it yourself.

However, you should think it over to decide whether it hurts to do sugaring yourself, and how different these sensations are from the “salon” experience. It must be said that a lot depends not only on the area of ​​the body being epilated, but also on the correct technique (preparation and tension of the skin, direction of the jerk, volume, density and temperature of the paste).

It would be better for beginners to try their hand at the legs and only then move on to the more inaccessible and sensitive “bikini zone”.

It is likely that at first the procedure will seem more painful to you compared to what was previously done in the salon, but over time you will learn to perform all the actions with minimal discomfort.


Currently, there are several types of bikini sugaring. These include:

  1. Classic - hair removal occurs only along the line of underwear. This type of hair removal is used mainly during the beach season.
  2. Medium bikini - the procedure is performed only in the area above the pubis and on its sides.
  3. Total - in this case, completely all hair is removed. The intergluteal region is also affected.
  4. Brazilian - also implies complete removal of vegetation not only from the front, but also from the back, while leaving a narrow strip.
  5. French - the technique is similar to the previous method, however, hair is not removed between the buttocks.
  6. Deep - all excess hair is removed not only along the underwear line, but also in the upper pubic area, leaving a small amount of hair in the form of a triangle.

Bikini design is becoming no less popular among women at the moment. After sugaring, a tattoo is applied to the intimate area, which can be decorated with rhinestones or sparkles.

What hurts more?

For those who have already tried more than one method of getting rid of unwanted hair on the body, it will be enough to simply choose the least painful option for yourself. However, women who have just decided on sugaring are often perplexed with what it can be compared to. Therefore, let us compare it with the most well-known procedures.


Wax hair removal has held a leading position for a long time, and it must be said that today it remains a fairly popular method of hair removal.
Instead of the sugar mixture used in sugaring, here you need to heat it up and apply regular wax to the skin. Further actions are similar, but the main difference is the direction of the jerk when pulling out the hair. When waxing - against hair growth, and in sugaring - along hair growth, which is less painful. Learn more about what is better than sugar hair removal and waxing.

It is precisely because of the great similarity of the techniques that both options are considered quite traumatic and painful, so before choosing a method “for yourself,” it is worth experimenting with both compositions on a small area.

Everyone’s “pain threshold” is different, it’s difficult to say which product is better , although many women defend sugaring in this matter, especially since the likelihood of skin damage is lower.

Of course, for those who have tried both procedures, the advantage of using sugar paste in the deep bikini area is quite obvious.


Hair removal using an epilator is almost always a long and painful process, especially for beginners in this matter.
In addition, to achieve maximum results, you need to wait until all the hairs grow well and are captured by the device, but even then, most “machines” miss some of them.

If you believe the reviews, the epilator is only good for treating the legs, and in more sensitive areas it is simply unbearable to use , and some hairs are not pulled out, but simply broken off.

Sugar paste evenly covers all hairs in the area of ​​its application, and in combination with oils or special creams that are applied after the procedure, it promotes a good and long-lasting effect.

Therefore, if you are already set on sugaring a deep bikini, but are hesitating because you don’t know whether it hurts or not, definitely try it.
Did you know? All hair follicles on the human body are formed during the prenatal period, or more precisely, when the expectant mother is in the fifth month of pregnancy.


Laser hair removal involves removing annoying hairs by destroying the follicle without damaging the skin. For this purpose, special laser radiation is used, the effects of which are practically invisible to most women and can only cause slight discomfort .
At the same time, when treating particularly sensitive areas, painful sensations may occur, especially for those who have increased sensitivity. In such cases, cosmetologists suggest using an anesthetic cream.

Compared to a laser procedure, sugaring does seem to be a more painful way to remove unwanted hair , but over time you can get used to both options.


ELOS hair removal is a combination of photo and laser hair removal, and its implementation is completely safe and practically painless .

At the initial stage, the laser beam of the device heats up the hair, followed by a current discharge that completely destroys the follicle, making it impossible for the hair to reappear.

According to experts, after just 9 procedures, a minimum of hair will remain on the treated areas, and in some cases it will completely disappear.

Many consider ELOS the most suitable option for hair removal in the deep bikini area, noting its high efficiency combined with the almost complete painlessness of the procedure. As for the latter, the method has surpassed even the popular sugaring, which many women say is very painful to do in intimate places .


During photoepilation, the death of hairs and their detachment from the skin is explained by the action of high-pulse light .
It is aimed at the pigment contained in them, as a result of which the hair root becomes very hot and dies. Important! This procedure is useless if you have blond and gray hair, and the lighter it is, the worse the result will be.
When choosing a cosmetology salon, be sure to read the reviews of the specialists, otherwise there is a risk of getting burns due to the incompetence of the specialist.

In terms of pain, this option is very successful, since, in comparison with the same sugaring, it brings much less discomfort , and in some cases there are no unpleasant manifestations at all.

Therefore, if you are worried whether it will be painful to remove hair from the bikini area, then you should not worry.


During electrolysis, the hair follicle is destroyed by exposing it to an electrical discharge.
In many ways, this method of removing unwanted vegetation is similar to the previous option, only in this case more women complain of moderate pain .

Moreover, some believe that the anesthetic injection performed before the procedure is much more painful than the procedure itself.

In comparison with sugaring, one thing is clear: the intensity of pain largely depends on the professionalism of the master, but in any case they are present.

Hair removal zones have their own characteristics:

  • face
    – the skin is treated with laser for no more than 10 minutes; the procedure can be completely painless or very unpleasant. In the latter case, much depends on the individual characteristics of the client. Jeweller's precision is required;
  • abdomen and chest
    – treatment of the abdomen does not cause discomfort and the procedure does not require painkillers. The skin of the female breast is sensitive, hair removal occurs with unpleasant sensations, but lasts no more than 5-7 minutes. On the male chest the hair is thick and dense. Removing them is difficult and the procedure lasts up to 40 minutes with mild discomfort;
  • back
    – laser hair removal does not cause pain. The exception is age spots and birthmarks containing large amounts of melanin;
  • hands
    – in the absence of wounds and age spots, the procedure is painless;
  • bikini area
    – hair removal is painless with precisely adjusted equipment, the procedure lasts 20 minutes. Minor discomfort may occur when treating intimate areas, but it passes quickly;
  • legs
    – problems arise only when the skin is dry and the equipment is not set up correctly.

The main problem areas respond adequately to laser treatment, the procedure proceeds without pain.

How to reduce pain

So, we have already found out that sugaring a deep bikini is quite painful, so the issue of pain relief before the procedure should not be relegated to the background. Today there are many ways to reduce such discomfort, and we will now tell you about some of them.

Gels, ointments, sprays

Local anesthesia using compounds specially developed for this purpose is perhaps the best solution to the problem.

There are quite a lot of gels, ointments, creams and sprays on the modern market intended for use before a variety of types of hair removal and depilation. However, the main component in almost all cases is lidocaine , a popular medical drug successfully used by doctors.

The most common formulations are those containing 5% lidocaine, and if we proceed from the point of view of convenience, then we should give preference to sprays.

According to consumer reviews, Hungarian products are the most popular, since the effectiveness of using such products is much higher and the hair removal procedure is almost painless.

The spray is applied to the skin three hours before the procedure.

However, not everything is so simple, and when choosing this method of pain relief, you need to take into account possible contraindications: individual intolerance to lidocaine, low blood pressure, possible occurrence of seizures, problems with the kidneys or liver .
Did you know? After bone marrow, hair is the second fastest growing tissue in the body.
A good result can also be achieved through the combined use of lidocaine and prilocaine, on the basis of which another popular product was created - Emla cream .

It lasts longer and has fewer contraindications compared to the previous option. This composition can be found in almost any pharmacy, where it is supplied in tubes of 5 g and 30 g.

Not long ago, another drug appeared on the market that provides good pain relief when removing hair in the deep bikini area - Light Dep gel .

It is characterized by a high speed of action (about 25-30 minutes), comparative ease of use, low cost and the possibility of use even on the most sensitive areas of the body. The main active component in this case is anestoderm - a substance consisting of a whole set of anesthetic elements.

All of them are aimed at blocking pain receptors without reducing the overall sensitivity of the skin.

Compared to the popular Emla cream, Light Dep gel is more affordable in terms of price, but you can only buy it in specialized stores or online.


If you are firmly convinced that sugaring in the bikini area is painful, or have tested this statement in your own practice, then it should only be done with preliminary anesthesia.

The simplest and most affordable option would be to use traditional painkillers: “analgin”, “tempalgin”, “ibuprofen”, “ketoprofen”, “pentalgin”, etc.

At least one of the listed drugs should definitely be present in your home medicine cabinet, so you need to drink it 40 minutes before the procedure.
This simple and affordable method of pain relief is perfect for sugaring at home, even if you need to treat the intimate area. Important! You should not get carried away with medications, because any of them affects most organs and systems of the body, which can lead to unwanted side effects.
To maintain health, it is better to use products specially designed for this procedure, which we mentioned earlier. When using any chosen composition for the first time, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Ice freezing

If you don’t yet know whether it will be painful for you to endure the sugaring procedure in the bikini area, but you don’t want to take pills or use gels, then you can try freezing the skin with ice.
This should be done immediately before the procedure, simply wiping the skin with a piece of ice. Many women experienced in this matter do not believe in the effectiveness of such actions, but you can also find positive reviews in this regard. As in many other cases, the “rule of individuality” is more likely to work here.

A little alcohol

Perhaps this option of anesthesia may seem wild to some, but there is hardly a person who has not at least once heard about the ability of alcoholic drinks to dull pain. Some, after drinking, even manage to fall out of windows, and it doesn’t seem to hurt them at all.

What can we say about sugaring the bikini area, compared to such antics, this is generally a trifle. Therefore, you should not be surprised if a cosmetologist suddenly suggests drinking 50 g of cognac or several glasses of wine, although such cases are the exception rather than the rule.

The effect of alcohol on reducing pain is explained both by its direct effect on the body and indirectly - through the elimination of fear and anxiety, which also plays an important role.

If you carry out the procedure at home, then no one will look at you askance, but do not forget about a sense of proportion and possible contraindications.
For example, it is necessary to completely exclude the possibility of simultaneously taking painkillers and alcoholic beverages, although the use of creams or ointments is not contraindicated. Did you know? In summer, hair grows faster than in the cold season, since low temperatures slow down this process.

Causes of pain

The appearance of pain when following laser hair removal technology is associated with the individual characteristics of the body. The appearance of discomfort may be due to incorrect equipment settings; at Ola beauty centers, cosmetologists carefully approach the preparation and setting of the operating parameters of the laser.

How to cope with pain with a low pain threshold? Cosmetologists use softening gels that contain the painkiller lidocaine. Clients may have an intolerance to this medication. The master always clarifies the presence of contraindications. If allergic reactions are present, an alternative anesthetic is selected.

Some clients, in fear of pain before hair removal, take painkillers - an incorrect and ineffective approach. The anesthetic acts on the entire body, and with a low pain threshold, local anesthesia is needed.

How to properly prepare for the procedure

Preparing for sugaring in the intimate area is somewhat different from preparatory activities in other areas of the body. First of all, to make it less painful, you need to choose the appropriate time for the procedure.

It is known that in the period from 13 to 15 hours of the day the human body most easily tolerates any pain, although you can only be convinced of whether this is true through your own experience.

About an hour before the intended procedure, you can
take an anesthetic tablet of one of the above drugs, and before directly applying the sweet paste, cool the skin with a piece of ice.
It must be said that for sugaring at home, the position a woman occupies also plays an important role. When choosing it, you need to strive for maximum accessibility to all hairs, otherwise you will have to repeat all the steps again, and perhaps even several times.

As for the rest of the preparatory activities, these include standard requirements that do not depend on the specific area being epilated:

  • a few days before sugaring, the skin should be cleansed with a soft scrub to remove the thin top layer of skin with dead cells (this will make it easier for the sugar paste to penetrate the hair follicle for better removal);
  • hairs at the time of sugaring or any other type of hair removal should reach 4-5 mm, otherwise they will not be able to be captured well (hair that is too long must be cut with scissors);
  • three to four days before the procedure, you should not sunbathe, otherwise, as a result of exposure to the paste, pronounced redness and irritation of the skin may be observed, which in other cases can be avoided;
  • on the day of sugaring, no cosmetics should be applied to the skin, except those used immediately before or after the session;
  • When going for the procedure, wear loose cotton underwear that will have minimal impact on irritated skin (nothing should press or rub).

By following these simple rules, you will be able to tolerate the procedure well, without any negative consequences for the skin.
Did you know? The so-called “goose bumps” are the result of numerous muscle spasms around the hair follicles, which can be caused by a feeling of fear or cold.

Pros and cons of hair removal with sugar paste

There is still no consensus among women about sugaring, so it is difficult to definitively answer whether it is as painful as many describe, and how pronounced such sensations are.
However, if you are used to doing hair removal or depilation in the bikini area using other methods, you should understand that each of them has its pros and cons.

The main thing is to choose the most suitable time (preferably not before your period) and find a qualified specialist. The advantages of sugaring undoubtedly include the following:

  • thanks to the natural components of the paste, the risk of allergic reactions is minimized;
  • the constituent components of the product help destroy bacteria in a specific area of ​​the body;
  • the sugar paste is practically not heated, which avoids burns on the skin;
  • the paste does not disrupt the vital activity of living skin cells, but is able to effectively remove dead particles, performing a kind of peeling that improves the overall appearance of the skin in the bikini area;
  • after the procedure is performed correctly, there will be no ingrown hairs or irritation;
  • The effect of sugaring lasts about 20 days.

The disadvantages of the described procedure include the relatively high cost (wax hair removal usually costs half as much), the inability to remove too coarse hairs that are accustomed to shaving (you may have to first perform several waxing procedures), and, of course, it is not worth forget that the procedure is quite painful , especially the first time.

In general, sugaring is an excellent way to get rid of unwanted hair on the body. The main thing is to set yourself up for a positive result and not worry before the procedure.

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