Sugaring of the deep bikini area: indications, contraindications and how often to do it

Sugaring of the deep bikini area is a hair removal procedure that involves treating the entire intimate area. The main difference between this type of hair removal is the treatment of not only the pubis and labia, but also the tailbone area. Deep sugaring of the intimate area is an effective procedure that does not cause discomfort and does not lead to the development of allergic reactions. To find out how deep bikini areas are sugared, you need to familiarize yourself with the features and advantages of this depilation method.

Pros and cons of sugar hair removal

Sugaring means removing hair using sugar. Sugar hair removal in the bikini area is one of the most popular methods of removing unwanted hair after waxing. This is due to the following advantages of the procedure:

  • low cost. The process uses simple and affordable ingredients, so the price of services is kept at an acceptable level;
  • no pain. During depilation, a woman does not feel severe pain or severe discomfort;
  • hypoallergenic. The process uses products that contain natural and herbal ingredients, so the development of allergic reactions is minimized;
  • long-term preservation of the result. Hair does not appear on the body for 8-10 days; after epilation with a razor, hair appears within 2-4 days;
  • no damage. Sugar equipment does not lead to mechanical damage and the appearance of bruises, sores and scratches;
  • easy technology. Sugar depilation is a simple procedure, so any woman can perform it at home.

Deep bikini sugaring has its drawbacks - hairs can grow into the skin after removal. There is also a possibility of buying a low-quality product and not seeing the expected effect after sugar hair removal. If you are allergic to caramel or lemon juice, which is used in the process, a woman may experience irritation on the skin. In such cases, you must stop the depilation procedure and rinse the damaged area with warm water.

Sugaring deep bikini, how deep depilation is - one of the popular women's questions. During the manipulation process, hair is removed not only from the pubic part, but also from the inside of the labia, the anus area and the tailbone. How long the effect lasts depends on the characteristics of the female body. Usually the results last for 2 weeks.

“Sugar” depilation – what is it?

The name of the procedure comes from the English word sugar. This “sugar hair removal” allows you to delicately remove hair even in the sensitive bikini area. Therefore, of all the available methods, women most often choose sugaring as the least traumatic and painful.

With the modern development of cosmetology, sugaring is best suited for epilation of the intimate area of ​​the body. It is made using a thick sugar mass with the addition of components for a better effect. The caramelized paste is applied against hair growth and penetrates into the root zone of the hair follicles. Then it is torn off along the hair growth, which makes it possible to reduce the painful sensations from tugging. Depilation does not involve destruction of hair follicles. Therefore, after some time, unwanted hairs begin to grow again. This occurs after about 2-4 weeks, depending on the characteristics of the body.

Subsequently, the structure of the growing hair becomes thinner, the hairs themselves become soft and sparse. Repeated procedures are less painful than the first.

Selecting material for depilation

Since sugar paste became a popular means of removing unwanted hair, many manufacturers have begun making sugar-based hair removal products. Today, conventionally, all caramel products are divided into three types: soft, medium, hard. The soft paste is suitable for pulling out light and fine hair. Medium - for hair of medium hardness. Hard - for problem areas with very thick and dense hair. Hard sugar paste is suitable for intimate areas.

Today, the choice of depilation products is wide. However, not all manufacturers make quality products. You can often find products with the wrong chemical composition. Therefore, before purchasing pasta, you need to carefully read the features of each product. What to look for:

  • aggressive particles in the composition. If the paste contains flavorings and aggressive additives, this indicates the use of low-quality raw materials and possible allergic reactions after use. It is not worth purchasing such a product;
  • plant components. A high-quality paste contains a plant or herbal extract. It helps moisturize the skin and protect it from damage;
  • oils Sugar pastes for sensitive skin should contain essential oils of chamomile, lavender, and eucalyptus. This means that the paste will soften the skin, moisturize it, and prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Particular attention should be paid to product expiration dates, information about dermatological studies and quality certificates.


  1. The sugaring method is very popular; it allows you to keep your skin smooth for up to 4-5 weeks.
  2. Regular sessions will reduce the level of pain and save time for subsequent sessions.
  3. The frequency of the procedure depends on various factors - the individual characteristics of the body, proper care of the dermis before and after the session.
  4. Hair growth after sugar depilation is slowed down by special means.
  5. Pasta comes in different densities. The coarser the hair, the denser its consistency should be. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with electrolysis during pregnancy in this material.

How to prepare for hair removal

To make depilation easier and get a positive result the first time, you need to carefully prepare for the procedure. Sugaring - preparation methods and rules:

  • women will have to grow hairs in the selected area up to 1 cm. If the length is shorter, the paste may not capture them;
  • The day before hair removal, you will need to exfoliate the skin in the bikini area for better adhesion of the caramel. To do this, you can take any scrub intended for the body or face;
  • In addition to the paste, you will need a disinfectant solution. You need to prepare Miramistin or Chlorhexidine in advance. Regular hydrogen peroxide is often used;
  • Before the procedure, the skin needs to be steamed so that the sugar product sticks to it better. Therefore, before depilation you should take a hot bath or shower;
  • A few days before sugar hair removal, it is better to avoid visiting a solarium; you should also not sunbathe in direct sunlight. This can lead to irritation and peeling after deep sugaring;
  • 3-4 days before depilation, you should avoid treating your intimate area with creams and lotions, as they can provoke the development of an adverse reaction.

For girls with very sensitive skin, it is better to use painkillers or local anesthetics during the first procedures. Initially, they may feel severe and unpleasant pain. But with regular use of deep bikini sugaring, the hairs become thinner and the pain threshold decreases significantly. For an anesthetic effect, salons most often use Emla cream. You can try using lidocaine in the form of a spray. If a woman has a very high sensitivity threshold, you can take an analgesic tablet 30 minutes before the procedure. The analgesic is selected based on how sensitive the girl is to pain.

How often to do sugaring in the bikini area is a question many women often ask. Experts do not advise epilation too often, so as not to injure the skin. According to experts, 1 procedure every 2-4 weeks is enough, if everything is done according to the correct scheme.

Little tricks

To prevent hair removal from seeming too painful, you can resort to old effective methods:

  • sign up for the procedure at lunchtime - it is believed that from one to three in the afternoon a person is least sensitive to pain;
  • half an hour before sugaring you can take a painkiller; it could be analgin or ibuprofen - any remedy you have tested;
  • shortly before epilation, it is also recommended to wipe the skin with pieces of ice; You can also apply cold ice after the procedure to quickly relieve redness.

How the procedure works in beauty salons

For beginners in this matter, it is better to seek help from professionals in a beauty studio. Masters use special techniques for sugaring bikinis in the salon, which cause minimal pain to the client. To acclimate the skin, it is recommended that the first 2-3 procedures be done by a professional. How to do deep bikini sugaring correctly:

  1. Initially, the master heats the sugar paste to a temperature of 40 degrees.
  2. After this, the mass is rolled into a small ball. To understand how much to take, you need to evaluate the texture of the hairs. The denser it is, the more product;
  3. The skin must be disinfected and disinfected, and then sprinkled with talcum powder or baby powder.
  4. The prepared lump of paste is stretched and turned into a flat cake.
  5. Apply the sugar product to the hair. Caramel spreading occurs against hair growth.
  6. The specialist stretches the skin and tears off the stuck lump of sugar (in the direction of hair growth).
  7. Next, the actions are repeated with other areas of the skin.

After sugaring a deep bikini in the salon, the skin is cleaned of sweet and sticky residues. Next, the required areas must be treated with cream or lotion. According to experts, it is better to use nourishing or moisturizing products containing plant extracts.

Preparing for the sugaring procedure

How to prepare for the procedure so that it is as comfortable and effective as possible?

  • The day before sugaring, it is prohibited to sunbathe in the sun or visit a solarium.
  • On the day of sugaring, you should refrain from applying lotions or oils to the area of ​​skin that will be treated.
  • Before sugaring, you can take a shower and use a soft scrub that will remove the top layers of skin and lift hairs. The scrub should not be rough, otherwise you can injure the skin.

Sugaring at home

Not all women are ready to spend large sums on salon treatments. Therefore, many of them try to perform sugaring of the deep bikini area on their own at home. Two methods of deep depilation have been developed, which differ from each other in the method of applying caramel paste to the skin. How to do sugaring in the bikini area—schemes:

  • manual technique. This sugaring technique in the bikini area is suitable for use at home. In the process, the sugar mixture is rolled into a small ball, after heating and darkening, the product is applied to the problem area, held for 2-3 minutes and torn off in the direction of hair growth. This technique is used less and less in beauty salons;
  • bandage technique. This requires skill, so the method is suitable for more advanced users. During the hair removal process, special strips of fabric are used. The sugar product is spread over the surface of the skin in a thin layer, covered with a cloth tape on top, after a few minutes it is torn off and the steps are repeated on other parts of the body. This method of deep hair removal is similar to wax hair removal.

When the skin, materials and tools are prepared, you can begin home depilation. How to perform bikini sugaring correctly on your own:

  1. The first step is to steam your skin and take a hot shower, at which time you can lightly scrub the bare bikini area. But not too much to prevent scratches.
  2. After a shower, the skin must be thoroughly dried and then treated with an antiseptic solution (it must be prepared in advance).
  3. Heat the sugaring paste and tear off a small piece of it. It should be rolled out in your hands until elastic.
  4. Apply caramel to the bare bikini area (against hair growth). It is better to start hair removal from the groin area, since the sensations here are less noticeable;
  5. Wait 2-3 minutes.
  6. Lightly stretch the skin with one hand, and with the other, with a sharp movement, tear off the top layer of the mixture.
  7. If there is not much hair in the intimate area, the caramel layer can be used 1-2 more times. After this, take a new lump of paste, heat it again and apply it to the skin.
  8. A deep bikini involves hair removal in the tailbone area. At first it will be difficult to do this on your own, but over time you can get used to it.
  9. When all the hairs have been removed, you need to wash the intimate area with warm water (it is advisable not to use soap or gel), and then treat the smooth skin with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Deep bikini depilation with sugar paste takes up to 2 hours at the initial stage. More advanced users remove problem hairs in 20-30 minutes.


When preparing for sugaring of the deep bikini area, girls watch videos of the procedure quite often. However, few of them think that hair removal also has contraindications. Cosmetologists strongly do not recommend signing up for sugaring in the following cases:

  • with individual intolerance to the components of sugar paste;
  • for diabetes mellitus at any stage of development.

Half an hour before sugaring you can take a painkiller

Care after sugaring

Sugaring of a deep bikini slightly injures the skin, even if the woman does not feel pain during the procedure. If you do not follow the rules of skin care after performing deep sugaring, then there is a risk of irritation, excessive dryness and redness. After hair removal, redness may be noticeable for the first 2-3 hours - this is a completely normal reaction. If pigmentation does not go away after a few days, you will have to treat bare skin with antiseptics and moisturizers several times a day. This will help avoid dryness and roughness.

Immediately after depilation, a natural cream must be applied. It is advisable to focus on products with herbal ingredients (chamomile, calendula, aloe). After sugaring the intimate area (deep bikini), gynecologists prohibit wearing tight panties made of unnatural material. They can rub the skin and trigger the development of allergies. For the first days, you should wear loose-fitting cotton underwear.

For a week after sugar hair removal, it is better to avoid hot baths, swimming pools and saunas. It is allowed to take a warm shower without shower gels with aggressive particles. Preference should be given to natural soap for intimate hygiene. According to gynecologists, it is better to scrub the skin in the intimate area a week after the deep bikini sugaring procedure to avoid the appearance of ingrown hairs. In the first 2 days, you must refrain from having sex.

Do-it-yourself sugaring with applique

This technique is practically no different from the basic procedure. A similar preparation of the skin is carried out, a ball of paste is taken and rolled out over the surface to be treated. The main difference between home sugaring with application and the main method is the use of a very hard sugar mixture. This viscous mass is tightly applied to the skin, but reviews from girls convince us that it is much easier to get used to.

It is believed that this technique is easy even for those who are encountering this method of hair removal for the first time. However, you should not neglect the opportunity to prepare either. If you watch the video tutorials before doing your first sugaring, you will be able to epilate the deep bikini area quickly and painlessly.

Special paper strips are used for bandage sugaring techniques.

Irritation occurs after sugaring: what to do

If problems appear after depilation, this means that the woman used the wrong hair removal scheme. With severe skin sensitivity, women may experience irritation and pustular inflammation. To get rid of the problem, you will need to treat the affected areas with healing ointments - Levomekol, Sintomycin - 2-4 times a day. If the discomfort is accompanied by severe pain, you can take a painkiller tablet.

If skin injury occurs, herbal lotions are made. A small amount of dry herbs (chamomile, sage) is poured with boiling water, the resulting decoction is infused, a cotton pad is dipped into it, and applied to the problem area for 10 minutes. If the inflammatory process does not go away within a week, you need to seek help from a dermatologist or allergist.

Home hair removal

Most girls who decide to do sugaring at home do not immediately get a deep bikini without a single hair. The success of the procedure really comes with experience. For those who are not very confident in themselves, the best option would be to purchase ready-made sugar paste in an online store or pharmacy.

If you still want to prepare the sugaring mixture yourself, you will need half a glass of water, a kilogram of sugar and the juice of one half of a lemon. Preparation of pasta occurs in several stages.

  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and place on maximum heat. Stir for three minutes.
  2. Reduce heat, cover the pan and leave the pasta for 10 minutes.
  3. Mix the mixture thoroughly, close, wait another 20 minutes. The paste is ready when the syrup turns brown and has a caramel aroma.
  4. Turn off the stove, stir the mixture again and leave to simmer for another 5 minutes.
  5. Pour the contents of the container into a clean plastic container and wait until it cools completely. The main thing is not to store pasta in the refrigerator.

The process of preparing sugaring paste


Sugaring of a deep bikini is not as harmless as it initially seems. There are a number of contraindications for its use, which all girls must be familiar with:

  • severe damage to women's skin (scratches, open wounds, purulent pimples). Deep sugaring is performed only on healthy skin;
  • the presence of suspicious moles in the bikini area. Sugar paste can damage nevi and lead to their degeneration into malignant tumors;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • last months of pregnancy;
  • women's critical days;
  • the presence of malignant tumors in the body;
  • tendency to allergic reactions.

It is not recommended to use sugar hair removal of the bikini area for girls with skin and fungal infections (according to any scheme). In such cases, it is better to consult a dermatologist before removing hairs.

Advantages of sugaring over other methods of depilation

If we talk specifically about the removal of excess hair on the body, such as depilation, then sugaring has very few competitors. Basically these are methods such as:

  1. waxing (hair removal with a wax-based liquid mixture);
  2. chemical depilation (depilatory creams);
  3. hair removal with a razor.

In terms of the procedure, sugaring is similar to wax depilation, but there is still a difference between these methods. The main disadvantages of using wax are:

  1. high risk of skin burns from hot wax;
  2. painful procedure.

The fact is that after cooling, the wax strips come off the skin in the direction of hair growth. It feels much more painful than removing the sugar paste.

Using a razor is less painful, but completely ineffective. After shaving, the skin may turn red or become covered with pustules, and itching of the treated surface is possible. But the main thing is that after a couple of days, hard, prickly hairs appear on the skin. There can be no question of aesthetics in this case.

The same can be said about the use of depilatory creams. They are not particularly effective because they cannot completely remove coarse hairs in the bikini area. Ideal skin smoothness cannot be achieved using this method.

Thus, sugaring is best suited for depilation of the deep bikini area.

Are there any consequences, how long will the inflammation last?

The negative consequences of sugaring in the bikini area arise due to the use of incorrect removal techniques: if a woman does not warm the paste up enough, keeps it in the bikini area for too long, or does not use antiseptics and creams during the hair removal process. Side effects include the following symptoms:

  • allergic reactions;
  • redness and darkening of female skin;
  • the appearance of scratches and bruises;
  • inflammatory neoplasms;
  • dry skin, severe itching;
  • ingrown hairs.

Eliminate problems with antibiotic ointments, antiseptic solutions and moisturizing creams. Usually the inflammatory process disappears 3-5 days after hair removal.

What will help reduce pain

Sugaring is considered a fairly gentle method of depilation, but pain is still present. They manifest themselves differently in all clients, depending on individual sensitivity.

For those who are afraid to carry out the procedure without anesthesia, the use of local anesthetics can be recommended. These include:

  1. Lidocaine.
  2. Prilocaine.
  3. Cream "Emla".
  4. Gel Light dep.

The first two drugs are applied directly to the skin in the procedure area. These medications have contraindications and side effects.

Emla anesthetic cream is used for superficial anesthesia. It contains lidocaine and prilocaine. The duration of application of the cream to the treated area of ​​skin should be 1-2 hours. After removing the bandage, the duration of anesthesia is two hours.

The active component of Light dep gel is anestoderm. It quite effectively relieves pain and reduces discomfort from painful cosmetic procedures.

Useful tips for sugaring

Beginners do not always carry out sugaring in the bikini area efficiently, because of this they get additional problems. You can avoid them if you use useful rules. Deep bikini - how intimate sugaring is done correctly:

  • Before the procedure, hair in the bikini area must be grown. However, too long hairs are not suitable for epilating the bikini area with sugaring. Sugar paste simply won’t pull them out. Therefore, you need to focus on the most suitable length - 0.5-1 cm;
  • To ensure that the pain after tearing off the strip is insignificant, the caramel mixture is applied to the bikini area in a thin layer;
  • The sugar product should be applied against hair growth and removed along it;
  • If after tearing off the sugar there are small hairs left on the skin, there is no need to treat this area again, this can lead to the development of allergies. Removal of remaining hairs is done using ordinary tweezers;
  • To carefully study the tailbone area, it is recommended to use a small mirror. It will help you evaluate the quality of the work done and understand how deep the sugar has gone;
  • It has been noted that during menstruation, the pain threshold in girls increases, so during this period it is not recommended to use sugar hair removal of a deep bikini;
  • When an important event is planned, the deep bikini sugaring procedure is done before bed. Overnight, the skin will have time to calm down and return to normal;
  • To reduce pain after sugaring in the bikini area and avoid consequences, you can use the old proven method - apply ice to the skin for a while. With its help, the pain goes away 2 times faster;
  • In order not to wash the caramel mixture from your hands for a long time, gynecologists advise using disposable gloves; they should not be too thick.

If after 4-5 procedures the girl could not cope with the discomfort, it is recommended to change the hair removal method. This means that sugaring is not suitable for her. To do this, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.

What is the difference between bikini sugaring and deep bikini sugaring?

There are three types of sugaring in the bikini area:

  • Classic. Hair is removed along the border of the underwear: the specialist will treat the skin of the lower abdomen, visible parts of the buttocks, and the inner thighs. This type of hair removal lasts on average up to 25 minutes.
  • Deep. Here the area of ​​the inguinal fold is affected at a distance of up to three centimeters in the area of ​​the pubic bone, up to two centimeters deep from the inguinal fold to the labia. Along the panty line, excess hair is removed up to two centimeters down. The cosmetologist will perform deep bikini hair removal in about 35 minutes.
  • Total. With this type of procedure, hair in this area is completely removed. This takes about an hour.

Due to the fact that most salons provide two services – classic hair removal and deep hair removal – it is better to clarify in advance what is included in the second type of procedure. This can be either complete or partial removal of unwanted hair.

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Epilation of the intimate area in the classic version means that the specialist will remove hairs on the inner surface of the thigh and along the visible edge of the underwear. If necessary, the area can be increased slightly. This type of hair removal will be good for beginners who are trying this procedure for the first time.

Usually beginners think: “sugaring a deep bikini - what zone is this?” — This procedure involves depilation of the intimate area completely. This includes: pubis, labia, tailbone. Using sugaring in delicate areas has positive and negative aspects. It is important to know them before you start doing the session.

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Which sugar paste is better?

Most women do not prepare caramel themselves, but buy ready-made masses. There are several types of caramel on the shelves, but only one of them is preferable. The hardest paste is suitable for the intimate area; it effectively removes hair and you don’t have to go over one place several times.

Sugar mixtures for hair removal are divided into three types:

  1. Soft. Most often used to treat light hair with a fine structure.
  2. Average. Suitable for those areas where the hair is of medium hardness (legs, armpits).
  3. Tough. Effective for removing coarse hair (such pastes are used for epilation of the bikini area in most cases).

To choose sugaring, you will have to independently evaluate the structure of your hair in an intimate place. Everything is individual, but in most cases, the hairs there are hard. Along with the main component – ​​sugar, the mass may contain oils and other substances that have a caring effect on the skin.

Sugar depilation for sensitive skin is performed with a product containing oils.

Products suitable for women with such skin:

  • Ayuna revitalizant;
  • Elena maaya;
  • Beauty Image;
  • White line.
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