Rating of LPG devices. Review of Top 10 originals and analogues

France is considered the birthplace of the invention of LPG devices. In the early 80s of the last century, the LPG Systems organization acquired the right to technological production of units. Therefore, it is believed that only this manufacturer produces original devices. However, in recent years, cheaper analogues of LPG devices have begun to appear, which means they are no less in demand. We have compiled a rating of the most popular models, both original and analogues, but first you should understand what characterizes quality products.

Article about LPG devices and their areas of application

The most important characteristics of LPG devices

Original technology.
The LPG device operates on the principle of vacuum action combined with mechanical manipulation. As a rule, the original is always better than its analogues. Therefore, originality should always be valued higher.

Convenient controls.

Modern LPG devices are full-fledged computerized complexes with an intuitive interface and LCD screen. The first models did not have such parameters, although they were also lower in price. More convenient models in terms of handling can count on higher scores.

Variety of procedures.

There are devices whose purpose is to affect only the torso itself or only the face. Some models combine these functions. With the help of LPG devices, it is possible to carry out figure correction using endermological methods, direct lipomassage, LPG massage of the face itself, sports LPG massage, as well as LPG massage according to medical indications. The more versatile the device, the higher the scores.

Availability of certificate and RU.

Certification of equipment and the presence of a Registration Certificate used in the medical and cosmetology fields is very important. This speaks volumes about the quality and safety of the product. Devices with certificates and identifications receive more points in our rating.


The price of LPG devices can be quite high; analogues, replicas, and clones can cost significantly less. More budget-priced models receive high scores. Popularity and prevalence of the brand in Russia. More popular models have the opportunity to score more points.

Is hardware cosmetology an expensive pleasure?

Hardware cosmetology is the basis of modern cosmetology. She offers effective and safe solutions to a variety of aesthetic problems. Owners of beauty salons are well aware that hardware procedures are the most profitable for the enterprise; they form the “basis” of the cosmetology business. The only drawback of hardware cosmetology is the one-time investment in purchasing equipment. The cost of any serious hardware system can vary from 0.5 to 5 million rubles, depending on the technology and manufacturer. As we see, the difference in the cost of a unit of equipment is noticeable, and many people have a question: will there be the same noticeable difference in the efficiency and economic feasibility of these devices, especially if these devices operate using the same technology?

It's no secret that the quality, reliability, safety, efficiency and, accordingly, profitability of equipment directly depend on its manufacturer. Just 10-15 years ago there were very few companies producing cosmetology equipment; they were mainly European companies, well known in professional circles. Today there are hundreds of companies on the market, most of which are far from European. Many of them produce cheap, low-quality equipment, masquerading as well-known European brands. By the way, the same thing is observed not only with cosmetology equipment, but also with equipment in general - household appliances, power tools, telephones and much more. The most revealing illustration of this process in cosmetology is copying the LPG . Let's use this example to look at the main differences between original equipment and “replicas”.

Rating of the best devices for hardware facial massage, how they differ

There are several types of original devices produced by the French company LPG System, as well as cheaper analogues. They all have different characteristics and technical features.

Perfect-1000 device

A popular Chinese analogue of the French massager. The set includes 6 attachments:

  1. With smooth rollers for massaging the arms and legs in the shin area.
  2. With perforated rollerballs for the whole body. Designed to stimulate the breakdown of subcutaneous fat and skin tightening. This element is equipped with four additional nozzles - for treating the skin of the face, neck, décolleté, perinatal area, and sensitive skin around the eyes.

The average cost of Perfect-1000 is 350 thousand rubles.
The device is easy to use - thanks to the large display with a Russian menu, you can control the vacuum level and also change the direction of movement of the rollers. According to customer reviews, the effectiveness of facelift massage is not inferior to procedures using the original device.


Some time ago, a massage device from Philips was especially popular. Its convenience lay in the fact that, thanks to its small dimensions and simple instructions, beauty sessions could be carried out even at home. Most often, the massager was used to improve lymph or blood flow, increase skin elasticity, eliminate cellulite, and improve body contours. Consumers of the product noted noticeable pain and discomfort during the massage, but at the same time, the procedure was quite effective. At the moment, it is difficult to purchase the device due to the lack of offers.

Original PMG-i7 device

The operation of the device is based on the principles of ultrasonic cavitation, vacuum, microcurrent therapy, and RF lifting. The device is equipped with seven powerful handpieces:

  • cavitation handpiece with RF lifting to combat cellulite;
  • cavitation manipulator with RF lifting and focused ultrasound for working on local areas with excessive fat formation;
  • microcurrent manipulator, which is used to tighten facial muscles;
  • vacuum, supplemented with twelve-pole RF-lifting, handpiece;
  • three-pole RF handpiece for working in the facial area;
  • 8-pole handpiece for treating skin on the face and body;
  • 12-pole RF handpiece for body correction.

You will have to spend about 137 thousand rubles to purchase the device.

This configuration allows you to simultaneously get rid of fat deposits and tighten, refresh, and rejuvenate the skin.

Vacuum roller Vortex apparatus

A domestic massager, manufactured according to German developments with the involvement of foreign specialists in the production process. Main technical characteristics:

  • roller rotation speed – 20 thousand revolutions per minute;
  • vacuum power – 38 kPa.

The device is equipped with attachments for various purposes, and sessions can be carried out in different modes, depending on the patient’s needs.

The approximate price of an LPG device is 240 thousand rubles.

Massage using the LPG Integral device (Integral)

The device is considered the gold standard of hardware cosmetology. While patients note only the high efficiency and painlessness of the procedure using this device, experts cite a whole list of advantages:

  • small size of the massager;
  • a well-established, recognizable brand;
  • multifunctionality;
  • possibility of using replaceable nozzles and maniples;
  • well-thought-out technical equipment - touch screen, the ability to keep a protocol of procedures, a virtual user assistant;
  • quick payback of the device.

Thanks to the improved Ergodrive manipulator, the effect extends to connective tissues, which requires fewer procedures. At the same time, the skin does not become red or injured. The price of the model is 900 thousand rubles.

Carrying out hardware massage sessions on this device is not prohibited even for young mothers. Already 3 months after giving birth, you can begin to fight skin defects that have arisen as a result of pregnancy.

B-Flexy (Biflex)

Budget analogue of the original installation. Developed by Belarusian for body and face correction. The device tightens the skin well, eliminates puffiness, cellulite, breaks down fat deposits, and improves blood circulation. The advantage of the model is that there is no need for a medical license, which simplifies its acquisition by beauty salons. The disadvantages of B-Flexy include a constant vacuum and passive rollers, that is, its operating mode cannot be changed. According to patient reviews, the result of such a massage, as well as the sensations during the procedure, differ significantly from manipulations with the original equipment. The device is relatively inexpensive - 300-350 thousand rubles.

LPG Cellu M6 Endermolab

The latest development of the LPG System company, which is distinguished from similar devices by the following features:

  • highly comfortable treatment table with adjustable design elements;
  • color touch screen, ability to display procedure protocols;
  • USB port for downloading new programs;
  • regulation of frequency of exposure;
  • new TR-50 handpiece with specially designed rollers that provide both deep and superficial treatment of captured folds;
  • built-in adapter for simultaneous connection of two handpieces.

Depending on the requirements of the salon, the device can be used only for body work or additionally equipped with special attachments for the face.


Corrective device made in South Korea. Technical features:

  • 3 modes – ultrasound, vacuum and radiofrequency exposure;
  • the presence of three attachments - for the face and neck, limbs, back, buttocks, abdomen;
  • vacuum power – up to 86 kPa;
  • touch liquid crystal display.

You can purchase a new product in the cosmetics industry for 590 thousand rubles.

Various types of this technique

Vacuum. Similar to cupping massage, but the effect is of a different kind. This technique allows you to get rid of sagging skin and a double chin.


Vacuum roller . The therapy is carried out using vacuum and rollers. When the handpiece grips one or another area of ​​the skin, the rollers work in different directions. Used when you need to lose weight, tighten your contours, or even out your contours.

Vacuum roller

Anti-cellulite. More complex than other types of LPG massage. Here you need, firstly, great professionalism of a specialist, and secondly, a high quality massage device. Used to eliminate “orange peel” anywhere.


What is more effective: myostimulation or LPG

Each procedure of various types of hardware massage has its own characteristics. Through myostimulation, you can strengthen and restore muscles in a short period of time. The method is based on exposure to pulsed current. It penetrates tissues and promotes their regeneration, restoration and rejuvenation.

LPG massage is no less effective in shaping the figure. Its action is somewhat different. Thanks to special rollers, it is able to penetrate deep into the tissue and correct the figure.

For greater effect, both methods can be used in combination.

Differences between procedures

Before starting the procedure on the LPG machine, the client puts on a special suit made of elastic fabric. This ensures smooth sliding of the handpiece and thorough treatment of all areas of the body without touching papillomas, moles, etc.

Side effects often occur after LPG massage. Among them:

  • pain;
  • swelling of the treated area;
  • hematomas;
  • chills after the session;
  • redness of the skin.

Within 24 hours, such manifestations disappear on their own. It is prohibited to perform the procedure for varicose veins and fragility of blood vessels, however, such pathologies are not a contraindication for the endosphere.

Before starting a massage with the Endospheres Therapy device, the doctor applies oil to the client’s body for easy and painless gliding over the skin. Unlike the LPG device, the endosphere automatically recognizes the type of cellulite and selects the degree of impact.

There are no side effects after the procedure. In rare cases, with fibrous advanced cellulite, minor pain is noted.

Side effects and precautions

Any cosmetic procedure carries a risk of side effects. LPG massage is no exception. The session can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

  • Swelling and red spots. These are normal phenomena, especially if this is your first time undergoing an LPG massage course. Education will take place a few days after the session. Over time, the skin will get used to the active mechanical impact and will stop reacting to it so sharply.
  • Hematomas and bruises. Most often they are the result of negligence or poor professional training of a cosmetologist. If you observe bruises and bruises at the treatment sites with the device, think about changing the specialist.
  • Chills. A feverish feeling in the first few hours after the procedure is a sign that you still have contraindications to the technique. Chills may also indicate the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia. In this case, performing LPG massage is even useful, but the procedure can only be carried out with the permission of the attending physician.

If any of the listed side effects are detected, you should inform the specialist who performed the massage. Perhaps the cosmetologist will adjust the course scheme or reduce the strength of the device.

To avoid unpleasant consequences after the procedure, adhere to the following precautions:

  • Do not ignore contraindications and specialist recommendations.
  • Do not take the course more often than once every six months for the face and once every 3 months for the body.
  • Choose a specialist carefully. Lack of qualifications of the massage therapist is one of the main reasons for the occurrence of unpleasant formations in the treated areas. Ask a specialist for certificates of completion of courses using the LPG method.
  • Don't be fooled by cheap offers. High-quality LPG is expensive. A low price indicates a malfunction of the equipment or insufficient experience of the specialist.
  • If you constantly experience bruising, redness and other side effects, refuse LPG massage. The regular appearance of various types of formations means that the procedure is not suitable for you.
  • Don't neglect preparing for the session. The latter allows you to identify contraindications and develop a procedure plan specifically for your case.
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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