Vacuum facial massage: from cans to professional devices

From this article you will learn:

  • What is vacuum facial massage
  • What effect is achieved by vacuum facial massage?
  • What types of vacuum facial massage are there?
  • What are the indications and contraindications for the use of vacuum massage?
  • How to do a vacuum facial massage at home
  • How to perform a vacuum facial massage in a beauty salon

Over the years, it becomes more and more difficult to maintain the beauty of your face in its original form. Often, when we wake up, we find our swollen reflection in the mirror, which brings only grief, not joy. It’s not worth talking about fine wrinkles, as well as acne - a huge and common problem. Vacuum facial massage is an excellent solution to all these ailments. Many admirers of cosmetic procedures are familiar with it and actively use it. For those whose face has not yet undergone such therapeutic relaxation and to expand their knowledge of how to do a facial massage with a vacuum, the information is below.

What is vacuum facial massage?

Vacuum facial massage, or rather, the technique of performing it, consists of treating the skin with a vacuum using special devices. This procedure is divided into manual and hardware vacuum process.

In the first case, the procedure is carried out manually using pipes made of glass with rubber bulbs or silicone bulbs at the ends. This vacuum facial massage can be done at home. But familiarization with its technical aspects is mandatory. Otherwise, you can harm yourself and your appearance.

The second case is the use of vacuum in salons and beauty centers. The vacuum device consists of a panel that extracts air and hoses extending from it. The ends of the hoses are equipped with pads that vary in size.

Opinion of cosmetologists, dermatologists, doctors

Most professional cosmetologists, doctors and dermatologists agree on the benefits of vacuum facial massage, but call for a competent and responsible approach to this procedure. For beginners, it is better to use a special apparatus.

Ignorance of the location of all massage lines and inability to use massage cups can lead to the appearance of rashes, swelling, microcracks and stretch marks.

Home vacuum facial massage with a device can only be started after consultation with a specialist, making sure that there are no contraindications. Some specialists teach clients the basics of home vacuum massage, having previously prepared the skin and facial muscles for the effects of vacuum.

Vacuum facial massage and the results it gives

The effect obtained from this procedure consists of a forceful effect on the dermal tissue. And the more thorough the treatment, the more effective the process: the tone of the facial muscles increases, blood and lymph flow in tissues increases, metabolic processes accelerate, fatty compounds are destroyed.

  1. Increased lymph flow and blood circulation lead to an almost instant enrichment of facial tissue with nutritional components. In addition, slight damage to the capillaries pushes the body towards their restoration processes. Collagen and elastin, the “components of youth,” are produced at the same time.
  2. The percentage of adipose tissue decreases due to the processes of its physical destruction. Vacuum facial massage helps break down fat cells, particles of which are easily burned by the body.

The condition of the dermis becomes significantly better if essential oils and other useful components are used during the “vacuum facial massage” procedure. At the same time, the skin is enriched with vitamins and its water balance is restored. Oils also act as an antiseptic.

As a result:

  1. Stretching and relaxation of spasmodic chewing and facial muscles occurs.
  2. Another network of capillaries opens, increasing blood flow, and with it the content of oxygen, microelements and nutrients increases.
  3. Metabolic processes and cell regeneration are accelerated.
  4. Tissue stagnation is eliminated (mainly in the area under the eyes). By improving the outflow of lymph and venous blood, harmful and under-oxidized metabolic products are eliminated.
  5. The amount of fat deposits in the chin area is reduced.
  6. Fibroblasts are activated, which produce collagen and elastin proteins.
  7. The complexion of the face becomes pleasant to look at, the skin begins to moisturize naturally, becomes elastic, the tone of the facial muscles increases, small wrinkles in the lips, chin, and outer corners of the eyes disappear. The nasolabial fold is smoothed out.
  8. The functions of the sebaceous and sweat glands are normalized, their ducts are cleared, and conditions are created for the release of open comedones.
  9. Pores become less noticeable, the protective properties of facial skin enhance their functions.

Based on this, vacuum facial massage is good for both treatment and beauty.

However, vacuum massage also has one negative point: if the procedure is performed incorrectly, bruises may occur on the skin. Their appearance is caused by excessive retraction of the can. It is unacceptable! Choose a low level of impact on the skin and increase it only after gaining appropriate experience with vacuum massage.

Read material on the topic: Laser facial skin rejuvenation: useful tips and recommendations

Benefit from the session

The procedure is considered effective against signs of aging and wilting of the epidermis.

With its help, you can reduce age-related changes in the skin, swelling, bruises under the eyes and improve the general condition of the skin:

  • reduce the manifestations of facial, purse-string, nasolabial and other wrinkles;
  • tighten the facial contour, improve muscle tone;
  • reduce subcutaneous fat deposits, swelling;
  • even out the relief and color of the epidermis;
  • speed up regeneration processes;
  • normalize the functioning of blood vessels and the amount of sebum secreted.

Cupping also affects muscle tissue. With the correct massage technique, they can cause deep relaxation of the facial muscles, reduce tension in the face and neck, and eliminate muscle spasms. Therefore, they are also used for the prevention of facial neuralgia.

Vacuum facial massage: before and after photos

We demonstrate the result - the faces of the girls after 10 sessions of the procedure:

Vacuum facial massage with cups, vacuum roller facial massage and other types of procedures

There are several types of vacuum facial massage. They differ in the devices and devices necessary for the procedure.

Classic can

This vacuum facial massage is divided into 2 subtypes: kinetic and static.

  • The first type involves applying medicinal oils, moving the suction cups in the direction of the lymph flow.
  • The second type of massage is carried out in the simplest way: the cups are placed on the desired area of ​​the facial skin and are removed after a while.

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This type of massage is a unique combination of the effects of local low pressure and low levels of laser radiation. The area of ​​the face limited by a glass bulb is treated with laser. Using a hardware pump, a reduced pressure is formed in this flask. Laser-vacuum facial massage, which is carried out in the salon, exposes the skin to trophic-stimulating, analgesic, reducing swelling and inflammation effects.

Vacuum roller

The vacuum component of this type of facial massage acts directly on the cells, renews and revitalizes metabolic processes in them. Hardware rollers regulate the movement of fluids in the subcutaneous layer. This process is almost indistinguishable from a massage performed by a real professional massage therapist. Vacuum facial massage using hardware rollers is recommended to clients to rejuvenate wrinkled, flabby, mature skin. This massage is an effective lifting procedure.

Carrying out laser-vacuum and vacuum-roller massage is possible only in a beauty salon. If, of course, you are aiming for a positive result. A huge number of vacuum massage techniques using modern equipment are carried out at the Veronika Herba City Beauty and Health Center. But before you sign up for a particular procedure, decide for yourself what you expect from it in the end. Enter “vacuum facial massage reviews” into the Internet search bar and read the information received. Can't decide? It’s okay, when you contact Veronika Herba, qualified specialists will advise you and help you figure out the necessary cosmetology sessions. Price for facial massage with vacuum: from 3000 rubles.

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Vacuum facial massage: indications and contraindications

All cosmetic processes have a number of contraindications for certain people. There is a risk of adverse consequences from the procedure, but the risk of its occurrence is small. Indications for vacuum facial massage are the following:

If you are in the “30+” age category, a facial massage with a vacuum is justified. For people of younger age, such a massage should be performed only if:

  • reducing tissue turgor and elasticity;
  • reduction in the volume of facial muscles (the older we are, the “more capricious” our skin is, the muscles become thinner and elongated, the contours of the face change);
  • sagging dermis;
  • the appearance of a double chin;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • high dryness of tissues;
  • the appearance of deep and superficial facial or static wrinkles;
  • swelling, bruises under the eyes and bags.

Contraindications for vacuum facial massage:

  • any diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • skin diseases and minor injuries;
  • close placement of blood vessels to the surface of the dermis;
  • thrombus formation;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms (moles, warts, papillomas, etc.);
  • inflammatory processes in any degree of their manifestation.

In addition, there is individual intolerance to certain drugs and processes. Please clarify these details with the doctor you are seeing. A visit to a qualified doctor is required before a person undergoes such a serious procedure as a vacuum massage.

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Precautionary measures

  • Castor, coconut, flax and cocoa oils have the highest level of comedogenicity, so their use in cupping massage is strictly prohibited.
  • People with very oily skin and severe forms of acne should not use oils at all. Cosmetologists recommend that patients with such skin first consult a gynecologist or endocrinologist to normalize hormonal levels.
  • Do not forget to carefully care for silicone massage jars: rinse them thoroughly to remove any remaining cream or oil in warm soapy water after each procedure, and then treat them with an antiseptic solution. It is advisable to have your own set for individual use.

During the season of severe frosts and active sun, it is better to refrain from conducting sessions.


  • Pathology of the thyroid gland.
  • Severe cardiovascular diseases
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin.
  • Thin, sensitive dermis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Tuberculosis of any localization.
  • Increased body temperature above 37 degrees.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Severe forms of acne.
  • Increased capillary fragility.
  • Skin cancers.
  • Postoperative period after plastic surgery on the face.
  • Condition after botulinum therapy, injection of fillers or plasma lifting.
  • Exacerbation of herpes viral infection with rashes.

Possible harm

  • The appearance of bruises, microhematomas, telangiectasia;
  • drying out the skin with unsuitable massage products;
  • the appearance of pigmentation after a course of procedures;
  • any chemical, physical or mechanical effect on tissue can lead to various neoplasms.

How to choose the right oils and vacuum jars for facial massage at home

Facial massage with vacuum cups at home is possible. Buying a set of necessary devices is not difficult: they are sold in city pharmacies and in online stores. A simple and convenient way to carry out the “vacuum facial massage” procedure is using silicone cups. It is also possible to purchase glass jars with a rubber bulb. Buying medical cups with a separate pump is not practical: it is not entirely convenient for vacuum massage at home.

You should massage your face with vacuum cans of different diameters:

  1. A small jar for the area around the eyes, small wrinkles and nasolabial folds has an effect on the upper skin. The dimensions of the cans should be minimal - about a centimeter in circumference.
  2. Medium jar for dynamic massaging. Its action is aimed at the deep skin and muscle layers, the size of an average jar: 2-3 centimeters in diameter.
  3. Large jar for static massaging of cheeks and forehead. This vacuum device is not necessary; it can be completely replaced by a medium-sized jar. However, a large jar is also suitable for the décolleté area. Therefore, you can purchase it for your cosmetology arsenal. The dimensions of this jar are 3-5 centimeters.

The presence of a narrow neck in vacuum jars is an important point. As for the material of the can, it may vary. Each material has its own pros and cons:

  • Glass

This material is traditional in the manufacturing process of massage cups. But thick glass, even if it is durable, will affect the process itself: it will be quite difficult to massage your face.

  • Plastic

The most popular material in the production of cosmetic devices. A plastic jar is convenient and easy to use for facial skin: the material is environmentally friendly, of high quality, and in most cases hypoallergenic. This jar has the shape of a dome with a rubber balloon on top. The balloon contracts and air comes out. The jar, when applied to the face, starts the massage process. A huge advantage of plastic cans is the preservation of vacuum and shape.

  • Rubber

In the case of rubber jars, look for the smallest samples for massage. Before starting the procedure, they are placed in hot water for 10 minutes. Then the vacuum massage itself begins, in which the power of the vacuum is determined by the force of pressure on the can.

  • Silicone

This material does not need to be heated; the cans themselves are compact and simple, but are not stable in maintaining their shape. Because of this, there is a slight difficulty in the massage process.

Abundantly oiled skin is a must when performing facial massage with vacuum cups. For this purpose, pure (without additives) cold-pressed vegetable oils . Deodorized, refined, hydrogenated and other processed oils are not suitable for the procedure! Moreover, the storage conditions for such oils must be observed. They must be stored in a cool, dark place. If the oil is bitter for some reason, you should not use it.

Such healthy oils include nut, coconut, olive, sesame, flax and pumpkin. The most expensive types include jojoba oil, rosehip oil, apricot and grape seed oils. To achieve the best effect, you can use the addition of essential oils.

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Oil selection

Before the procedure, you need to prepare massage oil. This cosmetic product will help the jar glide well over the surface of the epidermis without causing painful or uncomfortable sensations.

Skin typeWhich oil is suitable
DrySesame, flaxseed, olive, almond, apricot kernel, wheat germ oil
FatJojoba, hazelnut, avocado, poppy, shea (karite) oils
MixedPumpkin, coconut, safflower, calendula, black cumin, sandalwood oil
SensitiveMusk, macadamia, argan, grape seed almond, juniper, sea buckthorn oils

Vacuum facial massage at home: technique and rules

The key to the success of vacuum massage often lies in specially selected equipment. You should definitely study the instructions provided with it! Great importance is also paid to the oil itself. There are a lot of options for cosmetic oils, but it is important to choose the one that will help solve a particular facial skin problem. If you lack time and interest in choosing a product, a common option is Vaseline.

Procedure and rules for the “vacuum facial massage” procedure:

  1. Preparing the skin of the face and décolleté . Rinse off all makeup thoroughly, making sure there are no residues on the skin.
  2. Preparation of herbal decoction . By the way, calendula or chamomile will come in handy. The hot broth must be strained and poured into a deep enamel bowl. Bend over the container as carefully as possible so as not to get burned by the steam, then pat your face dry with a soft towel. The procedure should be carried out for at least 15 minutes.
  3. Preparing the oil and distributing it over the face and décolleté . It is necessary to form a thin oily film on the skin.
  4. Working with a device for vacuum facial massage . Take the nozzle of the device and place it on the desired area. Make sure that the suction of the skin is shallow to avoid hematomas; gently move the attachment over the skin so that it does not move away from the “surface”. Make movements only along the massage lines, avoiding the area around the eyes, since the skin there is thin, sensitive and has no fat layer. Applying a vacuum to this area may cause blue discoloration and swelling.
  5. Severe pain during the procedure indicates that it was performed incorrectly. In this case, it is strongly recommended to terminate the process.
  6. The device for vacuum facial massage should be used with at least a little experience. If you are new to this business, avoid steaming your face before a massage, as this moment will not show the full picture of the process, dulling the pain. In addition, skin damage in this case may increase.
  7. The duration of a facial massage with a vacuum should not exceed 15 minutes. The entire course of rejuvenation and improvement of facial skin will take from 10 to 15 procedures (once a week). By carrying out the process more often, you risk your beauty: saggy skin, redness and bruises may appear.
  8. The second half of the day is the best time for a vacuum massage. It is not advisable to go outside or even to the balcony after the procedure; heated skin does not tolerate coolness and drafts.

There are many types of facial rejuvenation and facelift. Vacuum massage is a type that can be performed at home. The most important thing is to follow all the necessary recommendations for this procedure.

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How to properly do a vacuum facial massage in the forehead, eyelids, neck and chin

If a vacuum facial massage is performed incorrectly, unpleasant consequences of the procedure may occur: inflammation, blueness, and damage to blood vessels. The process should be carried out along certain massage lines, which must be studied in advance.

Forehead area

The frontal area of ​​the face is quite mobile, which contributes to the formation of folds and facial wrinkles on it over time. If you want to restore elasticity to your skin and rejuvenate it, vacuum massage will suit you.


  1. Rinse off cosmetics with cold water to prepare the skin and blood vessels for vacuum action and prevent blue discoloration.
  2. When treating with cosmetics, oils or creams, slightly warm the skin with massaging movements.
  3. Start the process from the center of your forehead: place the jar in the middle and point it towards your temples.
  4. Next, move vertically in the direction from the eyebrows to the hairline.
  5. Pause on the transverse frontal suture. Spend a little more time massaging the area in a circular motion.

For vacuum facial massage you will need jars with a diameter of 22 to 33 mm. Start the process with a larger diameter jar, repeating the same steps with a smaller diameter jar. Please note that when moving the can, there should be no tension on the skin and no folds on it. Otherwise, the pressure should be reduced.

Skin of the eyelids

The delicate area of ​​the face around the eyes is not massaged to avoid rupture of small blood vessels and the appearance of new wrinkles. In this case, a small nozzle or jar will also not have the desired effect.

If you want to rejuvenate your eyelid skin, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Lubricate the area to be massaged with a thick layer of rich cream. Special gels and oils made from plant components are acceptable for use. A product with jojoba extract is ideal.
  2. Place the massager on the tip of your nose and move it to the crease between your eyebrows.
  3. Massage the area under the eyes along the upper line of the cheeks, “drawing” segments from the nose to the beginning of hair growth in the temporal region. The diameter of the vacuum device should be no more than 11 mm.

Neck and chin

The effect on the lower area of ​​the face begins from the neck. After applying a layer of cream to the skin, proceed as follows:

  1. Massage the skin from the base of the neck to the chin along lines that should not be massaged parallel. Vacuum cans from 22 to 33 millimeters are applicable here.
  2. Place the vacuum can on your chin and move along your lower jaw to your earlobe. Pause over the areas under the chin and jaw arch. Then repeat in the opposite direction.
  3. Massage your chin in a circle counterclockwise.
  4. The area between the lips and nose should be treated with an 11 mm nozzle. Place the jar at the base of your nose near the inner corner of your eye and use small circular movements along the crease.
  5. The distance from the top of the lips to the nose is covered with a small vacuum device. The mouth is open, the supralabial area of ​​the face is tense. You should walk over the orbicularis oris muscle, paying special attention to obvious wrinkles.

The vacuum massager should move over the skin freely and unhindered. If the muscles do not allow the can to “pass”, there is no need to rush. The jaw needs to relax: open your mouth slightly or smile.

The first procedures should be short and with minimal intensity. The load can be increased with each session. One session, as mentioned earlier, lasts no more than 15 minutes.

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How to do vacuum facial massage effectively: 6 useful tips

  1. Buy natural oils (for example, cocoa, shea, jojoba) at the pharmacy. In one session you will “kill 2 birds with one stone”: you will perform both lifting and saturate the skin with the vitamins and microelements it needs.
  2. Massage your face gradually: from a single treatment to multiple repetitions. Pay special attention to areas with noticeable problems.
  3. Maintaining hygiene is important during any procedure! The massager attachments should be washed with soapy water. And remember, all devices are for purely personal use!
  4. After the procedure, ensure yourself peace! Avoid cold weather if you don't want to experience dry skin. In the summer, the procedure is not conducive to intense heat.
  5. Do not disturb the movement along the massage lines, do not experiment with the massager. Everything is good in moderation! And no one will be happy about a skin problem if you overdo it.
  6. Is it difficult for you to choose attachments and force of influence? Remember one thing: it is better to choose the smaller option. Overdoing it is dangerous.

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How to perform a vacuum hardware facial massage in a beauty salon

The ideal option for performing the “vacuum facial massage” procedure is in the presence of specialists. You will be examined for the general condition of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, which will reduce the possibility of complications.

The whole process lasts half an hour, the massaging itself takes 5-7 minutes. If you want to achieve good results from the procedure, you should follow comprehensive measures:

  1. Preparation. Give yourself a psychological mindset for difficult work with your face, which will help your body adjust to the right mood. It is good to rinse off the cosmetics with toner, clearing the pores of impurities.
  2. Applying moisturizing compounds or massage oils . Abundant moisturizing of the skin with massage cream. The better your face is moisturized, the freer the massager will glide over it.
  3. Treatment of the skin along massage lines . The neck is the “starting point” of treatment, subsequent movements are from the collarbones upward. They are followed by gradual massaging of the bottom of the face, its sides and forehead. The massager must move along the massage lines, otherwise swelling and blueness may occur.
  4. If you decide to seek the help of a cosmetologist, set a reserve time for the procedure: at the end of the process, you need to stay warm for at least 30 minutes for the skin to adapt. Make good use of the wait (for example, by securing the result with a soothing or nourishing mask). Any skin irritation after a vacuum massage is prohibited, so forget about scrubs and peelings at this time!

Vacuum facial massage is carried out in courses, and you will see obvious changes in the condition of the skin after 12-15 sessions. The break between procedures is from 1 day to a week.

How often to do a vacuum facial massage: 2 frequency patterns

Scheme No. 1 – regular courses of the “vacuum massage” procedure, alternating it with rest:

  • Perform regular courses every other day (10-15 procedure sessions in total).
  • Repeat the course in a month.

Scheme No. 2 – conducting a course of vacuum massage in an intensive form with subsequent supporting sessions:

  • A one-week intensive course with daily massage.
  • After completing the course, maintenance sessions should be performed once every 1-2 weeks.
  • It is recommended to repeat the massage course after 2-3 months.

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“Once every 2 weeks I sign up for a vacuum cupping massage at a beauty salon.
Now I’m thinking about buying vacuum cups for the face so that I can massage myself. I will definitely buy silicone ones, because they are universal and do not break.

They create optimal skin tension that does not injure, but is sufficient for a rejuvenating effect.”


“Feedback from the use of vacuum cups for the face is mostly positive.
I decided to buy one for myself to reduce expression lines. I bought regular rubber jars. They cost me 580 rubles.

I've been using it for 2 weeks now. I noticed that the crow’s feet under my eyes became less noticeable.”


“Buying vacuum facial massage jars turned out to be not so easy.
It is difficult to find them in pharmacies; they sell ordinary medical jars that are used for medicinal purposes. I had to order online. I bought Alpina Plast vacuum cosmetic jars for the face (set of 4 containers).

They come in different sizes, so I use them not only on my face. After about 3 weeks, I noticed that my skin became more toned and elastic. I plan to continue using it."

Vacuum device: facial massage using cosmetic devices

A hardware vacuum massage procedure will help get rid of “orange peel” (cellulite), smooth out wrinkles and normalize skin color. In addition, a vacuum device for cleaning and massaging the face also relieves muscle ailments. This device helps to improve lymphatic drainage and eliminate large fat deposits without pain or discomfort. The positive result of the procedure is the removal of toxins from the body and relief from swelling. When using the hardware method, it is possible to adjust the level of pressure and impact, depending on what type of skin you have.

  • MVT-01

In addition to the facial massage device itself, the set also contains attachments. MVT-01 is universal; it can be used both at home and in salon conditions. This device is compact and easy to use, has 10 attachments. The use of this device is aimed at vacuum and anti-cellulite massage, as well as vacuum-magnetic therapy. In addition, it is actively used in the treatment of neurosis and paralysis.

  • Matrix-VM

It is used in the procedure of vacuum and laser-vacuum massage of the face and at home and in specialized beauty salons. Both processes allow you to achieve the best results when working with leather. The device is capable of providing both cosmetic and therapeutic effects: it enhances metabolic processes, normalizes blood circulation, smoothes and tightens the skin, relieves fatigue, and increases muscle activity.

  • Slimming D-528

This device, designed for vacuum facial massage with special rollers, is equipped with chromotherapy and thermotherapy functions. The manufacturer of the device is Chinese. The device is equipped with three handpieces of different sizes, the vacuum power of which is 0.1-0.9 atm. The device has 2 vacuum modes: pulsed and continuous; equipped with a convenient control panel. The Slimming D-528 device has auto programs, the parameters and duration of which are designed to correct aesthetic imperfections of various skin types.

  • Starvac

The French-made Starvac device for vacuum roller massage is a computerized device with many functions, equipped with a digital monitor and attachments for working with different areas of the body (nozzles with rollers, vacuum single and double cavity with a suction range of 80-800 mbar). The device is connected to a console on wheels, which makes it more convenient to use on all parts of the body.

  • S-188

S-188 is a professional device made in China for facial and body skin care. It comes complete with vacuum jars made of glass and plastic and vacuum roller handles. The device is equipped with a side filter that makes it easier to clean it from oil, a convenient control panel and an internal shelf for cosmetic accessories. S-188 operates in pulsed and continuous vacuum mode. In addition, the device has 6 auto modes programmed.

You don't have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment. There are two such centers in Moscow – near Timiryazevskaya metro station and Otradnoye metro station.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

Where to buy (price)?

You can buy vacuum jars for the face in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Voronezh and other large cities of Russia in specialized cosmetic stores and pharmacies.

In less populated areas, you can order jars online. Their cost depends on the supplier, brand and material of manufacture.

  1. For example, you can buy a set of 4 silicone vacuum jars for the face of different sizes for 900 rubles.
  2. A set of rubber containers will cost a little less - about 600-800 rubles.
  3. Glass and plastic jars are more expensive - from 1100 rubles. per set (4 pcs.). You can also find these containers on sale individually.
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