“I purposefully killed myself”: Maria Kokhno told how she drove herself to anorexia

A girl from Samara named Maria Kreitzer (Kokhno) celebrated her 28th birthday on October 15. Fame and 25 thousand followers on Instagram brought her participation in “House-2”. Maria Kokhno, who appeared on the Execution Ground in December 2016, whose biography is presented in the article, is one of the brightest participants in the show, both in appearance (the girl has undergone a number of plastic surgeries) and in character. According to the voting results, Maria was repeatedly expelled from “House-2”, however, according to the organizers, she did not reveal her potential, so she was left on the perimeter again and again. It is already known that in the coming days the scandalous participant will leave the show.

Maria Kokhno: parents

The girl’s biography is described in different ways on the Internet. She was born in 1989, and from the age of five she was already interested in playing the violin, as music was constantly present in their home. Place of birth: Samara. But then the family moved to Moscow, by which time the parents had become Honored Artists of the Russian Federation. Father (Alexander Ivanov) plays the violin. Mom (Olga Dmitrievna) - on the piano. The girl accompanied her father from an early age, performing on stage.

Maria Kokhno, whose photo in her youth is presented in the article, talks about her family as very wealthy and representing high society. She has a very affectionate relationship with her parents. This is evidenced by posts on Instagram, as well as their live communication. While on the perimeter, the girl was worried that her father had decided to leave his wife. It later became clear that Maria made an unverified situation public.

Life before the project

The girl received her musical education at the conservatory. According to Dom-2 sources, she graduated from Moscow University. P. Tchaikovsky. The professional violinist performed on stage, including in a duet. The accompanist was his own mother, as evidenced by the posters. The program included works by Mozart, Bach, Paganini and Brahms. Information leaked onto the Internet that Maria Kokhno, whose biography is known mainly from the words of the participant herself, played in the team of Yu. Bashmet. This version was refuted because it was not confirmed.

By the way, Kokhno is presumably the pseudonym of the aspiring artist. Skeptics argue that a girl with such inappropriate behavior can hardly have a higher education and a stage background. However, on air, the girl repeatedly picked up the instrument, delighting her fans and friends from Dom-2.

Maria Kokhno: personal life before the project

The girl appeared on television thanks to Vlad Kadoni, who saw in the creative personality traits that, in his opinion, would help her create a wonderful couple with Gleb Zhemchugov. But that didn't happen. Officially married to Dmitry Kraitser, Maria came to the project to forget her husband. According to her, the couple broke up quite recently. In fact, there are no photos of them together on her page on the Internet for two years.

It is known that Dmitry works in the tourism business, and during the period of marriage the couple posed for Instagram from different parts of the world. There is a significant age difference between them. Maria Kokhno (photo with her husband is presented in the article) put on a wedding dress as soon as she became an adult.

Horror or beauty: TOP 5 Russian stars who suffered from anorexia

International Anorexia Day is traditionally celebrated on November 16th. It would seem, what’s wrong with the pursuit of beauty and self-improvement? In fact, it’s okay if the struggle with excess weight does not turn into an obsessive state, which often leads to death, doctors say.

Unfortunately, in the modern world the problem of anorexia is becoming more and more common. This is largely due to trendsetters and the inflated demands of the public, imposing “ideal beauty.” If someone thinks that only people with a fine mental organization and fragile psyche - teenagers - suffer from this disease, then this is a big misconception.

5-tv.ru talks about show business stars who almost died on their way to an ideal figure.

Maria Kokhno

Instagram @marynova888

31-year-old Samara resident Maria Kokhno became famous thanks to her participation in the Dom-2 project. Now she has everything: money, fame, recognition and, of course, love. But once upon a time, precisely because of a man’s betrayal, she decided to radically change her appearance, which brought her to a hospital bed.

“One day, after I saw my husband’s mistress in our bed - thin, with thin hips - I made a firm decision that I would become the same or even better! It was a wonderful summer day, I stepped on the scale. 64 kilograms with a height of 168 centimeters. I set myself a goal to lose 20 kilograms,” Maria shared with her fans.

Kokhno “lost weight” to the point that she began to weigh only 27 kilograms, instead of the desired 44. At this critical point, Maria experienced clinical death. After the horror she experienced, the star of “House-2” realized that it was time to change her habits. Today she actively helps girls with a similar problem return to normal life.

“My friend died weighing 42 [kilograms]... I can say one thing: I know the way out of this disease, from depression, from neurosis! My mission in this life is to help people,” 63.ru quotes Kokhno.

Yulia Savicheva

Instagram @yuliasavicheva

Famous singer Yulia Savicheva's weight problems began when she was only 12 years old. The star recalls: she was “overwhelmed” after relatives, discussing the baby in group photographs, noticed her “chubby” cheeks. From that moment on, the girl set out to lose weight at all costs. So, by the age of 15 she weighed a record 37 kilograms, and her parents panicked.

Time passed, but Julia did not even think about stopping. Nausea and dizziness during dance classes, fainting - all this seemed “nothing” compared to the “ideal” reflection in the mirror. Hormonal disruption that occurred against the backdrop of a sharp loss of body weight also added to the problems. The star was able to pull herself together only after getting into the “Star Factory” project.

“I began to deal with the consequences of my actions when I already had a family, a husband: we could not become parents for a long time. I almost deprived myself of the opportunity to become a mother. It’s very difficult,” Yulia shared in an interview with Woman.ru.

Yulia Lipnitskaya

Instagram @sunnylipnitskaya

22-year-old figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya recently also became a mother. Two years ago, she announced her retirement from big-time sports, and all because “fame squeezed her too much.” As it turned out, not only emotionally, but also physically.

For three years after the 2014 Sochi Olympics, she tried to independently solve the problem of unnatural thinness. But everything turned out to be in vain: sports took both time and health. Only doctors helped me recover.

“It really took a toll on me. Not only did I have no strength left, it was really hard for me. <…> While I was in the clinic, we worked a lot with psychologists. They helped me create life priorities that related to health, for example. <…> There was a lot that I would like to do, and in single skating I still wanted to achieve and improve. But what happened, happened,” Spletnik.ru quotes Lipnitskaya.

Fortunately, the girl has now managed to fully recover her health, and her only concern now is her newborn daughter.


Instagram @maksimartist

Singer MakSim was also unlucky to become a victim of anorexia. Due to a serious illness, the star even lost her third child. After the birth of her daughter Masha, the star actively began to lose weight.

“I lost almost 20 kilograms, my knees were wider than my hips. He looked exhausted,” MakSim recalled.

Having learned about the sudden pregnancy, the singer suddenly looked at herself from the outside: her weight was only 39 kilograms, real anorexia, and her body was collapsing before our eyes. There were no other options left but to go to save. But, unfortunately, this did not help save the baby.

“I lost him quite a long time ago. It just killed me. I even had to close my art school because I couldn’t see the children anymore,” admitted Marina (the singer’s real name - Ed.) on the air of the “Fate of a Man” program.

She was able to restore her health when a loving and caring man appeared in her life.

Christine Asmus

Instagram @asmuskristina

Actress Kristina Asmus has long been suspected of excessive desire for thinness. With a height of 164 centimeters, the star weighs only 45 kilograms! At the same time, she actively works, plays sports, and recently experienced severe depression amid her divorce from comedian Garik Kharlamov.

“As for the ratio of Christina’s height and weight, of course, it does not correspond to the norms. The most common formula, which endocrinologists also adhere to: height minus 110 equals ideal weight. That is, with a height of 164 cm, she should weigh 54 kilograms, but she weighs nine kilograms less! This is a significant difference,” the doctor commented on rumors about Asmus’ anorexia in an interview with Wday.ru.

But he also emphasized that he still would not have diagnosed the actress without a medical examination and conclusion. According to him, if Christina feels well, then there is no reason to worry. However, he recommended that young girls adhere to proper nutrition and not strive for the “ideal” parameters of stars.

Earlier, 5-tv.ru talked about the TOP 5 Russian stars who are not at all spoiled by excess weight.


The girl came to the show out of despair. The day before I separated from my husband, who suggested taking a month and a half break to sort himself out. Contrary to the rules of the project, Maria Kokhno, whose biography is interesting to viewers of the TV show, did not have a divorce stamp in her passport. Nevertheless, she became one of the participants in the television series.

Previously, the breakup with her husband was so difficult for Maria that she fell into a depressed state. She didn't want to live, so she simply refused food.

In an interview with StarHit magazine, the girl said that she weighed only 34 kg, and presented photographs from her personal archive as proof. They show that Kokhno is suffering from exhaustion. Going to a music competition in Italy, Maria fainted right at the airport. This became the starting point, after which the girl began to recover. She saw how many close people loved her and wished her well. A trip to India helped me cope with anorexia.

Before and after anorexia: Ksenia Bubenko

“I eat a spoonful of rolled oats once a day”: confession of a girl suffering from anorexia

Ksyusha from Yekaterinburg was 19 years old when she was invited to “Let Them Talk.” The same number - 19 - was shown by Bubenko's scales. The girl did not suffer from unrequited love or family problems - she had seen enough of glossy magazines and decided to become “beautiful”, like from the cover.

Ksenia Bubenko during illness and after anorexia. Photo: frame from the program, Instagram

In the show studio, Malakhov offered the heroine a deal: when she gained 30 kilos, he would organize a cool photo shoot for her. We don’t know whether Andrei kept his promise, but Ksenia really began to recover, although she weighed catastrophically little - 35 kilos. The blonde was again invited to TV, this time in “Let’s Get Married!”, where she publicly repented and called on the audience: “Girls, don’t kill yourself or your parents.”

Plastic surgery

After Maria appeared on air, viewers immediately assumed the intervention of doctors of aesthetic medicine in her appearance: unnatural eyelashes, pouting lips, facial contouring. Photos obtained on the Internet showed that before the intervention of surgeons, Maria was a pretty, smiling girl, but turned into something like a Barbie doll. Moreover, she was quite sad and had lost all individuality. According to viewers, the girl clearly went too far with fillers, or the surgeon made a mistake with the place of their injection. But “dumpling lips” look more shocking than beautiful.

The feeling is that Maria Kokhno, whose biography is very relevant for those who want to resort to plastic surgery, also overdid it with her cheekbones. Asymmetry appeared in her face. The girl achieved this effect of sunken cheeks not only by contouring, but also by removing Bisha's lumps. Already on the project itself, the girl resorted to rhinoplasty, allegedly eliminating the consequences of an accident. In fact, according to experts, the narrowing of the wings of the nose occurred much earlier, that is, the girl had already resorted to surgical intervention.

The outrageous blonde was not spared the widespread passion for mammoplasty. Already on the project, Maria acquired a third breast size. But did this bring her luck in her personal life?

Life on the project

Which young people did Maria Kokhno single out? Her biography on the project develops through numerous scandals and provocations. The girl loves to get into the lens of television cameras, getting into other people's couples and participating in fights, but she was unable to build personal happiness. Having expressed sympathy for Andrei Chuev and not receiving reciprocity, the girl declared herself a couple with Dmitry Lukin (Knot), who showed himself brilliantly in acting. Together they visited the Seychelles, but their relationship did not end well.

Attempt number two was Roman Gritsenko, but it didn’t work out here either. Obviously, a girl needs an adult and completely independent man, and not a young guy. In order to stay on the perimeter, Maria tried to convince everyone of her sympathy for the presenter, but received an unequivocal “no” from Kadoni. After a vote of viewers who wanted Kokhno to leave the show, she tried to build a relationship with Andrei Denisov (Shtrikh), but already at the very beginning of the novel she was seen communicating outside the perimeter with her husband. No one was convinced that this was a meeting about a divorce, so Shtrikh did not leave the project after his friend.

Before and after anorexia: Katya Yakovleva

The girl became “Mr. X” in the 17th “Battle of Psychics.” Using her photograph, hidden in an envelope, magicians and mystics tried to describe the heroine’s problem. But every now and then he said: “I don’t feel the energy” or “The man seems to be between heaven and earth.” Katya really was on the verge: her weight dropped below 40 kilos, and the girl still considered herself fat and refused to eat.

Katya Yakovleva during illness and after anorexia. Photo: frame from the program, Instagram

Marilyn Kerro was able to talk some sense into Yakovleva - not with magic, but with conversations. The red-haired witch shared a personal story of her struggle with the disease and frightened Katya with her approaching death. After the TV show, the heroine of “Battle” not only gained weight, but also started a culinary blog. What does Katya Yakovleva look like after anorexia, having gained 20 kilos? Great!

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