From Lode to Invitro. Top 10 private players in the Belarusian medical services market



In addition, each of the medical services offers an expanded range of services, including the use of medical equipment.


A high-quality device SIMIENS ACUSON X 300 is used.


A colcoscopy is possible immediately after the appointment. There is a Surgitron device for treating cervical problems. Aesthetic gynecological services using the FemiLift attachment for the PixelCO2 device (AlmaLasers, Israel).

operating room

The German anesthesia apparatus Dräger Fabius Tiro and Heyer NARKOMAT is used, as well as Metrax PRIMEDIC Defi-Monitor XD3 defibrillators and video support devices KARL STORZ and Richard Wolf.


Hardware medical cosmetology to improve skin quality - rejuvenation, including getting rid of stretch marks.


You can remove a wart or papilloma on the spot, including with a CO2 laser.

Read more about the technical equipment of the medical center here.

Laboratory diagnostics

In the center's laboratory you can perform the full range of necessary laboratory tests and receive expert advice on test results.

"Kravira" practices maximum coverage of laboratory research categories.

Details and prices for tests at the Kravira MC can be found here.

About Us


— a multidisciplinary institution with a wide range of medical services for adults and children. In Minsk, the center is represented by three branches on the street. Zakharova, 50D; Ave. Pobediteley, 45 and Skripnikova St., 11B. Professional registered equipment and drugs, highly qualified specialists, attentive service and reasonable prices for services are the key advantages noted by patients of the center.


offers a wide range of services in 33 areas. The branch at 50D Zakharova St. has an adult and children's department. Visits are provided by therapists, neurologists, allergists, gynecologists, cardiologists, dermatologists, oncodermatologists, speech therapists, ophthalmologists, surgeons, dentists and other specialists.


For the convenience of patients, in the medical room
you can take the necessary tests the same day, do an ultrasound, and undergo a massage course.
Advantages of choosing medical:

Medical: “Caring for health is caring for the future.”


Otorhinolaryngologist (ENT)

Why is a separate medical specialty created for several small organs? The fact is that the ear (especially the inner and middle ear), pharynx, nose and paranasal sinuses, larynx, pharyngeal tonsils, vocal apparatus are closely interconnected anatomically and functionally, are arranged in a complex manner and with exquisite elegance, adjacent to the brain and cranial nerves. Any mistake in such an intimate area can be very expensive. Therefore, a doctor was needed - a specialist who knew this multicomponent system perfectly.

ENT appointment

People consult an ENT doctor with the following problems:


  • vasomotor, medicinal rhinitis
  • chronic and acute rhinosinusitis (sinusitis)
  • chronic and acute tonsillopharyngitis
  • chronic and acute laryngitis
  • acute rheumatic fever
  • peritonsillar abscess
  • laryngopharyngeal reflux
  • inflammation of the outer and middle ear (chronic, exudative and acute external and otitis media), inner ear (neuronitis and labyrinthitis)
  • otomycosis
  • epiglottitis
  • sudden sensorineural hearing loss
  • conductive and sensorineural hearing loss (hearing loss)
  • presbycusis
  • Meniere's disease
  • Marshall syndrome
  • benign positional vertigo
  • perilymphatic fistula


  • hearing loss, tinnitus
  • nasal congestion and discharge
  • pain in the ear, nose, cheekbones, periorbital area
  • sore throat when swallowing
  • sensation of a foreign body in the throat
  • need for expectoration
  • hoarseness and superficial cough
  • dizziness

An otorhinolaryngologist surgically restores nasal breathing in cases of deviated nasal septum and chronic rhinitis (septoplasty, vasotomy).

Performs endoscopic operations on the paranasal sinuses for chronic and polypous rhinosinusitis, removes tonsils (tonsillectomy) for chronic tonsillitis or adenoids (adenotomy) for their hypertrophy.

Performs operations on the ear: restoration of the integrity of the eardrum (myringoplasty), sanitizing operations, tympanoplasty - for chronic otitis media, shunting of the eardrums - for exudative otitis, operations on the larynx - biopsy, removal of tumors.

At Rassvet, we do not refer patients with acute runny nose or throat congestion to an ENT specialist. These symptoms are usually associated with ARVI and are eliminated by therapists and pediatricians.

The ENT office is a field of high technology and complex diagnoses, often at the intersection of medical disciplines.

An otolaryngologist manages patients together with an allergist and pulmonologist when it comes to bronchial asthma with allergic rhinitis and nasal polyposis. Together with a gastroenterologist, when a sore throat and cough are provoked by reflux disease - gastric juice rushes into the throat and burns it.

Often, a rheumatologist and hematologist need to consult an ENT specialist, since the manifestations of diseases under their jurisdiction can be localized in the most unusual way.

In addition, the ENT determines the cause of impaired breathing, snoring, mucus flowing down the back of the throat, inflammation of the tonsils, loss of voice, hearing loss, and the appearance of certain types of cough.

An appointment with an otorhinolarygologist at the Rassvet clinic in Moscow consists of several stages:

Consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist

The otorhinolarygologist, like any other doctor, will first of all ask you to tell us what is bothering you. This needs to be done in as much detail as possible - the duration, sequence, severity and prevalence of symptoms give the doctor the opportunity to determine the direction of the diagnostic search.

Diagnosis of ENT diseases

Diagnosis of the ENT organs requires very sophisticated equipment, since it requires visualization of the miniature structures of the ear, nose and throat.

Therefore, the otorhinolaryngologist is armed with the capabilities of the most advanced German-made Heinemann ENT unit, equipped with a microscope, flexible and rigid endoscopes of various calibers, and systems for diagnosis and treatment. Digital radiography and laboratory diagnostics in real time are available to the otorhinolaryngologist. He has the opportunity in his office to conduct impedance measurements and audiometry, determine hearing and, for example, whether fluid is hidden behind the eardrum.

Endoscopes connected to an HD video system will allow you to look into the far corners of the nasal cavity and larynx, examine the exits from the sinuses and vocal cords.

If unusual formations are detected in the examined areas, the doctor may offer you a biopsy - examination of a piece of tissue under a microscope, if necessary - with various immunohistochemical markers and even conduct electron microscopy.

Treatment by an otolaryngologist

Treatment by an otorhinolaryngologist, depending on the situation, can proceed according to several scenarios:

  • the doctor finds the source of the disease, for example, a nasal polyp or an abscess, and removes it - with a scalpel, an electrocoagulator or a radio wave device;
  • the doctor identifies a chronic disease and treats it conservatively - with drugs, including locally, treating the diseased organ under the control of an endoscope;
  • The ENT determines that his problem is secondary to another disease and attracts a specialized doctor;
  • the doctor determines the indications for ENT surgery and performs it in the operating room of a partner clinic.

What will you get from an otorhinolaryngologist at the Rassvet clinic
? Otorhinolaryngologists at Rassvet treat according to international standards, act in the interests of the patient and will never prescribe a homeopathic remedy, ultrasonic washing of the tonsils or another harmful or useless procedure.

They have experience in diagnosing and treating rare diseases with damage to the ENT organs - they are not surprised by a damaged nasal septum in Wegener's granulomatosis, an inflamed pharynx in Crohn's disease, they can cure dizziness in cases of damage to the inner ear by teaching the patient special motor maneuvers.

And most importantly, they are part of the unified Rassvet team, when every doctor knows that in the next office there is a professional like himself, from whom he can get advice at any time and together, in an unusual situation, brainstorm.



is a network of clinics for the whole family, which provides a wide range of outpatient care, including dentistry, plastic surgery, cosmetology and a diagnostic department.

All clinics are equipped with the latest modern equipment. Our own high-tech laboratory has equipment for conducting research and analysis with a high level of accuracy.

In medical, we have assembled a team of professionals and experts in the field of medicine - more than 100 doctors work together for the benefit of patients. Caring nursing staff also provide attention and comfort. Teamwork is a distinctive feature of our medical centers, it is an advantage that helps us achieve excellent treatment results. We combine experience and knowledge in different fields of medicine to find the right solutions and help patients even in the most difficult cases.

Review of “Kravira, medical center” 03/07/2019 13:12 // Patient [Guest] Dear women! Exactly 2 years ago, on March 7, 2017, medical gynecologist, P.....a Alexandra Vitalievna [The administration of the portal deleted the user’s personal data, since the publication of this data without his consent is contrary to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus]

, performed plastic surgery on me to reduce the size of the labia minora.
After two births, I decided to put myself in order) Since then, doctor P... and A.V. made me 4 CORRECTIONS (this is not in the medical record)!!! And when in the spring of 2022 she said that she would finish the rest in half a year, I left, gritting my teeth once again. I will not describe her unprofessionalism and tactlessness. I wouldn’t even write this review if she tormented me and I would have forgotten it like a bad dream, BUT...P.....and A.V. also turned out to be a liar. Autumn 2022 P...a A.V. She told me to get tested. I did everything and called her to say that I was ready. The doctor disappeared. She didn’t pick up the phone and didn’t answer my texts for 2 days! I called the clinic, I thought that something had happened to her, but no, everything turned out to be fine with her. Naturally, she picked up the phone from another phone number, and NEXT ATTENTION!!! She says: “You know, we cannot treat you for life and free of charge in our center. And in general, I got it because of you.” To say that I was shocked is to say nothing...FOR MY MONEY (ALL MATERIALS ARE PAID BY THE PATIENT), FOR MY DISCOMFORT, BOTH PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL!!! P...and Alexandra Vitalievna gave me this text. What follows is great! A council met and they told me that after everything! they can no longer leave us alone with her and say, lie down, show us what you don’t like... Just like that! Of course, that’s not why I chose a female gynecologist. I explained this to both the director and deputy. And the lies of A.V. is that she completely misinformed her superiors by saying that after the correction, the patient was happy with everything. And then P... and A.V. added: “I don’t know what the situation is there now, the area is very flexible. And there may be changes, you understand, especially if a woman [Hidden for ethical reasons]
“))) Wow...!!! This is such a “charm”, P…..a Alexandra Vitalievna. This is the doctor who, before the operation, said: “How can I make it in time, I’m late...” And I was lying inside out, forgive me... And there were a lot of tactlessness, covered up by the doctor’s giggles and groans. And yes, before this consultation, I asked the receptionist for a printout of the history of my visits, I sensed something was wrong. So, ladies, not all the corrections were indicated there this time, and secondly, there were dates, for example, when I have a customs stamp in my passport, from an airport in another country, that’s right, a small addition))) It’s a mess... Of course, director the center was surprised why I didn’t apply right away? How can one make slander about such an issue? I endured it when P...a Alexandra Vitalievna cut off, as she put it, piece by piece. As a result, the director of “Kravira” suggested a male doctor, I said that I would think about it. But no, this is unacceptable for me. I leave this review for those women who want to have labiaplasty and who have the concept of aesthetics and symmetry at a minimum. Who wants to get a good result and not regret it. P...AND ALEXANDRA VITALIEVNA, NOT A PLASTIC SURGEON! SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT SYMMETRY IS! SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT AESTHETIC SURGERY IS! SHE MAY NOT BE A BAD GYNECOLOGIST, BUT PLASTIC IS NOT HER STORY!!! This was my experience. And my first slander in my life. You cannot remain silent, as I have always been silent. Consider it a cry from the soul))) I wish you health and professionals on your life’s journey. And I’ve already noticed that if a specialist has a lot of regalia, it’s often vanity! And the reader and the reaper and the piper, this is... all the money is made by cutting off like this, piece by piece.

From Lode to Invitro. Top 10 private players in the Belarusian medical services market

The additional burden that fell on public clinics and hospitals during the pandemic was, in one way or another, shared by all private medical centers. The difference is that in their situation, money for services provided does not go into the general budget pot, but to specific owners. Office Life together with the business magazine Business Review found out who treats Belarusians and makes money from them and compiled the top 10 most famous private institutions in the country’s medical services market.

We decided to arrange them in chronological order - we have a brief history of the development of this important market segment in Belarus.

Gorbachev family empire

One of the most famous private medical businesses, which today employs over 1.6 thousand people, was created in 1992 by a candidate of medical sciences, doctor Vladimir Gorbachev. Before going into business, he was deputy director for medical treatment at the Ozerny sanatorium.

Vladimir Gorbachev comes from a well-known medical family in Belarus: his father is professor-cardiologist Vladimir Gorbachev, the eldest, and his mother for a long time held the position of chief pediatrician of Minsk. The experience and connections of my father, who worked at the Belarusian Institute for Advanced Medical Personnel in the early 1990s, helped attract highly qualified specialists to the staff.

The medical center and the company that manages it were named after the businessman’s grandmother, Lode. For about eight years, the Lode business made its way and developed only in Minsk, and then moved to the regions. The first city in the regions where medical centers under this brand appeared was Brest. Then it was Grodno’s turn.

Today, the Gorbachev family owns 5 medical centers in Minsk and two each in Brest and Grodno. The fifth center in Minsk appeared in February of this year - on Independence Avenue. In addition, in his father’s homeland, Vladimir Gorbachev managed to buy out one of the sanatoriums on Lake Lepel. The Lode boarding house was opened there.

From distribution to medical services

Initially, Vladimir Koyava, a physicist by training and an employee of the Research Institute of Applied Physical Problems of the Belarusian State University, was engaged in the distribution of medical goods. For this purpose, a joint Belarusian-American joint organization was created in 1991. Another area of ​​his interest was insurance.

In 1995, the businessman invested in the opening of a medical center, which after a short time became and continues to remain one of the largest and most in-demand medical centers in Belarus.

In 2005, a new five-story building was built for the medical center on Tolstoy Street.

“Ecomedservice - Medical continues to be a family company.

Look to the root

One of the most successful specialized medical businesses was created by Oleg Kovrigin, manager of the New Vision network of ophthalmological clinics.

This project, which has already covered about a dozen countries by location, began in 1999 with rented space in the clinic of the Minsk Tractor Plant. Oleg Kovrigin, who by that time had gained business experience in Germany and Russia, imported equipment, invited doctors and opened the first clinic for diagnosing and treating eye diseases, “New Vision”. In 2022, a new building for it was built on this site.

Currently, the businessman manages over 15 clinics, including 5 in Belarus - in Minsk, Grodno, Vitebsk, Mogilev and Brest. Abroad, New Vision works in Lithuania, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Norway, Great Britain, Russia, and it is planned to implement a large project in Malta.

Of the more than 1.6 thousand employees, almost half work in the Belarusian clinics “New Vision”.

Minsk coverage

, which previously managed one of Minsk's largest private medical businesses, was registered in 1998.

In 2000, she opened the first multidisciplinary medical clinic on Pobediteley Avenue. Over the past 20 years, its manager has changed and two branches have appeared: one is open to visitors on Zakharova Street, the second on Skripnikov.

IVF from Gooda

The founder of a well-known business in the post-Soviet space for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility has an economic education. In 1994-1999, Leonid Good worked at the Center for Reproduction and Genetics of the Chicago Institute of Reproductive Genetics, on the basis of which the in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure was carried out for the first time in our country.

In 1999, he founded, which began to open its own IVF centers under the Embryo brand.

The first of them appeared in Minsk in 2001. In 2008 and 2015, clinics opened in Krasnodar and Sochi, respectively.

Regional scope

The largest business in terms of coverage and dynamically developing in the regions for the provision of multidisciplinary medical services originated in Zhlobin in 2003-2004.

In 2003, it was registered, which the following year opened the first medical center of the same name in the city of Belarusian metallurgists.

In the 2010s, centers under this brand were launched in turn in Gomel, Rechitsa, Mozyr and in 2022 - in Svetlogorsk. Last year, its owners purchased a former bank building in Mogilev and plan to expand the network with another facility in this regional center.

In 2022, the company they owned launched the first stage of the largest project so far - a medical one in Brest. As part of the second phase, a hotel with 120 beds should appear there.

Center from Saikov

This business dates back to 1994, and it began with the distribution of medical goods and retail of medicines.

In 2005, its owners, including the famous psychotherapist, TV presenter and singer Dmitry Saikov, built a new medical facility on Surganova Street.

The institution is still one of the leading medical services in the capital's market, and Dmitry Saikov is its director.

German, Swedish and Russian laboratories

This business began in 2002 as, and then was transformed into the Sinlab-EML enterprise with the participation of the German company Synlab Holding.

It was Synlab that became one of the pioneers in the Belarusian market of private laboratory diagnostics. The first facility in its network was opened in 2006. Today, this brand operates over 15 points in more than 10 cities of Belarus.

The largest diagnostic network in Belarus in terms of coverage today started in 2009 with the opening of the Synevo center in Minsk.

Its owner is the Swedish holding Medicover, which owns medical centers and laboratories in Poland, Germany, Romania, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Serbia and Bulgaria. The founder of Medicover was Jonas af Jochnik, known to Belarusians for his other project - Oriflame. Jonas af Jochnick died in 2022 at the age of 82.

In Belarus, it opened over 50 points providing medical services, employing about 500 people.

Another major player in the diagnostic market belongs to Russian capital.

Its founder was Alexander Ostrovsky, the first office and laboratory complex in Belarus opened in Minsk in 2013. Since then, the business has expanded to all regions of the country and covers several dozen cities.

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