Clinic "ANA-COSMO" - quality of aesthetic services proven by time

The ANA-COSMO plastic surgery and anti-age medicine clinic is a flagship in the aesthetic medicine market and recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. More than 24,000 clients have used the company’s services, most of them based on recommendations from friends. In an interview, the general director of the group, of which the ANA-COSMO clinic is part, and the ideological inspirer of the clinic, Oksana Denishchuk, spoke about the company’s values, unique comprehensive anti-age programs, shared the secrets of recruiting personnel, principles of working with different types of clients and much more.

How does the concept of the ANA-COSMO clinic differ from its competitors?

The values ​​of our clinic are service to the client, constant development and innovation. The customer is always right - this is our golden rule. We also take the “do no harm” philosophy very seriously. Before starting to work with new equipment or using a new technique, our specialists must undergo several stages of certification in order to guarantee our client the safety of the procedure and the expected quality. Often the first stage is training with the best doctors abroad. Taking care of patient safety and the quality of services provided for many years, it has the highest accreditation of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, which only a few receive today, and the international quality certificate ISO 9001.

Scripts have been developed for each stage of working with a client - clear, written rules for any situation.

Guided by 20 years of experience, we were able to analyze all possible situations with the client and develop options for solving them. An individual approach to the client is also especially important. For this purpose, we hold medical consultations where we discuss the patient’s case in order to select the most effective method for solving his issue.

We always keep up with the times and use the most innovative and high-quality equipment. For example, we have Cutera - No. 1 in the world among devices for the removal of blood vessels and skin rejuvenation. And thanks to the Ulthera SMAS-lifting device, we provide the most effective non-surgical skin tightening.

Our company employs exclusively highly qualified specialists who never tire of developing in their field. Every six months, the clinic’s employees undergo internal certification. This motivates them to constantly develop and makes them confident in their professionalism. We have very high requirements and standards, and their unconditional compliance, academic excellence and learning ability are the three principles on which our work is based.

ANA-COSMO, Clinic of Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine reviews from employees and clients

Isaev's workshop. Reviews from those who dealt with it 2022-01-17 16:54:02 Review author: Janncase

No, in fact, the guys are great for creating a game, although not of a very high level, although filled with a bunch of bugs, while studying in such a DISGUSTING SHIT course. (although they may have liked it, everyone has different tastes). I myself am studying at Isaev’s Workshop and am already at the 4th stage of Unreal Engine and I can say with confidence that the course completely sucks. Now for the fact. Read to the end if you are thinking of buying any course from Isaev. The main mottos of the course: 1. If we explained it through the ass, and you don’t understand, then you’re stupid, if you understand, then we’re great, we taught you that way. 2. We don’t owe you anything, you’ve paid, study as we teach and don’t act out, if you don’t like it, leave, but we won’t give you the money back. 3. Lick the ass of Isaev and his team, and you will have more chances to advance to the next stage. 4. Smart people will understand the course, thanks to awesome lessons on YouTube and independent study of the documentation. Stupid people will actually say that the course is not structured, it was done in a bad way, return the money. I’ll start from the very beginning, from the zero stage, which is called “preparation”, which is available ONLY after purchasing the course. And then a list of programs that need to be installed opens (no one talks about these programs before the start of the course). The list of programs is as follows: Unreal Engine 4.24.3 (this version only); Blender; Maxon Cinema 4D R20; SideFx Houdini 18.0 or later; Autodesk Maya 2020; iСlone 7 + 3dxchange 7; Photoshop 2022 version or later; After Effects 2017 version or later; Media Encoder 2022 version or later; Discord. Of course, you can use free versions of programs for training, but they are given for a month, and the course, as stated before the start of training, lasts 2 months. Those. Either you have to buy the entire list of these programs (if you are trying to develop like a pro and use the license), or Isaev’s Workshop pushes you to commit a crime and install cracked versions or repacks. Well, why such a list that contains identical programs? There is no answer, you make bones in a blender, animation in a T-shirt, etc. Although it would be possible to do everything in one program, apparently the knowledge of the teachers is not enough. The next problem is the duration of the course - 2 months - it misleads students (like the entire course). The course lasts much longer and this is only the part when you learn, the last stage will last until you complete your level and fix all the bugs, but judging by the game, as many may have already noticed, everyone seems to be forgetting on this, since there are so many bugs in the game. That is why for the new flow of students, the course organizers abandoned some mechanics, for example, parkour, because it creates a lot of bugs that the curators simply do not have enough knowledge or experience to fix. The organizers also claim that all their courses can be easily combined with work by devoting 4-5 hours a day to the course after work, which is also misleading to students. You need to devote 10-14 hours a day to the course in order to meet deadlines, add your work to this time and think about whether you can sleep 2-4 hours a day for at least 3 months. Further, the course is protected by the INFOPROTECTOR program. This is the most inconvenient crap for “protecting” a course. First, you can only watch the course on one device. If you launched the course on a computer, then only on this computer you can watch, if on a tablet, then only on the tablet. Secondly, rewinding just sucks, the arrows don’t work, and if you click on the timeline, you don’t rewind by 5 seconds, but sometimes by 30, as you get there. Why is this so important? This leads to the next problem - the speed of lessons. The strangest thing is that some lessons are without acceleration (when a girl speaks, although she could have been accelerated, or they have already accelerated her and she just speaks monotonously), and some lessons are accelerated so that you don’t have time and you need to rewind and stop every second, because in addition to the fact that they sped up the video, they also cut it, but they cut it in such a way that you don’t see what the curator did, but it’s the result and you yourself have to figure out what he did. It also happens that the curator gives a name to some variable, but then changes it without saying so, why is this so important? because in the future, when you need to “call” this variable or function, you cannot find it, and the curators themselves say that all names should be the same as theirs. Another stupid thing about using INFOPROTECTOR is that you cannot use it if you are running Discord (which they themselves told you to install), Skype and similar programs, i.e. if you have started a course, you cannot discuss any point with the guys. Further, the course is disgustingly structured as a whole. For example, at the beginning there are lessons, and the curators do not say how they do what, and then, for example, at stage 3 they almost demagogue how to use some tool. Those. at the beginning, when you are a beginner, it would be appropriate to do this at the moment, and not when you have reached stage 3, you don’t need it, because you yourself have done it, but they are wasting your time and are already explaining it to you. Also, I think it would be logical to swap some stages. Only from the second stage does the study of mechanics begin, and the first stage is level design. Yes, perhaps there is a pipeline at studios where at the beginning you make a rough draft of the level to understand how your level will play. But this is very inconvenient for learning. For example, you make a level based on references (not from your head, but specifically from references, because “you’re a beginner, you have no experience, so just copy stupidly,” i.e. they don’t even let your imagination run wild and how you see it, not a curator who doesn’t even try to understand your script, but stupidly skims through it), you make a level without knowing what mechanics you will have in the future, how far the character will jump, shoot, etc. You do everything (and you have to do it in great detail, as in the reference) in order to redo it all later. Yes, it is clear that when you are in the studio, this will be the case, you will, do, do, until it becomes convenient for the player. But I've seen what other developers do. They hone all the mechanics and try it all at a minimum level so that everything loads faster, so that all the mechanics work without bugs and correctly, and only then they create a level, knowing how far their character will jump, so that they can try it as the level is being created. This seems more logical and convenient. Then, just like in the training itself, you write mechanics and one way or another some bug will come out, no matter how you write everything correctly, as in the lesson. And you are forced to look for a solution in chat and streams that have already been recorded for other streams. And there are solutions to bugs such that you have to rewrite all the logic. Well, sort of, but then you can’t re-record the lesson or re-edit it and insert the correct logic. Or is there another “joke”. You write logic, you get bugs in it, you spend time finding a solution, and you succeed. And at the next stage, the curator says “now we will change the logic” and erases this logic and rewrites it differently. Or maybe it was necessary to immediately write the correct logic or rewrite the lessons with the correct logic? But they are stupidly lazy to do it. Or it happens that you write logic, did it one-on-one, like the curator, but it doesn’t work for you, but for him everything magically works. You review the lesson again, do everything the same way, it doesn’t work again. Again you poke around in the chat or stream, and then the guys from the chat tell you: “There will be a fix for this bug later in the lesson.” Those. they put together a lesson that works for them, and then fix the bug. Well, as it were, if the logic is written correctly and competently, then everyone should get the same results, without bugs, on any device. Those. the creators of the course themselves learn as they go and simply don’t know many things themselves, and when you ask a question in the chat they stupidly ignore you, although it’s clear that they’ve read it. Well, if at the beginning of the first stage the curator (Vova) conducts streams (about 2 per week), then at the next stages the streams become less and less, and sometimes not at all, because “if you have questions, look in the chat, old streams or Google ", otherwise the curators are too busy. And the most “fun” thing about streaming and checking is that the time is not discussed in advance. It’s good if they write “Today stream”, and at any moment of the day (and for some it’s night), they write “We’re flying to the stream”, i.e. no specific time, no information, stupidly when the curator wants it. And it happens that the curator simply writes “ready?” and a link to the stream. And you yourself must guess what you are “ready for.” And it doesn’t matter that people can work, study, etc. It’s clear that you can watch the stream in the recording, but then you don’t have the opportunity to ask a question. And if there are no questions, who is this stream for?! for several people, including half from the previous stream, who apparently have nothing to do. By the way, about people from previous streams and the atmosphere in the chat. At each stage, you are added to the chat of this stage, and students from previous streams are there, so that you can find a similar question in the correspondence, and not pester the curators, because if you suddenly repeat a similar question several times, you may be removed from the chat. On one stream there was a guy who constantly asked something because he didn’t understand and tried to clarify, and he was blocked, he didn’t study further... Also, people from the previous stream, when you ask a question, can answer as if they super cool specialists, and you are stupid, although you are looking for questions in the chat and there these same people asked questions even dumber than yours, and after that you don’t want to ask such people anything, although there are good guys who will answer in detail, and there are also such , that you write to them in a personal message about how he solved the question that he asked earlier, and they stupidly don’t even answer you, just like in the general chat, although they read and can answer others. Speaking of curators. Maybe they would have been quite good if they had not worked for Isaev. Apparently, they succumb to his influence and begin to copy him. For example, when checking work, they begin to openly squirm, swear, and look like Isaev. Well, it’s like grown-up guys are sitting there, and they’re being thrown mud at by some 20-year-old, pimply-faced nerd who’s still studying and hasn’t worked in a studio. Isaev often trashes other schools in his groups, skillbox, xyz, but there are teachers who themselves worked in the game industry, in studios and made some games, and in Isaev’s Workshop there are some dudes who themselves just finished the previous stream and have already become curators. Even if we assume that they know something (which I highly doubt), then this is not enough to teach. For example, there is one curator (who, by the way, made one of the levels in Mot de Dog, one of the dumbest levels) to the questions asked by the guys, he answers “there was such a question, look in the chat,” well, if you found the time like that answer, he could have already sent a link to the question or answer right away, but when some girl writes to him from the chat, he will write a poem there, which mouse button to press, where to click, what the function is called, etc. Well, the attitude, of course, of everyone, especially Isaev himself, towards the students is, to put it mildly, not very good, but when Isaev needs to raise the rating of the game Mot de Pass, he asks the students about this: “Guys, we need your help. Install the game from the link, run it for 20 minutes (You can run it and change it). then close, follow the link and write a review. We need you today." He needs". However, a guy came to the new stream, and after watching one lesson, he already realized that the course sucked and decided to return the money. Yes, by the way, I want to immediately warn everyone who is inattentive, you are buying only the first stage of the course, as indicated in the fake offer agreement (google what an offer is and analysis of the offer agreement from Isaev’s Workshop), and you are already going through the remaining stages with your own efforts. Those. at the second stage, you will no longer be able to demand money back for the course. And this guy decided to make a refund, but they sent him, while Isaev began to show him off everywhere so that Isaev’s ass-licking people would troll him and at the same time block him in all chats, at the same time swearing at him in the chat, knowing that he would no longer be able to answer . Although Isaev likes to say “let’s return his money,” but when it came to returning, they said: “Good afternoon, in accordance with the offer that you accepted, you are buying access only to the first stage, to which you received access.” It’s also funny to listen to criticism of your level from curators. They criticize some aspects of you that are in the final version of the game. For example, they say it’s boring to drive a car or boring to walk, although you open the game and immediately a level crashes in which you just have to run without doing anything at all, or you come across levels where you’re driving and have no interest at all. Well, the same bugs that other students criticized, they are all in the game. Those. they let people through with these bugs and mistakes, and on other threads they find fault with this (apparently, they want new students to think about how to fix these bugs, because they themselves don’t know how to fix them, and they will tell the next thread that they came up with the solution) . The next point in the course is that at the preparatory stage you must install Unreal Engine 4.24.3 of this particular version. But at stage 3 they issue a message, not in the technical specifications, not in the lessons, but in the chat: “Hi, guys. We decided that we are moving the game and your projects to Anril 4.26, as it adds support for Metahuman, cool weather plugins, and many asset packs. Also, this version works more stable and produces more FPS.” those. It’s as if people couldn’t immediately be told to immediately install this version, because... When transferring from one version to another, bugs may arise that will have to be corrected. It's simple, the first lessons were recorded in version 4.24, and in version 4.26 everything may be different, but they are too lazy to rewrite the lessons and update them. Although Isaev always says that with each new stream they bring and add something. In the case of the English course, on the contrary, they remove something (parkour). And, apparently, they thought that they would remove parkour and do it in 2 months, but they themselves stupidly cannot calculate how long the course takes, or they deliberately mislead people. Well, at the first stage you collect assets and think that the versions are suitable for version 4.24, and many cool free projects are for version 4.26, but at the first stage you are forced to weed them out because you don’t know that at stage 3 you will switch to another version. But my advice to students is to forget about it, throw in some assets, because the curator still doesn’t look at it properly, but stupidly skims through your report, and even at the materials stage you can change everything a hundred times, so it’s not clear why do this work that takes time. Many people write that the game has disgusting voice acting, which is logical, because in the course they tell you to use a speech synthesizer from the site, and not someone voicing the dialogues. To summarize, the course is crude, unstructured, and the attitude is disgusting. If you want to have an aversion to the Unreal Engine and games in general, then you should take the “Course on Unreal Engine from the Isaev Workshop”

No, in fact, the guys are great for creating a game, although not of a very high level, although filled with a bunch of bugs, while studying in such a DISGUSTING SHIT course.
(although they may have liked it, everyone has different tastes). I myself am studying at Isaev’s Workshop and am already at the 4th stage of Unreal Engine and I can say with confidence that the course completely sucks. Now for the fact. Read to the end if you are thinking of buying any course from Isaev. The main mottos of the course: 1. If we explained it through the ass, and you don’t understand, then you’re stupid, if you understand, then we’re great, we taught you that way. 2. We don’t owe you anything, you’ve paid, study as we teach and don’t act out, if you don’t like it, leave, but we won’t give you the money back. 3. Lick the ass of Isaev and his team, and you will have more chances to advance to the next stage. 4. Smart people will understand the course... Read full review...

What procedures are performed at the Ana-Cosmo clinic?

"ANA-COSMO" is a plastic surgery and anti-age medicine clinic that provides a full range of aesthetic services. The clinic is headed by its owner Pavel Denishchuk, National Secretary of the International Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons ISAPS, member of the board of USAPS (Ukrainian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons), who monitors all trends and innovations in the market and successfully implements them into work.

We do not advertise plastic surgery as our primary service. However, our plastic surgery department is very busy. All patients come based on recommendations. Our main focus is comprehensive body and appearance rejuvenation programs for women and men lasting from 3 to 12 weeks. Such programs allow not only to improve the patient’s appearance, but also to restore youth, energy, and maximize the number of healthy years of life. Along with this, we very actively use the most advanced cellular technologies in the world (rejuvenation with autologous fibroblasts, stem cells), hardware and injection.

Services at the Anacosma Plastic Surgery and Rejuvenation Medicine Clinic

  • Hair transplantation,
  • Eyebrow, eyelash transplant,
  • Vaginal rejuvenation,
  • Plasmolifting,
  • Vaginoplasty,
  • Ligamentotomy,
  • Restoring virginity,
  • Enlargement of the clitoris, G-spot,
  • Labiaplasty,
  • Vaginal tightening with threads,
  • Rhinoplasty,
  • Surgical waist shaping,
  • Non-surgical nose correction,
  • Buttock surgery,
  • Abdominoplasty,
  • Otoplasty,
  • Facial lipolifting,
  • Blepharoplasty,
  • Circular face lift,
  • Forehead lift,
  • Brow lift,
  • Face lift with threads,
  • Removing Bish's lumps,
  • Gynecomastia in men,
  • Lipolifting of breasts,
  • Breast augmentation,
  • Increasing breast relief in men,
  • Correction of the nipple and areola,
  • Treatment of skin diseases,
  • Ozone therapy,
  • Lightening (bleaching) of the female intimate area,
  • Gynecology and aesthetic gynecology,
  • Hair treatment,
  • Peelings,
  • Lip augmentation,
  • Biorevitalization,
  • Cryomassage,
  • Treatment of scars and cicatrices,
  • Rejuvenation of face and body,
  • Plasma therapy,
  • Endoret,
  • Stem cell rejuvenation,
  • Rejuvenation with fibroblasts,
  • Plasmolifting,
  • Correction of cheekbones,
  • Cellulite treatment and body skin lifting.

This list is not all the procedures and manipulations that you can receive in the clinic. At the Anacosma Clinic of Plastic Surgery and Rejuvenation Medicine, appointments are provided by:

  • Gynecologists-endocrinologists,
  • Gynecologists,
  • ANTI-AGE therapists,
  • Dermato-cosmetologists,
  • Plastic surgeons
  • Trichologists.

Tell us about your comprehensive body rejuvenation programs

Now our clinic focuses on developing an individual rejuvenation program for each client. After all, to achieve a lasting anti-age effect, it is not enough just to carry out the procedure. We are convinced that solving aesthetic problems must be approached comprehensively, because they are often directly related to health problems. But even if the external manifestation is associated with the natural processes of aging of the body, the effect of the procedures will be much more noticeable if a woman, for example, regulates her hormonal levels and replenishes the necessary balance of vitamins and microelements.

A woman under 35 wants to be sexy, so she enlarges her lips and breasts and emphasizes her cheekbones. But at 45, health becomes a priority.

As part of comprehensive anti-age programs, our work consists of several stages: • Taking an anamnesis and, if necessary, treatment with related specialists. Therefore, our clients undergo examinations, during which various types of diseases are sometimes revealed that they did not even suspect. • Repeated consultation, at which we check the results and discuss our further actions. As part of comprehensive programs, we work in 4 areas: homeopathy, intravenous drips, plasmapheresis, body cleansing (detox). • After this, depending on the expected result, aesthetic procedures are selected - cellular technologies, hardware and injection, plastic surgeries.

Today, such a comprehensive personalized approach significantly improves the patient’s well-being and body condition, and also provides a lasting aesthetic result.

What are the most popular procedures today?

Of course, now quite often clients are offered injection procedures. But I believe that this is an imposed need, because this type of service does not require large financial and labor costs, which means that specialists are interested in its popularization. However, injection procedures alone are not enough, because they do not eliminate the causes of the aesthetic problem. Therefore, our goal is to popularize a comprehensive approach to beauty and youth.

Over the last year, non-injection skin tightening using the innovative Ulthera device has become very popular, because one procedure gives a very noticeable result.

Previously, this effect could only be achieved surgically. Of course, services such as dermatogenesis, vascular removal, laser hair removal and photoepilation are also in demand. Services for micro-resurfacing, non-injection mesotherapy, and plasmapheresis are also in demand. We have quite a lot of clients who come from abroad. These are mainly immigrants from Ukraine who live in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, and the USA. They often use the services of a plastic surgeon and procedures for skin tightening, volumetric plastic surgery, botulinum toxin, lipofilling and anti-aging IVs.

What is a “difficult client”? How to deal with it? Do you have a special approach?

There is a theory that says that any group of people can be divided into three categories: 10% will love you and your product, but there will always be another 10% of customers who will remain unhappy, no matter what you do. The remaining 80% are clients with whom you need to work and achieve their loyalty. We have unique instructional scripts that we have developed, according to which employees must work with clients. Each person needs a special approach.

If the client is “difficult,” it is better for the head physician or a more experienced cosmetologist to work with him. If the patient is an introvert, we try to create the most comfortable conditions for him and select a doctor with a calmer temperament. Every client is different. Someone may come in a bad mood or just need to satisfy their ego. Give him this opportunity! In tense situations, a specialist must think: does he want to retain the client or prove that he is right? The client is who he is, and it is necessary to listen to him, understand him, correctly develop an anti-age program and provide him with service at the highest level.

You serve many show business stars. Are there certain specifics of working with them?

Yes, they differ in that they make decisions impulsively and sometimes irrationally. One of the mistakes doctors make when working with them is a detailed explanation of the mechanism of action, pathogenesis, but often they do not need these details. It is important for them to be heard and receive key information in an accessible language. If you find a common language with creative people, you will understand that they are the sweetest people, incredibly charismatic and simply give a colossal charge of energy!

It is more difficult to work with clients who came not of their own free will, but because their image makers insisted on the need to carry out certain aesthetic procedures. A person who was literally led by the hand is initially negative and closed, so it is very important to find an approach to him and inspire trust.

Do you have personnel selection criteria?

It is important for us that a person is a fan of his work. The candidate must also be quick to learn, open to new things and ready to develop. In addition, a person should be grateful, because gratitude is a step to wealth and development. We also use various tests to select candidates, my favorite is from Isaac Adizes. I appreciate honesty in people, because there are things in which there are no compromises. The only conflict that cannot be resolved is the conflict of values.

Service to the client, professionalism, dedication to the company and one’s business, rapid development and the ability to work in a team are some of the most important characteristics that an employee of the ANA-COSMO clinic should have.

Reception and consultation at the Anacosma Plastic Surgery and Rejuvenation Medicine Clinic

The Ana-Cosmo clinic is located in the very center of Kyiv, in the Lipki district, within walking distance to the Klovskaya metro station. The clinic is open every day except Sunday. The working day of doctors and clinic staff lasts from 09:00 to 21:00, which gives any patient the opportunity to visit the clinic, regardless of work schedule and age. Each doctor working in Ana-Cosmo is an experienced specialist who regularly improves his professional skills by attending seminars, courses, thematic improvements, consultations and much more. Many doctors from Anacosma have degrees of candidates and doctors of medical sciences.

What are the plans of the ANA-COSMO clinic for the near future?

We are currently working on organizing an international congress on plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine “Modern methods of facial rejuvenation” with the participation of foreign speakers. It will take place in Kyiv on March 16–17 (2018). The famous plastic surgeon Brian Mendelson (one of the three best surgeons in the world) has already confirmed his participation. He is a world-renowned specialist in facial anatomy and aging and the founder of the SPACE lifting technique. We are currently awaiting confirmation from world-renowned dermatologists. I am sure that this event will help improve culture and professionalism in aesthetic medicine.

Advantages of the Anacosma Plastic Surgery and Rejuvenation Medicine Clinic

  • The best plastic surgeons in the world are members of the Anacosma team. Also here is Pavel Denishchuk, who is known all over the world for his rhinoplasty and facial methods. Already more than 14,000 people are his grateful patients (People from Ukraine, the USA and the European Union)
  • Complete confidentiality. Your personal information will never be shared.
  • Ana-Cosmo uses its own post-surgical recovery programs. The patient returns to normal life as quickly as possible.
  • Innovative cosmetology devices that guarantee maximum painlessness and the best results.
  • An integrated approach to problem solving. Here they use not only techniques to rejuvenate the appearance, but also the entire body.
  • Complete safety guarantee.
  • Quality guarantee for any procedures.
  • Cellular technology as the most innovative method of rejuvenation. Rejuvenation with your own fibroblasts and stem cells allows you to maintain youth for many years without surgery or Botox injections.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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