Question: What do real plasma lifting tubes look like? And can others be used?

tubes for plasma lifting:

Until the end of December Plasmolifting cream included

.Plasmolifting tubes (Plasmolifting™ tubes) Plasmolifting is based on the principles of PRP therapy (Platelet Rich Plasma - platelet rich plasma), that is, it uses elements isolated from plasma: proteins, hormones and vitamins, Enlarge photo which, in combination with platelets, accelerate renewal cells and tissue repair.

To obtain plasma with high therapeutic properties, it requires special processing.
Tubes for plasma lifting of the Plasmolifting™ brand, when centrifuging blood, allow you to obtain plasma with a high concentration of platelets. Plasmolifting tubes qualitatively separate blood into 3 fractions: red blood cells, plasma and a fraction enriched with platelets and growth factors. They contain an anticoagulant - highly purified sodium heparin of infusion quality and a biologically inert gel, which ensures a clear separation of blood fractions along a density gradient, while maintaining the composition and properties of plasma.

Patented tubes for plasma lifting:

The cost of one test tube is 330 rubles

PRP in cosmetology

The meaning of the PRP therapy method in cosmetology is to create favorable conditions in the skin in which its own regenerative potential is maximally realized, because PRP itself is a concentrate of key bioactive substances involved in different stages of the regenerative process.

The use of the patient’s own biomaterial ensures the complete physiology of the method, and its wide application possibilities, the ability to affect all layers of the skin and compatibility with other methods of aesthetic medicine make it universal. It is no coincidence that many doctors who have mastered the PRP therapy method in cosmetology call it “the most physiological and universal restorer” that we have at our disposal today.

PRP in cosmetology is an artificially created drug, but its complete autologousness and biocompatibility is beyond doubt, and minimizing possible adverse reactions to the administered substance is an important aspect in choosing a treatment method.

Advantages of Plasmolifting tubes:

Sterility of manipulations:

The technical characteristics of the Plasmolifting™ tube exclude contact of the patient’s blood with the external environment. The special design of the cap prevents secondary contamination of the tube during manipulations with blood and plasma.


The functional properties of the Plasmolifting™ tube allow the isolation of residual toxins released during the lysis of bacterial cells and metabolites of microorganisms, thereby eliminating the likelihood of adverse events after the procedure. Allergic reactions develop extremely rarely and only in patients with hypersensitivity to the anticoagulant.


Our test tubes for the Plasmolifting™ procedure are made of high-quality medical borosilicate glass, the strength of which is almost 5 times higher than that of ordinary glass.

  • Sodium is a natural component of the intercellular environment. It is enough to use a minimum amount of sodium ions, which does not have any negative effects on the human body, to obtain optimal characteristics of the injectable form of PRP.
  • Plasmolifting technology involves the use of only high-quality sodium heparinate of infusion purification level. It must be remembered that the use of low purity heparin salts and the use of tubes not intended for plasma lifting can lead to severe allergic reactions!

Peculiarities :

  • Tubes for plasma lifting of the Plasmolifting™ brand have another important advantage - a specially developed separation gel that increases the purification of plasma during centrifugation. It consists of an olefin copolymer, which has thixotropic properties and can trap sedimented red blood cells and hemolysis products.
  • Such test tubes can be placed on the table, shaken and turned over. Purified plasma will not shake up and will not mix with centrifuged blood fractions. The separation gel even at ultra-low temperatures (down to -90°C!) makes it possible to preserve the properties of the plasma. Thanks to Plasmolifting™ plasma lifting tubes, a fundamentally new opportunity arises to create individual jars for each patient of ready-to-use plasma with maximum biological activity.

Centrifuge parameters

Centrifuge model

The Ycellbio tube is suitable for most types of centrifuges (45° angle rotor and cross rotor with hanging bowls). It is recommended to use centrifuges with an all-metal rotor and housing.

Centrifuge balancing

Centrifuge balancing is one of the most important factors in the process of separating blood into fractions. Ignoring this issue may result in damage to the containers and leakage of blood during centrifugation.

Test tube manufacturing technology:

Plasmolifting, as a Plasmolifting method used in cosmetology, was invented by Russian maxillofacial surgeons, Ph.D. R.R. Akhmerov and Doctor of Medical Sciences R.F. Zarudiy and patented in 2004. It was originally developed for use in surgery, with the goal of improving the healing processes of soft tissues. Currently, the range of applications of this method has been significantly expanded; cosmetology is only one of the areas of medicine where it is used.

  • Updated boxes with test tubes of 50 pcs. During the plasma lifting procedure, elements isolated from plasma are used: proteins, hormones and vitamins, which, in combination with platelets, accelerate cell renewal and tissue restoration.
  • Plasmolifting™ tubes do not allow the patient's blood to come into contact with the external environment.
  • Tubes for plasma lifting of the Plasmolifting™ brand are made using special technology and are tightly closed with a stopper. This ensures sterility and unchanged chemical composition of the internal contents, preservation of the vacuum inside the tube, which makes the blood collection procedure quick and comfortable for the doctor and patient, and also has blood-repellent properties.
  • Since platelet-rich plasma is obtained from the patient’s own blood, the injection is completely biocompatible with the body, eliminating the occurrence of immunogenic and allergic reactions and the likelihood of rejection.

Plasmolifting tubes (Plasmolifting™ tubes) are certified by the Federal Health Service and have passed quality tests in Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Cyprus. Their quality is also confirmed by ISO and CE certificates issued by the most authoritative German certification organization TUV

Contents of delivery:

  • Packing 1 pc.
  • quantity per package: 50 tubes.
  • cost 1 piece 330 RUR
  • possible by the piece.

In cosmetology:

  • Age-related skin changes (chronoaging);
  • Deterioration of skin condition after sun exposure (photoaging);
  • Acne and post-acne;
  • Sensitive, “stressed” skin;
  • Dermatological diseases (atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema);
  • Cellulite

In dentistry:

  • generalized periodontitis (1,2,3 degrees of severity),
  • gingivitis,
  • localized periodontitis,
  • alveolitis,
  • implantation surgery, tooth extraction,
  • peri-implantitis,
  • prevention of periodontal tissue diseases.


  • Systemic blood diseases;
  • Oncology;
  • Acute infectious process;
  • Allergy to anticoagulants.

Where can you buy and how not to make a mistake?

Budget options for these products may mean that low-quality materials were used for their production.
“Plasmolifting TM” uses heparin as an anticoagulant, the composition of which does not change the structure of the plasma. In addition, it prevents the occurrence of allergies and thrombocytopenia. Test tubes developed and patented by Russian manufacturers make it possible to obtain pure plasma.

The Swiss method of plasma lifting RegenLab is practically an analogue of the usual one, but with some differences and, as many cosmetologists believe, a more effective return.

This can be achieved due to the production of a more saturated number of platelets in the active substance, which can stimulate and accelerate the recovery process.

The Spanish Endoret method has received worldwide recognition, including in Russia. It is based on the same injections of your own blood plasma, but with the difference that it is maximally purified from leukocytes. This technique makes it possible to reduce the rehabilitation period after the procedure to 3-5 hours. The active substance produced by Endoret (prgf), in addition to a significant concentration of platelets, contains growth factors that greatly increase the effectiveness of the procedure (what determines the effectiveness of the procedure and how to care for the skin after it is discussed in a separate article).

Information for cosmetologists:

  • Centrifuge EVA 20 (Germany): 3200 rpm for 5 minutes;
  • Centrifuge 80–2S (China): 3000 rpm for 5 minutes;
  • Centrifuge CM-6M Elmi (Latvia): 3500 rpm for 5 minutes.
  • Centrifuge SM-12-06: 3500 rpm for 5 minutes.
  • Areas and techniques for platelet autoplasma injections
  • Using the Plasmolifting™ method, platelet autoplasma is introduced into the areas to be treated and rejuvenated.

In cosmetology, platelet autoplasma is most often injected into the face and décolleté. Currently, the following techniques for administering platelet autoplasma have been developed:

Reinforcement: Nappage, pappule technique:

  • Plasmolifting allows you to remove swelling, especially in the area of ​​the nasolacrimal groove, caused by overcorrection with filler.

The procedure is recommended in the following cases:

  • Age-related changes in the fibers of the connective tissues of the skin (elastosis)
  • Decreased skin turgor
  • Dryness and flaking
  • The appearance of the first small wrinkles
  • Initial manifestations of ptosis of the tissues of the face and neck
  • Skin stretch marks due to sudden weight loss
  • Strong exposure of skin to ultraviolet light
  • Skin rehabilitation after peeling (laser or chemical)
  • Inflammation of the sebaceous glands (acne)
  • Hair loss.

Check with the operator for expiration date and production date.

It is possible to buy individually.


  • Trichology (Alopecia Treatment) PRP + Alopecia Treatment
  • PRP + hair transplant
  • Hair extracted for transplantation can be stored in PRP, which is identical to the environment inside the human body.
  • Cosmetology
      PRP + laser therapy
  • PRP + radiofrequency treatment
  • PRP + fractional mesotherapy, mesoscooters
  • PRP + dermal fillers
  • PRP + mesoinjectors, etc.
  • Dermatology
  • Plastic surgery
      PRP + face lift
  • PRP + lipotransfer
  • Self-application of PRP
  • Reducing rehabilitation time
  • Orthopedics
      Joints: shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle
  • Dentistry
  • Ophthalmology
      PRP + LASIK
  • Treatment of ophthalmological pathologies
  • The use of PRP helps relieve pain after LASIK and LASEK vision correction procedures, alleviates the condition of the eye with xerophthalmia and helps restore the cornea.
  • Sports medicine
  • Complex effect

    Results after PRP therapy:

    • increasing skin tone, thickening the skin due to increased collagen synthesis;
    • improvement of skin quality (skin becomes softer, moisturized, velvety);
    • acceleration of recovery after operations and injuries;
    • lifting and prevention of wrinkles (especially when using the “RegenLab gold set”;
    • acne treatment;
    • “radiant” skin effect;
    • assistance in the treatment of hyperpigmentation and prevention of its occurrence;
    • stopping aggressive hair loss;
    • hair treatment, improving its quality and growth rate.

    Already after the first procedure, the effect of a fresh, rested face is noted, the skin looks more toned and healthy, its color and texture improves.

    What measures to follow after the procedure?

    In the first 5–7 days after the procedure, you must follow the doctor’s recommendations:

    • do not touch the scalp with your hands, especially those areas where injections were injected;
    • do not wash your strands, apply cosmetics to your hair no earlier than after 3 days;
    • avoid getting water on the scalp;
    • refuse baths, saunas;
    • wear a hat to protect your skin from external factors (ultraviolet radiation, cold, wind);
    • do not dye your hair or use products that contain chemical components;
    • do not perm, and do not apply irritating masks to your hair (with mustard, hot pepper);
    • After the plasma lifting procedure, refrain from using irons, hair dryers and hot tongs.

    The doctor may also recommend doing a scalp massage and taking vitamin and mineral complexes.

    Plasma therapy services for hair are performed in various cosmetology parlors and clinics in Moscow. However, we advise you to contact only specialists in the field of trichology, because we are talking about your health. The procedure involves medical intervention, so the training of specialists and conditions must meet medical requirements.

    The HFE clinic employs specialists who have extensive experience in hair restoration and transplantation. We offer patients plasma lifting as an independent treatment or as an additional hair restoration procedure. The cost of one session is 10,000 rubles. To learn more about the clinic, sign up for a consultation with specialists.

    How many sessions should I take?

    A noticeable improvement in skin quality will be visible after the first procedure; a course of procedures will give a more expressive cumulative effect. One course of PRP therapy includes 3 procedures, 1 procedure per month.

    Contrary to speculation, it is impossible to “oversaturate” the skin with platelets; this is a physiological effect on the skin, which implies activation of the tissue’s own resources and improvement of their internal metabolism.

    To prevent aging and maintain high regenerative capacity of the skin, 1 course is carried out every six months.

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