What and how to perform face resurfacing at home

Facial resurfacing is a mandatory cosmetic procedure that is included in the skin care complex. You can do it with the help of professional cosmetics; it is possible to use masks made from natural products and homemade scrubs. In any case, the cleansing effect will be present even after one use of the product, and a full course of resurfacing will significantly rejuvenate the dermis, making it firm, elastic and smooth.

An alternative to laser resurfacing at home

Laser resurfacing cleanses and restores the skin of the face so thoroughly that this procedure is popular in beauty salons. Some sources claim that with special equipment, laser procedures can be performed independently at home. But cosmetologists claim that this is not so - only a certified and experienced specialist can perform such serious manipulations.

But there is an alternative to laser resurfacing at home - these are mechanical and chemical peels. These procedures do not require any specific knowledge in medicine; you just need to learn how to prepare the correct composition.

If we are talking about mechanical peeling, then the most effective would be a combination of bodyaga powder and a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide in equal quantities. The result is a foamy mixture, into which you dip a cotton pad or swab and treat the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes - it is better to lubricate it with a rich cream to protect it.

You cannot rub bodyaga with hydrogen peroxide, you just need to leave the applied product on your face for a maximum of 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water without detergents.

As an alternative to laser resurfacing, gommage is performed at home - a procedure during which dead particles of the epidermis are removed. After the first session, facial skin becomes lighter, smoother, more elastic, and firm.

For the procedure, you can use a product you prepare yourself - combine 2 tablespoons of semolina and oatmeal, add 1 tablespoon of citrus zest. Apply the finished mixture to a cleansed and well-steamed face, leave for 10 minutes and massage thoroughly with your fingertips before rinsing.

Such resurfacing methods should be used once a week; if the skin of the face is hypersensitive, excessively dry and thin, then the procedure should be done once every 10-15 days. To enhance the effect of gommage, you can add 1 teaspoon of ginger root, cinnamon powder or dried medicinal herbs (oregano, string, sage) to the mixture.

We recommend reading an article about what is better to choose for facial care: laser peeling or resurfacing. From it you will learn about the differences between these procedures, the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Read more about facial dermabrasion here.

Benefits of body polishing

As we have already said, there are many benefits to polishing your body or skin. Find them out below -

Body polishing is a process of cleansing our skin that uses natural ingredients such as flowers, herbs, grains, legumes, essential oils, etc. It offers therapeutic benefits to our mind and body. It exfoliates our body, removes dead skin cells and restores healthy fresh cells to keep our skin looking youthful.

Body polishing is a great way to get rid of dry skin. It hydrates our skin and makes it soft, smooth and glowing. Body polishing promotes the growth of new cells, which helps us achieve clear, clear and flawless skin.

It removes oil stuck in the skin pores and reduces the likelihood of breakouts.

Polishing your body improves blood circulation, which is very important if you want healthy skin.

Body polish exfoliates the skin and unclogs the pores, which help our skin breathe.

It is extremely beneficial to get rid of signs of sun damage.

Body polishing has a relaxing, soothing and rejuvenating effect on our mind.

Recipes for masks

Chemical peeling is another alternative to laser resurfacing. The procedure can be carried out using professional cosmetics made on the basis of fruit acids. But you can use a simpler, more accessible method - prepare a fruit-based mask and cleanse your face with it.

From orange

You need to take 1 medium-sized citrus fruit and grind it together with the zest into a paste. To it add puree from any fruit that has a soft structure - for example, banana, plums, peaches, apricots. After combining all the ingredients and mixing thoroughly, the mixture is applied to cleansed facial skin in a thick layer. You cannot rub the mass or massage the skin with it - the composition is too aggressive.

You just need to wash your face after 10 minutes and apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to the already dry skin.

Citrus zest

From lemon juice

According to cosmetologists, chemical peeling based on lemon juice will be the most effective of all known. You just need to dilute natural lemon juice with clean water in equal proportions and lubricate cleansed facial skin with it. After 5 minutes, you can wash your face and apply moisturizer.

Strawberry + apple

You need to prepare a puree from 5 large strawberries and ½ medium apple without peel. The finished mixture is applied to the facial skin in a thick layer and left for a maximum of 5 minutes. Then everything is washed off with warm water, and a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied.

During the strawberry and apple cleansing procedure, you may feel a slight burning sensation on the skin - this is a normal reaction of the body. But if the unpleasant sensations are too pronounced, accompanied by itching or lacrimation, then you urgently need to wash off the mask with warm water and take an antihistamine (Suprastin or Tavegil tablet).

Exotic "cocktail"

Grind equal amounts of ripe papaya and pineapple, add ½ of the total volume of liquid honey to them and mix everything. Apply an exotic chemical peeling product to the facial skin in a thick layer and remove with a tissue after 10 minutes. You will definitely need to treat the dermis with a nourishing or moisturizing cream, but only after washing with warm water.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

Chemical peels at home should be carried out in spring, winter and late autumn - the mixtures make the skin defenseless against ultraviolet rays. There is no need to increase the time of the procedure, as this can lead to burns of the epidermis. The frequency of the cleansing procedure is 1 time per week, the full course is 8 procedures.

How to choose a cream for the care of leather shoes

In cool weather, thick consistency creams . Such products reliably protect shoes from the effects of snow, frost, and rain. When creams with a greasy consistency are applied, a waterproof film is formed on the surface of the boots, preventing moisture from penetrating the skin. Such products usually contain animal fats, solvents, waxes, and paraffins. The main disadvantage of most creams with a greasy consistency is their pungent odor.

Water-based cream is used mainly in summer. It is ideal for expensive dress shoes, giving them a beautiful shine.

, creams with turpentine or wax are used to care for leather products . Be careful when using alcohol-based products. They can destroy the protective layer of products, which makes skin care difficult.

To maintain the presentable appearance of your favorite shoes, a variety of means are used. creams with a liquid consistency are ideal for use in the warm season . Thick creams are used to care for boots made of thick leather during bad weather.

Home grinding machine

To carry out facial skin cleansing procedures at home, you can use the Gezatone “Diamond Dermabrasion” device. The principle of its operation is based on grinding the skin using attachments coated with diamond. There are 3 of them in the set, which allows you to select the grinding strength for specific data - how sensitive the skin is, whether there are peelings and areas of inflammation on it.

The device implies that the woman herself must guide it along the massage lines of the face - the nozzle will lightly suction to the skin and will thoroughly clean it. Using Gezatone is very easy - just study the instructions and experimentally select a nozzle with the appropriate diamond coating.

The procedure is performed once a month, even if it has age-related changes such as facial wrinkles, sagging and age spots. By the way, an additional pleasant effect will be an increase in the firmness of the dermis, its elasticity and the smoothing of fine wrinkles. Immediately after polishing, the face acquires a red tint, after a day it turns pale and begins to actively peel off, but already on the 3rd day the skin is renewed and becomes smooth, without visible flaws and fresh.

What is facial dermabrasion

Facial dermabrasion (diamond, mechanical, laser) is essentially a method of mechanical peeling brought to perfection, grinding the outer layers of the dermal layer of the skin. The effect occurs by scraping off the dead layer of epidermal cells using abrasive milling materials or microcrystals.

The procedure is effective and belongs to the category of the most effective techniques developed to combat skin defects of various etiologies, as well as for comprehensive rejuvenation. The principle of micro-resurfacing is to remove the defective layer of skin. The depth of the exfoliating effect is regulated by a cosmetologist depending on the indications and characteristics of the skin structure.

The goal is to achieve uniformity, smoothness, eliminate flaws, improve health, and solve various cosmetic problems.

The method can be compared to home scrubbing. The abrasive particles of scrubbing compositions act delicately, while hardware dermabrasion is a more aggressive but effective method.

By scraping off the dead upper layer to release the lower layer with young and more active cells, the procedure promotes accelerated regeneration, narrowing of pores, cellular renewal and natural tissue rejuvenation.

The dermabrasion method allows not only to aesthetically improve the appearance of the skin, giving it radiance, a healthy and elastic appearance, but also to normalize internal processes, triggering active restoration, renewal, improving the flow of oxygen and nutrients.

After exposure to abrasive handpieces, there is an activation of the synthesis of collagen-elastin fibers, which are responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis, strengthening the skin framework, smoothing the skin texture, and eliminating defects of various origins.

A therapeutic effect is observed after the procedure, which is ensured by the property of microparticles of abrasive powder to easily penetrate into the deep layers, destructively affecting and destroying the bonds of epidermal scales. It is this property that determines the high-quality elimination of the top layer of dead or damaged cells.

After mechanical cleaning, the process of fiber synthesis starts, stimulation of the production of young cells, and normalization of blood flow. This helps smooth out wrinkles, cleanse the epidermis of impurities, smooth it out, strengthen turgor, and optimize the functions of all structural dermal and epidermal components.

Recovery period after peeling

Facial dermabrasion (diamond, mechanical or laser) is effective and safe only if certain rules of care are followed during the rehabilitation period.

After the grinding session it is recommended:

  • do not touch the treated areas with your hands on the first day after grinding;
  • after 1-10 days, clean the skin with delicate products or a weak antiseptic solution;
  • within 2-5 days, exclude the application of decorative cosmetics;
  • avoid physical activity, going to the sauna and bathhouse, visiting the pool for 7 days;
  • Before going out into the open air, apply cream with high SPF protection; do not apply scrubs, cleansing masks and peelings, or pick off scabs.

Following simple rules during the rehabilitation period will help speed up healing, enhance and prolong the aesthetic result obtained.

Results of the procedure: before and after photos

Cosmetologists and patients positively evaluate the technique, and the results can be seen in the photos before and after the procedure.

After the full course of grinding and subsequent healing of the treated areas, the following effect can be observed:

  • mimic and age wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • the skin brightens, a healthy and uniform complexion returns;
  • tone is restored, firmness and elasticity returns;
  • pigment spots are eliminated, freckles are visually less noticeable;
  • pores are narrowed and cleansed;
  • traces of acne and post-acne are eliminated;
  • the skin is rejuvenated, acquiring a healthy appearance.

Inside the layers of the skin, regeneration and cellular renewal occur, and the processes of synthesis of collagen-elastin fibers are activated. Any facial dermabrasion, but especially the diamond method of exposure, can be supplemented with botulinum therapy, nanoperforation, ultraphonophoresis and contouring.

To generally improve the condition of the skin, you can additionally conduct several sessions of mesotherapy and biorevitalization.

Article design: Anna Vinnitskaya

Mechanical dermabrasion

Mechanical dermabrasion is a more radical and traumatic, but effective method of rejuvenation, as well as solving cosmetic problems. The main difference from delicate diamond microgrinding is the deeper impact. During the procedure, the upper layer of the epidermis is removed using hardware, without affecting the papillary layer and the upper layer of the retina of the skin.

Processing is carried out using compact cutters mounted on special equipment.

The depth of treatment is controlled electronically and by the cosmetologist himself. This technique is used for radical changes - eliminating deep wrinkles, removing tattoos, removing severe hyperpigmentation, noticeable scars, cicatrices, keloids, and other visible skin imperfections.

The procedure is quite traumatic and is characterized by a long recovery period, so the use of painkillers is mandatory.

The session takes place in stages:

  1. The doctor conducts an examination and prescribes an examination of the body, including tests, ECG and fluorography.
  2. Immediately before the procedure, the cosmetologist marks the treatment areas.
  3. The selected area is cooled with compresses for 30 minutes.
  4. Anesthesia is performed, most often patients are given general intravenous anesthesia.
  5. The optimal abrasive attachment is selected, and the cosmetologist begins the grinding process. First, surgical excision of the affected areas is performed, then the area is mechanically polished, and then the result is secured with Bucca irradiation to destroy the germinal part of the keloid zone.

This procedure is not carried out in the warm season, since at this time ultraviolet rays actively affect the skin. The best time is from October to March, at which time solar activity is minimal. The cost of mechanical treatment in metropolitan clinics ranges from 1000 per 1 sq. cm.

The price may vary depending on the qualifications of the doctor, the type of device, and the area of ​​treatment.

Diamond dermabrasion

Facial dermabrasion is presented in several ways, one of them is diamond resurfacing, the principle of which is to treat problem areas with special attachments with finely dispersed diamond chips. The device is equipped with additional vacuum suction, which allows particles to easily penetrate the tissue.

This technique is used to treat various areas - the face, neck and décolleté, as well as the hands.

It is these areas of the epidermis that are most susceptible to aging and negative changes under the influence of external factors. The handpiece used in this method of skin resurfacing is microcrystals - a diamond abrasive with high exfoliating properties.

They are hypoallergenic, safe, provide gentle exfoliation without wounding or irritating the epidermis during treatment. Each microcrystal has the shape of a star or snowflake; they delicately remove the keratinized layer of cells from the surface, releasing a younger and healthier layer, accelerating regeneration in the area affected by abrasive particles.

The session follows the standard algorithm:

  • A preliminary consultation with a doctor is carried out to determine the depth of exposure.
  • The skin is thoroughly cleansed of impurities and makeup. In case of high sensitivity, local anesthesia can be used.
  • The doctor carries out cleaning using a device with vacuum attachments and diamond abrasive on pre-determined areas.
  • After micro-resurfacing, the skin is treated with anti-inflammatory and soothing agents, and a mask with an anti-edematous effect is applied.

A session of diamond microdermabrasion helps smooth out the relief, eliminating small scars and scars, improve complexion, activate internal rejuvenation processes and restore elasticity. Microgrinding with diamond dust continues for no more than 35-50 minutes.

The result of this effect is visible after the first procedure. The cost of a session in metropolitan clinics is from 2000 rubles, in the regions the price of one procedure will be 1200-1500 rubles.

Indications and contraindications

Dermabrasion is indicated for the following cosmetic defects:

  • photoaging;
  • presence of hyperkeratosis, rosacea;
  • uneven unhealthy tone;

  • in case of dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, increased fat content;
  • manifestations of shallow hyperpigmentation (spots, freckles);
  • in the presence of facial and age wrinkles;
  • coarsening, contamination of the epidermis due to external influences;
  • flabbiness, loss of tone, elasticity;
  • in the presence of imperfections in the skin relief, scars, scars, signs of post-acne;
  • pathologically enlarged pores.

The procedures are used as a method of removing tattoos, as well as as a preventive complex against aging in the skin of the face, décolleté, neck, and hands. When making decisions, it is important to know that the method cannot completely cope with keloid scars and postpartum stretch marks. Dermabrasion will help make such imperfections less noticeable.

Microgrinding has a number of contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of allergic, inflammatory reactions on the skin;

  • focal rashes, wounds, mechanical damage in the treatment area, including acne;
  • hemophilic syndrome, bleeding disorder;
  • neoplasms, rosacea, any types of dermatitis;
  • itching sensation;
  • epileptic syndrome, complex somatic diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus in the decompensation stage;
  • infectious, viral, bacterial, fungal pathologies;
  • fresh burns due to exposure to the open sun;
  • herpes on the face in the active stage;
  • hypersensitivity of the epidermis.

The method should not be used for ARVI, elevated temperature, in case of signs of decreased immunity, after a positive illness. This contraindication is temporary; the body needs to recover so that regeneration processes after microdermabrasion are more active.

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