How to Reshape Your Chin with Surgery and Home Exercises

There are several ways to make your chin sharp - these include surgical interventions, cosmetic injections and sets of exercises. In cases where the defect is associated with injuries or congenital characteristics, mentoplasty will help. Mild asymmetry or a double chin can be removed using fillers or mesotherapy. These procedures give good results, but they do not always last for a long time. An option that does not require large expenses, after which you do not need to undergo rehabilitation, it is completely safe. All this is about Facebook building. Among its various complexes, there are those that will correct the shape of the chin. It is important to slowly perform the exercises and follow the video instructions. If you take into account all the recommendations and practice regularly, the results will be impressive.

Is it possible to change the shape of your chin at home?

It is possible to correct the oval of the face at home. Facial gymnastics helps make your chin visually smaller, sharper, and get rid of sagging skin. There are only three muscles in the chin area:

  • lowering the corner of the mouth (steam room);
  • the mental muscle located in the center;
  • lowering the lower lip (paired).

If they are not in good shape, the oval of the face becomes swollen, the shape of the lower part of the face changes, and a double chin appears. Sets of exercises help maintain muscles in normal condition. If they have already weakened, intensive exercise will help restore lost tone. With the help of targeted loads on one of the muscles, you can correct the shape of the chin, make it more powerful or, conversely, narrow it. You can also modify a pointed chin to give it a more rounded shape. Working out the mental muscle will allow the tissues to rise up, which will get rid of the double chin, and make the wedge-shaped one more harmonious and rounded.

This is interesting! In 1710, Madame Sauval's brochure presented the first complex of facial aerobics.

Regular exercise of the muscles that lower the lower lip will make the contour of the lower part of the face smooth and sharp corners will be smoothed out. But overuse of exercises for the muscle that lowers the corners of the mouth can play a cruel joke. This can provoke the appearance of nasolabial folds or an eternally tired, dissatisfied expression on the face due to drooping corners of the mouth. Daily exercises will give results in two or three months. The muscles will tighten, the skin will become more elastic. And the defect being corrected will become less noticeable. Regular training will complement proper nutrition; you need to reduce the consumption of fast carbohydrates and fats. Food rich in fiber and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids should be a priority. Masks and special creams will help you change the shape of your chin at home. They increase skin firmness and elasticity. A contrast shower will also be effective. Correct posture and a proudly raised head will get rid of a double chin. Daily self-massage also solves the problem.


After operation

It takes 2-3 weeks to recover. In the first 3-4 days, you need to rinse your mouth with an antiseptic and avoid physical activity. In the first 7 days, treat the suture sites with an antiseptic. For 2 weeks, eat only liquid foods. If a prosthesis has been installed, then jaw movements must be limited for 2-4 weeks. The operated area should not be overheated or exposed to ultraviolet radiation (do not sunbathe). The pool needs to be excluded. And the most important thing is to wear a compression bandage to stabilize the result.

After bioreinforcement

For three weeks you need to avoid solariums, baths, saunas, heavy physical activity, and steaming procedures on your face. Massage and facial physiotherapy are prohibited for two months.

After lipofilling

In the first few days, the chin should not be wet; stitches and punctures should be treated with an antiseptic. You cannot massage the affected area or cool it. Physical activity is excluded for 2-3 weeks, foods high in omega-3 acids are removed from the diet. Blood thinners are also prohibited.

After augmentation with fillers

On the first day, you should not use foundation or other decorative cosmetics, smoke, or drink alcohol. For two weeks you should not sunbathe or overheat the affected area. In order for the filler to be better distributed, a special massage is performed.

When should you resort to plastic surgery?

Some defects cannot be corrected with exercises, for example, a very sharp chin, the shape of which is determined to a greater extent by the structure of the lower jaw, and not by the condition of the muscles. In this and other cases, you can contact a plastic surgeon or cosmetologist. Surgery to change the shape of the chin is called mentoplasty. If desired, anyone can do it. In most cases, people turn to a surgeon when their appearance causes serious discomfort and interferes with normal communication and career advancement. This is how mentoplasty is indicated:

  • in case of congenital defects in the chin area, facial asymmetry;
  • to eliminate the consequences of injuries;
  • with an “underdeveloped” chin, when it is disproportionately small in relation to the entire face;
  • with a too massive chin, disharmonizing the image.

You will have to refuse intervention if your immune system is weakened, possibly exacerbation of chronic diseases. Mentoplasty is also contraindicated for patients with diabetes.

There are several types of surgery:

  1. Bone. When it is necessary to reduce the chin, part of the bone is cut off. And to increase it, it is sawed and moved forward, after which it is fixed with special titanium plates. After such an intervention, long-term rehabilitation is required. But the operation allows you to radically change your appearance, and its result will remain unchanged over the years.
  2. Implantation. To correct the shape of the chin or restore facial symmetry, special implants are introduced. They are made from silicone or cartilage tissue. With the help of such an intervention, a narrow or small chin can be made larger.
  3. Contour. Allows you to correct the shape of the lower part of the face, eliminate asymmetry by transplanting your own fat tissue into the problem area. This is the most painless operation and does not require long-term rehabilitation. If you just want to remove your chin, you should contact a cosmetologist. Various injections, mesotherapy, thread lifting will help restore clarity to the facial contour.
  4. Correction with fillers. It allows you to bring a pointed chin closer to a rounded shape and reduce sagging tissue and skin. With its help you can get rid of a double chin. The safest are gels with hyaluronic acid.
  5. Liposuction. Allows you to reduce the chin and tighten the tissue. Using a special device or syringe, excess adipose tissue is removed from the problem area.
  6. Mesotherapy. With its help, a clear oval of the face is restored and sagging skin is tightened. The essence of the method is the introduction of vitamin-based preparations under the skin. They increase skin elasticity and remove excess fluid.
  7. Thread lifting. Allows you to get rid of a double chin and make the facial contour clear. Special threads are inserted into the problem area. They do not cause rejection in the body and create a tissue-tightening frame. The threads may or may not be self-absorbing.
  8. Mesodissolution. The essence of the technique is the introduction under the skin of special preparations that destroy fat deposits and restore collagen production.

Attention! There are three types of fillers: with hyaluronic acid, silicone, and calcium hydroxyapatite.

How to fix a small chin in men and women?

Conservative methods will be ineffective in most cases. After all, the main reason for this cosmetic defect is the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the bones. And no ointments, massage, masks, gymnastic exercises, etc. can change it. It will also not be possible to hide such a deficiency by physically training the muscles and increasing their volume, since the muscle layer here is extremely small. Of course, if the reduction of the chin is purely visual, caused by fat deposits on the neck, losing weight will help, but in other cases, the most effective tactic will be surgical correction.

A set of home exercises for the chin

Facebook building is gaining popularity. More and more women are choosing it as an alternative to plastic surgery or cosmetic procedures. Video lessons from popular trainers allow a person completely unfamiliar with the topic to start classes. Gymnastics complexes for the face also contain exercises that allow you to make your chin smaller, sharper, and more expressive. Most of them are simple and do not require much time to complete. It is usually recommended to perform the complexes twice a day. The average time spent on this is 15 minutes. The first results will be noticeable after three months of regular exercise. You shouldn’t believe the promises of online trainers who are ready to rid you of your double chin in two or three weeks. This is physically impossible. There are several universal exercises on how to increase your chin at home:

  • Take a breath and purse your lips. Press your palms onto your puffy cheeks and feel how tense the muscles are. Try to push with maximum force for three seconds, release the air. Do 10 approaches.
  • Purse your lips and smile until your cheek muscles tense. Pull your lips out into a tube, then smile again. Alternate exercises for 20 seconds. Do 10 approaches.

Reference! In the 80s of the 20th century, a book by the German plastic surgeon Benz was published. It contained exercises that became the basis for various areas of face-building.

How to make your chin pointy

You can narrow a wide chin with exercises. You need to pay special attention to working the muscles that lower the lower lip. It is through them that you can achieve sharpened facial features and correct your chin. Top 3 best exercises:

  • Stand in front of a mirror with your back straight. Open your mouth, no need to do it wide. Lower your lower lip so that your gums are visible. It is important that the neck muscles do not tense, the upper lip should remain motionless, and the chin should not move. Hold this pose for 5 seconds. Take the starting position for 3 seconds, do 10 approaches.
  • Stand in front of the mirror, your shoulders should be straightened. Bend your lower lip, it should be rounded, and press on the center of the chin. Hold this flattening for no more than 5 seconds. When performing, the neck muscles should not strain, folds and creases should not appear on the face.
  • Stand in front of the mirror and say the sound “i” with tension. Try to do this for as long as possible. It is necessary to perform 7 approaches.

Advice! You can do facial aerobics at any age. The uniqueness of the methods is that they can restore the already encircled oval of the face and smooth out wrinkles that have appeared.

With the help of regular exercises, you can make the contours of the lower part of your face expressive and give your chin a clearer outline. The following complex may help:

  • Sit on a chair with your back straight. Tilt your head back, open and close your mouth 5-7 times. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • Sitting with a straight back, place your palms under your chin. Strain your neck, lower your head and at the same time press your chin with your hands, not allowing your head to drop completely. Perform the exercise for 8 seconds. Return to the starting position, rest for 3 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • While sitting with your back straight, forcefully stretch your neck forward and perform the exercise for 7 seconds. Return to the starting position, take a break of 3 seconds, perform 5 more approaches.

About the causes of fat folds in the chin area and how to eliminate them:

How to make your chin more prominent

You can make a small chin bigger by training the mentalis muscle and the muscles that lower the lower lip. By building them up, you will correct facial disproportion without surgery. A longer chin can be achieved by performing the following exercise program:

  • Stand or sit with your back straight. Move your lower jaw forward. Hold the position for 10-15 seconds. Perform 10 approaches.
  • Standing in front of a mirror, make circular movements with your lower jaw. Do the exercise for 10 seconds. Repeat it 7 times.

This is interesting! B. Sanford's book was revolutionary. It contained exercises that can be easily performed as soon as you wake up.

For a more expressive and sensual contour of the lower part of the face, the following complex is suitable:

  • Open your mouth wider. Place your tongue on the upper palate. If you feel that your chin muscles are tense, then you are doing the exercise correctly. Hold the pose for 10 seconds. Then take the starting position. Perform 10 approaches.
  • Sit or stand with your back straight. Lift your chin so that the skin of your neck is stretched. Clench your teeth and press the tip of your tongue against your lower gum. If you feel tension in your neck muscles, it means you are doing the exercise correctly. Hold this pose for 10 seconds. Do 7 approaches.

How to make your chin smaller

The following set of exercises will help you remove a double chin and reduce its size:

  • Throw your head back, look at the ceiling, purse your lips as if you are going to kiss him. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 15 times.
  • Open your mouth wide, wide. Stick out your tongue as much as possible. Hold the pose for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position. Do 10 more approaches.

Advice! “The 5-Minute Facial Workout” is a great book for those who don’t have time for long workouts.

These exercises allow you to increase the elasticity of the muscles, tighten the tissues, due to which the chin will become smaller. They are especially effective in the case of a double chin. Regular physical activity not only helps strengthen muscles, but also burns excess fat. The contours of the lower part of the face that have changed in shape can be restored by reshaping the chin using the following exercises:

  • Tilt your head back. Freeze, stick your lower jaw forward. Stay in this position for 20 seconds. Return to the starting position. Do 15 more approaches.
  • Open your mouth wide, press your tongue against your lower teeth. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, say a long, drawn-out “Ahhh.” Try to do this for as long as possible. After a pause, do another approach.

There are special “male” aerobics complexes for the face:


A small chin can also be diagnosed visually. A small chin is determined by appropriate measurements: the height of an ideal chin is equal to half the height of the lower third of the face. The jawline is clearly and smoothly defined. Another way to diagnose a small chin: you need to look from the side at a person’s tilted head and conditionally draw two lines - a horizontal one that passes through the ear canal and the lower edge of the orbit, and a vertical one that passes through the deepest point at the root of the nose. If the chin does not protrude beyond the vertical line, the chin is underdeveloped (microgenia). To diagnose a small chin, specialists also evaluate the client’s bite.

Recommendations from experts

If you decide to correct the shape of your face yourself, then before you begin, study the advice of cosmetologists.

  1. Before training, remove makeup and apply cream to your face.
  2. At first, do the exercises in front of a mirror. If it is more convenient for you, perform all the complexes while sitting.
  3. Don’t write it off, try to feel the muscles working.
  4. When performing exercises, try to achieve a feeling of slight tingling or warmth in the tissues.

All experts agree that the key to success is regular exercise.

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