7 ways to visually make your nose look smaller with makeup

Updated: 04/23/2021 11:35:05

Expert: Ekaterina Alekseevna Savitskaya

The nose is the center of the face, which, along with the eyes, attracts glances and significantly influences the overall perception of a person’s appearance. And many girls and women are dissatisfied with their “imperfect” nose and want to reduce it.

There are several ways to visually reduce this part of the face using makeup without resorting to plastic surgery. A painless and effective alternative to surgery will be the cut-off contouring technique. As a result, a triangle-shaped nose, too flat or narrow, as well as a very long or hump nose will become more attractive, and the face will be more proportional and harmonious in appearance.

What is the basis of the method that helps to visually reduce the nose using makeup?

When cosmetics are used to correct facial features, the application of light and dark tones to certain areas is of great importance. It all depends on the correct placement of accents.

A light tone in cosmetics visually expands the volume, while a dark tone allows you to mask imperfections and create an emphasis on advantages. Light pigment on the skin seems to enlarge and push a certain area forward. And dark - visually reduces, takes into depth the areas that need to be masked.

What means are used

to visually reduce an overly expressive area of ​​the face with makeup:

  1. The base, the base under the base. Usually this is a foundation and primer that best matches the shade of your skin color.
  2. Highlight (light component). There are many options here - highlighter, powder or shadows slightly (1 tone) lighter than the base. You can also use a special pencil, corrector, there is a large selection of cosmetics. There are matte and pearlescent. The latter are best not used for daytime, everyday makeup. Pearlescent products are suitable for creating a “glossy” effect, which is more appropriate for creating an evening or holiday look. What you need to definitely avoid are gray or marble shades, as well as those that are 2 or more shades lighter than the color of the foundation.
  3. Outline (dark component). There are also many options when choosing this product. You can buy powder, a second foundation, beige eye shadow and even blush that is a little darker than the base. The basic rule that must be followed when choosing cosmetics to create a contour is that it should be of a cool brownish tint. If the color of the powder or pencil has a warm red tint, it will not be possible to make the nose smaller, since the desired effect will not be achieved.

When selecting cosmetics that will help visually reduce your nose, it is recommended to take into account the natural color of your skin. If the skin is light, which is often found in girls of Slavic and Scandinavian appearance, it will be necessary to shade the contours more than to highlight. In the case of tanned, olive, or simply dark skin, it is necessary not so much to shade as to highlight.

How to choose a corrector?

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To make nose contouring as natural as possible, you need to choose the right cosmetic product.

Here are a few nuances:

  • A cream-based concealer makes it much easier to apply lines and curves; it blends easily, allowing for a smooth transition. It is recommended to use this product for daytime makeup.
  • Dry concealer allows you to do makeup quickly and efficiently. However, you need to be careful with it, since the drawn lines may be too saturated.
  • In the absence of any of the listed types of correctors, you can use matte bronzer, powder or brown eyeshadow.

  • How to visually reduce a wide nose

    Makeup artists recommend using this method

    visual correction of an overly wide nose:

    1. Apply a makeup base and foundation that will hide all minor defects and possible circles under the eyes.
    2. Apply highlighter (or other cosmetics to create a highlight) to the middle of the nose (on the back) along the entire length from the area between the eyes to the tip. Highlighter can also be applied to the middle of the forehead, under the eyes and on the chin. These areas will attract the eye first.
    3. Blend the boundaries of applying the highlighter using a special sponge, sponge, or brush.
    4. Take loose powder (or another product for creating a contour), the shade of which will be slightly darker than the color of the highlighter, dip a cosmetic brush into the powder, and carefully shake off the excess. And apply with light circular movements to the areas from the inner corner of each eye to the wings of the nose. You can also apply artificial shadow to areas near the hairline, temples, and the outer sides of the cheeks. The fact is that a wide nose is an appearance feature that usually goes to girls with a wide (round, pear-shaped) face. And you can further correct the shape of your face, making it narrower and oval. You need to ensure that the transitions between shades of foundation, highlighter and contour are as smooth and natural as possible. The boundaries of colors, visually clearly noticeable, will give the image unnaturalness and disharmony.

    Thus, the emphasis is on the back of the nose, and the too wide wings “go into the shadows.” That is, they become visually less noticeable.

    What brushes are needed for facial contouring?

    Brushes for contouring the nose and the entire face are:

  • beveled;
  • flat;
  • fan-shaped;
  • straight cut kabuki.
  • An angled brush is commonly used to apply blush. In this case, it is useful for blending bronzer powder under the cheekbone line. The beveled cut facilitates more precise application and distribution of the product.

    The flat brush makes it easy to apply highlighter strictly to the desired area of ​​the nose. Take a little product onto the brush and apply it to the corner above the upper lip, the bridge of the nose, the chin, over the tip of the eyebrow and other areas that need to be highlighted. Using the same brush, dark accents are applied to certain parts of the face. Thanks to its shape and small size, the brush makes every movement precise.

    The fan brush allows you to apply dry cosmetics without excess due to its shape and volume. In addition, it is often used to remove crumbled residues of cosmetic products from the face.

    Kabuki with a straight cut is an indispensable brush for thorough blending of both dry and cream concealers.

    A way to visually shorten your nose

    A long nose is rarely so long that it requires correction. But girls are critical of their appearance. Therefore, makeup artists shared with expertology.ru journalists a method that will help visually shorten the nose:

    1. Applying base and foundation.
    2. Applying highlight (lighter pigment) along the entire length of the nose, down the center, excluding the tip.
    3. A contour is applied to the wings and tip, which is then carefully shaded.

    As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the correction, and the result will allow you to get the desired visual image in a few minutes.

    Reduction of the tip of the nose

    To do this, you can use some tricks from makeup artists. For example, after completing your makeup, you should add a little blush to the tip of your nose. To do this, you need to take into account that they must be bronze or orange in color; pink is not suitable. Eyebrows can shift attention away from a large nose; they need to be of medium length, given a semicircular shape and shaded a little.

    Tricks on how to reduce wide, long-wearing makeup are used by world makeup artists. But if desired, every woman can do this on her own.

    A method to visually reduce a flat nose

    A “flat” nose is characterized by such features as a flat bridge of the nose, a relatively large, one might say “fleshy” tip and full wings inherent in a simply wide nose. Accordingly, the goal of correction with cosmetics is to make the bridge of the nose more drawn and clear, and to make the wings less noticeable, to hide and remove emphasis.

    The makeup application scheme in this case is as follows:

    1. Applying base, foundation.
    2. Apply the highlighter to the center of the nose along the entire length, but not to the tip.
    3. Darkening the sides and tip. It is recommended to paint over the inner corners of the eyes and the area where the eyebrow arch begins with a dark pigment.
    4. Final shading.

    As you apply and blend makeup, you can determine which areas need additional correction, based on the theory of contouring.

    Preparing the skin before applying makeup

    If you want to know how to achieve the best impression of facial symmetry with the help of cosmetics, then you first need to remember how to properly prepare your skin for applying makeup. In order to avoid having to redo all the work on yourself, using up your favorite products from your cosmetic bag and wasting precious time, first completely remove your existing makeup. Afterwards, you need to wash your face using a product that helps remove oil from the skin and greasy remnants of cosmetics. Wash your face with water at room temperature; there is no need to overheat the skin, which will open the pores. This way you will not achieve the most even makeup application. A special base or regular moisturizer can be used as a base.

    A method to visually reduce a triangular nose

    A “triangular” nose is characterized by a narrow bridge of the nose combined with wide wings. The goal of cosmetic correction is to try to balance and balance the upper and lower parts of this area as much as possible.

    Pigments should be applied as follows:

    1. Cover the area of ​​the bridge of the nose from the line of the eyebrows to a point slightly below the level of the inner corners of the eyes with a light pigment.
    2. The hump can be left uncorrected or emphasized on both sides with a highlighter, depending on the anatomical features.
    3. We darken the wings and tip with an outline.
    4. We carry out high-quality and thorough shading.

    Correction of a hump nose with makeup

    Darken the hump that you don’t like with bronzer. Lighten the wings of the nose and the tip with highlighter.

    When doing nose makeup, you must understand that you need to pay attention to the rest of your facial features. An integrated approach transforms even a gray mouse into a beautiful Cinderella.

    Another nuance that helps hide imperfections is the right hairstyle. Find out what type of face you have and how to choose a hairstyle for it.

    A method that allows you to visually straighten a hump, injured, crooked nose

    Let's consider what recommendations make-up artists give to solve other common problems with the shape of the nose:

    1. If there is a pronounced hump, this area needs to be covered with a dark shade. Then shade the borders of the colors so that they are soft and natural.
    2. In case of trauma or natural curvature, you need to distribute dark pigment to all convex areas. And also on the sides. In this case, you need to draw an even vertical line with highlighter in the center. You just need to focus not on the shape of the nose, but on the line of the center of the face. For convenience, you can use any flat object - a pen, a cosmetic brush. Place the object vertically on your face, midway between your eyes. The highlighter should be applied along this line. Then you need to smooth out the boundaries between light and dark tones as much as possible.

    What you need to prepare to achieve a quality result

    Makeup artists distinguish 15 basic tones of makeup products.

    • To work at home to eliminate asymmetry, you will need numbers from 5 to 15.
    • To lighten and level out shades from 5 to 12 are used, to add dark tones – 13, 14 and 15.
    • The rest are used to correct age spots and other skin defects.

    For the simplest work, if you are not confident in your abilities, it will be enough to take only 2 tones: 1 level darker and 1 level lighter. If you need to make a bright highlight by lightening, use a highlighter (tone No. 1). From the tools, take an oblique brush for working with individual lines, a small elastic brush and a sponge for even rubbing.

    Makeup artist tips

    Experienced makeup artists shared with expertology.ru journalists tips that will help visually reduce your nose as correctly as possible and get a natural result:

    1. If you apply daytime makeup, do it near a window. Morning light will help identify and eliminate defects that will be completely invisible if you carry out the procedure in the bathroom or in a room where electric light is on. Natural lighting is the best assistant to ensure that transitions between shades are smooth, neat and unnoticeable.
    2. Pearlescent powders and other products, even when creating an evening look, should not be used by girls with problem skin. Any flaw (pimple, enlarged pores, relief defects) becomes even more noticeable if a non-matte product is used. It is also not recommended to apply pearlescent cosmetics to the area under the eyes.
    3. Correcting the nose with makeup will look natural only if the same shades (light and dark) are used for other areas of the face. Otherwise, the nose will stand out too much on the face. That is, it will actually be the brightest and most attention-grabbing element, which will entail the exact opposite of the desired result.
    4. For daytime, everyday makeup, it is recommended to use only highlight, if possible. And for evening, you can safely use both opposite shades of the cosmetic product.
    5. When you first try to visually reduce your nose, you should try to avoid the “dirt” effect and smearing on your face. You need to learn contouring correctly from the very beginning. The first movement of the brush is applicative, the second and subsequent ones are shading.
    6. Never apply cosmetics with your fingers; shading should also be done using special accessories. The fact is that there are microorganisms on the skin of the fingers that can get on the skin and trigger the onset of the inflammatory process. In addition, there is sweat and fat discharge on the skin of the fingers. By blending the contour lines in this way, you can simply smear your makeup and ruin your makeup irrevocably. You also need to take into account that sponges and brushes must be washed regularly with soap so that no particles of cosmetics, dust and dirt remain on them.
    7. You can also visually make your nose smaller with makeup by drawing attention to other parts of your face. Highlight your eyes, shape your eyebrows (don't make them too narrow!), make your lips plump, bright, or simply more expressive. And the attention of the person looking at you will be diverted from the problem area of ​​the face, but concentrated on your advantages and strengths of appearance.

    Facial correction

    It is wrong to think that by adjusting your nose you will solve all the issues related to the imperfection of this part of the body. The correction looks harmonious if you pay attention to even the smallest details.

    Important points in makeup for a wide nose:

    To draw attention away from your nose, highlight your eyebrows. Focus on them. But too thick or thin eyebrows will play a bad joke in this situation. In both cases, the nose will appear even larger.

    Wear neutral eye and lip makeup. This can be light, discreet shadows, mascara and light lip gloss or neutral lipstick.

    When correcting, blend all lines well. Some photos show clear transitions in the nose makeup. It is unacceptable.

    ADVICE! To hide the transition of facial tone from the corrective lines as much as possible, after completing your makeup, powder your face. But the powder should be the same tone as the face.

    You can visually reduce your nose using your hairstyle

    Makeup artists told us that appearance and image are influenced not only by the quality of makeup, but also by hairstyle. Therefore, we consulted with hairdressers and stylists. As a result, it turned out that it is indeed possible to visually correct the shape of the nose with the help of a haircut, hairstyle, and styling. Eg:

    1. A narrow nose with a hump is quite successfully visually corrected with bangs. Just a large nose on a round face can be disguised with the help of oblique, oblique, torn bangs, or a side parting. Those with an oval face can wear bangs of any length or shape. If a woman has a rectangular or square face, she most likely has a prominent nose and a high, broad forehead. Oblique bangs will help here, including with strands directed towards the face.
    2. A voluminous haircut with shoulder-length hair will help hide large facial features, including an overly wide or long nose. Voluminous curls without a straight parting and an afro are excellent options for visual correction of this defect in appearance.
    3. If a woman prefers a short haircut, she can get additional volume by backcombing her hair at the back of her head.
    4. Hair color also matters. It is advisable to give preference to paint in light shades. Dark hair color will highlight large facial features.

    Ways to distract attention

    It is important to know how to apply makeup to make your nose appear smaller, but this is not the only technique that helps correct imperfections.

    Stylists offer the following methods:

    Attention is directed to the eyes or lips. The selected area is not just emphasized, but made catchy.

    Blush will help complement the visual correction of the nose. The center points of the cheeks are highlighted with color. Shading leads to the temples.

    The right hairstyle will draw attention away from your nose. It is recommended to create volume at the back of the head. You should not cut your bangs, especially long ones.

    A beautiful neckline will balance the imbalance of facial features.

    Long earrings, pendants on the neck will elongate, sharpen the nose, large, wide accessories will increase the proportions.

    The combined use of techniques will allow you to achieve better results.

    You can bring your nose to perfection not only with the help of surgery. Properly executed makeup gives a good effect. The main thing is to choose the right method of influence and apply the advice in practice.

    A big nose is not always a disadvantage

    Not all Hollywood stars resort to the services of plastic surgeons. Many popular actresses were able to turn this disadvantage into an advantage. The well-known actress Sarah Jessica Parker has an impressive nose, but this does not make her ugly. Sarah knows better than anyone how to hide a big nose. Most often, she can be seen with a voluminous hairstyle, curled with large curls, freely falling on the shoulders and emphasizing the oval of the face. Sarah also often wears bright makeup, focusing on her eyes.

    Lady Gaga, despite her shocking image, is further proof that a large nose does not have to be corrected surgically. At the beginning of her creative career, the singer and actress boldly tried on a variety of images. But still, on the red carpet you can see her in the image of a stylish socialite with well-chosen makeup and hairstyle. Gaga prefers voluminous hairstyles, bright makeup and flashy accessories.

    Cate Blanchett certainly has a memorable appearance. The size of her nose is cleverly hidden by her bouffant hairstyles and headdresses. The actress prefers to wear bright lipstick, which not only makes her smile charming, but also shifts the focus to the lower part of her face.

    Barbra Streisand's nose is one of the most memorable in Hollywood. The actress and singer refused the services of plastic surgeons, making her nose a feature of her image and instilling confidence in millions of girls.

    Singer Cher also has an impressive nose. A unique personality and a very beautiful woman, she is not shy about his size and chooses her hair and makeup wisely. You can learn from the singer how to hide a big nose with a hairstyle. Her big eyes, which Cher pays a lot of attention to, make her image unforgettable. And her big nose doesn’t ruin the magic of her charm.

    As you can see from this article, a big nose is not a hindrance to looking perfect. It is enough to follow a few simple tips. And your wonderful nose will become an integral part of your beautiful look.

    Photo of nose makeup

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