Plastic surgeon Elchin Mamedov put on the international wanted list

Doctor of Medical Sciences Mamedov Elchin Velievich is one of the best plastic surgeons in Russia, the developer of an innovative method of endoscopic volumetric facial plastic surgery.

The peculiarity of the method is that circular facelift and eyelid surgery are performed through endoscopic intraoral access, which eliminates the need for skin excision. The result is a significant reduction in the rehabilitation period and the achievement of a more pronounced rejuvenation effect. In addition to endoscopic facelift, the center also practices laser blepharoplasty

, breast augmentation and tummy tuck operations.

Long-term practice allows us to guarantee the quality and safety of eyelid surgery; they will be performed quickly and painlessly, and postoperative discomfort after blepharoplasty will be reduced with the help of anesthetic agents. As a result of a circular facelift, all external signs of aging disappear, and after facial contouring, the youth and elasticity of the skin returns.

Working with patients from Moscow and other regions of Russia, Elchin Valievich strictly observes professional ethics, taking an individual approach to solving each problem.

He manages to achieve the highest results in his work due to a combination of several factors:

  • using a unique proprietary technique that has proven its superiority in practice;
  • use of innovative equipment and medications;
  • Huge practical experience that allows you to effectively solve problems of any level of complexity.

Today, the clinic where Dr. Mamedov works is known far beyond Moscow, and the plastic surgeon himself successfully speaks at various international symposiums and conferences, presenting his technique and sharing his experience with Russian and foreign colleagues. Thanks to the efforts of Elchin Valievich and his reliable team of specialists, we can say that modern plastic surgery has stepped far forward, opening up the opportunity for everyone to regain their youth in completely safe and highly effective ways.

Good plastic surgery can transform you and change your life. Modern laser technologies and his own scientific developments allow Elchin Valievich to cope with any, even the most complex client problem. Don't delay and become perfect!

Find out more about the surgeon


Modern facial plastic surgery is an operation that has given hope to many women and men to regain their attractiveness and rejuvenate their appearance, eliminating all signs of skin aging. At the medical center of Dr. Mamedov, facial contouring is performed using a unique endoscopic technique through intraoral access. If laser face and neck lift involves affecting the skin, then endoscopic surgery makes it possible to involve tissues located in the deep layers of the skin. Thanks to this, a more pronounced and lasting result of rejuvenation is achieved, and the rehabilitation process is reduced in time.

Find out more about facelift

Rusif Mamedov, plastic surgery and cosmetology clinic Lux Clinic: “Your eyes are different!”

The consultation is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Doc is delayed. Next to me, another 12-15 girls are waiting for their fate. All absolute beauties, in my opinion. What are they doing here? After 45 minutes, the doctor appears and begins the appointment. The queue is lengthening. I look at the interior. Antique columns, arches, chandelier... The office is modest. Rusif Bezhanovich smiles. The first thing he notices: lowered eyebrows and a heavy gaze. It can be opened slightly using an endoscopic lift. In general, the conversation is similar to a friendly game of ping pong. I call the area that seems problematic to me, Rusif Bezhanovich - the operation: “We’ll tighten it up here, we’ll remove it here, we’ll add a little here.”


  • You know, your eyes are different. But a lift will not give one hundred percent symmetry. I can't pull up less on one side and more on the other. The difference will be smoothed out due to the fact that you have more space here, more play. Naturally, I will release some of the fastenings to make it better in terms of symmetry.
  • Lower blepharoplasty – under no circumstances. You already have a retraction here, if you remove it further, there will be a failure.
  • The skeleton of the lower third of your face is lagging behind. The chin is small. I would add volume. But this can be done with hyaluronic acid from a cosmetologist.



  • endoscopic lifting of the upper face;
  • upper blepharoplasty and lipofilling;
  • removal of Bish's lumps;
  • neck liposuction.


  • body liposculpture (liposuction of the outer and inner thighs, knees, arms, “rollers” on the stomach and lipofilling of the buttocks);
  • breast reduction and lift.


Total - 825,000 rubles


Blepharoplasty is one of the most popular operations, and not only women, but also men are increasingly resorting to it. But it is worth remembering that only an experienced surgeon who has the appropriate practice and has all the necessary equipment can perform high-quality eyelid surgery. The plastic surgeon Mamedov Elchin Valievich, who performs transconjunctival eyelid surgery using modern laser technologies, is exactly such a specialist.
In a medical center, this manipulation can be performed either as a separate operation or in combination with other rejuvenation operations, which gives an even more impressive and noticeable result. Learn more about blepharoplasty

Elchin Mamedov: new details of the high-profile case

This is not the first time in the last four years that the story of Anna Spitsyna, which ended in tragedy, has been discussed. In 2008, the woman turned to the country-famous plastic surgeon Elchin Mamedov for help. According to Anna’s husband, she had previously undergone chin implantation, but as a result of the accident, the implant was displaced, which necessitated the need for additional correction. The operation ended tragically - the patient Anna Spitsyna fell into a coma.

Based on the unsuccessful operation, criminal case No. 363804 was opened, investigative checks and a number of examinations were carried out. The result was the conclusion of investigators that there was no crime in the actions of Elchin Mamedov and the clinic staff.

Charges were brought against anesthesiologist-resuscitator Andrei Yesakov, who was also near the patient at the time of the operation. A criminal case was initiated against the doctor under Part 2 of Article 118 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Infliction of grievous harm to health through negligence due to improper performance by a person of his duties.” However, later the criminal case was closed due to the expiration of the statute of limitations for prosecution (by a decision of the magistrate dated August 9, 2010 in case No. 1-23/10).

Having found no evidence of the doctors' guilt, the investigation declared the incident an accident. The victim’s husband, Kirill Spitsyn, categorically disagreed with the decision and, on his own initiative, continued the search for the truth.

On September 23, 2011, three years after the tragedy, Kirill Spitsyn managed to get a new criminal case No. 700042 initiated, this time against Elchin Mamedov himself. The article on which the investigation was launched examines the facts of the provision of medical services that do not meet the safety requirements for the patient’s life and resulted in the infliction of serious harm to health (Part 2 of Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The violation is the fact that the criminal case against Mamedov re-checks all the facts and court decisions in the old case of Yesakov, although it is completely separate.

The investigation was carried out by the investigative department for the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, although according to the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the case could only be opened in the district to which the medical institution that provided the service belongs. Central Clinical Hospital No. 2 named after. ON THE. Semashko is located at Moscow, st. Budaiskaya - in the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. Why the provisions of the criminal procedure code were grossly violated remains unclear.

By contacting various authorities, Kirill Spitsyn tried to enlist the support of officials and avoid re-closing the case. On July 11, 2011, Spitsyn received a response from the territorial department of Roszdravnadzor in the form of an official letter from official Kovalev, which spoke of a gross violation of licensing rules for the provision of medical services by Elchin Mamedov. The surgeon allegedly did not have the right to practice medicine on the territory of the Russian Federation and did not have the necessary documents on surgical education. Also in the letter one could discern a firm intention to “get deeply involved” in Mamedov’s case and bring it to its logical conclusion.

The letter ends with the phrase: “Assessment of the responsibility of officials of the organization that provided medical assistance to A.S. Spitsina, is the prerogative of the proceedings conducted within the framework of the initiated criminal case.” Confusion is created by the fact that the official response refers to a criminal case that has already been opened, while the letter itself was written two months earlier. Roszdravnadzor's mistake? Doubtful. Rather, it seems that someone was aware in advance that a new case would be opened, since he talks about it as a fait accompli.

In addition to the first letter discussed above, there is a second one. Also from Roszdravnadzor official Kovalev, but this time signed not by a facsimile, as in the first case, but by a real signature. That is, this official, at a minimum, personally saw and read the document. What is striking is that the second letter completely contradicts the contents of the first. The second letter was written later, it states the complete absence of corpus delicti against the plastic surgeon. According to Roszdravnadzor, Elchin Mamedov has all the necessary permits to practice medicine in the Russian Federation, and he is also recognized as a certified specialist in the field of maxillofacial surgery. In support of his words, Roszdravnadzor provides information about documents confirming Mamedov’s qualifications and makes a conclusion about their authenticity.

It is difficult to remain objective when it comes to human life. It just so happens in our country that medical cases are among the most hopeless. It is generally accepted that medical ethics and solidarity allow doctors to cover for their colleagues. As they say, one for all - and all for one. On the other hand, when it comes to high-profile cases, it is simply impossible to be objective. Yes, the patient is in a coma, but who can say why? Was the doctor, anesthesiologist, or inexperienced nurse to blame, or was it due to the patient's unpredictable reaction? It has happened more than once that the real cause of the tragedy turned out to be low-quality medical supplies, which, by the way, are under the control of the Ministry of Health. What to do in this case?

The case of Elchin Mamedov is one of these cases. On the one hand, the victim is Anna Spitsyna and her husband. On the other hand, there is a surgeon who is ready to be quartered due to a medical error, the true reasons for which have not been established. The process in Mamedov’s case is extremely complicated and is aggravated by the fact that there is a monetary interest in it. And where there is money, it is almost impossible to find the truth.

Despite all the efforts of Kirill Spitsyn, his demand to initiate a criminal case was again followed by a refusal. The victim's husband appealed to the investigative committee with a demand to cancel this resolution. His demand was dated September 2, 2011, while the official refusal itself came only on September 14. It turns out that Kirill Spitsyn knew in advance about the plans of the Investigative Committee regarding the Mamedov case and played “ahead of the curve.” It’s just not clear how (or for what amount) he managed to obtain this information if, in fact, it could not yet exist. Despite all these confusions in dates, on September 22, the investigative department satisfied Spitsyn’s complaint and opened a new criminal case against Elchin Mamedov.

Igor Bely, Ottimo Clinic: “I have to persuade you to undergo surgery, but this is wrong”

The inside of the clinic is stylish, not provocative. Doctor Bely helps me charge my phone. With titled hands, he pushes the untitled water cooler aside to free up the outlet. I'm voicing what doesn't suit me. The doctor denies almost everything: “Lena, you’re fine, don’t make things up. I think you shouldn't touch your breasts. Many are willing to pay a lot of money for such a thing. Your inconvenience is not something worth going under the knife for right now.” But Bely still agrees with something. According to him, it makes sense to remove Bish’s lumps and perform liposuction of the cervical-mental area. (“This is enough for the face, don’t touch anything else”) .

You can also save me from the main problem - the “sides” in the lumbar area: “This will transform the figure.”


  • I have to persuade you to undergo surgery, but this is wrong. You'll ruin your breasts, ruin your life. Regarding Bisha's lumps and the cervical-mental angle, I agree with you - their correction will give the face a more chiseled look. But nothing more is needed.
  • I’ll immediately disappoint you, you won’t lose weight through surgery, you can emphasize some points, remove some, but you won’t lose weight.
  • The bags under the eyes are not pronounced, you do not need lower blepharoplasty. You won't get anything except scars.
  • Understand that you will encounter problems that you will not solve later. You can never remove scars, no matter how thin they are. Imagine having extensive liposuction, and then recovering - you will start to have deposits in other places, arms, shoulders. And then after the operation the tissues are uneven. 8 months of massages and LPG - why? The gym and a little more self-confidence will help you. And all will be well.
  • What's that scar on your neck? (A small post-acne spot did not tan on vacation - editor's note.) With such skin, post-operative scars can be very noticeable. Another reason for doubt. Is it worth it?


  • Bichat correction and liposuction of the cervical-mental angle;
  • liposuction of the lumbar area.


Total - 240,000 rubles

Valery Yakimets, “Estet Clinic”: “Lose weight, and then we’ll do everything!”

Dr. Yakimets is in a hurry and warns me that I have 10 minutes (I confess, I’m late, I didn’t notice that I have to go to VDNKh), and asks me to list what I’m not happy with.

— Are you going to lose weight?

- Y-y-ah?.. Yes.

— How long are you planning?

— 7 kilograms.

— The tissues of the face and body will sag. You need to lose weight, maintain the weight for at least two weeks, and then have surgery.


  • When you finish losing weight, we’ll do everything else. You can tighten it here, remove the lower eyelids, raise it a little here.
  • Removing Bish's lumps is no problem.
  • Choose where to start. It is possible - with major liposuction and endoscopy of the forehead. After losing weight, the middle zone of the face will drop, and these bags (on the cheekbones) can also be picked up.



  • forehead endoscopy;
  • lower blepharoplasty.


  • liposuction of the waist, abdomen, hips, knees;
  • liposuction of the chin area;
  • lipofilling of the buttocks;
  • breast reduction and lift.

However, before losing weight, according to Yakimets, “this is a conversation about nothing.”

Prices: not yet lost weight - 0 rubles

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